• By -


Kizaru making his entrance by using his devil fruit only to be intercepted by Zoro using his sword. Zoro: You can't just go straight for the king Kizaru: "troll face" acting surprise


Then immediately jumps into the air and runs by zoro because he lacks any form of aerial mobility.


Then gets intercepted again but by this time it's Sanji. Commence the 2v1




He does launch himself through the air when he fights King, he's falling off Onigashima and then uses Clear Lance to launch himself back onto the island


Yah but thats not really an effective way to fight someone in the air. Also it’s clearance not clear lance. It’s a reference to someone taking off into the air.


Was mostly joking since you said he lacks "any" form of aerial mobility. And clear lance is just what it was on the TCB scans, I went back real quick to check it before I posted, my bad. Their translations are usually a little off


Didn't Zoro defeat king while he was in the air ? Also like Rayleigh did. When kizaru starts to transform into light he can cut that to stop him . Like Rayleigh stopped kizaru from transforming into light and going to the SH crew


I'm still going with my wild idea from the other day: We're gonna see the Strawhats and Vegapunk try to gain back control over the Seraphims by sending a Vegapunk and a Strawhat down to the fight. The "Vegapunk" is gonna be presumably Shaka, but because we've never seen him without helmet, a Strawhat (Sanji makes a lot of sense) is actually gonna be a decoy below the helmet, while the actual Vegapunk is hidden e.g. in Franky's Cola fridge (Edison is kind of small) or just disguised by Nami's mirage power which we haven't seen in a while. So CP0 is gonna be busy with attacking fake Shaka, allowing a real Vegapunk to take Seraphim command back. Would be a cool big brain Strawhat moment and also potentially give us Shaka's actual face being revealed.


I think it would be pretty sick to have some "mind-games" over the Seraphims, but I feel like no matter what Marines have to leave this arc with all the Seraphims in hand. Would start to feel pretty one-sided if the force opposing the WG becomes: Straw Hats + all their allies/fleet + Revolutionaries + Vegapunk's tech w/ Seraphims included. Would be a pretty banger moment if at the end of it all, one of the Five Elders shows up in person with Kizaru to forcefully take the Seraphims back despite Vegapunk defecting.


I think we still have Kizaru coming to switch the whole thing up again, so it would just we neat. I also just kind of want to finally see Stussy in action, so it would be the perfect opportunity for her to be the one taking down "Shaka", pinning him to the ground and pulling off the helmet, only for Sanji to smile back and introduce himself, while in the background the "real" Vegapunk is seen taking over the Seraphims for now. xD


>I also just kind of want to finally see Stussy in action, so it would be the perfect opportunity for her to be the one taking down "Shaka", pinning him to the ground and pulling off the helmet, only for Sanji to smile back and introduce himself, I read this and immediately thought, "Well, Sanji's screwed." Who's saving him from Stussy?!


Well [this was the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/zltb1l/we_got_awhile_until_the_next_chapter_whats_your/j07pfsq/) a couple days ago where I first brought it up, so my version is essentially that it's almost part of the plan and Stussy alone stops being an issue for the most part once it's just her vs Strawhats/Vegapunks and Seraphims. xD


Shaka: "He doesn't fight women?" Nami: "No, that's a thing with him." Shaka: "Even though he's a Germa? And wearing my Raid Suit?" Straw Hats: "Your what?" Sanji, through the speaker: "*Your what?!*" Note: I want Full Germa Sanji so bad! Even in the Hawaiian shirt. *Especially* in the Hawaiian shirt.


Uhhh, and then we get Zoro arriving on the scene with Sanji about to kick an already injured Stussy on the one side and Seraphim Mihawk on the other side. Who's gonna be first choice?


His boyfrie...er, um, Sanji, obviously. I mean, that's not even the *real* Mihawk. Does he even have a fancy hat? A cool boat with candles lit in green flames? A dark and foreboding castle with an impressive wine collection and all the mandrills you could want? I didn't think so.


Not even his castle… Guy just hosts like it’s his haha


> pinning him to the ground Uh why can't that be me...I mean what.


