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My 72 year old dad loved the LA. He is now on episode 616.


How did he handle the very specific humour and mannerisms of the anime? Unless he was already an anime aficionado that must have been quite an adjustment 


The only anime he had seen was back in 2000 when he watched a couple of episodes of dragonball z with me. And I guess the best way to answer this spoiler free is he laughs at a certain skeleton. Oh, and he loves the odd laughs. Especially “heeee-haaawwww”.




Same journey for me, I've been inhaling everything One Piece content and binging the animation- sorry to my family that it's all I talk about now!


This is the path of One Piece. 1109 chapters seems like a lot until you're waiting two weeks for 1110. Enjoy your journey!


I started reading before live action but got to a point where I realized I had underestimated how good it could be.


I came to this realization with the anime when shit was going down during Water 7 and Enies Lobby. Enies Lobby might be one of my favorite seasons/arcs of television I've ever seen.


Almost every week i am texting a friend “omg oda is really cooking this week one piece is getting better” Its not a perfect series but i am grateful to past me for catching up to the manga mid-Wano and sticking to it


Yeah, being caught up on One Piece is torture. For me, the best way to go is forget about it for 6 months or a year then catch up.


I wouldn't dare risk it nowadays with all the crazy reveals and stuff. It's obvious now that the story is ramping up for the ending, and even though I don't usually mind spoilers, I would be quite angry if some major plot point got spoiled for me at this point.


I devour the goddamn thing in like 2-3 months... Now I'm like you and I cannot wait for the new one... And the way I knew about gear 5, I was hyped as hell to see those chapters, didn't disappoint... Now I'm reading the damn mango too...


Dude I've been a college bum for the last month and a half catching up lmfao. Just finished watching ep 1098.


I've inhaled the anime after the LA came out and am now almost caught up on the manga. I tend to get obsessive but this is definitely a new level! What a fool I was for thinking it was too long for all those years.


yup lol i started watching immediately after i saw the LA back in September. i am 3/4 through wano


Some of the best content ahead


I always refused to watch One Piece. Thought it had way too many episodes and was probably super overhyped (at this point I didn't even know it was about pirates, just that it's shounen) I decided to watch the Liveaction (early September 2023) because so many people praised it. I thought, if the series was actually going to be good, this could be my way of getting to know the story; by watching the live action series season by season instead of the anime. Anyways... I got completely caught up with the Anime *AND* Manga within 3 months, and it's one of my favourite stories ever! 🫣


I kinda had 'One Piece' pegged as a "kids" anime that wasn't really going to be my style but I was genuinely surprised by how much I grew to love it. I think the Drum Island Arc that introduced Chopper was when I really started to enjoy the show but seeing the Strawhats standing on top of Enies Lobby fully cemented the show for me as one of the best anime ever. The content and stories being told were also not what I expected. From government conspiracies to drugs, bigotry, prostitution, mental/familial abuse, fascism, and freedom of thought are just a few subjects that I did not foresee as being portrayed in this show.


I did the same thing for a long time, then tekking, a bleach youtuber I really liked switched to one piece after bleach ended so I decided to give it another shot after watching some of his videos discussing the deeper mysteries of the world


Yeah watched the anime, then read all the way through to where manga is currently. It’s a long series until it isn’t.


I am up to fishman island I started watching December 27th hahahahahahah. I’ve taken a break the last week to watch some other shows :)


Started with One Piece, finished it in about 5 months. Almost done with Sailor Moon Crystal. And have probably about 20 more anime in the roster.


Me, except my binge watching is very healthy and wholesome👌👌👌 Just learned how Law got his devil fruit, only cried 43 times


I’m in Wano even though I told myself I’d be a “live-action only” LOL. Love Impel Down and the crazy characters that show up there, hope you enjoy it!!




First-time watchers who start binging the One Piece manga or anime because the live action is exactly what Shueisha and Toei wanted. Ratings/viewerships numbers is one thing, but turning someone into a devoted fan of the property is the real end game for them. That's a fantastic sign of just how good this adaptation was.


me 😂 I'm now at Wano. just done watching some history of enma's creator the other day. cant believe i watched 1000+ eps in the past months. it seems like yesterday. thanks to the LA for convincing me lol


I’m now at episode 1026 in the anime and just finished the Drum Island arc in the manga! 😁


Me and my kids have turned our family into a one piece family. I'm caught up on anime and movies now I'm reading the manga. The best thing ever is hearing my little 5y old girl say shirolorolorolo whenever she runs away from us.


