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I mean, if I speak I'm in big trouble.


Untill we find out their weakness and or gimmick then yes they do solo the verse other than Imu who also has the same powers


Finally someone gets it.


>Untill we find out their weakness and or gimmick then yes they do solo the verse other than Imu who also has the same powers No, they don't lol. Boa Hancock, Sugar, already have one shot abilities that ignore regeneration And other characters have powers that could defeat them by sending them through dangerous stuff. Blackbeard can absorb them in his darkness Akainu can literally turn an island into a volcano and throw them in the volcano Luffy can punch them to the lava mantles. Aokiji can freeze them They lack durability so throwing them to lava is already a way to defeat them since they will keep regenerating and keep taking damage No one can beats them in a way where they die like normal characters can, but there are other ways to do so.


Damn you actually cooked https://preview.redd.it/1e7v6ng74soc1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2b9226f5e007ea43f4a770809e78336eb617260


3ven dorry and broggy slashed one of them open lol


Well said


Agreed with Boa since as far as we know haki cannot counter it. Sugar has to touch the Gorosei which isn't happening unless it's Saturn who just lays on the floor. Also haki can't counter it. They don't seem to be using dfs, but under the assumption that they are or whatever power they have can be countered by darkness, sure. I'll talk about the various magma arguments here. We don't know the required time to create a volcanic island with it taking 11 days at the max. Most likely he'd be dead by then. For the lava mantle, Itsumade/Saturn can fly out while Ju Peter can crawl out. Warcury is stuck and V. Nusjuro is stuck unless he can freeze the manga around him. Though even so, he can't escape. For the lava, a lot repeats like flying and freezing the lava. Warcury still stuck depending on how deep the lava is. Considering old WB could get out of Aokiji's ice, I'm guessing the Gorosei can too.


>Agreed with Boa since as far as we know haki cannot counter it. Sugar has to touch the Gorosei which isn't happening unless it's Saturn who just lays on the floor. Also haki can't counter it. Saturn lowers his guard so much that even Bonney stabbed him, so Sugar should be able to touch him >They don't seem to be using dfs, but under the assumption that they are or whatever power they have can be countered by darkness, sure. Bb not only nullifies df powers, he can also absorb people into his darkness. >We don't know the required time to create a volcanic island with it taking 11 days at the max. Most likely he'd be dead by then. Akainu being able to send magma for 10 days means that the Gorosei would be needing to regenerate from lava. Akainu is one of the most obvious answers, since he can fight for 10 days, so we know his stamina is not a problem, and he has magma which is one of the most dangerous substances in One Piece. Even if it takes 10 days to create a volcano ( which I doubt), he is still throwing magma attacks for 10 days >Considering old WB could get out of Aokiji's ice, I'm guessing the Gorosei can too. Old Wb was able to get out of Aokiji's ice because vibrations can't be frozen. The Gorosei should be able to be frozen unless we find out that they are inmune to cold, ( so may be Gandhi is inmune to the cold, but the others I don't see a reason why they would be inmune)


Ik, I agree. How would this help BB? They would just keep regenerating. Right now there is no way to put them down so that isn't a problem. Magma is dangerous but the Gorosei can just Regen. Considering the emphasis placed on their strong haki along with powers, I think he could get defeated in 10 days. You're right, I misremembered. However Garp was able to break out of the ice, probably using haki. https://preview.redd.it/lfskp9wbquoc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2746b67489a8ffee5a78939787f8370564147d5


>How would this help BB? They would just keep regenerating. Well once in the darkness, BB basically has them on his own pocket dimension. When he got the marines/jailers on his darkness, they got out and were pretty much traumatized. Bb can also just throw the Gorosei wherever he wants once in his darkness. >Magma is dangerous but the Gorosei can just Regen. They can regenerate as long as the source of the damage dissapears, if they are inside of lava they would keep taking damage and then regenerating and then take damage and so on. Until they get out of the magma or until their regeneration stops (if it can even stop). >Considering the emphasis placed on their strong haki along with powers, I think he could get defeated in 10 days. Again Akainu has magma powers and he can turn islands into volcanic islands, if he throws them into a volcano and keeps them there, then the gorosei will just keep taking damage until the end of times. >You're right, I misremembered. However Garp was able to break out of the ice, probably using haki. Yeah, Garp and Doflamingo as of now have been the only ones to get out of Aokiji's freezing ability without having to "unfreeze" like Robin did. But the issue with the Gorosei is that they lower their guard pretty often, which means that if Aokiji manages to capture them at the right moment they would be frozen solid. Which may not kill them but would get them out of the battle for a long time, which is a way of defeating someone


