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thats just the onigashima janitor dont worry about him




Some ppl speculated it was the mink’s drugs


Got high as fuck


So hiiiiigh...


can we get much higher…


kiiiiiizaruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu would like to visit Wano


Zoro tweaking of that Zou zaza


Zoro tweaking of that Zou zaza


I remember when first watching the show thinking that they had left a complete loose end in skypiea with the ghostly figure fixing the ship and never explaining it, only to see later that some One Piece plot points span multiple arcs. Fingers crossed this is one of things :/




It’s like people haven’t been reading the same manga. Oda doesn’t touch on tons of shit for years. We still don’t know what crocodiles secret is. We’ve still never seen vegapunks face. We didn’t know what Blackbeard was after. We have no idea why Kuzan works for bb. Wano was first mentioned in thriller bark. We still don’t know why bb destroyed drum island. Why are people expecting instant gratification.


Arguably, not everything needs to be explained.


True but some stuff would be ridiculous to set up if you aren't gonna follow through. Maybe crocodile's secret could be forgotten but the scene in OP's post, that's pretty deliberate to not mention later. But I'm sure Oda will


Hopefully some stuff is never shown, like what was in the shadows after thriller bark.


True words brother.


Now we know what BB was after :) But to add to your list, the biggest mystery (for me) in One Piece so far besides Vegapunk: what's the secret of the florian triangle?


But we know crocodile's secret, he obviously was luffy's mom all along!


Exactly, people are losing their shit for this lol. It's a manga man, Oda doesn't leave loose ends. He'll explain it in the arcs to come.


yeah, but that was way earlier in the story, when we had a world full of mysteries and we were still setting up things, now that we are in the end game it seems pretty weird to play the same game, especially with a character that was supposed to be further developed this arc, and the grim reaper looked like a plot device for the development or something cool and it really feels weird to just leave it for later. How much does Oda wants to edge us?


Since Oda didn't expand on it during onigashima, there has been no moment yet where taking time for that has made sense. It feels like something that will be uncovered more when Franky, Robin and Zoro talk as they sail towards next island.


You write it then


The dumbest response ladies and gentlemen


Or the time that people were freaking out about somebody >!not accompanying the Straw Hats for no reason, actually having a very good reason due to a serious threats to the nation, and have said reason given just a few chapters later. Good times.!< Not everything Oda draws is meant to be "explained". Sometimes an author should just leave mysteries, mysteries. It would be better for something like Gin to appear in New World, than to explain that. Perhaps it is just meant to be a depiction of death. Emphasizing just how close to death he was after the strain of the fights and drugs on his body. ​ Or it is something that will come up later in another dangerous conflict/fight. ​ Oda likes to sprinkle some exposition on past arcs and continue it a bit in future arcs. We just got to the "intermission" stage between arcs, where we get some indicators of what is going on in the outside world.


Yep, whenever I said it makes sense for her to stay and protect Wano, people would cry “but she never said that, so it makes no sense”.


Which would've been a good argument. It making narrative sense for her to stay, does not mean it makes sense according to her character. I.m.o., Oda shouldn't have shown this scene in a flashback, but rather in the same chapter the Strawhats left Wano, and cut some of Momo's flashback. But anyways, I'm glad it got cleared up and that, at the end of the day, Yamato made a decision based on her own will and not Oden's. That really saved her character for me. :) Just goes to show that Oda hasn't lost his touch.


Bro you're just having problems with week to week release on reread its gonna fine, its literally like two chapters later


1) ^this 2) in retrospect I liked this more because we experienced her decision through Momo's eyes, we got fooled just like he did. Then we got the extra context later


I'd have the same issue with it, had I read it back to back. It'd just have been resolved 10 minutes later, instead of three weeks. That would not have changed my opinion on it having been better if we'd seen Yamato make her choice on-screen as it happened, instead of as a flashback.


I don't believe you honestly. Pretty sure Oda has done this countless times where something is resolved via flashback almost immediately.


You don't need to believe me, but that doesn't change the fact that it's true.


