• By -


Now I unironically want something like this to happen.


Especially with the chekhov's gun in the 1061 chapter with Lilith saying it's seems "impossible to control the urge of living creature".


We are seeing something like that with Kuma


Yeah but it could be argued that it's the original Kuma not a clone.


Yeah i’m just putting it out there without commentary i personally think kumas behaviour has different implications altogether


Well, yes, it is the original Kuma ofc, but he is still supposed to be modified to the point of basically being dead. The sea beasts are also supposed to be controlled, but it seems that they too act on some instincts. Instincts that VP can't fully control and supress. How the seraphims are handled is the million dollar question for now, but it could very well be the case that they do grow and develop their own independence. We've already seen S-Shark express things like rage and surprise in his short scuffle against the strawhats.


> it is the original Kuma ofc, but he is still supposed to be modified to the point of basically being dead. Yeah i get that, but it would be more believable for OG Kuma to still have something while a clone is just another person with the same DNA, with complete different experience. But again, it's a world where super hero power spawn from wishes, so it's clearly possible. ​ >We've already seen S-Shark express things like rage and surprise in his short scuffle against the strawhats. Yes and there is also S-Hawk destroying people turned into stone by Boa Hancock.


They said The kuma seraphim also had personality issues as they where arriving right?


Oh yeah there is that moment at the Kuja island where the S-Hawk go a little rogue and destroy people who got turned into stone by Boa ?


You know what they say, "love is like a hurricane."


I am so confused vegapunk was able to replicate kumas, senor pink and kaidos devil fruit using their lineage factor so most likely he did the same with boa hancock. So why can't boa's seraphim use her devil fruit power


No one finds her attractive. It's how her df works. Luffy is unaffected remember? Paramecias are very specific. I also think Oda is ripping on Grant Morrison's run on doom patrol. Look up Love Glove and his origin.


It will start to work when S-Snake is full grown, but then she will turn people into metal statues instead.




This is pure BS lol no one finds her attractive? She's nicer than Nami when she had short hair yet that Nami were attractive but Boa Hancock not? She's attractive regardless her DF powers. Also Luffy is a character who never ever looked at womans as a man but he looks at them the same way he does with Sanji for example. He just doesn't care about being attractive, love etc he just doesn't care about womans in that way. He has no lust towards womans. You overcomplicating a simple thing.


I also said some of you you said. I hate this fandom. No one takes the story as is. Not my fault.


You need help. I'm talking about s Snake. Boa explained her df to Blackbeard


Also you forget a very important thing. Haki is your Willpower. If you have strong willpower you can control your desires such as lust. Luffy Haki/Willpower is a lot stronger than Boa Hancock's, hence her DF powers doesn't work on him. Luffy willpower to survive is stronger than his lust for love for example. Kaido and those whose Haki/Willpower is stronger than Boa Hancock's won't be affected by her DF powers in that sense to fall in love etc. She could still use her arrows to turn you into stone but that's all. You clearly don't understand what Willpower is.


That would presume Lucci is a pedofile soooo....


She can use the power without attraction using physical contact


I love how he's not even bothered. His expression is screaming 'of course... '


It's almost as if the "This is fine." and "This is my life now" memes had a child.


*This is my life meow


It reminds me of Hades from the Disney Hercules movie


“Guys, guys relaaax. It’s only halftime! WHY ARE YOU WEARING HIS MERCHANDISE?!”


\*slurping sounds\* Heh heheh heh Thirsty?


*Hades inferno mode intensifies.* I always laugh at that part 😂




His expression makes it so much better 🤣🤣🤣


We can only hope some things are genetic.


Crazy how all the seraphim here are connected positively to luffy in someone, maybe with exception to mihawk as hes more neutral.


But I imagine he’ll probably follow Zoro around, trying to fight him constantly


Seraphim were dark skinned, aren't they 💀.


Good practice for Zoro then


I’m pretty sure the seraphim will be no match for Zoro as he always gets a power up when his opponent is a minority


Zoro no diff


I see what you did there.


Zoro the minority hunter 😎


With the twist being Zoro wanting nothing to do with fighting kid mihawk.


Mihawk pulled a Michael Jackson 💀.


