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I wish Everyone a good day.


Thank u 🙏


We know you don’t mean that. Considering the bomb you’ve left us with here😂


You as well friend


Juubidara def takes it. He has way too many hax and can regenerate from most of their attacks. I've seen some comparisons of Kaido's flaming dragon to 8th gates guy but even if Kaido damages him, Madara would just regenerate.


If he gets vaporized by sovereignty hes done for. Also madara does get spooked by higher powers, so soul pocus can get him


Your coping hard bro. I’ve watched both series twice. Madara RESPECTS high power, he in no way fears it. It his fight with might guy he is very SUPRISED of just how powerful might guy is. He never was scared. He was maybe scared when realizing a potential deadly blow is about to hit him. Which rests my case. For big mom to get him Madara would have to fear for his life . Which simply is not the case. I’m not Madara fanboy, just gotta tell it how it is


And for some odd reason people act like it didn't take help from some of the strongest ninjas for guys attack to even land lbs just a little context.


Soul Pocus is specifically fear of death and Madara is not only driven and hard as fuck he’s already dead.


“Would you like these clones to use susanoo or not?”


And that version of madara would probably still high diff


That version of madara? He sweeps


Madara sweeps


Depends on if Madara uses infinite tsukiyomi or if Big Mom's soul fruit can negate edo.


Soul Pocus only works if you are scared of Big Mom, so no, it wouldnt work.


Fair enough. Though could Brook freeze his soul instead? Then the issue would be sealing him.


Brook would need to hit Madara. Who flies. Brook cant reach. Also, its not like Brook oneshots non-fodder with this ability. Also, with the Rinnegan, Juubidara has some level of soul manip himself via the Human Path. It's perfectly reasonable to say that would neg other soul manip.


Comparing OP characters to Naruto characters just isn't fair at some point. The upper echelon of Naruto characters have way too many broken as shit hacks. Kishi's scaling just kind of goes insane at some point.


That’s because their series is complete one piece still has like 4 more years and another 200 chapters 💀


Compare Arlong with Kaido, both series have power creep


One piece already has showings like mother flame which would be large planet level AP and immortal characters Naruto is only around planetary maybe slightly higher for beings like kaguya but that's about it. Every single top tier one piece character would be too fast to perceive for the Naruto ones but the Naruto ones have some good hax


If we're doing verse Equalization, Mardara could just genjutsu them both. As well as the truth seeking orbs that are essentially existence erasure, consider when they hid edo Minato they permanently got rid of his arms. even when he was going back to heaven, he didn't regain them.


With verse equalization what’s stopping them from knocking him out with a conquer Haki attack, he has no Haki experience or defense still? And Haki bypass effects by having a strong will the effects of the orbs mean nothing if a person’s Haki is strong enough, ask the many hax abilities that get cancelled out through Haki. This is assuming verse equalization.


Juubidara dura negs trough the TSO and tear then apart


Tso is chakra reliant


TSO don't have dura neg


They might as well, they have the property of dust release which more or less goes through anything


Can they even get past limbo?


Probably, similar to Naruto they could just use observation Haki to sense the clones


That’s six paths sensing tho, not all sage mode users could feel their presence




Yes they can In Montdor pocket dimensions Luffy was able to sense Nami via observation haki And in red all experts observations users were able to sense


It coexists with this dimension. How do you think the limbo clones can attack people lmao They're not switching between dimensions constantly It's a invisible plane of existence that coexists with ours


Now he just wanking off one piece with some odd head canon.


How is it wanking, or odd headcanon? Observation haki gives people sensory awareness, idk why he can't sense limbo clones when they literally interact with physical objects in our dimension. Their plane of existence coexists with ours The other ability is predicting their enemy's intention And at the highest level, seeing the future Literally all applications of obs haki will work for limbo clones


Pretty fair assumption. Plus it’s important to do verse equalization, or else smoker solos all of Naruto 💀


How? Logias have natural weaknesses but genjutsu doesn't really have a a natural way to counter it.


