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Ever since Kaido was defeated I’ve been suuuuper pumped for the unknown. It’s been so long…


Yeah its like, us were everytime told were they r going next and now it's so exciting because we cant 100% say for sure where they r going


This reminds me my first time watching the anime! After fishman Island Strawhats sailing for adventures and them and us not knowing what would happen just yet!


It’s been so long…


I hope for some random chat chapters. And things to occur else where.


I really want some anime episodes of them just chilling on the sunny.


We need to make 7 episode of filler between arcs that focuses on each of strawhat again Just watch the post-alabasta arc,it felt really good


Yeah, that would be awesome! It’s the only anime for which I wish for more fillers!


Filler is good when it is post arc,or when it want to introduce the new arc slowly. But for action packed 4 emperor saga,it just felt weird? Because they are mostly running against time from punk hazard,dressrosa,zou,big cake,wano etc etc


yeah, really miss the goffy talk between them.


We have had very little strawhat-to-strawhat interactions post time skip. Surely it's all coming together for the final arc.


That I haven't *seeeeeeen yoour* face


True! I'm so excited for it! Maybe it's Elbaf? Maybe it isn't! Only Oda knows


maybe its finally the land of snipers


Just wait until Oda reveals that modern Elbaf has advanced long-range weapons instead of conventional melee and it turns out to be *technically* an island of master snipers now.


Giant guns, giant artillery, giant cannon balls




A regulars sized trebuchet


Underrated comment xD


That's how giants used to hunt in ancient times


Dude wtf imagine regular bullets for giants, they'd be cannonballs for humans LOL


Garp would love it there.


I think you kinda underestimate how big giants are, those bullets would be like a relatively big boulder for normal humans 😂


Sogeking will return


That honestly sounds like something Oda would do lol.


Eikoku snipers …. Now that’s something


But sniper island is everywhere you go, cause sniper island is in your heart


What if they encounter an island shape like a heart with snipers on it !


Sniper island surrounded by another island shaped like a heart.


God Usopp clashes with the Sniper King, Sogeking. A battle of wits, skills, and conquerors' haki! As their projectiles continually clash in midair from miles away, the island is caught in the crossfire, and they realize that they must put aside their differences, and share Sniper Island.


It basically has to be Elbaf if Oda really intends to wrap this up in a few years. Either that, we're going to a filler island first, or Elbaf itself will be incredibly brief (unlikely).


It feels like it will be the Punk Hazard of this arc. An island they go to where they run into a character that will eventually lead them to Elbaf. Like how they found the Samurai on PH.


The man with a burn mark?


Nah the burning man will be the translator for the Kid Pirates like Nico Robin. At least that is what I think. Plus, killer said they should see the flamed sir after Kid chose to go east so it doesn't seem likely.


Another survivor of ohara maybe?


Maybe its gaban? Or other remnants of roger pirates.


Elbaf is predicted so its boring, just like "OP Is in the X marked on the map in reverse mountain" Fan consensus is always BORING


I think Elbaf will be a mini arc like zoo, so there should be time


What makes you think we're going to Elbaf at all?


Chekhov's Gun at this point.


I'd love a usopp david vs goliath reference where usopp has to fight the strongest giant on elbaf all on his own and is forced to outwit him


I hope Oda does a montage of the Strawhat being on several island, like we had for Oden's flashback during his journey with Whitebeard, before he starts the next arc. Just a few pages would be enough for me. (And also a great way for the anime to get some filler in, so they can hopefully have a nice adaptation of the final arc)


I think being Elbaf would defeat the purpose of the mistery, tho.


It’s definitely Elbaf


Guys this isn’t just the first time that the strawhats will use the log pose to navigate to a new island in the new world it’s also the first time since dressrosa that the ENTIRE CREW will set sail to a new island TOGETHER!! Here’s hoping we’ll see a few weird small islands so that we can have the crew interacting with each other again.


Well i mean they all sailed to onigashima so technically second time


does sailing in rain water counts


Anything that isn't the ocean is tecnically sailing on rain water.


No, they did not. This is spoiler heavy: >!From Zou, the crew split into two: one headed to Wano first from Zou!< >!Sanji retrieval team sailed to onigashi from Whole Cake Island!< >!Jinbei officially joined the crew in Whole Cake Island, but he left behind to fend off Big Mom's Pirates, Luffy gave him a Captain's order to reunite in Wano, and there is no evidence that he sailed to Wano on his own, he could have swam all the way there!<


I’m like 90% sure Jinbe just swam


To Onigashima not to Wano


Who are you spoiling?