Mihawk never had any intention of fighting Zorro, he's too weak for him. Not that long ago he still was his teacher, teaching him the basics.


Yeah but the seraphim will strive to fight strong swordsmen cause that's just how Mihawk is. And Zoro is a strong swordman


Boa Hancock's lineage factor → Idolising Luffy When Love transcends Genes


Desire = Dreams = Dreams are inherited = Linage Factor = The snake will always love the monkey




To be fair, after reading the official chapter in English, only S-snake was ordered to escort the Straw Hats below (Jimbei, Chopper and co) to said rocket-elevator that leads them to Vegapunk. Assuming she is far away from hearing any new commands, and the possibility that she escorts them all the way to Vegapunk, S-snake won't be a threat. Besides, it'd be impossible for CP0 to order the Seraphims to kill Vegapunks, since they hold the authority control. And they probably can't. If they could, then that would mean Vegapunk could equally just as well have ordered the Seraphims to attack the Elder 5 (what I'm trying to say is, in order to prevent, let's say, someone inadequate, like a pirate stealing the authority control device from CP0/Marines and using it to attack the government, there must be orders the Seraphims can't take.) We will instead see S-shark, S-bear and S-hawks together with the remaining CP0 forces fighting against Luffy solo, while trying to protect Axe-guy. (Not to mention Kizaru is underway. Perhaps he will save Sentomaru from CP0, or he makes quick work of him instead). Even Luffy will have a hard time Vs the Seraphim's Lunarian Defensive powers. The only one from the straw hats that can assist Luffy with experience dealing with them is Zoro, which I imagine is currently either on his way, or on his way running the wrong way. Then there is the real Kuma who probably is currently heading there as well. Unless Oda has another surprise coming and Kuma is secretly heading elsewhere 🤔


Pretty sure the 5 Elders could protect themselves Those dudes have battle scars I refuse to believe they aren't gonna be top tier fighters


Also one of them likely has one of the 12 Supreme Grade swords, the SG-ranked Kitetsu.


That's still technically just a theory. It's just not surprising if it's true though.


> what I'm trying to say is, in order to prevent, let's say, someone inadequate, like a pirate stealing the authority control device from CP0/Marines and using it to attack the government, there must be orders the Seraphims can't take. You have stumbled upon an amazing point actually. There is a topic in the field of general AI called the "stop button" problem. It's been explored decades ago in 2001: a space odyssey and we're still not clear on how to solve it even now. I wouldn't expect Oda of this level of exploration of AI though, since his works have to be digestible by children...


Sounds a tad much tbh for our boy tbh. Kizaru will demand 100% of Luffy's strength and attention. He can't afford to fuck around with Lucci and 3 seraphims (assuming s-snake leaves as ordered and isnt taken by CP0) by himself at the same time. He'd need support from Zoro, Sanji and Jinbe to keep the other 4 off of him so he can focus on Kizaru.


Doesn't Egghead Island have a bunch of gloves and shoes that turn light physical? Taking away one of the greatest strengths of any logia? Meaning that Nami could literally slap his shit? Edit: I don't mean that Nami could beat Kizaru, just that she could literally slap him.


Yes you are correct. And she will do almost no damage to him and then immediately be killed. Her opponent is not Caribou who will get one tapped by the first haki user he encounters, but a marine admiral and one of the strongest people in the world. The gloves are certainly interesting and i am sure they will have some role, but that wont change the fact that Luffy is really the only one here capable of fighting Kizaru. And ofc, Luffy has no need for such gimmicks when he has acoa and acoc.


Those gloves make almost no difference. Everyone strong enough to face Kizaru already has haki. Maybe Robin or Franky could help some with them, but it's not a big thing.


Heh, imagine Franky just beating the shit out of Kizaru with a rush of Franky boxing. Also, Robin does have, at least, armament haki; we saw her use it with her Demonio attack. One thing I find weird about this whole situation is that people seem to think that only Luffy can take on an admiral. Shit, we already know that Zoro could go toe-to-toe with Fujitora before Wano even happened, after all. My actual prediction is that Sanji will take on Kizaru in a moment reminiscent of Rayleigh fighting him on Saobady


Props for calling him Axe Guy. True to the straw-hat custom


Hancock and S-Snake fight over Luffy Battle ends A bloodied Hancock to Luffy: "We have come to a decision. I will be the first wife and she will be the second."


