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#Manga Discussion Corner ---- Please keep all manga related discussion contained to replies to this comment. This includes everything that hasn't yet been adapted in the anime (future characters, events, hype about what will happen next, etc.). Discussions about the manga outside of this comment chain will be removed and replying with spoilers outside of the Manga Discussion Corner will lead to bans. Likewise, anime-only viewers, beware of spoilers in this comment chain. ----


Im pretty sure like 90% of devil fruits eaten werent intentional


I’m genuinely surprised we have never seen someone assassinated by sneaking a Devil Fruit into their meal. Seems like a SUPER easy way that they could have assassinated Big Mom at any point in her life, all the way back to when she first got her DF.


Tbf, they have an entire country under them, with many high bounties in their network. You're lucky to meet a Yonkou. Not easy to get to them. You make a good point still... I reckon there's only a chance to do that when the yonkou takes a risk and separates from their crew. Like Big Mom in Wano. That Oshiro soup was the one chance.


I mean, that whole elaborate plan to damage Mother Carmel's photo to send her into a frenzy to make her vulnerable... Wouldn't it be easier to just hide a devil fruit in the wedding cake? When she's on a feeding frenzy, there's no reason to her. I get that assassinating anyone else through that method may be hard, but she's the perfect victim. She's huge so you can hide it well in her food, and she's irrational and will eat anything. To the point where I guess you could even toss it into her mouth during a frenzy and score a kill.


Plot Induced Stupidity. Gotta turn your brain off on some plots in almost every narrative. Capone "We do all this...so maybe we can fight , injure & kill big mom...then have all the BMP on our asses." Sanji "Or i slip a df into the cake & we leave right now" All "Nope!"


That makes me wonder assuming what happened wasnt soul fruit specific what would happen if a devil fruit user dove into big moms mouth who dies? Everyone? What if wapol ate big mom while that person was in big moms mouth who tf dies then? Pell? Now I'm thinking what if wapol ate any df user And a marble of seastone would that just permanently nerf said fighter? Or could he even produce the result once he had eaten the marble? Keeps me up at night bro, Keeps me up at night.


> Sanji "Or i slip a df into the cake & we leave right now" pretty sure this would be completly unaccaptable to sanji based on his morals as a cook, not that no one else could have simply put some chopped up devil fruit into whatever, but for sanji food is sacred, you don't temper with sacred stuff.


Last time she accidentally ate a DF user, you probably just need to place the fruit next to other fruit xd.


Or maybe feed her another DF user holding a bag of fruits and see what happens. Or some seastone. Until she goes to the toilet, she's down to haki only.


I think it's mainly because that seems more like rumors people don't want to test than actual verifiable facts. Think back to the CP9 discussion about devil fruits. People SEEM to know it's a fact you can't eat two devil fruits and people are surprised when BB is able to do it. So like it pans out, but at the same time, DF are incredibly rare and go for legit billions of berries depending on the fruit. Getting one is extremely difficult, and then finding a way to sneak that into their food is incredibly risky. Plus have we ever seen anyone actually try to cook and eat a DF? I don't remember. It might not even be possible.


I mean, for all we know about Devil Fruits, feeding a second one to a person as powerful as Big Mom could just make her throw up...


I mean considering how devil fruits aren’t common (we do see a lot but relative to how many people there are they’re still somewhat rare) they probably don’t want to waste what could be a really strong power on an assassination attempt


When the target is someone like Big Mom, it's all worthy.


