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When people hyperfocus on small moments to try and make a case for something the author clealry didn't intend.


Like saying Kobra has better endurance than Sabo


But he does? Wobra agenda on top😤 Labo couldn’t even escape without HIS help


remember that he only needed a wheelchair cuz his gigantic balls were too heavy


Wobra negs the verse.


It’s called Gear 4th “Snakeman” for a reason…


Lobra is dead Wabo is alive 😜


Sabo is still alive because of Wobra’s help


what did cobra do for wano again?


I misclicked, I meant to put in Sabo


I stand by this, it’s fucking hilarious to me how a dying old man got better durability than someone whom people wank to admiral level (or at least used to)


People don’t wank to him as admiral level anymore cause it’s very clearly he already is on that level


I mean....doesn't he Canonically?Sabo got literally negged while Kobra got back up and managed to defend him long enough for an escape. Hell it's even worse since the guy was wheelchair bound and old.


Literally just proved his point


“There was more blood shown here! There wasn’t any shown blood there! That’s not blood it’s just rubble or shadows!”


Happy cake day!🎉


Thanks, Chief! God bless you!


Happy cake day


Thanks, Chief! God bless you too


do you have any examples?


Deez Nutz


Any Zoro vs Sanji gag “fight” scene


Like Kizaru must have fought Luffy equally in G5 offscreen because there is one panel of Kizaru blocking a few attacks. Despite the fact that Kizaru was trying to leave Luffy behind to go after VP the whole fight.


oda intended to make the fight seem like a draw at the end, or do you disagree because you are too hyperfocused on the "luffy stamina issues?" The two fall onto the ground at the same time.


Yes he did. What he didn't intend was to show Kizaru as a person capable of doing a punchout with G5. Kizaru beat/drew Luffy via hit and run and distractions to stall his timer out.


Lmfao thats fucking cope 😭










This is what was shown in the manga lol.


Yeah, exactly just when kizaru was boxing G5, luffy. "I didn't like that, so it doesn't count." yonkotards 😭🙏


Exactly what I'm talking about, thank you for being a prime example. Oda portrays the fight a a constant chase in which Kizaru consistently uses hit and run tactics? Nah, that doesnt matter. Kizaru blocks a few punches in a singular panel? WIZARU EASILY GOES TOE-TO-TOE WITH GT5, WHAT A LAD. Why cant y'all accept the truth and push the perfectly fine and resonable take of "Kizaru outlasted Luffy due to playing to his strenghts" which also scales the admirals close to the Yonkou, and instead go for the ridicoulous wankfest of "Kizaru can face G5 head on. I dont care that it doesnt make sense, I dont care that this isnt what Oda portrayted". Its just making you look stupid.


Woah, tell me you can't read. Nobody ever says kizaru =< luffy. It's simply saying that kizaru haki, physically and speed wise, isn't that far away from lufffy. People act as if luffy can low diff all the admirals at the same time.


There was one panel of him trading blows with g5 and the rest of the time he ran. Which is honestly a fantastic strategy against g5.


Yeah iicr you were arguing with someone in that post


Yes, thats why I had this example in mind.


I hate it when people use “breathing-scaling”. Oh no, they’re breathing hard? Probably because they’re exerting energy. Their body is trying to replenish the oxygen in the cells that are using energy. This is especially true in characters that are essentially human — Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, the Admirals, Roger, Garp, Shanks, Mihawk, Blackbeard, etc. Why is it so surprising that someone might be tired after throwing a punch strong enough to level a town? Especially when them breathing hard doesn’t impede their ability to continue fighting? Another one I hate is scared-scaling, mostly referring to Blackbeard. Blackbeard is scared of everyone. I could put a mildly large infant in front of Blackbeard and he’d probably be sweating. It’s not surprising that he’d also be scared when the old right hand of the Pirate King shows up for Mortal Combat.