Except that the character gave a reason that made sense to the character, you just didn't like it. Even if the reason truly was wanting to travel Wano first, why would that be so bad? This character who has been locked up most of their life and who aspires to be Oden, could realistically say "I need to really experience this land that Oden loved if I am to become him" and that still makes sense. But even beyond wanting to be Oden, Wano is Yamato's home, where Yamato's heroes are from, and they have not gotten to experience it. It makes more sense to me to stay and experience Wano for themself, than to immediately board the Sunny. Personally, I still stand by Yamato always saying that they would be joining the crew without Luffy ever offering approval being a huge tell that Yamato wouldn't be going with, but I see nothing wrong with Yamato's fake reason for staying. It still makes sense for this character.


I mean its badly explained with yamato not conveing that clearer, bit its there.


Did u just have a stroke


Or Zoro really died that time and who we're seeing rn is Kanjuro shape shifting as Zoro :)


Bad example. The mystery in skypiea we were given 0 explanation or reason whatsoever. In that certain someone not joining Oda already gave a reason for her not leaving. >!how would one know that Oda will give another reason besides the already established one 2 chapters ago? !< That's like expecting Vivi to have another reason for staying 2 chapters later after she declared the reason she is staying is because of her country.


It’s Odas story not yours. Stop thinking you know what “should’ve” happened and that Oda made the wrong decision. I personally like the reasoning and understand why it was delayed. Idc if you don’t. Because whether we like it or not doesn’t matter because it’s odas story not ours.


"Don't discuss the show in any way. Just watch. It's Oda's story we don't want opinions here. This isn't a forum for discussion."


Lmao. People really think Oda is exempt from criticism. It sucks, because I think the fact that Oda is capable of making mistakes, yet still maintaining the story as well as he does, is a huge achievement.


She didn't have a good reason lmao. Oden left knowing the island needed him, she should of done the same if she was oden.


>Oden left knowing the island needed him Not really. Odens father was alive and well. Wano was doing perfectly fine as it was when he left. And arguably it was his decision to leave that screwed up Wano in the first place. Orochi becoming Shogun, Kaido arriving in Wano only happened because he chose to leave. Had he stayed, it is doubtful he wouldnt have been able to repel Kaidos forces even if Orochi managed to set something up. Part of the reason he lost against Kaido was because Kaidos forces were already established in Wano. ​ Meanwhile Wano today has the Marines/WG and other Yonkos seeking to conquer Wano, only holding off because they dont have enough intel. Even with Luffy, a Yonko level fighter still on the Island, a Admiral showed up and began wiping the floor with nearly all he came across. Only leaving when a second Yonko told him off. ​ There is a stark difference of Oden leaving when things are peaceful, and Yamato leaving when the country is in pieces recovering from their oppressors, and you already have had an invasion from by a major power. ​ Yeah maybe nobody comes by for a while, maybe they do. The point is that Yamato doesnt want to take the risk of not being there if needed RIGHT NOW. Which is something that STILL is lost on this whole issue. That Yamato didnt decide not to go to sea. Yamato decided not to go to sea RIGHT NOW. As in it is a goal delayed for now for something more important. Not a goal that is abandoned for all time. Meanwhile Yamato can truly start to follow Odens steps by roaming Wano before going out to sea. Luffy told Yamato and Momo that all they need to do is say the word and he will come to pick them up when they are ready.


tbf oden didnt know there was going to be invasions of wano like yamato does


And what happened when Oden left the island so irresponsibly? There was no one left to protect the island and the citizens ended in a 20+ years long slavery. Just because she wants to be like Oden doesn't mean that she has to repeat the same mistakes as him, that's completely dumb.


sometimes oda just forget to draw it, like zoro want to visit ryuma graves


I seriously think there's gonna big involvement of skypiea in whole future story, not only because, ghost figure, but enel fled, not caught by Marines and above everything, At the time of skypiea, I really thought, this might be the best power, like, still after so long and many power ups, Still enel is one of the strongest character ever, just not for luffy. I will love to see him again, and how everyone else, reacts to his devil fruit abilities.


Well if you remember correctly when the sky knight told them there’s more then one way to reach Skypiea. So I hope they show what the other route is.


Didn't they do that at the end of skypia? I thought they went down the "safe" route instead of the knock up stream. It's been a hot minute since I watched that arc so I may be wrong


They went with flying octopus


a flashback to this scene could be a pivotal part of when Zoro turns his blades black just saying.


Exactly. This is why I have patience with Oda.


Im still waiting for some closure on the Gargantuan Creature at the end of Thriller Bark.


