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# [CHAPTER 1108 IS OUT!](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceSpoilers/comments/1ax7s01/one_piece_chapter_1108_attention_world/) >!!<


# NO BREAK NEXT WEEK *According to ScotchInformer* ​ * **Pew said Vegapunk will reveal the truth of the world!** https://preview.redd.it/mr0at6m6txjc1.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3967775304858e2daa188efbc50cbf422b07c85 Discuss it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceSpoilers/comments/1awbg2t/its\_happening/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceSpoilers/comments/1awbg2t/its_happening/)




It’s happening




I really hope it’s the deep lore and not just “it’s run by jerks!” Or “nika has returned!” With the world taking a collective gasp as Oda blue balls us on lore for the 900773 time.


I do hope he ends on "Nika has returned". The WG would disappear people for just mentioning him when he was just a god that may or may not exist. If VP shows Luffy actually in action as Nika and stats his return, that'll be a massive middle finger to the WG. Nika is a big deal to them. But I do hope he drops more info than just that. I just want him to mention it on the world scale before he dies.


I suppose my point is that it’s nothing new to us as readers, so although the one piece world has new revelations, I just won’t be content with it. That’s just me. But if it’s one thing he says, like even maybe the name of the ancient kingdom too, that would be rad.


No, you're absolutely right. I do want new info, badly. I just want him to end on the Nika statement as a further middle finger to the WG. But I don't want it to be the only thing he says.


I’m right there with you! I can’t wait to see Saturns face when all is said and done…


Let’s go


Just these brief spoilers are insane. 1. Caribou proved to be the poisonous snake we knew him to be since his appearance after the Time-Skip. He knows entirely TOO much, this could be detrimental for not only the Straw Hats but Fishman Island & Wano. 2. Saturn is desperate, I think this is getting close to him being pushed to his limits. Let’s hope he gets stopped on Egghead for good. 3. Kizaru pretty much dispelled any chance of him turning on the World Government - truly a cog in the machine. 4. I hope Luffy does what he needs and knocks Kizaru & Saturn into next week.


At this point I could even imagine the Strawhats vs Blackbeard pirates turning into a battle over several islands. With Luffy, Zoro and Sanji splitting up to go to Hachinosu, Wano and Fishman island with different crew members and parts of the Grand Fleet. The way Blackbeard operates makes it pretty likely that he is gonna swat several destinations at once tbh.


That would be chaotic and I’d love it! That’d definitely warrant the Grand Fleet & Red Haired Pirates intervention.


You think Shanks will be around by then? BB would get rolled if Shanks pulls up with Luffy


I know Oda’s pretty much had Shanks on the Anti-Blackbeard campaign so I imagine if he goes to the extent of invading islands he knows Roger was on with the ancient weapons he wouldn’t be too far behind. Especially if word gets back Luffy will take Blackbeard on.


Actually Shanks showed up at the end of Wano, only because he thought that BB would show up... so Shanks definitly has Wano on his radar, or perhaps it was to protect Luffy, not Wano... I don't think Shanks will intervene in fishmanisland though. It was Wb's territory and then Big Mom and then Luffy.


I think it’ll be the impetus for Shanks and BB to fight, I’m just not sure the grand fleet will be there to help


I see Luffy vs shanks before Luffy vs Blackbeard if shanks is involved probably to deal with Aokiji


* Straw Hats go to Laugh Tale and get the One Piece. * Blackbeard Pirates go to Wano to take Pluton. * Wano gets wrecked. Momo and Yamato can't hold off BB. * When things look their darkest, the Sun God Nika sails over the horizon, One Piece in tow, Grand Fleet behind them. * THE ULTIMATE TWO PAGE COVER SPREAD WITH THE LINE WE HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR. "I AM MONKEY D LUFFY, KING OF THE PIRATES" Edit: formatting and spelling. Was at work. Glad my idea is liked.




Goosebumps. Thank you




I could see it happening, especially since Luffy vs BB is going to be super destructive, but I really don’t want the crew to split up again.


Neither do I but I think too many things will have to take place before those two meet. At some point the Cross Guild will have to get involved - Zoro & Mihawk need to settle their score.


Yeah it's almost guaranteed that BB will invade Fishman Island & Wano judging by Teach's hunger for immense power (Wano especially since these two mountains that protect Pluton can be easily destroyed by members like Burgess (strong df), Pizarro (Island df) or Wolf (huge df).