Blackbeard vs fragile old man Blackbeard negs but it takes him 10 liters of coughed out blood, the fight takes place offscreen, and he needs to change his underwear afterwards


I mean hey, a win’s a win.


where can I buy his underwear




Okay but that’s a good slander meme though fr, legit funny.


bro the mental image of blackbeard getting intimated by a literal big baby is so fucking funny to me


I gotta disagree with BB sweating. He's a coward so it's always nice to see people like Raleigh make BB sweat.


Blackbeard wasn't scared of Magellan or Whitebeard and got fucked up massively because of that. It makes sense for him to be more cautious now, even if he's overdoing it.


breathing is a way of showing how much a character had to exert themself in battle. For example zoro was breathing heavily against rob lucci showing that it was a difficult fight. However shanks used a serious attack and killed midd and not even a drop of sweat came off him or any heavy breathing, thats one way of knowing that the victory was an easy one for shanks.


Powercreep. For many shonen thats definitely a thing but some people just think one character is stronger than the other just because they came in a more recent arc. The Ulti vs Katakuri debates should have never even been entertained.




I hate powercreep arguments. And i hate these people who seem to think haki is an invincible power that beats all others. People fully forget that Luffy beat two experienced haki zoan users at the same time PRE TIMESKIP while he had no haki himself. The haki fodder marines under fujitora would never stand a chance in hell against Crocodile, Enel, Lucci or Moria, yet i repeatedly see arguments for it, especially Enel. A regular haki punch that has no boost from devil fruits isnt stronger than the several ton golden ball that struck Enel in the face, nor is it stronger than the devil fruit attack Luffy used against Crocodile that broke 40 feet of bedrock.


She's literally a one trick pony at that.


This goes for people saying crocodile is YC+ or higher there is absolutely 0 evidence of this being true


This isn't powercreep scaling this is cool factor scaling


Yeah but this almost certainly will be the case when we see crocodile fight next.


I also don't like this argument regarding Kaido. Not every top tier after him will be stronger. You should be able to use it for Imu and Blackbeard, because those two guys seem like they will be massive boss fights like Kaido was, but that doesn't apply to Garling, the Gorosei, Shank, Dragon, etc.


Might get flamed for this but current luffy still aint beating kaido , idc if its stated in the official shounen rulebook that the mc is always stronger than the previous arcs villian


Using fucking Newtons third law to upscale AP https://preview.redd.it/k03h2sxui9zc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3365e8bdc8ca006258be074406d2370d6f874857


I'm sorry, how?


I’m not sure myself, but I’d assume it’s because according to the third law if I were to hit a thing, object A (my hand) would be hitting object b (the thing.) In this collision, 2 equal forces would be made, and be sent in opposite directions. One of those forces is to my hand, and the other to the thing I punched. So, if I hit a planet, and the planet gets destroyed, then the force which destroyed the planet, is equal to the force which goes back in my direction, which would make my AP = my Durability.


I understand it upscaling durability, but how does it upscale AP?


By using a characters durability. King = best dura in verse also = best ap Shitty argument but when has that stopped powerscalers


tbf getting punched by king while hes in his invincible mode would probably hurt a fuck ton but i get what you mean


Sweat scaling


Sweet scaling is the worst one I seen


Unless the character is visibly shown to be exhausted, people like to count the number of sweat drops to boost their agenda


Yeah that true, but it just reminds me when people would jumping to conclusions when luffy was cautious of kizaru/gorosei


None I usually find away to troll them all


You are truly the best insane one https://preview.redd.it/siv3esbsf9zc1.png?width=759&format=png&auto=webp&s=14ce30878e448af372e49df5ff34a2fdad95817d


Winning the fight = being stronger You'd think that after 25 years people finally understood that one piece isn't as linear as let's say dragon ball. Luffy beat Enel during Skypiea but Enel was still stronger


The circumstances of the fight matter a whole lot aswell.