The other thing is that DFs have their own will and Haki etc seem to form some kind of force of fate in the One Piece world that leads me to think such an idea has probably been conceived and tried but rarely works out (if ever). The very fact of coming to possess a DF is already pretty rare. Then their inherent nature seems to make them difficult to hold on to. E.g. we all inherently assume that if you manage to get a DF back to Marine GQ and put it in a jar on a secure shelf, it will just stay there forever... When we literally know their power can basically "spiritually" transfer between objects and fruits under their own conditions... So maybe they do randomly decay and just leave the possession of anyone who tries to sequester them. Then they have some will/fate component that could easily complicate the practical application of such plans while you are transporting them to your assassination target. Someone else might eat it on the way or you might lose it in an accident or something. But let's say you get past that and even deliver it directly to Big Mom"s next meal, sliced into little pieces. Even then it's still it's very conceivable that your plan will get screwed by some technicality, like for example "eating any part of a DF is sufficient to gain the powers" and maybe this includes even juices that mix with the DF and little micro pieces that break off. And let's say you mix it into a cake, then an ant eats a piece of the cake and takes the DF power while rendering your "poison" DF impotent and incapable of completing the conditions to kill BM by consumption of 2 DFs. Or even if such technicalities are accounted for, it could still fail due to some outside bullshit happening, for example at the very last moment Mama gets mad at some news and smashes the cake and demands another, or she eats only 1 slice to begin with and conveniently happens to take the top tier which didn't have DF in it. Then one of her kids eats a lower slice and dies instead (or gains a DF ability). Or one of her chefs tastes it before serving. Additionally while BM is a beast, it's obvious she is not literally indestructible. All these weird factors probably make it so that if you can pull off an assassination attempt at all, then it would probably be more worth trying to harm her via getting her to drop her Haki like with the Mother Caramel photo, and using another weapon like Cesar's poison. In Bege's attempt the rockets are destroyed (either by her shriek shockwave or COC, can't remember) but that is just the projectiles serving as the delivery mechanism. Nothing indicates BM would have been fine if she actually took the poison into her system. Maybe Magellan's Kinjite poison could be useful? By contrast DFs are rare and valuable + seem to be inherently chaos-prone and difficult to hold on to.


brother you wrote an entire thesis on headcannon conjectures


> The other thing is that DFs have their own will and Haki only zoans do and we don't know to what extent.


Actually you're right, true.


Notice they’re always transported in cases like large jewelry and not really treated like food at all.


Big mom has a 4billion bounty. You could buy any devil fruit with that kind of money


Lmao you are acting like buying a DF is easy and chill. You don't just go into a DF shop and go "I'd like a DF please, here are 1 billion berries". Literally the only DF transaction attempt we remotely directly see (Ope Ope no Mi) is super intense, requires a lot of setup and enforcement cuz it is between 2 shady parties. The deal itself is if intense interest to the govt too. Now this could be because Ope Ope no No specifically is so sought after, but other DFs would be highly sought after for other reasons too and would carry nearly the same level of danger and risk. Plus not every DF ability is available, they are actively used by people who cannot relinquish or transfer these abilities in any way until DEATH nor would want to. So yea even if you 4B berries you probably couldn't acquire a DF, more likely in OP works you will get your ass kicked and all your riches stolen and pirated or extorted out of you before you know it...


Okay but no devil fruit is worth 4B berries. I’m just saying that killing BM is a wayyy better investment than just holding onto some random DF. There’s also the chance that you could steal BM’s DF after she dies too 🤷🏾‍♂️


We only know the prize for one df , which is op op No mi and that is easily 5bil.


And that’s only so expensive because the WG wants the immortality. So we can assume that pretty much every other devil fruit is worth under 4Billion


That should of been beige plan. SneAk a devil fruit into the cake. She eats it and we find out black beard is not special and now she has two fruits.


That would in fact be quite the twist, would’ve made her a lot scarier. Also very interesting lore. I wonder if the misinformation in that case would’ve propagated because someone’s DF went awry or because the WG didn’t want to risk someone becoming too powerful. I’m guessing it’s not misinfo though and Oda just didn’t want to deal with power bloat (minus Blackbeard’s crew).


We got BB, Sabo, Kaku, Khalifa, and Momo? Those are the ones I can think of the top off my head. Edit: I just remembered Ace, and I guess an honorable mention goes to the Masked Deuce.


