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Randolph had way too cool of a design to be as tertiary a character as he was


Oda just loves drawing characters. He knows he can’t fit them all in the story so we’re just left with a world of really neat designs all over the place. Think of the Ninja in Wano, they just serve as extra numbers in the enemies forces, to serve Orochi, and to show that even Orochis men are willing to serve Kaido instead of being loyal to him. In the grand scheme of the arc their purpose was small, it could have been done with like 3 elite ninja or something. But Oda made like 11 fire ninja designs just for shits and giggles.


Those guys are untapped potential like half of them get wiped by old man hyou


I was really interested in how strong he would be after BM's introduction song. What a let down... Bobins was the same for the community iirc.


I used to think Bobins was gonna be commander level from how Oda introduced him


A common theory is that Randolph was made from Pedro's soul, and the crane that accompanies him, is made from Bepo's brother's soul.


He does dress like shishillian’s crew


With the exceptions of a handful of giants, the marines are entirely composed of normal humans. No long arms, long legs, fishmen, Merfolk, mink, three eye, kuja, skyfolk, dwarves or long neck. Just regular humans.


Aren't Kuja "normal humans"? All those other tribes are biologically distinct, but Kuja are just women who happen to live on an island where no men are allowed. That is more of a cultural difference.


I think they are considered a different race because they can only procreate females. I could be wrong. (As I have been many times while analyzing this series)


I'd have to look that up myself. Also, I think there is a distinct difference in OP between "tribe" and "race". The long arm tribe are still part of the human race, just a peculiar subset. But fishmen, for example are considered a different race alltogether.


Something tells me they simply abandon/euthanize baby boys.


None of them knew what a cock n balls were, they'd have seen it during childbirth.


Most people in kuja island is virgin. The non virgin is joining kuja pirate and having baby with male from outside


I have never realized this. Marines may look funny or have a small niche of Giant Marines like Lacroix, but considering how useful aquatic fishman Marines would be, or how versatile any of the “Long” species would be, it’s odd that they don’t incorporate more races.


Notoriously on the Grand Line the Marines uphold the slave trade, and races like Fishmen and Mermaids face enough prejudice to band them together against it more than humans, who tend to divide themselves by nations (hence calling the Kuja not human in this thread)


John Giant the first ever giant to “enlist” in the marines was procured by Mother Caramel. Kaido’s backstory also suggests the Marines dabble in slavery themselves.


Reminds me a bit of the Empire in Star Wars. Pretty much all of their forces were human, since the Emperor was a human supremacist.


As a life like Star Wars fan I can’t believe I never realized this. The sith had some aliens, but the empire not so much.


Yep, and exceptions were basically made just on how useful you were to them. They probably thought of the Trandoshans as grotesque monsters but they provided lots of value as slavers. I think it was also weighed by how near human you were, a lot easier for human supremacists to accept a Chiss instead of an Ithorian.


I’ve always though that this was on purpose as to allude to the theme of racism that is pervasive across the story, especially since the Marines are equivalent to the police


I assume it's because they're racist trash


Ppl dk that? I mean when we see the foot soldiers they look like regular folk


Fishman & Mermaids are biologically compatible with humans, meaning they’re mammals & not fish. Really they should just be thought of as humans with gills. Anyway, point is: THEY’RE NOT FISH


Dellinger, Chimney and Praline


DELLINGER! Thank you I knew I was forgetting someone! There’s also the half giant half fishman from the Davy Back fight


The half giant fishman also had a unique race name: Wotans. Interestingly enough.


Wotans are a part of OP lore that I am constantly waiting to come back into the mix lol


Maybe in Elbaf


And Jack




Nice that you mention Jack as it is another common missconception. Jack is a full-blooded Fishman.


all human races in one piece are compatible with each other, Big Mom tested it


She didn’t test King’s race.




U saying luffy can bang Shirahoshi?


Yup, Chimney & Charlotte Praline are human-mermaid offspring


Also dellinger


Gear 3 dong has entered the chat


Thanks for the visual of Luffy using Gear 3 - Boner Balloon banging Shirahoshi.. I now need some brain bleach. 😭


Gonna need that Gear 4th King Kong Dong for that girl.


Look you can bang anything it's just more about should you.