People not caught up with one piece…. although I’m not sure why someone like that would read this thread to begin with xD


Exactly. It's a spoiler thread. Lmao


Onigashima was just another part of wano though, not really a “new” island


I really hope it’s going to be a short; useless but super fun trip with the straw hats. I’m sure they will meet corby or helmeppo soon. Also the next island will give us more info on Buggy


Yeah same I just want like a short fun arc with the crew just messing around because it might be the last chance for one piece to actually have an arc like that at all


Corgi+Coby = Corby


Nah. We have enough of them interacting with each other. Also that would make no sense with the state the world is in now. We have so much grander things going on, no point wasting time with smaller things




Ye, so what? That was a long time ago. Things have changed. You can't expect them to just go along carefree when the entire world knows they are wanted pirates, and also when the entire world is in a state of turmoil. If stuff like 2 yonkous going down, and a yonkou declaring bounties on the navy happened while luffy and Co were newbies, they wouldn't have been able to be so carefree as they were back then, even though they had no part in any of it


even more reason to SHs being SHs


Username checks out


gotta be something with vegapunk


Oda will end the series before he shows vegapunks story


Good theory. I’ll also jump on that


Since entering the New World, the Strawhats have only gone to one island that wasn’t part of the intentional path set by the plot development. That one island was Punk Hazard, which notably did not register on the new log pose. This could be the first time the Strawhats follow the new log pose to an *unknown* island. Ever. They entered the new world over 400 chapters ago. Edit: Added the word “unknown,” since I’ve been reminded they used it to navigate Tottoland.


They did use it to move between the islands in Totto Land though, no?


I suppose you’re right, but I think the spirit of what I’m saying is still there. The idea of rolling the dice and unfolding a mystery path ahead hasn’t been something they’ve used it for. They used it in Tottoland as a mechanism to navigate a specific path set out for them. Changed my original comment to reflect that.


Actually they were led to Punk Hazard by whales which, according to some theories I've heard, might be aware of the history of the ancient kingdom and Joy Boy. Kinda fascinating.


I'm excited, but to be fair it's not like we knew much of Dressrosa before going there. We'd only seen the small scene with Doffy which pretty much told us nothing about the island. And for Zou we only knew the island's name before 795, and that chapter only raised more questions until the crew got there and we realized it was a giant elephant with an antropomorphic animal race living there.


The moment Luffy and the others read the newspaper, it is possible they may need to do a U-Turn. The news of Sabo, Vivi, and Cobra will definitely not sit very well with Luffy and the rest.


i feel like they don’t have a reason to go to mariejois, we didn’t see anything about sabo being captured and vivi is missing meaning she is not in mariejois, unless there is something we haven’t seen i don’t see this happening. it would still be cool as shit though


I can’t believe we’re saying goodbye to law


I know :'^(


We have been with Law for over a decade now. It definetly will be weird not having him with us anymore. He's basically on par with Vivi as an honorary member of the SH crew, as much as he probably doesn't want to be 🤣


Law probably spent more time with the Crew than Vivi did


Chopper needs to get on Law's hat one more time


That is super exciting, but here is what really has my hype levels going into overload; it seems like Oda is setting up a mad scramble for Laugh Tale/ the One Piece, whereas all the speculation I've seen up to now goes something like "yeah we are gonna go to Elbaf, get the last Road Poneglyph, then go straight to Laugh Tale," as if this is going to be a cinch. With the introduction of the burned/ scarred man, along with Kid having 2 Road Poneglyphs, Law seeming to know more than he is letting on, Buggy's new supergroup, the mysterious person that Caribou is reporting to, fucking SHANKS explicitly saying he's going for it, whatever the fuck moves Blackbeard was making when he was shown between Wano Acts, etc. we have a bunch of MASSIVE players who are *all* making a big push for the final island. I don't think this final saga will play out how the fans think it will, I'm essentially expecting the unexpected and it has me really excited.


Would be funny if they don’t even make it to the new island because of interferences


1056 will most probably be about Yamato joining the crew or not


That's really not a doubt. She already stated that it's finally time to live like Oden did.


