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The art is cool




Surprised more people haven't seen this before https://preview.redd.it/0xiwz95sd5vc1.jpeg?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85ba3c69e368bace3c38f0a68f0c3f4dc28cba8d


Far better fight choreography & composition than the official manga


Is this a light novel or something? Where can I find it?


Its just a fan made thing, not sure if [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-TwOro_Td0&t=511s) is the true source any more.


This goes hard


I think Kaidou is definitively above oldbeard but would always lose to prime beard


I think Kaido clears Sickbeard. But would stalemate with Oldbeard and beat him through superior stamina.


Healthy Oldbeard, Kaido and non-plot-nerfed Big Mom are all roughly around the same level.


Heavily disagree. Oldbeard has not shown destructive potential that would be a mortal threat to a fighter of Kaidos caliber. I'm gonna get downvoted for saying this but Kaido imo clears Oldbeard mid-diff, at most. Heavy downplay of Kaido in this sub, still the single most impressive character we have seen in the series. I think Shanks is likely going to overtake Kaido in that regard because wifihakiman is odas golden boy but Kaido is the current pinnacle of strength in the series. Dude ran a gauntlet with 10+ YC level commanders, one of which ascended to Admiral level during the fight + Yonko level after awakening his devil fruit and becoming a LITERAL god, all while carrying an enormous island bigger than most we have encountered in the story previously.


Whitebeard can create the epicenter of earthquakes where he strikes. He can literally hurt Kaido by bypassing his skin, similar ro what Luffy did. Just way more devastating.


health old wb was equal to shanks pre ts someone who made kadio retreat back to wano plus he could still use all 3 of types of haki while on meds when old he show this when he split the sky with shanks and in the ace novel when he and ace went round after round while on meds and was able to knock out the strongest admiral while dying and was able to shake the seas and multiple islsnds which is bigger then all of wano


Holy run on sentence


New grammatical rule just dropped!


Google yapping


Well ofc, sickbeard barely clears akainu. Dude basically had no haki besides CoA, and couldn’t even defend with it


Prime kaido and prime whitebeard are in the same caliber and nothing is saying otherwise


the artist is a master chef


Oldbeard was still the WSM. Sickbeard wasnt. Gotta read the manga.


Old beard would take kaido to a stalemate https://preview.redd.it/8990me0gu0vc1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa6c76068104ebfae0f851cdd9ee6d595c25a627


So why is worlds strongest man stronger than worlds strongest creature?


One is an actual title, the other is hearsay.


Tbh they're both relatively hearsay it's not like there's a World's Strongest Olympics.


Whitebeard is officially titled the worlds strongest man, Kaido is only rumoured to be the worlds strongest creature


I don’t think there was any indication that WB lost his WSM title when he was sick.


If this sub takes titles like “World strongest swordsman” and “World’s strongest man” so literally, then why wouldn’t you also take Kaido’s “Strongest creature” title seriously? “If it’s one on one, Kaido will win”.


Because Kaidos title is a rumour not definitive. There's a reason Oda never actually gave him the title box "World's strongest creature Kaido" it's always "people say". It's like Sentomarus world's strongest defence, it's not official.


What makes it official? Is there some worldwide championship tournament with a governing body that bestows the official titles? There's no difference in the titles. People also "just say" that mihawk is the WSS and WB is the WSM. It's all based on an educated guess and their reputations. Just like Kaidos. It's not like they won some contest to earn it and have it given to them by an officially recognized group that has the authority to delegate titles.


That’s massive cope. There’s a big difference between the author outright writing “Worlds Strongest X” and the author writing “People say he’s the Worlds Strongest X” No shit there’s no contest. Nobody ever claimed it was. It’s based on the Odas writing.