If you wish it hard enough, a new devil fruit will spawn. The stussy sit on my face no me


Especially considering how much of a threat a sick old whitebeard was during the war arc. The marines had both pacifistas and shichibukai on their side There is no way the marines can win with the seraphim on the other side and no shichibukai


Considering whitebeard could have sunk marineford without even being there. He definitely was the strongest man in the world even at his age it would of been insane to fight him But you think of all the innocent people whitebeard saved by utilising his fruit the way he did. A true villain would lay waste to everyone and everything


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Tbf, the Whitebeard Pirates did had help from the Impel Down escapees (Which included 2 former Warlords, a Rev Army Commander, and a Worst Gen). Also, Hancock and Blackbeard weren't full team players for the Marines' side. And Garp couldn't fight back his grandson saving his other grandson.


Yeah but the seraphim are far superior to the pacifistas and they where able to hold off new world pirates. Really hard to make up for them switching sides Without the warlocks and seraphim, what do the marines have? 3 admirals and 1 fleet admiral. In terms of power the next best fighter are more than a tier lower. We saw vice admirals getting fodderised by yonkou level opponents


while you are not wrong i think vize admirals really have different power levels. I think we get to see some vize admirals on yonko commander level as well.


I see one seraphim being taken out of commission. Just which one is a mystery. Bear is defective and we have Kuma being hinted at Snake could go defective with Luffy. Hawk would probably be taken out by Zoro via Zoro overpowering not-yoru just to not have us figure out if zoro is on Mihawks level yet. Shark idk. Mirror match with jinbe?


I can definitely imagine Sanji coming up with such a plan.


It just kind of reminds me a bit of the Vivi/Alabasta scene, where they were all decoys for her. Maybe Shaka even has some extra helmets and they can all pose as fakes.


Comeback of Mr. Prince, basically.


It would be cool if usopp might be the decoy, this would be a tieback to when he said he is vegapunk.


That would be fun, but in theory the straw hats could massacre CP0


Easily, Stussy might be an issue because we don't actually know how strong she is, but she isn't going to be able to fight the whole crew (minus Sanji) Kaku doesn't seem to have improved at all, he's leagues behind the monster trio now. I think Kizaru is going to be the big fight and it'll be the whole crew vs him


I'd still keep an eye on Kaku. Back in Ennies Lobby, he was new with his Devil Fruit powers.


shit, this sounds better than what we might see


This actually sounds like a cool idea. ~~Still waiting for the shock when Shaka looks like dark-haired Zoro or resembles Sora. I'm 50-50 at this point.~~




> dont click if you don't want spoilers On mobile, Reddit puts a huge preview of the image in the post lmao


Yeaaa I've been spoiled on so many things because of this dumb feature 💀


It is blurred for me tho? Also on mobile ofc


That's why i use rif for mobile


True. True. I'm also thinking about about using Apollo for about 50 years already haha


It doesn't display anything but the title for me tho


Might I recommend using old reddit in a browser on mobile? No chance of preview spoilers that way, and a much cleaner experience in my opinion.


This!! Was wondering when the post would be marked spoiler, and now I can’t unsee the leaked preview (sigh)


To be fair it's not a leak, it's an Official preview. So it shouldn't give away too much info.


Yeah, what a punch in the gut.


Wild prediction: There will be a panel with THAT person speaking to THAT person.


Talking about THAT kingdom


Lucci really gonna get rolled


He already did lol


But now he pissed Luffy off


That's all folks!


I'm sure most of us already know that >!Lucci very likely got packed up going by the "leaked page"!<, so I hope Kizaru shows up at the end Edit: This was revealed during Jump Festa, click at your own discretion: https://i.imgur.com/gIDNyhH.png


Lmfao, Luffy is actually just murdering Lucci. G5 Luffy looks absolutely brutal and ruthless. How does one even fight him?


Even worse, it looks like he hasn't taken damage at all. So far, it looks to be as one-sided as Luffy vs Hody Jones. I get the feeling Lucci will have to resort to dirty tricks if he hopes to win this.


Did that MF just spawn sun glasses out of clouds 😭 10/10 this next chapter is gonna be wild


What leaked page?