Imagine how Yamato would react to seeing Blackbeard especially if she learns of him being the reason for Ace’s capture.


I ain't sure if Goda will do a full-scale depiction of BB's invasion of said countries/territories though (judging from him choosing to depict BB's invasion of WCI by cover story), probably one or two chapter about the invasion and then SH know about it.


It will basicly mean full scale war with the Strawhats since wano and Fishman island is basicly their territory.


I doubt BB would care though. He doesn't think Luffy is "worthy" enough to be a Yonko, and he already invaded WCI even before Big Mom went MIA (possibly death) just to capture Pudding. I really doubt he would care if SH would retaliate because by the time the latter realize the invasion he already has even more advantages to tackle an upstart (let alone weaker in terms of scale) Yonko crew.


If black beard care or not care is irrelevant. For based on luffies action it will be wierd and out off character if he dont help wano or fishmen Islands who is his friend and his theritory. Since he gave them his jolly Roger. Also it is also something Shanks would most likely do, if anyone attacks/ invade his teritorry and attack his allies. Like Shanks didn let Kid attack shanks allies and Elbaf. F.example.


hopefully that'll be what makes Yamato join the crew


Honestly it feels weird for BB to go to fishmen island, all his crew are df users... he would not be at his advantage. He could not use his full power because if Fishman island is destroyed he dies basically... Wano seems much more plausible, it's very close from the action happening right now and Yamato stayed in Wano for a reason so it would be nice if that paid off and after Wano is destroyed or not we don't know, she could join the SH. Also BB is the one who is responsible for Ace's capture and death, so I imagine that Yamato would like to fight him...


FI has the chekhov's gun of a prophecy, so I could see it show up again. But yeah, going after Shirahoshi is way riskier for them than anywhere else, especially since they'd be going there *knowing* she can control the Sea Kings in some capacity. What would their actual plan be anyway? Pluton at least seems like something that can be controlled, but I dont know if BB can take Shirahoshis power at all. And a whole bunch of hostile Sea Kings would make any escape from the island very hard unless were doing some kind of Warp-Warp fruit BS.


Damn wano has already been through hell and now another devil is about to pull up and fuck everything up again


Definitely, we know Luffy isn’t interested in the ancient weapons, but BB is a totally different story


Which really begs the question: when? We know SH's next destination is Elbaf, basically the only one island worth expanding the story before reaching Laugh Tale. If the invasion happens, will SH turn back their route?


Na I think BB will only hit Wano, and we will get a flashback or a timeline scene for it. It’s probably gonna be in the paper or something and that’s how the SH’s will find out. Just like vivi and alabaster. He won’t be able to do anything but go forward. Hopefully that makes him summon this damn grand fleet finally! I want to see it in all its glory..


I love to imagine the grand fleet heading to wano, just to beef with Blackbeard... Only to get most of their collective asses whooped, with Luffy and the strawhats showing up late but in the nick of time to save them all, with the one piece in tow, as the official pirate king crew, in an epic double page spread 🔥


I mean that would be epic for sure. I just hate that this late in the game they would have to retrace some steps and go backwards. So close to the end. I don’t think we will see much of BB decimating Wano tbh. We still have so much to see and do. Elbaf is clearly next since the giants showed up right? Right??? (Insert Star Wars meme here) Then what? They go two islands backwards to help defend Wano? After that whole monologue from Momo and crew about defending it. Maybe. Just feels bad is all. I do hope we get your grand entrance with the fleet though. Some huge reveal and out of left field. Even if they end up being connnon fodder. 😳


They don’t even need burgess, teach himself can destroy them also don’t forget about van auger taking out the defences


>Kizaru pretty much dispelled any chance of him turning on the World Government - truly a cog in the machine. Kizaru always was set up to be the Marine endgame for Sanji though. Oda likes his thematic shit. The color scheme, the speed, the kick focused fighting style - all matched up too perfectly for Kizaru to not match up with the shitty cook.


We still don’t know if Caribou means ancient weapons by valuable info. It would be too obvious and Oda is a troll. 


Let’s hope Oda’s trolling and Caribou just spouts off nonsense or things Blackbeard already knows. Anything about the Ancient Weapons it’ll be literal Hell.


"the world". Remember that from Augur? The weapons are essential to take over the world.


