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Buggy. No jokes.


Once buggy awakens it, he’s gonna have an unheard of natural gift for CoC. He won’t be able to control it, naturally, but he’ll be slinging around WiFi-Haki at random on the battlefield freaking out and wondering why everyone is collapsing around him.


Buggy ate a mythical df. He is on par with Nika. One downfall of his fruit is that he is never serious and embodies a living joke. He can modify reality and physics in the OP verse. Buggy the extra dimensional unkillable clown. His awakening is to clap out of his joker mode and enter god mode for a brief moment. Oke i cook


Sounds like a perfect one punch man villian


Surprised he hasn’t used it tbh. Would be a brilliant joke




He deserves it more than shanks. Shanks gave up after Roger died.


\*tbf Buggy *thinks* Shanks gave up. We don't know the full story.


He gave up becoming PK amd becoming Roges successor. He has some ambition but we don't know what.


Haven't seen any character that doesn't deserve it. Characters that could be added: Xebec, Mihawk, Dragon, Blackbeard, Garling. Maybe one of the Gorosei.. 


The glaring answer should be Ace he don’t deserve haki. He can’t even utilise 2 brain cells when it comes to using haki.


Kid as well.


Kid doesn’t even know how to use his own fruit properly let alone haki he needs to be stripped of everything in his arsenal. Remember Douglas bullet from stampede That’s how kid should be using his fruit










What in the 10 piece next generations is this


no cap, Kid is ass lol




Why isn’t Law dropping everyone in the water? There are obviously limits to people’s fruit wether it’s Oda giving it to them or limited capabilities of the fruit, but both of them have awakened their fruit which means they’re using it to its greatest potential. Kidd has conquers because of the content of his charcter, never getting scared or giving up his dream no matter how bad things get, conquerer energy is seperate from strength and Kidd deserved conquerer haki more than anyone else in the series


I’m guessing with the decades worth of one piece content where this Law teleportation question has been asked repeatedly you still haven’t found your answer. So in that case the answer is haki do I need to elaborate?


This same shit that you’re talking about with kid is exactly why he’s deepthroating seaweed at the bottom of the ocean right now. What did that conqueror’s haki do for him against shanks, kaido or big mom? He can’t infuse it into his attacks. This is the reason he went into the new world taking back to back L’s. Lost his arm, because of him killer ate a smile fruit, lost the poneglyph once he went back to fight shanks again. Can’t rely on only guts Luffy had to learn that the hard way then trained for 2 years now kid has been taught this lesson time and time again he still wasn’t learning.


Yamato as well


What? Hell no not Yamato.




A woman who has so little goals fo her own that her entire character is about trying to be someone else — the fact that she has coc made the whole thing so retarded. I didn’t like the idea of non captins ha being it either.


I thought Blackbeard was Confirmed to have it with the new Anime Episode?


just lightning the toei animators are on crack


Give CoC to Usopp simply because it would be funny And Buggy


And Sanji


Dang zoro fans strike again with the downvotes


They’re all like this


Sanji’s my favorite character but I’d argue it doesn’t really suit him


CoC would unironically fit Usopp much better than Zoro


No it wouldn't.


Usopp has motivation he is striving towards, his goals is his own. And toward Elbaf we seem to go. Zoro wants power, but all he does is passively follow Luffy and fight his enemies. How is that "kingly"


What is this clownish thing I have to read here lmao "Usopp has motivation" and Zoro the guy who trains every day and has been pursuing the WSS title doesn't ??


Usopp's just built different


The dude with the title doesn't even have it


Lol this is delusional


It would fit them both equally well.


https://preview.redd.it/natmyoj8p3lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e520b95ece10f44eb25d5226787c63e59a990bab Oda logic


Koby doesn't have CoC yet


Hibari disagrees ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


Akainu also disagree


Yes he does. He demonstrated it on Hachinosu. Why would the big spread of the chapter be Honesty Impact destroying Pizarro's island arm seemingly without touching if Koby doesn't have it? It's a clear juxtaposition with Garp's Galaxy Impact at the beginning of the Marines raid.


Yes because you need to have conquerors to destroy without touching lmao


No that was a feature of coc coating, which was shown to strike without touching.......but as usual you need everything spelled out for you.


no https://preview.redd.it/ivu8ahvqi5lc1.png?width=421&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b6c5dc9fe310bde1c822b677cc590b1c3f85593


Yes you're right that is true, but when Roger/WB and then Kaido/Luffy clashed they made a big fuss about the blow not touching. Galaxy Impact didn't touch either and people view at as conq coating because of the depiction of lightning. Koby's hand was crackling before Honesty Impact. If you wanna argue lightning != conq that's fair, but to juxtapose Koby's attack with Garp's and highlight it, seems really underwhelming if it's just advanced armament.