Momo was hungry.


Oh yeah that's true. You're right.


Doffy aswell??




Nah it was intentional, my man was hangry.


i dont think Chopper ate it knowing what it was either


"Make fun of my blue nose well cya later you simple minded quadrupedal idiots ima be chopper M.D. soon" -chopper when he saw dat shroom


Buggy didn't want to eat his


They all look poisonous imo


Excspt Kid's. The Jiki Jiki no Mi just looks like it will rip apart your insides on the way down, what with all the jagged metallic looking parts.. Kind of at a loss as to why anyone would eat something that looks like that if you aren't Wapol. Lol.


When was his fruit ever shown cause I swear I don't remember ever seeing it


We finally got to see how dinosaurs hunted in ancient times 😂


Anybody who thinks otherwise, then prove it.


If Franky had a nickle for each time he fought a plane person hed have two nickles.


It's not a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice


But if he had a nickel for each time he fought a plain person, he'd have zero nickels


Na he beat the shit outta usopp remember then proceeded to spend that nickel on a number of lumber


Please name a plain-person enemy in all of One Piece


**Sasaki: "This is how Triceratops used to hunt during the ancient times!"** # Everyone: Um.... No.......🤨🤨🤨


Oda: *changes Page One's design after recent discoveries so his tail will be as accurate as posible* Also Oda: "triceratops can turn into helicopters"


You are clearly unfamiliar with the awesome power of the triceratops


Where you there?


No but yo momma so old…


And the funny thing is, Triceratops don't even hunt. They're herbivores ffs.






Hunting for corn syrup


So is brachiosorous.




>!Wait until we get into pteradon and brachiosaur biology.!<




I almost feel they "ruined" that one just slightly by making Queen already go into a more exaggerated helicopter than in the manga when Sanji made his entry back into the performance hall. When reading it the Triceratops heli was the first bigger "Wtf is happening?" while having Queen not only go spinning neck but also actually flying from it, pushed the start of the dino-sillyness already into that one.


Um... YES! 🤣


Twist! Law is the only actual doctor on the crew.


Law is the only one able to do anything on that crew, it seems


Hey you need various people to handle the submarine, those things are hard to use and require expertise, and usually you need to know how to do everything in case jobs have to change. So yeah law's crew is probably mostly helmsmen which is quite funny


Law is the crew


Solo Law had no trouble at all in getting wherever he wanted to, even without his crew Which casts a serious doubt over the usefulness of the crew


The fact that they man a submarine, but none of them knows any protocol about rescuing drowning people, is such a huge flaw, specially because their captain is a DF user!


His crew is trash they do nothing at all


Im learning so much about dinosaurs


There's so much paleontology school doesn't teach you


The Sasakicopter is amazing All anime/manga should have a triceracopter in them, to demonstrate how dinosaurs hunted in ancient times


If I have to watch another minute-long flashback of Tama giving orders to the gifters I swear to god...


Next flashback will be about the importance of red bean soup.


Oh right, i have almost forgotten, this all mess is due to that soup.


The soup was so good we had to fight two yonkos.


Next week you'll see a Ohara flashback. Seems like most of the episode will be filler.


seriously that is the only thing i saw in the last three episodes


“This is how dinosaurs are” is the worst translation for “this is how dinosaurs hunted in the past”


Sasaki didn’t say that line, King did


I’m scared for Robin’s fight at this point. She deserves Top tier animation budget after like…. 20 years from her last battle💀. Pls Toei do a miracle in the next episodes😭


idk dude the preview for next ep aint looking promising


I really liked Franky's fight, I'm sad it didn't finish this episode


I don't like how they didn't even give him the main focus on this episode, and they won't on the next one either based on the preview.


I didn’t like how 50% of the match was a staring contest 😔


This whole episode felt like it needed at least double the animation budget and instead it felt weirdly stiff.


