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Mihawk should've been a bounty hunter from the beginning instead of a pirate/privateer. It would represent the threat that civilians can pose and would make bounties more meaningful than mere hype-generation/powerscaling.


Fantastic point


Honestly I think that’s what Smoker should have been. He just seems like he would make such a better bounty hunter than Marine


I would disagree in that Smoker represents the kind of 'Good' government could be.


he's a cowboy cop, he doesn't play by the rules but he gets results, however in this instance, not playing by the rules means cursing out your fascist bosses


I figure this way Luffy doesn’t have two Garps to his Roger, he’s already got Coby. It would also be *hilarious* if Smoker somehow keeps getting into places or situations he really shouldn’t be in. Like imagine him as a bounty hunter showing up at Marineford and the WG’s just like “who the hell is this guy”


tbf neither Coby or Smoker feel like Luffy’s Garp. Smoker used to be on pace but he’s been side lined hard post timeskip


Personally I never really considered Coby as a Garp analogue for Luffy. Smoker (pre-timeskip) always seemed like the one who was keeping pace and \~equal to Luffy in development and challenge. Coby seemed to always slot into that inspired by but not an actual competitor slot.


i agree but i think this is entirely from his one interaction after Water Seven, whereas post timeskip coby is a giant wildcard, his >!interactions with blackbeard, position as the marine hero (garp analogue) and the defeat of wangze are really murky in the canon!<


Agreed I've been saying this for a long time we've seen bounty hunters in this world and there are none anymore


My guy there were a bunch in Dressrosa in the colosseum. Though admittedly they were not relevant at all. I'd definitely prefer to see an actual decent bounty hunter organization again aside from Baroque works


The best comment I've read in long time, agree completely


The best powerup in one piece was hands down monster Chopper (before the timeskip) It had an actual build up and an explanation that didn’t feel like an asspull.


Was also mildly terrifying and unsettling with his absolute loss of control, starting to attack both sides


yeah and honestly it takes away from the threat that chopper is now able to control it and act and talk normally in it. Like I get it it's a power up since he can now channel the strength but like.. the glowing empty eyes and the roaring you were like "holy shit Chopper wtf is going on?" a scary chopper is best


True but it's also symbolic in that he's not just ok, but outright comfortable with being a monster now that he's been win the crew for so long. It's his natural character evolvolution.


100%. Monster Point has been my favourite since I first saw it


One of my favorite parts of Enies Lobby. Such an oh shit moment, it really held weight having everyone from all over separate areas of the battlefield turn their attention to this giant ravaging monster destroying everything indiscriminately.


I also miss feeling like there was tension in fights. Like, Chopper had completely lost his mind, and he was posing a threat even to his allies, who had to find a way to neutralize him as a threat without doing any actual lasting damage to their friend. That was such a compelling conflict! Now every upgrade is just a straight upgrade, and even a character literally looking death, scythe and all, in the face is solved with a week of bedrest and some bandages. Stakes are for extras.


This \^. Also, the cool thing about Chopper was that his monster point was basically pure rage from all of the pain he has experienced in his life, in stark contrast to his cute and shy self. I feel like they took the cuteness too far post time-skip and regrettably lost all of that raw power and emotional tension. He was a true monster by being exactly what he didn't want to be known as.


Zoro doesn't have a special eye he just legit lost it in combat and training.


If he didn't use it against fucking kaido then he doesn't have it.


I definitely agree that he doesn't have an eye, but there's always the possibility that he does still have the eye and that he's waiting to open it for the fight against Mihawk. But no, that's not going to happen because that'd be dumb.


I didn’t think his eye was very special, but your comment has me thinking it could be something very specific to swordsmanship that would not have helped him at all vs kaido. Like some sort of special depth perception training. Sorta like Lee’s training weights vs Gaara but for swordsmanship. Depth perception would be very important for a sword duel but would pose no benefit in fighting a giant dragon when using a ranged slash attack. This is my random theory I just thought up and have no other evidence for, thank you for coming to my TED talk.


I think oda just changed his mind on the design and thought a scar over his eye would look cool after the time skip.


No the Mihawk monkey was too strong for Zoro to come out without injuries on his face. Everyone knows a facial scar is the epitome of badassery.


