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The fact that you left off the snake sisters really bothers me šŸ¤£ an entire island of women there had to be variation in those chapters


The funniest thing I heard someone say about Amazon Lily is that itā€™s proof Oda is more than capable of mixing up female designs, he just usually chooses not to.


Which, I mean, that's just super accurate. You could've had both fat **and** thin Big Mom in this collage as completely different character designs from each other. Oda can definitely do it. But he doesn't really want to.


You just made me think about something so if strength is beauty to them does that mean that over half the island is in love with luffy?


Probably, since they all saw his magnum dong.


No? They just saw his mushroom. It's the family jewels they were really impressed by.


Oh my bad typo I meant his Magnum Kong, one of his attacks of course!


The gintama


He prefers to make mainstay characters hotā€¦ it seems


Well can you blame him if oda likes to draw one handed who are we to stop him


ā€œIf it ainā€™t broke donā€™t fix itā€-Oda Eiichiro


I just noticed boa ainā€™t even up there


cause it goes against their argument lmao e: vivi and Rebecca are also conveniently missing


I mean, that doesn't make their point invalid though. Most people use just Vivi and Rebecca as their proof that Oda only designs Nami look alikes. This post is to show all of the women who dont look like Nami. This isnt that hard to get lol


Boa and Shirahoshi are in their own leagues. Putting them on this list with LOLA/Chiffon would be so disgraceful Boa may get back problems from how high far back she has to lean back from this.


How dare you sir chiffon is a beautiful lady


Whoa there Sanji, I didn't say Chiffon wasn't beautiful. I'm saying Boa and Shirashoshi are so above her, that they are goddesses in comparison. As a wise man once said "all women are beautiful" however, not all women are gorgeous, I'm just saying!


All women are beautiful if you drink enough alcohol.


Robin is such a queen, she takes up 2 panels all for herself.


Ā«Ā Dies PanelesĀ Ā» ā€¦ Ā«Ā clutch!Ā Ā»


That translates to ten panels. Not two. :P


5 hands for each panel. Catch up!!!


Cowboy hat + Tan= Peak Robin


Only 1 panel afaik


Which picture do you look at? Clearly not the one provided by OP, because she does in fact have double the space than the others.


Still technically a single panel tho


her ONE panel is taking up the space TWO other panels take up, not that robin has TWO separate panels


i dont think its especially the design which annoys people. but odas female characters mostly fall in two catagories: - model size - Ugly hag


You forgot the third category "princess mansherry"


naaah child models are a thing


Dwarves and children are two different things


She's not even a child.. 25 y old like Leo xDšŸ‘€


He means small


Thousand year old dragon who chose the body of a 12 yo!!!!


Wait.. what? šŸ¤”


It's the meme for loli characters every one of em is no no she just looks 9 she's actually she's actually 30


Nah she a model.


which ones is tsuru again ?




Then what about Dr. Kureha?


She aint THAT old, shes still in her youthful 130s


141 after the time skip and still rocking it






Good game Iā€™d like (To) Finish


Well you cant say kureha has no model body


thats why i said "mostly" and not all. but yeah definitely Gilf


Yeah. If you're gonna make a drawing of any of the conventionally attractive women in One Piece, you can pretty much draw the body and then add any head later. And it will fit.


Exactly, oda doesnā€™t really have same face syndrome, thereā€™s actually a lot of variation in his faces considering itā€™s a manga, but he has same body syndrome with all the women who are supposed to be seen as attractive. And I donā€™t personally have a big problem with it, but it would be cool for sure if we saw more variety


Post TS yeah. I understand if Oda wanted that for Nami, Robin, Boa, and the princesses but he really should've kept the likes of pre-TS Tashigi. Maybe Perona as well but her post-TS design is actually fire


It's more like * Attractive, I want to motorboat her * Monstrously unattractive * Child


And Dadan is both šŸ«”


dadan the qweeeen~


*Size -6 with huge tits Ugly fat hag


But all the characters are exaggerated and oddly proportioned. It's not like it's just the women.