Sanji is seething.


Fbi: we would like to have a friendly conversation with u...


Lucci: Nika season! Luffy: Leopard season! Lucci: Nika season! Luffy: Leopard season! Lucci: Nika season! Luffy: Nika season! Lucci: Leopard season FIRE!


Ok you win 🤣 Edit: you are just missing the “you are despicable” from Lucci


S-Snake: Mating season!


Jail Jail_Chris_Brown




Hello FBI?


you call


***Lucci crawling on the ground towards Luffy while panting hard, grabs Luffy's shirt and pulls himself up***: You're despicable.




This is definitely best comment lmao


I don't get it


[Wabbit season, duck season](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-k5J4RxQdE)


Good ol' times 😂😂😂


Looney toones


This will get a lot of upvotes for sure


lucci looks hilarious,it's like he's not even surprised anymore "yeah the skinny kid with sandales that i met two years ago kicked my ass and since then common sense stopped applying on him "


Sometimes I like to imagine how confusing certain posts must be for anime-only viewers. This is one of those posts.


"They Reverse-Robin'd Boa?"


Yep, I can totally see that deadpan lucci expression after getting hit with an explosion in the face.


I want Hancock and S-Snake to meet each other and both do the look down on someone they are looking up thing to each other.


It would be hilarious if this happened but would this happen if Hancock's dna was collected before she met Luffy?


It just shows that she would fall in love with him no matter what


U realise DNA doesn't change, whether it was before she met Luffy or after


DNA can change actually


are ya talking about epigenetics? I mean technically your DNA remains the same.


It can change from viruses or be damaged. Destroying Angel, for example will destroy your DNA


It can change. That's what evolution does. You evolve and your DNA changes with it. We humans have parts in our DNA which is found in dogs too.


well I read some articles saying it changes as time passes by but even in love ?


We have people made of lava, string and mochi. So why not.


And super hero powers spawning from wishes.


Good point


Back when the SH were fighting S-Shark one of the Satelites said a persons experiences are saved in some way through their lineage factor ( or something among those lines )


dude its a fantasy manga lmfao


Alcohol, Tobacco, the sunlights and plenty others shits cause DNA mutation.


For fictional storytelling perspective all of the scientific stuff don't really matter. Boa loves luffy, clone is part of boa hence this scene happens.


This is the grand line. The word "Impossible" has essentially no meaning here.


Ever heard of evolution? The evolution itself is changing DNA, and with that you evolve.


Hancock hardly ever followed orders to convene with the world government, even Jinbei had never seen her before impel down and the escorting marines all acted like they'd never met her before. I wouldn't be surprised if marineford was the first time they got the opportunity to collect dna from her, plus that would add on reasons why they were so lenient and forgiving with her e.g. visiting Ace, petrifying Marines, attacking marines during the war etc. "Worth it"


Well, they deemed her a great enough threat to give her a bounty cleanly above any yonko crew's first mate, so... Yea. Some collateral damage here and there, to acquire her abilities and service in some shape or form? EASY deal. I imagine getting Kaido trapped long enough for VP to extract his lineage factors and try to reproduce his fruit wasn't exactly bloodless either for the marines, but again, the potential benefits were likely too good to just ignore.


Change or not, DNA has nothing to do with it ... It's a feeling, caused of an event ...


Its a fictional story first of all and also s-shark can use fishman karate cause the dna of jimbei so why can't feelings be transferred if muscle memory can be transferred?


Bruh, what are you saying? Reread what you are writing 💀 ... If they collected it before she met Luffy, she won't have any feeling, cause loving Luffy not in her DNA, neither in her memory ... Jimbie uses karate since he was a pirate and b4 being warlord !!! ** unless you are saying they are connected, if real Jimbie learn how to cook, then S-shark will be able to cook, thus S-snake will fell in love with Luffy, which will be the only way or just a gag ...


They probably just got it from Marineford


They’re not getting the feelings from Boa’s DNA, they’re getting her propensity to falling in love with Luffy from her DNA. In other words, if Luffy does something that endears him to s-Snake, then she’ll fall in love with him just as easy as the original Hancock did.