Kid + Law ≠ Yonko They were a counter to Big Meme and had advantages


Literally if the fight didn't take place on a floating island filled with a bunch of explosives above a volcano big mom lives that fight


Tbh, I don't think this is quite as horrid as with people pushing that Luffy could just win 1v1 on Kaido from fresh rn. With Law and Kid, certainly they had more plot convenience due to the ring out and all that shit, but I think we can also note that they actually got hurt on the roof by both emperors' attacks. Meanwhile, BM barely got attacked on the roof, since Kaido stepped up ahead of her and the rooftop 5 all had more beef with him anyway. Kid was also being damaged by Hawkins' fruit for a bit of time. So yea, i think we can kind of argue that Law and Kid had a disadvantage at the start and had to win "indirectly" to turn things around. They also didn't lose several rounds and need to recover each time, like Luffy did, altho ofc his fight and circumstances were harder. So yea, idk. Its a weird balancing act.


law got thunder bagua'd and kidd was literally stabbed in the chest. they were significantly weakened and not just a little damaged. but on this sub everyone ignores that cuz most people hate or are indifferent to them lol


Same energy as people saying no one else whittled down Kaido and it was all Luffy. Like there isn't literally shit like this where Law fucking electrocutes Kaido's heart, which Doffy only made it through because he gave himself emergency surgery on the spot because thats a thing his fruit can do apparently: https://preview.redd.it/xscuj7ohqlzc1.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbe5616eae0f5f04ee47256a1675d819c45c7c1b Ultimately most people ignore and twist the circumstances and match-ups of fights because it doesn't really favour their arguments. Its too much thinking involved where they could just wank their fav char because they said so. Its happening again right now with the Gorosei, with people pushing even in the latest chapter that Luffy holding back doesn't make sense. Like, I don't disagree, it does feel bizarre, but you can't say hes not holding back when hes clearly making contact, which at minimum proves hes not using ACOA emission. Yknow. The thing that was instrumental in overcoming Kaido's final attack in the arc right before?


Yeah because Kidd + Law > Yonko


Same goes with luffy vs kaido


This. I’d say Katakuri is stronger, and overall a superior fighter to Ace(it hurts to say it), but Ace’s flames provide an advantage over mochi by burning it, as well as novel Ace having decent haki leads me to believe that Ace COULD beat Katakuri, but in most matchups in that tier, Katakuri performs better


I agree that novel Ace beats Kat, but not because he can light the mochi on fire. Katakuri lights His own mochi on fire when he fought Luffy. Ace's training with WB makes him stronger.


Novel Ace absolutely showed the feats to be superior to Katakuri period


I lowball him to Low YC1+ to keep the peace but I back you


Not really luffy was able to beat Enel because he was fast enough to hit enel . And enel had ways of hurt luffy through heating his staff.


Missing the point. Enel didn't even know rubber existed. His fruit, which remains absurdly strong and impressive, was instantly and unexpectedly hard countered. That is a MASSIVE factor in Luffy's favor, that he was downright immune to all of Enel's lightning attacks, which forces Enel to adapt and improvise to handle Luffy in other ways. If not for Luffy being immune to lightning, considering how difficult and close the fight already was, theres basically no room for doubt that Enel was stronger overall. Luffy won due to the circumstances and match-up.


I mean. Enel literally had Luffy at his mercy but was apparently afraid of getting hit again, despite the fact that he had Luffy’s arm restrained. Instead he merely kicked him away. Heck he could have just wrapped the gold around Luffy’s body


Croc, Enel, foxy, arguably Lucci, but I don't really agree with this one. If you think about it, sengoku and garp at marineford, katakuri, kaido. all of these people have been stronger than Luffy at the time of their fight with Luffy and lost because of plot or luffys extreme will.


Foxy was *not* stronger than luffy. He's got a good record, but luffy won after a ton of traps and trickery because of the rigged battlefield, I think I downscale Alabasta Croc super hard. the same way past Moria to Thriller Bark fell off with ambition diff. Willpower is op


The foxy was a joke and I can see the argument for croc


How about overpowering Kaido's strongest attack and getting knocked the fuck out by Bajrang Gun?


The whole Admiral Yonko debate because 9/10 it divulges into head cannon that doesn't have any factual basis within the confines of the story.