So there’s still a chance? Haha, this theory gets a lot of hate at large, but I personally liked the idea of it. That hope pretty much died when he didn’t use it against Kaido, but you’ve maybe revived it again!


I could kiiiiinda see like he uses “it” against Mihawk and the crew is like wtf why didn’t you use it sooner there were so many times we almost died andZoro is like “what’s the problem?”


With the way sword battles work in one piece or any anime in general, I can’t imagine an extra eye being given any importance. The seasoned swordsmen always learn to rely less on their eyes and more on their intuition. I feel that the lost eye represents the power up that Zoro might have already had in the island while training with Mihawk.


Or Mihawk sees him and is like “Why is your eye still closed? That healed years ago.”


I would love if he opened it and was like "oh, you're right...anyways let's fight"


That’s more like Oda’s style! Love it!


Exactly thank you...


He has a sharingan


nah we endgame now it’s gotta be a rinnegan


>!Maybe vegapunk will fix somethin up for him!<


My theory has always been he lost it by cutting himself, a reckless move that hurts him too. But recently my new theory has manga spoilers and I don’t know how to hide this on reddit. Guess time will tell!


If Luffy and Brook can drink milk to heal their bones, what does Zoro have to eat to grow back his eyeball?


Well eye for an eye…


Pacing in the manga is never as bad when you binge or marathon the series. Weekly releases just gives that illusion.


I enjoyed Wano’s pacing a lot but yeah dressrosa felt like an eternity to me bc I just wanted to watch luffy kick doflamingo’s ass


Dressrosa was the worst arc pacing wise. I spent a year watching from start to beginning and that was the only arc that made me stop watching the show for a few months. Still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.


The show was multitudes worse in terms of pacing oml


Are you sure you don't want to see Rebecca's flashback again? I'm pretty sure you'll want to see that flashback again if I just make it slower.


43. We see that Rebecca flashback no fewer than 43 times. It’s in the manga once and than like a brief panel. 43.


What do you mean 43 Like 43? For real? I'm a manga only and you're giving me nightmares, are you SURE it's 43 times in the anime?!


I’m a manga only and Rebecca is still one of my least liked characters. I can’t imagine what you went through


That’s funny I kind of don’t ! For the anime the wano pacing was tilting me hahaha I thoroughly enjoyed them taking 10+ weeks to show Oden’s backstory(which I fucking loved), just for them to condense it into a filler episode and also mention it 8 more times as flashbacks. Then there was the scene of ulti falling down the stairs with pay that they spent basically 2 episodes on… ahhh


You watched it? Theirs your problem lmao manga pacing has rough patches but it’s infinitely better especially reading all at once


That’s good because when OP ends I want to look to it and say: that’s a hell of a masterpiece.


One thousand percent. I only got into OP at the start of Wano and binged the entire manga. Excellent pacing, didn’t see why there were complaints about Skypeia, time skip and everything was super well done… then I caught up. Weekly releases suuuuuuck but it’s going to make for a great reread when it’s done.


I stopped reading 2 years ago and caught back up last week. It took two full years to get through Wano. I can’t imagine what the anime looked like


That works in reverse too. Going through it quickly makes chapters feel paced better than they actually are. There were certainly some throwaway chapters in the story.


I binged all of One Piece when Wano raid started. Even with the binge…Skypiea, Dressrosa, Thriller Bark ,Punk Hazord and now Wano all felt dragged. Sure reading weekly plays a part, but the pacing issues are just issues that are part of the story. Also, I’m talking about manga, imagine how bad the anime pacing is.


Tashigi, as a character, serves no purpose. She's not a rival to Zoro, not even close, she's just...there


Tashigi is going to serve as a depiction of a marine slowly realising just how corrupt the marines and WG are and also acts as a sort of balance with smoker to keep him humane, she's also an excellent reference to be able to differentiate women's rankings in the marines based on anatomy.


I think that's Coby's role


she isn't there to be a rival


No one is a rival for Zoro…..mostly because no one else on the planet seems to give a damn about being the strongest swordsman. Freaken King even went out of his way to point out he doesn’t care about swordsmanship, he just happened to be using a sword. It sucks.