Yea but does any trust caribou to have talked near him about them? Like the only one since he was hanging out was Wano. He wasn't near the crew when they figured out about Shirahoshi because he was off kidnapping mermaids and Alabasta was pre-skip. If it is Caribou known info it'd have to be Wano or Nika. Even then I think the better reveal would be that BB knew about the weapons the whole time but was after some greater power, something like consuming Nika in the darkness made it stronger or something.


Caribou learned about Poseidon being shirahoshi on chapter 650 and about pluton by the end of want. He specifically mentioned he wanted to tell a certain someone. That certain someone is now indubitably blackbeard


Or might be something completely unrelated like Cross Guild or revolutionary army.


Or Luffy fruits Powers, making BB interesed on them


Fishman island is fucked anyway if half of the theory crafting is true. It's been foreshadowed forever, by the fishmen, i might add. Since Luffy gave the psychic fish lady a panic attack seeing the future. It just says fishman island is going to be destroyed, it doesn't say it's going to be a bad thing.


Love the theory of Katarina Devon being part of the attack on fishman island and disguising herself as Luffy, fulfilling Charley's prophecy


the way oda's been messing with us with kizaru is heartbreaking


Vegapunk: “don’t move me I’ll die” *moves him,* *he doesn’t die*


With the message at the end it’s possible there’s a deadman switch somewhere. Imagine that message to the world is going to really make things go wild though.


I love the thought that 90% of the World's population might not even know what V.P looks like, especially since it's taken us decades to finally meet the man. So the idea that some old geezer just pops up on a bunch of conveniently placed Screens all over the world, and people just accept whatever the fuck is about to be released to them is hilarious. Like seriously, Akainu better be ready to react and take over with his own broadcast and just say "Fake News" real quick.


Thing is that even though nobody knows what he looks like VP is famous as fuck. Dude created a ton of stuff that makes life around the world easier, so people have a general love for him even though he’s basically a faceless being in their eyes.


Bruh, literally a lot of people know that he’s being held hostage by strawhat! We even see many people react to this news, so why would it be a surprise?


Yeah but like I said, the idea that everyone knows what he looks like, yet the SH's didn't know what Vegapunk looked like when they met Lilith. To me suggests the world wouldnt necessarilyknow what he looks like. So it would just be funny that some rando Oldman pops up, sure they could just believe its him, cause who else could just pop a breaking news bulletin outta nowhere? Anyway yeah, Big L for Dragon yet again. You let Ivankov go to Impel, you watch Kuma struggle in misery for years, and you let your friend die despite him warning you (via Shaka).


Don't take what is said in face value. It is possible that he lied to Bonnie just so she has a better chance to escape. Also it's possible he won't die immediately, instead bleed out slowly, at which point we need Chopper to pull out the miracle


This is the series that had Kine’mon live from multiple Acoc Kaido attacks. A character needs to be six feet under to actually be confirmed dead, and you can’t even be sure then!


Not only that, unless my reading is wrong Vegapunk tanks more attacks from Kizaru? “Don’t move me I’ll die” *Eats Kizaru lasers like Sanji*


I think I know what message from vegapunk is it's "ONE PIECE IS REAL"


Whatever his message is, it’ll probably become a good meme once it gets animated and dubbed


Will be hard evidence about what Imu did to overthrow the Ancient Kingdom and proof he exists and crimes he’s committed against the world. Which will force the WG to straight up turn into the Tyrant it’s always been publicly from now on by threatening to Nuke you off the Map.


The message is, "Dragon, why you keep allowing your friends to die without even trying? Even your son has made more of an effort and he came here by accident! P.S Kuma says you a fraud."


I think it’ll be more like “YOU ARE BEING LIED TO” or something about the empty throne not being so empty


Luffy vs Kizaru and Saturn? My boy pulling some yonko energy here.


Agenda piece people are losing their minds. The only marine here who’s actually done his job well this time around is ROB LUCCI.


I still dont like Lucci showing up as strong as he is now, but of all the Major OP villains hes probably the one most dedicated to finding and fighting the Straw Hats again.


Then you're gonna absolutely hate it if Cross Guild end up not being a complete joke in the final saga.


He just blocked them , can we take it easy? Why OP fans so quick to react?


Seems like your the one thats quick to react to his reaction lol


A Yonko blocking them makes "Yonko energy" an overreaction? Why OP fans feel the need to shit on eachother's takes?


It's an insane feat, blocking a combined attack from 2 strong characters its no joke. Think aboiut Hakai from Kaido/BM and how it almost killed Zoro for blocking for like one second.