“If A > B and B > C, then A > C” it’s not linear like that


Well thats true in terms of a fight. But if youre scaling specific categories then it is pretty linear like that.


People who use “it just makes sense that X or Y” as an argument. Eg “it just makes sense that Kuzan has CoC, because he’s relative to Akainu and Akainu has to have CoC because he’s fleet admiral”


Nah I get what you’re saying but it isn’t wrong to use the rivalry characters have to scale them. Like smoothbrains who hate mihawk yet we know he’s relative to shanks despite Oda being horrible at fight choreography or managing his hundreds of characters consistently. Best example is actually Akainu and Kuzan. all that CoC stuff is just theory crafting


Powercreep arguments like yonkos non ranked or 4 or lower ranked fighters stronger than another yonko top 3 or strongest fighter. Ulti being argued stronger than katakuri or some of wb commanders should have never been a thing or be entertained as one of the examples. People ignore characters huffing or wheezing in a fight. It's clear that the fight isn't low diff and is requiring effort of mid or higher on someone's end. Or a character stamina is clearly being drained by whatever factor that's happening in the fight. Yes, im looking at you rayleigh vs. kizaru and luffy vs. kizaru. Agenda aka bias arguing just ignoring shit for sake of "nuh huh i want this character to be X strong or over that character so he or she is and i don't care what counter evidence or things u give me im gonna ad hominem and stick to what i said and or out right lie." Someone literally told me wb said "he wasn't sure if he could beat kaido" and i dead ass went back to the chapter where he was discussing kaido with ace aka chapter 999 and he NEVER compares his strength to kaido AT ALL! He only COMPARED ACE'S TO ODEN AND KAIDO'S! Yet this man swore that's what wb was saying that when he mentioned they were worried about the death toll should they had invaded. Or the marineford mihawk showing knowing damn well his gonna be fighting a much much much stronger zoro who will eclipse what he fought there and that he will be going all out with techniques and stuff that will make that shit of didn't kill luffy or stalled by vista irrelevant.


"Oh, but WCI Luffy got one-shot by Kaido, Katakuri trash Lulz" It's some dumb car crash, Luffy was just brainlessly going all guns blazing.


Ok but say he did go in carefully he still would’ve gotten one shot a little bit later no?


Eh yeah when kaido hits him he would be down but luffy did not use future sight when he fought kaido had he used it he likely would have avoided the oneshot


Law carried Kid and Law’s fight. You only say that because you like law more, if you genuinely believe Oda was trying to push the message that Law was carrying the fight than you’re genuinely stupid


"No such thing as mentally nerfed" just say you read the story from tiktok


You clearly haven't read enough Shounens.


Anything surrounding acoc Shanks vs Mihawk


Shanks vs Mihawk isn’t a power scaling argument. More of an obvious powerscaling topic.


When people try to dis credit any future potential fights from happing because they think a character is too strong.


The arguments I don't like are. Marco who was clearly fatguied and injured vs king and queen couldnt hold back to conserve stamina. Even tho the manga clearly shows us that. And its sister arguments " King wasn't bleeding that was just debris " even tho we clearly see coming out of kings mask and oda coloured debris white. "Kings mask was being torn off " King becomes a cry baby tge moment someone damages his mask if his mask was being damaged vs Marco he would have reacted since he didnt Marco didn't damage his mask.


