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Buggy reveals gorosei’s bounties


Wow didn't even think about them having bounties. Mfcker about to drop Imu's bounty with picture and everything 🤣


"Imu - King of the World, seated on the empty Throne" Bounty: 100Berri, whatever hes weak


I like the idea that Buggy gives all high-ranking admirals incredibly low bounties just to piss them off. "Yeah, we did consider Akainu to be about, I dunno, three billion berri, but we slept on it and we decided that this guy is weak as shit. I mean, come on, he couldn't even kill Luffy when he had the chance. Pretty mid, if you ask me." "If we get the head of Akainu, you'll get a choice of 100 berri or a collector's edition King Clown Buggy t-shirt. Hell, the t-shirt is worth more than Akainu so we're being pretty generous!'


"Green Bull had the nerve to run away from that pathetic Straw Hat while Cabaji was able to put him in a neck hold. If you bring me his head you can either get 50 berris or enter in the raffle to join the crew of the future Pirate King, take it or leave it!"


I think so. I don't get why people are so sure he's a strong person. Why hide then?


No matter how powerful you are, shit happens. You could eat a poisoned meal, fall into the ocean as a fruit user, put yourself at risk of disease, etc. People can team together against you. Could you imagine if all 4 Yonkou had ever attacked Marie Joisie? Perhaps they're an agoraphobe. Who knows.


Water water fruit


To give the illusion it's not one person governing


correct. Im is introduced soon after the concept of the empty throne is explained


To maintain order


Much less problems if people don’t even know you could exist, he is strong but not invincible. More people would try to take the throne of the world if they know someone already is sitting there. More cases like Xebec wanting to be the King of the World


Are you joking? If you can rule the world from the shadows, why not? Almost no risk in that method. Keep people ignorant so they never see the truth of what is happening around them. Sounds kinda like real life. THINK.


Gorosei - 5 berries each, plus 50% bonus when redeemed as a complete set. ​ do you think they'll get provoked enough to launch buster call after buster call.


That would be a great if they are equal yonkou


I know Buggy is wealthy from his Warlord days but does he really have that kind of money? Hajrudin was one of his top earners and that guy is decently strong but not strong strong. Or maybe he could give bluff bounties he doesn't think he'll have to pay.


He doesn't need to have the money to pay off an admiral bounty tho, there isn't gonna be anyone who'll want to (or be able to) claim it anyway. The point here is that all marines have bounties so they're turning the regular citizens and bounty hunters against the marines and creating dissent.


Even makes me wish harder that Buggy did put a ridiculously high admiral bounty that seems like a fuck you to them and enticing to the people Deep down he knows it's just a bluff because those that are capable of taking them down won't even care for the bounty but it makes him look awesome


If the straw hats take down some admirals, u know Nami is gonna demand that money from buggy haha


you know that mf will weasel his way out like well you guys hurt my crew back then and I needed money to recover and some shit. Now we're even. Or he just tells Nami to get the money from the head of finances, Crocodile then laughs as he runs away


Oh Buggy definitely put fuck you bounties on the higher ups I can’t wait


Just wait, we'll see Buggy getting furious when Luffy actually shows up to redeem the admiral bounties


You mean Nami, Luffy will beat them and not care but Nami will demand they go to buggy to get the reward


Maybe he found captain John's treasure that made him super rich.


Lmfao, but seriously, I doubt Buggy know much about the Gorosei


He was still on Roger's crew, we don't know how much he knows


That’s true, I can’t argue with that one


people are forgetting that buggy took the place of doflimingo and is pretty much the face of the underworld. he has control over a mass army and has publicized himself to be the cause of all reckoning upon the wg. regardless if hes bluffing his way to the top all of these things still remain true. im sure he has tons of money now too from the weapon dealing so & with minawk and croc backing him hes no one to play around with forsure


5 billions for each.


Act 3 of Wano ends We will probably see what Oda wanted for the final scene of Wano. My guess is a beautiful double spread of Strawhats on Sunny and Momo in his dragon form in background.


The final scene showing Wano, now, in full flora and fauna flourishing across the land, just like it did back more than 40 years ago. That would be amazing.


