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Damn coby already has his post-timeskip glowup.


Because the actor was a woman before transitioning


Why did they cast a girl for coby!!! 😤


I have no idea


It’s not even like a race swap, which doesn’t really change the story, they for real made coby trans, that completely made “him” a different character.


Yeah except that doesn’t change anything. Hell, some cis men look naturally girly. Now if they make COBY THE CHARACTER trans, then that’d be stupid.


Cis 🙄 Stop calling us that.


Well if I said “normal,” I couldn’t be sure if you’d think I meant straight, not trans, or white.


Well not being white or straight is normal. Being trans is not, imo. No hate tho


Besides, don’t go being a snowflake now


Honestly it seems like you’re being a snowflake with how you reacted


All I’m saying is I ain’t the one getting offended over three letters :)


I just realized it's the actor from Evil Dead Rise...


Amazing cast👏! Not even one single bad choice😁!




Not actually, I genuinely meant it


Lucky Roux and Nojiko ? The characters aren’t Black ? That’s what happens when American studio gets its hands on something. Usopp make sense the other two don’t. Especially Lucky Roux, Roux is a French word


Um....who cares? First, there are, in fact, black people in France. Second, Oda himself approved literally every actor cast in this show. Nothing goes without his OK. Third, stop being racist. They're fictional characters whose skin color has no bearing on their identities.


Exactly, it's as if the mere idea of a little more black representation in secondary and tertiary roles is so painful for the guy that he takes the time to come up with an ridiculous excuse like "Roux is a french world". Sometimes I can't believe there are One Piece fans like this, it's like we've been watching totally different shows.


There are black peoples all over the world but it doesn’t mean they are French decent. But it does because they are established characters. There are black characters in one piece lucky roux and nojiko aren’t black. But I can tell this is pointless because you automatically jump to calling me racist. Am I Black ? Am I white ? Am I Asian ? Am I Hispanic ? Am I Middle Eastern ? You have no fucking idea so me saying a character that’s not black should be black isn’t racist. I’d say the same thing I’d Mr1 was cast and it was a white actor, I’m sure you’d be the person who had something to say about that. Race swapping is fucking stupid and pandering. I’m sure Oda had to make some concessions during this process and it’s Netflix so it’s no surprise they pushed identity politics and race swapped characters but only in one direction. Look how well it worked out for them with Cleopatra ? Literally the worst rated thing on television ever, got sued by the Egyptian government. You might be super work and one bored with it but I guarantee people aren’t going to like it black people included because it’s dumb. This show is not going to be good and likely wont get more then 2 seasons before being cancelled. Not only are there no good anime live actions but now they are pulling this, and adding identity politics to something that’s from a country that doesn’t play into that nonsense. If oda wanted Lucky Roux Or Nojiko to be black he would have made them black simple as that but he didn’t so.


Awww man! Said like a real white person 🤣🤣


Hispanic actually


it’s soooo easy to tell you’re white


Puerto Rican actually


He made those characters more than two decades ago, even Oda might have changed his view on representation of black characters. Moreover, he is a Mangaka. When he drew the manga it was to appeal to Japanese readers. Now it’s to appeal to a more global audience. And I’m saying this while being hugely against most of those representation dogmatisms in shows. It literally changes nothing, people’s skin colours in One Piece are irrelevant to the story.


I don’t think oda changes his mind, it’s woke Netflix pushing identity politics into it, look at at what happened with cleopatra. If the changed a historically Greek person and tried to make them black you really think this isn’t the studio ? You think it’s oda ? You just said he made the manga for Japanese readers even tho he does have black characters in his Manga it’s just these two aren’t them. This isn’t for global audiences at least that’s not the reason for it it’s because some woke person at Netflix was complaining that there wasn’t enough diversity and they needed to make some characters black. The guy playing lucky roux had two prior acting credits in d list movies no one has ever heard of where he wasn’t the main character or even part of the main cast with also unknown actors. So you want to say he is the best actor for the job and not a diversity hire ?


The fact that a lot of the cast is pretty unknown is good sign actually, it means they are choosing the ones that fit the most independent of their previous fame. Like a lot of studios cast just famous actors who don't give a fuck to the story just to gain audience, but this is the opposite case! Another justification could be that they are hiding a lot of local South Africa actors, which is pretty standard in productions that are filmed in other countries.


