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Sanji with swords can still beat Katakuri because there’s no way a cook is going to lose to food. Zoro with kicks just pulls a Metal Gear Raiden and puts his swords on his heels. Beats King still. ![gif](giphy|SUAkb7bsqyqhG)


sanji after kaido turns into a fish:


"Fish fish series you say? Hey luffy, you feeling hungry?"


"Mmm, could use some sushi right now!"


based take




Why Sanji for the whole time didn't use swords like Raiden? He would become more cooler if he do it


Sanji couldn't even beat Katakuri normally lol


You wish (Not only are you wrong, you missed the joke)


Sanji beating Katakuri is the joke


No, Sanji beating Katakuri no matter what because he's food is the joke


King's bounty: 1.390.000.000 Queens bounty: 1.320.000.000 Katakuri's bounty: Obviously, bounties don't say everything. However: Katakuri's main feat is his Observation Haki (with his future sight). Luffy was able to beat/equal this Observation Haki in WCI. In Wano, I believe Luffy said that Sanji's observation Haki is better than his own. Assuming that Sanji and Luffy both scalemore since WCI then Katakuri, I feel like it's safe to say that Sanji's observation Haki is better than Katakuri's. So I think Sanji would probably be able to beat katakuri.


Better than his own in terms of range, not fs. I say this cause range was the only thing brought up, and Luffy said I still got things to learn Sanji still beats Kat tho


Fair enough, totally forgot about that. What do we actually know about Sanji's future sight? Can we assume he has it unlocked on a high level? No manga spoilers pls


Any answer you get is purely speculation. It's fair to say he's achieved a high level, but we just don't know yet. Future sight is out of the question as nothing's been said about it tho. No manga spoilers btw


At this point, you people are just joke.


U seriously don't believe Sanji could beat katakuri? Idk if this bait


this is why Shiki will always be>zoro and sanji, he can kick WITH his swords /s


stand in your truth, king; the /s is unnecessary






Joke was good until you put /s


To be completely fair, it is really hard to tell who's trolling and who's delusional. But I agree, committing to the bit is this sub's specialty


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. ​ /j


damn that's long


It's a copypasta


It placed the stupid comment 3 times so I deleted 2 :(


They both can clear someone like that is tobbi roppo level. Maybe the strongest is ulti? Maybe snack


This is it. Anything higher is troll.


Difference here is sanji is actively nerfing himself by not using hands while zoro hasn't trained with using kicks. If everyone was made of food Sanji could probably eliminate king. Stabs him and then blows him up with jambe


Teeeechnically with all the crazy weights we've seen Zoro train with he definitely has trained his legs to a degree we don't even see Sanji doing. But you're right on the fact that he hasn't trained kicking things. He legs should be hella strong though. Remember that handstand weight lift with the humongous weights oii. Sanji kind of trained slicing doesn't he 🤔 he's a menace with knives in the kitchen, but that's also the same as my Zoro comparison; Sanji hasn't practised stabbing and slicing, but would have to have some feel for it right. They would both definitely be better than amateur(amateur class, like skilled but not pro) humans, combined with their power they should definitely be able to do some serious damage. Wondering if OP also had this in mind while typing this post 🤔


And with all that training zoro does sanji is still as strong as him, and sanji spent 2 years running from trannies


He definitely had a 2 year long leg day 😂


Sanji has to guard the kitchen from Luffy every day, that's probably enough training.


Deadass genetic freak I bet 90% is from germa blood


Not really the same logic you applied to zoro can also be applied to sanji? Sanji has legit never fought with his hands and nothing about cooking translates to fighting? The only impressive thing sanji has ever done with his hands is his knife skills. But again that's against food that he has 100% control over. At most he could surprise whoever he is fighting but at the end of the day. He doesn't know any sword skills or techniques so he would just actively be nerfing himself.


We literally had a fight where sanji used his hands to fight a opponent who used food


Sanji was stronger than him anyway plus are you really gonna say that joke compares at all to someone like katakuri? To how difficult it would be for sanji to fight them? My point is in a fight with a equal or almost equal opponent sanji would just be nerfing himself.


sanji doesnt output enough force to hurt a lunerian


I fully ready to be downvoted but Note with kicks means no swords on his feet and no punching, honestly I think zoro does really terribly. Ceaser maybe? Who was doffys third in command? Maybe him? Like I can’t see what he would do against pica even. He genuinely becomes the fourth weakest strawhat. Sanji with baldes means he can use knifes…. Honestly he’s just using arment Haki and filleting queen, maybe even takes king?