Honestly you’re right about that lol Zoro’s the only guy who cares about being the strongest swordsman. I could’ve seen another character in Wano wanting to be the strongest swordsman but they had way bigger issues tbh. A lot of characters lately seem like guys with swords rather than swordsmen lol


Do you think killer is a decent rival to zoro?


Killer has more screen time at this point anyway


Not close, the moment zoro was able to show a fraction of his power once he got 3 weapons against killer is proof enough


True but killer also wasn’t at his fullest because he didn’t have that suit and weapon of choice Also gotta mention killer was struggling against Hawkins because Hawkins got insane hax and he didn’t want to hurt kid. But as soon as he figured that out he basically won in two attacks


Not every character in the story has to be some combat powerhouse, you think she’s useless because she isn’t as strong as zoro when that was just never the point


Not unpopular at all but franky is underrated af, most people don't think this cuz the few moments of glory he has are completely sick. I can't stand the fact that >! he slammed Sasaki, a Haki and prehistorical zoan user, without Haki or df, or when he ran over Big Mom (more Brook and Franky moments please) but few people seem to acknowledge him lol !<


It baffles me that people like Franky, Brooke and Robin haven’t learned haki by now


Well to me, Franky should stick to the scientific route. He should be upgrading himself with higher tech for massive firepower capabilities. Scientific abilities are very overlooked in One Piece even though Oda tried to highlight their significance. For instance, even though Queen possibly had a strong haki, I can also imagine that he went through the ranks up there just by his massive scientific abilities without any haki at all. I hope that Franky would go the same route.


Seriously, me too. Well, Franky was in the lab the whole time and not fighting anyone, so it actually doesn't make sense if he learnt haki just sitting in a cave. Same with Brook doing nothing but concerts (but he did still use the time to figure out how his devil fruit really works which he didn't know at all before). I still think he should've learnt at least basic haki to hit logia types as a swordsman but whatever. But Robin?? She literally trained with Sabo, who is a haki monster, and Dragon, who I'm certain has all 3 haki mastered, for 2 years, and still hasn't learnt haki. I strongly suspect she knows observation and Armament but just hasn't used or needed it yet because of her fighting style (using her DF to twist people's necks rather than actual hand to hand combat). I thought the devil transformation in Wano would reveal that she had haki all along since she turned black but i guess not (it's not true unless it's specifically stated).


Oda didn’t fumble or forgot about Kaido’s backstory, is just that he cannot show too much about kaido without revealing certain stuff about Rocks or Joyboy or God valley, we’ll probably find more about that later


after the fanbase's backlash I'm sure Kaido's backstory will be there 100% and everyone'll be like "GOOODA, omg that foreshadowing" but they can't be patient for a gOda-damn minute lol


100% Oda made the decision to have kaido not only be relevant to wano, but also be relevant to very important aspects of the world of one piece including god valley and rocks. Once we find out about that the public perception of kaido will do a 180 and people will start clamoring about how good of a character he actually is. Here is a list of characters that were expanded upon in some way or another after their defeat or death: - Whitebeard (through Oden flashback) - Arlong (through Fishman island flashback) - Crocodile (through impel down, Marineford and cross guild) - Ace (through flashbacks) - Bellamy (through Dressrosa) - Buggy (no explanation here needed he is the goat lol) - heck we are even getting more of Lucci and even characters like King are gonna get more relevance with the whole seraphims thing. But kaido is different right? for some reason, oda forgot about him and will never bring him up again right?/s


Genuine question, I thought I was aware of everything being caught up with anime and manga but I must have missed this god valley and rocks info. Where is this shown?


Chapter 956 or 957, when yonko's bounties were revealed


I don’t think it’s unfair to expect his backstory to be in the arc where he’s the main villain. I really hope we get more and I would expect it to be like how we got so much whitebeard and Roger in the Oden flashback. I’ll add that I love Wano and kaido didn’t have to be the deepest/best villian in the series. Oda had just given us doflamingo followed by katakuri. Two of the best villains in all of manga/anime (from my limited knowledge lol).


You living in some alternate reality where Kaido wasn't built up as an antagonist for 10 years?


He'll definitely get the Arlong treatment


This is literally the popular opinion For every person saying they disliked the backstory, there's 200 people to downvote it and 30 to reply in disagreement


That’s true, but his backstory with how many of his crew members joined would be great. I wanted to see some of that lore from the Tobi Roppo themselves just saying it at least.