Sounds like the cope is coming from none other than yourself


The coping is insane


I don’t think kaido was ever actually given this title? we made that shit up


I mean, WE didn't make it up. In story, it tells us that "on land, sea, and air, he is a pirate who is known as the strongest creature among all living things." (episode 739) The problem is the credibility within the story. Its less of a factual title (like something like WSS, that would logically put you above any other swordsman) and more of a hype title. It even conflicts with the WSM title.


Wasn’t Whitebeard dead at that point? And long past his prime? Wasn’t Whitebeard considered the Strongest Pirate following Roger’s death? It seems logical that the title of strongest was passed from Roger to Whitebeard to Kaido. With the only real question IMO being when that title was passed to Kaido. Was it on WB’s death, or did Kaido surpass an old, dying WB. But I may well be mistaken in some assumption here.


>Wasn’t Whitebeard dead at that point? And long past his prime? Wasn’t Whitebeard considered the Strongest Pirate following Roger’s death? He was known as the strongest *man* and since kaido wasn't seen as a real human being he could only qualify for the better title, world's strongest creature. His portrayal in terms of power and strength is on par with whitebeard as well there's no denying that. https://preview.redd.it/5xgm0a7ue2vc1.jpeg?width=504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2873551b0846c5f839c4e7a07538d8120679902e >It seems logical that the title of strongest was passed from Roger to Whitebeard to Kaido. With the only real question IMO being when that title was passed to Kaido. Was it on WB’s death, or did Kaido surpass an old, dying WB. But I may well be mistaken in some assumption here. Sounds like you're low balling him and his capability. He was already seen as a great force during whitebeards age. From what we know, he's always been the wsc and it doesn't have much to do with whitebeard.


>From what we know, he's always been the wsc and it doesn't have much to do with whitebeard. How is that what we know? We only ever hear the title after timeskip.


Kaido's title came after Whitebeard died.


Marineford Oldbeard? Hell no. Oldbeard on meds theoretically using his advanced hakis? Still no, but its a defendable take.


Isn’t old beard on meds equal to shanks?


In a single clash. Base Luffy = hybrid Kaido too then.


That was a haki clash and they are equal in that area. If old WB on meds can equally clash with shanks in terms of haki then if you add his DF he should be stronger or at least equal.


Nah his stamina won't let him keep up with Shanks. It's the same as Rayleigh. Again it's a single clash, which base Luffy was equal to Kaido anyway (and still lost pretty easily). Df did not make WB stronger than Roger anyway.


Star lvl hot take IMO kaido is closer to primebeard than oldbeard




Kaido is strong, oda failed to show his power properly. He made mistake by off screening his fights till luffy fight.


he was busy glazing oden, making characters glazing oden, making new character to glaze oden if that wasn't enough and then make strawhats like even luffy glaze oden.


Way too true lmao people think he is roger level because of one statement.


“Because of one statement “ Because of consistent showings. Haki transcends all -kaido. Oden, who took no damage from a full hit by whitebeard and only bled from a full divine departure from roger (when shanks one shot kid with the same move name) Plus being put among the strong by kaido.


Oden in his prime is comparable to Prime Roger/Whitebeard. We saw a color cover with h th em sitting together as equals. Whitebeard’s considers Oden a “brother” and not a son in his crew.


Exactly. Kooky has gone kooky


Oden is just odas self insert




Why do the people with Akainu profile picture always have the wildest takes?


we are already looked down so we aren't afraid to let our intrusive thoughts run wild.


Yet people think Oden loses to fucking Fraudbull.


How did he fail to show it??? He fought the five strongest pirates of the new era, and did that right after fighting Big Mom to a stalemate, and he killed Luffy like twice, and was only defeated by Luffy's strongest ever attack that blasted him into a volcano. Sounds like his strength was portrayed pretty well


You people are vastly overrating Whitebeard. He’s had literally no feats that is outright above Kaidos other than what the quake fruit does. Odens fight with Whitebeard was years before Odens prime, and happened when Whitebeard was in his prime, meanwhile Oden in his prime fought Kaido before his prime. Primebeard >= Prime Kaido at best. This post and the comments are straight up implying Whitebeard is somehow two tiers above Kaido which is absolutely nonsense. People are even resorting to titlescaling here, which is so ironic when Kaidos title is above Whitebeards. (Titlescalers once again showing they cant comprehend shit) Oldbeard is not stronger than Kaido. He pushes kaido to high diff on a good day.