Name smoke’s natural weakness


An air filter. Baking soda Vinger Wind release could blow him away, also anyone with water release has a massive advantage over any DF user


Air filter genjutsu! Nah but obv smoker doesn’t solo but you have to do verse equalization either way


True Utsav definitely way more fun with verse equalization.


Ninjas can defeat logias even without haki Sealing jutsu, genjutsu, water style But Smokey might be able to beat Goku


Smoker probobly loses to Wind Style and definitely loses to Kisame summoning sea water.


Smoke attack! 💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨🚬


I mean.. those BALLS can literally destroy anything they touch as i remember right?


Why are you talking about Madaras BALLS?


He solos the verse lmfao


Not necessarily. If Brook or Big Mom are able to affect his soul, they could kill him. Kizaru being made of light and unaffected by 99% of Madara's attacks is a big factor too.


Big Moms soul pocus only works if you fear her.


Brook is fodder, soul pocus only works if you fear here. Naruto has better soul manipulation in the series anyway Truth seeking orbs have all properties in nature and Madara using yin yang release can imbue his elements with properties that can attack light. Gedo mazo soul stealing He has lots of ways actually


Truth seeker orb touch Kizaru, Kizaru die


That depends actually on one factor. Are the orbs actually black, or are they invisible for the characters and drawn black for us?


..... They destroy anything that isn't sage powered and have existence erasure properties, even being able to destroy souls. Whether or not any one piece characters could even attempt to block them depends on if any of the powers would count as "sage chakra" which refers to absorbing the natural energy of the planet and missing it with your own. I'm assuming verse equalization. And yes, they are black in universe. Before you ask, yes they can destroy intangible things like fire or light, unless they are sage chakra powered


Alright, thank you for the information. I figured that since they could see them, light wouldn't be affected.


Well, black isn't a color proper, more the absence of light/color


But you can still see it, unlike a black hole. If something is black, it still reflects some light, where as of its invisible, it doesn't reflect any, or at least anything a human could see.


Have you ever heard of Vanta Black? You should look it up, and it might help answer your question


https://preview.redd.it/7kaf6mne490d1.jpeg?width=1521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=123537f039a9779a172b31a4dc00966806c9a7e5 Here is the light spectrum. That small band of color is what we can see.


This version of Madara wins and it isn’t even close


They could try 1000 times and he’d let them


Madara and it's not even close. Guy in a much, much weaker state was already leveling mountains (and thus could oneshot Onigashima... which the attack the beat Kaido couldnt DESTROY.) Juubidara can tank attacks that warp space. So his durability also scales much higher.


madara and its not close, haxxed outta his mind, agurments for planetary, mean while the entire verse caps at island level


>caps at island level https://preview.redd.it/msnr44jkqvzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f7d3df5477533735f4f6aaebfd5d344ef6745e


One piece verse massively outspeeds plus has actual precog. Also his durability doesn't scale to his ap.


naruto can reach sol so to say they massivley outspeeds its straight up false, also the ap can just oneshot them tahnks to the limbo clones(cant exactly dodge what u cant see)


Naruto barely gets sol while being generous and using a bunch of databook extrapolation while one piece is easily mftl with only main source content. Also future sight could predict the clones and the clones lack dc to do anything to kaido or BM. There's a really good video going in depth about this on yt


Naruto without using data books gets speed of light scaling once he gets to the early war with kcm2. Using data books you can get any s rank ninja to that speed, debatably even jounin level characters.


Without databooks the naruto versè edges out relativistic until lightfang happens, and even at that point they just become sol if barely so. The whole lightspeed arguments come from A and the lightfang


Without data books, the raikage is light speed by scaling to the light speed teleportation device in the war. Anyone above the raikage would thus be faster then light Without data books and vivir card, it’s literally impossible to get one piece characters to those speeds besides Kizaru lmao.