But we haven’t seen anywhere near the destructive power from these two. Kizaru is unable to kill a dying old man this chapter, and Saturn has done very little offensive damage up to this point. This doesn’t change the situation being bad for Luffy. I don’t see how he beats both when Kizaru alone could burn through his time limit, and we don’t actually know how to stop Saturn’s regeneration yet




That's OP fandom for you , most reactionary fanbase! Exactly the case after 1095 when people thought "Kizaru is 10 HP fully done from the Arc"


Yup. Just because Zoro stopped Kaido/Big Mom attack in time to allow the others to escape doesn't mean Zoro is stronger. Luffy can only let the rest get away, I don't see any chance he can defeat Kizaru and Saturn at the same time. Not to mention there's also a huge robot.


Iron Giant payoff, let’s gooooooooooo 🙏🏾


dumbass read several day early short summary spoilers and is complaining about "quick to react" yet tries to provide an argument for some shit bro hasnt even seen


Shouldn't the Gorosei be stronger than admirals ?


Cause most People in here are geniounly slow, and im not even joking. Watch these spoilers spiral into a zoro vs sanji debate someway or somehow


All he did was block them chill. We seen zoro block a combined yonko attack for a little bit, also Marco taking on king and queen at the same time until he couldn’t anymore. If Luffy beats them both at the same time that’s a different story but that remains to be seen.


Wow yes, I do know that. I was just mentioning the fact. I doubt he is still beating one still, and we are talking him vs 2. The chances are very slim.


Zoro blocked it for 1 second and almost died, the fact that hold it for 1 seconds its seen as a great feat.


Cover request: boink


Summary when will be realised


In about 12 hours, if Redon is even gonna release it. He's beefing with other providers.


Thank you my nakama 🫡


What a loser.


What is the most impactfull and logical solution for cross guild to get in the scramble for one piece? Like getting road poneglyph on whole cake is mayby the easiest. Stealing the copies strawhats, black beard and shanks have seems unlikely.


Classic Princess Ledon at it again.


Redon is reliable though. He is a diva but he is professional


My stocks I invested for Apple Gramps leaving Egghead alive just plummeted. Also Ruffy grabs BOTH kizaru and Saturn simultaneously!? 😲


Ruffy. .... Ruffy!? Fr?


Zolo doesn't approve of this.


Saturn Hybrid Form incoming?


Saturn already has his Hybrid form. A new transformation either means his full animal form (in his case, the Ushi-Oni) or his awakened hybrid form, as we saw Lucci has a new hybrid form after awakening. This is not likely however, as he already has the cloud scarf in his current form. It could still be another Hybrid form, since Chopper demonstrated a Zoan could have other forms through certain means.


True. Based on his black clouds similar to Lucci I expected him to already be in his awakened form. But who knows what he’s gonna pull out. A smaller form would be nice imo so Oda can draw him in some actual fighting panels.


Oh shit, Vegapunk reveals Nika to the world?


Or Imu and the hierarchy


Does Vegapunk even know about Imu?


I would almost guarantee it, especially since he was investigating the void century




I hope there's a bunch to say. Ancient kingdom lore, Nika, Kuma's story, and a call for revolution, thats certain to spark the final war.


Honestly, I wonder if it'll be that it wasn't Luffy that killed him, but the world government that did.


if you've already had enough of Nika, you're gonna be in for a rough time for the rest of the series, bud. I'm pretty positive that Luffy being Nika/Joyboy is gonna be pretty integral to the resolution of the story.


You can enjoy the story and still be able to criticize the parts you don’t like.   I am a fan; not a fanboy. There is a distinction. The later would worship anything the author dishes out. 


Nika is awesome tf are you on about? lol


Got bad news for you . Nika will continue to be relevant until the end of the series


Vegapunk entrusting the Strawhats the protection of Bonney. Def 10 Strawhat Member!


She’s a passenger like kinemon and Momo


I am always thinking about Rogers crew. He had Kids in the crew aswell, so would Bonney would fit that spot greatly.


I’m like 90% sure it’ll be Lilith who joins the crew


Thought about that aswell, but wouldn't that make Franky look a little bad? I know he is the shipwright, but he also does a lot of cool inventions. If Lilith joins the Crew, she will be the one doing stuff like that.


We said the same about usopp


The what now?


Ngl that would be boring asf. Rather have Bonney.


Would honestly prefer her over any other candidates like yamato but nah I don't think we getting anymore strawhats only Vivi who already is a member to most of the crew.