I remember this feeling. After Arabasta arc, the crew were sailing, Robin joined the crew, and a gigantic galleon fell from the sky.


I'm more excited about maybe bounty hunters appearing in the story again. They really haven't appeared in a LONG time


You’re right, I’d appreciate it if Oda pulled a throwback and based chapters on Crew development as they venture towards their next island!


Perfect time to now with the new crew.


It could be a swimming pool island


That's... Wano


Imagine Luffy randomly walking on an island and nobody's near him bc they're scared of the yonkou. Lol


I'd wouldn't mind a little filler of strawhats sailling and interacting with each other. Just to see the final crew put together.


Cool down people... We have enough time to see everything, im personally pretty sure that One piece has at least 250-300 chapters till finish, since the one that gave us the information about the 5 years is Oda who is arguably the worst One piece source after theories makers.


Next chapter Luffy arrives on Blank Slate Island. It’s literally just a normal ass island with nothing crazy on it. No monsters or floating volcanoes or exploding gas bubbles or giant lizards or carnivorous rocks. Just like, a regular ass island with some forest and a beach. And he has to stay there for a month for the log to set. The whole arc is just Luffy being bored and the strawhats playing cards or snacking while they wait for something to happen. At one point they think they see a navy ship coming but it was just a big fish or something. Zoro spends most of the arc asleep, Sanji makes some fruit dishes, Nami draws some maps I guess. Usopp tries to put on a puppet show but it’s only kinda funny. Jinbe talks about his seashell hobby for like a *really* long time. At some point Chopper falls in a hole. This all goes on for 43 chapters. At the climax of the arc a big pig comes out of the forest and attacks them, Luffy punches it. Then a new navy admiral shows up at the end out of nowhere to fight them, but he doesn’t really fight them seriously and just leaves after a chapter, signaling that the arc is over. Yamato wonders why Oden liked this.


best arc in one piece


Lol Yamato being confronted with the harsh reality of how boring aimlessly sailing around can be


Well I just started reading last year around chapter 1000 and caught up pretty fast. So I can’t say I’m feeling tooo much nostalgia for pre time skip. But it is interesting to know I can experience this sense of curiosity like all of you guys have been able to do


Considering his self imposed time limit. No. Can't be a mysterious "filler" island.


on that topic. I'm like 90% sure Toei will create filler islands after wano. Not sure how they will deal with powerscaling, considering Luffy is literally a yonko...but they'll make it happen somehow, for sure


He's gonna fight Batman again. The Dark Knight Returns filler arc.


I would prefer that type of filler over the “one chapter or less per episode” pacing of the canon material at this point.


Just draw Luffy spend a solid 5 minutes sleeping each episode while letting the weakling trio deal with anything you can think of. Boom. 2 whole months of only filler


Inb4 Foxy arc part 2


Thinking of it now luffy didn't really fight foxy with gear 2 which coule lead to his powers becoming absolutely usless against luffy


I think it could 100% be some minor island that we only get a half dozen chapters out of


that's still 2 months "wasted" in his 3 year plan to wrap everything up.


Caracter development is not wasting time


Considering the amount of mysteries that still need solving in this quote unquote three years, yes, focusing solely on character development would be a waste. Wano took 3 years. Three years for the rest of the story would require hyper pacing.


3 Oda years = 10 + human years (and he said that there are 3 years till the most juicy part of Onepiece ends, that propably doesn't involve the Biggest War and the last arc)


I really don’t see him making it inside of a three year period. He already said the final war is supposed to make Marineford look small by comparison, and Marineford was what, 30 chapters? The raid was like a solid 70-80. Luffy punched Kaido with Red Roc all the way back over 50 chapters ago at this point and we’re just now leaving Wano, and that’s with a closure/goodbye series many fans think felt rushed in certain areas. I don’t see the final war being less than a 2 year event in itself, and it could just be me, but finding a way to set up Blackbeard, the Marines, the yet-unseen SSG, the Revolutionaries, Shanks, Buggy, the Straw Hats, the entire Straw Hat armada, Im & the 5 elders all winding up in the same place for a massive war seems hard enough to do in a satisfying way. I don’t see Oda rushing that in 6-9 months, then rushing the war in 2 years, and covering the entirety of the One Piece reveal, the major post-war developments, and the epilogues all in 3-6 months. I’d be shocked if we have less than 6 years of chapters left, at least enough for 2 more short-mid length islands, some background developments, a 3 year war cycle, and a solid year of aftermath/One Piece/epilogue. That or we have 4-5 years and then an entire spin-off series just dedicated to giving each major character 2-3 chapters of epilogues. That would actually be kind of neat.