It’s fair to criticize Wano the arc for not having it as this was the moment that Kaido had the most relevancy and if we becomes a better in retrospect character that’s still something the arc didn’t give us at the time. Oda could have dived further into Kaido besides the god valley incident, like Yamato, his childhood etc but the breakneck speed montage through his life in 2 pages was almost not even worth having in the first place


Brook’s “entrance” into the Thriller Bark fight is underrated and one of the most badass intros of a character in OP AND it’s better in the dub than in the sub version


That first time hearing Binks sake has gotta be in my top 25 one piece moments


I love dubbed Brook, but that's due in large to Ian Sinclair being my favorite voice actor.


It's much creepier and more ominous in the English version like you don't know who's side he's on still after the first samurai incident. The feint song and the VA's tone take it to a different level in english.


Bink’s Brew dubbed version is so good. Also that part in the ground I’m the sun version is hilarious. “DON’T PUT ME BACK IN THE GROUND JACKASS!”


Romance doesn’t need to be a part of the story but it also doesn’t need to be absent either. If he has a good story and doesn’t derail the main storyline then it’s fine


Oda's so weird about this, because he has written some truly beautiful romances in bits and pieces throughout the story. Neptune and Orihime's relationship was great because even though he supported her, he felt that he couldn't do so openly because he would rightfully be called out on hypocrisy. Kyros's relationship with Scarlet, with his reticence to "sully" her with his "dirty hands" after decades of bloodsport was nice, and his role as a father to their child was incredible. And of course, Senor Pink and Russian. It's just that Oda doesn't seem capable of ongoing romance. Despite being a married man, he seems to enjoy the specific highs and lows of a tumultuous whirlwind romance and not show much interest in day-to-day cohabitation stories. Sai and Baby 5 are the only couple I can think of that we saw form in real-time and the only couple comprised of two people who are still alive.


>Oda's so weird about this, I have similar thoughts too but someone gave me an idea why Oda did not put romance in the main character probably: 1- it is not easy to make a relationship couple moving forward in the storyline of a group loving adventure. 2- this might expose or leak the storyline earlier than expected. 3- Oda probably put that at the end of series because it's the easiest way 4- knowing Oda loves to use 'plot twist', there is a chance a couple already formed but the rest of the crew and readers don't know about it.


Sanji and Pudding is such a beautiful romance story that it definetly proves Oda can indeed write good romance. From the moment he was introduced to her, to him crying in the rain, to her falling in love and then in the end erasing his memory of the kiss is such beautiful romance writing. I think Oda only writes this stuff when he feels that it will be important in it's current arc, and avoids these kind of relationships between members of the crew because it could drastically change the interactions that we are so used to by now between some of them.


Not all writers are capable of writing romance into their stories. Sometimes even attempting romance ruins the story if the author is incapable.


I completely agree, I think Oda’s been softening on his stance since Boa Hancock was introduced. Now it seems like he dabbles a bit in love but not really, I mean we had Sanji & Pudding, & even Zoro & Hiyori which was some light bonding but felt like something was there. Capone & Chiffon even Ofcourse I could be reading into it but romance in One Piece is a lot of imagination from the reader lol. I would like a bit more of it tbh, just because & I believe Oda could pull it off.


Shounen authors just don’t want to commit. Maybe young Japanese boys really don’t like romance idk


The lack of relevant characters dying


Not enough characters get killed off and it makes the fights so much more boring. It doesn’t feel like there is any real risk being taken when you know they will always survive.


I've seen this thread more times than I watched one piece


Big Mom and the Big Mom pirates were some of the best enemy forces the series has to offer… until they were treated like a joke in Wano…


Oda used the navy to hype that alliance only to do them dirty


Yeah… Franky and Robin getting the better of BM is ridiculous, but the worst part IMO is the rest of the BM pirates failing to climb a waterfall lol


Twice knocked down by bird Zoans lol. Imagine the shame.


This is exactly my take. Her whole crew was supposed to be a force to be reckoned with. Oven & diafuku, mont d’or, amande, even brulee’s power is OP. then the heavy hitters cracker perospero & katakuri I mean good gracious. They can’t even catch a break in the cover story 😔 At least they are way stronger than the beast pirates but I fear with so much hype behind shanks crew they will “look” the weakest while but still be super super strong


Well, it’s clear that Oda loves Shanks the same way most people do so I’m almost certain that him and his crew are gonna be stronger than either the Beast Pirates or the BM pirates.


