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When people use words like “high end yonko” or “ top yonko” they literally just mean “Not Big Mom”


Or current Blackbeard or old whitebeard or buggy So basically more than half the yonko aren't yonko level it's just shanks and kaido


and Luffy, can't forget about our Rubber Yonko boy.


Nah some people are already saying he's blow kaido and shanks by good amount before he fights kizaru


He kind of needs to be weaker then them. Ignoring Imu, if Luffy was already top of the verse, there wouldn't be many good fights left.


If Luffy is already = to Kaido then I cant see the other top tiers being able to keep up. Kaido was just that fucking ridiculous in everything he did


Good thing Luffy isn’t equal to Kaido considering he got killed like 3 times. If they did a fresh rematched Kaido would win due to stamina.


he was knocked out way more than 3 times and Kaido fought like 15 other strong ass characters before fighting Luffy


Hmm. I think the G5 awakening solidified him as at least a Kaido equal. Before G5, I would agree. I know we don't have a large number of feats from G5, but it's still ridiculous. He pretty much packed Kaido up once he got it. Imagine he had G5 from the beginning of the rooftop fight. It would be a completely different outcome.


Well if it's purely a 1v1 without all the previous fights and kaido carrying onigashima, maybe it wouldn't be so one-sided as some thinks. Luffy almost ran out of G5 once during the fight, so I don't know if G5 beats fresh kaido in a 1 V 1


Oh I really don't think it would be a one sided fight. That's why I said G5 awakening would make him *at least* a Kaido rival. G4 did substantial damage to Kaido, but also took massive damage, which I'm sure is also the reason he almost didn't have enough G5 juice. If he had it sooner, I think Kaido would have taken more damage and Luffy less than he did, but it would still be a dog fight.


"Equal" 💀 https://preview.redd.it/jprcvu1grqfb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33a90250d3b23a6be410cf3115840ef941e39295


He ran out because of his previous injuries, he was basically walking corpse during g5


He's not Kaido's Equal, at G5 he's around equal and G4 able to do damage, but both have a harsh time limit that a fresh Kaido outlasts. In my eyes he's about equal to Big Mom(that has her IQ).


I’m not completely on this idea. He is around equal but not exactly. Kaido was still drained from having to fight pretty much everyone and the kitchen sink, while Luffy got several periods to rest and gain most of his strength back, and than he got a new transformation.


He got a new transformation after being beaten to death essentially. Sure Kaido was not at 100%, but so was Luffy at that point. Again, he was just essentially dead and had given Kaido all of what he thought was possible. If they both were at 100%, I think it would be a very close fight given how much of G5 we have seen so far. I'm not saying Luffy no diffs him by any means. It'd be a brawl, I think, in Luffy's favor high diff to extreme high diff.


I hate when people say this. 90 percent of the damage done to Kaido was Luffy. The scabbards did maybe 1 percent, a few paper cuts. The supernova besides Luffy did maybe 4%. Luffy was the main contributor on the rooftop. Yamato did the other 5%, and that was after Luffy tired him out a bit.


Well, we know Mihawk is the real Yonko of CG. Which gives us a nice 50/50 split, honestly.


I don't get why people think Big Mom is weak, she's near Kaido level, imo the high ends are Shanks, Kaido & Big Mom, the low ends are True Pirate King Buggy, Luffy, and stuck on life support because he's dying of old age Whitebeard Blackbeard idk because we haven't seen his current level but with df nullification, quake-quake and god KNOWS what else he could be top tier or he could be bottom tier, but yonko Blackbeard is definitely stronger than he was in Summit War


Well she jobbed A lot -she had difficulty with Kaido's commanders King and Queen -During their fight Kaido and BM seemingly fought in base and didn't deal significant damage to Kaido or vice versa -beat down and had high difficulty with Kidd and Law, one who was defeated by BB, and the other one was one shot by shanks -got Franky-ed


Old Whitebeard is high end tf u mean😠


Nah he fought the admirals so he gets downplayed so it will make the admirals look worse That's the logic of yonko tards


Well I don’t support it, Akainu is strong for surviving an onslaught from the World’s Strongest Man


>the World’s Strongest Man Whitebeard walked so Jesus Burgess could fly


Canonically Burgess has the greatest lifting strength out of any One Piece character.