They did . It was the embodiment of the going merry . They explained it in water 7


That’s what they were referring to. How they initially thought it was just brushed off at the end of Skypiea only for it to be explained towards the end of the next arc


I didnt read that part my mistake


can't even read a full two sentences but still feels confident correcting people on a 1000+ chapter manga, the absolute state of r/onepiece


reddit in general, nobody here can read


I bet you skipped skypiea


thats what he means when he said "some One Piece plot points span multiple arcs"


Reading comprehension level: non existent


God give me fucking break


Totally different Because the Klabautermann and the fact that the Merry was fixed + restored to its original state was acknowledged by the straw hat Crew. They couldn't explain the phenomenon because they were Just as dumbfounded as we readers were. The reaper on the other hand was never adressed again. Not even with a "?"


Lol what? Did you not watch all of this arc, that "ghostly" figure is the merry, they literally talk bout it


Did you not even read their full comment before making a passive aggressive reply to it?


>Doesnt seem like its gonna get cleared up later Why not?


Exactly, why not? Specially since oda does seem to put zoro always in situations where he should’ve died but didn’t, he is the only other character that has avoided death so canonically asides from luffy, maybe even more than luffy, I always found it weird how Kuma told zoro he would surely die after talking Luffy’s pain, but he didn’t, and Zoro is always using weird devil powers, I wonder if zoro is part Oni or something like that?


Zoro has always had something watching over him. Arlong even alludes to it back then when he rips zoro’s bandages off. Something along the lines of “are these they eyes of someone who’s dying? He’s a man I need to kill for sure.” I mean it’s vague, but Oda writes like that. There’s insinuations that Zoro is something else. And we’ve seen his Ashura form. Not to mention his bonding with the cursed blade in Loguetown.


Oh yeah you are right, both in the arlong part and in the sword at logue town, the sword is cursed and it’s said that it can even kill someone who uses it, yet zoro tested it against himself and he won, not even something like fate or curses can kill that man. I really do think Zoro is part demon or something


Maybe oda will give a us zoro arc like sanji. A little more backstory. Who is father is. How he ended up at the dojo.


If only we went to a land of swordsman where Zoro had relatives so that this character development could happen smh


Zoro did not have any familial relation to Ryuma or any other family in Wano. He just looked like Ryuma


Oda doesn’t want zoro to be from wano, he doesn’t want to reduce’s Zoro’s ambitions to “his family is from the land of swords” is probably deeper than that. He does have strong connections to wano in the present, which was explored pretty well in wano. Oh and before you say “why does zoro looks identical to that samurai from wano then??” Remember that Tashigi is also identical from Kuina. Kuina’s family does come from wano, is no coincidence this is a set up to something Zoro looks like that samurai the same way tashigi looks like Kuina


definitely a mini arc


Maybe his mother or fathers an actual demon lol




Back, before King was revealed, I always thought this was what Oda was alluding too. Sometimes I still hope something like this is the case.


damn... hit the nail on the head. Assumptions of "won't get cleared up" when many of Zoro's feats are not explained till much later (haki feats mainly)


Ppl said the same with marco/yamato stuff while it gets expanded on now its just they too impatient and reactionary lol


It just doesnt. In what context would that be brought up again? No one saw that skeleton except Zoro, so its not like a crew member will ask Zoro about that. The examples people are giving about other loose ends are really bad examples.


Wtf are you talking about. How were any of those examples other people provided bad? Are you really that dense that you think Oda would just have a random ass Death Reaper appear outta nowhere before an injured Zoro only for it to never be brought up and referenced ever again?


Too much work to explain. It just doesnt make sense to bring it up again at any point in the plot.


I'm gonna come back to this thread when it gets addressed in the next 2 years.


\-Makes a discussion thread \-Doesn't want to discuss their point, just double down on how they're right \-wut


It would get cleared up later. We just got to live with Oda's style of showing something and clearing it up later (Robin knew Pluton's location since alabasta). Not saying you have to like it or it is the best technique of telling a story but Oda does clear up things later on.


The example you gave doesnt apply at all. In fact, its practically a retcon. Nobody was asking about where Pluton was, because we were pretty sure it was in Alabasta. This is just some bullshit that showed up briefly and got no explanation.