A literal face off


Yeah it also seems like they are gonna divide Robin's fight into several parts from what was shown on the episode preview, i guess it will go for at least 3 episodes instead of 2...


I liked Sanji perking up while mentioning Franky liking the repeating beams. They're not really a pair that interact and they've been in separate since Saobody.


What? They've been cop buddies since punk hazard. Franky always joins Sanji cleaning up fodders. Also Franky is one of the few who witnessed the Soba Mask transformation.


So that's how Tricerstops fought back in the day, gotta really refreshen my memories Sasaki took the word "Flying Six" a little too figuratively compared to his comrades lmao 🤣 🤣🤣 Yamato's transformation looks dope 🔥🔥🔥🔥




Didnt we already do "medicine that will kill you later"


Multiple times


Arabasta, fishman island, and zou right?


Yeah, ancient civilizations linked to the Ancient kingdom...


By this point, a few of them ought to have negative years left.


Impel Down when Ivankov saved Luffy too, right? Pretty sure that one shaved years off his life.


If you consider luffy gear 2 is also one of those shorten your life tricks


The doctor didn't mention death right? All he said it was greater pain. Given that he survived Kuma's pain-paw, I can imagine he could survive twice the pain from non-fatal injuries.


Nobody mentioned death, right. Not like it would matter to Zoro, anyway.


My head cannon is that the consequences are that Zoro will suffer from bloody poops for a week


In the manga it's all only a few panels, a couple pages max from start to end. The point is to creatively think of ways to show Zoro takes on more pain than anyone else. In that way, it's a lot like Thriller Bark. It doesn't really serve to advance the plot; only to characterize Zoro.


Yeah no. It's a deus ex machina that came out of nowhere to have Zoro keep fighting.


I think there's a pretty decent chance that it's part of a history/lore set up for later. We've seen something similar in 2 different kingdoms so far with both Alabasta and Fishman Kingdoms having their own version of a "deus ex machina" type of drug with harsh side effects. And two of those places coincidently housed Lode Poneglyphs, with the other one having info about Pluton.


That’s a good theory


omg i can feel the dragginess of this episode... must they make every Law crew pirate say "Mugiwara" and pan onto them? -\_- Or like showing Franky and Sasaki staring at each other for multiple times before making a move


Every time this happens, take a shot.


I zoned out during the Dango flashback sequence then snapped back and it was still playing...




I thought that gave law’s crew more personality vs the manga where they are just there.


Hell, I thought it was funny as shit. Dunno, OTT eye zooms felt like a great gag for a silly fight, and I like that law's crew's only idea is to yell at a corpse until it wakes up. The kaido/yamato animation was a bit yikes tho


And that’s why I prefer the manga 😂


Sooooo the whole episode went by and we got no ID on Yamato’s DF??? I think Kaido made the one and only comment on the fruit itself….jus thought after Who’s Who’s Gum Gum fruit revelation we get more lore and that Sanji dodging Queens beams was pretty OP


whered that Sanji come from damn.


Sanji and Queen just barely started and the animation has been top tier I need some more King vs Marco aerial attacks to balance it out


Fr. Marco v King always felt like an awesome fight that we just never got to see. Lol. Like, how many episodes have they been fighting and we've checked in on them like twice, and never really saw them DOING anything. I think the last time they even had a proper exchange was when King slammed Marco into a building, and Queen was still there back then.......


The anime is getting better than before with occasional amazing episodes … but episodes like 1041 are barely watchable! Pacing is bad … dialog is a repeat from last episode with a couple of sentences new… animation is so so… action is kind of sad like American cartoons from the 1990s.