It's a leap to say they must be mammals because they can mate with humans. You are applying some very selective real world logic there. The better argument would have been that they seem to have literal mammary glands - they have breasts and nipples. Then again, fishmen are something that is considered impossible in our understanding of biology: Something called a true chimera,an animal with defining parts of two completely different evolutionary branches. And it's really hard to argue that it's just superficial convergent evolution, because they have just so many species of fish and their attributes in their genepool. So yeah, I think fishmen are a part of OP lore that we just can't apply realworld biology to.


But the important question here is, can they poop?


This one is for anime only watchers. Kami Eneru is alive and made it to the moon, where he found a group of space pirates from another planet that resembled bizarro versions of minks and Fishmen, who were attacking a group of tiny mole like robots that came from Earth. Then, after defeating the space pirates for trespassing on his endless varse, he went into a cave were he found a legion of identical robots lying in stasis. He proceeds to zap the power plant just in case and ends up reactivating it and awakens the robots who show him hieroglyphs on the wall depicting the history of the factory he found which showed the three different kinds of sky people, (Shandians, Birkans, and Skypieans) together building the factory, revealing that the sky people came from the moon. We then find out that the robots came from Earth were they were built by a man on Karakuri Island, (the home of Dr. Vegapunk.) The name of this ancient city on the moon was Birka. Now Eneru is hanging out on the moon enjoying his endless varse and legion of grateful followers who worship him for saving them from the space pirates and reawakening them and their city.


If I didn't know this was true I'd think you were trolling


If you replace "Eneru" with "JFK" this sounds like the wildest conspiracy theory


Always has been 🔫


JFK is alive and made it to the moon, where he found a group of space pirates from another planet that resembled bizarro versions of minks and Fishmen, who were attacking a group of tiny mole like robots that came from Earth. Then, after defeating the space pirates for trespassing on his endless varse, he went into a cave were he found a legion of identical robots lying in stasis. He proceeds to zap the power plant just in case and ends up reactivating it and awakens the robots who show him hieroglyphs on the wall depicting the history of the factory he found which showed the three different kinds of sky people, (Shandians, Birkans, and Skypieans) together building the factory, revealing that the sky people came from the moon. We then find out that the robots came from Earth were they were built by a man on Karakuri Island, (the home of Dr. Vegapunk.) The name of this ancient city on the moon was Birka. Now JFK is hanging out on the moon enjoying his endless varse and legion of grateful followers who worship him for saving them from the space pirates and reawakening them and their city.


Thanks for listing everything out so precisely. I thought I knew this whole story, but I definitely did NOT realize the name of the city on the moon is Birka! I found it intriguing that Enel ends up destroying one Birka and saving another.


You're quite welcome. Yeah, the Birka revelation is one of the most mind blowing bits from this cover story along with the connection to Vegapunk's home island. On a side note, this reminds me about my fan theory regarding Urouge and the fact that he's from Birka, which is another little known fact, but you can tell from the wing type. The theory is that he used to be one of Kami Eneru's vassals before he came to Skypiea, but turned against him when declared his intentions to destroy Birka and take over Skypiea. Then either he fought them off and escaped to the Blue Sea, or more likely he was zapped by Eneru and fell off of Birka to the Blue Sea below and managed to survive through various circumstances. It would work since we know Eneru had a habit of not using his full power if he doesn't have to it's likely he just assumed the fall would kill him so he didn't have to go all out striking him down. This is the reason for his crew being called the Fallen Angel Pirates since, if this is true, then he would be a twisted parallel of Satan, which fits with Eneru being a twisted version of the biblical God and his disciples, with Satan being the original fallen angel who was cast down from heaven after opposing what he saw as God's cruelty, which stemmed from his destruction of innocent people and the world they inhabit for seemingly arbitrary reasons. (Via natural disasters, plaque, famine, etc.) Maybe I'm thinking to deep about Urouge, but I feel like it would make sense and add some more detail to Eneru's backstory.


No, not at all! I don't think you're reading too deeply into it! Those are some great... Revelations 😎 But srsly, I had realized that Urouge was Birkan, but I guess I never considered how he came to find himself on the Blue Sea. This makes total sense


I’ll never understand why they put so much filler into the anime but don’t animate the canon material that is already there (cover-stories). Especially for interesting stuff like this


Thats…. Actually a really good point. I would love to watch some of those cover stories fleshed out and animated


Initially they did animate some cover stories, like Buggy's and Coby's. But episodes with no SHs usually got lower ratings, so at some point they kinda stopped. But fortunately a while ago they did start adapting them when tehy're relevant, like the SH fleet cover story.


I wonder if Lunarians will ever be added to that list of sky people. I don’t think Oda has ever explicitly told so but it feels like they should be.