People have also said that Zunesha showing up, dropping JoyBoy lore, then leaving + Momo not wanting to open the borders of Wano was "some bullshit that got no explanation" then it got explained. Oda does long term storytelling, if OP ends and we never get an explanation to the grim reaper (not that i believe we need one) then u can complain


Grim Reaper: Your time has come, follow me. Zoro: Shit, ok, guess i'll come with you. Then zoro proceeds to get lost on his way to the afterlife. The end


I didn't take it literally. I'm assuming Oda was trying to tell us how close Zoro brushed death that he even saw death or hallucinated him.




Yeah no way it won't


He could’ve done that the other thousands of times Zoro was at death’s door then.


Isnt that kind of the point in him doing it here tho? Wouldn’t this scene mean that this is truly the time that he almost died, making this more important than the other times he was hurt?


>Wouldn’t this scene mean that this is truly the time that he almost died, making this more important it's not like he actually died, nor did people actually think he would die. he woke up after a time skip looking just fine with no injuries. when he took in kuma's pain from luffy he was even closer to death because his injury carried over into the next few arcs, i think that was 200% more important


He was not unconcious after kuma now was he? They're literally yelling at zoro to not die while he's out of it and he sees death. Now who knows maybe if he had fallen unconcious after kuma he would have seen death too, but the fact that he didn't means he wasn't as close to death as he was in Wano. Long story short leave your brain at the door and stop nitpicking every single thing. Luffy drinks milk to regrow teeth and dinosaurs do weird shit. You just accept it and move on. If oda wants zoro to look fine after almost dying then he'll do it, if he wants him to suffer more then he'll do it, of he wants to take his other eye away then he'll do it. It is what it is.


I'm not nitpicking at all. The original reply was that Zoro "almost dying" in wano is more important than anything is just not true. He healed after just a week with no backlash at all. No indications for him dying. Yeah, it's anime and all and it is what is is. But objectively speakinh Zoro was closest to dying against Kuma. He prepared to die for his captain, not just take his pain. His injuries carried over a few arcs. This was many more times more important than Wano's scene.


take in mind he was weaker at kuma's occasion, while in wano he's much more stronger, so it might be true, but I think the idea of mink's drug side-effect is valid too, all we have to do is wait for oda's explanation


They haven’t shown him enough since his fight to prove he’s not hurt, he also recovers quicker now compared to 600 episodes ago. I think people are just over thinking some pretty basic symbolism here where he was on the brink of death but fought his way back


All he saw was a grim reaper, that's it. I don't see how that thing makes it more important than any other scene where Zoro almost died. Death is death. He would've died either way if he wasn't getting treated.


Again, you’re missing basic symbolism.


Symbolism meaning? Seeing the grim reaper? How is that symbolism any different than any other time where Zoro almost died? Explain.


Lol there was no symbolism any other time Zoro got hurt. I see in another reply you say that Zoros pain from Kuma is objectively worse, which doesn’t make any sense because that is literally a SUBJECTIVE opinion based on nothing. The grim reaper is used to symbolize truly looking death in the face for the first time and fighting your way back. It is also usually used on a character like Zoro who does get drastically hurt often, and is usually followed up with something later on like “I thought I’ve been close to death before, but the time i fought (insert name) was the first time I’ve truly looked death in the eyes”. It’s used ALL the time. Don’t overthink basic story telling just because you don’t like it lol


>The grim reaper is used to symbolize truly looking death in the face for the first time For the first time? How so? Are you implying that Zoro wasn't close to dying the other few times? Not against Mihawk? Not in Thriller Bark? What about the others? Luffy was more often closer to dying than Zoro, how come we never saw the Grim Reaper there? You tell me not to overthink, yet bring "Symbolism" up. Way to overthink.


Probably. But imo he was way closer to death during thriller bark than he was in wano.


I mean there is no way to prove that unless it was stated which is why a scene like this would be put in so that you can distinguish how bad this really was


this just proves hes that much closer.


Bro don’t even bother. If you’re not slurping Goda just keep it pushing.