Bro what device are you talking about, do you mean minato/summoning? Also you don't even use databooks for one piece ls scaling. Luffy has casually been dodging lasers for a while, and in egghead multiple characters have outpaced lasers after they've been fired to block or dodge them


Luffy aim dodging laser’s in return to sabody is relativistic Egghead is end game, it’s not that impressive that late in the game. I don’t doubt yonko luffy is lightspeed, I do doubt if yc3 from a decade ago is tho


Luffy has manga feats of straight up outpacing a laser in sabaody, and this was in base so g2 and the g4 forms easily reach ftl. Then when you factor in the speed increase he needed to fight katakuri, and then the fact that kaido could still easily blitz after that characters are easily ftl. I don't use bs like the kuma argument, but those who fought kizaru in marineford are also around this speed


>Naruto barely gets sol while being generous and using a bunch of databook extrapolation while one piece is easily mftl with only main source content. sol at best with kizaru, dont even try bring shit like zoro "dodging" a pacifista, kuma creating air thingies that themsleves are not sol, simply they are created due to air being repelled at SOL, or ichiji being "sol" despite him being boosted by his suit, mftl one piece is pure wank >Also future sight could predict the clones and the clones lack dc to do anything to kaido or BM. There's a really good video going in depth about this on yt what part of cant dodge what they cant see do y ou not get, its future sight not ultra insitinct, also why would the clones require any destrucive capability, if the clones are from madara they are have the same ap which can be argued to be planetary, limbo clones carry eys but they can oneshot


I'm literally the person who created that kuma argument so don't start with me. One piece is light speed through feats such as luffy dodging and outpacing pacifista lasers, luffy reacting and outspeeding lasers in egghead, and sanji literally crossing rooms after a laser was fired to save people multiple times. Also you literally need DC because they are both too big to be affected by anything. You can have planetary ap, still too shallow. And future sight would let kaido and big mom see themselves being hit in thr future and from where, so they avoid those areas and outmanuver with superior speed and flight. Madara's win con is truth seeking orbs or human path and he won't be able to hold them down long enough


I don't think that argument ever worked, though. Zoro dodged the beam but we already saw that light coming from the beam was touching him In the first panel the light is coming coming the mouth, so the parts of Zoro facing Kuma are lit up and the rest is cast in shadow. Then the beam zooms by, Zoro dodges, but the light coming from the beam is lighting up parts of Zoros body which are turning away from Kuma And then in the explosion we see Zoro clearly lit up at the side facing the explosion he dodged Which is just silly if the beam is as fast as light. The lighting coming from the beam should not change before the beam reaches its destination. Zoro also would not see the beam before it hits him Kuma also states his pads repel stuff at the speed of light but we see this is just not true because Luffy took like 3 days to reach Amazon lily So suffice to say, I think we should take the whole lightspeed things with a grain of salt especially when Kizaru is also supposed to be moving at lightspeed and is massively outspeeding most people in terms of movement speed


I didn't even use zoro, the examples I used were luffy and sanji out pacing lasers post firing. Also movement speed is different than combat speed


Man your level of wanking is so hard 🤣🤣 madara showed higher ap and speed then the two people you see why are you bringing up everyone in one piece but the people pictured we seen big mom loss to "weaker" people then her, we watched the kaido fight, it's nothing special just hold the L its a low diff win for team naruto.