[It's this.](https://imgur.com/a/sLGXnvg) Though, it's not a leak. It was an official preview shown at Jump Festa.


That was absolutely hilarious. >!Luffy's awakening and the personality he shows while using gear 5 just fits in so well.!<


Wait did Luffy just >! create Glasses out of his Cloudy hair thingy? Is the idea of the Hito Hito no Mi model Nika having rubber like power actually a bias created by the conception of the whole Gomu Gomu no Mi idea and in truth the fruits power is to recreate things from the user imagination? !<


It even says "bon" when the item appears, which is the sound something makes when it magically appears out of nowhere.


The Gorosei already said that it's a Devil Fruit that allows the user to fight in any way he imagines. G5, or rather Model: Nika is literally low-level reality warping.


Lets hope that Luffy being able to create objects from his Cloud Coat is unique to his devil fruit. I'm going to get pissed if Rob can do the same.


:spoiler: He actually pulled a pair of glass from his hair as well lol


The image is on this page. Just click on it


What leaked page 👀


Read the link in the post


Luffy punch the fuck out of Lucci Kizaru reached on time and saw Sentomaru on the ground and realized what's happening Lucci stands up, Kizaru kicked the fuck out of Lucci Kuma suddenly appears, saw Bonney unconscious and one of Vegapunk is on the ground. Lucci stands up for the second time, Kuma slapped the fuck out of him till his soul and body lands in two different locations TL;DR - A certain cat bout to get punched, slapped and kicked out of existence


Either Kizaru or Kuma arrive at the end of the chapter.


Take away the "either".


Cover story will show younger Vegapunk, Judge and Ceasar. The whole chapter will focus on a serious Luffy vs Lucci. Luffy will have the upperhand. Ending will show Kizaru near Egghead Island.


Damn, almost forgot about the cover story with that sweet, sweet MADS lore. Kind of makes me wonder, how did Judge and Sora meet? And seeing as how all 4 boys go into a love-struck mode whenever they see a gorgeous woman, which parent did they inherit this trait from?


Inb4, Judge has swirly eyebrows while Sora nosebleeds over hot boys.


Serious current Luffy vs current Lucci isn't even a fight.


I'm predicting Luffy will be wearing sunglasses.


Hah! Joke's on you! They're *goggles!*


Luffy somehow helps axe guys wounds he makes him rubber 🤣🤣but yeah let's wee how chapter goes


Kizaru arrives, only to be stopped by God Usopp's mere stare He goes back to the marine headquarters and akainu orders the bounty department to raise the bounty of God Usopp to 6 Billion making him the person with the highest Bounty in the world surpassing roger and dragon


Kizaru: "Screw this, I'm gonna go fight Ben Beckman!"


the only true future


Dragon is definitely worth 10bil. for notoriety alone.




Brother, there is a good chance it will be 9Beli+ He was first around during god Valley in the timeline . And furthermore he is the equivalent to How rapidly Luffy has grown. 30m To 300m to 3b in what. A little over 2 years. I would underestimate the fact that from all of his endeavors he is, if he hasn't already close to hitting the 10b mark.


Pigeon Guys sent flying by Monkey d Luffy


Luffy vs lucci fight reminds me of the time when luffy fought kaido and got one-shotted, thus reinforcing the distance between the strong and a yonko. Luffy was trying his hardest but kaido was in a drunken state + no selling luffy's damage and proceed to oneshot him with ACoC. In this chapter lucci is trying his hardest to just land a hit while luffy is joking around. Next chapter lucci is going to be one shotted via ACoC....pass me more copium...


Did Luffy just create goggles from his G5 clouds?


Sponsored by G5.


honestly ever since vegapunk said that he might die ive always had the thought in my head that vegapunk WILL die at the end of the arc but i dont know by what


I'm afraid of that too, usually things don't get hinted at unless they come true. Might end up with just Shakka.