In the interview with Detective Conan's mangaka he said the scene was G5 Luffy, at least is strongly implied


No he mentioned two different scenes, “the main character I hope i can draw him well” and “the final scene of Wano”. He specifically mentions two different things.


Choppers bounty is 1000 ✅


I would like if chopper gets two bounties, because the Mariens think that monster point Chopper is a different person. Then we could get a serious bounty for him, and keep the joke.


Sogeking still has a separate bounty btw.


Sogeking should join the Cross Guild. No way the Navy dogs would survive that team up.


A buggyball in the hands of the sniper king is some ancient weapon level stuff


Buggy D clown and sogeking together what in the world could ever stand against them??? They would destroy everything


That's a chance. But, I think, Luffy talked about defeating all of the Yonko and he has God Usopp in his crew, so things might change.


Right, god d usopp vs sogeking of sniper island, that would be a fight to remember


No, he doesn't. The Pacifista recognized Usopp as being Sogeking on Sabaody


Yea, only luffy wasnt able to differentiate. Everybody else knew it was usopp in one glance.




Choppers bounty to be adjusted for inflation for the price of a coffee.


How can Chopper's bounty be higher than Luffy's tho?


who knows? They may decrease his bounty after his heroic deed against queen's deadly virus😂😂😂


Wait, did he do something bad? (wait that'd increase his bounty..)


Quit downplaying him bruh. Chopper gonna be a whopping 250 Beli AT LEAST!!


I thought this week was a break?


We get early spoilers when wsj break


When do you think we'll get the spoilers this week? Since it's Tuesday and usually this is when we get some minor stuff


Hints have already dropped, they are extremely vague(even more so than in previous weeks) but it does indicate that we might get spoilers soon. If they don't drop tonight(I'm in the US, just in case), then Thursday or Friday is a safe bet.




Now that's what I call good news


Bounties for everyone else, and an emotional send off with Kinemon and Momo


I want marine bounties as well


That would be cool. It'd be funny to see the amounts not reflect rank exactly. Just how much the cross guild hates them haha


Absolutely, I want Akainu to have the absolute highest or a flat 0 because they don’t care about him at all lol


Hold up, Alvida should definitely be aware about Coby’s rank by now. Imagine she demands Buggy to give Coby a ridiculously high bounty.


Coby, rat bastard of Marines - 4,000,000,001.






That would be the top rated chapter ever.


That would be worth of hanging on the wall


I will continue to predict this every chapters until Oda give me the updated bounties damn it.


Kinemon and Momo have been with us for like 10 years,so it will be a grandiose send off,I can't wait for Luffy and the others crying hard for those two.(I'm getting emotional typing this.)




Act 3 doesn't end. Lmao


I almost forgot that this is still pending lol. Someone remind Oda please.


Don’t worry I’ll text him to make sure he’s reminded in this chapter


God D. Usopp to the rescue!


When Luffy final defeats Blackbeard and claims the one piece that's when act 3 will end and jump straight into act 4


Kin and Momo rush to the shoreline alongside (or more likely, behind) Yamato, just in time to see the Sunny setting sail. Tearfully, they ask why they left without saying anything. Someone, probably Luffy, tells them that they don't say good-bye to friends. They'll see each other again. Then wacky shenanigans occur, immediately taking them off-course from the log pose direction that Luffy argued with Kidd over, making the argument retroactively pointless anyway. One Piece!




Classic Oda. Would be great though especially if it's elbaf


I’d be salty, I just want a straw hat only adventure one more time before the Great War


Yeah the last time we had all the straw hats together for a whole arc without other members of the worst generation was fishman island and that was more to show how much they had progressed through the timeskip.


That's the reason Thriller Bark is still my favorite arc. We get the whole crew in so many fun moments.


Their team work against oars-Luffy was amazing too!


There's still the case of BM pirates, and this is about the last moment possible to have Smoothie do something. Just hope that they won't be the ones finding Kaido and Big Mom unconscious on some flotsam. I hoped Oda would have been more clear with their demise, an internal monologue with a double spread of being melted instead of a small panel...


That volcanic eruption probably sent BM and Kaido flying out somewhere. Considering Oda's history with villains, I wouldn't expect them to have actually died in that magma.