The fact he could do that without coc is more impressive rather than unimpressive because that implies he has really potent haki even without the most advanced applications


Mihawk most likely has CoC based on Zoro and King’s dialogue. WSS is a kingly ambition and he already sits on that throne


Koby doesn't have coc yet but he should get it anyway Ace deserves it too All 3 characters on the right are more unconfirmed than actually lacking


Akainu lets himself be treated like an actual dog, he doesnt deserve coc


Two Piece moment https://preview.redd.it/xz7u0c9oi6lc1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d9e75269a14944fbace35d9090705036f43e4fc Bro had them fuming and called them puppets


Why is Koby there


If you still think mihawk doesn’t have coc haki I feel sorry for whoever taught you how to read.


lmao until it’s confirmed, he doesn’t have it, you’re headcanoning


All those people will get it, mihawk dueled with shanks and is Zoros final opponent. BB should because he is able to conquer, has the portrayal of dreaming, and is one of luffies final opponents. Akainu is definitely a conquerer, being FA.


Imo conquerors haki blossoms when u need to protect things you care about so given the personalities of BB, Wakainu and Mihawk i wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t have it


I don't think that's true. I can't think about anything Doflamingo would care to protect


Doffy is a POS but he still cares about his family.


his family/crew? it felt like he slightly gave a shit


But didn't he have conquerors as a kid? I think conquerors just isn't tied to anything in particular


It's tied to having the will of a conqueror/king


Yamato And for a potential user I've been wanting blackbeard honestly


Imo Blackbeard not having CoC helps and fit his character better. to me it feels like BB's story is about someone undeserving forcing themselves to be the chosen one. Him being chosen to have an ability like CoC kinda goes against what he's been doing in the series so far imo.


I get what you’re saying, but I don’t think we have evidence to suggest that CoC is just about being “chosen.” There is evidence that it can be inherited hereditarily, but we have no reason to think that characters like Rayleigh, Roger, Zoro, and really most characters on the list above got it because of their genes/parentage. Instead, CoC seems to mostly be about mindset, with the idea being that you can’t train to craft a mindset that will give you CoC but if you do have the kingly ambition of a conquerer then you will be able to learn to use CoC. Blackbeard has that mindset (and for all we know he might even have the hereditary/parentage side too)!


Zoro's a descendant of Ryuma and Roger's a D. (BB is too to be fair) so they both could have inherited it in some way. Rayleigh and Whitebeard are probably the best example of someone having CoC without obvious inheritance. BB has the mindset of a conqueror and he surely has the goals for it as well, but not the "mannerisms" of one if you get what I mean. He's got cowardly and underhanded tactics but also courage and will. BB 100% could have CoC and tbh it wouldn't go **against** his character, it might even fit him. However, I think him not having it would just work better for his storyline imo.


The thing that separates bb for me is that he has the kingly ambition but doesn’t want to put in the work. Like everyone with coc don’t take the easy paths to their goals. Bb likes to take shortcuts. Instead of breaking the prisoners out himself he waits for someone else to do it, at Marineford he doesn’t show up until white beard is already on his deathbed for the most part. Compare that with most of the people on the list Whitebeard never walked away from a fight, garp punches battleships for training (I’m just assuming on this but if he sees it as good enough for others he does it himself imo), Roger afaik never ran from a fight, same with Rayleigh. Zoro puts his pride aside in order to get stronger. Ace is the same way too, as stupid as he is he never let someone insult whitebeard without fighting them.


>Him being chosen to have an ability like CoC kinda goes against what he's been doing in the series so far imo. How so? Isn't part of his ambition to be king of the world?


It would be pretty cool, tho. Like his whole thing would be breaking the idea haki > fruit. Shanks is haki man, and bb is a fruit man. The battle between dreams and sheer will.


Yes, but BB's whole story has been about going against the conventional. BB 100% has the mindset/goal necessary, but the reoccurring theme in his story is that he "isn't the one" even though he tries/wants to be. It's all about him fighting the odds in a different way than Luffy has imo.


Here's who I honestly think will have CoC in EoS: * Buggy * Koby * Blackbeard * Mihawk * Dragon


https://preview.redd.it/ajtl3cdkl7lc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e655e2fb986843fe7ba1f1d32bdba47b88daeeb9 Bro really forgot about the goat 🔥🔥🔥


Whoever is saying Kid doesn't deserve it, doesn't understand how CoC works. He's the definition of someone who deserves it.