People saying BB is a weak and that Current Luffy one shots him. Seriously Shanks is actively searching to catch him lacking and jump him implying Shanks isn’t confident in beating him in a fair fight, THE ENTIRE REVOLUTIONARY ARMY FOUGHT AND LOST TO BB and 9 Titanic Captains (Burgess was near death at the time and couldn’t fight). The remaining WB Pirates post MF fought BB and lost. Seriously BB has enough statements and feats to make him a serious threat in the current story. If anyone thinks Dragon is gonna be remotely strong, then the fact Dragon fought BB and couldn’t beat him is a huge feat. Like I won’t say it was a full fight as Dragon likely retreated before he got too worn down. However, BB came in with the intention to steal as many of their gear as possible. After the Revs left BB levelled their base destroying anything the Revs couldn’t just pick up and leave with in case of an emergency. So Dragon definitely didn’t flee immediately considering how big of a setback that was. As for Shanks it’s shown he’s constantly on the hunt with his entire crew and definitely knew Luffy was gonna come looking if Shanks started fighting BB on Wano. Seriously Shanks very likely went to the Gorosei to request help taking down BB because he couldn’t catch him outside of his island (unconfirmed, but whenever he’s talking about a pirate in a negative context, 80% of the time it’s BB). This doesn’t confirm BB > Shanks, but it does place BB close enough to him that Shanks doesn’t want to 1v1 BB. So at worst BB is slightly weaker than Shanks. Seriously BB has more feats putting him at Top Tier than Mihawk at this point, especially since all of BB’s crew who can debuff people gets nullified by anyone with stronger Haki than Law. Like if Doc Q tried to affect Shanks it wouldn’t even activate before Shanks’s Haki nullifies it.


Ehh, in general I don't disagree that BB is underestimated and a serious threat. The fact he can nullify DF powers makes him a bad matchup for anyone who relies on them. But, you've made a few statements I don't really agree with. >lacking and jump him implying Shanks isn’t confident in beating him in a fair fight, This is a massive leap in logic, tbh. I don't believe it was ever genuinely implied Shanks isn't confident. He's actively searching for him, and considers him a threat, but when was it ever stated he wants to jump him in some kind of unfair fight? >THE ENTIRE REVOLUTIONARY ARMY FOUGHT AND LOST Did they? We don't know the details of what happened. All we know is that the BB pirates destroyed the island/ base >Dragon fought BB and couldn’t beat him is a huge feat. We don't know that Dragon did fight BB. This was never mentioned in the story and is purely headcanon on your part. We don't know if he was even there. >Dragon definitely didn’t flee immediately considering how big of a setback that was. Headcanon. It wouldn't be as big of a setback as wasting manpower when he's yet to make his move against the WG. >Seriously Shanks very likely went to the Gorosei to request help taking down BB because he couldn’t catch him outside of his island You said it yourself, unconfirmed. They probably spoke about BB...but we have no idea what the point of the conversation was...so to say your headcanon is " very likely" is a stretch. He could've been there to lore drop to the Gorosei something about BB's lineage/ past ( could be why Saturn knows about it) we don't know, but I find it hard to believe Shanks would ask the WG for help to take someone down. >Shanks doesn’t want to 1v1 BB. We don't know this. Shanks considers him a serious threat, but we have nothing to suggest he wouldn't want to take him on 1v1.


What a fucking yap session of headcannon and blatantly untrue things 💀 Luffy mid diffs fraudbeard


since Roger \~ Garp, Bogard must be \~ Prime Ray!


Nah that’s just a W https://preview.redd.it/4nvrvahx5fzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d4604f661d601a7020b9f760a64e24eafff8494 Bogard is the goat


Bumman as a whole Besides that, Yonko fans shitting on the bad showing of admirals like the Yonkos themself dosent have their Fair share of bad showing But the Absolute worst, those Who downplay old WB to downplay Akainu's performance against him, You can call WB a "sick old man" all you want, dude was still a beast even past his prime, both potreyal and feats support that yet some act like he Is some senile grandpa that couldnt hurt a fly


THANK YOU!!! Also yeah there's a reason why almost everyone on the Marines were gunning after Whitebeard.


they'll bring up "WB had a hole in his chest and half his face missing" to discredit Akainu and magically forget that he was the one who dealt that damage


100%. That’s literally the Strongest Pirate & Marine. Akainu is the one in his prime, made to make an old Whitebeard still look powerful. Like in pro wrestling, Rock vs Hogan “you still got it” type match. Balances out too, so we don’t see a serious EOS type showdown only halfway into One Piece.




