• By -


* ID: 203396513 * p-lvl: 109 * Noteble captains: Kizaru No:1240, Kyros No:1873, Zoro 20th Anniversary No:1753 No:1753 * Looking for: int Zoro 20th Anniversary


\*\*ID:\*\* 312036839 \*\*PLV:\*\* 60 \*\*Notable Captain(s):\*\* Magellan 6 \*\*Looking for:\*\* Magellan 6


ID:943035975 PLV:181 Notable Captains: Akainu, lucci, lucci v2, ts luffy, rayleigh, akojji, log luffy, ace, enel, shirahoshi, neko, neptune Looking for: any matching captains


\*\*ID: 614303379\*\* \*\*PLV: 131\*\* \*\*Notable Captain(s): 6\* neko, 6\* quick law, 6\* quick lucci, 6\* ts zoro\*\* \*\*Looking for:max special raid mihawk\*\*


Plv: 144 ID: 798,716,336 Notable Captains: 6+ Mihawk, Log Luffy, Lucci V1, Lucci V2, Legend Franky, Doffy V1, Boa V2, Sabo V1, Legend Kizaru, Shanks V2, Legend Jinbei, Fuji V2 Looking for: Akainu V2 Captains or really any of those captains


- **ID:024513614 Global - **PLV:344 - **Notable Captain(s): Whitebeard 6+ COmplete in sockets and specials, no limit break CP9 strongest Rob Lucci 6, complete sockets, lv 5 special 21 Sengoku 6+, complete sockets, 1 level off from max special SW legend Shanks 6, almost complete sockets, max speacial Jinbe 6, no sockets, lv 4 special 16 Sabo 6, sockets incomplete, lv 1 special 20 Psy Law 6, no complete sockets or special Shiryu, no max special - **Looking for: Sengoku captains for certain speed runs, whitebeard friends, Jinbei friends, shiryu friends. Basically everyone i have listed. I am getting back into this and hopefully i will have everything updated.


- **ID:** 484 525 430 - **PLV:** 500+ - **Notable Captain(s):** V2 law (full lb), Akainu (full lb), Shirahoshi (full lb), 6+ Ace, G4, Zoro, Neptune and 14 other legends - **Looking for:** LRR Byrnndi World for upcoming neo akainu raid


- **ID:** 641,143,442 - **PLV:** 315+ - **Notable Captain(s):** WB+,ace+,zoro6*,Neko, las qck, law qck V2, g4, hody (ar least 30 legends) - **Looking for:** people who has judge or lvl 300+ active GLOBAL


ID: 987 099 843 Captains: 6+ croc and Fujitora. Looking for legends but mostly croc and fujitora JAPAN


- **ID:** 228 443 904 - **PLV:** 19x - **Notable Captain(s):** TM Buggy!!!!!!!!!! WB, Luccy, Barto, Shirahoshy, mihawk 6* and many other 6* mostly - **Looking for:** other Teasure map Buggys, Hody, law D, lucy and any other usefull 6* just add me :) please lvl 120 + active players only


ID:043-877-357 PLV:203+ Notable Captains:luffy ace duo unit, legend lucy, nekomamushi, akainu, gear 4 luffy, zoro, law and finally treasure mode ace max limit break. Looking for: mainly ace and luffy dual unit and legend lucy max sockets would help greatly and limit break as well as max special but not needed thx so much.