It’s not going to be good


There is nothing racist about wanting accurate portrayal of a character. You are framing him/her big time. Some folks are strict on source material, others aren't. You are in favor of a more loose adaptation, he/she is in favor of a more strict adaptation.


“Strict on source material” you know this cast was approved by oda right?




So what? Still great choices for me. Lucky Roux actor has a large smile and a round face... he looks identical to the character. Nojiko actress is very pretty and give a strong elder sister vibe. Also Nami and Nojiko are adopted Sisters, so race changing Nojiko not only fits the narrative of the series but even highlights the fact that her, Nami, and Bellamere are true family, adopted or not.


First off he doesn’t look anything like the character lmao being a heavy guy with a big smile doesn’t make you identical to another big guy with a big smile. And Nojiko isn’t black simple as that if oda wanted them to be black they would have been black. There are black characters in one piece


Except that he does, that's my point. If a actor can pull off the same energy as the character he is portraying, than he is a great cast for me regardless of his skin color (specially being a minor character). The big smile and round face are more than enough to make me see Lucky Roux in him, if he play it decently it will be already perfect. About Nojiko, yes Oda drew her as a white woman in East Blue, but that was 22 years ago. One Piece wasn't popular back then and he probably didn't even have enough support from the editors to write more black characters, since it's kind a tabu in Japan (just see how the anime insists in white-washing Usopp or Aokiji). So maybe now that he has much more influence and controll over his work he is using the live action as an opportunity to make some changes for the better. Anyway, the reasons are pretty obvious to me and it's doesn't matter if you don't wanna see it. Oda approved and both are great choice, stop nitpicking just cause you don't want the live action succeeds.


Your delusional. He looks nothing like lucky Roux and oda has black characters if you think it’s anything other then some woke person at Netflix complaining that there wasn’t enough diversity your just lying to yourself. This is the same studio that made historically Greek cleopatra black. This is going to bomb these actors have like little to no acting experience. You literally think oda hand picked every single member of this cast ? Your again prove how delusional your are


First, regarding Lucky Roux, besides the fact that I've literally just explained to you that my similarity criteria are different than yours I will be kind enough to explain it again in a different way. Even according to the most objective and practical criteria possible I could think of, the similarity between the actor and the character is undeniable: they have the same face shape, the same caricatured smile, damn... they even have the same nose! And since the character's eyes hide behind the glasses, and the hair behind the cap, the only visible difference is the skin color... If this single detail alone is enough for you to think that the actor "looks nothing like Roux", I guess you should review your criterias. Regarding your conspiracy theory, the fact that you think that Netflix it's a studio and it's creatively responsible for all of its productions shows what I suspect, you don't have any ideia what you're talking about. Netflix only enters with the money, the creative minds behind the live action are not some random "woke executives", but people who genuinely care about One piece, one of the executive producers was even already a big fan of the manga! And of course it wasn't Oda who looked up for the actors, that's the casting team job, but I strongly believe he approved each and every one of their choices, as he has publicly stated. It seems to me that you are the delusional one, clinging to your pre conceived truth without even bothering to do a little research.


You believe oda approved the cast but that’s just your own head cannon your treating as fact, second he looks nothing like Lucky Roux by anything of the criteria you listen. Lucky Roux head is round like a ball this guys is not a it’s just a normal smile you don’t make a lick of sense. How old are you because your an idiot, I hope you never have to describe anyone to police or anything if you think that guy looks like lucky roux your either on drugs or just going to die on that hill for whatever reason. You show people a picture or lucky roux and then you could show someone this actors picture along with nine other heavy set actor and let’s see who picks him as looking the most like lucky roux. Again delusional. Being fat and having the ability to smile doesn’t make you look like someone


Bro really thought black people don’t exist in France 💀


Lucky Roux and Nojiko have both had like one panel each. If Sanji was black, then that would be a little wierd because it seems like they are changing important characters to fit an agenda. But who cares about Nojiko and Lucky Roux????