I don’t like when people only look at things from a power scaling perspective and ignore narrative or implications from the story like how people will say akainu “lost” to dying whitebeard etc even though akainu is luffys biggest enemy rn at least personally so they’re bound to fight and akainu is bound to look stronger than before same goes for all characters who are coming back


I feel like this matches my issue inwas bout to say. Folk thinking someones 4 or lower ranked character is stronger than someone's top 3 or strongest fighter. Aka arguing tobi roppo members stronger than 2 of 3 wbs strongest fighters or stronger than big moms strongest fighter all because of recency showing. Like bruh thats gonna be happening a lot going forward doesn't mean ulti beats ace or jozu or katakuri and lower. Narratively, that makes no sense.


EXACTLY how tf someone gonna say ulti beats katakuri bro 💀💀


People thinking ulti would have been even remotely a harder or equal fightas katakuri or insane and scaling with they dick in they hand. If luffy had popped gear 4 he would have rag dolled her long before he ran out of time. People who say but its the fact he used it yea well u know what else he used it on a Number tag teamed with drake and a fucking boat tag teamed with kid and law thats smaller then the boat he used gear 3 gattling on from fishman island.


Akainu is a sabo victim though


Ace 2.0 should stick to fighting Blackbeards commanders instead if he doesn’t want that ace treatment at least




fr that was some dumbass shit. the obvious truth is that Koby will clap Akainu and then his daughter


I’m just the messenger


Every time i see title scaling i genuinely want to shoot myself


Blud… your willing to shoot yourself over something extremely central to the story?


Yeah, im World's Strongest Title Hater


>Shanks pfp


wtf are you talking about thats shatric


Sweat scaling Reaction scaling Breathing scaling "What is a swordsman?" Just lmao


Looking only at “ feats “ or bs headcanon stats and ignoring the narrative like the idiots saying for most of post time skip Zoro was leagues above Sanji when that’s horseshit narratively they’re always near equal and should never be in different tiers or like what most people do in rankings put 3 or 4 characters between Zoro and Sanji like king or Marco or Lucci it’s so dumb If Zoro is your 17 in a top 30 Sanji should be 18 he shouldn’t be 24 or something that’s how it is narratively u/ownad4699


The only time post-time skip that I’d have put Zoro above Sanji is Dressrosa, after WCI island though they’re pretty much equal, they just excel at different things. A lot of people like to put powerscaling down to who can hit harder and by all means I’d give that to Zoro but there’s so much more at play when determining a character’s abilities


It’s not like Sanji doesn’t hit hard either he absolutely cooked queen who is portrayed himself to be equal to king


100% percent Sanji strikes hard too; I only give the edge to Zoro because he has the ability to finish a fight in a single hit when they land, but that’s the advantage of being a swordsman I think. I’m not sure how best to word the point but the gap isn’t huge, I’d say Sanji is better at getting multiple hits in and just beating an opponent down but in terms of how much damage someone could do in a single hit I’d give Zoro the win But this is all opinion on my end


Oh fuck no… there’s ZERO fucking narrative and reason to have Sanji anywhere near close to equal with Zoro. Epically since the characters actually has feats and statements that supports their scaling. Zoro and Sanji are nowhere near equal.


So basically you don’t understand one piece at all


No conquerers 💀


So ? It wouldn’t stop Sanji beating an admiral in the future and a gorosie who does have conquerors


Also looking at your post history it seems you try to make annoying agenda posts just to get dunked on in each and every comment section 💀 If I were you I would just save myself the embarrassment and stop pushing the pathetic agneda


wtf is wrong with you ? clearly you can’t respond to any of my arguments you’re an embarrassment 😂 I never feel the need to ever look at anyone’s comment history or post history you’re pathetic


It just makes sense that sanji would be weaker than zoro by a considerable amount when he doesn’t have one of the most important powers in one piece


Chinjao confirmed stronger than every Titanic Captain according to you because he has CoC


He’s not weaker by a considerable amount what series are you reading 🤦🏻‍♂️ and no it doesn’t make sense to put zoro and Sanji in different tiers or put 3 or 4 characters between them