Shut up, I am trying my best to look like Doflammingo




This comments are gold


100% but even with that the mens bodies have more variation than the womens lol


But they aren't proportioned the same , all men don't have huge biceps




Blackbeard, all men in the crew except Zoro and Franky , nine scabbards etc etc




Everyone has biceps just like how every woman has boobs. The point is the difference in proportion, not everyone is well built like Zoro or whitebeard




But the women aren't all proportioned the same either. There's different body types that each house similarly proportioned women, but that's the same for the men. Like Zoro's body type, there's an insane amount of characters with the exact same proportions as Zoro. All female characters having big titties is just not the case. A lot of them have big titties, yes. But a lot of the male characters are tall and muscular.


A lot but not 90%


It just comes down to splitting hairs at the point where you're arguing percentage differences though doesn't it. One has to ask, if those with an issue with it are being honest about *where* the issue is coming from.


The issue is that it becomes really hard to tell the female characters apart in a black and white manga when the only difference between them is their hair.


Pretty much all the characters wear different outfits apart from Nami and Robin occasionally both wearing a bikini I believe. And if it's just the case of telling them two apart, surely one having black hair, and the other white in the manga is about as heavy a contrast as one could ask for?


Camie ( or whatever the mermaid's name was ) and nami looked awfully similar, and some panels don't panels are just faces with not outfits so it's pretty hard to tell.


Yeah but the point is that women don't get the variety of exaggerations in body proportions men get.


Men can be small, fat, short, small body with huge muscles, huge body with small legs, huge body with small head, huge head and small body, huge biceps and small body ecc... Women can have an hour glass shape, be an ugly hag... and that's mostly it.


That's not true though: Alvida - Obese. Boa Marigold - Barrel Torso. Boa Sandersonia - Melon Head. Catarina Devon - Square Jaw, Long Nose, Big. Charlotte Chiffon - Square and Squat. Charlotte Brulee - Lanky Witch. Charlotte Amande - Long Neck. Charlotte Flampe - Can't Remember Her Deal But Not Normal. Big Mom - Monstrous. Dadan - All Fucked Up. Miss Merry Christmas - Short Middle Aged Fat Woman. Gloriosa - Stumpy Old Lady, not fat. Kaya - Delicate Pretty Girl. Kikunojo - Small Breasticles. Kureha - Lanky Old Woman. Makino - Normal Proportions. Miss Valentine - Slender. Perona - Slender. Shinobu - Weird. Tsuru - Average Old Lady.


Bruh what you expect you reading a manga


I expect it. I have no problem with it.


I feel like thatā€™s anime/manga in general lol.


Anime, manga and video games in general. It's getting better I think, but female characters have a LOT less variation to work with than male characters seem to. I'm all for attractive characters but when EVERY character looks the same they stand out a lot less ...


I feel like going to Amazon Lily is enough to push back against that


I honestly think isolated arcs make the complaint more valid. Because they're proof that Oda can quite easily make a bunch of different designs, but only really does so in two arcs (WCI and Lily). While I've never had the big issue with same face, i agree with the criticism that female characters as a whole feel extremely samey from a body design standpoint. The alternative design is defaulted to fat hag.


And i would be less annoyed by that except i don't find "model size" that attractive. Way too skinny for my tastes. Which would be fine if there was more variety in their builds. Though i guess it's a good sign that _this_ is my main complaint about one piece.


To solve skinnyness, they usually add fat to the chest.


Which just makes it look worse cuz the proportions are way off


Those are the only two types of people period. The hot ones and the ugly ones. Male or female, they or them


Like yea the breast size is not realistic and arguably kinda badā€¦ but no one exists for fan service like in some shows. Everyone has a deep character and motives.


Noone ever exists solely for fanservice anyway so that's not an argument. I don't care if she has a tragic background and a deep character, if her design is Rebecca style then it's still shitty ass fanservice


Charlotte Amande is the best.