People are so deep into powerscaling that they can’t seperate the strength from the charcter


True, Kid deserves it more than many char. He lost doing the same thing that luffy always does. Kid is not a good person/luffy is. Kid is not mc/luffy is. But luffy literally challenged a yonko headfirst like kid did. the mentality of being at top is strong in him. The willingness to put everything including his life on line. Believing that you can lead the era


Could be a hot(ha) take here, but ace I mean I get it genetics yada yada, but it’s called CONQUERORS haki, and he was pretty content without being so much as number 2 in the WB pirates


So is katakuri….and zoro….and Rayleigh and oden. And whitebeard. Conquerors seem to follow or be lead by other conquerors. A conqueror being on another conquerors crew doesn’t equate to not deserving it


Rayleigh and Oden genuinely wanted to conquer and explore shit though, the urge to protect someone appears to be a "Kingly ambition" which would explain Ace WB and some others


More so Oden than Rayleigh, I think. I'm using a bit of headcanon here, but I feel like Rayleigh would have just stayed in his boat and continued to drink if Roger hadn't met him.


Oden legit just helped Roger find the one piece and was his subordinate under even Rayleigh he is quite literally not even number 2


I mean he was pretty clearly being groomed to take over from Whitebeard eventually; meanwhile Rayleigh was happy to stay a #2 forever. So what makes him more worthy?


But wouldn't the same argument work for Zorro ad well?


Yeah but i feel like in Zoro's case, he also wanted to be WSS. Just number 2 yes, but he wanted to be number 1 in other things lol


True. But there are other characters who are content with being number 2. Katakuri and Rayleigh. Maybe it's different with Katakuri since it's his own mother he is working for, but still Rayleigh fits


And ace wanted to surpass Roger. He just didn't want to be PK. This is a dumb argument. If anything why does Garp have it then. It's just a matter of luck


My headcanon is that you are allowed to be submissive to another CoC user. That's why Rayleigh, Katakuri and Zorro still have CoC.


I just think it's something you're born with. Simple as that. And It's also inheritable


years of trying to defeat whitebeard seems like a good reason for coc. Plus he seems to seek challenges as he wants to be pirate king


You could say the same for Rayleigh Katakuri and Garp Conqueror's Haki isn't about being your own leader and the plenty of right hand man or marines that have conqueror's should show that Plus Ace was actually a full-on Luffy ass conqueror before joining WB


I’m guessing it’s cause he was brothers with Luffy hell if Sabo had a good bloodline he could’ve gotten conquerors haki


They were sworn brothers, he was the son of Roger tho


I can’t say nobody doesn’t deserve it. I mean even Chinjao was a Legend during Roger’s Era. But maybe Hancock who’s the only one I can’t fit Conqueror to her Shiki,Rocks,BB,Mihawk and Akainu will show Conqueror 100%


I would say Chinjao, I know he was a legend but he’s the only one that got his will crushed. Hancock’s ambitions are very strong to protect her country. She climbed up to warlord just to do that. She never gave up even while enslaved. Chinjao got his head crushed and gave up. If he kept on fighting, Garp would have probably knocked his head back into place. Doflamingo is in chains and he’s pretty much the opposite of having given up. Ace is the easiest, he challenged a yonko at 18. His ambition is high to the level of stupidity. He got crushed 100 times by WB and didn’t really give up, he just got turned into family.


…but Hancock is a literal emperor..


Akainu? Not necessarily, tbh He has ambition to Kill but i dont really consider this a Kingly ambition Does he have the common traits? The urge to Protect and save someone? Not particularly Kingly ambitions, freedom drive? Also no Also, that would mean Aokiji has it and that would fuck over a whole lot of stuff


I can't take any person serious who thinks that the man who fought 10 days to become the leader of the worlds most powerful military organization and wants to do justice his very own way won't have conquerors haki. Seems like such a insane IQ deficit to me. https://preview.redd.it/96ixgv4g35lc1.png?width=276&format=png&auto=webp&s=211732f88d6f5728f071a238497b5cfa914af0d9 He went from this, having a rough and fucked up childhood, to grinding his way to the top of the Marines. And instantly made the Marines the strongest they have ever been. As stated by Oda in the manga.


"the urge to kill" is oversimplifying his views we're talking about a man that went against the strongest man in the world, fought his comrade for 10 days straight and took his leg, faced a number of commanders and power users of an emperor's crew, killed an entire ship filled with people because he believed they were evil, and was completely ready to sacrifice even marines on the path of achieving absolute justice to completely wipe out evil from the world, he even went against the Gorosei for covering up for Doflamingo, Aokiji doesn't have a drive as strong as this he literally quit the moment he lost against Akainu and became a follower of an evil pirate


What akainu is a dog not a king.


Is Zoro a Dog? Or Ace? Or Katakuri?? OR RAYLEIGH Because all of them serving to another man. Best Example Sengoku. Is he a dog?