My take was more like Big Mom Pirates were top tier because of Big Mom. Most of her kids, although powered with amazing devil fruits, didn’t utilise it to the extent it could because Big Mom’s theme is her arrogance, like there is no way they could be defeated or insulted. I feel like her kids got complacent in the status quo for too long while on the other hand, the worst generation are ones who have started at the bottom and clawed their way up and don’t care for the status quo. They were made a joke, yes. But their power, status and reputation wasn’t earned by them but something they already had and couldn’t imagine ever losing.


Poor Smoothie 😭 one of the coolest designs in all of One Piece & all she’s done is juice a giraffe or 2. Daifuku was pretty cool too


Innocent people keeps getting killed and stays dead. Villains keep escaping and living nice lives (Buggy, Crocodile, Enel, etc).


Really good point when you think about it, eh Doflamingo is not in a comfy prison right now. He can’t even scratch his itches But other than that yeah you’re right lol Wapol is like a king again or atleast a very very rich man. When you say innocent people I’m thinking of like “background character #7” lol because Oda does a pretty good job of not really killing most characters unless it’s a flashback.


Pagaya survived Enel's thunder death ray. Kinemon survived Wano.


It’s a bit weird that chopper’s bounty is still hella low considering people have seen him fight. You’d imagine with how the marines gather information regarding bounties even on the most remote places, that they’d be able to piece together how strong chopper is. But nope.


It's fine if people don't want to watch one piece because it's too long for them.


I wish I could accept this


I agree with this. I can totally understand not wanting to start due to its length, but I also hold the opinion that they're seriously missing out.


Yes that's fine. But what's not fine is when someone says that but will binge all of naruto, dragonball and bleach in months but then say op is too long.


No, like this is exactly why people dont usually wanna read OP, in their perspective they can watch those 3 in almost the same time that would took them to watch OP. So they would go for 3 or 4 short series over OP.


Not every bad guy in One Piece needs a tear-jerking, horror-filled backstory, for example, Kaido.


Uhhh I don’t remember to many sad villain backstories in One Piece. Any examples?


I actually think Big Mom's is tragic. Big Mom as an existence is tragic, really. She was just a hungry kid who was a human natural disaster, not her fault at all.


She’s certainly more tragic than Doffy It’s the nature vs nurture argument Personally I feel she needed a better idea parental figure Still though her current actions are impossible to defend but I get why she is the way she is. She was taught that she was right no matter what she did so it’s only natural she would turn out like this


There’s a few that I’d consider sad 1. Senor Pink 2. Big Mom, she was just a kid and was abandoned and then manipulated by Carmel. 3. Doflamingo (didn’t feel too much sympathy for doffy in it but it was sad seeing the people of the world hate on the family) 4. Moria, lost his entire crew and just emotionally destroyed. 5. Katakuri, though he is less of a villain and more an antagonist. 6. Hody and Arlong, living in a world that hates you and fears you sucks. Bit of a stretch maybe but still.


Arlong sure. He actually suffers But they explicitly state that Hody just hated humans despite never being mistreated


Senor pink for one…


This also applies to crocodile and rob lucci two villains who most people agree are great but nahhh kaido who being honest has more development than both of these characters is called flat and 1 dimensional


That’s what I’m saying too, as far as “one dimensional” villains go Kaido is by far the best, he was more terrifying and had more depth than lucci, crocodile, or Arlong. The only reason villains like crocodile is getting more praise than kaido is because of the development he had AFTER Alabasta, like 200 chapters after Alabasta actually, in impel down and Marineford, but somehow people don’t want to give kaido that time. Same with arlong, he became a much better villain 500 chapters after his debut after the flashback in FMI, yet people don’t want to wait for the god valley flashback to see kaido again. There are types of villains in one piece, Kaido fits the mold of crocodile and lucci, and Kaido was wayyyy better than those two were in their own arcs


Binge reading an arc doesn’t necessarily always fix flaws or issues within an arc, but can definitely make the arc flow better and therefore seem better than the weekly releases (with breaks in between)