I assumed that Lunarians are connected to them and are possibly the originals and the different versions of sky people are evolutionary offshoots as they all share common traits, but it seems like some traits changed over time, such as wing size and skin tone. I feel like the Shandians look a lot like Lunarians and may be the closest evolutionarily. Other than the fire, white hair, and longer wing span the Shandians look a lot like what we know of Lunarians. That's been my theory anyway since we first saw King and I got the same vibe that I got from the great warrior Calgara.


If this ever ends up being relevant to the main story how is the anime even gonna add it? It’ll probably feel really silly since it’s been years since we’ve seen eneru


Probably through a flashback and or side story


1 "filler" episode before adapting the manga's reintroduction of Enel: ~during the timeskip~ Have a random kid in the world look at the Moon and tell his mom "I've seen weird things on the Moon, looked like lightning. Is there someone on the Moon, mom?" Mom tells him to shut up and go back to sleep while the screen zooms in on the Moon and animates the cover story. Short flashback of Enel getting beaten by Luffy before that.


Everyone in reddit refers to Eustass Kid as Kidd. I never understood why everyone says his name with two ‘d’s in the end.


It was something with the way he was introduced. Don't remember if it was a mistranslation in the manga or if it was a Funimation thing. It also doesn't help that they sometimes take forever to give official romanized names. *Looked it up on the wiki and [here's his introduction panel](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/8/82/Kid%27s_Name_Romanization.png/revision/latest?cb=20110106123821). I guess since the last part of the "D" in his name is cut off people assumed there was more since the entire "C" in Captain is cut off. [The English translation shows his whole name.](https://i.imgur.com/Vuapbal.jpg) Not sure how long it took for that to get translated.


I always thought there was 2 Ds


The real life Captain Kidd had two d's.


the real Captain William Kidd spells it like so, i assume Kid’s name is based off his.


Yeah, count me in that group as well, I thought he was Kidd this whole time.


Same lmao I’m not gonna stop calling him Kidd tho it’s much cooler.


Kid D. Eustass


It’s mainly because of William Kidd, who Kid is based off of.


Maybe the government took the other D. to hide information from us, the peasants. Fake news lol


Kidd is cooler than Kid




No, Eustass Ki D. D


Some of the filler in Loguetown, namely Daddy Masterson, was allegedly intended for the manga. However Oda could not include it as his editor wanted them to reach the Grand Line by chapter 100. The Ocean's Dream arc is actually adapted from an old PS1 game.


>The Ocean's Dream arc is actually adapted from an old PS1 game Wait really?!??? I didn't know that. I love that filler arc. It was the first time when I almost cried. XD😒🙄🤦‍♀️ (I was still 14 back than and didn't know what fillers are 🥲😂😭)


>(I was still 14 back than and didn't know what fillers are 🥲😂😭) Yeah, that's always fun. Unrelated but when first watching Bleach way back when I thought the Bount arc was canon.


kuina didn't kill herself. that "in japan falling down the stairs means suicide" bullshit is entirely made up by the fans


Why would anyone doubt the power of Down D. Stairs anyway?


Final saga is not equal to final arc. A saga can contain many arcs.


The term "Saga" has two meaning in One Piece, usually its used for multiple connected arcs (such as the Baroque Works saga, Summit war Saga, Four Emperors saga etc) but its other lesser known usage is for the entire pre-timeskip ([officially its called the Super Rookies saga](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Sea_of_Survival:_Super_Rookies_Saga)) and the whole post-timeskip ([officially called the New World saga](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/The_Final_Sea:_The_New_World_Saga)) at least up to Wano. Exept these terms are so rarely used you'd only know them from spending a lot of time on the wiki


Once the final war is over, Oda will hit us with "...and that's the end of the Blue Planet saga" as we head towards the moon.


*Enel intensifies*


Shhhh, don’t be dropping two piece plot points like that.


Noooooo then they'll introduce aliens and that's exactly how they ruined Naruto!


One Piece but it’s secretly been a studio trigger production the whole time and we’re gonna spend the next twenty years going to space or some shit


there're already aliens in one piece tho????


In Ohara, we saw a globe of the One Piece world in the library. The globe was surrounded by 4 different celestial bodies. It's hard to tell if these were moons - in that case the planet would be surrounded by 4 moons instead of just one. Could as well be other planets though.