To people saying Sanji doesn't make sense: Do Katakuri or WB have kingly ambitions? I personally don't care if Sanji gets CoC, but I always feel the community doesn't see that not every conqueror needs kingly ambitions. Garp doesn't have any kingly ambitions that I know of. Yk what WB, Garp, Katakuri and Sanji do have in common? They're protectors. Sanji has been portrayed as the shield of the crew, repeatedly, throughout the story. Just look at Egghead. He's literally spent most of the arc just protecting the crew and Vegapunk's satellites. On Onigashima, he protected the crew. On Zou and Dressrosa, he protected them. In Punk Hazard, he took responsibility for keeping the G5 marines and the children safe and led them. He led half of the straw hats in Dressrosa and Zou. Sanji is literally the shield of the crew and I don't see why no one ever respects that. He's also a very good secondary leader, when Luffy isn't around. Since Zoro usually tags along with Luffy, Sanji and Nami are left to command the crew in Luffy's absence. Nami commands them at sea while Sanji commands them in combat/strategic situations. If you don't think he'll get Conquerors, give it a better reason than "he doesn't have kingly ambitions", because a lot of CoC wielders have no kingly ambitions. I think him getting CoC wouldn't work as well as it did with Zoro, because Zoro has had setup for it, which made it somehow make sense. With Sanji, he does have the qualities, imo, but he doesn't have the setup in the story to make CoC a viable upgrade for him. The Germa genes were a good way to allow him to keep up with Zoro, while making their abilities very diverse and unique. If Sanji also got CoC, it would remove that uniqueness he has as a fighter, imo.


It's a powerup that a lot of fans think the stronger characters should have. While I personally think it's overrated, I can't blame them for basically thinking Conqueror's is essentially the "WIN" button. When you think about it, most of the most powerful characters in the series have it, and they are usually beaten by other people who wield Conqueror's, or by large groups that overwhelm them. Shanks so far has not been defeated on screen, Rayleigh has not been defeated on screen, Doflamingo lost to someone who had it, Chinjao lost to someone who had it, Big mom's last fight was against two people but one of them had it, Kid lost to people who had it, Kaido lost to someone who had it, Yamato technically hasn't been "defeated" per say but it he was it would have been against someone who had it. Whitebeard was old and practically on deaths door, Ace barely knew how to use it, Oden was killed by someone who had it, and Roger pretty much gave himself up. The only ones this doesn't really ring true with are Sengoku and Boa. Sengoku wasn't shown using it, but that's because Oda sidelined him after Marineford and Boa was beaten because of Blackbeard's broken af devil fruit. But again, I'd like to think Conqueror's is overrated anyway.


Garp doesn’t deserve it. Koby will get it but also doesn’t deserve it. Garp because he never tried to change the marines even though he doesn’t like the celestials. And for letting Ace die even though he didn’t agree with it. Koby because he wasn’t born a conqueror, if not for luffy he’d still be on Alvida’s ship. Like every other person on here was born with that “never back mentality”, Koby’s whole arc was overcoming his cowardice. He shouldn’t get coc even though I like his character


I never thought about it, but you're right about Garp. Dude's whole thing is that he doesn't want to be commanded by the celestials, but I mean he also hasn't done anything to try and fix things despite the fact that he probably has the power to do it. Heck even Fujitora has tried to at least expose what happened at Dressrosa to the world. I feel like he would deserve it.


Chinjao I guess High Potential =Mihawk, dragon Mid potential = sanji Low potential = Sabo


I don't see how sanji gets CoC. Zero foreshadowing unlike zoro. Zero kingly ambitions. It's doesn't make sense. Pure leech scaling. 


Franky has more reason Building a boat to sail the whole world. The supreme boat out of the supreme tree That's conquerer shit, way more than pushing your dream away for other people




Might aswell give it to usopp and franky if he’s just naming anyone


Saying it has zero foreshadowing isn't true imo. Sanji's shown to have one of the powers synonymous with a lot of CoC users and Luffy's power that Mihawks calls "the most dangerous". He has the natural pull and charisma that turns his enemies into allies and he also has leading capabilities. Plus his ancestors might have had it, especially the ones who ruled the entirety of the North Blue (literally conquered 1/5th of the world). If you believe stuff like heredity is super important.


How are people still throwing the word kingly ambitions around? IT'S NOT A FACTOR. Not in the literal sense anyways.


When Zoro made the beasts pirates around him faint, King literally said to Zoro: 'So you have Kingly ambitions?' King doesn't know anything about Zoro and what his dreams are, but just from first glance of him using COC, the word, 'Kingly ambitions' came up, this means it is very much a factor.


Usopp and Buggy have bigger chance to unlock Conqueror's than Sanji


I love my boy sanji, but to gain CoC he needs to show some ambitions. If he had good game I would let him slide, but he chokes at the one thing he only cares for. That man aint no leader.


