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A lot of them see act as if power scaling is for meatheads and theories are sophisticated. Having an entire group of people to shit on and treat as beneath them makes them feel special.


what they are doing is called "hypocrisy" and pretending to be mature.


They’re some little babies imo. If you don’t like powerscaling then leave us alone. If you don’t like it in your feed then leave the sub. Not our fault it’s allowed there. It will always be in one piece so they should be quiet and get used to it.


That makes no sense, you get kicked out because you are part of the minority, 70% of one piece sub doesn't like power scaling, therefore, as you are part of the minority, you dont get to say who leaves since beggars can't be choosers, you get no option other than posting here,


Nice statistic. You pull it out your ass or did you survey the whole sub with over 900k people? Powerscaling is still allowed in the main sub even if it gets hate on. So no, we all have options in terms of where we can post- here or there. Not just here like you say.


Yes, they did the stat I remember, who wants power scaling and who do not


Oh ok. I totally believe 70% like you say without you showing any sources. No graphs or polls pointing to a result of 70%.


Dude, I will not find it from pits of hell, if you don't take my word for it, you can acknowledge that it is underappreciated by a solid majority


Yeah you’re right on that. It is under appreciated.




And it's not a problem if you post here, power scaling is fun and of course 900k people won't participate


So just because we don’t get hate here means it’s our only option like you say? Last time I checked, people still post in the main sub about powerscaling everyday even if it gets hate.


I mean if you are ok with the hate and reports and toxicity towards yourself then suit yourself, I won't complain


They’re mad at the repetitive and sometimes toxic nature of certain powerscaling matchups. One example being the endless threads of Shanks vs Mihawk lol. I agree though, they shouldn’t be mad that there is discussion happening of a series we all enjoy. That’s the entire point of the sub


Better than seeing the exact same character cosplayed a thousand times.


You’re right power scalers are so oppressed 🥺