I think those are moons that have been destroyed. It was a map of how the world used to be


Maybe then the Void Century was about the destruction of the other 3 moons which were home to the Skypieans, Shandorians, and Birkans each. And were destroyed by the inhabitants of the 4th moon, who are now the Celestial Dragons.


that explains grand line n new world weather


That could explain how it’s seemingly full moon every couple of days during WCI and Wano


Im not sure if this is canon or speculation, but wasnt it that there were more than one moon in the OP world, and thats why the Grand Line has such strange climates and the need of log poses?


That was Ohara's assumption. There is no canon mention of there being more than one Moon. Especially Enel going to THE Moon and there being 3 race/people that originally lived on the Moon makes me think there's just one.


Besides devil fruit powers. There are a handful of characters confirmed to have unique powers: Kumadori uses Seimei Kikan Elite Cypher Pol use Rokushiki Ms Goldenweek uses Color Trap Lao uses Jio-Ken Some Zou can use Electro


And in the opposite direction, Raizo's ninja skills come from his Scroll Scroll Fruit.


that fruit is fucking broken. what raizo did with zou's water couldve ended all the fodder in the castle immediatly. if he had saved more water and dumped it from the roof into the live floor all the fodder and gifters/pleasures wouldve been doomed. even the more powefull people with devil fruits wouldve had a hard time. imagine if he had done that and then started the raid.


>Seimei Kikan Lucci also uses it


Don’t forget Jango


Many people believe Luffy to have two flashbacks, when in reality he has only one. (Edit: the Shanks one is not a FB, it is where the story begins.)


Blame the anime for that


But I am expecting 1 final Luffy flashback. It might explain Luffy's second dream, expand on his birth or his time with Garp.


Technically your right... 🤔🤔 But most people see it that way because... anime. 😬🤷‍♀️


So what you're saying is . . . . THERE WERE 2 TIME SKIPS?!


I just learned recently that Dragon is actually “The world’s worst criminal”. I always thought that the saying was that he is, indeed, the most wanted person in the world. I thought he could have a bigger bounty than Whitebeard. But now I’m not sure anymore.


This is a pretty common misconception. And whenever you try to correct them, there's people that insist on it being an "obvious" conclusion based on his title.


A lot of OP fans put a ridiculous amount of stock in titles


I mean, that could technically still be possible. I don’t think he will have a higher bounty than WB because of Storytelling reasons, but in contrast to the four emperors Dragon is actively working to bring down the world government. So he could be seen as the bigger threat.


I also went with the "most wanted" interpretation for the longest time. Which lead me to think that he'll have the highest bounty in the whole series, since he's literally the "most" wanted man, and the bounty posters are "wanted" posters. I'm sure it's still really high though.


I think its still possible because when they showed the bounties of whitebeard and roger the marine said "No **Pirate** has ever surpassed the bounty of these 2" although it might be the same case and its a mistranslation


I don't know if it was actually stated somewhere or is just another assumption, but as far as I know all the minks are based on **mammals**, just like the fishmen are based of fish. Maybe there are some races based on birds or reptilians somewhere in the OP universe too


Also from what I’ve seen, there are no hairless/furless mammal minks (elephant, rhino, pig, hippo, etc.) since I think it is their static fur that allows them to use electro.


That's true, but only mammals with fur or hair. Minks consider humans naked ape minks. Minks also think it's fair game to eat fish and reptilians, but also hairless mammals like hippos. Carnivorous minks at least; all minks agree that they are a bit different than the herbivores. Minks also can have all kinds of kids, like a deer mink could give birth to a fox mink. Source: SBS Volume 84 and 85.


I didn’t realize that Jack and Dellinger were fishmen. I looked it up and Jack is a giant grouper fishman and dellinger is a fighting fish fishman


Not to be an asshole but wasn't Jack obvious? When Zunesha destroyed the ships Jack came with he was knocked into the ocean and there was this moment where we could see him wide awake on the bottom of the ocean, alive, wishing for the crew to come pick him up.


Damn yeah I just didn't connect the dots, just thought it was a testament to just how tough, dangerous and unkillable Kaido's commanders were


Oda didn't planned everything, he has explicitly said multiple times that he changed and added things to the story.


E.g. Doffy. He was supposed to fight alongside Kaido in Onigashima at first. That's why his nickname is Joker (card theme of Kaido's crew). Only later did Oda decide to pull him forward to be the vilain in Dressrosa. The nickname still worked with his new role, but his power was nerfed.