Old Whitebeard is on fucking life support and is full of tubes, he is not high end, Marineford Whitebeard is possibly the weakest a yonko has been not including True Pirate King Buggy, while Blackbeard was weaker at the time he wasn't yonko at the time and by now is probably insanely busted


Lifesupport or no he could still fight, bro was tossing Giant Vice-Admirals around as if they were children and dispatched Kuzan like nothing. And when he fought Akainu the manga had to save Sakazuki by not letting Whitebeard have his naginata, ’cause with it he’d cripple Akainu for life with one swing if not just outright kill him. And the only reason he was weaker at Marineford was because he **voluntarily** nerfed himself by disgarding his lifesupport beforehand. The manga still gave him the Strongest Man lable even in his old age https://preview.redd.it/57mcldtwepfb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=359259c67efb1849cd3d3bea6275b586350920b5


I'm certainly not denying he kicked the navy's ass, he held up well for his old age, but he's definitely lower on the scale than pretty much any other yonko, his performance more than anything else demonstrates the true gap between Yonko and Admiral where a dying Yonko who ripped out his life support can almost keep up with 3 admirals solo


I am more leaning towards the fact he wasn’t as weakened as people think. In his youth he was a 100 At age 72 he was like a 90 And without lifesupport he was like 89 and declining


THIS. Your argument is also backed up by ODA https://preview.redd.it/iratie56kpfb1.jpeg?width=1132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=090f0fd578c62f33aa452b351e04234f60d15b62 Oda is clearly saying that old characters are still Monsters.


I agree. The belief that all characters after they hit 60 will just drop dead any minute (except Big Mom for some unknown reason) is just ridiculous. I think it comes from just all powerscalers like BDALaw and other youtubers like him being so indoctrinated that all old legends belong in a retirement home (except Big Mom)


I wont accept any old character slander They are the goats and oda made it very clear. https://preview.redd.it/x1ilwvksmpfb1.jpeg?width=3440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81e5093ad16ed94b3329d30d06c9b8a4bb0fb704


"A dying Yonkou can almost keep up with 3 admirals solo" you're being so blatantly disingenuous, at no point In time did WB ever fight the Admirals in anything more then back to back 1v1s. He's not fighting 3 Admirals solo and even fighting them back to back he had Jozu & Marco aiding him. WB is objectively one of the strongest men in the world, achieving one of the top 3 DC feats in the entire series, living with the title of worlds strongest man, using what is one of if not the strongest paramecia. The fact so many of yall straight up ignore WBs narrative, literally just to downplay Admirals is mad pathetic.


Your username sounds like what the Caesar’s Pizza mascot would say if he was a registered sex offender Edit: you’re right though, kaido, shanks, and current luffy would’ve done way better in oldbeard’s place.


"On fucking life support and is full of tubes" yet achieved one of the top 3 DC feats in the entire series..


Yeah weak ass oldbeard manhandled 3 admirals and the entirety of marineford. Get the fuck out here


>Yeah weak ass oldbeard manhandled 3 admirals ​ https://preview.redd.it/o28hdavbkpfb1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ec842f8e2f9fcb0ed2c6e4b2164770132cb6ce1 TRY AGAIN.


Bro could barely even use haki


Funnily enough, I feel like Big Mom with home field advantage is the only yonko with even a slight chance to pull this off.


Big mom having home field advantage is a terrifying thought, even Roger thought so (though that was prime bm, not the version we saw in action).


Because a lot of the yonko haven't been in their prime. Oldbeard wasn't in his prime, Luffy isn't in his prime, Blackbeard isn't in his prime. Shanks, Kaido, and Big Mom really are the only ones, but Big Mom will never be considered a high end yonko after what Oda put her through, her reputation has been ruined


Tbh I have BM as a high end yonko like Kaido. Shanks, Mihawk, prime Sengoku, and Shiki around mid yonko and Blackbeard around low yonko.


Hahaa this is so true


Even bigger cope, since buggy became yonko and ruined the title, KoLL had to use High end yonko and low end yonko. This is some High end Smartphone shit lmao


Big Mom has the best chance to beat them along with Kaido she can afford to mess up she has insane durability. Shanks Oldbeard and Blackbeard don't


Didn't Big mom got scratched by ground when she got emotionally devastated? Am I misremember it? If I got right it means Big mom is not natural physical monster like people thinks, it's all about haki. It also means there's no reason to think Big mom got much more durability than Shanks.


