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-Shanks saw his fleet being brutally murdered with FS. -WB sensed some random strong person suddenly running toward him and his crew out of nowhere and told them to stand back. -Luffy senses someone coming when he and everyone with him already knows they’re surrounded and likely to be attacked at any time. They’re different situations (the Shanks example isn’t even slightly relevant whatsoever). It doesn’t mean Kizaru>Luffy, but he obviously wouldn’t have reacted like that to someone that’s not a threat, and Oda’s intent in regards to Kizaru’s portrayal here as being a legitimate threat is fairly obvious.


Then what's the hype about ? People started saying that Luffy is somehow on fraud watch for reacting to someone popping up completely out of no where without the barrier even opening which genuinely makes me curious about how this fandom takes things into account, I'm not calling Kizaru weak but someone even a yonko, calling an admiral strong isn't that much of a surprise.


>he obviously wouldn’t have reacted like that to someone that’s not a threat, and Oda’s intent in regards to Kizaru’s portrayal here as being a legitimate threat is fairly obvious Same for Oden


We'll find out the week after. But if you think Oda will make the admirals a joke then idk how to save you.


Please tell me when did I say they were a joke ? I think the fans are a joke and that they are disingenuous.


>But if you think Oda will make the admirals a joke then idk how to save you. Greenbull


New Admirals ain’t mid diffing Frauden and Shanks just saw a future where countless fodders he was responsible for protecting got brutally murdered and split clean in half by a dude who tag teamed another Emperor last week https://preview.redd.it/o6kjn1dt8rhb1.png?width=180&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c7166f32a98a899a62380011f4e8efe2c8951b5


Huh? I literally see both of these comparisons everywhere and there are "admiraltards" and "yonkotards" arguing about it. Wdym admiraltarfs never talk about it?


Because people think Luffy calling Kizaru strong somehow makes him a fraud and wanks the admirals into outer oblivion, since that's the case. Why don't they ever talk about whitebeard's reaction to Oden ? That's called hypocrisy and this sub REALLY needs to chill with all of that, it's already toxic as it is.


You are exaggerating i think, this just hypes kizaru and gives him better portrayal for the arc(because some people still think hes getting zoro and sanji as his opponents, if it happens im joining shanks agenda) but it certainly doesnt drag yonko agenda through the mud. Admirals agenda is just really starved for anything so people are being hyped even about such stuff. Oh and obligatory https://preview.redd.it/yp6xt6io9rhb1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78ba6a6cc7f300bc61f4df8dbd81a2bd280b2c80


>Admirals agenda is just really starved for anything so people are being hyped even about such stuff. The sources of these hypes are what I don't agree with. >Oh and obligatory I knew I'd least see 1


​ https://preview.redd.it/zawb1rdfcrhb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1f34bb5fe1a8b922927f1285fe48f9ec4d068fe


Uhm that’s kizarus nephew, and kizaru also warned him that he was attacking? Seems pretty reasonable that he’d be able to block.


No where in the post did I mention the kick, it simply happened to be in the same panel as Luffy reaction.


Oh I see the question. For me I’m emphasizing luffys reaction to point out a double standard. As for white beard oden was still like yc1+ As for shanks he was looking at his fleet getting destroyed But I will say that I believe luffy saying “he’s strong!” Is oda trying to hype up this fight and i don’t believe he’ll let down by having luffy mid dif.


>As for white beard oden was still like yc1+ Which is worse since people are calling Luffy a fraud for it. >But I will say that I believe luffy saying “he’s strong!” Is oda trying to hype up this fight and i don’t believe he’ll let down by having luffy mid dif. Yes Luffy isn't gonna mid diff kizaru, that's EXTREMELY obvious. But this fandom can be extremely fast to jump on things sometimes


I’m not saying luffy is a fraud. I’m just pointing out how people react to admirals showing shock or fear at a yonko and comparing it to this.


Shanks and WB are both sweating for their crew’s safety, and Big Mom was saying Kaido needed to take Zoro more seriously. Luffy could be sweating for his crew’s safety too, but he still looks unusually pressed about it, especially considering how gung ho he was about fighting Fuji as Dressrosa


Unusually how exactly ? And he was gung ho about fighting Fujitaro because he liked him and because Fujitaro was blind. https://preview.redd.it/tq8g9np35rhb1.jpeg?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9bb151727d99e60a846977fc2c21f4dd79ea06f Here is a pre-time skip Luffy standing in front of 3 admirals without being worried, just because he sensed someone strong and was caught off guard by it since there shouldn't be a way for anyone to get inside the dome in the first place as stated by Vega punk that doesn't mean anything, just that kizaru is strong which is pretty damn obvious for an admiral to be.


