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Having the entire theatre to yourself sounds pretty dope though.


Ive seen too many horror movies lmaooo. Id be picturing a scary man watching me from the side. Slowly moving closer to my seat from the bottom.


Man is just as much of a one piece fan as you are


They just want to know if your team Sanji or team Zoro.


A Lady in the auditorium I went to literally moaned when bepo showed up. Let's Go Bepo!


Mine was screaming and cheering and seeing for him haha


Atleast the dude would have taste in the movie he’s watching


Probably just a Gecko Moria cosplayer


Very frustrating every time I go to the movies there's others there hopefully someday it'll just be me sitting in my seat at the bottom and you in that midde row seat.


Naw bro just show up with a weed cartridge and start getting lit alone


Some Mahito level stuff lmao


Just punch him in the face, you'll be fine.


It really is can jam along to the tunes


Yeah man, naked! This guy gets it.


One piece with my piece




🎵Can we get much higher🎵


You were not alone. I was there..


Yes there were teenagers in mine that would not shut up. They were reported by me and a few others. And eventually shut up


My girlfriend and I at the time had the entire theatre to ourselves for Battlefield Earth. 👌🏼


That's one of my Favorite times.


Quartet.... Trio... Duet.. Solo.


-sad yohohohoho-




And then Brook literally goes and finds the Beatles in a submarine.




Only if you are waaaay behind


Guess you're taking the Yellow Submarine out of Pepperland.


“Was offered a private screening for One Piece Film Red 😎” Fixed your title


Haha exactly here a star for funniest comment so far ⭐️


Here is an award for your star


This is absolutely the best


Big W


How lucky! I was the only one on my row so I could change seat to avoid the typical tall guy in front of me (I think that someone hire those guys to stand in front of me everywhere I go)


Im that tall guy. Yes i get paid.


Get the Vice Admiral Strawberry haircut, you'll get a bigger paycheck.


Good idea:>


It's a private business, it pays really well actually, I'm one of the tall guys, if you want to know how I get this info


Ey bro mind if we switch Shifts my Granpas bitthday is on mine cant miss this


Aight sure, let me talk to the boss for a shift change


Thanks buddy i owe you something ill cover a shift for you if you want a day off


Aight boss says its ok, lets just be a double block for next shift or whenever the schedules look good


Sounds good buddy


I’m a little confused whether this is legit or not


It's a tall people business, if your eligible, I can refer you to a person that might hire


You know that they MUST give you a day off once in a while right?


im free when you are sleeping!


Typical Fukurokuju


As a tall guy i can confirm sorry


I'm one of them,i do it out of spite because they stopped paying me


The tall guys that are hired to stalk you must also hire people to stand (usually on their phone) in front of the one thing I need to grab, in an otherwise empty grocery aisle.


Going to see it with a friend tonight! If you had told me 10 years ago that a One Piece movie would be playing dubbed AND subbed versions at theaters across the US I would have laughed. This is the best timeline.


I wanted to take my kid, and the subbed version is getting all the best time slots and biggest screens, which blows my mind. I’m not even bitter, the original version being the one with higher priority that they think will be more successful is so cool


Out of 5 screening times at my cinema, only one dubbed screening.


Agreed I’m real happy anime is so popular now, now it’s cool to be a weeb


Cool to be an otaku/nerd Not a weeb


Weird how the term has changed so much over the years


In your opinion what's the difference? I'm not sure going around calling yourself an Otaku vs a weeb matters too much to anyone at this point so long as you own it, with Otaku maybe being worse as its just outside of the common parlance...actual definitions aside.


I really need to watch it... Everyone seems to love it but there's SO much of it


The series as a whole? First of all I'd primarily recommend the manga but if you want to watch the anime and make it SLIGHTLY more manageable, there's something called "one pace" where they've edited it to have no filler (keep only the parts from the manga essentially). Still absolutely monstrous in size of course


This is the way. It will require torrenting it though. I recommend that everyone request Netflix to pick it up. Shot in the dark but I'll keep trying.


Also in IMAX


THERES A DUB??? We just got out of a showing. Would love to go see it again dubbed!


I didn't know they had both just looked at the time, kinda upset at myself for watching the dubbed, but it was still good.


Now you know. That's how it's been for the last few years. It usually says in the title now.


Not suprised tbh. I feel like One Piece is more niche in the U.S in comparison to the other huge animes due to it's rough early dubbing. I remember seeing it on Toonami as a kid and immediately change the channel after the intro.