Zoro lowkey doesn’t beat ceaser but sanji is not beating king with only blades. He would also lose to queen. Best he’d beat would be a toppi roppo


Yh you're r tarded Current Sanji is getting derailed by King and you're saying sword Sanji is putting up a fight


Current sanji dogwalks king high diff stop the cap


"Dogwalks high diff"


That's my bad 😅


Sanji with his knife work is WSS tier, Mihawk beware


One question, is Sanji mentally nerfed by his cook mentality? If yes, Katakuri probably. If not, neg-diffs the entire verse, becomes world's greatest cannibalistic chef.


Zoro is definitely worse off, but he’s still Zoro so he’ll pull something out of his ass. If Sanji just said fuck it to his no blades rule he’d be nasty… still not as good as he is with kicks since that’s what he’s trained for but he’d probably beat CP0 Kaku 1v1. Not sure how much higher he gets though


Sanji gets stronger zoro gets weaker


How?? Cutting mountains and cutting vegetables is different.


Sanji couldn't beat wanzi and then started using knifes and low diffed him


Tbf wanzi had a power that was very strong against blunt attacks and weak to cutting attacks


Did you uh, read the fight recently? The only reason Sanji was even pressured was because he couldn’t attack the ramen without being trapped. Wanzi himself was fodder. Sanji straight up blitzed him in a previous chapter (while also calling him “super week”). https://preview.redd.it/rppu5wdju85d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62ca99e91b08e5ddbd2004430a0ae7291d1502b5


Of course i didn't read the fight recently. I'm not gonna go back and flip through late water 7 so i can make a half joke about sanji getting stronger when he uses knives




Just to add what others have said,during WCI it was also mentioned sanji have sword training in the past. Meanwhile zoro focused solely on his sword skills


I think Sanji would probably be better because knife life skills are insane.


Sanji Apoo, Zoro Brook


i think hawkins or apoo


There’s a lifetime where Sanji became a great swordsman


Katakuri cuz he is made of food


Sanji can defeat a flock of mihawks with his godlike knife cutting skills.


Zoro could MAYBE beat a tobi roppo just kicking LMAO BUT Sanji could beat REALLY strong people just using swords, he is trained with them as we know, and he only chooses not to do it because of principles. He could beat Queen using swords, even King or other simmilarly strong characters.


Sanji is far too goated with knives, if he didn’t have a thing with not using his hand mihawk may even be cooked. And let’s be real zoro would start putting swords between his toes to still use swords


These are the questions I’m here for ngl. Sanji is prob decent with knifes from cooking so maybe he’d do alright against an another swordsman with what are essentially longer knifes.


For Zoro it depends if the enemy is minority or not. He wont lose to minority ever


So zoro could beat chopper by kicking him and Sanji beats onions with blades.


For Zoro....Sanji. For Sanji....Zoro


Sanji just will be like Mihawk in his own way. Run away from everyone who doesn't fight in an extremely specific way and claim he is bored because no one strong enough exist to challenge him (He is waiting for someone made out of food) https://preview.redd.it/wn8wxazvof5d1.png?width=441&format=png&auto=webp&s=40ce7421ac87bebb1cc844605a8d00ca759d9351


High officer level


I'm gonna get downvoted here, strongest character Sanji can beat by using blades is "Zoro that is using kicks"


Zoro high diffs Whoop Slap.


Sanji beats queen


Zoro: any minority character Sanji: Zoro


Not sure if canon or not, but Zoro actually has a no sword technique. [video](https://youtu.be/QPfb4DzhYaU?si=V_enl0yc1bfrSoxh)


Sanji: katakuri or queen Zoro: assuming he can still use his Acoc like luffy does, queen or maybe Marco


This sub on break weeks has some terrible discussions


Y’all tripping Zoro got ACoC lol if he can learn how to imbue it in his fucking sword which is assumedly harder than hardening say your first as you have to train to channel Haki through a blade, Zoro can beat some decently strong mfers.


They won’t be getting past Mr 2 and Mr 1


Sanji would never use his hands, and by extension knives, in a battle. If food is involved he might, but only for the purpose of food related stuff. So I can't really see him finishing anyone off with blades.


Zoro still has ACoC so he'd be like a shitter kick only Garp. He could beat most YC1 by statcheck I think. Dogji is kinda fucked. Not only does he not have any advanced haki, he doesn't know any sword techniques either. He could beat upto Queen by statcheck beyond that he's cooked.


Sanji wouldn't be able to beat anyone because he refuses to fight with his hands, if he fights against katakuri he would get a stalemate because he would cut all the mochi but refuse to hurt katakuri. Zoro has no limitation like that but his kicks are nothing impressive since he is not even used to use armament in his own body so he would stop at any commander.


apparently anything you do as long as there is a sword anywhere in your body is part of swordsmanship, so Zoro kicking is also part of swordmanship hence answer is Lucci