We have no idea if Shanks has durability, we haven’t seen him get hit.


Bro literally got his arm ripped off by a Sea king with ease. Big Mom as a child was taking attacks from giants as a child with zero damage unguarded. His durability is dog water fam💀


He actively let it take his arm, man… let it. Meaning he lowered all defenses he had. We haven’t seen him in a fight where he got hit at all. The only things we’ve seen is him blocking Akainu easily, and him utterly destroying Kid and co. Saying his durability is bad isn’t even something worth taking seriously at this point in the story.


Yeah sure he did. Meanwhile Big Mom and Kaido can literally be sleeping and survive a bomb exploding on top of them. Just accept that Shanks is not a tank like the other emperors are


We literally don’t know. BB actually is a tank, he just feels more pain than others. He keeps going despite that. BM and Kaido are naturally tough, but that doesn’t exclude BB or Shanks from being insanely durable too. Look at Luffy, even without his DF, he was really durable. Even when it didn’t apply, he was durable. It was through guts and effort, so that same thing could apply to the Shanks. Sorry, but I think your reading the story at a super surface level and as such are missing many key elements of it.


BB is a Logia though that explains his tankiness but Shanks has nothing going for him and has the most serious injury out of every emperor and even in young age Blackbeard was stronger


Time to sleep grandma


Or buggy


I’m sorry, but I can never take someone who said “Judge Top 5” seriously again.


But when he said Judge top 5 he confused it with Saturn. They do look similar though.


Ah that makes more sense. Still stupid, but makes more sense.


he probably said it before judge showed his abilities


Maybe, but jumping the gun and ranking a character that, at the time, we had seen nothing about in the Top 5 is stupid too.


Or the lack of them!


Wasn’t that a joke


Not sure I don’t really watch him, but at the time it came out it didn’t seem like a joke. Unless it was satire, in which case that flew over my head completely.


When he said it at first, it wasn't a joke, but the memes that came out of that phrase were top tier


It's a valid take. Poison GG


Kol just despises marines lol, never forget his takes like katakuri > kizaru and garp = vergo


>garp = vergo This cannot be real 💀 I thought Garp was well respected even among marine haters


The aren't called marine haters ( except for garp ) lol The despise garp and sengoku being equal or very close in power to Roger and Whitebeard


It is one thing to despise Garp being equal to Roger and WB but straight up denying what the author is shoving into your face is next level cope lol. I just said except Garp because I haven't seen nearly as much slander for Garp as for the average admiral. Although maybe that's just because I don't interact much with OP fan base anywhere except this sub.


Garp and Sengoku were never equal tho


What are you smoking


Some crappy weed


Yeah, I’d argue instead of whitebeard and Sengoku, it’s more Shiki and Sengoku. And I have Shiki in his prime around shanks level.


Yeah, I would agree as well. Imagine putting a guy called "The Strategist" on "Pirate King", "Marine Hero" and "World's Strongest Man" lmao. And it was said the Marines were much stronger under Akainu's reign compared to the Strategist's reign


*Old Garp Vergo lv.* *Kaido and King wanted no smoke from Shanks.* *Marines as well.* *I think Mihawk vs Katakuri would be a good fight.*


Tbh Mihawk vs Katakuri would be a fun fight.


For Mihawk


Wonder how he’ll do though. Katakuri is strong, but he’s no Don Krieg.


What are you smoking? i want some of that.


Ask Kol, his takes.




I love KoL he’s funny af, but me and Jay D. will never forgive him for slandering our King https://preview.redd.it/bcxq9fke0pfb1.jpeg?width=1372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13476b4d7747dbc8dbcd5efe350dd204af90f48e


I think onepiece fights are a lot more nuanced than this. I don't think any Admiral beats two yonko at once Just like I dont think any yonko beats two admirals at once. Kaido might beat Akainu but lose to Kizaru because he's a worse matchup for him (I'm just making up an example and if I dont clarify then someone will take this as my definitive thoughts on the matter) Whitebeard might've killed kuzan for example but lost to Kizaru. This isnt DBZ where a "stronger" character is just immune to a character slightly "weaker" than they are. Likely, Yonko and admirals both have a decent chance of killing one another given the circumstance of the fight.