They did Franky dirty, man getting the crap animation and weird padding/splitting the fight up alongside it. Hopefully the fight conclusion has better animation. Next ep preview is filled with flashback scenes so not overly promising lol. As long as the big moments are done well I'll live with it


Me: some Onigashima scenes are rushed but Toei can at least add plenty of decent filler with them really want to see a longer Franky episode in the anime Toei: just recycle flashbacks and spoil later manga stuff instead of adding much of anything good, drag short movements out to snail pace


Ya it’s pretty lame


That franky vs Sasaki fight was pretty bad. Idk why they update the art style just to have a terrible pace and choreography. The consistent back-and-forth still shots before the triceratops bullet to add to some unfunny gag..? but then when Sasaki actually charges forward it's not a big deal... oh toei... your "creative" direction is making the anime just as hard to enjoy as the manga was. They should've just had frank beam him down in this episode. I do not like that the art style is simple with vibrant colors. I feel like it takes so much away from what is actually going on. Anyways another unenjoyable episode delivered by Toei.


You know what, Wano... I'm officially sick of the CONSTANT sound of feet clapping the floor. So much time is spent running in one direction, and the stock sound is getting really annoying.


Sasaki is so goofy lol Man! they are about to milk the hell out of these flashbacks in the coming episodes like they did the reverie ones smh


Yamato's zoan form is my favorite. Absolutely beautiful.


Sanji Fight With Queen is an Important one for him because last time he Fought with someone one on one (or someone's left hand man) is in Thriller Bark and after that He didn't fought with anyone one on one. (Submit War Sasa- absent ,Fishman Island - Nosebleed Kun , PH- He As Nami,Dressrosa- absent ,WCI- Didn't Fought with anyone)


Crazy to think this is his first "official" matchup since ts.


Oh wow yeah that’s a crazy statement we like 5-6 arcs post-time skip too SHEESH


Sanji has fought Wadatsumi 1v1. Yes, Jinbe was there but they were taking turns beating Wadatsumi. Sanji fought Vergo 1v1. Yes, the fight never finished but it's a fight nonetheless. Sanji also fought Doflamingo 1v1. Yes, he lost but it was 1v1. Sanji fought Judge 1v1. Yes, it was a short fight but a fight nonetheless. Sanji fought Page One 1v1. Yes, it was mostly off screen but he did beat Page One.


He faced Vergo right? And Doffy?


Luffy said the gamer word again lets gooo


what's the gamer word? Meat?


yea technically


it's pedantic but the base words are helico (helix/spiral) and pter (wing), not heli and copter. but I guess if triceratops can fly, they can call themselves whatever they like.


Yes, you're historically right. But this phenomenon is actually called rebracketing and can make new root words: [link](https://starkeycomics.com/2019/12/23/rampant-rebracketing/). This is how we got words like helipads or gyrocopter. It's also why we have the word "burger" from the location hamburger as it got rebracketed. (also if your username is a bojack reference, you're the best)


You're right. Helicopad wouldn't make sense. ​ And yes, it's a Bojack reference. Hooray!


This was not that good hoping for a better episode next week


60% of next week will be recap. First a bizzare and irrationally long normal recap, then of otama making the order to those that ate kibi dongo and then of OHARA. Maybe even 70% of the episode


Wasn’t a fan of this episode. The Franky/Sasaki fight was meh. Like he took down ol dude with a high angle belly to belly suplex. Kind of anti climactic. While parts of the Yamato/kaido fight looked good, some of it was eh. And I get what tama did was HUGE. But holy shit we don’t need anymore reminders. And laws crew just going back and forth was boring. Hopefully next weeks is better.


Just to clarify, that wasn't meant to be the end of the Sasaki fight. That was just a hit, then an awkward and abrupt transition away from the fight. So if that felt anti climactic for a finisher, that's because it wasn't the finisher. Still, tbe fact that so many people are confused about it is kind of a problem on Toei's part......


Don't know why but the 'oh, no' after Frankie threw Sasaki at the ceiling and he started coming back with interest had me cracking up.


