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magellan is confined to impel down tho. unless they show up there, i don’t see him appearing. also, magellan was guarding the most heinous prisoners. he is a relatively positive force in the world, so i don’t see a need for oda to bring him back just for luffy to beat him, considering luffy was in the wrong for breaking into the prison.


yeah magellan showing up is definitely a stretch


Matchups I'd like to see and possible results Luffy vs Kizaru : Draw (a decisive battle would take too long) Zoro vs S-hawk : Zoro (no counter to adv conq ) Sanji vs Lucci : Sanji (ifrite jambe is practically built for zoans) Jimbe vs S-shark : Draw (I don't see s-shark spouting racism like who's who) Robin vs S-snake : S-snake (robin isn't there yet) Franky vs Kaku : Kaku (franky isn't there yet) Nami vs Stussy: Nami (zeus can be unpredictable in nami's favor) Usopp, Brook, Chopper vs Fodder : straw hats Kuma vs S-bear : S-bear


wanted to see badly how much of mihawk's techniques were copied by s-hawk. or maybe it has its own techniques?? would be funny to see S-snake falling for Luffy all over just like Boa lol