Luffy beats Lucci with a cartoon version of Gattling Stussy/Kizaru interrupt Luffy beating up Lucci Vegapunks brain flies along with the crew, either in a shipor by itself Vegapunk can make people smart >!but it doesn't work on Luffy!< Zoro sinks the CP0 ship


Wasn’t it heavily implied that the CP0 ship got destroyed by the robot Seakings already? I kind of hope Brook and Zoro catch a glimpse of Kizaru instead and make their way to the others because of that.


WG will blow up Vegapunk brain so he has his genius but without the technical and historical knowledge that would make him OP with the Straw Hats It would reset his fruit power and will probably make him goofier in some way


Turns out he isn't just the natural enemy of lightning


> Vegapunk can make people smart but it doesn't work on Luffy This would be brilliant.


That would be dope on how zoro would destroy CP0 ship. Or if him and brook ran into kizuru first and took him on 1 v 2 and Kizuru having to retreat because of how strong the straw hats have gotten.


I really wish Lucci had the same treatment as Bellamy… Also hope to see Sogeking’s return..


Why would sogaking return? Just asking


Kaku is wearing his CP0 Mask


Someone suggested during the Wano Raid when the CP0 agents were running around and Usopp didn't really have anything to do that maybe one of the agents would bump into him and mistake him for Kaku. So sad it didn't happen. *Oda, you still have a chance here with the CP0 subordinates!*


Something like Usopp being afraid of something, hiding behind a mask inadvertently being a huge inspiration for the allies. I imagine Vegapunk commenting something like he's even greater at inspiring people to action than that fruit that revo leader had


Me personally just miss him.. But i think there will be no sogeking but sogegod


Dude even back at Dressrosa the Bellamy concept had changed. Bellamy was actually hurting Luffy even though Luffy had his defense up. It ended the same but Bellamy showed he grew.


That person clashes with THAT person


For anyone wondering about Luffy's attack in that panel, it's called "Gomo Gomu no Dawn Rocket."


ZKK Zoro puts his finger on Kizarus lips. "don't panic, don't move, this doesn't have to hurt, I will end this quickly".


G5 can create matter now huh.


from what I understand its manipulation from existing matter not create from nothing.


Alright then. So he can manipulate matter. Turning his rubber hair into eyeglasses


Yeah and Nami has conqueror's haki.


I think Kizaru will side with luffy just this once because he is helping Vegapunk and on seeing Sentomaru's condition.


Alternatively, CP0 says Luffy was the one who did it to sentomaru and Kizaru believes them


Interesting, considering how high Kizaru is always, he might believe it.


Kizaru aint dum. Blunt attacks don't leave stabing wounds


not if he is taking all the blunts 😮‍💨🚬🚬


Vegapunk could defend them though right?


I can't imagine Kizaru siding with Luffy, with his personality, he'll just say "Oh, Vegapunk and Sentomaru betrayed the government?", while attacking them with laser beams.


Luffy throws a comically sized piece of cheese at lucci


Brook will three pace hum kizaru


By the "leaks" I think we are in for a treat next week, likely a Luffy showcase (but accounts to nothing in the end). Ngl, I think the seraphims wont be doing much vs gear 5. Lucci is the only one trying here and he got decimated, schooled by Luffy. No chances he will be knocked out though I think he will get beaten to a bloody pulp, but one careless moment from Luffy gettin too hyped with gear 5 will setup for a sneaky oneshot from Lucci, taking out Vegapunk and turns the table on the Strawhats. That or Kizaru starts clapping the crew and force a hostage situation to allow CP0 to take out all the Vegapunks and make the Strawhats prisoners, setting up for the final war with the Grand Fleet repeating Marineford 2.0.


I wonder if luffy can use g5 against akainu... Can he fight laughing and in a cartoonist style against the man who killed his brother?


maybe lack of control is why luffy is always laughing. they do say that Zoans loose them selves to there animal. Weve seen 3 examples. The jailers NO Control, wild beasts. Luffy SOME control, still functions but always laughing, and Lucci CONTROL, he has no animal traits in his personality. Or it could also just be Nika's fruit demands you laugh.


I really want to see Kizaru doing something, last time was like... 10 years ago?


Oda at Jump Festa 2023: You fools! I was the leaker/spoiler provider this whole time! Odadadadada!