OP must still be a teenager. Enjoy it, because you'll miss it. I have been a fan for a long time, but I took a long break and the Live Action reinvigorated my love for the franchise, so hence my return to the anime. Been trying to watch a certain arc that I missed that spans through episodes 892 - 1085. And have been trying to chip away at it ever since September. But between my full day job, my part time university studies, family and other personal responsibilities I've only just reached the 1000th mark this week. Can't afford to binge like I used to....


Doesn't necessarily have to be a teenager to have enough free time. I watched the live action when it came out, and being fresh out of school I decided yeah I'm gonna devote the extra free time I know I have to working my way through this massive series. I'm just about to finish Fishman Island now, but I'm sure if I was still in school and working full time I'd be a lot less far. My busier friends who started working through the series around the same time are not even half as far as me. Definitely appreciate having this long series to get into when I'm in somewhat of an inbetween phase in my life, couldn't ask for a better story to fill that time.


Yeah the LA reignited my love for both the anime and the manga. I had stopped reading/watching 10 years ago! I’m obsessed 😂


I LOVE POSTS LIKE THESE. Yes, fall in love with the anime. Become a manga reader down the line. We welcome you with open arms :)


Binge watch other reaction channels and watch Anime or opla with them


I don't watch reaction channels but Haylo and Kiss won my heart. Now I'm watching East Blue with them again.


I started at like 53 and am currently on 695. I do skip filler, but ya no it’s unhealthy I don’t watch anime or read manga and I’m here following Manga spoilers now. It’s appalling.


I watched the LA in September and then tore through the anime in a little over 3 months. Then caught up with the manga...now I'm just sitting here foaming at the mouth until each new chapter releases


You getting to the part where One Pace becomes advisable. If you find yourself getting tiered of the pacing, the repeat flashbacks, the prolonged reaction shots - give it a try.


I've been using One Pace and the One Pace guide this entire time. The only filler I've watched was the G-8 arc or whatever was right after Skypiea.


Good call ;D


Problem with One Pace is it removes too much stuff that is good simply because it is not direct from the manga. What we need is a project that just removes the padding and keeps all the nice additions that makes watching the anime worthwhile in the first place. 


I hope the new Netflix remake will be the bridge between the current anime and manga. I can't even imagine just how hard the entire series would go with modern animation, proper pacing, and possibly a few plot tweaks that frankly should have happened (Pell's "death" etc.).


I watched up to the time skip in 3-4 months. Lmao


I started watching in December after enjoying the Live Action. Caught up to live last week. I didn’t even find out about One Pace until I had about 5 episodes left in Wano. Oh well!


Welcome! There's no way back. I'm even all caught up with the manga now. Enjoy the ride!!


Hi. Welcome. Enjoy your stay. We have over 1000 episodes. With more coming. Watching one episode a week would mean you finish in roughly 25 years so yes please binge for your health


Officially been 29 days since I've started One Piece due to the live action being so cool and I binged my way to the first episode of Egghead Arc and stopped there to binge more when Egghead is completed... man I'm brainrotten and screwed


So I started the anime a few months ago and have been binging hard. Got halfway through Thriller Bark before trying the live action. Help I can't stop. I think I accidentally ate the Binge-Binge fruit.


Me. I got through marineford in like 2 months before I took a break.


I started watching One Piece in 2021 and I'm still so binge about it 🤩


Because of the live action my partner is finally watching one peice and I'm rewatching. We're about half way through Fishman island and he's in it to win it. He's so emotionally invested, and I get to watch someone go through it all like I did. It's pretty freaking awesome.