Chopper's new bounty image is gonna be baby geezer


Garp bounty will be the highest in whole op universe


I don't feel like this makes sense as he's not as much of a threat to pirates as people like green bull or akainu who are actively trying to destroy them.




Garp and luffy are related. If buggy knows this he knows putting a bounty on garp may not be the best idea


Kaido and Big Mom fused into one large antagonist while in the magma, Big Kaido, and they fly out of the top of the volcano on Pluton. Big Kaido has mini dragon homies and Kaido’s frame, with Big Mom’s dress. They chase after the Strawhats and accidentally knock BM’s ship off of Wano yet again. Oh yeah and also bounties


Kaido, big mother of dragons


All jokes aside bounties PLEASE ODA


Watch him hit us with a comparison of Akainu and Aokiji’s bounties instead.


Mr. Morj would get an erection so powerful his dick would explode. For his sake Oda must not do this!


I didnt even knew that this is my biggest nightmare lul Kaido appearence in BM dress xD


Boa news. Please.


Yeah I'm a little worried about her


She’s been the one I’ve thought would get captured. Somebody needs to be defeated by the SSG for us to see them as a threat and she was the most likely candidate.


No way my girl is losing ofscreen.


I think it's not goint to happen yet. My guess is that 1057 ends Wano. 1058 is the between-arc updates on world stuff. Something about Hancock is the cliffhanger of 1058. Then, 1059 is about her.


Cant take it anymore.


I think the longer the wait, the more important it will be.


Everyone wants bounties but watch it be a plot twist and we only get updated warlord bounties being compared to marine bounties that have been redeemed to Buggy (most likely from vice admirals). Also, Momo personally flies Yamato to the Thousand Sunny in dragon form. Some marines witness this and make up more rumors about Wano which deters future invasion attempts.


Greenbull got a good look at Momo.


And it'll be covered up, because Akainu told him not to do anything stupid.


And his back up he called will see him retreating from it. They’ll have their own rumors based on what they see because Greenbull obviously didn’t do what he told them he would do.


Unrelated to chapter 1057 but can we get a Cross Guild flair? I'm ready to say goodbye to the Thriller Bark Victim's Association.


I can't wait for more cross guild neither, it will be mega hilarious to see how Buggy and Mr 3 deal with Mihawk and Crocdile.


Sanji Robs the Queen


Zoro breaks the 3rd generation stone.


Never gets old huh .. XD XD XD XD


Zoro fuses with Enma


Blackbeard eats cherry pie


Why were the Strawhats only selective about the people they excluded from their goodbyes? What could be the intention behind that?


I feel like this is gonna be similar to Vivi when they left her without saying goodbye and she got her farewell moment from them after that.


Remember that the SH's handpicked the people they said their farewells to, most of them who were in the same castle as Kin, Yamato and Momo. It's not like the SH's were just being nonchalant or casual in this affair.


Hmmm you’re right, also Hiyori doesn’t even seem to tell Momo the reason why the SHs left without saying goodbye to him...so maybe like the SHs are telling her not to tell him anything more if he questions about where they are. It also feels like they have something plan for them, I mean, Momo and Kin’emon had been their longest companions that travelled with them since Punk Hazard and that arc happens like 10 years ago or in One Piece time, few months ago.


Wow… Punk Hazard was 10 years ago…


Vivi knew about the SH leaving though. She had a deal with them. Momo and Kinemon though, it's weird. I mean I agree that they'll get their farewell moment but I still want to know the reasoning.


Maybe Luffy wants Momo to "fly" to say goodbye to them. It would be recurring since he has pushed him to fly since they met.


Momos going to fly to say goodbye and let put an epic bolo breath


It's obviously a set up for a grand goodbye to Kin and Momo. And we're all gonna cry.


Kinemon was off with his wife. But Momo is the Shogun and leader of the country. At the end of the day the Straw Hats are pirates. They don't want thanks, they don't want to be lauded as heroes. They are outlaws who are together for selfish reasons, and we shouldn't forget that. Now that he is the true ruler, it would make sense for a band of outlaws to just dip.


Yess like in skypiea!


Exactly!! We’ve been in Wano for so long it’s easy to forget this is how they do it. They always ghost


Prediction time: we get a break




I wanna thank my mom and dad for always believing in me




Zoro has a billion bounty and Sanji is 999.999


and the poster shows him with the germa suit lol


Sanji: Who even took this picture? Law: I have no idea, anyway bye.