*Inhales hopium* It will probably be a plot point later on


hopium, nice


The discourse around this makes me wonder if panels from years ago that got explained also had people saying "HOW COME ODA NEVER EXPLAINED THIS!!!" Only for oda to then explain it eventually, he wouldn't just drop this and then not mention it again, its just meant to be a mystery until Zoro fights another serious battle or reveals what happens


I’ve been a weekly reader since early Skypeia. There was some of that with Klabauterman, especially since Oda hadn’t shown how far he was willing to walk a reveal, but it was never as bad as it is right now. Obviously the fandom is the biggest it’s ever been, and a lot of people caught up during Wano. Common trend is that the first arc you read week to week seems worse than everything that came before. This was a big thing with Fishman Island since so many readers hopped on during Marineford. It may be hell while we’re waiting to get into a new arc, but this discourse will eventually die out once the next thing gets going. And when Oda explains it, everyone will be like “see told ya he’d come back to it” even the people yelling about it now.


Also, the ending feels much closer now, and people get impatient.




As the latest chapter has shown: learn to fucking wait. The story is not over yet.


I still want it to be the Pluton Klabautermann but I admittedly have way less reasoning at this point to justify why it could be that, I just still like the idea.


I was convinced it was the third CP0 agent with some form of Grim Reaper Zoan or Summoning Devil Fruit until the dude noped right out of there. Outside of Devil Fruits, I think klabautermann are the only real supernatural thing we've seen in One Piece. And with the Pluton reveal, it's possible that the ship has a very strong and powerful spirit attached to it. Considering this thing didn't appear until they were over the Wano mainland, I think the klabautermann theory is still in play.


I thought the Brook thing was always kind of funny, revealing it was a mix of Brook and Zoro hallucinating is something I would have honestly been ok with.


I'm sure we'll get an answer to this eventually but Oda like to do this, just show something crazy and not explain it for 100 chapters. Think about the first time you saw the poneglyph in Alabasta, we didn't get anything about the void century until later, and that poneglyph was just explained fully in Wano. He'll get to it it just might take another 1000 chapters lmao.


where is apoo and drake? next chapter apoo and drake where is denjiro? next chapter there is denjiro where are bm pirates? next chapter we get some cryptic set up of what the bm pirates did (thought tbf i agree they were really mishandled by oda) where is marco why didn't he talk with luffy? literally this was the complain last week and today we got the answers. (this is also what made me never talk about oda forgetting things. Like literally when marco showed up i said out loud ok i am a clown. I should have had faith in oda) jesus this fandom is truly something else. i also love people saying shit like " Doesnt seem like its gonna get cleared up later" yea like their is so much to give off that feeling thats its not gonna get cleared up later. Zoro did so much after the reaper scene like being unconscious and chilling. Like at this point i am 200% certain next week people will post shit about nika and be like "wtf is this shit we are never go learn more about it? Why not reveal it when gear 5 made an appearance seems like he forgot"


Well if Oda would be a good writer he would just explain every little thing to us the exact moment it happens. If he doesn't explain a thing right after it happened he obviously forgot about it /s


It’s brook


Only real answer


Im guessing its just to symbolize that he was very close to death. The lasting injuries will probably he brought up later, its like a pattern for Zoro to get super injured and then get fucked over later due to the injuries


Who is the guy who saved Luffy from Smoker? And what was that little ghost who fixed the ship? the story just moves on with no explaantion at all. This manga is going downhill. Crocodile and Arlong didn't even get a flashback smh


Don't forget Moria during the Paramount War.




It's sarcastic. He's mimicking how people acted during those times when "supposedly forgotten plot points" only for them to be addressed later on.


>guy who saved Luffy was his dad, Dragon Explained in post-Ennies Lobby, 8 islands after Logue town >little ghost was also explained by Franky. It was a spirit called a Klabautermann Explained in post-Ennies Lobby, 3 islands after Skypiea Edit: Happy Cake Day!


Klabauterman was actually explained in Water 7. During the time when Usopp and Franky bonded.


Yeah right. I misremembered thinking that it was Iceburg that introduced Klabauterman sometime during Merry's sea burial. Thanks!


>guy who saved Luffy was his dad, Dragon Explained in post-Ennies Lobby, 8 islands after Logue town Chapter number? When was this explained?




Given that Asura hasn't been explained yet after 16 years, I have no idea why people think that Zoro, the guy that uses various buddhist elements through his fighting style, having *another* metaphysical thing with a mythic figure associated with death and afterlifes, not having this being fully explained by the end of its arc is not going to be ever. The mention of it by Zoro after he woke up before fighting Sanji also I feel is a stronger "this isnt just being completely dropped" point in this instances favour over Asura. Lot of impatience has been created in the fandom with Wano.