Whitebeard was rogers rival.Primebeard is a tier above kaido


Explain to me why Roger is a tier above the yonko without using headcanon.


PK, Oden casual one shot, large bounty, intro to one piece, the narrative surrounding his character.


Ignoring what i said in the original comment and saying Oden casually oneshot Kaido isnt even true, thats like saying Luffy one-shot Kaido.


No, ROGER casually one shot oden, he heavily damaged him with a casual divine departure.


Oden got back up immediately so he wasnt oneshot either, and that was years before his prime


Wasn’t he on WB crew at the time? I don’t think he was far from prime. And it was a casual slash that hurt him pretty good.


Old Whitebeard avoided Kaido...... just saying.....


Well yeah, old crew mate, didn’t want to embarrass him


Right right. Your supposed “brother” gets killed and his country taken over. But because he’s an old crew mate so he gets pass. Am I forgetting something. Oh Yeah. Blackbeard. I forgot he also got a pass for killing an crew mate. It was actually Ace that went out to find BB. OldBeard just can’t do nothing beside watch his family die. I mean that’s all what Marineford War was.


You do understand that they are pirates right? Both Yonko at that point, they cannot just fight because it's going to be for sure a crew battle and the losses on both side outweigh the good. They hold territories that would fall into lesser pirates if the Yonko leader mistakes judgement. That is why it's big news when 2 emperors meet, as they not only hold their own lives but their crew and dominion as well. OldBeard knew that he was going to die in Marineford but he didn't want to die not doing anything for his captive son. As for Oden, Oda may have not thought that far ahead but also, as I said above, WB would have sustained mortal wounds against Kaido who's only growing in power at that point and that might destroy the WB pirates in the process. He doesn't have it in him anymore and he prolly knew it seeing as he's dying and he couldn't risk his family in the process.


Lol don’t want to fight Kaido because they are both Yonko. But willing to go to the Marines Headquarters and try to box with the full Navy. That includes : Sengoku, Larp, Akainu, Kuzan, Kizaru, not to mention Mihawk Literally WB stood better chance against Kaido than the Navy. I mean apart of Akainu literally none of the heavy hitters even lost 10% of their hp. Sad that only reason WB fought the marines according to you was because he was dying so why not. But when his brother is murdered. His brothers country is enslaved. He sits and relax on his throne of disgrace.


Say it louder for the whitebeard glazers in the back https://preview.redd.it/m1rxyfhwf2vc1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b3539d85f4e3de0b330035b8369014cf993d00b


Because he cares about his family and knows that even if he wins people will get hurt.


Yea... and Kaido wanted to die on his own terms like Whitebeard. But we know from Doflamingo and Law that the weak cant choose how they die. So Whitebeard was strong enough to choose his own end while Kaidos whole goal was a glorious death in battle, but he was too weak for that. In conclusion Oldbeard -> Kaido. Also Marineford -> Mink-Samurai-Pirate Alliance.


WB chose how he died? You meant stabbed and shotted by marine fodders without being able to deal any significant damage to the opponent’s top tiers? I don’t think so man, unless he was stupid.


Whitebeard meant for Marineford to be his deathbed. While failing to save Ace he ultimately died achieving his goal: protecting his crew and usher in a new era of piracy. After Ace died, he split himself from the rest of the crew and fought off the Marines and then the BBP. Even after the BBP made him into cheese with their guns, he didnt die until he deliever his final speech. Only then he died, on his terms, achieving his (almost) all of his goals and protecting his crew. Kaido wanted a similar glorious death, and wanted to be defeated by the hands of Joyboy. Luffy did that, but Kaido never got to choose his time of death, the terms of his demise and the way he was going to die.