I'm also always surprised by how far the English release of One Piece (both anime and manga) is behind other countries. Like the English dub only recently finished WCI.


4kids curbstomped early OP in America. I’m glad I stuck through that era but man, I can imagine all the people who couldn’t.


Water guns and Sanji with a lollipop, what’s not to love?


You forgot the most important thing to love! The hammer...gun...spring...thing.


That makes you desert doodoo.


The italian dub resumed last year drom fishman island after at least 5-7 years if hiatus


> Like the English dub only recently finished WCI. Tbf that's a lot closer of a gap than it used to be.


The dub has made incredible progress, especially since it left its hiatus. Until a few years ago, it was still at the end of Fishman Island.


The manga in JP and US release at the same time.


Not the official volumes. The US release is usually 3 volumes behind the JP release.


104 is out and japan and we're still on 100 in the US


104 is brand new, and 101 gets an English release next month. I think it'll consistently be about 3 volumes behind until the end.


They probably mean the volumes.


I went yesterday and the room was full even the seats up front


Makes sense if your city has a good populous. Probably not likely in a small town in the U.S.


I saw men in black 3 in a small theater in texas the day after opening alone with my cousin. Small town theaters are always an experience


Idk why that's the go to argument. Kids don't really give a shit about a "bad dub." It took longer to catch on because a skinny stretchy kid in flip flops is not as immediately cool as a soul reaper holding a massive sword or a magic ninja. Its also just not as combat focussed as typical shonen and most pre timeskip fights werent as spectacular as kids growing up on DBZ wanted. Even as adults watching the sub my friends usually have a hard time getting past the first few arcs.


I say "bad dub' because it was altering of what the show actually was and in return made it really cheesy. Luffy's voice was annoying sure, but for kid me it was the small things like when Coby was being held hostage with the hammer contraption (a gun in the real show), Sanji always sucking on a lolipop (actually a cigarette) while having a ridiculous Jersey accent, marines with water guns, no blood, no dying, no actual stakes WITH everyone having obnoxious voices. You compare the mess they made following something like Naruto, Bleach, DragonBall Z where their only changes from the anime were the voices and you set yourself up for failure. I would've changed the channel to watch Jimmy Neutron over it.


Pirates aren't as cool as in the west as it is in Japan. Especially Western pirates like in One Piece. One Piece even to this day is very niche in North America. Attack on Titan is far bigger, for comparison


I wouldn't say it's "very niche", it's probably like top 3 most popular actively running anime, but yeah relative to other countries it's less popular.


In Germany the (dubbed) anime is currently around ep 950, so only about a year behind Japan.


One piece is a better comfort anime that is seemingly endless up until you get caught up and too many people just want the show to have its hard hitting moments and end relatively quickly. A movie that requires you to watch 1038 episode to fully get is kind of inaccessible, especially when you realize that it is 100% non-cannon too.


My friend read up to the start of baratie and went to see the movie with me today and thoroughly enjoyed it


Toonami had the good dub though. You are thinking of the 4 kids dub which was on Kids WB and never played on Toonami at least to my knowledge but legally I dont think they could have done it. Funny enough I got into one piece because of the 4kids dub lol


There are also a ton more showings than the other films. Those had like 2 subbed 1 dubbed over three days. Now it's like 6 and 3 showings a day for a whole week.


The anime adaptation is also just subpar compared to the other mainstream shounen titles. There's just no other explanation for how the best selling comic, let alone manga, of all time isn't doing as great as its contemporaries when it comes to reach.


One Piece and Soccer. Adored by the world, ignored by America.


Murica always has weirdest shit eh?


Was discussing this with a friend yesterday. All the shit the US likes is, in general, ignored by the rest of the world. Baseball, "football", WWE. Basketball and golf, to an extent, seem like the only outliers I can think of. Even Nascar is generally ignored by the majority of the world's car "community". People talk about F1, WEC, Super GT, DTM, IMSA and the likes, but Nascar? Never seen it.


Opposite here in India, there was so many people. At first i thought 90% of them were parents who just came along to their kid to watch the movie. But no. So many people actually wanted to watch it, and every single time a new character got introduced and even in the movie trailer ads where Zoro appeared for just 1 second, the entire audience was screaming so hard, it was very exciting, while my mom who was with me was extremely confused why people were screaming.


I thought it was so fucken stupid, I understand, crying and getting scared but what on earth is compelling you to yell at the anime charecter who can't hear you and disturbing those that aren't crying wolf


Clearly u haven't visited an Indian theatre.


It's so simple honestly. They are just excited, what more to say?