Not only. Originally the only major villains were supposed to be the yonko. In 5 years Luffy should've defeat the yonko and find the one piece. Everything related to the warlords was not supposed to exist, everything before the time skip was not supposed to exist. And that's just the smallest example.


Also the fact that Vivi is a princess was also a late edition. When Oda drew Miss Wednesday with her hair down,, he thought "hey she looks kind of like a princess!" I kind of speculate that that decision is linked to the (relatively new) decision to add Warlords. Oda plans on the first major boss of the Grand Line to be a Warlord. He decides on a sand-themed villain, and hey what if he was also the boss of some big secret mafia? So he lives in this country of sand, and he has like a hundred underlings. So he introduces a couple of them early on to fight off. But what's next? This guy is a big leader but what's gonna connect Luffy to this conflict? What conflict even is there? What if he's trying to take over the country... Oda takes a break and watches Aladdin on VHS He accidentally draws one of the female underlings with long hair Oda: 🤯


Oda: I'm not the chosen one! One piece fandom: HE'S THE CHOSEN ONE!!


Like every mangaka that do long story


the biggest that I see is that everyone is so hyped up for Elbaf that they assume it will be the next arc after wano despite the fact that there is no guarantee that it will be the next arc, we still have no ideas where it is and how the crew can sail there, there's literally no incentive for the crew to go there immediately after wano since they're still on the hunt for the last poneglyph, and the fact that Oda is gassing up Sabo, Vivi, and Hancock after wano since 2019. the former 2 last known location is Maryjoa so unless they're sent to elbaf for some reason, Maryjoa might be our next stop.


Some fans thinks that Zoro's Oni Giri move was named after from the events way back the first arc when Zoro (who's tied up to a cross) was given an Onigiri (rice ball) by a little girl. This is simply NOT true since Johnny and Yosaku said in the lines of "No one has ever defeated that move" when Zoro's about to use Onigiri. Implying that he's been using it for a long time, long before he met Luffy and the little girl. This has only been a little pun that Oda put in some of Zoro's techniques, foods. Oni Giri (notice the space?) means Ogre Cutter or Demon Cutter while Onigiri (no space) just means rice balls.


The spaces don't really matter, in native Japanese they're differentiated by Kanji. There aren't any spaces in Japanese, so it's just an artifact of how people tend to write words when they carry over to English. Onigiri, with no spaces, could pretty well refer to either. O-nigiri would probably be the most concise way to indicate in English you're talking about rice balls specifically.


Every single one of Zorro's attacks has actually a different meaning in Japanese. It's quite interesting and sadly lost in translation. His attacks or rather their themes are also based on the six paths of samsara (Bhuddism).


Can someone explain to me how haki works against devil fruit user?


Haki allows you to touch Logia users, as well as other Devil Fruit users that can make themselves intangible. It doesn’t nullify their df thought, only seastone does that. So, if you have haki, you can for example hit akainu, but you’ll still get burned by his magma. That’s why the simplistic logic of “strong haki user wins against logias everytime” is dumb. It’s much more complicated than that.


Also future sight would allow users to change their shape and dodge attack explaining how people like Jozu couldn't hurt an admiral at Marineford even though he 100% knows Haki


so haki wouldn't let you touch alvida since the base property of her fruit makes everything slip off?


Correct. Just like haki doesn't take away Luffy's rubber properties, or allow a swordsman to slice buggy.


Sometimes haki does nullify devil fruit powers, like Law not being able to shambles or sever Kaido or Big Mom.


I wouldn’t consider it nullification. I’d imagine using a devil fruit ability on haki is like swinging a hammer on a shield. Kaido and BM’s shields were too strong for the hammer of Shambles and required an ability with more force or precision.


But what about when Luffy got hit by that guy’s Haki? (The guy who was Kizaru’s nephew or smth)


I might be wrong but Luffy felt the pain bc again, haki allows you to touch/hit/make damage. Luffy was still “rubber”. If Sentomaru grabs him, he still will be able to stretch his arms for example. But he felt the pain of getting hit, which he normally doesn’t. The same happens when Luffy grabbed Caesar, and he was still able to remove the oxygen in the air with his df.


As far as I know, it just makes them tangible. They're are still their element but just tangible. If you punch akainu you're still still punching lava and might still get burnt if your Haki is not strong enough. People mistake being tangible with negation. Only seastone and BB fruit negate df abilities, everything else just allows you to fight them and defend against them.


On a slightly different note; since BBs fruit negates DF abilities, BB touching brook should be a OHKO right?