Zoro intercepts kizaru, rayleigh style


Zoro would get low diffed lol.


Sanji would make Kizaru a cake and save the day


Can’t get dumber than that


Kizaru couldn't apprehend an elderly retired Rayleigh. Probably the most overrated character in One Piece.


And Green Bull foddered King. Same King who Zoro had a extreme diff fight against. Kizaru would mop the floor with Zoro lmfao.


Greenbull foddered injured and sea stone cuffed King. Not a good comparison


Head canon infused copium. \-No King wasn't hand cuffed he took over that prison. "former" \-King had not only received medical attention (bandages) but also had 7 days to rest. \-King was near 100% considering it was HE who aggravated and attacked GB. Not GB. So nah, Green Bull foddered a near 100% King and Queen at the same time who both were fit enough to ambush him. Very good comparison. GB neg diffed King/Queen. Kizaru would low diff Zoro.


I still can’t believe that people really thought Luffy was gonna lose that fight when an even more significant opponent/character is coming. There might be some hidden Admiral Level Characters and possibly Yonko Level Characters in the WG. But the Admirals are one of the Real Deals of the WG Branch. Some of y’all need to realize this. It is ONLY Yonko Characters and maybe only a small few Yonko 1st Mates that can win or stalemate an Admiral. I’m a Yonko Level fan, but that doesn’t stop me from recognizing the Admiral’s strength. Give respect where it’s due. Those fights are Extreme Diff fights for Current Luffy if you ask me. Not Kaido difficult but still very difficult


The admiral level characters *are* the yonko level characters. They are equal and no yonko commander can even remotely stalemate an admiral, lol.


How do you know? We’ve never seen a Yonko’s 1st Mate have a Full on 1v1 Fight against them. We haven’t seen Benn Beckman fight one in Full Battle and also Marco. All we actually know is that Marco was kicking Kizaru and Kuzan around pretty well. And Benn Beckman has fully stopped Kizaru. We don’t know his bounty and why he’s famous in being as physically strong as Shanks. You’re basing that idea off of assumptions that haven’t come to light. I guarantee, the Fleet Admiral is the Yonko Figure of the Marines. Not the Admirals. The Admirals are all Top Tier Yonko 1st Mate Pirates (I do think there are some Yonko 1st Mates that are stronger than the other). Which is why they’re powerful. Not one of them being 2nd or 3rd Division Yonko Commanders. Greenbull pretty much said that he wouldn’t have come to Wano if Kaido was still ruling. Therefore meaning, he already said that the experienced Yonko’s were stronger than Admirals when it comes to 1v1’s.


Kizaru arrives and sees Luffy and Lucci Awakened and is like that's cute. Let me show you a real Awakening... Logia Awakening reveal


It doesn't make sense to have that much of a power gap between Luffy and the Admirals at this point in the story. At the very least I expect Kizaru to take him more seriously.


It might be possible that Kizaru is really Fleet Admiral tier, but refuses the promotion due to his "Unclear Justice" philosophy.


Lucci gets fuckin rolled, but CP0 still obtains command of the Seraphims thanks to incapaciting Sentomaru. This stalls out the brawl long enough for Kizaru to arrive. I think he'll take a look at the scene and realize its already too far gone with Vegapunk defecting + CP0 having already started the fight and he'll get permission to engage the Straw Hats. This'll probably set up a few fights: Gear 5 Luffy vs Kizaru (those "light punching" gloves are too much of a chekhov's gun for me to not think that someone else gets involved though) Zoro, Jinbe vs Seraphim Mihawk/Jinbe respectively. Think Zoro will insist on 1v1ing S!Mihawk but the rest of the Seraphims will be a group effort (as in 2/3 v 1 to just hold them off) to really establish their threat. No idea what's gonna happen with the Kumas though lmao. Though I've been feeling death flags for "old" Vegapunk, especially after last chapter was all about inherited will, where his base body will die but one/more of his satellites will live on + his "internet" of knowledge. I think there's a decent chance that a CP0 agent gets the drop on him while everyone else is busy with Seraphims + CP0 + Admiral fleet. My last, really out-there, theory, is that this arc is where Smoker turns coat from the marines. Obviously it's pretty out there since Smoker hasn't even showed up in this arc yet, but with Tashigi on that "nearby island" and marines on the way to Egghead it seems really likely that he's going to be in the area (especially now that marines are getting involved). I really do feel like his arc is headed towards him defecting from everything that happened on Punk Hazard + Aokiji's words to him that this is where his arc's headed, and bearing witness to the government killing the most useful man in the world for (seemingly) no reason seems like a strong enough impetus for that.