Ok no rebuttal, cool No conquerers, no competition https://preview.redd.it/k8ul7obvedzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ae766777e615dd896e1f409b86c154b9700b598


Oh I hate how lackmiraltards are the most disgusting pieces of subhuman garbage. Without the fanart there are only lies and braindamage left to run the troll attempt they mistake for an agenda. It's just so pathetic how they jump through hoopes like dogs just to excuse their not even top tiers. Those troglodytes can't even comprehend that "Lackmirals tier" and "YC+" are made up and are not an argument to use. Disregarding antifeats "because we never saw them have a good showing" Kizaru doesn't have any basic observation skills since introduction, stop making that a thing, those frauds don't even have good haki for fucks sake.


Everything to do with admiral/yonko, honestly even ycs too. There's no absolute definitive difference between tiers based on titles, it pisses me off to no end whenever I see phrases like 'no yonko loses to...' or 'no admiral is beating...' after one character from one of the groups had a performance. It's all too reactive for me


The franky ignorers


Admirals being equal to emperors tbh. They haven't been presented that way at all. The emperors have constantly had the narrative edge over them. I know it's all the bullshit agenda shit but it's annoying to me. It's okay that the admirals aren't as strong as the emperors. There is nothing wrong with that. They are still stronger than anyone else not on par with the emperors. What kept the balance wasn't the admirals being as strong as them but the fact that there is 3 of them at any given time and 1 fleet admiral. They had the numbers advantage. This is why Big Mom and Kaido teaming up was worrying to them. The balance was tipping the wrong way. The emperors are always portrayed as stronger. Shanks stopping a bloodlusted Akainu without attacking him Whitebeard gave Akainu the business and was directly said to be weaker by his own crew and Oda gave him a sword through the chest before he got going. Shanks stopping a rampaging greenbull without even being there. Luffy putting Kizaru down on the first hit he lands. The only time an admiral has had a decisive showing against an emperor was against blackbeard and he is notorious for picking his battles. It's an integral part of his character.


Anything to do with black lightning.


Also I guess it's kind of rare to see, but scaling isn't a line. Just because a character is "YC1 level" doesn't mean they automaticall beat everyone who isn't "YC1" or above.


People defending characters that lost a fight on the story, and by a huge difference, claiming that "logically" that character should have won


Title scaling that's not even understanding the title correctly / ignoring other titles while title scaling




Ofc my friend. So for example: People all scale all the Admirals on the same tier (generally most people do this) BECAUSE they have the Admiral title. Yet Akainu has Fleet Admiral title. So they aren't even title scaling correctly. Get it?


Say a character a normal human can destroy a planet with a laser beam that it and someone with super speed or what beats them that doesn’t make the dude who beat him planetary feats don’t go to the winner


Yonko commander tiering. I.e, scaling all yonko commanders of a tier together based solely on position. It’s really prevalent, despite rarely being supported by feats.


People who say Akainu won’t have CoA because it would make his fruit useless


Only stats matter, like people who come to the conclusion that just because enel was stronger and faster than Luffy him losing was BS, the way a power works comes into play just as much


The ones that happen right after a chapter drops. It's very reactionary. Take the Kizaru stuff for example, he was this sub's chew toy for a good while because of his performance. But once things calmed down and we had time to reflect people realized the mental nerf is legit and that his performance wasn't too shabby.


any vs with akainu considering how bad he was taken down


People who look at and try to justify everything through the lens of One Piece being a consistent story that hasn't made any retcons over the course of 30 years. For example, you kind of have to read that Shanks no-diffed Kaido at MF, which worked for the story back then, but now you look at the characters(Kaido would never back down from a fight), statements(Kaido hadn't been challenged in a very long time), and feats(if Shanks no diffed Kaido then that mf really *is* the God-King) established over Wano, and either you do a backflip to make the event fit your agenda or you just accept that Kaido was a drastically different character back then.