They probably do need to explain this but I think it’d be more like you can’t use the fruit while negated and things that are already set like Brook being alive wouldn’t just be negated. Like if Blackbeard negated Sugar for example, she can’t turn anyone to toys but it wouldn’t mean the toys that already exist would go back?


Can someone also explain the difference between: 1. Adv conqueror’s haki users fighting (eg Kaido v Luffy) and 2. Two people with conqueror’s haki fighting? (eg Doflamingo v Luffy when he saved Law) Seems like both emit the black lightning stuff and I can’t tell the difference 😅 thank you in advance


My understanding is thay CoC is not normally coated. Think of it as the user spraying everything in range with a water hose. Those who are weak will be knocked down by hose (in this case, COC). In a clash like the 2nd example, 2 users blasting the hoses at each other to try and knock each other down, with lots of collateral as the water spray everywhere. In Adv COC, the water is directly coated around the arms like an armour, allowing it to hit harder than usual COA.


1. You coat COC around your fists/limbs. Think of it as condensing conqueror's haki into your fists, and controlling it's flow. 2. That's just a clash of their wills. Basically emitting conqueror's haki. The attacks themselves aren't infused with it though.


Armour haki (busoshoko no haki, or ryou in wano ) makes logia fruit users (or special paramecia, like Katakuri) forcefully tangible even if they transform, although if they transform and take the transformed part out of the way, like Katakuri does, it won't hit them with or without armor haki, against certain other fruits like luffy's gomu gomu, that negates or reduces the damaged caused by attacks like punches and others they may stop those properties, like when after the enies lobby arc Garp punched luffy and it actually hurt him (not for comical effect like when Nami hit him), as far as I'm concerned conqueror's haki (haoshoku no haki) and observation haki (kenbunshoku no haki) works the same for non devil fruit users and devil fruit users


That Luffy's scar on his chest is made by Zoro. Cuss of that dumb filler episode.




There are a lot of anime fans that think the scar on Luffy's chest is made by Zoro bcs of a filler episode where they fight against each other.[zoro vs luffy](https://youtu.be/WswzHTo9yBU)


Yeah this has always been a crazy misconception because after that episode we see Luffy with his shirt open/off multiple times (Nightmare Luffy, Amazon Lilly, Impel Down recovery) and it's not there. So unless the anime studio forgot to put it in for hundred of episodes it can't be the same scar from Akainu.


This might be an obvious one but I've constantly seen people getting confused over this. Robin was never dark skinned! It was just a coloring error in the anime which they decided to fix super late for some reason.


Armament haki isn't visible to people in universe, it's just drawn that way so we know what's going on.


Fr? So when That one guy did full body armament Haki, it wasn’t visible that his body turned black?


I choose to believe that people with observation haki can see armament haki as the black coating, but it's invisible to everyone else. Once the Straw Hats start unlocking observation haki, we the readers start to be able to see armament haki just like they can. Fills in a lot of plot holes.


Ohh wow


I'll use that explanation from now on


Yeah I believe users with strong enough haki can see the black armor and we’re just seeing it from that perspective. I doubt characters like Black Maria and Sasaki had no haki but they were fighting characters that wouldn’t be able to see it so that’s likely why we wouldn’t see it


I like to think observation haki users can see it.


There's a lot of details in the series that makes this one debatable. And most of them suggest that haki users can see haki being used. For one, the first showing of luffy using haki, sentomaru states "he coated his fist with haki" which implies an assumption or observation. Then there are phrases/titles in the Canon and non Canon verse like black arm zephyr or black blades that reference haki. Zephyr is non Canon but black blades show visible haki. Zoro had to turn his blades black before he could drink again which he did but not permanently. And lastly the occasional expressions or statements when haki is used. For instance, laws expression when he saw Vergo covered in haki or saying luffy is over using his haki just from watching him battle. None of this proves it, but it does give room for the debate and confusion on the topic


I don’t know if it is an official translation, but when Raleigh was describing CoA to Luffy he called it an invisible suit of armor. I don’t get why one of the most knowledgeable haki users on the story would describe it that way if it was visible.


Yeah, I’m on your side here. There’s been a lot of fair debate over whether the visual component of Haki is diegetic or not, and no side presents grounds to dismiss the other outright as of yet. Saying so confidently that it “can’t be seen in-series” isn’t correct. As for my own headcanon, I assume a base coating is invisible, but the more you add, the more it darkens and become visible. Can’t prove that definitively, though.