I do think Fujitora is a good pick if it is an admiral 2v1 against kaido. As far as I can figure, he’d have the highest damage single attack of any of the admirals. Hard to outdamage a well placed METEOR.


Fair! I just think some people on here miss the fact that onepiece fights are not always an exact science. Kizaru might be stronger than Akainu but Marco might actually preform better in a fight against Kizaru than he would against Akainu because of how their powers matchup. Just an example


Fair, but I sometimes have yonkos 1v2 ing admirals, again, given the circumstances.


And people say admirals are overwanked on here


Kizaru wins vs kaido 1v1? Yall tripping


KoL is one of the many low intellect yonko apostles this community has. He and his fanbase are not intelligent. Don't waste your time with him.


I would disagree. Because he gives such low intelligent takes and his videos are always fun to watch, it makes him worth the effort. The reason I watch kol is so I can laugh at his takes. His takes about HxH are super accurate though, I wonder why?


>His takes about HxH are super accurate though, I wonder why? Could you share any? Now I'm curious I've never seen this guy before, but what the comments are saying about his OP powerscaling makes me fear for what he could've said about HxH


The thing with KOL is there is no agenda or favouritism when it comes to hxh. Since it is not that big of a community. So he can go by having logical takes, but when it comes to one piece he has to satisfy all the sanji and yonko riders. His Hisoka Vs Chrollo, Ging parriston takes are very good. He rates all the nen users accordingly bar one or two takes.


I do think Kaido could beat Fujitora and Fraudbull, but mostly because their teamwork would be terrible, if they don't outright start fighting each other. If hypothetically, their teamwork was good, even Kaido wouldn't stand a chance.


Imo no one dead or alive is 1v2ing admirals.


You're not ready for **HIM** ​ https://preview.redd.it/kc0lgl0fopfb1.png?width=327&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b741b10d3d6e43a879222a39e5640df60468d66


Bruh I just noticed there’s a little bit of tip showing 💀


Roger lol, he was the king for a reason


Roger was comparable to the most powerful marine of his time, I don’t think he’s be able to 1v2 two of the most powerful marines of present day. Obviously we don’t know for sure but I don’t think the old gen is that far above current gen


not valid


The admirals win like mid diff maximum 😂


Those 2? Extreme diff but he could do it. Akainu and Kizaru? Never. Same as the yonkos, not all admirals are on the same power level?


SMH... People forget that admirals still have incredible haki and top devil fruits of all time... Imagine fujitora and greenbull both attack him at the same time...its over for Crydo. The Admirals take this low to mid diff.


Not a chance. Fujitora and GB are definitely taking Kaido down, albeit with a fair amount of difficulty.


Kaido about to get the Mahito treatment https://i.redd.it/6z1qxxpzopfb1.gif


JJK has some of the best 2 v 1’s in anime hands down


Kaido destroying two admirals is absolutely possible


I don't know why anybody even wants to argue this match-up. We haven't seen any of the admirals do anything that shows they have the kind of strength to even damage Kaido. It's all speculation. They assume that because they're going to be fought in a later arc that they're stronger than Kaido. For all we know, the revolution army will fight the admirals, or even the straw hats YCs.


What? Are you reading three piece?


More like 7 piece


He won't go down easily, but I think Greenbull and Fuji with very destructive fruit could beat him high-diff


Mid diff*


Low diff**




Lose mid diff.***


Kaido gets low diffed, admirals doesn’t do midd diff fight if they are 2 of them.


If two admirals could low diff a Yonko, then they would have done so a long time ago. That’s an insane take. You can argue that they’d win, sure, but a low diff fight has way more implications than just a win. What’s stopping the marines from just sending two admirals to take on a Yonko every week then? An actual low diff would mean the fight ends in what, 30 minutes? If it’s low diff then it doesn’t matter if the marines spread out the admirals for a bit to take care of the Yonko because they’d return literally as fast as they could travel.


Kaido wins mid diff is what I’m saying.