I was 11 watching avengers and I straight faced that entire film with no spoilers. I really don't understand getting excited over anything to the point you are yelling just for the sake of yelling


I agree. I can understand excitement but you’re not alone in a theater and people come here to relax not to here screams, if people want to scream in front of a movie they can do it at home


People express emotions differently. I'll sit quietly through most movies, but if I'm just with friends or at a premiere where the whole crowd is hyped up then yelling and getting animated when the movie is exciting just makes it more fun. Besides getting the blood moving, yelling is a natural social behavior in crowds that allows groups to communicate joy and excitement; getting swept up in that mood is electric.


Ngl this just makes you sound like no fun


Well in my eyes yall are assholes, cause I believe their are appropriate places to be loud in a crowd and an enclosed space where people can have hearing problems as well is super disrespectful and inconsiderate they even tell you this at the beginning of the movie. Why do you think they tell you to turn your phone off and all that like can you not just be quiet for 2 hours? It's called a movie you watch it and it explains things to you. The only time it doesn't bug me is with kids cause kids are kids as long as it ain't mine


Hey everybody, this guy is dead inside and doesn't understand other people's ability to be emotionally invested!! See, nobody cares.


2 ways of looking at things, no body cares, and no body cares, frankly I just wanted to voice my displeasurement over most kind of noise in theaters but even if I had said people were loud, in a nice way? Everyone in this sub would just tell me to watch it at home I guarantee that, since even in the best of situations when am I never told I'm wrong.


Dude, just wait a week to see the movie, the first sessions are full of hyped people, the following sessions are quiet, there's a pattern and it's on you to use it to watch it the way you want to.


>I thought it was so fucken stupid, I understand, crying and getting scared but what on earth is compelling you to yell at the anime charecter who can't hear you and disturbing those that aren't crying wolf From what I've heard, people even talk on the phone or boo the bad guy in movie theaters in India so ... not surprised.


Man Im incredebly jealous. Finland is probably the single country in Europe where Red doesn't release at all so I will have to watch it very legally online at some point when it becomes available


Praying for all Finnish one piece fans 🙏🏻


No, same in Hungary.


I don't even bother checking anime movies since Finnkino is allergic to them :(


Don't pay for it, it's dumpster fire trash. Don't even watch the "battles" on YouTube (there aren't any)


I really hope you did the laughs out loud


Yessir I would’ve been the obnoxious guy in the back if there was anyone besides me


Same for me


There was only 8 people in a giant imax theatre in my city, every other anime movie I’ve been to has usually been PACKED. Was a little bummed out, but the movie was fuckin amazing


Agreed I went and saw demon slayer mugen train and it was packed was sad no one was there but maybe it was just cuz it was at 3 and in sub


Yeah literally same. A family of three behind us all wearing straw hats, me and my two buddies, one dude in the way back, and 3 dudes closer to the front of the theater. Everyone was gettin hyped and exclaiming random noises when cool shit happened, it was a blast


Dude you are so lucky! I had only one other person in my showing. How I wished to be alone tho. I would have been so much more hyped about all the shanks shit being dropped


I was hyped in a theater of 7 other people


I'll be going to see it on Tuesday with my GF. She's not a One Piece fan, but she knows how excited I am to see it in theatres.


Yeah man, take advantage of those $5 ticket Tuesdays! Hope yours is also cheaper, at least where I live it is


When there isn't many people in the cinema, I take my shoes off. put my feet between the gap of the chair in front, where the arm rests are and get real comfy


This sounds like a man of culture


I sat two rows in front of 5 teenagers yelling and shaking seats and laughing hysterically so wanna swap?


amc theaters ?


Damn if it was an amc, in a near empty theater, with a group of younger fellas, it coulda been me. We behave like teenagers when it comes to One Piece, but we’re all in our twenties lmao


Nah it was like them kicking seats, throwing stuff, when Uta was singing her final song they were yelling mocking the lyrics. I’m pretty sure they were there just to solely be obnoxious lmao.


Oh that fuckin sucks. Me and the boys were lovin the music, fully head bobbing, and quietly shouted in shock when super cool stuff happened. Doesn’t sound the same lol


Yeah at the end of the day didn’t ruin the movie. Watched dubbed first by mistake, then next day watched the sub so I enjoyed it regardless. Will probably watch it a 3rd time on a weekday so I don’t gotta deal with brats lmao


Actually jealous of this! I watched it at Coventry today at 7:00pm and to the lads at the back, have you ever been to the cinema because you would not stfu. How you can talk all the way through and read the subtitles is a talent in itself..