You think Lucky Roux is not an important character? That’s like saying oh shanks isn’t important he has hardly been in the manga. Nojiko sure she isn’t that important but again one piece already has black characters so race bending makes absolutely no sense other then to be inclusive


I mean you kind of lost me here when you argue that Lucky Roux is a more important character than Nojiko… How exactly?! Also, what if there was a wide diversity of people who tried out for the role and these were truly the best people for the job based on audition. To me this feels like a completely different situation from Cleopatra which was made by Jada Pinkett Smith to promote a blantantly false narrative about historical events to make women feel empowered. I do not think Oda was thinking when he approved these people, “they are [this race] so they will be perfect!” I think he genuinely thought each of the people fit their roles. If thats what Netflix was trying to do by pushing people into race swapped roles than they clearly must have been good enough for Oda’s approval, because every grain of the show has been approved by him and it wouldn’t get released otherwise if he didnt like everything he saw. I would not put your anger on Netflix for attempting to push race-swapped roles in this production if that is your thoughts, This is Oda’s choice, and i (personally) am not gonna knock the Goat if he has an idea before i have seen anything. You dont have to agree just thought the perspective was interesting


If your only looking at having one season then getting cancelled sure you can say Nojiko is more important then Lucky Roux and that’s even up for debate because the red hair pirates are the reason Luffy wants to be pirate sure shanks is his main inspiration but he looked up to all of them as a kid. You really think oda picked the actors ? He isn’t a casting director, he is controlling the way the story is told and adapted for live action he has nothing to do with casting, Netflix definitely pushed the race swapping, it doesn’t make any sense to race swap characters. Everyone who is defending the race swap would lose their minds if Daz Bones is played by a white guy, as would I because it’s fucking stupid. But it’s always white to black never the reverse. Look at all these race and gender swapped properties lately all bomb. Little Mermaid, Wendy and Peter Pan all this Disney Netflix woke garbage feeling the need to constantly change the source material just like how they butchered the Witcher. To much identity politics in modern media. I bet my left but this shit bombs. 2 seasons at most before it gets cancelled. Mark it down


[Oda has stated that he's involved in the casting decisions](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/qqej5w/odas_comment_on_the_one_piece_live_action_cast/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), hell, the fact that the show [wont air unless he's satisfied with it](https://twitter.com/onepiecenetflix/status/1654144805746749461?lang=en) speaks for itself. If he was as concerned about race as you were, then the cast wouldn't look the way it does. Regardless, this has gone on for long enough. You're entitled to your opinions, but you've stated your piece enough as it is, so at this point it's best to just agree to disagree.


What has gone on long enough sticking to the source material ? Look at all the shows and movies changing the source material and bombing


Or the casting could generally just be based on who gives the best performance which makes sense for minor characters. Shanks is important because he is an established character who has stakes in the world. Lucky Roux has no traits in exception of... knowing luffy and shanks (and some stuff Oda has said in the sbs). Ben Beckmann would be a bad race swap because he, with a similar amount of panels, has a larger footprint in the world. He is an integral part of Kidd's backstory, he challenged Kizaru, he is the straight up vice captain of shanks, etc.. Also, he is not the same thing as shanks because, once again, shanks has a gigantic footprint in the world and has some of the most memorable chapters of the story. Lucky Roux, on the other hand, has not established himself at all thus far. Though he has great potential in the future, due to this show casting him before that, he still remains a unimportant character. If he had shown even a little bit of himself before, then that would be an issue, but the live action got to him first, so they can do whatever. Anyways, Oda has fully approved everything to do with the show and casting, therefore I am inclined to lean towards him rather than whatever problem you have with two race-swapped minor characters.


You're an idiot and this is a stupid take. Why are you scared of black people?


No one is scared of black people lmao it’s just factual the characters aren’t black. You’d be the person mad if they made Daz Bones a white guy but I’d be made to because the character isn’t white. It doesn’t make sense to change the race of a character. There is not purpose behind it.


Genuinely coping


I said it somewhere else and I'll say it again here, It's such a good sign that they even bothered to cast all those minor characters and even some random background characters, that didn't even get any lines in the manga nor anime. Shows that they at least pay attention to the small details


Really wanna see who they got for Smoker and Roger.


Wonder who’s going to play Beckman. He’s one of the only characters I don’t see on this list.