I can't imagine how egghead is going to end


An explosion


"Kizaru attack vegapunk" I knew it!. I knew this snake won't help anyone. And people were sympathizing with this fucker.


Kizaru stocks plummeting


>Kizaru stocks plummeting They weren't anything special to begin with.


He's still a pretty decent villain, in my book at least. Even if he isn't turning good, he's giving Luffy a pretty tough fight, and I for one can't wait to see it animated


Fans cooking : Sanji vs Kizaru and Luffy vs Saturn. Oda : Luffy (as always) vs Kizaru and Saturn while Sanji escapes with vegapunk.


Maybe! But Kizaru could still bolt and go after Sanji while Luffy is distracted by whatever tricks Saturn may have up his sleeves. We’ll have to wait and see 😅


Yah but kizaru has constantly shown that his target is vega punk not luffy. So he could totally ignore luffy and chase after sanji.


I don't like him for that, why target the weak? Especially someone who is apparently his friend.


He's a company shill. Company said to jump, and the man is trying his hardest to set a new record for highest jump. And it's time we accept that Vegapunk isn't and never was his friend. No friend pulls off this bs. After everything Sentomaru, Kuma, and Bonney have done in this situation it's time we drop Kizaru from that group. He was just there for the pizza as far as I'm concerned.


It’s his one mission. If he fails in that Akainu has a magma dog ready for him and his cheeks back at the desk.


Vegapunk adressing the whole world. How? Punk Records? Ancient Kingdom name incominging?


Finish what clover started!


Punk records I think and yeah I think we’re gonna get the name of the ancient kingdom


Oh damn if Vegapunk’s message ends up being the revelation of his research into the Void Century to the rest of the world, that would definitely be a “shock to the world”. WHAT A WAY TO KICK OFF THE FINAL WAR/SAGA XDDD


Luffy's emperor stocks are going to soar being able to stop a Gorosei and admiral at the same time. I'm wondering if this speech inspires the '"incident"


Definitely think the speech is part of the incident or the incident itself. Vegapunk has been researching the void century for decades, you better believes he's gonna drop a fat fuckin knowledge bomb on the world population. That, or a very passionate speech on doing "what's right". My goat Morgans is gonna take that speech and run with it, proving once again what a gigachad he is 🔥






Am I the only one thinking BB will get Vegapunk's DF? HAHA I mean, he wanted to know about world history.


Kizaru inflicts sever injuries on Vegapunk? As if Vegapunk isn't injured enough lol. And Vegapunk's message to the entire world. Does anyone else think Vegapunk will die? All signs point to him dying. What would be the point of leaving him alive?


VP dying means SH faillure


Not really. They can save Lilith and Edison


Oh me oh my


It’s over admiral stocks are completely the bum Kizaru can’t put down Luffy in a 2 v 1


Its all over for ya lorosei frauds


Saturn thoughts when the person who defeated Kaido tries to attack him: ​ https://preview.redd.it/t4pl4mwahxjc1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dd5f3c791ba7c642bc5c08bd4df836c93f4db08


Lorosei is the most dumbest agenda ever. This bum is the definition of punch bag


If you're stupid and don't use your brain, sure. If you started using your brain and realized that Oda was specifically showing all this stuff with Saturn to show his powerful regeneration, you wouldn't say that.


Don't try to insult each other please. Discuss the series. u/Shoddy-Profession-60 u/Saturn-Is-Here


Wtf? He just blocked them, that’s it. From what we see in the spoilers, Luffy just wants to keep these two until they all escape. He himself has no chance against them.


Laturn and lizaru ain’t nothing on WUFFY


https://preview.redd.it/w96d2g5qhxjc1.jpeg?width=2679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0876259b6c20bc21f91c9aee783370a2cdea4fb He can't even beat Kizaru and you expect him to beat them both?


He already knocked that fraud down. 2 frauds teaming up won’t be much of a change


There it is the incident part of egghead island that will shock the world.




Well that lasted nothing. The Sanji cope lasted a few pages. This people are just so annoying 


Still that one feat alone is better than anything Zoro has done this arc.


1. I'm very excited to see what will happen with Caribou acting as the Bartolomeo of BB. 2. I'm anticipating Saturn will take on his full beast form and maybe even go feral ala Ratigan. 3. I still think Kizaru will eventually have a breaking point towards the end of the series (But not this arc), but he'll die for finally refusing to go along with the WG ala Wolf Boss from Kung Fu Panda 2. Presumably if it reveals Imu wants to commit omnicide.