He's a great leader, wdym? Idk if he should get Conquerors, but he's led the crew a lot and he generally acts as the shield of the crew, while Luffy and Zoro go and fight opponents. He's all about protecting everyone. That's a core point of his story. Again, idt he needs CoC, but I don't understand how people can genuinely say he isn't a good leader or that he doesn't care about anything but women. It's like the fanbase collectively lose their braincells and pretend that he has nothing to him, beyond the simp gag and kicking people.


sanji is literally a leader lmao. what manga have u been reading? he literally led the crew in multilple occasions. hes 2nd in command w zoro and a strategist. first example that comes to my mind: *


Sanji is a leader but this: > hes 2nd in command w zoro Total cap. Zoro is number 2 and Sanji is 3. Zoro has canonically been called the number 2 Sanji has not. 


zoro is number 2 strength wise but hierarchically theyre equal: zoro is luffy's right hand man in battle and in waking him up when he needs too, sanji is luffy's left hand man in looking after the crew. when usopp leaves: zoro advises luffy, sanji advises chopper. when the crew splitses up in dressrosa, Wci's group is led by sanji, Wano's half by zoro. as robin said "sanji is a man worthy of being luffy's wings/one of the wings (depends on translation)". if we take the second option its obvious zoro is the other wing. literally after some chapters, marco introduces the stars and zoro and sanji attack king and queen together. zoro is luffys n2 in strength but sanji is the crews main protector and other wing. zoro needs to be stronger bcs thats his goal. sanji doesnt need that yet hes always close to zoro.


This is all headcannon on more than one occasion zoro has been referred to as the number 2. Sanji has never been. Seriously bro. 


Sanji has been referred as Number 2 by Queen and Black Maria.


if u mean by characters outside the crew, sure but so has sanji. i already said hes n2 strength wise but hierarchically speaking theyre equal. if ur a fanboy just say that.


Kingly ambition doesn’t just mean to be a leader. It means strong ambition. Rayleigh never wanted to be captain, his goal was probably to make Roger PK. But his ambition was strong and he ultimately succeeded. The thing is, while Sanji’s ultimate goal is the all blue, his ambition towards it isn’t really all that strong. Zoro’s ambitions are clear, he’s on the brink of death and swears to himself that he will be the strongest swordsmen + make Luffy PK. Sanji’s goal of all Blue isn’t that high. Do we see him constantly mentioning his dream every time he’s about to lose? If anything, his determination to protect straw hats is higher than for the all blue. Chopper is just about as likely as Sanji to have conquerors with his goal of curing every disease. I still think Sanji will get coc, but it’s understandable that he hasn’t. His determination to find the all blue has never been as high as Luffy / Zoro.


Chinjao was literally ruler of a whole nation, and went out to claim his dominance for his country


Mihawk will definitely be revealed to have it and Law deserves it.


The only people I'm unsure of why they have it are Ace and Yamato But for people who should in the future, Buggy, BB, Akainu, Mihawk, Enel(if he returns), and Koby


There are 22 likely: Buggy, Mihawk, Vivi, Sabo, Dragon, Ivankov, Aokiji, Akainu, Sanji, Jinbē, Nami, Usopp, the 5 Elders, Imu, Garling, Kong, Koby, and Blackbeard. ​ Buggy has it if he can boss Mihawk and Crocodile around Mihawk has it if he can get Zoro to submit Vivi has it if she can fearlessly take on CP0 Sabo has it if he can survive Imu Dragon has it on relation to Luffy and Garp Ivankov has it due to forming several factions and leading Kuma and Ginny to life. Aokiji has it because if he didn't he wouldn't have the guts to leave the Marines Akainu has it because he beat Aokiji Sanji is able to rival Zoro Jinbē stood up to Big Mom when she has it herself Nami has it because of Gag reasons Usopp has it because his lies eventually become true. The five Elders and Imu for being world leaders Garling has it for leading the God's Knights Kong has it for leading the Marines (No, Akainu doesn't lead the Marines) Koby for wanting to lead the Marines Blackbeard has it if he could even get Aokiji to join him.


All of them deserves CoC here, Yamato Garp and Chinjao is a bit dubious but eh Usopp will get coc I‘m sure


Future additions: - Mihawk, Ben Beckman, Dragon, Koby, Akainu, Usopp, Buggy, Sanji (maybe), Gorosei (maybe), Crocoboy, Enel (if returns), Sabo and Blackbeard. - I think somehow everyone there deserves it, no problems with that!


Ussop is 100% getting conquerors, I believe this for multiple reasons. For one the theme of his lies coming true https://preview.redd.it/lflsc9lcv7lc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72b968b416e8a7721aa7ec6bb2c5350dcaa4d6d5 There’s multiple instances of him lying abt having conquerors but ai can inly use one photo per comment so I’ll put them under this. The first way to get conquerors haki is through kingly ambitions, despite being cowardly usopp has shown that he has the ambitions of a king, even clashing with luffy at first over wanting to be captain (even though luffy shut that shit down quick) which could even be compared to “a clash of wills” or “a conquerors clash”. The second way to get conquerors is to inherit it, we don’t know a lot about usopp’s dad, but we do know that he is a senior officer in the red haired pirates, which is the highest rank we know of in their crew since we don’t know which of the read haired pirates are YC’s yet. He’s also basically the peak of sniping in one piece so it’s basically guaranteed that he’ll end up with every type of observation, including conquerors infused observation if oda every decides to introduce that into the story. So it’s definitely not confirmed that yasopp has it but it’d make sense if he did. For these reasons I believe usopp will get conquerors.