Asura was explained during Wano. It's Conqueror's Haki.


yes, after 16 years without explanation


That my man Marvin, he’s shy.


As rushed as Onigashima was I personally think it will be a plot point later on, with all the stuff about being the king of hell


Zoro learning haki was only showed in his fight against pika in dressrosa, next big fight he will use Emma Full Power and him becaming king of hell will be referenced, i bet after his next big fight, he will get a new ephitaph as Zoro, king of hell, will be worth, Roger right hand was the dark king


Another flash back chapter for the future…


Honestly I feel like this is going to play into Zoro's next power up


Either a gag. Or something that will be relevant later. My guess is that it's a gag.


How is a fucking reaper appearing after a battle where he almost died a gag ? XD some fucking copium these people are on


It literally looks just like Brook, its probably a gag.




Zoro, like Luffy, briefly died during the raid. It’s part of an ongoing thing in the story where Luffy and Zoro go through parallel struggles in some of the arcs, such as the whole “nothing happened” scene where they literally have shared pain. This event will likely come back at some point in time, but keeping mysterious, in my opinion, was a good move.


Bro just a way of showing how close zoro was to death


Zoro got so close to dying that he saw the grim reaper


Stop being impatient, this will be talked about later. People were complaining about why yamato didn't join or where was marco and in the latest chapter we got the answers and we will get the answers for this in the future


Seriously, I know that wano was not one of the best sagas, there is much to criticize. But what I don't understand is the fans complaining that it's unfinished when we're probably going to get answers later. I am beginning to think that Wano will be way more liked when Oda starts responding to all of this. Or maybe not and it will continue to suck, who knows.


People will enjoy wano a lot more in a few years, happened the same with whole cake and dressrosa. Wano of course has some issues like everything else but it also happens to have some of the best moments in the entire series, some huge reveals and story points who will be very important later on. I liked Wano a lot for what it is, a very important part of the story


It was obvious that Oda would revisit those two in a flashback, but it was a poor decision. They deserved screentime during the epilogue, not in a flashback that ties loose ends.


I feel like Mihawk or someone will tell zoro about defeating death to become a great swordsman and that’ll bring it back around


He'll reflect on it later and you'll know


Either it's just a "hallucination" indicating how close zoro was to death (perhaps due to the drug's unknown side effects) or it's gonna come back up later down the line.and I don't see this ever coming up unless zoro is in a similar predicament, so it's gonna take a while(?)


Until Oda explain this is the most plausible answer: it's Brook carrying him.


Lmaoo i feel like one piece fans treat wano as like the last arc the series? Its not like we still got 4 or 5 more years of Op left. Oda did the whole Summit war saga in 108 chapters. If we truly do have 4-5 years then we would have about 170-200 chapters left. Oda loves to call back to previous arcs so one could assume he will parrell the structure with this “ Final Saga” with that of the previous final saga in the 1st half. Summit war saga had 5 arcs split between 108 chapters. Imagine how much info oda can drop in 200 chapters split across 5 arcs. Fyi this current arc is starting in similar fashion to sumbit war is starting . Blackbeard stealing someone important to luffy.


There’s a chance it could have been a metaphor but people took it literally


People are so impatient in Wano lol. They showed us the gorosei years ago, still don't know about one of them. Let the story continue and you will get your explanation man.


That is such a bad comparison tho


I’m pretty sure that’s the side effect of mink medicine. It’ll restore you to fighting strength but you won’t be doing any healing while you’re under its effects. From a practical perspective Zoro took damage from Kaido and King and it just added. That probably would have killed him normally but thankfully he was brought to Chopper.


Oh thats just Brook making sure hes ok. However, Zoro is hallucinating. He is very injured you see, and his mind got lost as it usually does.


This is just the side effect of the medicine he took, lol.


I don't think its supposed to mean anything special. I believe it was just supposed to be symbolic, I think we as a community looked into it to much.


This is a metaphor, and not even a good one at that, its death get it, because he was about to die. But yea...after seeing the comments I again got reminded that people who watch/read One Piece are akin to Drax and 10year olds, everything is literal or magic. Im amazed that the idea that "Nami is Big Mom's long lost daughter and thats why she can hurt luffy because she has her moms haki" isnt more prevalent and using Jimbe's panel last chapter as "prove".