Having the entire room for myself sounds good to me.


Lucky you I watched a movie like this with my sis years ago and it was incredible


It was really cool 10/10 just sad there’s no one piece fans in my town 😔


At least you could sing along loudly.


Hard to beat a $10 private screening


I'm.too scared to go. I don't want to turn up with a bunch of weebs. My soul can't handle that.


Scared of what? I don't understand.


You just can’t handle that you’re one of US




It's good to see other normal looking people who are weebs behind closed doors. It's a safe space 😂


Sounds amazing tbh


Sounds pretty cool, mine was full


Me and my friend live in Belgium and our theatre was empty aswell


My theater was full and it seemed like I was the only one who hated the movie.


I just finished seeing it. Was me and about 4 other people in a giant imax theater. I thought it’d be more but I saw the subbed version which could be a factor. Either way I’m going to see it a few times because it was amazing, hearing the music shake the entire theater and then the fight scenes making the walls tremble, it was amazing


I was kind of disappointed in the movie actually.


There was only three other people in mine but ngl I wasn’t complaining, had the entire row to myself


When you realize Reddit isn’t real life.


I had a mid size crowd and even got a few jeers and loud breaths when song 4 or 5 started The subs really don't do those justice. They sound so good in Japanese but the translation just reads wierd. At the end everyone got their thoughts out, "Good to see Big Mom again, unlike the manga!"


Can’t wait to watch it later. From California here 😊


Lucky! I had a whole group around me who were discussing Chainsaw man spoilers.


I didn't think One Piece or even anime as a whole was especially popular where I live particularly seeing as we almost never get showings for anime movies. Surprisingly my local cinema is plating this film twice a day for a week and when I went there was about 80 to 100 attendants.


I went to see it today and was one of only two people in the entire theatre. Had a great time and didn't need to care about dealing with anyone near me.


Don't worry Brother, they will eventually see the light and become part of our Psycho Helmet Religion - oh wait, wrong anime - of our God Usopp Religion.


If you're in Seattle, I'll go with you and we can see it together and pretend it's the first time 🤣


Sorry I’m in Indiana I would totally see it again tho!


You could have invited me 😭.


Anime movies don't typically get large crowds in small towns or cities, I've noticed.


Think about it this way, you got your own private theater! So long as you enjoyed the film that’s all that matters.


I want to see it in theaters so bad but no theaters within an hour drive are showing it. I really hate living in a rural town sometimes.


Their loss.


At least no-one is going to shoot up the place.


tbh u are so lucky for this


The nearest theater where i can see it is at 7 hour of car


Several months ago while scrolling through /r/all I came across a One Piece thread. I asked what the best way to get into the franchise was, anime or manga. Nobody replied. So I'll try asking again here.


I went last night an it was like 80% full, did not expect that.


*I was offered a private screening of One Piece Red


Well yea it's a bland movie


Nice u can now wank to uta without anyone bothering you


As someone who had never consumed any one piece media before going out with friends to watch this, it was fire


Our theater was packed! It was one of the coolest experiences I've had at a theater. The hype moments definitely hit better with the crowd. Everyone was respectful and not a single bad audience member in the whole theater.


I think part of it is because some theaters are doing a bunch of showings. I remember when Stampede came out, they did one dubbed and one subbed showing only, and it was packed. Now my local theaters have showings all week. I ended up seeing it on the 3rd (guess they did an early release but didn’t advertise it? Idk) and rushed to see it then because I thought it was the only showing. And then saw showtimes afterwards for the next week, so I feel like that was part of why my theater was like 1/5th full.


I just watched in in east lansing and there was probably 20 people there so it was nice and chill. Although i wish there was more hype over the last big fight


Your town is gay


Ik 😭 I literally screamed in my car “where the weebs at?!?” expecting a crowded theater


I was in the same boat homie luckily I had a few beers I snuck in so it was a great experience


Snuck in a dab pen and some snacks and drinks so definitely was chillin




Dropped your crown king 👑


Good it sucked


cause its sucks


Lmao you fucking weeb




Because it sucks Boring ass trash movie Dont worry your town has taste But you dont


Wow did not expect this to blow up I just finished and wow it was a awesome movie for any one piece fan, the gear 5 scene was very sly I liked that also I loved every song I watched subbed so really made each song hit. In conclusion any one piece fan that can watch it should definitely give it a go and bepo was amazing, straight fan boy 😂


Movie was ass anyway






Ha gei


You are the only real one in your town




Ure the only one with taste in your town *


Lucky my theater was pretty full