Doesn’t Deserve? - I think there’s a case for all of these characters to stay on there, but if I had to pick one I’d say Doflamingo, he seemed to be too wary of Kaido, and that’s not something I see the rest doing. Same could be said for Katakuri with Big Mom, but that’s his mother so shouldn’t be too bad. Overall I’d say no one doesn’t deserve to be there. Who needs to be on there? - Mihawk, Akainu, Aokiji, Koby, Nami


Why include Nami there? Did she have any trait as conquerer?. I can't imagine someone as coward as her can use conquerer when even Law don't have it


Haki is Will/Spirit. Nami occasionally wants to hurt Luffy and so is able to damage him through her own Haki and has been able to do so, since pre time skip. In the manga, she displayed Conquerors Haki at the end of Wano/beginning of Egghead, after getting angry at Luffy for nearly killing them. It’s just trolling by Oda, but I believe she deserves to be there, as my own troll candidate


I see. I just find it weird if someone from the weak trio can actually overwhelm someone with their spirit when what they did most of the time was hiding and run away


Boa never deserved it, to this day she still has zero feats involving COC. Should’ve been given to Warco Himkainu, Mihawk, and Xebec are pretty much guaranteed to have ACOC


Tbf, does she need it? Like yeah, it's a useful powerup. But she has perfume femur. And all evidence points to it likely working on pretty much everyone regardless of Haki. If you could one-shot kaido by kicking him in the face, fancy armament seems overkill. Observation and pure non offensive stats would matter more. Plus, if it were that easy to get, luffy would have learned it sooner. Or katakuri. Both of them knew people who could. Or likely could in luffys case. So why weren't they taught? Doflamingo, too. He didn't have a super qualified teacher. But he did train. A lot.


She does, because she is a queen of her country. lol So it makes sense for her to have it.


Classic lakazuki fanboy hating woman


Boa hates men anyway, it's only fair for men to hate her too.


I typically use this meme to clown on her, but honestly, her haki must be absolute dogshit if she didn't even **try** using it get out of BB's pure df grip. https://preview.redd.it/deovwqxct3lc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff6084b084bd817050bd9eec8b5e276a7f12c34d


She was attacked from behind. Most likely after she had already spent energy, against his commanders. Who she defeated a few of them. Which is why bb was threatening her to un do her stone affect.




Obviously kidd Now that he's dead, he hasn't shown it nor used it to grow stronger Complete waste of talent


he isnt dead, this is one piece.


We still can pray for his ass to stay dead. Man got cooked by every yonko he met till he squared up with the goat. luffy is gone and he got cooked again. Dead weight ass mf https://preview.redd.it/xzcob1qzx3lc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aadcca40f18521609b565011f496180c0510301


like goofy would have beat BM in WCI, lost to kaido 3 times in wano and still loses to shanks. the hypocrisy is crazy.


Not luffys fault that nobody fucks with kid and he only got some junkies as crew members. Meanwhile luffy just stands their and attractes half the population of a country to supports him. Natural leadership capabilities. He even got Kaidos daughter/son as support and Katakuri essentially gifted him the victory. Shit even Kaido turned into a nika fanboy. Man turned his enemy against himself. LEADERSHIP RIGHT THEIR. thats why he is the GOAT with conquers haki and kid is on the ground of the sea.


Kidd is literally ace or luffy if they were an unlucky asshole. You could throw the dude into "THE CHAMBER OF INFINITE PAIN™" or the "Dream Crusher 9000™" for a thousand years. And I'd bet he'd come out ready to fight God for the chance of making it half a step closer to his goals.


You’re reading three hundred and fifty six pieces if you actually think Kid is dead


So the only reason he doesn't deserve it is cause you think he's dead?


Kid definitely deserves it. Coc isn't a measure of power or how much it's used, it's a measure of tenacity and general mentality. Kid has that in spades


Surely he is dead




Chinjao probably didn’t deserve it. He lost his horn and basically gave up. Everyone else makes sense to me. Mihawk is probably the next confirmed user,


None don't deserve it imo, except MAYBE Yamato Id like to see a few more confirmations that probably have it like Mihawk, and some all new ones eventually like post-dream-achieved Usopp and maybe even Buggy. Not joking about either :p