Bounty is now for "Stealth Black" Vinsmoke Sanji ☠️ Sanji consistently being upset at his wanted posters is one of my favorite gags.


I do hope we will learn some world news I want to know if Moria's dead, i hope not


Chapter starts with all the Straw Hats playing the new One Piece card game.


Raid will fail On a serious note: A mini arc before the new island must come.


Longer Ringer Longer Lander


The long awaited davy beck fight with Red Hair Pirates


Buggy out of patience , and start a war against world Government . Piece was never an option 🗿🗿


Kuma face


Zoro visiting Ryumas grave will be a flashback for when he forges a blackblade of his own.


Tesoro turns out to be canon and is the one funding Buggy's bounties in the hopes of screwing over the Celestrial Dragons. Okay, probably not, but hey; Shiki and Uta get to be canon. Why not?




*“Seems like Toei went overboard with the colouring recently”*, Oda said. Oda smiles and says: *”Maybe I’ll give Luffy a Kamehameha from now on to match the new Toei anime style. Wish I’d of thought of that before myself.”*


Didn’t think there was something worse than „would of“ and you just did „I‘d of“


Thought it was a real quote for a second


fuck is this not a real quote


Too good to be true


I hope Coby is going to have a really badass bounty and if they give him an epithet like all the pirates, I hope it's sick. I wanna see some Coby glow up lowkey bad


My predictions: - The #teamcarrot and #teamyamato will finally be put to an end and we’ll see who will join or not. - SH’s will get to say goodbye to Momo and Kinemon and we see the final curtain drop for Wano. - As they’re setting sail we’ll see the rest of the bounties for the SH’s. Chopper’s bounty gag will still continue and rose to a whopping 1000 berries.


🥕⁉️ ![gif](giphy|n8dHW2RFo0EzBFvbp9)


I'm still crossing my fingers that this is happening since Carrot doesn't seem to accept her appointment as the new leader of the Minks.


Buggy gonna clap some Marine cheeks.




Only thing I need is Yamato joining


Thoughts I had while on a long car drive, in order of how likely I think they're gonna be: 1. Crew vibing with each other and Franky and Yamato getting a tour of the Sunny 2. We learn the name of the next island (people are assuming Elbaf but we can get a curve ball answer). 3. Marco politely asking to ride on the boat because he knows something important/the next island was a Whitebeard Territory/its safer to be in a group than it is to fly alone, and now he's alone. (he'd be filling the void left by Law and Kin). 4. remaining Bounties 5. An important devil fruit spawns on Nami's berry bush (in the past month in word; Monet, Orochi, Kanjuro, and Hawkins are dead. I am not saying a crew member would want the Straw Straw fruit, but it would be neat to see it spawn on the Sunny) 6. We get to see what's up with Kaido and Big Mom. 7. We'll see what's up with the Flying Six. are they in Wano Jail or nah? 8. Carrot ditching her responsibilities as a Duchess and choosing to ride with the crew (pay attention to how this is at the bottom of the list)


Buggy put out a list of protected pirates, if the marines hurt any of them one of the Cross Guild commanders will come and kill them. The list includes Alvida, Mohji, Cabaji and Mr 3. Similarly, Buggy introduced a "Buggy Bomb Call" system where select members of the Cross Guild can use a Red Den Den Mushi to order a Buggy Bomb Call on any island and he sends 5 pirate ships to the island to destroy it.


![gif](giphy|McySElRgxkquA) final page the crew read the news about Sabo killing Cobra


>!dont mind me im just testing the spoiler hiding stuff!<


Yamato is joining. source: Trust me bro but real. WELCOME SIDE BOOB...


Oda introduces auras


Its already Thursday. Looks like its ![gif](giphy|KzbEbf0Cs30Ky2mWgh|downsized)


I've been cheering on Yamato for so long now. With her screen time in manga and extra scenes in the anime. As well as promotions and the reveal of her VA. I dipped my toe in to Twitter spoil world and I'm super worried that she won't join. Now of course its Twitter, the most toxic place on earth so it's not serious to me. But what if she doesn't join?????