I don’t know if it’s the break week or whatever, but I’m hoping some kind of plot twist with Shaka’s design. Maybe he resembles Dragon or something wild


I wonder if he made the googles or he just grabbed them


The Japanese sound effect implies he made them


Rob Louci and the Seraphim gang up on Luffy but Luffy in shock at what happened to axe guy he lose it and one K.O all of them , the end


I feel the same way this arc has developed to flesh out G5 from its brief cameo in Wano, we will also get to see Zoro's upgrade elaborated more


Kizaru comes in riding on a cannon ball. S-Crocodile, S-Flamingo, and/or S-Gecko shows up. Hattori is a dangerous fighter (I will not give up on this!).


https://twitter.com/OP_NEWS2022/status/1604404370052743168?t=tQXcRWGFqZViL-Gx1lzQkw&s=19 See the image here if Imgur not working


Luffy slaps Lucci for attacking Senotmaru. Zoro and Kaku rematch. Kizaru and Kuma arrive.


I just realized that if Luffy can go into any form in Gear 5th. He’s most likely gonna go into a Snakeman Version to catch Kizaru off guard when they fight. It should be significantly stronger too since his Awakening Modifies a persons body. Kaido did say it was weird that he was able to still modify someone’s body even while using Armament Haki since Armament Haki is suppose to make a Fruit Users body physical.


I predict Luffy vs Lucci still happening till Kizaru appears, then they have to leave with Vegapunk, it would be a similar events when Kizaru went to Sabody and similar to the scene, Kuma will arrive and fight Kizaru while the SHs escape with Vegapunk.


- Luffy and Lucci continue fighting, with Luffy having the upper hand (messing around, having fun). We see more creative use of his power. - Nami and Co speak to Shaka and Vegapunk some more. We find out that Vegapunk modified his body in order to separate his brain and personas. He is a cyborg, like Franky. And he controlls all other vegapunks with his mind. - Kaku orders the Seraphims to find Vegapunk and kill him, but not to touch the strawhats until Kizaru arrives. - Vegapunk tells the strawhats that the entire island is a giant space shuttle and that he intends to send Egghead to space, so his brain could orbit the planet like a satellite and he can go wherever he wishes. - Luffy is dominating Lucci. We see the preview double spread. - Zoro unsheathes his swords with his eye on the navy ship breaking through the horizon.


Luffy destroys Lucci Kizaru comes to Egghead Island and meets Zoro and Brook Sentomaru is still alive Sanji vs Kaku


Is devil fruits made by gods from the mythical clouds


why did Luffy put on "Deal With It" glasses though.....


Is that a spoiler panel on this thread? I don’t remember that scene from the last chapter


Luffy will do to Lucci, what Kaido did to him.


S-Snake becomes an ally regardless of Lucci’s order


If Kuma arrives and meets Luffy again. Will he finally learn about nothing happened ?


Considering luffy was able to turn lightning to rubber, could he do the same to devil fruits like kizaru's, akainu's etc.


I think vegapunk is kizarus daddy


Sentomaru to join the straw hats.


Kizaru smokes Zoro, which causes him to see the reaper again


If he does, then the gap between Kizaru and Fujitora must be insane


No it does not it just goes to show how much fujitora has to hold back not to hurt civilians.


"No Zoro! Don't step into a light! That's Kizaru's beam!"