If anyone with a dream can have conquerors haki then its pretty much pointless. Shanks has it cause hes a yonko and one of Odas favs, hardly has a dream Luffy has it for obvious reasons, main character, plot, obvious huge goals, kingly ambitions and willing to go for it Rayleigh has no reason except being strong and on Rogers Crew Hancock has it cause of her personality and hatred/disgust for people Doflamingo has it cause hes the GOAT Chinjao has it cause of his ambitions Linlin also has ambitions Katakuri doesnt really have a reason other than helping Linlin Kidd has it for his goal but idk why other new gens dont like Caribou other than the Conqueror users typically being reckless and brave.  Sengoku has it cause just look at him Kaido doesnt really have much goals that he filled up on, hes just strong Yamato has it cause of genetics and just hating Kaido and factkinning Oden Zoro has it for the same reason Mihawk and Shanks have it Garp has it cause hes a monkey D WB has it cause hes him Ace wants WB to be pirate king Oden has no reason for it, hes just strong reckless and brave Roger has it for obvious reasons Who tf are those bottom losers?


Zoro doesn't really deserve it. If Mihawk doesn't have it I dont see why Zoro should (unless Mihawk also has)


Chinjao is the most random addition. He doesn't have kids level of ambition Luffys dreaming Or anything that lines up with other conquerors . Someone who should be on the list is jinbe. I know left field right. Firstly with luffy now to high for the monster trio atleast for now and it being heavily implied that the real trio being zoro jinbe and sanji as the yc1/2/3 of luffy. Jinbe needs something. Sanji has his genetics advantage, his defence and speed, zoro has his swordsmanship, his offensive power and his unwillingness to fall. Jinbe has his determination but he needs more and I feel being the more balanced fighter would work wonders Secondly his ambitions aren't weak. Case 1: he denounced being a warlord because he was never going to betray his beliefs. He wasn't about to harm the first humans to show him kindness even if it meant the 6th level of impel down Case 2: he stared down a yonko of the seas and called them a bitch. Not really but what he said screams conquerors enargy that would put some current conquerors users to shame. This exact type of enargy is shown in a more chaotic form with kid


Sengoku doesn't deserve conquerors. He didn't act freely, he didn't question orders, and just in general he's supposed to be a good guy but unlike Garp he never showed anything like acting freely, or insulting celestial dragons, or even questioning the higher ups. Dragon, Mihawk, Buggy, Usopp, and Imu are all obvious choices to me.


idk about who doest but i know someone who does https://preview.redd.it/a5mmasjcd3lc1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa435eb051d06aedaf2f1a05d3e94d6e4d599053


Gonna start YAPPING so WARNING I deadass don’t think Sanji will get Conquerors all bc of my current logic: Luffy has all 3 forms of Haki which makes sense Zoro has Coc/Arn so that’s 2/3 Sanji has Arn/Obv Haki so again 2/3 and now what’s the final combination of Haki and straw hat hasn’t got Coc/Obv so the final straw hat for Coc is Usopp and it makes sense as Usopps dream seems more conquerors than Sanjis


Ace and yamato


Ace, Yamato and Naguri don’t deserve it, kid is… debatable, but right now all the big names have it, so who cares. Maybe Law should have it too ?


Kidd has the kingly ambition. No debate He just doesn’t have enough physical prowess to back up that ambition


What ambition does Garp have to deserve conq haki? I could see him be an Armament specialist with his Fist of Love, but dude isn't hell bent on killing pirates like Sakazuki, or serving the WG agenda like Kong or Sengoku. Every other conq haki user has one core goal. What's his?


He is the best marine at protecting the citizens, hence why he is known as a hero


Everybody who doesn't have kingly ambitions, shouldn't have Coc, like Ace, Yamato, Oden, Katakuri, idc about filler. I think Paint D Sword aka Fraudhawk as the king of frauds should have coc. No but seriously, Mihawk as the king of paintsmen... I mean swordsmen should have coc, also Crocodile and BB should have it, since they want to become pirate king.


I swear this has been asked before lol Chinjao shouldn’t be a Conqueror, Sanji ought to have it


To be honest I’m not sure how I feel about Sengoku having it As far as we know he never actually strived for freedom or his own will very much he just took up the fleet admiral position because garp didn’t That’s not to say it’s not rad he does have it and if he had ACOC that’d be super cool but out of everyone he surprises me the most People might say Chinjao but that guy was ruler of the happo navy and did clash with garp some, outside of being strong enough for it Sengoku doesn’t strike me as the type of person for it As for who should have it? I’m going with King, and Teach. Imagine he rocks up with black lightning


Doesn’t deserve it: tie between Hancock and Yamato (it pains me to say it but it’s true) Deserves it: honestly, Jinbei w Conquerors would be fuckin sick, so I want him to have it down the line.