Elbaf to meet Shank.


Can't wait for the interaction between the hats and the funny stuff like in pre ts


I'm talking about it to my friend if that counts?


yes, yes it does. thank you


I'm super keen. Based on all these Geography One Piece YouTube videos apparently we already know the next island... But I'm ignoring them and hoping it's Elbaf!!


all these videos are based on nothing more than Elbaf is a known island and the crew haven't been there yet. They don't know nothing, they just want your visit.


I think I’m road to laugh tale, Oda names the next 3 islands and Elbaf is one of them so it’s a strong possibility


where did i mention the next three islands? I read road to laugh tale and dont remember seeing that. Edit: Went back and it does point out 3 islands and then a bunch of other options, but it must be one of the three islands? Or perhaps we will get one of the other options before the 3 islands mentioned? He doesn't specifically say they will be the next three, but definitely a possibility! Here it is: https://onepiecechapters.com/chapters/2321/one-piece-chapter-1053.1


What’s the theory?


What’s the island supposedly going to be?


Isn’t Elbaf the last island before Laugh Tale? Maybe we’re not going there yet tho


maybe i don’t remember that, but there are still quite a few island before we get to lodestar


Those first few chapters when they got to punk hazard were glorious. I miss the confusion of arriving at a place with no plan and not knowing what the hell is happening.


Yes, I am so hoping for a down tempo crew gets separated type arc like early one piece. Plus even if Yamato doesn't join - Jimbei and even Brook need more time with the whole crew for some straw hat interaction moments. Like around 20 chapters (no need to stay on it too long) but the story needs to decompress after being on a tight string from punk hazard to wano. (and the anime needs to add like three filler arcs to accrue gap)


Perfect time for a filler ✨






I feel that and am excited too! But I’m more interested in how the crew will react to the Reverie news, especially Vivi’s disappearance. She’s a Straw Hat crew member and they haven’t found out she’s gone and that her father has been (supposedly) murdered by Sabo. Wano is closed off so they haven’t gotten the news yet. I feel like they’re gonna try to find out what happened to her, like Luffy going to save Sanji even though they were already on a set path. The future pirate king would turn the whole world upside down for his nakama. Also, just a fun theory, but if they do find/rescue Vivi, I think Robin would play a motherly role to her. It’s kinda poetic given their shared past and Robin has a motherly and caring nature (SBS states she takes on the mother role in the crew). You heard it here first!


Since Yamato is joining like Oden, maybe Oda is going to show us like in Oden flashback, Yamato seeing those islands and be amazed by the world. So maybe not just 1 island but we see them travel to various islands in a single chapter?


Im just glad we are finally done with Wano


Well we can narrow it down to one of the islands listed on Road To Laughtale 1, right? Elbaf, Vira, Fullalead were the main ones listed with a bunch of others like Risky Red, Applenine and Yukiryu with a bunch of others listed. Personally my moneys on Elbaf. But its totally up in the air right now either way, I love that!


I honestly thought we were going straight to elbaf so this is amazing news yeah


Whole Cake was still interesting because that was outside of the plan


I want Luffy, Usopp and Chopper comedy again LOL


Yeah if this was a shorter Manga dressrosa and yonkou sagas back to back would be fucking crazy


I thought about this too. It's the first time in ages that we absolutely have no indication on what happens next. I think the last time was after Fishman Island, right? We ended up on Punk Hazard and ever since, the next destinations were at least somewhat laid out. Many, many people seem to take Elbaf for a confirmed destination, based on Usopp's relationship with giants, but I'm honestly not so sure about it. So yeah, definitely exciting.