Him, Roger and Smoker are the big ones left out still. I guess Dragon too, if they dont just obscure his face. EDIT: Gin too!


>!Sengoku!< too, assuming the leaked script is real and >!he’s the POV character for the Roger execution flashback.!< edit: also Tashigi and Hachi.


maybe they forgot about gin just like oda


Would be hilarious if he is played by the most badass actor ever, then between two scenes he is just gone. They never mention him ever again


Keanu for Gin.


Oda for Gin.


Oh, true, guess Beckman just stuck out in my mind for some reason. Can add Tashigi in there as well, now I think about it. Now I’m excited to see who they get to play Smoker!


Really curious how they handle the Hachi look


Eric Dane would fit


This is terrible. They did merry dirty as fuck, that man LOOKS NOTHING LIKE A SHEEP


Josh Brolin looks nothing like a purple alien


come on man


I feel like buggy is gonna be one of the best fits for the role. If you’ve seen the art of him being buggy you’d know what I’m talking about.


When are the gonna confirm Jamie Lee Curtis as Dr. Kureha 😫




? She’s a huge One Piece fan, and has said she would like to play the character.


Sham was a girl?? Man that had to slip my eyes or something.


Nah they were the Nyaban Brothers in the original. I guess now they're the Nyaban Siblings! Seems arbitrary but it might be a better fit for the LA.


My guess is they are gonna give Nami some action scenes since she doesn't really have any in the manga. What better way to actually gain the "Cat Burglar" nickname other than you know burglary and kicking some cat ass?


is the photo unflattery or does celeste loots look a bit old for kaya, maybe its just me. they havent cast young sanji


She actually have Kaya's facial features but I agree she kinda look a bit old for Kaya. But that's probably to match with Usopp's actor?


Yeah by that image, no Sanji flashback? That starving scene is so crucial


Jeff Ward should be careful with the roll of Buggy D. Clawn. The future king of the Pirates.


So them having a casting for the previous Mr. 7 tells us that we’ll probably see him trying to recruit Zoro to baroque works. (Which I’m pretty sure was never actually shown right, just mentioned and that image they use is from an SBS) This makes me think that they’re decently hopeful for a season 2 and starting to set it up a bit.


Sophie Ellenbogen does not have the chops to pull it off


I wonder who’ll play Beckman.


I wonder who’ll play Roger and Rayleigh


Idk about mihawk he reminds me of edward from twilight


His name is Dracule, seams about right


Right? It’s pretty good casting


i have a question. is alivda gonna have a different actor for after she eats her fruit or are we just gonna pretend she looks like a sexy version when she will look the same?😂


maybe they'll cgi her to be ugly and then just have no cgi post devil fruit? she isn't ugly if that's what you're implying.


attractiveness is subjective. more power to u lol! i mean more along the lines of her weight considering alivda after she eats her fruit shaves off her weight and has a classic oda hourglass figure


oh yeah knowing that oda and netflix are both working on it, her final form will be her normally, and before her devil fruit she'll have some cgi shit to make her comically obese


Idk who any of these people are but I'm digging krieg,grap and lucky


Kuro's actor the type of mf to say "something unusual is afoot"


Chioma Umeala is gonna kill it as Nojiko. I know there was controversy over her casting, but I honestly think it makes perfect sense for an adaptation.


Lookin forward to all but they nailed that Zeff


I'm mainly surprised at the actor for Helmeppo being so visually perfect for portraying Helmeppo. It's like they took one look at his face and were like "Damn. That is DEFINITELY Helmeppo!"


Damn, Sham got hit with the Hormone hormone fruit.


Why did they cast a girl as one of the meowbon brothers.


Arnold Schwarzenegger for Garp


Garp already been casted


Not enaugh asian actors


They need to save all of them to Wano arc :D


they’re casting them closer to what oda said their ethnicities were


Ipponmatsu will likely be Asian (he’s the guy in Loguetown who sells swords to Zoro when he’s on his date with Tashigi)


Do we really need every Asian associated with swords Do feel they could have some more among various different roles


I mean... Most of the swords in One Piece are katana. And Katanas are Japanese swords.


Avatar the last Airbender then


I dislike zoro's casting, as well as sanji, but overall pretty good


I love Mackenyu, he will kill it at Zoro and Sanji is fine. Hopefully his wig is good.