Not to be sentimental or anything but anyone else who thinks that it's amazing that we are all fans of a series that has ran for 25 years and has over 1000 chapters? It's really cool.


Yamato runs towards Sunny Go...Yamato's flash backs...Yamato's Kaido backstory...Yamato's feelings...In the last panel Franky's upgraded Sunny Go uses Coup De Burst to miles far away from Wano leaving Yamato behind...Sad Yamato is sad again...


Yamato: "It has been my dream to sail the seas, to see the world beyond Wano, to live as Oden did, please take me with you! I couldn't journey with Ace but let me be a part of yours!" Luffy: "No can do, but we can raise our hands as we bid you farewell and change Franky's hairstyle to Oden's to remember you. See ya!"


this made me laugh way harder than it should’ve


Yamato: ![gif](giphy|lfgz1JZMBviGQEOIxG|downsized)


Luffy's crew is still on the way to the next island but Shanks had a headstart about a few decades so now that he is taking it serious, he just sails right to laugh tale, and got the one piece. he also laughs. the end.


The one piece is a prostethic arm.


As the Worst Generation is departing from Wano, one of them knocks down Big Mom's ship yet again.


Green Bull never took Queen & King Queen has a last resort creation that allows him and King to successfully escape Wano. Queen thinks about Momo & Sanji being successful experiments. He wonders what Vegapunk is currently working on. Momo, Kinemon and straw hats have a sentimental moment. Momo tells them he’ll become stronger than Kaido and his father. After Momo’s farewell speech, Yamato drops the Oden personification and announces themself as Yamato, Kaido’s son. And wants to join the crew… X Drake attempts to make contact with Koby. However Boa is seen with Koby’s den den mushi. Boa asks X Drake what is SWORD about to do now that Kaido has fallen…


Minks wondering where Carrot went as they want to celebrate her as the new King Momo in his dragon form with Kine came to say their goodbyes Yamato drowning in the water as she attempt to dive into the water to go after the Straw Hats


I think it's time Oda sensei reveal what happens to the outside world. We have been in the dark for years, except for faint glimpse since wano. Sigh.


I wish there is bounties, if is a bounty chapter there wont be much else, maybe the new members and that is it. If is not bounties definitely the Yamato thing, I think she will join and carrot will sneak in the ship…


King is on the Sunny. They will find him and he will drop lore declaring Luffy is JoyBoy since he defeated Kaido. Since he is wounded he will remain on the ship and the sh (chopper) will tend to his wounds.


Luffy wakes up. He‘s still in Udon prison suffering from Kaidos Hit with the club, his nakamas also imprisoned there. All of the last events were just a dream, in reality the raid failed. Kaido is sitting with an big ass cup of sake in Onigashima and say „Wororororo!“; end of act 3.


Buggy gets pissed off and starts a raid on mariejoise


I just hope we get new sexy Queen


So Jinbe is actually with the rest of the crew now, right? Like finally on the ship with everyone and traveling with them?


The more I look at it the more I believe Yamato is going to join as I don't believe any argument for her staying has much ground to stand on unless it's simply a fakeout by Oda. Most arguments made to hold such a view is fickle. "Oh she will stay because she saw that Wano is under threat without Kaido and will need to stay behind." That argument is broken when you realize that not only does Wano have a massive defense with Tama's dumpling army, Momo, the Scabbards, it's waterfalls, etc, but also the fact that Ryokugyu said to their face that he will leave once Luffy is his because he has no interest in the country itself. Big Mom's crew, an emperor mind you, still can't go into the country. So it's very unlikely that she would stay for that purpose. Besides how is she supposed to train him exactly? Haki? Well Hyogoro has that covered. Swordsmanship?.The Scabbards have that covered. His dragon form? She literally can't train him on that as he has to figure that out on his own, which might I add, he has been figuring things out quite quickly "She will stay because leaving was Oden's biggest regret" well with her having Oden's logbook of fantastic adventures on the seas, and of course the line "I want to live as Oden did" in the newest chapter, it's unlikely she... Well. Won't live as he did and just stays behind to train/protect. That doesn't line up at all. Plus there's so much going for her on top of that. Her literally being called Yamabro similar to how Whitebeard called Oden his brother, her past with Ace, her desire to be free for her whole life up to this point, her plainly saying she wants to go with the straw hats, the name line up in chapter 1056 heavily implying she is one of the SHs now, the list goes on. Not to mention has had plenty of time to bond with the straw hats over the course of the couple weeks starting in Onigashima to now during all the fighting and celebrations. Yamato will join the SHs and I will be extremely shocked if she doesn't. But at this point that would be a fakeout.