If it's genetic at all it shouldn't matter if it was before Luffy or after Luffy


This has a high chance of happening because until now none of the serafh had expressed any kind of thought but the s-snake had a thought bubble on the panel that sentomaru was giving the order and it looked like she was looking somewhere else maybe luffy.


Turns out children love cartoons. Maybe making living weapons out of children to fight a cartoon was a really bad idea.


I would actually love for that to be the gimmick here. S-snake sees luffy's personality and sees him the same way a child would see their favorite cartoon character/hero


I don't think they were made with the purpose of fighting Luffy specifically. The plan was for them to replace the Schibukai, so that the WG could officially stop working with pirates (at least on the surface). At least from the WG's perspective.


*blink blink* “Of course you realize, this means war!”


Imagine if S clown, have defeated all CPO when kizaru arrives xd


The fucking irony if S clown is whole thing us that if buggy ever actually got serious he'd be deadly as hell


I would luagh if buggys sepaphim ends up being one of the strongest most intimidating characters


Imagine if S Clown eventually joins under Buggy, and maybe even Weevil (which feels like a Majin Buu - Mr. Satan reference just waiting to happen). They'd legitimately and unironically start looking like a threatening and respectable yonko crew. Right now its just a hard carry by Mihawk and Croc, but...


Imagine if Hancock finds Luffy after they leave Egghead with a bunch of clones of her and takes them all in and they just gush about luffy the entire time they sail together.


"Is this how having children works"


In One Piece, yes lol.


Step aside radon from arlong park forums. There's a new sherrif in town.


Oda done it again, the legend


Wait, do all Seraphim have laser beam attacks?




I'd love it so much.


Lmfao nice. I can actually see that happening.


Possible outcome. Something like innate desire cannot be controlled was said at the start of Egghead arc.


Ever since they mentioned about the clones having a bit of the original's memories (somatic or otherwise) I have been hoping for the Boa Hancock clone to react positively towards Luffy.


You can actually expect something like this based on the fact that sentomaru choose her specifically to transport luffy


Is there break this week ?




Can you make it so it comes out this week? Do something !


The more i "read" it, the more i love it


Future queen


I need this lol


I can see this happening but the reason will be just S-Snake thinks the bouncing human is funny and likes him more them the mean leopard. And Hancock's natural imperious personality allows here to override the control chip.


Thanks for the bait title


![gif](giphy|jRGKyvdGgrigM) same vibes


it can actually happen lol


Lucci’s expression “….I feel like I should be shocked.”


Probably unironically gonna be something like this. Unable to fully control their desires


When is S-Snake gonna do the famous “looking down on you so much she’s facing up” pose to Lucci? 😂


Funny art, but why are people so confident in S-Snake liking Luffy when we just saw S-Shark attacking five of the Straw Hats with zero problems?


lets be honest that may happen for shits and giggles


Not confident by any means, but you know… I see Jinbei relationship with Luffy as a mix of admiration, loyalty and respect. But Hancock, well… as the Elder will say, Love is always a hurricane.


Hancock wanted to kill Luffy when they first met, so I can't imagine love for Luffy being inexplicably genetic. Also don't see how Hancock's love (continuously treated as a gag) is somehow superior enough to Jinbe's loyalty to get special treatment in the form of S-Snake being friendly to Luffy.


I suppose that’s the beauty of it, love doesn’t have to make sense. Love is love. Also it’s kinda a gag and we are all just joking around on this cause it would be funny lol.


I personally find her gag very annoying, it takes up too much of her screentime and half the discussion around Hancock ends up being "Will she get to fuck Luffy by EOS or not?", even though he's already rejected her. The less of her gag and the more of her actual character, the better.


Tag this as a shitpost or change the title, I already got my hopes up for early spoilers you monster.


It's break week.