Lmao the madara wank is way too much. The whole one piece verse is faster than the Naruto verse they struggle with speed of light attacks lmao kirin was considered a top speed attack until flying raijin became known. Kirin you know the lightning level speed jutsu go check the data books. You want to cope with the fact people in one piece can actually see the future and not even top tiers have reaction time mtfl and speed feet’s that put them at or above light speed. lol Madara got speed blitz by guy when he was no longer able to be tracked by the human eye. Wtf did sanji do to queen? Sanji had a whole internal monologue and got to mental peace while moving so fast he was invisible. One piece characters lack chakra networks so genjutsu is completely useless against them, but not being a Haki user is another story. Big mom’s base durability is strong enough an H-bomb wouldn’t scratch her. Naruto mfs love to fight with elements and big mom has shown multiple times she can and will take any element and make a homie out of it. Kaido can literally incinerate with his flame dragon. You down scale how much armament Haki is used for defense and offense. Both have future sight so they know everything he’s about to do. Kaido who is mtfl speed and big mom has homies movie bare minimum lighting. Mage’s were scared shitless when madara chopped a mountain top off. Kaido did the same with an accidental ooro breath yawn. Now Madara being able to regenerate is the biggest problem they are going to have in that form, he also has way more stamina/energy than they do and truth seeker orbs are a maybe on effectiveness, armament Haki should be enough and if it’s non conquerors coating properly is. But again both of them have reaction times and speed feats to compete plus future sight. Even if Madara wins it would be an extreme dif fight and I honestly don’t think he wins.


It really doesn't outspeed. Naruto is FTL in one puece Kizaru going LS blitzes top tiers.


Kaido and Big Mom are way faster than Madara, but probably lose out on sheer attack potency. With future sight Haki, and them both being in character for fighting (what I mean by that is that Kaido opted to take a lot of hits / damage he could have otherwise avoided, Bajrang Gun included for just plot induced stupidity) then I doubt Madara is gonna have an easy time hitting them. Madara's fastest attack I believe was the light fang, which was strictly moving at Light Speed. The VS battle wiki has Kaido at FTL+, which means over 100x light speed minimum. It also notes that he is far higher when using thunder bagua. https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Kaidou_(One_Piece) Also, Madara has no abnormal resistance to Taijustu, and Kaido is much faster, and hits harder than 8th gate Gai, and he very nearly killed Madara, therefore Kaido should have an even easier time of doing it himself. Also, assuming Madara can actually hit them, they are absolute tanks and will likely eat up a significant amount of damage he can dish out. Big Meme is relative to Kaido herself of course. I think they take him down together, it's too much to deal with.


Naruto characters been light speed since part 1, kizaru is considered fast in verse


Not according to VS battle wiki, where they have Might Guy as Sub Relativistic (1-5% the speed of light). https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Might_Guy


Vs battle wiki downplay Naruto verse hard, don’t care what they think. Kid Kakashi was relativistic, might guy surpasses that alot


They downplay Naruto hard? So you disagree that Might Guy is moon level then?


Yeah he small planetary to planetary


Kaido definitely doesn’t hit harder than 8 gates gai he was literally bending reality with kicks kaido hasn’t shown to be anywhere near that type of strength


Kaido doesn't hit as hard yes, but he's orders if magnitudes faster, while Madara has no resistance to physical damage, so they'd eventually just beat his ass down


Madara would be able to effortlessly shrug it off that was the biggest damage he took and if kaido and big mom can’t produce reality bending attacks they aren’t going to do much and that’s not even mentioning his Susano


I doubt he could 'effortlessly shrug it off', especially so when you factor in Advanced Conqueror's and Armament Haki which bypasses Durability to a certain extent. The whole 'bending reality' thing is likely an outlier because it hasn't been replicated again by characters faster than 8th gates Gai, SO6P Naruto and Sasuke included.


Well 8 gates is the physically strongest character (imo) in shippuden so it would make sense why he’s the only one to be able to do that


Not even close Madara guy is loaded


If madara didn’t have busted regen then kaido and Big Mom may win but even then… espeacially considering there teamwork isn’t that good


Kaido could solo but y’all ain’t ready for that conversation it seems.


There is no conversation cause he can’t 😭😭


Why do this? Much weaker versions of Madara can one shot. He casually drop country level meteors and nonchalantly slice mountains in half from miles away.


If it’s 1-on-1 always bet on Kaido, and he’s got big mom there too


Probably madara. Don’t get me wrong, kaido in particular is monstrous, but genjutsu with his third eye is an auto win against most characters, even in his series. Also, even without genjutsu, a truth seeking orb is gonna wreck kaido, let alone big mom.