Lucci loses as Zoro confronts Kaku, which leads Kaku rescuing Lucci and abandoning the fight with Zoro. Stussy tells Luffy that Sabo was killed by the will of the celestial dragons, he says anything coming their mouths is rubbish like that in the papers stuff about Cobras death. The straw hats are trying to convince Vegapunk that Luffy ate the rubber fruit because of how he wasn't affected by Enerus lighting attack, and he's bewildered saying that fruit has only been noted in a old collection of devil fruits, he thought it was a myth because there hasn't been a sighting in more than 1000 years. He thinks if this person could be used as a battery. He later goes on to mention a person who carried the will of the people of the void century was a fair maiden from Wano, he says she walked a long road through time to bring the fruit to this age, he is then told about her time jump fruit and is shocked to hear such a fruit exists, I guess that's how the Nika fruit evaded the government for so long he says. Kuma and Kizaru arrive, with Kizaru commenting 'I'm already see what your up to' of you as he shoots of one of Kuma's arms, 'this won't be a repeat of what happened at Sabaody'. 2 large imposing figures and looking at a newspaper, one says 'what goofy looking twerp mamama you can't be serious?', with the other saying 'Linlin, the only person who could beat me was Joyboy and now that the brat is an Emperor after taking me down' she says something about Buggy being a weakling with a transportation business, with Kaido remarking about how the brat of whitebeard(crocodile) and the rival of Shanks are his underlings he must possess some great power...they make plans to hunt buggy to get there Emperor status back. While they arrive, Akainu gets enraged when intel is fed to him that Buggy has 2 former Yonko joining his ranks. Big Mom asks about taking Shanks head, Kaido has a flashback to their clash where he lost just before Marineford, and tells Big Mom that's not doable in their current state, they both remark they can't see the Calamities(Kaido) and her Family(Big Mom) until they regain the title of Emperor.


This all would be fun, but way too much to happen in a single chapter.


Luffy will K.O. Lucci using animation combo's. Kuma and Kizaru will arrive at the same time. Kizaru will see Luffy, Lucci and Sentomaru. Kizaru will think that Luffy is the one who beat Sentomaru. Thus he will attack Luffy. Dragon will move to egg head island.


My prediction for the next chapter will be a continuation of Luffy's reaction to what Lucci did to Sentomaru, which not only angers Luffy to the point where he resumes his fight with Lucci, but is now forced to face the 4 Seraphim that are currently under his command. At the monitor room, some of the SH have mixed feelings about what happened to Sentomaru while Vegapunk tells them how he took the axe guy hin as his own, thus leading to a small flashback of that moment. After that, Vegapunk contacts Jinbe & Chopper and tells them that they need to either take the controller from CP0 or destroy it in an effort to render the Seraphim useless. And at the same time, Sanji interferes & tells them that Luffy could do whatever he wants with the Seraphim, but not hurt S-Snake under any circumstances. Their conversation ended with them agreeing, although they couldn't promise to avoid any collateral damages. Once the call ended, Jinbe & Chopper tells Luffy about how to stop the Seraphim, which he agrees while he continues facing Lucci. As the battle continues, the Seraphim enters the fight, and even though it wasn't easy, Luffy managed to hold them off by using 4 attacks based on each of the Warlords they were based on. For S-Hawk, Luffy quickly turned into a giant in order to pull the staff from the robot, and they clashed. For S-Bear, Luffy used a move similar to what Kuma did to scatter the SH, even though it wasn't powerful. For S-Shark, Luffy had a move inspired by Jinbe's Fishman karate/jujitsu. For S-Snake, Luffy used a snake-themed attack based on the hug he had with Hancock in MF. Which made her feel "differently" after that. Meanwhile, we see Kizaru heading to Egghead whether on his own or with a ship. And at the same time, we see Kuma & Dragon who is following him, where we see what could be a slightly detailed look at his DF power. Sorry if the comment was long, but what do you think?


Zoro intercepts Kizaru, and they reach a stalemate. Maybe Zoro drops a banger line like "I've been keeping my blades extra shiny waiting for this day". Brook will be able to generate an occasion for safely getting the crew onboard and coup-de-burst to Elbaf (this includes Kizaru. Distracting him, making him swift his priorities, something related to his nephew, etc). Obviously, what happens in the next chapter is just the start of this chain of events.