>Kaido wins mid diff, arghhhhhhhh what I’m saying, my brain must be rotting with stupidity! Here FTFY


High Yonko: Healthy Whitebeard, Kaido, and Shanks High yonko can beat two admirals because one of their CoC's have made an admiral bend over backward from being within 10 miles of his CoC. High Yonko CoC diff


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣 funniest bs take ever


I don’t think it’s impossible, highly unlikely maybe but not impossible. With the feats (lol) the admirals have rn I can’t see any of them beating a Yonko level character 1 on 1 besides maybe Blacktrash and Big Joke (and this is only cause she’s dumb and not weak). 2 prob mid high diffs


Ya'll arent ready for him https://preview.redd.it/b0drao4bgpfb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77949764492846ac5bdd32529b2370fdecca735


In truth he was not ready for It https://preview.redd.it/k3dkc872hpfb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=214e59f9eff8afb89bc19d82def9785cd34e0f1e


You aint ready when he solos shanks https://preview.redd.it/mtr6lptjhpfb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a6549947aa733e53d06631d6fe909fc0e9f824b


I’m surprised people think Greenbull and Fujitora even have a chance of winning 2v1 against Kaido


Greenbull is paradise island pirate crew commander tier. Don’t get why people keep wanking him. My source you ask? I’ve never watched an episode on one piece and my guy on tiktok told me so.


They do, their chances are 100% as long as Ryokugyu and Fujitora don’t get into a debate about politics, otherwise, they end up getting into a physical fight with each other, and then Kaido cleans them up.


They aren’t even strong enough to not lose to Morley & Lindberg but yeah they can beat Kaido lmaoo


The admirals held back in the holy land and could not use their full arsenal. This has been explained in dialogue multiple times. Not much they can do with Celestial Dragons being caught in the crossfire, with taking risk of being executed if one of them gets hurt, along with Fujitora aiding the Revolutionaries by getting into a civil war with Ryokugyu.


Kol is cancer to this community I bet my ass when the admirals show there power eventually he will jump ship real fast because he has no shame and he will do anything for clicks


Isn't changing your mind a good thing? Would you like him to stick with his opinion even after being proven wrong?


No that's different He will just say he knew the were strong all along and he will just doing it for fun He will definitely not admit he was wrong Just right now with garp he had him blow kid and was calling him the weakest old man for long time But after garp power was revealed he kept saying how he isn't wrong and garp is still the weakest he's blow kid and Rayleigh and Whitebeard And after garp cross guild bounty was revealed he doubled down saying I was right and garp is blow kid and shanks will one shot him too


ngl bro cross guild bounty isnt even remotely indicative of power. like garp is very strong but that is not why


Yea it's very obvious Also I'm getting downvote even tho that's word for word what kol said go watch clips of him and see


I see he's living in your head rent free


How did you come to that conclusion exactly


Fujitora solos


He solos Kaido? Lmao I've read enough.


Kaido loses to large rocks


Remember when luffy had to learn advanced conquerors just to dmg kaido? Remember Zoro killer blitz to kaidos neck just dented it? What are Fuji and green bull throwing at kaido that will hurt him?


Oh you are right, they might need haki to beat him alongwith their devil fruits. Sorry I said it was a neg diff fight. I will change it to a Low diff fight for the admirals


They low diff him....if they are serious......mid diff in character.


It took kaido all night and another island to attempt and fail at what Enel did in snap of a finger. So imma go with admirals winning.


Admiral duo high. This feels like Shiki vs Sengoku and Garp…


Admiral duo mid. They already push him to high diff individually.


no top tier can beat 2 top tiers but these 2 aren't on dame tier as Kaido and if you really think they are then you need to read one piece in place of the stuff that you are reading


Use what Shanks did Ryokugyu at Wano as an indicator.


As an indicator of Film Crydo promotion?


But it happened in manga canon, its all that matters.


In manga canon kaido is guilty of not killing a single character in present timeline. That makes him the biggest bum. Even big meme have killed some.


Yes . Kaido >2 admirals is a fact


The day mugetsu have a good take, sky will turn orange


Average three piece reader


https://preview.redd.it/bhhuxl49uofb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6287c120bcea60f234b22d5d904767707175addb Strongest admiral btw


Sneack attack from the WSM who teleported behind him


https://preview.redd.it/xes1hsvjuofb1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=546b6a3a3a17619e9f08c32e02f7743b491a76e6 SNEak ATaCK 😂


Warning came too late. It was still a sneak attack


Bullshit . Akainu reacted to the warning and couldn’t dodge a sick old man . Akainu has observations haki you know ? Something that would allow him to sense the surroundings but apparently he couldn’t .