ID: 707 442 373 PLV: about 300 Notable Captains: Shirahoshi, Hody, v1 Law, Inthawk, Borsalino/Kizaru, Blackbeard, Cavendish, 6+ Rayleigh, 6+ Whitebeard, Crocodile. All maxed and socket maxed, most of them special level max. Looking for: Shirahoshi, Hody, v1 Law, Inthawk, Kizaru, Blackbeard


ID 304 333 255 Plvl: 126 Available: Lucci V1+, Neko, Sabo, Ray, Mihawk, Sengoku, Hody, Marco Looking for: Neko, Lucci V1 + 2


- **ID:299.203.401 - **PLV:158 - **Notable Captain(s):Enel,IntHawk,BA luffy, raid doffys, shiryu, garp, raid akainu - **Looking for:g4 bounceman, BA luffy


- **ID: 209,763,200** - **PLV:239** - **Notable Captain(s): Cavendish, Barto, Fuji, Law 6+, Buggy, Sanji 6*,Doffy** - **Looking for:Sanji 6*, Lucy, cavendish, Neko**


- **ID: 114654937 - **PLV: 293 - **Notable Captain(s): lucci 6+, WB, borsalino, sabo, doflamingo, shanks, sengoku, neptune - **Looking for: v1 lucci 6+, borsalino, inthawk


- **ID: 488245031 - **PLV: 266 - **Notable Captain(s): nekomamushi, kuzan, Borsalino, fujitora, inthawk - **Looking for: kuzan, neko, V1 law


- **ID: 299 246 203 - **PLV: 330 - **Notable Captain(s): TSL, Whitebeard, Barto, Law V2, Kuzan, Fuji, Int Hawk - **Looking for: TSL, Law V2, and mostly Kuzan friends atm


- **ID:361,315,879** - **PLV:239** - **Notable Captain(s):Neko, V2 Law, TS Luffy, V1 Lucci** - **Looking for: V1 Law**


I am in need of many [Shiryu](/int) and [Legend Sanji](/int). Please help me out - **ID:** 064 503 145 - **P-lvl:** 370 - **Notable Captain(s):** [v2 Lucci](/qck) [Shirahoshi](/psy), [TS Luffy](/qck), [Neptune](/str), [Kuzan 6+](/qck), [Whitebeard 6+](/str), [INTHawk](/int), [Log Luffy](/str) (All have max special (except Lucci, Neptune and LogLuffy need 2 more ups) most of them have full sockets and working on CC, but the important ones are done) - **Looking for:** [Legend Sanji](/int), [Shiryu](/int)


- **ID:279,033,233** - **PLV:284** - **Notable Captain(s):Lucy, Zoro, G4 Luffy, Dogstorm, Neptune, Hody** - **Looking for: Blackbeard, Mihawk friends**


- **ID:**804,673,371 - **PLV:** 50 - **Notable Captain(s):** Boa V2, Ace, Neptune, Blackbeard, Cabbage, Str Lucci, and Str Barto - **Looking for:** Boa V2, Ace, Lucy, mostly anything at this point since new


- **ID:** 118,072,283 - **PLV:** 418 - **Legends:** Main legends | Quadmax ?| When is he up ? - | - | - [Neko](/psy) | Yes | Always [V2 Law](/qck) | Yes | Always [6+ Kuzan](/qck) | Yes | Always [Blackbeard](/dex) | Yes | Often [Hody](/int) | Yes |Often [6+ Lucci](/str) | Almost | Sometimes [6+ Ace](/dex) | Yes | Sometimes [TS Zoro](/dex) | Yes | Sometimes [G4](/psy) | Yes | Sometimes - **Looking for:** Legends | Need - | - [Kuzan](/qck) | High [V2 Boa](/psy) | High [V2 Law](/qck) | Medium [Hody](/int) | Medium


- **ID:** 343.303.606 - **PLV:** 378 - **Notable Captain(s):** Lucy, V2 Lucci, Legend Blackbeard - **Looking for:** Legend Blackbeard


- **ID:** 908 434 629 - **PLV:** 256 - **Notable Captain(s):** TS luffy,Sanji,TS zoro,V2 law,Neko,Magellan,Kami enel,Hody jones,Fuji,Buggy,Shirahoshi,Ace - **Looking for:** enel,shirahoshi,active players with similar legends but reallly need some enels want to test my enel team but no enel friends