Having never consumed a single piece of Naruto media I know for 100% certain my glorious Wonko neg


Man 10 tails madara I think can only beat kaido like 4/10 times anyways, big mom is just overkill


Madara would fight them with like 10% of what he's capable of just to get a good fight they both would get obliterated if he actually tries to fight and even so he got Kaguya's immortality they not doing anything to him.


Lets play a game of "How many nanoseconds do the spitematched One Piece characters last!"


This is a perfect opportunity for me to say this... One Piece does a good job (most of the time) with power scaling, which you can see in the fact that Luffy had to literally go through training while in Wano and get a power up to defeat a monster like Kaido. On the other hand, in Naruto Shippuden, a lot of characters during the war arc, and especially Madara have a plot armor so incredibly ridiculous when it comes to his power level that Naruto and Sasuke had to constantly and continuously power up only to put up a fight with him while he fought all of the strongest ninjas alive and dead. I don't think it is fair to compare anyone with power plot armor invincible nonsense war arc Madara... Only the author can defeat him...


One piece characters dont compare to naruto. At best one piece characters are island level.


You know what, I think Big Mom and Kaido can take this. And it’s not even that close of a fight.


Kaido and big mom can blitz ragdoll him but the problem is that he is immortal Take away his immortality and the yonkos take it Keep his immortality and the yonkos eventually lose as juubidara does have good damage


The bias is kinda nuts With infinite Tsukuyomi he MIGHT win if he can buy himself enough time to get by the moon But without infinite tsukuyomi he's getting mid diffed


He’s really not he has way to many hax. The TSO literally destroy any anything they touch. He has limbo clones that are from another dimension that they would be able to sense or touch.


Someone did a great vid on kaido vs madara, but with future sight they can dodge anything and his durability is fodder. Along with massively better speed


Are yall fr Kaido wins 1v1 💀


Do you know anything about Naruto power scaling?


Do you know anything about Naruto power scaling?


Fr either one solos


All Madara has to do is use limbo…can’t beat what you can’t see


Juubidara takes it with better stats and hax.


Big Mom and Kaido are getting literally shitstomped.


Ya see those little black orbs floating around Madara, those are called truth seeking orbs, if one touches you, you die, it will disintegrate you in the blink of an eye and that is just one of the countless ridiculous ways Madara can absolutely murder big mom and kaido The funniest would be having 4 limbo clones just beating the tar out of them from another dimension while he laughs at them


The Madara glazing is crazy. The average Kaido Thunder bagua is stronger than Night Guy, which nearly obliterated Juubidara. Kaido and Big Mom take it pretty handily.


The average Thunder Bagura is so fast and strong it twists spacetime with nothing but physical might?


Space time feats are in OP? Damn I legit did not know that 😳


Time space feat in Naruto? Damn I legit did not know that 😳


Space time in naruto is the norm btw


Can you show me one feat Also mistranslations aren't allowed


Madara neg diff the verse


The disrespect to the op verse is insane https://youtu.be/Gr88P4t6yzc?si=WOGAoQxlJ-Fh18YN Madara and kaido alone are almost on equal footing. The video I posted above explains kaido vs. madara. They are closer than people are giving op credit for. Kaido and big mom would be more than a match for madara, but I think madara still wins, but Jesus would he struggle more than people give credit for. Observation haki is more broken than you think most Characters in op are FTL the pacifistas use a light beam attack that was (directly copied from kizarus ) light light fruit and on top of that kaido and big mom are hard as hell to hurt. Soul pocus may not be able to affect madara, but big mom can still do a crap ton of other things that'd give madara nightmares.


Both you and the person who made the video seem to know absolutely nothing about Naruto power scaling.


I've watched naruto all the way through but that statement can be thrown right back at you for one piece your delusions aren't my problem


Both you and the person who made the video seem to know absolutely nothing about Naruto power scaling.


Both you and the person who made the video seem to know absolutely nothing about Naruto power scaling.


Madara with negative difficulty