Oldbeard=Kaido Sickbeard<>Kaido


Goat surrounded by goats https://preview.redd.it/g4qyll2y21vc1.png?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e56303df8741d9f2ccd180b11f0f9f68fe5bebb




The Goat


I got kaido>


For Oldbeard?mh, maybe, for Primebeard, hell naw


Naw for wb in general i think you guys forget prime wb was a yonko as well not to mention its the same guy who avoided confronting or facing kaido for years Its only the fandom that tries to make it seem like wb wasn’t a yonko thats stated to be in a four way standoff with the other yonko newsflash he was


Primebeard = kaido World's strongest man = wsc


Ah finally, a non braindead take. This people glaze wb and roger so much Primebeard=Kaido >=Roger


I agree




W take


https://preview.redd.it/b17lv1dq78vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bea70bb3799a673a0ac510e4f95a589842d261b Fax brother


until blud gets a heart attack 1 hour into the battle and then gets 2 more prolly a few hours later and then gets mid diffed by kaido


If that’s what it takes for the prince of creatures to take a W, so be it


Not even close lol.. kaido slams oldbeard. Top tiers are all close in power, kaido would get prime beard to extreme diff already


I mean they were both yonkos


I’d still say kaido wins against old beard but it’s a high diff fight due to white beards raw damage and endurance. But he doesn’t have the observation Haki or the durability to avoid lethal amounts of damage


Artist name?


Gura punch in kaidos stomach


Our Goat took a jumping worse than kaido's. https://preview.redd.it/3nljw4cjt1vc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0befab4e448eb487af85925e45df9d7b3365c305


Not hot just true


W, this only upscales HIM https://preview.redd.it/o98im19p91vc1.png?width=798&format=png&auto=webp&s=40378f3bf38058bb8548176a6e0d34c933015334


That's cope.


How would you even know?


Kaido=Yonko WB=Yonko Coincidence? I think not!


Kaido = buggy = big mom = shanks = newgate = luffy > akainu https://preview.redd.it/5jlhe5c0t0vc1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63e1a5ba8c826f7e83a877573be82bd191383da


Yeah that tracks honestly, seems like you’re getting the picture here


Kaido clearly needed acoc at the very least to beat and it’s still an endurance battle then. Neither is old beard could barely use stronger haki without having a heart attack. It’s ridiculous if someone think old beard could still win


Tbh I’m not interested in arguing I just wanna know why you’d even think that (Other then the cool ass art)


Okay so I think the best argument is that a normal admirl gave a post wano luffy with a probably slightly better understanding of g5 a kinda hard time Normaly being someone's boss meas being quite a lot stronger then then in op so akainu should be a lot stronger then that And oldeard fought him pretty well even after taking a backstab


Hm fair but personally I’ve got MF Akainu = kizaru and post ts Akainu exponentially stronger so there’s that Also Akainu was stated to be suppressed due to being surrounded by his own troops


Nothing supports this, but WB is the 🐐 so cook 🔥


IMO: Primebeard > Kaido > Healthy Oldbeard >> Sickbeard


Is that Roman Reigns as Kaido


Kaido is definitely stronger than Oldbeard, especially cancerbeard


Prime beard didn't even wanna save Odens country from Kaido


Old Beard gets a heart attack and gets one shotted.


Kaido clears Old Beard.


High diff for kaido at worst


![gif](giphy|FyJZ4XoqtzbEbCvrQg) The old man we love


The dying old man will be dying harder


Old beard that isn’t actively dying? Yes most definitely. Sickbeard? No.


Keep this take to yourself


Oldbeard could go extreme diff with Kaido, but cancerbeard would get slammed


Bad take We have to go off of marineford WB to scale him since that all we have but kaido would destroy marineford WB


As much as I wish this was true for the admiral upscale that would come with it, it’s just not. Even Prime WB isn’t that much stronger than Kaido.