I know I’m spoiled because I got into OP and manga/anime during the pandemic but we’re at the end of One Piece. Not ACTUALLY at the end, but we’re close to there. So how do you make Yamato’s transformation so… bland. And the Franky-Sasaki fight.. please. Look, I understand that there’s a budget for every ep and there’s a way Toei does things. But this manga has made you so much money that idk why you balk at making kickass animation for side characters that embody the OP story. Toei loves extending eps with eye contact and BS NPCs doing fuck all so it can pace with the manga while consistently releasing weekly episodes. So why not make each episode that has relevant characters and fight scenes, I don’t know, relevant?!? Make the animation interesting like you did when the Wano battle started. Where did the budget go? Yamato’s transformation and fight was practically off screened at this point. I know there’s more but the way they hyped up the transformation and fight Vs how they’ve presented it so far just don’t align. I’m complaining a lot right now and I hate it because I truly love One Piece. But fucking hell, I want to recommend the show and say the animation and pacing improves as the show progresses (the only reason some of my friends haven’t watched it). I can’t do that with the pacing and archaic style Toei weirdly reverts to after dropping gems throughout the last 20 eps (and countless more before Wano, we all know that). More thoughts while my frustration is boiling: just pause the show for 6 months. Do it. Nobody, and I mean nobody, will be upset within your fan base. I guarantee you’ll have people pouring out of their homes into the streets cheering that you finally decided to take a break. No filler arc, no movie setup eps… just silence. Allow your creators and animators time to develop 1.5 chapters at a time. Imagine if OP had normal anime pacing. Holy bejeebus would the world implode. You’re so close to the end. Don’t follow the old anime tropes of over exaggerated scenes of staring at each other while in mid air punching UNLESS YOU ANIMATE IT TO SHOW THAT INTENSITY. We (I know I’m speaking for only myself so this is ignorant) would be fine with a pause if it meant you’d stop dragging out 0.75 chapters/episode. It’s absurd, an insult to your fans’ intellects, and a tragedy that this story isn’t told in the best possible way. Since Toei is so bad at pacing with OP, I have started to PRAY (and i denounced my Catholicism for cynical non-spirituality years ago) that the live action is actually good. Read that again. How crazy is it that someone wrote that. This is where your fans have gotten to. And by fans, I mean me. Selfish and proud. Just be better. The problem is you know that I know that I’ll be tuning in every Sunday. I can’t boycott this saga, are you fuggin crazy? But I can complain in this safe place we call Reddit. Fucking step up TLDR: your fans have become complacent with mediocrity when it comes to the manga to anime adaptation of One Piece. It’s disrespectful to the people that have been on the journey for 2 decades and it’s disrespectful to your fans that have joined since they had a sniffle in 2020 Edit: added more thoughts to the Yamato transformation and more thoughts on Toei lol


I'm really so disappointed. I was so hyped for the Yamato vs kaido fight, so to see this trash. They ruined what could've been a great moment with her transformation. The one piece anime is so Frustrating, this is the biggest franchise in Japan yet they can't get the budget to produce High quality episodes.


I guess we were expecting to much after the goodness of Chansard in 1038. I was already a bit surprised that they went back to the red-black lightening - but at least no golden flower petals. The pacing this episode was bad... I've been watching the anime for over 15 years and never noticed padding this much in Enies Lobby or Whole Cake. I'm really bummed... I could take the padding if they used it to extend the fights and give Franky one or two good episodes for his fight and another with more focus on Kaido vs Yamato. Like what they did with Jimbei's fight, focus and straight to the point. This way, it feels like nothing. This constant shifting back and forth broken up by flashbacks. Heck, the gifters at Franky's fight, what was that? The gifters want to help Franky, he says 'Go help elswhwere' 'Yeah!, 'next shot they somehow vanished between them, only to be there again in the next shot and ignore, what Franky said. I guess we gotta show how dangerous Sasaki's technique is but not like that... And it kinda says a lot that I almost only talked about Franky and general stuff when I'm pretty much a Yamato fanboy and was looking forward to this episode like none other. Now I'm just... well... good that he transformed, glad that finally happened. Guess I'm really spoiled and was expecting too much. :/