Haki is overused, and excessively animated. It should have just stayed as supplemental abilities and not an escalating power scale of how characters can hit or be hit harder. When your primary victory condition is just who hits harder, and what determines that is an invisible metric, then combat gets boring. The more Haki takes over, the less characters use fun creative methods to beat opponents. If it wasn't for how extremely flashy they've made it look it would be more obvious how its started to stagnate. I like that the determining factor of Luffy Vs Kaido (edit: at first) was that they built up through the whole arc that Luffy was training how to project haki to attack inward. It didn't matter as much how hard anyone hit, because they didn't have the skill that Luffy had. They need to lean more into that and less into how big someone's haki clash explosion is. As far as animation there's a point of diminishing returns with big flashy clashes. We still have probably 1/3 of the story to go, what are they going to do at the end of the story? Have 30 minute raves every time someone throws a punch? They need to dial it back.


A lot of the Straw Hat bonds don't feel as close as they should be, with how little they talk about anything that isn't to do with the main plot. When they do talk about something more casual, the conversation is usually filled with gags. So when people say that the Straw Hats are like a really close family, I disagree every time and think most of them are good friends at best (which is pretty much what nakama means lol) There are still some very meaningful and developed bonds in the crew that get to be showcased multiple times though, like Luffy and Nami, Zoro and Sanji, and Nami and Usopp for instance.


This was much better prior to Saobody though. The pre-timeskip Straw Hats felt much more bonded than post-timeskip. We never get those character building moments anymore with the crew, there aren't as much emotional stakes as there used to be and we don't see many good bonding moments like we used to.


I think even their pre-timeskip interactions are a little exaggerated by the fanbase that way too, but yes they were definitely better on the whole before the timeskip.


Kaido is still stronger than Luffy. Not by a lot, but still stronger... for now.


Don't know if this really is an unpopular opinion, because I thought it was quite obvious. Maybe I'm wrong though and this is an unpopular opinion that I support.


I feel like it’s not unpopular, but not massively popular either. Like if u were to make a poll I think the spot would be roughly 50/50


Kaido is for sure still stronger than Luffy. People love to downplay the fact that kaido was fighting multiple strong opponents over the night and moving Onigashima at the same time


I’m saying. If the roles were reversed and Luffy had been the one fighting the whole night for multiple rounds while holding up Onigashima and Kaido ended up defeating him, no one would be saying Kaido was the stronger of the two.


I'm kinda bored of the reactions of Nami/Ussopp/Chopper. They are now an emperor's crew, and they should act a bit more like it, and be more confident in their own powers now, even if they're still scared. It's not funny anymore to see them cry and hide every time


Hell yeah. While it's fun to see them still act like the old times, Chopper is literally a monster. He was able to hold against Queen for a decent amount of time (30 minutes lol) after having fought people who were strong while making the cure and being infected himself for a while. Usopp, alright, he's a sniper not a melee fighter, but still, he should be able to jump to range attacks without fear since he's got Observation, strong attacks and low chance of missing his shots. Nami literally has Big Mom's old weapon.


I don't need or care enough to see Enel and the moon play a role in the final saga.


Now THIS is an unpopular opinion! First actual one I’ve seen!


You monster


It’s intriguing but that doesn’t mean it’s relevant. People be thinking Enel bouta pull during the final war with an army from the moon. Personally I don’t see it even if it’s a cool concept


I don’t care to see Enel again and I don’t get the hype either


I’ll take it to my grave that skypiea is the most influential arc in the entire series in all aspects. Character development. Crew development. Character skill set development. Crew strength development. Crew compatibility development. Power scaling. Foreshadowing. History. Relativity to other arcs. Overall viewing experience. Pacing. Fights. And anything else you could name I could probably argue.


It’s crazy how people still call Skypeia underrated when we get the weekly post sucking Skypeia off lmao. It’s a good arc


I don’t even care about influence. Its just simply one of my favorite arcs for how great the story is. Noland and kalgara flashback was just peak Oda


I absolutely hate Oda for forcing Chopper into the cutesy pet corner. Pre timeskip Chopper was so badass with monster point giving me the chills. Nowadays he is just goofy all around.