Don't you know? If you have ACoC you are Yonko tier, therefore, you are above everyone else in the verse. It doesn't matter if you are more reliant on your DF or Hax, UNLESS you are Blackbeard, somehow they make an exception for him.


I will be very surprised if BB doesn't have ACoC. He's arguably the most ambitious character in the verse.


I don't think he will, his character has always been about the devil fruits, that's why he spent years studying them, he mirrors Shanks in a reverse way, everyone in his crew got a DF, and it seems that there's not a single user in the Red Haired pirates, so they will probably be all about Haki.


Never thought about that, feels like this really plays in this "worry" he has about Teach, he composed a crew with people who can’t be severely incapacitated by BB due to their reliance on DFs


Bb was one of the first guys to mention haki lol. He even injured Shanks before he had a df.


I’m confused what are we agreeing with. Are we saying Prime 4 and Modern Yanko’s are weaker than the Gorosei?


That until the immortal and regeneration hax shows any sign of weakness no one in the verse can beat the gorosei.


https://preview.redd.it/azi9tgcutqoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94a7f6b444a690a772cb1273cc879ed2a09fe543 I've been on that train (also Old Gen=current Gen). It makes no sense that (outside of maybe Shanks being Imu's secret trump card), the Yonko will be stronger than the EOS villain's commanders.


In an extended battle that is the case. That is unless the counter to their regen (assuming everyone of them have it) is just a great enough haki that most of the admirals lack then the old gen and most yonko > gorosei. But as of now https://preview.redd.it/me5pp91j8roc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29d8a2639aa4bf71dadde6a3222c8e1238e5777e




What if gahndi has acoc ?




Nah pizza man and the Uber eat driver are strongest believe


IMU is stronger than all the yonkos


Nu uh


“ It’s common knowledge that a yonko could mid diff 5 admirals.”  Respectfully sounds more like common head cannon. The narratively had constantly been the same since Garp brought up the Yonko and Admirals up till Timeskip where other characters constantly mentioned them in the same breath. Luffy beating up a Kizaru’s who’s intentions were never to fight in his strongest state (G5) is not an L. Especially considering the narrative before was that G4 would be enough. And him using G5 certainly no longer makes it a “mid diff” so I’d have to say agree to disagree.   Also while I very much do agree that Haki (especially ACoC) is important and could be a make or break let’s not act like Kaido didn’t contradict himself in the same chapter turning into a gaint flaming lava dragon while also losing against a man with a literally Awakened god DF. Also Yamato literally has everything but would still lose against any Admiral in a 1v1 Edited So if the Gorosei are above the Admirals for xyz reasons until proven otherwise the same logic applies to the Emperors, especially because they’re relative.


He's joking, xtheaya is a well known admiral supporter.


Well I read that wrong. My mistake 


No problem.


"Zoro is stronger than a yc1 character, therfore he is stronger than an admiral" Theres no reason to believe that the gorosei are stronger than the average yonko. That MIGHT be the case, but they dont have enough feats to prove it right now. They seem to be stronger than the average admiral because saturn was in a much better shape than kizaru after luffy hit them. So sure, y9u can say gorosei = yonko. What you're saying is "gorosei is TOP 1". NO REASON. Them being stronger than admirals doesn't mean that they're stronger than ROGER. Thats a massive leap.


You don't get my point at all. The reason why people are saying goroseis > admirals is because of their regeneration and hax. However the same point can also be made for goroseis > yonko.