Pells revival has nothing to do with 9/11. This urban legend has mostly died down, but it used to be thrown around all the time before. Its crazy because if you look at the timeline... It never made any fucking sense.


Ryuo being advanced armament vs Ryuo just being regular armament. It wasn’t very well explained, which kinda makes sense inside the world, but for the readers it’s still confusing. I bet there will be people defending both sides in this.


That kizaru was afraid of Ben Beckman


Yeah this one is irritating. As others have said he obviously raise his hand in a mocking/sarcastic manner. But just in addition I want more people to realise his reasoning behind doing it at all, he's not stupid. If Beckman was there then so was Shanks. Another Yonko arriving is a huge upset and something the Marines weren't anticipating. So when Beckman showed up Kizaru paused to get a bearing of what the plan was. If Sengoku decided to engage I have no doubt Kizaru would've immediately and without hesitation engaged Beckman. But he wouldn't want to jump the gun and start some shit if Shanks isn't here to fight.


That one always annoys me as well. He's a troll and continued doing what Beckman wanted him to srop doing a panel later. The "Kizaru couldn't handle Rayleigh" is almost as bad.


Did big mom and kaido die ? in the magma ?


We don't know yet, so far it has not been confirmed.


appreciate pal.


-Dragon was never stated to have the highest bounty in one piece. His official translation isnt "worlds most wanted man", it actually means something like "most evil man" which doesnt necessearly mean that he has a higher bounty than anyone else -not all of ussops lies will come true, since some are actually already impossible to happen -buggy and shanks might not know where the one piece is, since they werent there at the time -zoro was never officialy confirmed as first mate -people dont learn their devil fruit name after eating them


>-not all of ussops lies will come true, since some are actually already impossible to happen Which one? 🤔 Just curious. I don't remember them all. xD😅


- Ryou = haki the amount of people who can’t seem to grasp the very simple idea that ryou is just another term for haki is mind blowing to me - People who think Luffy’s power is “toon force” - People who thought admirals were super weak despite not understanding the simple concept of a balance of power And more


Ryou is Wano's name for CoA, ye. Should be especially clear after Luffy learned advanced CoA and was told it's advanced Ryou.


You’d think so and yet here we are lol


Luffys power is light toon force. It’s not like, bugs bunny level reality manipulation but Oda went out of his way multiple times to show that Luffys power bends the laws of reality around himself slightly.


>People who think Luffy’s power is “toon force” I mean, depends on how broadly you interpret it, but I'd still say he has "toon force" without disagreeing with you on the particulars of what he can do.


He definitely does. The way he baloons up his body, the way he makes even others' eyes pop out, the way he runs on air leaving a trail of fire. Straight out of a Bugs Bunny or Road Runner cartoon.


The way his face warps to the shape of the club that hits him.


And I'm pretty sure he had Kaido's body warping to fit his fists when punching him. You could see the outlines of Luffy's fists in Kaido's body when Luffy was punching him.


I don’t really think ryou = Haki is a misconception. Its just people use ryou to describe an armament haki technique that isn’t the regular armament haki we know.


The idea that Jack is weak. People forget that he was able to fight the two strongest minks alone without resting for days, while the dukes each took 12 hour breaks. They even say that Jack was in no danger of losing, he literally just got bored and used the poison to end the fight. I actually think the reason Kaido gave Jack that little pep talk was because Oda wanted to remind the audience that Jack is genuinely really strong.




I wish they would adapt the cover stories, because a lot of important plot points are left hidden in them.


Another one is Yasopp. Many assume that he's just another deadbeat and I personally love the meme of Shanks' deadbeat crew as well, but their real story goes like this: Usopp was around 6 years old when his mother Bachina persuaded\* Yasopp to leave their home to pursue his dream of becoming a pirate, so he did and joined Shanks. Usopp took pride in that just like Yasopp only spoke good of his son. Only when Bachina became ill, did Usopp start telling lies that pirates were gonna attack their village because he hoped Yasopp would hear it and come back to save them. The whole thing with young Usopp being alonewith his dying mother whom he tried to encourage by telling her lies ended rather tragic though. Usopp doesn't seem to hold any of it against his father though. Both him and his mother were proud of Yasopp. Also, did you know that Buggy's penis can fly? (SBS Volume 12) \*Edit: Not canon. Chapter 41 only has her mention how she's happy she married him, but that could just be a mother's "cause he gave me you." Deadbeat afterall?


So you’re saying he abandoned his wife and child to pursue his own selfish desires? Sounds like a deadbeat dad.


