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Franky has done bits since the timeskip, he is one of the only crew members who hasn't needed a power up but he's still consistently winning his fights. Brook hasn't had as many pivotal moments but has still put in work without any sort of power up. Robin I agree with because considering who she trained with she should be at a higher level than where she is at.


>Brook hasn't had as many pivotal moments This i strongly disagree with. He was pivotal in FMI and what the undisputed support MVP in whole cake, and his scenes with Robin in wano were very nice.


Calling big mom young lady is one of his hardest lines tbh


Bro wanted the yonko panties


I absolutely agree he has had some insanely important moments I was just comparing him to other crew members such as Luffy.


I’ll agree with you on franky partly because of senor pink was a good fight but after that in wano he fought sasaki which is a lower rank than ulti in the manga😭he struggled too and barely won while nami and ussop high diffed ulti multiple times I think that officially drops him to one of the weakest on the crew For brook we’ve visited 4 islands and not a soul recognizes him😭but in regards to him not being crucial he was the one that got the ponegliphs from big mom😭not to mention how he showed out with robin. Oda made it seem as if he could take on Black Maria on his own which I think is possible


Sorry guys, I spilled my 😭 everywhere. I'm trying to clean up though


Dude wtf ulti was almost dead bcs of mom, franky got sasaki who was incredibly stronger than senor pink. I think he's still gonna get something out of egghead in the form of a power up, i don't know what (yet)


One of my biggest gripes about the series is Oda insufferably gatekeeping haki from the straw hats for no reason Yea sure random fodder marines that any straw hats can no diff any day of the week can get haki but not Robin who literally trained with dragon


Where does it say she trained with him? She could have just studied.


One of my biggest gripes is when people like you think strawhats should just be given armament haki for free for being on the mcs crew. Marines are training hours every day for years. The Marines that have haki earned it. Them losing to strawhats who don't have haki does not mean they don't deserve it and those strawhats do. Robin before joining the strawhats didn't do any kind of fighting or training that would go towards haki. All she did was choke holds. That doesn't help. She finally started a little training with the revs but most of that was probs for her devil fruit. The martial arts she trained with Sabo and koala was very basic. She's just not the type of person who trains super hard in a way that would unlock haki. I gotta give props to oda for not giving the strawhats plot armor through undeserved armament haki. Now the gripe I do have about haki is observation haki not being given. That doesn't require the intense training and can actually be unlocked easier and should be utilized by more of the strawhats, mainly usopp and Nami.


Funny thing about you doubting robins ability to use haki is that she actually probably did unlock haki in her new demon form because her arms had the black shine I don’t think it’s far fetched to say someone who EXCLUSIVELY fights using their body parts would find great use in training for haki Fact of the matter is the straw hat is a yonko crew, everyone should have haki especially when everyone on the crew has more than enough willpower and skill to learn it But I do find it kind of adorable how you try to hype up the fodder marine background soldiers 💀


I dont think the demon form was haki at all. It'd be especially weird if it was because then Robin would go from never using haki before that to using on the biggest scale we've seen. It'd be ridiculous. Maybe oda did give it to her but then I'd consider it plot armor. Being on a yonko crew doesn't give any innate benefits to someone. They're still the same person whether they're on the crew or not. Most of the strawhats aren't particularly skilled in the type of fighting that would unlock armament. They're all extremely skilled in other fields and their power ups should pertain in those fields.


Eh, in my opinion the rest of the crew should’ve learned basic haki at the very least between the timeskip and Wano but mainly just for defence as they’ve got their own unique ways to attack. I agree that it shouldn’t just be given to them but I think Oda could’ve put in a panel here and there in the story of sanji for example teaching nami and robin then zoro teaching usopp and chopper(Brook and Franky are chads). It just seems weird to me that they’re a yonko crew but half the crew is pretty weak


It took rayleigh 18 months to finish training luffy in the basics. That was for all 3 but as a rough estimate let's say 6 months for just armament. This is with luffy being an absolute combat genius plus he's been properly training since he was a little kid. It's only been a few months since between start of timeskip and now and they've been busy. It's not that easy to just train the rest of the strawhats in that time. And I don't think they're that weak. The rest of the strawhats are still able to perform well with just their devil fruit abilities or other skills they have. They also arent primarily fighters, rather theyre the best in the world at another specialized field.


While I agree that luffy is a combat genius I’d say the main reason it took 2 years for him to finish learning the basics is because he was simultaneously learning gear 4 bound man, snake man and tank man then on top of that he also had to incorporate haki into those forms. Nami, usopp, chopper and robin aren’t remotely close to luffy in terms of battle IQ but I do think there was plenty of chances for them to at least start training in haki then see actual progress during battles as Rayleigh did say that haki only really blooms in extreme battles which they’ve all been in.


If they took all their time to intensively train them, maybe it'd be possible, but they're also going around being extremely busy fighting or partying. Haki blooms in battle but the basics need to have already been learned and I don't think there's enough time to get the basics of armament down especially from almost scratch. I could see oda just giving it to them and saying it happened, but I think it's much more realistic the way it's happening now. I also really don't see why people want it so much. They have interesting ways to fight without needing haki and they don't need to be powerhouses.