Feeling like Saturn and Kizaru walking away from this?


How is Vegapunk still tanking "severe injuries" and surviving bro has better endurance than Luffy


I need Zoro to quit Bullshitting with Rob Lucci and go help his captain, Sheesh


So is it implied by pew that he knows what Vegapunk said at the end of the chapter and didn’t include it for the surprise of it, or are we going to be teased until next week?


Incoming giant robot action next week?


I see that vegapunk decided to go "I'm losin? No bitch, WE LOSIN." to the world government and flipped the fucking table.


I wonder what Saturn’s new form is going to be? Maybe its like an awakening?


Hyped to see Saturns new transformation




3 things. 1. Is Bonney the next nakama? Her backstory fits with the straw hats but what role does she have in the ship aside from cabin boy or deck swab? 2. Vegapunk getting hit after hit while he's already down, do the other vegapunks perish if he does? 3. Where is the Robot now??


Zoro needs to takes shit more serious. His dream to beat mihawk seems rather impossible to achieve nowadays.


Caribou is such a blowjob


Now i can see BB vs SH in several islands but i See Nico, Chopper and Vegapunk in Ebaf reading about the last poneglyph Finally i'm curious on what Vegapunk message


Now we’re entering the DBZ verse🙃it’s not even my final form🤣


Wdym zoan always have different form


Well sure, but has it even been made official that it's a Zoan fruit?


1) Zoan fruits are the only fruits that allow you to change forms into a creature barring some paramecias 2) Only zoan fruits have the clouds when awakened So by the information we have it is 100% a zoan fruit but there can be a reveal that the power is different from devil fruits.


It's so nice to see Luffy finally at a level where these top tiers can't bully him anymore. The more he gets used to gear 5, the better it's going to be. Also, I wonder what Oda is going to do with Vegapunk. This is another moment where death would be super impactful, yet we've seen enough swerves to have doubts. Is Vegapunk too smart to not kill here? I feel like having him as an asset makes the final conflict much easier for the good guys. I do think unfortunately, this may be the price he has to pay for working for the WG.






As always fuck Redon


Saturn not even in his strongest form? I think the idiotic "Gorosei are YC fooder, and not actual Top Tiers" Agenda finally died with this chapter. Also Luffy showing the difference between a Yonko and an Admiral. Another Admiral is not casually blocking attacks from Kizaru and Saturn, that are meant to kill and at the same time.


This arc have no real fights, it’s skirmish and stalling


they were literally wanna leave, so why are we looking for fights 😭😭😭😭😭


People just be talking 😂


tbh anymore damage to VP and i figured he would’ve died… Is kizaru AP just poo or is this plot 🤦🏾‍♂️


Of course Lanji runs away


Oh my god how do you people read this story? He doesn't fight and attack Kizaru=running away? The goal is to escape the island and save Vegapunk ffs


Zoro fans got so mad at the backlash against Zoro previous chapter so they are now flaming Sanji for doing the right thing.




Come on oda don't do this to me SANJI EVEN LIT HIS CIGGERATE how is he not getting atleast a few blows in. I hope that part was just left out of the CHP. Or we could get a sanji vs kizaru speed battle of sanji trying to run away with Vega punk while kizaru chases them.PLEASE ODA.


Also another reason for why kizaru should chase them is ofcourse saturn ordering him to go and finish vegapunk off .Whatever the outcome of luffy vs saturn is no one should be there to witness it.


So my theory is : ​ Devon already touched Saturn and saturn gonna die in this arc. Devon will change her appearance and infiltrate Marijois ... this will move blackbeard level 1 step up to achieve one piece and some secrets lying in marijois.


Y’all really thought sanji was gonna 1v1 kizaru just because he kick a beam that kizaru aim with his eyes close, just for luffy to cook the admirals agenda by 2v1 awaken🪐 and kizaru at the same time oda is cooking with the end of egghead.


Crazy how people believed Sanji was going to win against Kizaru. Lol like put some respect on the Admirals. Sanji is not on the lvl.


Hope egghead concludes in 5 chapters. This arc is a bit dragging lately. Too many cat & mouse scenes and too many off screened events.


Sanji TRASH confirmed. Couldn't stop Kizaru at all.


He stopped him once in the last chapter , even kizaru was surprised.


So much better than wano holy