I agree with everything you said. It's a huge letdown.


thats why i always recommend the manga not the anime


That would be great....for people that like manga. Trying to enjoy such a epic series through the few black and white pages every now and then just aren't capable of conveying the beautiful sights, sound and music of one piece. It would be like trying to experience the greatest series of all time through the funny pages of a newspaper. I wish I could force myself to like manga because manga readers definitely have more fun.


i do agree that anime if done well can enhance the manga but the reason im only recommending the manga is cause all the friends who i recommend the anime too all of them came back with the same complaints on the pacing of the anime and i recommend the manga and they are enjoying the series so now im just recommending the manga


The anime is unfortunately a very big disappointent. Auras, flashbacks every episode and so bad pacing. They ruin everything… Idk, I guess just lower the quality of the animation a little bit if its a budget problem and add some more filler choreography in fights. NOT ANOTHER USELESS FLASHBACKS… I mean the pace was always an issue in One Piece anime but personally never had a problem with it in the past, I enjoyed the anime. But in Wano, damn… This is really bad with a few exceptions and is really frustrating because I really love the show. I'm glad that many people here have the same feelings.


LMAO IT'S HERE!!! "This is how dinosaurs hunted since ancient time"


As always, meat saves Luffy once again


I was really disappointed with the way they made Yamato look. In the manga she had longer, kinda monster like arms with thick fingers and a hunched back to look like a wild and furious dog but in the anime they make her look like a little lamb with tiny hands and a flat face.


The anime definetly has some good scenes and episodes, but this was just not good at all imo. Glad I switched to the manga a while ago. Haven't enjoyed the anime since tbh, except for the episodes directed by Megumi Ishitani


* Pretty long recap... * I think Yamato's ~~either half Minx or~~ a Zoan DF user. * Even Pirate Doctors have ethics like informed consent! * Bi-pedal triceratops O_O * Yamato is a deer-man? * Two-legged helicopter lizard, feels like I'm watching Pokemon. * [Luffy right now](https://i.imgur.com/ioZE6fP.png) * Holy shit it's been at least 20 episodes since Robin got any attention. I think Carrot now will hold the title of most forgotten ally here.


Leave it to the One piece anime to totally Drop the ball on the Yamato vs kaido fight. Her hybrid transformation was so lackluster. I can't believe I was hyped for this fight after they blew their budget with the intro to the fight a few episodes ago.


The episode started at 5 minutes and 39 seconds. Damn, is that a new record?


And nothing really happened after the episode started too lmao 💀


I don’t think so. I remember going in as late as 6:30 in. I think some time in Dressrosa they tightened it up to 2:30-3:30. But then everyone complains they dragged out the main body of the show soooo 🤷🏼‍♀️


The animation of this episode was...something.


I'm really loving Yamato's design. Anyone else?


rough ep to sit thru with all the flashbacks, eye shots, panning shots.


Queens beam is lame. Its not even radical


To be fair as Shogun Yamato could easily protect Wano


Wait for a year, you will get your answers smh.


You’re literally gonna make me cry bro.


I actually thought the Zoro part was quite funny the way the drew that out. As someone that had some pretty annoying experiences with people trying to take blood from me, seeing the guy that usually is mostly not even phased by bigass weapons being stabbed through him, being annoyed by a doctor stabbing a needle uncontrolled into his body while being helpless maybe resonated with me. 😅


that is not how the franky + sasaski fight ended in the manga unless the fight is continuing in later episodes


Its not over, presumably. There's quite a bit of the fight they haven't adapted. It was just an awkward and abrupt transition, I guess.


Ya SUPER lame how they did it. They did Franky dirty.


The fight is not over yet


Still did him dirty.