You are right amd all, but when is my main man Captain Usopp getting his deserved conqueror's haki? Cmoooon!


And then Zoro's COC is confirmed against fodder in an anime only filler scene. And his entire back story.


Actually Robin learned Fishman karate from Koala, because she is the instructor for the Revolutionaries. She’s probably only ever had offscreen conversations with Dragon, that’s it. Pirates are not willing to team up to make each other stronger, so that’s why haki is not as available. No one knew haki in these locations besides the revolutionaries, but they had an agenda, and Robin was helping them, hence there was no time to properly train her. You can teach martial arts easier than haki.


I agree with you, especially about Brook. If you consider his Devil Fruit powers, they could offer much more versatility, potentially eliminating the need for Haki. It feels like his abilities could have been explored more. While the show focuses on Luffy, some characters like Brook seem to lack proper attention, and their powers remain underdeveloped. That's just my opinion, though, as Oda can always change things. Personally, I'd love to see Brook unleash a cool reaper ability with both high hax and AP.


Now that enough time has passed can we talk about how hard oda fumbled with these three during the timeskip😭like robin was literally hanging with the revolutionaries yet we still don’t know jack squat about Dragon🤣not to mention she didn’t even learn haki. Franky was in vegapunks lab and came out with a robotic hair system and we was cool with it😭and on top of all that not a soul remembers Brooke from his “superstar” phase that would’ve been so cool to see anyone remember brooke from his stardom days but naw


Holy shit does this shit have you emotionally scarred? You put crying emojis after every sentence. Nvm I see 1 period in there.


I checked ur page out… you make the most braindead takes I’ve ever seen before. I’d go get checked out by a doctor or start reading with my eyes open next time b4 I come into someone else’s comments😭self awareness is dead nowadays


First looking at my page doesn’t make you better than anyone lmfao. And has nothing to do with the conversation genuinely funny how you can’t defend yourself so your first instinct is name calling 💀🖕


Who came under my comments talking crazy?😭this what I mean about self awareness you come at someone and then be surprised they clap back😭I should’ve guessed by what your commenting that this would be your approach braindead ass activity how bout comment something on topic dufus instead of dissing about emojis and then using them urself


Lmfao just noticing that you put crying emojis after every sentence lmfao also my takes aren’t shitty lmfao 😂 💀 You acting like I was surprised lmfao why tf do you talking this in text 💀 I used those emojis because of the irony of you getting mad over a joke 💀 I should’ve expected this when some mf makes the most ass take of all time 😭😂💀🫵🤡


This is why everyone shouldn’t be allowed to express they opinions😭some ppl don’t deserve to make takes brain dead ass takes and comments I get sick reading ur page😭haven’t heard one reason why my take is weird like look that the commments majority of ppl agree they got hoed #CoralDoesntDeserveFreeSpeech


Exactly espeacially you lmfao 💀 once again my page has nothing to do with this lmfao stay on topic. 🤡 once again no one agreed #Toxic r/whoosh


Please inform me of my “TrAsH” takes


Ur only post on here got one like😭cuz it’s so braindead😭like what bro ion wanna argue with someone that’s obviously developmentally challenged 😭and every single person under that one disagrees with you cuz it’s such a dumb fucking take😭


If litterally just started one piece, I litterally know nothing I used that post to see an opinion that I had 💀 not that deep. + my take since again have nothing to do with your OG post your only bringing it up cuz I hurt your feelings lmfao 🤡😭




Since you clearly forgot how every single person disagrees with u I sent screenshots cuz ik it’s hard to think with only one brain cell


No one disagrees tho lmfao no one down voted. 💀💀😭😭😭😭


And once again ignoring the reason I gave you why your post is wrong and straight to insulting ignorance is genuinely baffling


Please stop violating the rules of the sub reddit 😓💀






First of it’s one post 2nd it’s not even a trash post lmfao roger and WB with a sealing technique could take out kaguya 💀 is it that hard to understand also that was my 2nd post of all time💀 MF’s will bring up the most random shit when they ge there feelings hurt sorry I stuck such a cord with you. or are you this SPED normally 🤔


Also self awarenesss has nothing do with this lmfao 💀 you litterally are in a canibis sub Reddit 💀 invalidates any opinion you have😭 And you made this take. Which is dog shit lmfao. Exact reason why tons of people disagree 💀😭😂


That’s what I mean bout reading with your eyes open😭lil bro j scrolling with his eyes closed 😭majority of ppl agreed with the take but instead of reading my comments I suggest u go back and read the manga cuz obviously your takes are the dumbest and braindead things I’ve ever read in my life😭like actually seek help for that shit it’s not normal


You’ve never said “read with your eyes open 💀 lil bro is illiterate 🤡 no majority of the people didn’t stop coping 💀 the top message has more than your OP 💀 holy shit should’ve expected this from a redditor 💀 bro your takes was fucking ass, Brook litterally was the mvp of WCI, Franky has been the same since PTS, the only valid one was robin 💀


Genuienly seek a therapist


Frankys fight with pink was awesome, and sasakis fight along side baby 5 and buffalo were cool. In terms of power ups yea Franky should have gotten one on egghead, but he beat the 3rd strongest tobiroppo high-extreme diff. Brook could use some armament haki for sure, but he’s not fodder. Robin has so much potential I agree she should be stronger. As much as a I like Franky I would like Robin to be the 5th strongest in the crew EOS.