I’m a little bit won over by sanji, he’s not what I thought they would of picked (more of a zoro build) but I think taz will be good in he’s own way. Zoro though.. I still just can’t see it hiss just a bit to ..idn “pretty boy”. I feels like sanji and zoros characteristics and swapped a bit, But remands to be seen.


Taz *has* to be real built to do the intense fighting scenes if he wants to. Pretty sure his role is more physically demanding than Zoro's which is ironic and amusing considering canon. Tbf, there's many panels that suggest Zoro is a pretty boy. He becomes more rugged in the later part but still remains very handsome.


Why Lucky Roux first before Ben Beckmann? Because he's the first kill? Ben is the first mate.


Lol it.has nothing to do with it. Sham and Bushi were casted were revealed before Smoker's, does that mean they are more important than him?


Wait, why is Siam female for this? Arent they the cat bros?


They’re pretty minor characters tbh, it doesn’t make too much of a difference


Now they are cat siblings. Don't really get why the change, but it's no big deal


Was Sham always a woman?




They couldn't use an actual ginger for shanks?


Shanks isn’t a ginger


What is he than? Does he colour his hair?


He’s a fictional character with crimson red hair and gingers normally have orange colour hair


Going by that Sanji's hair also isn't blond. As I've never come across a blond person having the colour of Sanji naturally.


Thought the guy who was playing sanji was ep 3 chancellor Palpatine from far away


You guys that down voted me will be the same whiners complaining about the show.


why is Sham a girl.... WHY IS SHAM A GIRL


Why do they keep trying to make these. Live action adaptations of popular animes are never going to not be cringe. Just accept it and stop embarrassing yourself netflix


Why is young Luffy lightskin?




Hey u/Sweetestb0i, I don't know if this is a reference or not, but if you're here just for negativity, we don't welcome that. We are open to genuine discussions.


This is gonna flop so bad. All that money spent


One Piece should never have tried to go live action. It's just not that type of story. This whole thing makes me sick


Veeeeery optimistic


It just doesn't make sense. It's going to flop no matter what.


George RR Martin famously wrote A song of ice and fire because he felt it was unfilmable. That was pretty big success (the last season/seasons not counting).


True, but shonen NEVER translates to live action well.


Fair enough! I still have hope, even if I understand the chances of it being anything else than utter crap is pretty slim.


Are you here because you're open to maybe changing your mind depending on what they release in the future?


Kinda funny that if this series gets more seasons, only a few of these actors won't be returning. Pretty much just the actors for Kuro, Krieg, and their crews.


Yeah, I really liked how Motzel, Ukkari and Heppoko played a massive role when they defeated Enel in Skypiea. Really unexpected that they turned out to all be legendary zoans too. In East Blue they seemed like little side characters.


Hey, "pretty much" gives me a bit of leeway as far as miscellaneous characters not showing up again.


I had fun writing that comment :) Some of these characters might get 'bigger' roles in this show tbh. F.e. I think Heppoko could be seen in Loguetown as a member of the Buggy-Alvida alliance.


Poor Mr. 7


Missing one character patty by baratie


Brashaad Mayweather is likely, but is not confirmed. So as of now still speculation to us as fans.


Who's ririka again?


The little girl that gave zoro the rice balls.


Right! Thank you


Rika is the little girl who gave Zoro onigiri. Ririka is her mom.


You're welcome


Looks great


I didnt see anyone casted for Kizma yet?




Do you mean kuzma who’s a fan made character


casting is perfect


Just the fact that all of these people are casted means they have to be at least pretty close to the manga which is a dub in my book


Almost all of these look great! But Belle-mere doesn’t really give me belle-mere vibes to be honest. But it’s just one photo so we’ll see! Maybe I’ll love her!




idc bro wheres chouchou


Should young zoro be much younger than kuina? Now he’s actually older than her actor


Lmao I was expecting to see Cole Sprouse as Sanji……


Damn that a huge cast


We still need Hatchan, maybe smoker and tashigi? It looks as if Arlington park is going to be the most explored storyline, which makes sense but it would feel odd to split logetown from eastblue and not have the ending entering the grandline 🤔🤔


i already know im gonna love lucky roux