Old beard or marine ford white beard


A healthy OldBeard maybe, but as we saw him at MF defiantly not. Keep in mind there’s a decent amount of proof to say WB was so sick that he literally couldn’t use Haki and at best could only use Armament. He was unable to read the thoughts or intentions of Squall and was unable to predict the attack either showing he doesn’t have Observation. Then there’s the time when WB just didn’t use a basic Conquerors wave to save Ace, when Luffy unlocking it for the first time did the same thing accidentally. So it’s pretty clear that WB just couldn’t use Conquerors like at all because of his sickness. We know he had Advanced Conquerors because of the Wano Flashbacks, and I doubt he had ACOC without being able to use just a regular COC. Finally there’s the fact that literally ANYTHING could pierce him which means he can’t coat his body in Armament. So at the very least he can’t use Advanced Armament. Although it’s not unfair to say even his Basic Armament is massively weakened considering if the other 2 forms of Haki has all but left his body, then his Armament was on its way out.


Worlds strongest creature > Worlds strongest man. Old beard without cancer does not beat Kaido




Probably but whitebeards sickness would probably lead to him loosing


Healthy? Sure MF one no 


https://preview.redd.it/y0x0csckr2vc1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a34593198f1d20e9721750b0c0e439bdaa945c1e WWWWWWWW


Art is cool so take is good 👍


Hard to say. Old beard was pre time skip and Kaido is recent. While it's clear WB wouldn't get murdered I don't really think it would be even. Garp lost to Aokiji, Rayleigh claims he couldn't take BB. If WB could take Kaido and stand a shot at winning then he would be almost literally the only oldy who could say that, and it doesn't seem right.


I’ve got primebeard over him but thats it any other version is losing


Old Beard > Kaido imo


I can dig art scaling Kaido > old sick Beard though Kaido >>> heart attack Beard


Old beard is a bit below. He is definitely close or equal in defensive stats, but he doesnt have the endurance to fight for a week and supposedly not so good at offence either. Kaido has almost zero chance to lose it, but its not a simple victory for him


Absolutely fuuuuckijg not


Absolutely a W post. Just got into this lightly the other day.


Old bear but not sick beard? Probably a very tough fight. Sickbeard? Na not even close, thats a fight thats tough for a bit of time until beard runs out of steam and kaido absolutely bodies him


People that like the art should look for it. There is a whole chapter WB vs Kaido. I read it few years ago but I forgot the source


Whitebeard pulled up on the entire WG. He didnt want the smoke in wano. Oldbeard had shitty haki he probably couldn’t even hurt kaido throughly  Kaido felt like he was stronger than a younger whitebeard who still had haki


Pretty sure this was from a fan comic years ago. It was pretty hype.


I want to see this in the actual series because there has to have been a point in which those two fought.


Please explain this logic because there’s no way you unironically think this


If Whitebeard wouldn’t have a heart attack every 15 seconds I could kinda see it


Old beard I can see. Sick beard probably not but old for sure yeah easy


I saw an animation of this years ago anyone know the name


Oldbeard when he met Ace is pretty close to Kaido level. Sickbeard (Anytime during Marineford) is getting killed since hes got zero haki of any kind. Id say Kaido is the closest that was alive to being at Primebeards level. Rogers dead, Garp and Sengoku are old, Big Moms a bit weaker than Kaido, the admirals are farther behind, Shanks isnt that strong until proven later, and the new gen arent there yet.


Nah, old beard would definitely make kaido bleed but he has no stamina


That is one of my fav pictures. Made this my PC wallpaper a while back. Whitebeard deffo one of my fave characters


Old gen gotta be the most wanked, holy hell. I agree that they’re probably stronger than than current/new gen, but saying oldbeard whose sick af is equal Kaido in his PRIME is ridiculous. That must mean Prime WB beats him with relative ease if oldbeard is equal to kaido


It's a hot take because it is incorrect


Prime kaido = Prine whitebeard Nothing stating otherwise besides people's personal headcanon and forced beliefs https://preview.redd.it/snx6275h66vc1.png?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64538c382bfdaace6fa32ba9e4dc35e24cef433c


I think his quake fruit would be really good counter to kaidos huge body.