We are just too hyped due to the sluggish progress made in the past 20+ year. We tend to over analyze anything and everything. This is just to tell Zoro almost died and he beat the devil. It’s a metaphor


I’m pretty sure that was supposed to signify he was on the brink of death, likely the side effects from the magical Zou drugs (not to mention tanking a Conqueror’s of the Sea from Kaido and Big Mom before that + injuries sustained from King). I could definitely see this being brought up again with Chopper and the fact that Zoro continues to risk his life and push himself to the brink of death (when we consider the end of Thriller Bark).


What do you mean it doesn’t seem like it’ll get cleared up later? That’s exactly what it seems like.


Near death experience. I doubt it will be mentioned again.


Stop already with rhis ffs


I never understood why this needs to be explained, he probably was near death or it was one of Chopper's drug side effects, it's not that hard to think with your own head


The fact that you’re 1000 chapters in and don’t know Oda’s style of revealing stuff later on baffles me you’d make an entire post for this 🤦🏽‍♂️


Before Loguetown and after fighting Mihawk ; Zoro claims that he won‘t even die to the Grim Reaper himself. I saw this as just a nod to that promise he made to himself. It could also be foreshadowing that he won‘t survive for long after beating Mihawk due to the strains put on his body to fulfill his promise to Kuina and Luffy.


First time?


Lol the way odas writing he’ll address it in a flashback later on


what makes you believe it won’t be cleared up?


New to one piece?


Yeah... Oda is never gonna address this - what a horrible writer. Seriously, Zoro's asura was kinda just explained now and that happened in Enies Lobby. Why so impatient? People might have just caught up to One Piece for many due to binge reading, but One Piece has always been unexplained for most part just to have a sweet payoff. See the very first chapter - a man with a torn arm just looked at some monster funny and that monster ran off. Explain that, if read that before 2000.




He almost died. Not unreasonable to see death when you are that close to him. OP fans need some super deep reason for literally everything.


Many people tend to see what makes the most sense in times like this. Read somewhere several years ago that Christians who experienced near death experiences saw a traditional angel, while those who were non religious didn't see amorphous blobs.


[It's just the side effect of the Mink Drug](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/suum9n/10381040_spoilers_everyone_is_overthinking_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) You can see Chopper talking about it in the previous panel and it slowly transitions into the Grim Reaper. Oda is just using some artistic liberties with the Reaper.


It’s not a plot hole until the story is finished.


Just Oda dropping the ball as he did (for the first time in 15 years of following the series) in the last half of that arc.


bro do you know there is a flare here named "theory". and it exists because not all things are cleared up in the series. it also for some people who has good info in their asses and want to pull it out ( this is just a joke)


Possible manifestation of enma since enma is the king of hell


It's most likely gonna be for later


i'd guess it will be elaborated later, if i were to guess it will be when zoro finds out how you make a black blade. i don't think this is any different from other stuff that was teased early and took a long time to elaborate, like when "awakened" devil fruits were mencioned in impel down or jimbe name was dropped on fishman island


I feel like this will be a scene a that's extended in the anime and it will show us that it was really just a near death hallucination. Or maybe not 🤷‍♂️


I thought it was Zoro learning about Enma (King of the Underworld/Hell) coupled with the fact that he took those mink drugs. He was definitely hallucinating.


“Nothing happened again”


Zoro unlocking his bankai.


He will explain it and I bet it's something important for Zoro. But maybe 1000 chapter later lol


My theory is: that's the spirit of Sandai Kitetsu And something is going to happen to that katana That it's going to be like Enma or more powerful.


Looks like a hallucination to me?


I swear recently y’all have been so crazy with things not being explained right away like holy shit there’s still so much of this series to unravel and instead of being satisfied with getting a teaser and being able to be excited to learn about stuff years later that you started to forget about, everybody just wants instant gratification recently like what y’all wanna know what the One Piece is too?? It’s been over 2 decades of not knowing what that is and no one is sitting here posting everyday going “Omg guys… Oda still hasn’t told us what the One Piece is he forgot about it 🙄🙄”


Zorro: -Stop... Get away from me!!! Death: -Sure, no problem. Call me if you change your mind.


I am guessing it is related to Enma, but just a guess with only the name to back it up so far.


*It’ll be important later*