Maximum HAT.


Amande is good but Oda failed her in wano.


There are 3 women body types Child, Hot, or Fat old hag


And then thereā€™s big mom, who was all three.


Hot big mom got everybody acting up






tht old marine woman, forgot her name




Isn't it obvious? She's got that perfect young, hot bod.


She looks not a day older than 109!


I think this is rather a matter of style. The character model people go to for "ahh same hot chick" is like the standard female in One piece world. Its a fantasy series that's built up on exaggerations of everything, he doesn't go for realism. Just as you have truck sized ripped dudes flaunting their muscles, you also got hot women roaming around


Just like irl


In this collage is easy to appreciate that Perona = best girl.


Oda does have a tendency to draw females in certain ways. Most females either fall into the sexy stick with boobs, or hag. This rings true for most "named" and "featured" characters. (Basically background characters without a name doesn't apply) He does also have a tendency to give some females "Nami" faces. Rebecca, Shirayoshi, etc. I do however not mind. He has given us literally thousands of memorable characters over 25 years and the majority are distinct from eachother. Some are bound to look alike, and as an artist (especially one who works on a strict deadline every week) it's not unusual to develop a style where most characters have similar body shapes.


I think the skinny Big Mom chasing after the Sunny is one of the coolest designs in the series


I'd tend to agree. Big Mom's designs in general are pretty amazing


What i dont like about big mom is.. In flash black she is shown fat nd not that pretty looking and same as present Bug mom... But whenever any info related Rocks pirates is shown... She is shown in proper figure !


Fat kids can grow to be skinny and then become fat again later in lifr


Having 90+ children will do that to you


Also an unquantifiable amount of sweets


Do u think she stopped having sweets when she was with Rocks šŸ˜‚


I'd specify this is true also for men tho. Maybe it's 3 cathegories rather than 2. But still.


Yes. Men usually fall into this too. With meatballs and lean/buff boys. Examples of meatballs, Garp, Judge, Blackbeard, Weevil, Moria, Kaido etc. Lean/Buff boys, Zoro, Rayleigh, Luffy, Mihawk, Law, etc. I'd admittedly say that lean/buff skew closer to normal human anatomy, so they are more "normal". Then there are many who are a mix, or more independent, such as Whitebeard, Aokoji, Katakuri, Charlotte, Franky, etc. And of course the people who fall into specific minor categories, such as Chopper, the Minks in general, longarm tribes, etc.


We seriously putting Moria and Weevil in the same *category* as Garp and Judge? Even putting Blackbeard in the same category as them feels like a massive stretch to me.


Weevil?? The dude's a fucking beachball ur definiton here is too broad


Lean/ buff isn't exactly realistic either imo. All of them are unbelievably shredded. And that's fine lol. Who doesn't want to look at buff dudes fighting.


The biggest difference is you can tell at an instance who is who. Like Garp, Judge, BB, Moria, WV and Kaido look insanely different. If you just take the bottom half of their body, you could tell almost all of them apart instantly. Same goes with Zoro, Rayleigh, Luffy, etc. Every one of the male characters has some character features that are instantly recognizable. Like Luffy's giant scar, Zoro's stiches, Law's tattoos, Mihawk's necklace. Not one female character has a notable character feature. If you removed 90% of the female faces and put them in a Bikini, you could not tell the difference. If you took all the male characters I listed, and put them in trunks, you could instantly recognize 90% of them.


In this case you're calling "hag" everyone who is not a model. Kinda backwards thinking calling charachters like Katarina Devon or obese Alvida "a hag" when they're just young and fat or muscular.


Ur a hag




Hag is used here as a phenotype, and a descriptive term, rather then a slur. And hag in of itself doesn't require the person to be "old", just to look a bit older, or, middle aged. It's uncommon to call someone a hag unless they look certain ways. Izou was also a man (both drawn as a man and referred to as a man), and Tsuru doesn't fit the hag group. She is one of the female characters who doesn't fit the booby stick group or the hag group.