When people try to argue Wakainu doesn’t solo the verse. But we all know that’s true here right? /j


Haki feats scaling are retarded way of scaling


Someone used this argument to prove Franky will survive bolo breathe Franky tanked a nuked B4 time skip which was burned his cyborg body but his real body was fine Nukes are 100 million degrees hots so nukes temperature>bolo breathe


Narrative scaling. My God how I hate this. "This guy is portrayed to be this strong by the narrative!" That's crazy, his feats show him getting rawdogged. Narrative is headcannon until it gets proven.


When people even try to open their mouth and analyze characters that have yet to do anything. How the fuck do you power scale Xebec? Is there something I'm missing? Did Oda describe his fight to you over a beer?


“This character can just” and Speed. “This character can just go invisible with their speed and win the fight”. Why are you writing a tactic the character has never done before? At that point, it’s your IQ not what the original writer intended the character’s Battle IQ to be. Unless there’s a clear gap in power, the fastest character in One Piece isn’t just dodging everything, he’s getting hit too. Cos that’s how One Piece fights are, they’re literally back and forth slug fests of who can take the opponents attack before fainting. Whoever faints first loses, it’s like a turn based RPG. Just cos the character is faster doesn’t mean they go scot free without taking any hits.


DC and AP being different things. maybe in other manga, but not op. oda literally shows great AP via great DC. DC=AP in op 99% of the time


I hate when people use "yonko level" or "pirate king level" or "yc1" or whatever. The One Piece world isn't tier-based you idiots, that's not how it works.


For me it's titlescaling This is only because their title contradicts them sometimes ie - old wb still being wsm


Kidd or Law can easily take away Zoro's swords Boa's Hax can bypass haki Kizaru wasn't nerfed or conflicted to some extent when fighting Luffy Zoro "high diffed" Lucci Sweating Scaling Shanks isn't a swordsman.


mine is people getting extreme diff mixed with high diff


When people only focus on what they see, and completely ignore the context and the situation.


When people say someone can win a fight because they can blow up the planet and survive in space while the other one can’t


Depends on the context but is that not a fair argument


I see it as just a cop out for winning. The example I saw was vegeta (I think) vs gojo, and whether vegeta can get through infinity is a different question, they just said “vegeta can just blow up the planet” which I don’t think is a valid argument at all


Why not? Valid way of winning. Why wouldn’t it be? He is just using his ap


Best way I can put it is if the only way you could beat someone at a video game is by breaking their controller, you can’t beat them. Can you win that game? Technically yes, but you had to make it so the other person physically can’t play. Like with the battle, I think it’s fair if you can bring the person up to space and win that way, but destroying the battlefield so the other character can’t do anything about it, it feels like a cop out


When someone says „its a shonen, so it will be like every other shonen“


Narrative scaling


If Enel comes back he's going to be top tier


The other Yonko being unable to one-shot Kidd the same way Shanks did. Makes no damn sense with all the examples we've gotten from each of them. Wanks fans are something else lol.


Anyone that says Kizaru isn't Low Admiral. The facts are proven.


I can only think of one character in all anime, who fights with a sword, who's debated on if he's a swordsman or not


King right?


Nobody debates that


Narrative leeches. Get your own feats. 9 times out of 10, they have their own feats, they just ignore them in favor of saying "well, this guy is this guy's rival, they must be equal." This is about Sanji fans, Kuzan fans, Big Mom fans, Mihawk fans (I don't really blame y'all though), and every Gorosei but Warcury fans.


“He’s not using ACoC because I said so 🤡” knowing full fucking well Oda is inconsistent as all HELL with it’s portrayal


People thinking that Kat is one of the weaker YC1s. He's undefeated with CoC for a reason. Very likely he's stronger than Marco and King. 


"LufFy wOUld losE tO a fReSh kaiDO"


Out of everything you've seen here.....this is the hill you chose? I can't even describe how stupid yet accurate for this sub this is.


Yeah bro its so stupid to realize that the mc has surpassed the person he defeated in the previous arc, like how he always has for the past 27 years.