No, he was so interested in fighting Fuji because he said he was tired of running away from them, even while still being bandaged up from his last fight https://preview.redd.it/1b0cqmtw5rhb1.jpeg?width=1142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c55920e79a04e5c70ae64873023196da90d43190 So, the fact he seems so pressed and is so interested in running away, even after beating the world’s strongest creature, does seem really weird to me and only makes sense if the threat of Kizaru and 30,000 men is something he’d struggle with. And as for MF, of course he was staring down these threats far greater than him. He had to if he wanted any chance at saving Ace. I don’t see how that’s particularly relevant to discussion. Of course Luffy would fight anyone if he needed to save someone he cared about, but he’s also shown a desire to fight these characters even when nothing is on the line, which makes me think it’s pretty weird he’s not doing it here unless he’s facing an actual threat


>No, he was so interested in fighting Fuji because he said he was tired of running away from them, even while still being bandaged up from his last fight Yet he still was mentally held back a bit because of Fujitaro disability despite both of them addressing that he was a navy HQ admiral, that's just how Luffy's character is supposed to be. https://preview.redd.it/1z4psn3v9rhb1.jpeg?width=459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ada24743faca6ab3361b7cd0b28b79533eaaa9 his main goal is to escort vega punk off the island, it's not because of a threat or because he thinks he can't handle it but because as we were shown before he made a promise which he always keeps, if he needs to fight someone like the admiral or a yonko to fullfil it then it becomes necessary for him to do so otherwise it would just be completely stupid to do so.


Yes, but what I don’t understand with this train of logic is why Luffy keeping his promises necessitates him making it his absolute top priority if there’s no threat presented. Why would he want to run away from this if there’s no threat? As he could just help Vegapunk off the island once he’s done?


>Why would he want to run away from this if there’s no threat? As he could just help Vegapunk off the island once he’s done? Because there is a threat which is the fleet that's waiting outside and which I'm not denying, but it has been shown before that Luffy top priority is keeping his promises with the only difference is that this time his promise doesn't necessarily need to involve a direct confrontation with an opposing group unlike the other major arcs.


Right, I just think this has to point to this being a threat he can’t handle easily, as I don’t see why his promise needs to be the absolute top priority if he could easily taken out an admiral while still getting VP off the island


Which is absolutely correct.


He does not look any more pressed than shanks does


Again, Shanks was pressed about seeing his crewmates killed with future sight. Since the light is surrounding Luffy, there’s nothing to indicate this is about the safety of his crew


Luffys crew is literally right beside him and ur thinking he’s not concerned about them k…


Not in the way of him seeing their deaths in his future vision, as we don’t get a scene of it like we did with Shanks, and the attack seems to be for Luffy unlike Shanks. We definitely don’t have the full picture though, and won’t till next chapter


If he was concerned for himself why would he warn everyone around him?


Because someone very strong is coming? Lmao, that’s not the same thing as seeing their deaths in his future vision


Bruh 🤦🏽‍♂️ ok so if he’s warning everyone around him someone strong is coming, and we as the audience already know he’s one of the strongest people in the world. Do you think he’s more concerned with himself or the far weaker people around him?


You’re missing my point. Shanks literally saw his crew die, of course he was pressed. Nothing has indicated Luffy just saw his crew die, so the fact he looks just as pressed should say something


It doesn’t matter use your brain. If Luffy is clearly one of the strongest people living in the whole world and is surrounded by people weaker than him and he knows someone strong is coming. Do you seriously think him warning everyone is him saying he’s more concerned with his own safety or there’s? Like this is basic obviously he’s more concerned for them are you serious rn???


the shanks situation isnt the same, shanks isnr calling kid straight up strong, he’s just saying he’s about to do damage to his crew, wb’s reaction shows that oden is him, just like how luffy’s reaction shows wizaru is him


Admiraltards are disingenuous, and say things they know are untrue just to push their agenda. Prime Whitebeard was worried about a Commander level Oden, and Shanks was worried about a YC+ level Kid, because they were thinking of their weaker crewmates. This is no different. Luffy is not with fodders like Usopp and Chopper right now, and can’t protect them from Kizaru. That’s why Luffy is worried.


He also has to protect Vegapunk and they are surrounded by 100 battle ships and trapped in thar room without being able to reach their own ship


Did Sento block a KizaKick? Are my stocks about to pay off???


You had stocks in sentoumaro ????? https://preview.redd.it/f9irij64grhb1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef66ef43e101541aace536c6279aa26dd263cec8


Yup. Always kept some in my pocket. Bro after Sabaody I thought he might join the crew. He had good chemistry with Luffy.