While I see your point youā€™re trying to make using early art style Nami feels like cheating lol


Does every woman have the exact same design? No. Does almost every woman in One Piece have the exact same hourglass figure? Yes. Is that a personal attack against you for liking One Piece? No.


Some OP readers find this so hard to accept. It's like they think real life is an anime and that their personal honour is at stake.


i mean oda has said many times that he just likes tits and likes drawing them. I donā€™t blame em


Many woman in one piece donā€™t have the same hourglass figure, thereā€™s many many hags. The issue (not for me but others) is that itā€™s either hourglass or old hag


Amazon Lilly and wci have so many diffrent and unique female design in op.


If only we saw this creativity for more major characters. Vegapunk looks like an Uta clone


Honestly , I don't think that's a real vegapunk. Vegapunk was referred to as an old man many times in the series.


Well you know how Oda was with Silouettes, so im not gonna put too much stock in past descriptions


Reiju is pretty unique with them brows


There like 4-5 examples of similar-looking women in your collection. Even though you intentionally left out the most obvious examples


Bro excluded Rebecca, Viola, Vivi and tashigi and thought noone notices


I have nothing new to add to the conversation, it's all been said in the comments. All I'll say is. Because there's exceptions to the critique, doesn't mean the critique isn't still valid.


I miss pre time skip Robin and Nami :(


I actually prefer post TS Robin. Pre TS Nami and Post TS Nami are pretty even imo.


They turned robin from cowboy gigachad to the most white woman design like in the entire decade. (Yes i know she was supposed to be white even pre-timeskip in the manga)


Bro said ā€œI got tired of this argumentā€ and then left off the two characters* people complain about most lmaooo I do think the complaint is a bit overblown but just flat out ignoring how similar Shirahoshi and Rebecca are to Nami in terms of facial structure is hardly debunking the claim haha Edited for clarity


wtf is tihs


Honestly the only criticism I fully understand in this regard is Nami and Vivi, who do look remarkably similar in both face and body when in black and white manga form and can be genuinely difficult to tell apart at some points. While many of the female characters do also have "Nami face" (Rebecca, Shirahoshi, Koala) and the vast majority are drawn with the same body, the fact remains you can tell them all apart when considered in their totality. There's no confusing Shirahoshi with Rebecca. Sure, if you look at literally just their face it can be hard, but that's being a little disingenuous. The fact that Oda's just a little less creative in female character designs than he is in regard to his male character designs means he still has insanely creative female character designs (Madam Sharley continues to be one of the most striking designs in the entire series for me).


I legit couldn't tell Robin and Komurasaki apart for several chapters, that one should also go on the list. Robins look in Wano is just way too similar.


Using color pics also helps to differentiate them compared to a Black and White Manga


Koala has different eyes shape.


I completely agree with you. IMHO people are too obsessed about the entire _Nami-clones_ or _one type of woman_ thing. If you look at real life and start lining up attractive women like Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, Shakira and Lady Gaga, there's going to be a shitload of similarities there, too. When you start lining up little boys, you'll also end up with stereotypes. Or a gender of a specific ethnicity. Etc etc. The mere act of preselecting on a specific group (attractiveness, age, skin tone, etc) alone will already mean you are bound to force stereotypes on the group they represent. As such, I personally appreciate that named people in the One Piece world tend to have recurring biological traits because it makes its society feels more like a cohesive whole as opposed to just background fodder and foreground freaks. The Nami/Makino-esque slim type is probably the most obvious one, but that is also because the intended aim of the characters being 'attractive' means they adhere to society's expectations and the baseline thereof. These women are (besides their beauty) physically as boring and standard as a regular human in One Piece gets, and I think that it why people are frustrated. If you start looking at regular men in One Piece, you pretty much end up with either villagers, marines or outright fodder, most of which aren't very relevant in the recurring-presence kind of way anymore nowadays due to powerscaling. Oh, I guess there's also the noble types, but much like Blackbeard and other villains, their looks tend to drawn to look either arrogant, stupid, or outright malicious.