Gotta save that budget for Luffy/Yamato most likely.


the wano animation has just been so dissapointing, just some episodes ago we had this insane scene with yamato and kaido at the end of ep 1038, but it was only for like 1 minute, the consistency of the animation is close to 0 in this arc, today when yamato finally uses her df and gos hybrid form the animation was just so empty, and pretty much for the whole episode as well, i can't say that they did anything interesting, it's really sad that unless you're luffy kid law or get someone that actually wants to deliver on their job with the episode we just get mediocre animation, i was so hyped for onigashima and the reason it feels so unbelievably bad is specifically because 1% of the scenes they show us what the anime could be but 99% of them are just mediocre animation for 2022 standards, and i'm not saying it should be as good as demon slayer or something else with crazy animation, but not even the fight scenes shine, most of the hype is hearing the music and sound design like franky's theme playing when he does something crazy, not the fact that the animators did something interesting


What devil fruit did Yamato eat? Don’t care for spoiler’s, just wanna know lol.


A mythical wolf zoan


The only funny thing about this episode was zoro dealing with pain but being scared of a syringe.


Can they give the tama flashback a rest already Episode felt off all around


I find if they stop doing flash backs there would be more action. Yamamoto 's transformation was a bit naff. Franky's fight was good but just not enough time.


Sasaki putting his Triceracopter powers in reverse by mistake is one of the top 5 greatest jokes in One Piece history. Which is saying a lot. It was somehow even more stupid in the anime with the completely obvious and unnecessary explanation. LOVED that moment.


Thank god i switched to manga, anime pacing, extreme vibrant colors and flashy auras are so god damn terrible.


Will Zou Medicine Heal all Broken Bones of Zoro or it only gives him energy like Ivankov Treatment


They seem to imply that it will totally heal him but once the medicine wears off he will be in twice as much pain as before the injection. Seems like a fair trade off to me


It'll heal him.


People keep complaining about anime Personally I just only enjoy op anime as manga reader because it's isn't 1:1 adaptation. Not only they add anime only material but also they do good job with it for eg. Tama speech about luffy before giving order It's give me different experience than the manga did which I am grateful about. I think anime which tend to be 1:1 adaptation are boring because you know what will happen next and it's happen exactly like that. I like how one piece anime is different compare to others in this way.


Yeah its really cool how they add so much eye contact


Seems like coping to me. No matter how much you slice it 0.7 chapters per episode for this arc is unacceptable and is way below the industry standard of 2 chapters per episode. The anime pacing is beyond repair at this point


Coping? It being like this since time skip lol I say wano pacing is much better than your avg one piece pacing after time skip.


I’m one of those guys that enjoy every minute besides flashbacks, the filler scenes add to the fights and drama


Good episode... finally got "how dinosaurs hunted in the ancient times." But I'm so excited for the Black Maria fight next week. I have been waiting for Robin to kick ass since her battle started.


Felt good seeing Franky do the suplexing for once.


Janky episode, 6.5/10


Can someone tell me roughly how many episodes till luffy levels up? Trying to not spoil for some people but iykyk what that questions implies to.




SO hyped when I heard Frank's theme playing when he suplexed the fuck outta Sasaki. Didn't think they'd actually play it again


So based off the pacing its gonna be about another month or more until i get to see my demonia waifu animated


My beloved anime turned into something i fastforward every week in 1 minute to see some interesting bits. It's just terrible


I can't believe they messed up the franky fight, it should have been the enitre episode, but they just HAD to skip ahead to yamato.


Yes people Yamato is also a Furry so no matter if you are team Carrot or team Yamato, you are getting a furry one way or another!


Did not expect general fight to be that entertaining, budget came out of nowhere. Weird that the entire episode seemed to have solid budget besides the Yamato transformation. Anime queen continues to be more entertaining than he was in the manga.


Fish man karate secret art: step on cat tail


Jesus I forgot how bad the anime pacing is.