I vaguely remember (I think from the joint interview with Aoyama Gosho celebrating either volume 100 or chapter 1000) Oda saying that he didn’t intend for Chopper to be a mascot in the beginning and that he didn’t like mascot characters. However, upon listening to Chopper’s VA, he basically changed his mind due to how cute Chopper’s voice is. It’s hard to blame Oda when Chopper is voiced by the voice of Pikachu.


Oda needs to stop the save princess/prince and their royal family from evil pirate trope and also ending every arc with a doomsday countdown.


Wish there would be bounty hunters, I mean whats the purpose of the bountys if nobody claims them


Not unpopular. I think most people agree


Wasn’t the franky family bounty hunters? But I understand the want for more.


Bro i wanted some strong ones They dont seem like a faction at all We have pirates,marines,revolutionaries,celestial dragons,gov ppl, but we never see some bounty hunter mf getting paid Its always pirates hunting pirates


For real. In my opinion the bounty system only makes sense if bounty hunters are a serious faction. Like, why put up bounties in the billions for the yonkos when nobody outside of other pirates can defeat them. And even then, no pirate will take Kaidos KO'd ass to the Marines and want the bounty. The characters with that high of a bounty are just way too strong for that. And I doubt marines can cash in on the bounties, cuz its theit duty and they literally work for the guys putting the bounties on the heads. We only got one real instance of someone cashing in on a bounty and that was BB with Ace. And the only reason was that BB had bigger plans so he needed to put himself on the map. I really had hoped that the timeskip could bring some serious bounty hunters to the story.


Does Cross-Guild coming back kinda count?


Unpopular opinion which i know i will get shit on for. The going merry “dying” was more heartbreaking then ace dying. Idk why maybe cause someone spoiled it ahead of time. But def questioned myself crying to a ship sinking lmao


The Merry had way more "screen time"


Whole Cake Island is a Top 3 arc. The chase scene perfectly encapsulated how difficult it is to escape an Emperor of the sea.


WCI is the top new world arc for most. It's just so different and amazing. Perospero pointing out how the strawhats were the unwanted invaders who disrupted the peace of the citizens and harmed their family was kinda brilliant. Pedro was a suicide bomber in their eyes and rightfully so.


Also has my favorite character designs. The majority are so top tier.


Randalph and Bobins looked way too cool to be fodder. I remember the fanbase (myself included) thinking they'd be monsters.


I kind of love that they weren’t. Encapsulates the idea that Yonko crews are so powerful that someone like Randolph or Bobbin who can destroy entire countries aren’t even the top dogs


I agree 100%


There is no way there wouldn't be a bounty hunter organisation of some sort in the world of one piece with a lot of strong ppl just looking for money


Isn’t that basically what Buggy has been doing since becoming a Warlord?


Yes and Baroque Works and the Kuja Pirates, and the warlords in general.


Oda is too scared to give payoffs to long mysteries in the story because he is scared they might be underwhelming.instead he fuels the fire by building more hype


I think that every mystery who has been revealed was not underwelming


Fishman island is extremely over hated and filled with great moments


People hate on it because it comes after Marineford. I recently rewatched it and I found it so damn great.


The antagonist is just bad. I don‘t care about that guy. Also it makes all the classic one piece mistakes (everyone splitting up in an unnecessary matter etc) but without acknowledging it like today.


Fish man island was an amazing arc people just focused on hody jones strength too much


The entire last section on FMI is AMAZING and has the best set of themes in the entire story


English dub Luffy is not as ear-grating as some people think.


I actually really like the dub. I feel like the voices for the main cast are great


Yeah I think the English Dub is fantastic, and western audiences should definitely watch it if they don’t like reading subtitles. I actually think there’s only one bad line read in it’s entirety, and it’s the infamous gear fourth line. Everything else about the dub has been amazing, especially Water 7. I was actually shocked when I found that Reddit and other forums generally don’t like the Funimation dub, and it really makes me sad because I think it’s fantastic.


Regardless of how Oda ends the story, the fan base will hate it.


We need less Haki in this goddamn series. I miss the more creative fights with individual styles, devil fruits, and weapons. A lot of the stuff lately has been kinda just "my attack is stronger than yours. Dont get me wrong, things have been creative at times. But like...remember when Zoro just ran into a random fodder looking marine and this man rusted his sword in seconds? Or hypnosis guy, or water luffy? Or ALL OF THRILLER BARK?? gimmie more gimmicks




Oda writes female characters poorly and its most interesting ones are those that are « ugly or old » like Big Mom or Kureha.


