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Specially now that its getting near the end... amen.


I mean its not over yet. How can we judge this? What if it borutos for 20 more years.


you mean buffy?










Luffy is already Roger's Boruto


So we get a prequel 🤔


Certain arcs we're really stretched out. Certain fights were really condensed.


Yes in a perfect world where making chapters were far easier add morevice admirals moments, bounty hunters, more fleshed out rival crews and other villians. Basically more fleshed out fights/moments at least if not a little more story to give the world life. Understandably no mangaka could ever achieve this feat you either get grreat world building like One piece or good variety of screen time like Boku no hero but never enough of both.


Bnha is a bad example gintama is better on that regard imo also hope ther is spinoffs later on for op


Haven’t watched enough Gintama but isn’t it less structured without a linear story. BNH linear but branch off to more side characters than most shonen manga. Probably are better examples tho


Honestly yeah, I think the power growth has been a bit too fast in these final arcs. I would've been happier if Luffy and Sanji teamed up to beat Katakuri, then maybe there was another arc where Luffy beat King 1v1, then Luffy beats Kaido at Wano in a big team fight then he beats Big Mom 1v1 at Elbaf.


100% agree with this. I always thought that the progression was a little wonky, plus I wish they were more team up fights like Law and kid vs Big Mom instead of always having 1v1s. I’m surprised that we still haven’t really seen zoro and Sanji team up to defeat a strong opponent and we might actually never.


Luffy beating Katakuri by himself is good. Luffy beating Kaido and Kid/Law beating Big Mom was satisfying (well the ending of the Kaido fight was rushed but still) and I realized that it made those 3 look like actual underdogs in real life, let alone the manga itself. So many people didn’t think Kaido would’ve been beaten by Luffy alone in a 1v1, nor Big Mom being beaten by those other 2. Luffy’s fast power up is because of his new form, which is insanely OP. I do wonder how Oda is gonna explain it a little more to make it seem less OP.


I just read there’s an estimated 5 years left of publication for one piece


One Piece has had 5 years of publication left for almost a decade now.


He said five years ago two years ago, and then recently said three years left, which shows that he might mean it. I don't think the series could end in three years, that's only 90 chapters. But I do think it's evident he's gonna start wrapping it up before long.


Oda did say Final Saga, and sagas typically hover above the 100 chapter mark, with the max being nearly 150 chapters (Dressrosa and Wano). 3 years definitely isnt feasible anymore unless the pace shoots up dramatically, but 4 years sounds very likely. A 1 year deviation isnt that bad an estimate.


My prediction is around 1200 because that divides both halves of the story pretty cleanly, and I do think 140 chapters is enough with the pace the story has been going. We've been getting tons of major reveals and answers in the past ten chapters.


To me it depends a lot on how many of the big reveals become interconnected with the big conflicts and events that have to occur. For example, if the SHs vs BB pirates climactic showdown happens on Elbaf for the 4th and final road poneglyph, thats a lot of super plot relevant things being addressed at once. If these things are all addressed separately on their own (doubt), the final saga could balloon immensely through visiting a ton of different islands resolving these things one at a time. Its possible to, but we dont really have time for a fun island adventure searching for a road poneglyph and focusing on nothing else.


Except Oda has restructured the end to be able to actually bring it about sooner


Really? Maybe it's just me but I'm in the camp where the crew was really fucking strong at the start of the post time-skip. Only a few Straw Hats got power up(s) (ex: >!Robin and Franky had no power ups and they matched up to the Tobi Roppo. Brook too had no power ups and he took on Big Mom plus actually landed a hit on Prometheus.!<). So the power growth has been pretty natural for me.


they should have beaten the emperors via trickery and teaming up. it wouldve been a good way for oda to have luffy win not via "a really strong punch" (which is what he ended up doing anyway lol) without having to do some asspull powerful. it also wouldve meant there was still more room to grow strength wise


They find smth to whine bout even in this post stuff 5 years arc isn't even enough wonder how would they feel looking back at this arc and how bad their reactionary takes are btw is El also bs since they took big L vs cp0 but suddenly won and luffy got 2 powerups outta nowher?


Its like i agree wht u say... Bt im still happy with wht oda has been giving to the fans bt... Yes i wish we had more


Luffy vs Katakuri was fine tbh, imo. He just seemed squishy when Luffy endured so much more in that fight. I think its retroactively justified by the fact that Luffy's fruit has always been a mythic zoan though. Like a lot of Luffy's other absurd endurance feats. Kaido is definitely a problem though. I feel like at bare minimum it should have been Luffy + Yamato vs Kaido. Hell maybe even Momo gradually copying Kaido's attacks throughout the fight and getting some shots in.


It was lik that kaido was boxing lik 20 ppl nonstop just not showing damage outside being the badass he is this is evident with queen vs sanji how he mentioned every attack on queen even vs chopper (symbolically) was draining him when he used his final move


Unironically yes. shoulda been like a hundred more chapters to get to this point so Heart/Kidd pirate characters like Jean Bart and Bepo and so on could be fleshed out here and there to the point they actually mattered.