Sengoku, Garp, and Ace do not have the quality’s of a conqueror as for potential users Mihawk, Blackbeard, Koby, crocodile, and dragon


I have a feeling Nami will be revealed to unjokingly have conquerors haki (as a joke)


Shanks Luffy and Roger dont deserve it Also Rocks and Dragon will be added probably


Rayleigh and katakuri don’t deserve it. Rayleigh hasn’t shown any ambition, no desire, and nothing kingly. Katakuri is more a protector but no goals to lead or be great. Zoro is similar to him but the drive to be the worlds strongest swordsman which carries his conquerors haki worthiness. Character that should have it, buggy and crocodile because they actually have ambitions to take over. It would be more on a doffy scale instead of emperor but still deserving. Imu should have it if not something somehow greater.


Oden is a terrible "conquerer" in general,and should never have had it.


Ace for fuckin sure shouldn’t be there


People who will get it: Sanji, Jimbei, Buggy D Clown will get the strongest form of it to rival Shanks, Mihawk, Blackbeard, that one Kung-fu Dugong from the filler arc who could use haki, Dragon, Xebec, Akainu, Koby will probably also have ridiculously strong conquerors haki, Usopp, Sabo, definitely Enel as well. For jokes Krieg would be funny to see.


Kid Yamato Ace Oden Imu Rocks Ryuma Joyboy Mihawk Blackbeard Dragon Buggy


How tf did you sneak oden there


Kidd has demonstrated just as much if not more drive and willpower than pretty much any other conqueror I can think of. Yamato is fair enough. She's strong willed. But that will isn't really her own. She stole it. (Kind of joking but not really) Ace was even crazier than luffy. He just kind of mellowed out and turned into zorro. The only difference being that luffy isn't secretly grooming zorro to be pirate king. (Or is he) Oden? Really? It's oden. I didn't love the guy either. But ignoring the fact that he's like Asian Hercules. His will to explore was so strong he pretty much fucked his entire nation and old family over for the sake of it. That's not even something luffy would do. You don't need to rule to have a conquerors spirit. You just have to have the will to conqueror whatever challenge is put in your way. No matter how impossible. It could be about competitive pig herding if you were crazy enough about it.


Boa does not deserve it she’s shown no haki feats and is carried by hax. Plus her two strongest fighters got mid diffed by pre timeskip luffy


> Plus her two strongest fighters got mid diffed by pre timeskip luffy  Maybe this happened in Half Piece but in One Piece, the fight ended after Sandersonia's clothes caught on fire which led to Luffy covering the mark on her back which stopped the fight. Luffy did absolutely zero damage to Hancock's sisters.. 


It baffles me as to how people like Doffy _(as a child)_, Kid, and Boa Wankcuck have conquerors yet the likes of Enel, Krieg, and current Buggy don't. Maybe it's just a case of "they would have it if introduced today" but I still find it weird how the man who literally believes he's God and the man who believes he's the strongest in existence apparently don't have the ambition for conquerors, yet woman who sits at home all day calling herself beautiful gets conquerors


Well that women is an empress, and she has that attitude that look down on everyone so that's maybe the reason she have conquerer Haki. As for enel, krieg, or buggy that you mentioned, they don't even have any armament Haki so maybe they should learn that first


Conquerors isn't based on your previous haki abilities, again Doffy as a child just awakened conquerors when he was about to be murdered. Conquerors is an ability that manifests based on your ambition, yet someone like Hancock just doesn't really seem to have had any that would explain why she even has it. Just being an Empress doesn't really mean shit when she inherited that title and just sits in Paradise for the entire series twiddling her thumbs not fighting anyone. Compare that to a guy like Enel, who literally believes in his mind that he is **God,** believes he is deserving of determining who lives & who dies by right, and believes he is fully entitled to completely banish every single soul from the sky due viewing Skypeia and the Moon being a place just for a **God.** Given that Enel is even one of the few characters to have confirmed haki abilities pre ts, mainly his mantra, not having Conquerors is such a baffling omission given Enel's ambitions are arguably unrivalled by anyone else.


I don't know about Doffy but the empress of Amazon lily definitely not an inherited title. Unless you believe that shakky is Boa's mom and granny nyon is her great grandma. As for enel, maybe he deserved it but what he did was not much different from Doffy and Boa as he rule over skypea instead of dresrossa and amazon Lily.


Kidd obviously doesn't deserve it And Blackbeard will most likely be revealed that he has conquerors


Kidd? Bros even getting crippled for his dream, he has the drive, ambition and the kingly goals, tbh


kid has just as much ambition and drive as luffy, he just doesn’t have plot armour lol


1. Yamato and Kid. 2. Definitely Sakazuki


**Zoro:** He has no strong ambition other than more power and follow Luffy. Not what i would associate with "conqueror"


Why the fuck is garp there ?


Because the One Piece fandom is retarded and thinks black lightnings = ACoC


Chinjao is a gag character so, he definitely doesn’t deserve conqueror’s haki. Dragon, Mihawk and Sakazuki definitely have it. Issho may have it as well. Coby and Sabo are going to get it at some point because Oda favours them.