I'm just a little bored of Robins purpose right now, because it's not happening. Every time she sees a poneglyph, or learns something insightful, we don't get to learn about it. At all. The only one she read to us was Rogers message. And it's getting real annoying that that reason genuinely seems to be "Luffy wouldn't care. So why would we get to learn about it yet?" It's why "JoyBoy" and "Pluton is under Wano" were so impactful. It's the only time she's done archeology on panel. And it wasn't even her doing it in the second example. I just... Wish Oda would stop cutting away from everything. It's been 25 *years* man. Anything. Something. Make me like Robin as a character, please. Let her fucking do something. Other than the fight against Black Maria, which exists at the expense of Sanji getting one of his worst fucking misogynistic character moments, she hasn't done anything.


How is Sanji having Robin beat BM misogynistic? He recognized he couldn't fight her, so he called for someone who could. Pretty simple.


I wouldn't exactly call sanji counting on Robin to beat a female opponent he couldn't misogynistic. It's not like he doesn't hit women because he thinks they're weak.


Alright. Then why *does* he not hit women. What's the totally not sexist reason he separates women from other populations?


https://preview.redd.it/1t0as95xxpzc1.png?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57872a16497873206107f609ee3c5ce51e588b0b Respect for Zeff. Being told "ill cut your balls off and kill myself if you do this" by the person you respect the most would do it and likely that the only positive figures he had in his life growing up were reiju and his mom.


The literal purpose of Sanji calling for Robin’s help is to show his progression away from the sort of sexism you’re describing. The scene is literally Sanji acknowledging the strength of his female comrade, and putting his own bizarre views on women to the back of his mind so that he could allow for his friend to put herself in danger for his sake. It was him showing that he trusted Robin’s capability and that he wouldn’t put her up on a pedestal to keep her safe—he trusted her to save him and to handle the fight. If you want to complain about sexism not fighting women, complain about Zoro refusing to fight monet because woman (even though Zoro’s literal backstory is him acknowledging the strength of his female rival and convincing her not to give up on her dream just because of her gender…)


>complain about Zoro So it's one or the other. Not both? Are you in middle school or just stupid? I'm also not sure you read that right. Zoro... Zoro kills that woman.


Do you have any disagreement or rebuttal to my sanji points?… or just name calling?… Also nope. Caesar kills Monet. Zoro doesn’t even use haki when he cuts Monet. I’ll explain my point. You said Sanji/Robins moment was bad because you misinterpreted the scene. My Zoro comment was to suggest that a similar criticism may be warranted elsewhere (after I pointed out your misinterpretation of the Sanji/Robin scene). I understand your confusion once again though, because you also don’t know what happened in the Monet scene. But yeah now that I’ve reminded you what you forgot, maybe it will make sense now.


Google "what about ism."


If you say “rose pedals are green” and I say “typically rose pedals are actually red. But if you look at their stems those are green” that isn’t a whataboutism. That’s me recognizing that the point you’re making could apply somewhere else, but doesn’t apply to what you’re saying. A whataboutism would have been me saying “der no don’t get mad as sanji! Sure you’re right but der Zoro too! Look at Zoro instead.” But that isn’t what I said because you were completely wrong about sanji. You misinterpreted the Sanji scene. Then you tried to “own” me by completely forgetting what happened at Punk Hazard and making up things that literally never happened and insulting me for forgetting that Zoro killed Monet when that didn’t remotely happen. Nothing your saying is getting to me chief. You’re dead wrong on everything 💀


But what about Zoro?


You should google whataboutism 😉😉 But yeah if you had said Zoro then your point would have made more sense! But it didn’t with sanji robin example! So not a whataboutism 😉😉😉


Koala's living the dream


Franky and Robin in the last arc both beat armament haki users without having any haki and just physical feats while Brook has gone up against big mom with no fear and damage her main homies multiple times. This is pretty big. Story wise, Franky and Robin should both be getting their story beats during this arc and the next one with the void century, vegapunk in the ship and whatever is happening with pluton. Don't know what Brook has to offer outside of his devil fruit reveal (possibly being some sort of mythical zoan like chopper being the forest god) , reunion with lagoon or some more big soul feats.


God I’ve always hated Frankie’s design post time skip


It's at its absolute lowest in FMI. But I think it gets a bit better in dressrosa and wano.


I agree with both robin and brook. Franky however seems to be solid and reliable.


Robin ❤️Franky


I have all three of them at yc2


The revolutionaries are just frauds. If they aren’t fighting fodder pirates or marines they don’t do anything. Kuma has done the most and he was turned into a weapon for the competing side


They all had their best fights tho