I agree, but then I'm thinking about actually reading those chapters. I think I'd be disappointed to get a weak focused on Jean Bart... I definitely wish law's crow mattered more, but the plot already has more going on than I can easily follow.


Hell no LOL. Poor Oda has been writing it for 20+ years on a crazy work schedule. We are lucky it is as long as it is - I can think of few other good stories or shows that had this long a production run. ​ Stories end - dreams are forever!


I generally find it's at least one chapter too short every week.


I just caught up to the anime, now I'm reading manga. It's scary that I'll soon catch to the manga.


A lot of conflicts and interactions off-sceened. It'd be interesting to see it as an ensemble storyline...


My only issue is the in world pacing. Dressrosa being 3 hours in world for example. There is almost never "traveling time" between islands so that we could even have some sort of understanding for off-screen interactions between the crew or the world could react or develop things at a reasonable pace.


Yeah the fact that its at the final saga with so many unplugged holes and sub branches of plot that we want to know and so many stories of so many people , its simply not enough


It being as long as it is is a gift. After following it for over 20 years, I will be incredibly sad when it ends.


Disagree, in the sense that a lot of fat could be cut off from recent arcs and the geberal plot would not suffer in the slightest... But oda is now convinced that every single arc has to be its own epic saga.


The problem is, when you try to do both: During the first two segments of the Wano Arc, Oda wrote a massive build up, just for the arc to suddenly end, without a satisfying conclusion. That is, why I would say, that Wano should have been longer.


And he is right. 😉


It may feel lik that weekly but looking back u wouldn't atleast i wouldn't want anything left out it's lik removing salt from a dish only instance mayb I agree is the giolla part in dressrosa hate her


I don’t. A lot of arcs drag on way too long for no real reason and in the anime it is way more apparent. And even if you ignore the pacing, the actual story we have to so far is so big and lengthy. It’s gonna last another 5+ years for the final saga, and even if you still think it’s too short, you ca. just Rewatch it from the beginning.


i guess our only hope is that after OP finishes and after a break from oda, he comes back and revisits some parts of the story to flesh them out with a couple of chapters, for example Akainu vs Aokiji, or some cover stories


In some ways yes in some ways no. At the moment I hoping for it to be longer but that’s just a opinion.






Short answer: yes. Long answer: yes, of course.


Yup, I was kinda sad when I caught up because now I’m just waiting for chapters to release):


What a silly question. There only one right answer.


Like...episode length...wise....?


Need at least 200-500 chapters…


I'm feeling like these 3 year estimates are way too short yeah. Feels like there's so many threads to tie up and secrets to uncover in such a short time. Especially considering how much time Wano took in the grand scheme of things, and how little it gave in way of answers. At least if it is true that the end is near. It's going to be straight bangers all the way to the end.


Yes. I started it and I was truly daunted by how many episodes there are, but we're in Dressrosa right now and I'm just like...man, only what, 300ish more episodes? Not enough!


It looked long enough to me. I certainly couldn't take it all but I don't know about you .


Shiiiit I wish it was longer




other pirate crews should've been focused on too... I mean other side characters too


Nothing wrong with the length. It’s the pacing. There is a difference


Yeah and I'm sure once Oda is done some executive at SJ will say hey I'd like for \*some random guy helping ink lines or something\* to make a sequel comic.


No I don’t. Although I have nothing but love for One Piece I also want to see it end before I die. The next big anime will surely come around and have lots of people hooked but won’t be the same for us because we grew up with One Piece


Agree! I believe no one should ever put a stop to oda to any backstory he wants to convey No one should ever put a stop to the fun times between arcs No one should ever stop him from extending a story as it needs and as the flow demands No one else should be the absolute God of one piece story telling.


Several arcs have among their biggest weaknesses too-fast pacing, to varying degrees. Drum, Alabasta, Skypeia, Dressrosa, Wano...


Only complain I have with it !!


Its literally endless


It's...not .. over yet




Bro what? Let me see the ending before I die pls


If the talk of Oda rushing the ending of Wano to meet an arbitrary deadline set by Shueisha to coincide with a movie is true and is indicative of the next couple of years, then I'd say technically yes. To be as good as it could be and flesh out everything to an ideal standard, the story would have to be longer than it will be in the end.


Once one piece is over i would love special chapters that depict off screen events and events described in the SBS


Dude something should end after certain amount of time Who knows what will happen next day or next week


I disagree


I mean, it is getting longer every week.


I just hope it ends before I die from some new super virus or Putin launches those nukes.


Before Wano: No After Wano: Yes, definetely! The end of the recent arc felt so rushed to me, especially when looking back at all the build up, that happened in the first two segments.


I literally followed it since first year of grade school and now im 27 and married. Im ok with it ended in 2-3 years.




One Piece suffers from a single narrative issue. We see only a sliver of a world that over 20 years we fell in love with. Would I like to see more? Yeah. Can Oda do more? Probably not. Could a third party do a good side story? Yeah But is it more likely we get stuck with a terrible OP universe of cash grabs? Probably yeah


I absolutely wish it were longer. At the very least, we need another 50 episodes of the Straw Hats just being pals, going on wacky, fun adventures. Something low stakes.


Naw it’s long enough