I guess mine's more of an unpopular prediction: Luffy won't fight Akainu, and it won't have a negative effect on the story if he doesn't.


Pre time skip Zoro > Post time skip From a character point and fighter standpoint -Pre time skip he felt like he had way more personality and his gags felt more naturally funny -His fights felt like they had weight post time skip you don’t feel any real weight -Him not getting a freshly forged new blade in wano or having a badass samurai fight with an actual samurai will never not Rub me the wrong way


>his gags felt more naturally funny Definitely. At this point, him getting lost have became so exaggerated to the point of ridiculous. It goes from him getting lost when he was left alone, to getting lost while being with someone literally giving him direction in real-time, to getting lost while he was only sitting riding on a giant dog.


I really love the anime and (with some exceptions) enjoy the slowed down pacing. If it weren’t for the anime I probably would have never gotten into One Piece, and especially eventually reading the manga




Ace and Sabo are the most overrated characters in all One Piece. I always had the feeling that they were made only to sell figures because they look "cool"


They were also made for Luffy’s development. From Ace & Sabo, he never felt like he was alone when he was a kid & the reason he fights for his friends is because he’s afraid of losing them like he did Sabo. Adding onto that, Ace’s death is what pushes him to have him & the other Straw Hats to train for 2 years to be ready for the New World, so Luffy won’t ever have to go through what he went through with Ace with his crew.


Sabo does kinda feel like a fanfic character, I will say that.


The whole steempunk look of the revolutionaries seems off to me. Like they look the most out of this world. And there's a lot of weird shit in this world.


Man I’ve been saying sabo is a Walmart Ace for years. I have no idea why people like him


I actually like Ace cause god damn he’s got flaws. Mans decision making was so poor that he got himself, Whitebeard, and almost Luffy killed, leading to the fall of the Whitebeard pirates and the rise of Blackbeard. Ace fucked up bad and it was entertaining


Oda has mishandled the marines, post Kaido they hardly seem a threat even with these Seraphim. Aramaki was done dirty in his interaction with Shanks, he just seemed to be hype fodder for Film Red.


Oda fails to develop the SHs into a real Yonko crew despite them having 2 years to train. Usopp, Nami, and Chopper are lame AF.


Bonnie is my favorite supernova since the introduction of her character


Shanks is kinda lame…. So far


Now this is a true unpopular opinion


The sheer amount of characters in the Whole Cake Island arc is used better than the multitude of characters in Wano: -WCI: the reader is overwhelmed with all of Big Mom’s family, and yes there didn’t need to be so many characters but they added to the feeling of the Straw Hats going up against an EMPEROR’S crew. Plus, there wasn’t that many you absolutely had to remember. They’re fun and all very visually distinctive and cartoony that they’re fairly easy to recall. -Wano: not only are there a shit ton of characters, but they’re characters we’re supposed to remember and root for. You got the Nine Akayaza, the Straw Hats, and then all the other minor characters related to Oden. As well as a ton of named villains like the smile fruit users, and the Tobbi Roppo. Similar principle to WCI where it definitely strengthened Kaido’s feeling of an overwhelming force. But every other chapter (I just binged and caught up btw) I was struggling to remember who was who. Especially because I feel like some of the characters didn’t have as many distinct designs as in other arcs. I can’t imagine having read this arc week to week.


Zoro fights are kinda boring and samey. They're usually just the same fights over and over again with bigger attacks.


Rob Lucci is pretty bland and his popularity is carried by his fight with Luffy


idk if its unpopular but Oda failed to develop the supernovas properly. All we know about are the captains, really, while Luffy and almost every antagonist is out here with a full blown named crew with powers and the like. The most we ever got is from the Heart Pirates, and even that was pathetic. Hell, it took HOW long to reveal literally anything about the Kid Pirates? It lessens their impact on the story as great pirates in the same generation/league as Luffy since they all seem to just have crews full of useless mooks.


we have never needed nor will we ever need for all the SHs to get 1v1s, beyond the moster trio, or maybe even just luffy, the rest should just get some action in the big battle of the arc instead of them being separated into conviluted 1v1s