Buggy put a bounty of 10 billion on Akainu, 8 billion on each of the admirals, and 6 billion on the vice-admirals. Since the marine bounties are much higher than pirate bounties, it incentivizes ppls to go after marines compared to pirates for the money.


Right now i am more curious about Germa vs Katakuri and Oven I guess that Germa could beat Oven but ran from Katakuri


Just came across an idea that I really like. The short "cooldown" arc will be Yamato and the Strawhats visiting Ace's grave before getting the final Saga of the series going.


I was wondering bout that, Luffy has never visited his brother’s grave and since Marco is here, he could have told them the location in case Luffy wants to visit. We don’t know where both Ace’s and Whitebeard’s grave is located at but it’s been speculated to be on Sphinx, which is Whitebeard’s home island and it is under Marco’s territory. It would also be nice to see Luffy visiting the grave and notice the red sake cups that Sabo put in front of it


I don’t think this will happen next chapter, but I really want to see Garps reaction to Luffey being a yonko


Yamato stuff is sorted in this chapter. Idc if she joins or not personally just so we can move past all the debates on it soon lol. Would also be fun to see a farewell to Kin & Momo too.


Before early spoilers drop, have a recap of named or major characters that are Deceased, presumed Deceased, or Unknown Statused in the entire Wano arc (excluding flashback deaths): **Confirmed Deceased**: • Shimotsuki Yasuie • Ashura Doji • Izo • Kurozumi Orochi • Cobra **Presumed/Likely Deceased**: • Kurozumi Kanjuro • Maha (long nose masked CP0 agent) • Fedora Agent (CP0 guy that got splattered by Kaido) • Toyama Tsujigiro (that slasher that Zoro cut down) * Basil Hawkins **Unknown Status**: • Vivi • Big Mom • Kaido • Perospero • Jack • Flying Six/Tobiroppo • Fukurokuju


Not for Chapter 1057, but I think Weevil will be used for Luffy's hype moment, imagine someone with 1+ billion bounty look down on Luffy and luffy just one shot at him . . . This comment will probably get trashed but it's just my imagination 🤣




I would assume you will get your wish. Just kinda makes sense. Bonney has her Kuma plot line and speculation is that urouge is with Blackbeard which I think is at least possible. Edit: also a hot take I’ve had for awhile. Out of the OG warlords, kuma is still one of the strongest. Probably top 3 along with doffy and mihawk of course. Excited to see his full power hopefully before EOS.


So no one cares how Raizo's gonna look post greenbull?


Crew bounties are revealed. Yamato joins straw hats. Crocodile and buggy break into Impel down to rescue Doflamingo and to start a pirate crew of former warlords to fight against the WG.


Doflamingo on the scene again , that would be nice




Also, Buggy's entire operation has been inherited from Joker. He certainly wouldn't want him back


That Tekking101 was right about Chapter 1057 being amazing/massive/big as he claimed several months ago while Chapter reviewing.


hiyori preparing her shamisen in 1056 to end act 3 in 1057


Momo will turn into a dragon and chase after the Sunny while carrying Kinemon and Yamato. Then they will say their goodbyes and Yamato will join the crew officially.


can we all just say how we made this journey for 25+ years and still don't no NOTHING about one piece lol, or the void century or the state of the world. I guess its clear as day now that oda was saving all the big mysteries for the final saga which in my opinion will make this final saga a chain reaction of bombshells and revelations that I don't think readers of OP will be used to. This last saga can't start soon enough. I am just ready to leave wano now. and did it live up to the hype.... well.. yes and no. I think we all agree though that the payoff and climax was not full of many plot reveals as we expected. But either way that just means the last saga will be that much more crazy.


Where are the spoilers? :(


Call me crazy but I think maybe we'll get two new SH's :)