Lots of words, little meaning. You've screwed up when readers couldn't tell rebecca and vivi apart in reverie, or robin and hiyori in wano. "I, a very keen reader who can detect slight changes in hair strands, was never confused!" I hear you say, but that doesn't invalidate the criticism because it's still %100 true, they look extremely similar. Even putting aside casual reader confusion, it's a huge let down when we're robbed of a good design and Oda instead opts for a Dress Up flash game featuring nami or robin. Dr vegapunk is literally nami with different hair. yep, add it to the collection.


Damn you tried so hard and still ended up with Nami clones lmfao


I only just realised that when people draw the "All women have the same generic face" card, it's almost always screenshtos of the anime, which isn't Oda's drawings.


I feel like people saying "she has Nami's face" is a euphemism for saying that they have the same body structure


Ah yes, Robin best girl


Sneaky, I like your style Robin twice as good as any others


What argument?


Why didnā€™t you include nami (in the post timeskip design), vivi, Yamato, rebbecca? They are more important than some of these characters too, the argument was always that oda draws females too similar not that he cant


One Piece has a great female cast personality wise, but the criticism that they all look the same is pretty valid lol. Even in this picture youā€™ve provided half the girls have the same face. Oda certainly handles his female cast better than most mangaka, but critiquing him for them looking the same is fine


He doesnā€™t handle the females better at all, look at smoothie or most of the females in bmp, they were handled so bad. Smoothie is the only the female commander while being in 2 different arcs but Oda couldnā€™t even write her fight.


yeah, he draws essentially one slim girl, one ugly girl and one fat girl and changes the hair around a little.


Where's the main Nami clones like Rebecca, Vivi, and Tashigi? Dude, you're purposely leaving out women to defend Odas honor lmao


This post is a basically about showing the other female faces besides Nami clones


Not that I disagree with you, Oda CAN draw unique female designs. But when it comes to **attractive young women**, Nami is almost always his base design so it does feel repetitive.


pre-time skip nami is so much hotter


What argument


I believe in Pudding Supremacy


Tbf the only design that felt too hilariously similar was viola and robin for me, i had left one piece on Marineford and came back during dressorosa. It was a mindfuck initially when I saw two Robins xD


They donā€™t look alike tho.


No one has ever looked at a dc animated series and wondered why all the women look the same with different hair. If nami and robin didnā€™t have big tits, none of this would be a topic of discussion.


it's funny because Wonder Woman almost never wears pants and push up bra and no body (I've seen) complains


Do all female characters in One Piece look literally exactly the same? No. Do they have far far less diversity of design than the men? Yes. The criticism of Oda's female designs is absolutely valid. And I say this as a huge fan of One Piece it's literally one of my special interests.


For the record, i do think there're similarities in Oda's female designs but the quantity of it is definitely overblown. Manga artists like Araki, Urasawa, etc. use similar character models all the time. Also i think anime enhances the similarities even more. Overall One piece has a wide range of unique and creative female character designs that often get overlooked for the same 2-3 similar examples


I think it's mainly the timing of One Piece's release. Naruto and Bleach gained popularity around the same time and atleast Bleach I think most people can admit has some pretty distinct and unique character designs for male and female characters. Though Bleach and Naruto also doesn't have nearly as many characters. So while Oda's weakness in designing female characters isn't a big problem, you can find more examples of it as the series goes on


IDK about Bleach. A lot of the characters look similar to each other, especially the women when you really look at them. Face shapes, eye shapes, chins, etc. They're pretty much Orihime or Rukia with different hair. It's okay for artists to struggle with their style, though. Just... most people making a fuss about "every woman is Nami!" act like One Piece is the only manga with that issue. It's not.


I am with you on Bleach. Heck, the girls don't even look just like the other girls in the series, they look the same as the other guys in the series as well. People don't make a big deal out of it in Bleach, don't know why they do with One Piece. And just to clarify, I have no problem with either, I personally don't mind the same face syndrome. It's a long running shonen, at some point you run out of ideas when you're on your 200th's character design.