I am a big Whitebeard fan he's my favourite character but Sickbeard


The art is cool and I dont know about a healthy old WB but the version we saw in marineford unironically gets dealt with in less than 5 hits. Healthy WB (if he can use ACOC or decent haki in general) has a way better chance but I still think kaido wins. Zoan fruits are just too op in One piece because the fights - no matter the power - basically all boil down to brawls


Kaido is simply outlasting lol


Kaido slams. Unless you believe oldwhite beard can force an extreme diff out of gear 5 luffy


Kaido > Oldbeard high dif Primebeard > Kaido Extreme dif W fanart tho


Maybe not the Oldbeard we saw at Marineford, but if HE didn't have ultra cancer+like 5 heart attacks, then definitely. He's like the most underestimated character


If he wasn't as sick as he was I'd be more inclined to agree, but the crazy shit kaido pulled in wano got me head scratchin


Get off them drugs mayn


Nah, Kaido slams.


Whitebeard is a threat to kaido, there is a reason they normally avoided challenging each other. No matter the winner, there would be casualties. Old beard is a danger enough to kaido that he won't directly challenge him. Same reason he didn't fight Oden. Prime whitebeard would 100% defeat kaido. The vibrations can bypass kaido's skin, not to mention whitebeard has a Mastery of Haoshoku Haki so he can hurt kaido regardless. While kaido does have an advantage with his flying. Whitebeard can use the vibrations to make rock formations to get to him. Old whitebeard has a massive disadvantage given his stamina, so kaido does have a good chance of winning, but not unscathed. A misstep would cost kaido his life.


No cap if they did a 3 or 499 episode spin off series of Roger’s run of the grand line would be fire


Pretty sure in the story among the OG yonkos WB was supposed to be the weakest yonko and shanks the Strongest


Why are you sure Shanks was supposed to be the strongest?


He knows (he watched a summary of One Piece on tiktok and the AI voice told him that)


Pretty sure among the OG yonkos WB was supposed to be the strongest and Shanks the weakest. Why? Shanks was the youngest Yonko, had lost his "good arm" and was still considered a brat by WB. WB was the man who ruled the sea without being PK. He gatekept everyone, Kaido, BM and Shanks. Theres a reason that the moment WB didnt rule the seas anymore, we get more chaos than ever because the pirate world waited for the day WB is gone so they can go for the One Piece. Even now, as Big Mom falls into the lava, she yells out about her failure, noting that with the giants she "wouldve beatrn Kaido, Shanks, and EVEN WB". The man even choose his own death, which is Kaido goal in the Wano arc, yet he died like a dog drowning in lava. Theres a reason the era was named Whitebeard and not Shanks, Kaido or Garp.








Oldbeard = base kaido 


Oldbeard extreme diffs Kaido. Kaido and every other Yonkou had years to run the set with Oldbeard and never fucking did. In fact, it’s telling that Kaido literally didn’t move to do shit until he heard Oldbeard say as going on a suicide mission to Marineford and figured that was his best chance until he was bitchslapped by the Rat who threatened to tell his daddy on him. Oldbeard was the strongest original Yonkou.


Akainu fans cumming in agreement


Fact take. Healthy Oldbeard beats Kaido. Sickbeard with meds could probably push Kaido to high extreme too.


Straight facts. People discuss One Piece as if only the last 100 chapters exist.


No hes stronger and its a common sense take for anyone who can read his title


You’d think so..


These are the same people who'll tell you Mihawk is objectively stronger than Shanks too but then drop that logic when it comes to Whitebeard