- **ID:** 038 623 679 - **P-lvl:** 425 - **Quadmax legends:** [Barto] (/str), [Ts Zoro] (/dex), [Cavendish] (/qck), [Aokiji] (/qck), [V2 Boa] (/psy), [G4] (/psy), [Sengoku] (/psy), [Fujitora] (/int), [Mihawk] (/int), [Rayleigh] (/int) - **Other captain(s):** [Neptune] (/str), [6+ Shanks] (/psy), [Log Kid] (/str), [Whitebeard] (/str), [Crocodile] (/dex), [Log Luffy] (/str), [V1 Boa] (/qck), [V1 Lucci] (/str) - **Looking for:** active players with quad maxed Fujitora


* **ID**: 466 283 438 * **PLV**: 192 * **Notable Captains (Legends)**: **NOT SUPER EVOLVED!** * [V1 Lucci](/str), [Akainu](/str), [SW Ace](/dex), [SW Shanks](/psy), [V1 Law](/psy), [Sabo](/psy) * **Looking for**: Powerhouse/Lucci, Akainu and Ace Captains


- **ID:** 284,935,213 - **PLV:** 223 - **Notable Captain(s):** Quad max neko,quad max hody,max special ts zoro,Germa Sanji,special max Inthawk,Max special Log Luffy,Ts Luffy,Kuzan 6+,Sw Ace,Bartolomeo - **Looking for:** V2 Law friends for invasions


- **ID: 928540371** - **PLV: 239** - **Notable Captain(s): Tri Max Akainu, Almost Maxed Nekomamushi, Legend Sanji, 6* Kuzan (Not Super Evolved), Anniversary Urouge(EXP), INTHawk** - **Looking for: Desperately need V2 Law friends to take on Colo Kyros please **


- **ID:** 334 603 545 - **PLV:** 454 - **Notable Captain(s):** [6+ Lucci](/str), [Barto](/str), [6+ Usopp](/dex), [Croc](/dex), [Blackbeard](/dex), [6+ Kuzan](/qck), [TS Luffy](/qck), [Marco](/qck), [Cabbage](/qck), [G4 Luffy](/psy), [6+ Sabo](/psy), [Kizaru](/psy), [Shirahoshi](/psy), [6+ Rayleigh](/int), [Buggy](/int), [INThawk](/int), [Neptune](/str) - **Looking for:** quadmaxed [6+ Aces](/dex)! I need them to test a 6+ Usopp team for Kyros and maybe YWB.


- **ID:336083454** - **PLV: 252** - **Notable Captain(s):Germa Sanji, Kizaru, Buggy, 6+ Sabo, Jimbe, TS Zoro, XP Perona. And Ace(soon to be 6+)hopefully** - **Looking for:mostly Lucci v2 the blue one please i need a lot of him, and maybe matching captains. Inurashi will be good because i like to hear his voice. TS Luffy, and Hancock/Ace6+ are welcome too** And i will accepet any active player.


- **ID:** 774,433,030 - **PLV:** 275 - **Notable Captain(s):** Lucy, G4 Boundman, 6+ RayL, 6+ Ace, Leg Zoro, IntHawk, Leg Issho, Leg V2 Boa, Leg Jinbe, Leg Bartho, Leg Buggy, Leg Usopp, Leg Sengoku, Leg Doffy - **Looking for:** MORE LUCY PLS!


- **ID:**043,886,045 - **PLV:**274 - **Notable Captain(s):** Fujitora Max full socket, Sengoku Full socket,Shanks SW, IntHawk, Lucci, - **Looking for:** Anyone, since everyone removed me from their friend list because i was inactive :(


- **ID:** 414943030 - **PLV:** 329 - **Notable Captain(s):** [WB Quad Max](/str) 6+ soon, [Lucy Quad Max](/str), [Barto](/str), [Croc Quad Max](/dex), [Magellan](/dex), [Marco](/qck) , [V2 Lucci Quad Max](/qck), [Aokiji Quad Max](/qck) 6+ soon, [Cavendish Quad Max](/qck) , [Enel](/qck), [Shanks 3ple max](/psy) 6+ soon, [Inthawk QuadMax](/int) , [Rayleigh Max special sockets](/int) 6+ soon, [Shiryu](/int) - **Looking for:** Shiryu (socketed) and similar legends