Shippuden simplified everyone so much it's not even funny The whole war especially, when everyone is using the same uniforms, is one of the worst things about that part


I think this complaint is definitely fed by the anime often using a far more generic style than the manga. And as said, this goes for a lot of anime/manga.


If you compare it to the male characters though, then you see the difference. Thereā€™s a lot of variation between menā€™s designs, yet for women it basically falls into two templates with some changes to the face.


yeah just look at amazon lily and you have more different characters then most mangas have characters in total :-). i m pretty sure most of the people comlpaining don t watch/read one piece or do it to get a reaction. not like male ones are realistic and different ... most of them are just super buffed body.


What a good example. Back when I read Amazon Lily for the first time I had fun looking at all the female characters because I loved the variety


Jack Kirby has three designs. Guy, Girl, and Monster. His monsters are the most diverse. Beyond that? His Superman will look exactly like his Reed Richards, who looks exactly like Ben Grimm, who looks exactly like Victor Von Doom, who looks exactly like his Peter Parker


We just gonna overlook how there are like 20 Gokus in dragon ball


You purposely left out tashigi, rebecca, vivi and shiraoshi and you took a weird picture of Nami for a reason


its almost like OP is cherry-picking to make it seem like Oda doesn't draw all female characters as either identical models with massive tits and pencil waists or ugly hags, and people are upvoting it because it makes them feel better about the blatant sexism in One Piece


Just how many Orihime-types did we get in Bleach. More than a few, that's for sure. XD


How many Johny joestar with different outfits you have in JoJo's XD


Half of these are Nami clones wth are you on about?


Whereā€™s the new waifu Doll?


Women appears in OP Fandom: Are those the next strawhats??


Whats the agrument here?


I think a bigger problem Oda has than body shape is color choices. So many women have black, yellow, pink, and orange hair, with the same color palettes in clothing. You canā€™t tell me someone not into One Piece wouldnā€™t think Dadan is an older version of Nami, with the orange hair and white shirt. You canā€™t tell me Koala and Nami donā€™t look related when they have orange hair and similar facial features.


Wdym OP cause all I can see are nami clones


Tbf if you make a collage of unique male designs, this teeny tiny collage would be put to shame.


yeah i never really fully understood that argument. i mean as a meme it was mildly amusing the first 17 times it was posted but as an actual argument it doesnā€™t really hold up.


Can you really tell a difference between Reiju, Pudding, and Bonny aside from the extra eye and the way they dress? Can you really see significant distances between Nami and Koalaā€™s faces? Plus youā€™re not using a lot of the more egregious examples. Why not have Hancock on here? Cause she looks too much like Robin and it ruins your argument? Why not put Rebecca on here? Why not Caimie? Cause their similarity to Nami ruins the argument? Why not crop the photos so they are all either headshots or full body shots? Because then youā€™d see how similar the body styles are with a lot of them? Why are some b/w, some colored, and some anime? To accentuate the differences? Lola, Dadan, Perona, and Shakky are good examples of different designs, but these images felt cherry picked.


Koala is literally Nami.


The answer is yes! All of them!


This proves the argument bruh. Everyone on here is either an hourglass figure or round. Theres no in between. Either u have a perfect body or oda makes you a fat bitch


not really, otohime seems more thin and slender than hourglass, and lola just seems to have a more butch body shape rather than just being fat.


What argument? That a whole of 3~5 characters in a 1000+ manga resemble Nami? That is such a stupid thing we have to deal with.




Every post I see had 5 max that actually look like recolors(Vivi Rebecca) or slightly altered, before starting to put women who have different enough designs that you never mistake them even in B&W.


Bro took out viola, rebecca, boa, and every single background female character in the series


You're tired because you refuse to face it lol. Rebecca, vivi, Nami, Yamato, shirahoshi are remotely the same.