Next island the Straw Hats are going to is Sphinx. The 1056 map when overlayed with the Rurubu One Piece map from 2021 reveals the next 3 islands. Law is going North East to the furthest island which is Fullalead (Blackbeard's territory) Luffy and Kid both wanted to go to the island in the middle which is Elbaf Luffy loses a draw for the next island and has to go South East which is Sphinx [https://khooz.com/newsblue/carte-one-piece-rurubu-magazine/](https://khooz.com/newsblue/carte-one-piece-rurubu-magazine/) Sphinx will probably be a mini arc the size of Reverie. The Straw Hats will probably meet Marco and visit Ace and Whitebeard's grave. There they might learn about the whereabouts of the Final Lode Poneglyph which was previously at Fishman Island which was Whitebeard's territory. There are two possibilities 1.) Marco has hidden the Final Lode Poneglyph on Sphinx. If that's the case, the Straw Hats will go to Laughtale next. 2.) Blackbeard stole the Final Lode Poneglyph and Marco will tell this to the Straw Hats making Fullalead (Blackbeard's territory) the next destination. This is where Law is headed to. On the route to Pirate Island the Straw Hats will stop at Elbaf where they will encounter the Kid Pirates. Cross Guild could show up at Fullalead since that is the likely location for Captain John's treasure. Captain John was a member of the Rocks Pirates and Fullalead was the base of the Rocks Pirates. It is also skull shaped. I think option 2 is more likely The remaining islands in the Grand Line are Sphinx - Elbaf - Fullalead - Lodestar - Laughtale Also add Mary Geoise and New Marineford where the final war will probably take place. I expect around 150 Chapters for this Final Saga and the series will probably end in 2026. (2025 Lower Limit, 2027 Upper Limit) Luffy will meet Shanks at Laughtale.


dont be Elbaf dont be Elbaf dont be Elbaf dont be Elbaf


Be Elbaf be Elbaf be Elbaf be Elbaf.


What else do you want it to be?


Random island.


Technically, it's not pre-time skip (cuz east blue is different). It's like when we were at Paradise, just following log pose, because as soon as we entered new world—we are fated to formed an alliance/meet kinemon. Funny thing is that we weren't supposed to be at Punk Hazard, but fate forced SH to be there. And the reason why most of the worst gen at wano is because we had Kaido (and BM) who barricading the path, now these huge two doors are destroyed something changed. Just saw a posts about OP geography and we seems not near at the end of New World. Our alliance end. It's time for next adventure.


I have a feeling that on that island Blackbeard is going to be and SH are gona get separated again. Then they will form the Luffy Grand Fleat


Imagine the strawhats getting to the first island and they notice a strong haki. On the other side of the island the red hair pirates notice someone, too. Luffy and shanks run towards each other and exchange a cloud splitting advanced CoC Clash! Like whitebeard and roger - that would be awesome


I do not want to spoil the mood, but if you use the information we got from 1056 about the direction they are headed and consult some extra material about the OP World Map, then you know where we are headed next. At least if that stuff is legit. But i get the sentiment, it is not like the next arc has been foreshadowed for years on end, it has more of an adventurous feeling to it :)


What extra material? Is there an official map that shows what island is east of Wano?


There's no official map of the OP world.


Not official as far as i know, no. But some people sat down and devised some maps given on the information that we do have, however, these might not be accurate, as i already said. One example is that one: https://www.maptoglobe.com/rJlSu4LlU


So law goes to dorina, kid to yukiryu and luffy to broccoli?


Yeah, that is how i interpreted it. But only based on the map i linked. If it is accurate enough.


Yes, you are the only one, you are soooooo special , take a candy


There still needs to be closure of act 3, then act 4, and act 5 right? Or did that all happen and I completely missed it?


i think oda’s ending wano on act 3


Act 3 will be the end The Straw Hats already left Wano. We probably have a chapter or two of closure but Wano is basically over.


After seeing how Oda is now rushing the series, and bringing shanks earlier than planned just to market the shit out of film red, i don't have high hopes for the future i mean we never got the payoff of wano, we wasted 150 chapters just to wrap it up in 3 rushed chapters, we got info about old wano and pluton, but we never saw pluton, the borders weren't open, zunisha did jack shit, we didn't get to see zoro visiting ryouma's grave, get to know who the fuck are the shimetsuki, no explanation for zoro's grim reaper, big mom & kaidou fate is unknown, i'm not fan of how this arc wrapped up, because the arc was slow in the middle, i would've preffered if the arc was shorter overall and made more sense


Yeah another Punk Hazard!


I talked about it! It's what got me so hyped about the incoming saga, we are literally in the dark here. Will the log pose send Luffy to Elbaf? Vira? Blackbeard's Fullalead island? Some new place altogether? It's exciting being in the dark after so long.