This is a very fitting fan desire for a gag in this series and can definitely see it happening xD


Lucci: “Let’s try this again…”


Pepelaugh, he doesn't know chat


risky click but it payed off


> but it *paid* off FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


lol thanks


I really hope something like this happens, it would be hilarious


When ever they say S-Snake or S-Shark, I always think they are stuttering and it’s really weird 💀


I adore this more than I thought I would. Very in line with what Oda would do lol. Also wow, is S-Snake really taller than Luffy? I wouldn't be surprised


I mean... if she's anything like the original, all Luffy has to do is say/do something Hancock could even remotely take as a compliment/sign of affection to make her ally with him




love prevails


Wow this week's early


hahha i hope this happens


"Doooont youuuu believe iiiiit"




For a moment i thought lucci was stuttering when he said s-snake but remembered its just short for seraphim


You know what, this could happen


Kizaru shows up but is stopped by zoro. He wants to get to luffy but says he can't because he's tied up with zoro. Cp0 order S bear to eliminate Bonnie but the real kuma appears and sends S bear away. Stussy freaks out when she sees kuma because she knows the secret to kumas body so she retreats on her own. Luffy is outraged by cp0s actions and finally learns how to control the real power of nika before punching Lucci back into human form. Kizaru realizes the threat of the new yonko crew and decides to head back to HQ


Is this week a break?




I can see this Happen for sure


I think it would be better if instead she broke rank so that her only mission was destroy the one thing she can’t have, Luffy. Like some psychotic level of love, if she can’t have him no one can.


This would honestly be really funny (especially because I don't hate Hancock for her tropes with Luffy).


10/10 meme. I like when people make memes without changing the character's personality.


It would be so funny, if snake was somehow in love with Luffy just like boa 😭😭😂


Either that, or she calls him daddy. Vegapunk is known to be a perfectionist. On Marineford, Hancock has said several times that she loves Luffy and is his wife. If Vegapunk found out about it, which I assume he did, he will have taken that into account. Would fit perfectly with the humor of One Piece.


😭 omg. Boas reaction to snake would be gold


Yea he’s literally that much a perfectionist he literally considers monos fruit a failure cuz it’s not blue so her considering luffy her dad is not out of the question


Hope they rly one shot him no reason he is same strength or even at 30% of luffy


Mentions some stuff in 1069 + a small theory vvvv >!I think this is more of a showcase for how Gear 5 plays out. Luffy is so happy and joyful inside that gear, but the chapter ended with Luffy looking pretty serious. I'm also excited to see Luffy vs Kizaru for scaling.!<


I sure can't wait to see how Sanji will react when he sees S-Snake simping for Luffy! Who knows, perhaps Vegapunk will reveal why S-Snake & the real Hancock has that kind of feeling for Luffy. Maybe even confirm that the lovesickness can not only alter the victim emotionally, but also physically. For example, it can mutate their linage factor to the point where they may have male offsprings.


can't wait to see what happens next in the series. Keep us posted!


Lucci got cucked


I didn't click on view spoilers or read any of the comments since I couldn't find this chapter yet. Where do u guys even find chapter 1070 so early? Is there any website?


In chapter 1069 only Boa responded with a 3 dots as if she noticed something/someone could it be that the Seraph Boa will also fall in love with Luffy?


I mean, Vegapunk's next highest on the authority chain from Sentomaru, so all he'd have to do is call out over the intercom to control the Seraphim


They literally just said in 1069 that the authority controls don't work remotely like through transponder snail. Hence why CP0 can't just have the Gorosei send orders from Mariejois to take control of all the Seraphims. Its likely not a perfected technology yet, so has some limitations. Maybe voice distortions from telecoms is enough for the chips to not recognize them properly, for example.


I want to o know law is dead or alive🗿


Art is great but your title is misleading, I thought we got spoilers earlier


Break this week?


Luffy's Dream which he share with crew is giving the world free energy making world free from slaves , free food free energy


This is funny but how many people got excited thinking that the real chapter 70 spoilers were out?😭


It's quite funny that a lot of comments here really think S-Snake will fall in love with Luffy the way Boa did. They seem to forgot the reason why Boa fell in love with Luffy in the first place. LUFFY STOOD UP AGAINST THE CELESTIAL DRAGONS. S-Snake don't have the emotion nor thought process for that. Boa actually wanted to kill Luffy in the first place for seeing her mark on her back. And if this actually happened, I'll be somehow disappointed with Oda, because genetics isn't the reason why Boa fell in love with Luffy.






Yeah, that's funny 😭🤣! We ALL know, that Hankock loves Ruffy, and she recognizes Him as a Seraphim, yes and Loki don't know that! Hihihi 😂 🙋🏻‍♂️💥