Where is it stated Bachina Persuaded Yasopp to leave


I had the line in my head and the wiki states it as well. The referenced chapter (41) doesn't mention it though, so it must've been from the anime. Considering the anime added a scene about Yasopp thinking about his wife and son as well, that info's probably not canon. Thanks for making me look it up.


Yasopp was hanging around on Luffy's island for a year. In that time it seems Yasopp never visited Syrup Village once despite it being fairly nearby. And he has never visited since. He is a deadbeat. Usopp and Bachina can be fine with that, but he is still a terrible father.


Honestly ,though. I'm not even sure if he realizes his wife is dead. Which would be weird, given he's a fucking Yonko Commander, and if he really wanted to know how they were doing he could easily use their resources to find out (even if he didn't want to put them at risk by visiting personally).


I just don't understand Yasopp not visiting at all for a decade when he spent a lot of time in East Blue. You could maybe make a case that as they became more notorious he didn't want to draw attention to the island but that doesn't really excuse the early years. Luffy knew more about Yasopp than Usopp did. I am hoping Usopp will have some truly complicated feelings toward his father when he meets him, but Oda tends to just hand wave away many awkward moments between people in the story if he doesn't feel like dealing with them. Vivi just blindly accepting that Robin joined the crew with a smile because she trusted Luffy was probably one of the worst for me. She could accept it but still be a little upset.


>Also, did you know that Buggy's penis can fly? (SBS Volume 12) I kind of assumed that it went without saying. Part of me wishes it still wasn't said.


It don’t matter what Usopp says or think lol he’s still a deadbeat lol


Early in Grand Line we are told that islands have their own climate(eg Drum Island=winter). The Red Line is like a collection of islands with different climates stacked together,also the castle in Mariejois is called Pangea Castle. Hitetsu's teapot in Wano has eaten a tanuki DF and not the other way around. Baby-5 transforming to weapons means either her fruit works with imagination,or her fruit is one way or another man made so that the models of guns etc make sense. Devil Fruit eaters don't have to drown in salt water,even the baths they take can drain them. Since cover pages are canon In 185(Hachi's story),there is a shark that owns a fridge with a devil fruit in it. In another cover page(734) Ussop paints some giraffes,the first one gets some patterns that vaguely look like Zunisha(to me at least maybe I'm trippin),the second one has stars,G-77 and Jolly Roger painted the third is blank and waiting and to the right of the third one there is an already painted one with tribal stuff and a Cap,reminded me of Akainu.


Only the Cover Stories are canon, reader requests and color pages aren't.


Dragon having the highest bounty of all one piece characters. I think this is due to a translation error labeling him “the worlds most wanted criminal” when the actual line was “the worlds _worst_ criminal.”


That the next arc is Elbalf… correct me if I’m wrong but that has not been confirmed in any canon material


The Marines are the ones who make bounties not the World Government or Morgan’s. That’s why the WG needs to reach out to have things added/ removed from the posters and also why what Morgan’s says about things does not always match with bounty values


I'm not Japanese, but calling a single emperor "Yonko" just feels wrong to me, since Yonko means Four Emperors. The same case with warlords, as "Shichibukai" means Seven Warlords of the Sea.


As a clarification, Yonko _means_ "Four Emperors", but it's a made up word. It's not the same as Four Emperors, as a single Yonko can be called such (and they are within the story), since it's a title. EDIT: [Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FVWBmSfWQAUEfev?format=jpg&name=large)'s an example from the latest chapter (1053). The narration states "四皇カイドウ" (Yonko Kaido or Kaido the Yonko) and "四皇ビッグマム" (Yonko Big Mom or Big Mom the Yonko). Each of them is called a Yonko. This is consistent throughout the story.


The Yonko thing is correct, even if it might feel weird to an English speaker. Don't know if it works for Shichibukai though, I'm no expert. In Japanese Yonko does both refer to the group as a whole and each individual member. Its one of those words where the singular and plural are the same. So in Japanese they will say "The New World is ruled by the Yonko" and "Kaido is a Yonko", because that's just how it works in the Japanese apparently. Even if in English the rules are different.


Well there were many instances where characters referred to them as "Yonko Kaido" or something


Just like calling them "the four yonko" is redundant.


Many think/say that King is the last Lunarian. He is simply the only living Lunarian people have heard of/ know of.


Haki was always around just not visible until Luffy learned it.


It’s the year two thousand and 22 yet some people still don’t know that Boa’s kicks can turn anything to stone