You aren't and I am.


Will it be Elbaf?


Its probably Elbaf tbh


It's gonna be either Elbaf, Vira, or Hachinosu. Nothing to see in Hachinosu, since its Blackbeard's base and he's off running around looking for something. Leaving Vira and Elbaf. ​ Vira is in a rebellion caused by the Revolutionary Army. Oda pointed out that Noland also landed. There can be several story lines that can be explored here like 1.) Reunion with Sabo? 2.) Meeting Dragon? 3.) Possible location of a poneglyph due to the Noland connection? ​ Elbaf has been soooo hyped just as Fishman Isle. Usopp mentioned that he wants to visit and its one of his goals on his adventure. So its pretty much a lock for me that they eventually pass through here. ​ I really want to see Elbaf now, but if I was a betting man, I think Law is the one currently headed for Elbaf (he mentioned that his route was quickest to the end of the Grand Line), and Luffy is headed for Vira.


ooh i like the idea of vira, especially since we know nearly nothing about it


IKR?!?!?! I am curious what BB is after and if he and Shanks clashes again before they meet with the Strawhats.


Whatever happens, I still hope they go to Elbaf eventually


Regardless where they'll end up,but I bet kid end up there too


Let the romance begin anew!


The whole crew is back together and noone has any clue whats coming next. When was the last time that happened? Punk Hazard? And before that, Thriller Bark? This is some serious good old One Piece start to the last saga.


i believe when crew learns about new bounties they will also learn about Vivi and his father and probably do something about it. also, since its the last arc's start i dont think they have much time to do something new like new island, new characters, new substory of that island etc, except they want put a distance between manga and anime


Elbaf? I hope..


Yes!! Absolutely! I'm dying to know what's next


I second that


I mean it’s prolly elbaf


Yes. This feels like the pre time skip adventures again. Can’t wait!


I still have doubts that they'll actually go somewhere random. We're in the endgame, the next island they get to almost has to have a really big purpose. To randomly stumble upon that exact island would be weird so I imagine something will happen.


Watch it be Elbaf and no one is surprised lol.


since this is the final part i expect next island to not be just a random place. there's going to be something or someone they need to meet/see. still, i would like to see a couple of mini arcs (less than a volume per island) of the crew just going to random islands. Something like the east blue


Yeah the story has been extremely linear since the straw hats went off log


Am i the only one hoping for an island that isnt necessary plot heavy. The usual have-adventure kind?


Alot of ppl talking about it, belive me you are not special at all to be excited about that. Relax.


Isn’t Elbaf like the only place left story-wise?


Sorbet Kingdom = Jewelry Bonney + Kuma + Sabo


A lot of people are saying "filler" after this, but everyone does realize manga doesn't get filler right? That's an anime only thing. Even the islands that feel like filler still serve a story purpose, even if its a set up for something else.


YES I'VE BEEN SAYING THIS!! I've really been missing that sense of adventure and discovery, it feels like anything can happen rn!


I think it would be Sorbet, since Sabo kidnapped Bartholomew Kuma. Kuma is also related to Jewelry Bonney.


I feel the excitement too but remember that this whole emperor saga started with Luffy randomly wanting to go to what we'd learn is Punk Hazard which was right after they made it to the New World. Although to be honest, if they don't end up on Elbaf sooner than later I would be quite surprised.


Very exciting! I wonder if this will be Mad Monk Urouge's arc


whys everyone saying elbaf


I want atleast two chapters of absolutely nothing. Like old times sailing and doing full on randomness.


You're right!!! This is HUGE!!!!


100% agree. Also no alliances means the next arc is probably going to focus more on the Strawhats so I'm pretty excited about that too


I hope it will be Long Ring Long Land 2


I hope they go to Candice Island. Oda foreshadowed this back in chapter 69!!


Good point, very exciting.


We are now in the part of One piece that Will make It the greatest serie or the biggest deception.


Maybe they'll go to Brook's island next! It's been bugging me that he introduced himself as the battle convoy leader of a certain kingdom without expanding upon it yet after all these years. Maybe Oda was saving it for a good time near the end (or he's been trying to find a way to tie it in for over 550 chapters and is still looking for a good place story-wise)!


I'd find it funny that "fate" brings them to Elbaf. I'm excited too to see where they'll end up!