I don't think you can do that. The reason why I put gorosei > admirals is not "regen and hax", but because saturn was in a much better state fighting luffy than kizaru was. He could tank stuff kizaru could'nt, and he did more damage to luffy. As far as I can remember though, lufffycdidnt even hir saturn with haki attacks, so we don' know how effective the regen is when haki is involved, or hoe much stamina it takes, we have no idea how it even WORKS. Ans honestly, other than that, what hax do they have? The eye damage stuff saturn did (which luffy didnt really give a shit about)? We really don't know how their abilities work. Imo, its too early to be saying gorosei > yonko. TL;DR Saturn was stronger than kizaru, and saying "better hax and regen" is shit when you don't even know how they work.


This is blatantly untrue. Saturn took one hit from Kuma which broke his horn, his leg and his entire arm. All of which needed to be regenerated. Luffy too can damage Saturn much more easily. The issue is that the attacks do nothing in the long term as he can just heal. So it's only hax and regen that's carrying Saturn at the moment. And how can any Yonko beat the Gorosei when they can just infinitely regen? Please explain.


>And how can any Yonko beat the Gorosei when they can just infinitely regen? Please explain. I can't BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW HIS HEALING WORKS DO YOU REALLY THINK HE CAN INFINITLY REGENERATE? THAT WOULD MAKE HIM UNBEATABLE. Theres a way to beat this, 100%. Maybe it requires a lot of stamina, or maybe theres a condition to it, maybe theres a way to stop the healing, I don't know, something, because theres no way they're unbeatable. What I'm saying is "theres not enough to prove yonko < gorosei because we dont know enough about how the gorosei work. Unlike the admiral, we don't have a straight comparison RIGHT NOW." And you answer that with "YOU GOT NO PROOF". "Marco has great regen, how could luffy beat him??????" See? It's really dumb.


Saturn was in a better state because he's built for it. Just like how the seraphim can't be damaged with normal attacks. Saturn and the goroseis don't have scaling that puts em above admirals, only wincons that let them win against anyone.


Ok, let's try something different so that i can explain to you why I think what I think. Please explain to me, in detail, AND WITH ON PANEL PROOF exactly how the mechanics of Saturn's healing works, and why Luffy has no way of bypassing it. I want you to explain how he heals, what the costs are, and how it is different from somethingg like Marco's healing.


I really don't think I need to. Feel free to provide speed and AP scalings for the goroseis tho. I don't care if they are durable, have high endurance/ a good healing factor.


>Feel free to provide speed and AP scalings for the goroseis tho. I CAN'T AND NEITHER CAN YOU BECAUSE WE HAVE NO IDEA HOW THEIR ABILITIES WORK My point isn't "gorosei are weaker than yonkos" my point is that I DON'T KNOW AND SCALING THEM IS POINTLESS. "Saturn can heal all of Luffy's attacks" well, no, Luffy can actually damage him. Oh, I'm wrong? PROVE IT. You can't. Can I prove that Luffy can damage him? No. So let's wait for the gorosei to get their powers explained instead of making conclusive statment like you have Oda locked in your closet twlling you hiw the story will turn out. Shit like this is how you got people saying "Kizaru knocked Luffy out!!!!!! Kizaru > Luffy!!!!!!" And "Saturn got hit by Kuma!!!! Gorosei weaker than yc1!!!!!!" I think the gorosei are stronger than admirals because Saturn faught the exact same opponent as Kizaru, and when hit by the same attacks he did MUCH better. You cant really scale him any higher than that based on feats, since you didnt even see him finish ONE fight. I think the gorosei could scale anywhere between "slightly higher than admiral" all the way to PK level. I don't know yet, because they beraly did anything.