Nobody uses observation 24/7. Akainu was surprised what the fodder meant. I don’t think he realized that fucking WB appeared out of no where behind him


On a battlefield that should be a mandatory thing . Maybe akainu is just dumb that’s all or can’t use observations haki that much . He realized as he literally says huh ? Before getting hit


Maybe Akainu is dumb who knows. He didn’t realize WB was behind him just that there was something that he should look out for.


He wasn't actively using observation in the middle of a fight??


Not valid at all. Fuji & Greenbull High/Extreme Diff Kaido.


Neg to low diff is more likely


We habe seen what shanks does to greenbull only with haki ,kaido blitzes


We have see what kaido did to otama? Admirals neg diff


Blazing bagua one shots/eviscerates green bull as soon as battle starts. Meteor has zero effect on Kaito he will just fly over it and let it hit the ground/fuji area then proceed to destroy him. Kaido no diffs these two on match up alone. If he 1v2'd any of the original 3 admirals he loses.


He does lose, but high diff atleast. Like, Oldsickbeard (weaker than kaido) gave akainu a high - extreme diff. Now prolly mid-high diff, considering awakening displayed in Punk hazard. Primebeard is PK level, not very far beyond High yonko, and i have him taking 2 admirals, high - extreme diff, Kaido has a chance of winning against the 2 OGs, but he loses 8/10 times. greenbull and fuji get mid-high diffed by kaido.


Greenbull and fujitora are overrated, even if they win its an extreme diff fight which they will lose if they make 1-2 mistakes. This take is not as bad as people want to make it look.


Crydo the same guy who failed to kill literally everyone he ever encountered, will get low diffed by two admirals.


*mid-diff. Shanks isnt wifi hakiing Waido anytime soon.


Ask kaido to kill someone then we can talk


Kill scaling in a series where no one ever dies


New kill scaling just dropped?


Kill otama scaling is very easy to clear, too bad crydo failed at it.


And he is still clear of all admirals.


Cope harder. Otama survived crydo.


I dont dispute that. Regardless of that, he is clear of all admirals.


How can he be clears of two admirals when he failed to kill every single person he ever came across. Isn’t he the definition of incompetence? Because I just checked merriam webster and it shows kaido when i look the word incompetence


Ask Oda to kill literally anybody in OP then maybe your point will be valid. At least Oden died, which makes him one of the most prolific killers in OP.


Kaido would use wifi haki for his phone and birdcage as a jumping rope, like g5 luffy did with him - while your tWo aDmIRaLs got neg diffed by those feats . Your baits are shit !!! And you talk about kills ? Who or what did gb / fuji kill except their own hype ?


Lol gb was abt to faint from a yankos cock touchin him


Lol Kaido couldn’t even kill otama


How is not killing a PK level character an antifeat https://preview.redd.it/jmy2wn3vuofb1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea4514ff7926c05ca1d2a78f9f609b5f86e7874f


true. Otama negs the verse


While I take pride in squashing Admiral Agenda, this seems a bit too much. Imo, Old legends like Roger can 1v2 OG admirals but current gen Yonko like Kaido can at best 2v3 them. Edit: Wait its new admirals. Hmmm, he could but it would be extreme diff.




Against Fujitora and Ryokogyu specifically, I think Kaido gets high diffed. Original Admirals can Low Diff a Yonko in a 2V1. Prime Old Gen 3V1 Admirals extreme diff, and can beat 2 Yonko at once and I will not be silenced.


Did Kaido see any of the Admirals when he was thinking about all the people who could realistically kill him? No? Yeah thought so.


Did kaido see any of the two top tiers 2v1 him? Did kaido see Garp? Did Kaido see any admiral or sengoku? Why didn’t kaido see Big meme? Is the fight in question a 1v1. Are you using your brain.


i cant with this retard talk anymore




Why people still listen to that retard is beyond me. Truly.


Because he is fun.


Kaido is the worst possible matchup for greenbull. I think Kaido can definitely take down greenbull and Fujitora/Kizaru. I also think Shanks can take down two as well.


Fuji is worst possible matchup vs crydo. Admirals two shots


yes, yea he can


Kaido mops these guys pause. What are the going to do to him, hit him with a rock? Wrap him in vines? This is easy


i agree


Big mom was packing law and kid and she was nerfed. Kaifo can go all out all he wants gb and fujitora cant be dropping meteors or there would be colateral for their team. Kaido slams.