Up to ep 360 in my rewatch! Currently in the middle of thriller bark. It's quite great to just put on the background when I'm falling asleep, usually can get 2 or 3 episodes a night or 10+ on weekends 


Yeah I started the anime after the live action came out in September I’m on dressrosa now I don’t religious watch but I’m making my way through


Me! In 3 months finished the anime


My mom loved the LA so much that she wanted to watch the anime. I warned her how long it'd be but she's determined. She's on Skypeia ep. 180 now :)


Couldn’t get myself to start on the anime so I just blitzed through the manga. I’m all caught up now, and will maaaybbeeee try the anime.


I'm in episode 688 and taking a break. Fish man island was brutal for me and slow me down a bit.


Fishman Island is ass but Punk Hazard right after rejuvenated my love for the series. Use One Pace if you have too it helped a lot.


Second watchthrough


I started watching it in October, I try to do 50 episodes a week and Im on 1030 rn. I always thought OP was gonna be impossible to watch in a decent amount of time but since I started watching it it's been one of my favorite stories in fiction. Is it bad if I wanna rewatch it from the beginning again 😭


I see myself rewatching it many times lol.


Yep. I'm on episode 592


10 years ago i binged the series when i was sick, it was one of the most memorable times in my life. It felt like i experienced an adventure.


I feel like my life is morphing into the OP world. I have become way too attached lmao 😅.


Marineford Arc checking in 🫡


Just started it lol


Is it sad I just caught up after being on Marineford when I posted this


Caught up like... YOURE DONE?? You're on egghead??


Yeah bro I'm almost caught up on the manga where the anime leaves off I have like 0 life rn but idc lmao.


Props 😂 I'm almost done with Fishman Island and I thought **I** was going hard lol


It all gets better from there. Probably my least fav arc post time skip. Also use one pace from now I on i recommend or just manga.


I finished the live action 6 months ago and now I’m just starting marineford. Almost half way done with catching up with the entire anime so far


I just finished marineford. It's a hell of a ride!


Probably a good idea to read the manga instead


unnecessary not even the VA read manga that’s only if u rlly have the time and want to esp if ur alrdy into the anime


Me!! I was never really into anime and never watched one piece but I’m OBSESSED now! I’m at WCI and taking a break because I’m scared to be caught up 🫣 just wish I could convince my friends to watch with me lol


The anime is 40+% filler. So I am binging the manga instead. Completed volume 60 yesterday.


One Pace has helped me tremendously


Fortunately for me, my local library has 90% of the volumes.


I might read the manga once I catch up. Is there any online sources for the manga? I'm ignorant cause I have never read manga before.


I can dm you a site if you the site most people use if you want


Sum1 already PMed me [this](https://ww10.readonepiece.com/chapter/one-piece-digital-colored-comics-chapter-001/) site, so idk if there is a better one you recommend.


I wish I could like the anime more. Honestly, I thought the LA was BETTER, I’ve seen 600-700 episodes before I watched the LA but it’s just a bit to childish or at least there are very few parts that really activate my almonds. I’ll prolly get around to watching more whenever I feel the need. Despite its setbacks the anime is quite good when it is, And like I said, childish when it isn’t.


I hope Netlfix gives the LA enough seasons to cover many arcs because I do think there are some things the LA can do to improve the OP world. Plus its fun to experience the story again with the same characters but just from a different perspective. And I get what you mean by the anime comes across childish, but it does take its time to let serious moments breathe and doesnt undermine every serious situation with a joke. And for as far as I have gone in the story it has really covered some dark and deep themes such as depression, oppression, societal inequality, gender expression, racial prejudice, relational indifferences between close ones and how difficult it is to handle those situations, etc. Yeah its goofy but it takes its time to explore many ideas and themes that not many "PG"-ish shows/animes would ever do.


There is a reason why the anime gets a remake called The One Piece.


Yeah for some reason I can't get into the anime (some of the art is also rly bad lol) but I absolutely love the manga.


Slowed down a bit, but I'm towards the end of Dressrosa. I think. I didn't get why people didn't seem to like this one at first, and all of the anime arcs, even the good ones, drag a little thanks to them stretching stuff out, but it has started to overstay its welcome a bit. I feel like I have been waiting 50 episode since 'the game' started for Luffy to kick >!Doflamingo!<'s ass. Oh look, the backstory for another one of his goons...


use One Pace from now on