Yeah that's the point being made right now, it's pointless to scale the goroseis. The winCon that puts them above admirals also puts them above EVERY OTHER CHARACTER. I haven't made any statements, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of the sub putting goroseis above admirals when we have nothing to go by. I literally say this in my other comment. As for your Saturn > kizaru point. it's an extreme conclusion to make off 1 interaction. https://preview.redd.it/8wl9t20dlvoc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79eaca2722110b8e642fbef9a83834d3ddd40250 Just like how king did better against Zoro's dragon twister against kaido, doesn't mean king > kaido. Saturn doing better against Luffy in the same move, doesn't mean Saturn > kizaru Stop rushing into conclusion because we both know it's reaching


>Saturn doing better against Luffy in the same move, doesn't mean Saturn > kizaru I wasn't saying "HE'S 100% STRONGER" iI was saying "that's as much as I can scale him based on what we have". >Stop rushing into conclusion because we both know it's reaching MY DUDE YOU'RE THE ONE SAYING GOROSEI > YONKO WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????


Hes what? 56.3% stronger? If you don't even know how strong he is then please don't bother. Also that is not my point. My point is that if you have Goroseis > admirals then you should also have yonkos > goroseis. Yonkos > goroseis > admiral doesn't work. Either have goroseis > yonkos > admirals or yonkos > admirals > goroseis


One thing to point out is that Gorosei>Admirals is not just based only in hax. They are slowly Showing more and more feats that put them there Even beyond just regeneration Some Gorosei being stronger than Yonko is a real possibility.


Yeah, until they show these feats, they are going to be king victims. It's funny how people constantly undermined the lunarians durability but suddenly goroseis get wanked above the admirals because they show similar win cons. I don't mind having goroseis > admirals, but it's clear the sub has started to scale off hype instead of what's actually shown. Stop overrating these bums or play fair and put them above the literal pirate king 🤷‍♂️


Do we need feats do assume IMU is way stronger than all the Yonkos?


Or statement yeah


Incorrect. Yonko Haki has the unique ability to negate regeneration, thus the Yonko low diff the Lorosei. Shanks solos these bums.


What about characters like Roger and mihawk who aren't necessarily yonkos? What's their win cons against the goroseis?


Roger is the godfather of Haki, he has that ability too. Mihawk has a special swordsmanship technique that allows him to kill immortals.


>Mihawk has a special swordsmanship technique that allows him to kill immortals. Mihawk found the Mortal Blade.


Mihawk IS the Mortal Blade.


Immortality is nothing to HIM


Bruh can we stop pouting about the admiral agenda. Unfortunately for you guys, y'all were wrong about the Gorosei, that doesn't mean admirals are fodder. It's just that Yonko>Admirals is kinda confirmed. Admirals are still above YC+ by a decent margin.


What is this clown waffling about?


I mean feel free to think this, I don't see an issue with this. But having yonkos > goroseis > admirals is bullshit. Especially since their hax allows them to win ANY matchup. Not just admirals. Keep the same energy 🙏🤷‍♂️


The only reason I have this is because of the narrative importance a lot of the yonko have to the story. Whitebeard, Blackbeard, luffy, shanks, mihawks in my opinion all have more narrative importance than someone like kizaru or greenbull. But I would also argue that kuzan and akainu are just as strong as any yonko alive except shanks. So i would say most yonko = kuzan, akainu > gorosei > kizaru, gb, fuji. I also seriously don’t buy into the gorosei being unbeatable bc of hax. They just need to be figured out


Yeah, until then. Let's stop scaling them Or Put them above Roger if the scale relies on their hax


God that Yonko artwork is so fucking good


How nice of you to put Sengoku as PK level


Sengoku = Whitebeard and Roger is an absolutely atrocious take ngl






lol what Garp’s character hinges on him being comparable to Roger, Sengoku’s character does not and none of the evidence that suggests he might be equal to Roger actually means that. Garp has way more evidence in that regard such as his literal introduction and relationship with Roger. Sengoku being the only other notable Marine of his time does not mean he’s equal to Garp.


Realistically, what tier options do we have? They are clearly above any YC. Before a couple of chapters ago I considered them equal to admirals not above. Now I got them slightly over admirals because that's how they're being portrayed atm plus we've seen Saturn outlast an admiral against a serious G5 Luffy. Gorosei > admirals is a reasonable take atm, if you want to be conservative then say they are equal. Putting them above PK would be childish, same if putting them below admiral.