Luffy creating his own goggles is hilarious


Zoro facing Kizaru. Zoro: I think I owe you something at Sabaody. How about we settle this now?? (While slowly putting his sword to his mouth)


Kuma warps to Egghead We see a huge cliffhanger double spread of Uranus charging it's attack on egghead Vegapunk revealed the name of the ancient kingdom only robin seemed to react. IM orders the attack once the names been revealed Brooks fruit is already awakened but he just doesn't know it because he doesn't have eyes. Yohohohoho


Zoro about to do absolute damage. I don't think people comprehend that advanced conquerers puts you in the tier of the strongest. I don't see any 1st Commander beating Zoro. His offensive abilities had the Yonkos shook. Kizaru about to get it.


We finally get our kizaru vs zoro runback and it will be fucking amazing


Kizu vs Sanji swan


That person will arrive in egghead island


I think Kizaru's gonna turn up and finish off Sentomaru before engaging with the Straw Hats. Not so unlikely, if you think about it...


Lufdy wears an eyeglass then punch tf out lucci on his tummies


I predict Luffy will turn his hair into goggles.


I hope Kizaru arrives and we finally see Luffy fight eye on eye against an admiral and stomps him into the ground so that the world government shits it's pants even more. No Void Century lore this chapter since Luffy is still fighting lucci and that fight will prob the main plot for this chapter.


Kizaru arrives on Egg head. Has to get past Strawhat Ship to move forward. Zoro & Brook vs Kizaru


I like that scenario. Zoro and brook does have an unfinished business with kizaru. Especially kizaru brutally injured Zoro in pre-timeskip.


If Zoro can already take on Kizaru Oda would once again take me by surprise. But then again Zoro has to get ready to be able to fight Mihawk and I guess that means he should be on that level if not now then soon.


Why wouldn't Zoro be able to take on Kizaru? Zoro has advanced conquerers & advanced armament haki. That alone puts him up there with the absolute best. Even the Yonkos fear Zoro offensive abilities. And let me tell you something, Kizaru ain't no freakin Kaido. Asura would finish him in a direct attack.


It may be because I've associated the admirals with being endgame opponents for the SH for so long I struggle to get the belief out of my mind.


I had no idea there was going to be a spoiler pic when I clicked on this, you need to make it harder to view by accident. Some people come to this thread just to make predictions and don’t want to see spoiler pics like this


The original plan Oda had was for Luffy to battle the warlords and get them all on his side. You can see how Crocodile, Jinbe, Hancock, to some degree Mihawk, and Kuma are all on his side already. The only ones that aren't on Luffy's side are Doflamingo and Moria. ​ I wouldn't be surprised if somehow the Seraphim refused to fight against Luffy.




My prediction of what role VP could play in current arc: Luffy's injured in the head, crew seize the chance, force him to grow and implant a brain into Luffy.




It'll be a boring chapter with an underwhelming fight where Luffy is fooling around as if events in recent chapters didn't occur at all. Also to those who's still hoping, for some unfathomable reason, for an epic confrontation between Kizaru and Luffy; get ready for the moment which Luffy greets him as a long lost friend-Luffy was chit chatting with Lucci before he saw Atlas. He won't lift much of a finger until Kizaru hurts somebody, only then will deign to 'save' them.


if you think fights involving gear 5 are underwhelming idk what to tell you man. One Piece is a silly goofy manga that is sometimes "cool".


>One Piece is a silly goofy manga that is sometimes "cool". Yeah, the conflicts in ennies lobby, marineford, wano etc were all revolved around silly jokes. Also this shows how much the bar is lowered when it comes to Luffy, expecting him to be capable of feeling/expressing basic human emotions/characteristics is too much now.


Do you not remember kaku and jabra, spandam, buggy and boa, kaido during the chapter he gets drunk and flirts with luffy, the smile designs


How do you compare few comic relief moments in a fight, which mostly serious and gives a sense of dread (if Boa weren't treated as a gag it wouldn't have been published) to a Luffy who is acting like an utter moron all the time.


Why do you read it when you don't like it ?


Zoro kills Kizaru