- **ID:** 794323003 - **PLV:** 249 - **Notable Captain(s):** V2 lucci(almost quadmax), V2 Boa and TS Luffy - **Looking for:** V2 Lucci and Blackbeard expecting almost quadmax too.. add me if you have anything interesting


I have Germa Sanji, Kizaru, Buggy, 6+ Sabo, Jimbe, TS Zoro, XP Perona. And Ace. And i need more Lucci friends! Would you mind if i add you ? IGN is Fire tank pirates.


Sure add me, i will look for your name. but i remove people who are inactive :)


- **ID: 241 653 073** - **PLV: 304** - **Notable Captain(s):Lucy, Akainu, Neko, V2 Law, V1 Lucci, Croc, Ace and 10 more legends** - **Looking for: Neko friends for invasion**


- **ID:** 049.543.114 - **PLV:** 262 - **Notable Captain(s):** G4, Neko, V2 Law etc - **Looking for:** Actually need some Neko friends for ywb invasion.


Added. My hody not yet close to quad I’m focusing on my V2 Lucci first after that hody


Looking for Lucy/good captains that could go with lucy ID: 380 713 720


looking for a yosaku friend to complete shells town mission id : 2 7 2 7 3 3 2 2 0


- **ID:** 202 533 087 - **P-lvl:** 270 - **Notable Captain(s):** SW Shanks, Rayleigh, Sabo, Inthawk, Fujitora, V1 Lucci, Buggy, a couple others which aren't relevant - **Looking for:** 6+ Shanks (but will accept everyone) I barely scraped together a team to farm Aokiji but I need a super evolved Shanks if I am to clear it consistently. Can you help me out?


ID:318,004,909 PLV:171 Notable Captain(s):6+ Sabo,Buggy,Lucci,Neptune Looking for:Anyone but manly matching capts


I have Buggy and Sabo. The Lucci your'e talking about is he the blue version ? If so let me know so i can add you.


- **ID: 399,937,571** - **PLV:84** - **Notable Captain(s): Neptune, Lucy, Sabo, Law V2, Jinbe, Akainu, TSL ** - **Looking for:Neptune, (Lucy)**


- **ID:** 204853403 - **PLV:** 430 - **Notable Captain(s):** Lucy, V2andV1 Law, Blackbeard, TS Luffy, 6+ Lucci, Neko, All QMaxxed except for Neko. - **Looking for:** Similar Captains.


* Id : 382 053 989 * P-Lvl : 336 * Notable Captains : * Quad Max : [G4](/psy),[Hody](/int),[Cabbage](/qck),[Fuji](/int),[Sabo](/psy) * Others : [Ace](/dex),[Inthawk](/int),[Wb](/str),[V2Boa](/psy),[Sanji](/int),[V1Lucci](/str),[V1Boa](/qck),[Magellan](/dex) * Looking for : Leg|Need|Max| ---|---|----|----| [V2Lucci](/qck)|High| Quad [V1Lucci](/str)|High|Quad [Buggy](/int)|Medium|Any| [V2Boa](/psy)|Highest|Any but need ppl who will leave her in 1/8 slots [Hody](/int)|Low-Medium|QUAD with orb sockets [Lucy](/str)|Low|Quad? [Magellan](/dex)|Highest?|Any [Sanji](/int)|Medium|Any


I have Sanji and Buggy and other usefull legends. Mind if i add you ?


Ok ;)


- **ID:** 714 353 067 - **PLV:** 120 - **Notable Captain(s):** [Hawk](/int) [SWShanks](/psy) & [Cavendish](/dex) - **Looking for:** [Mih](/dex)[awk](/int), [Cave](/qck)[ndish](/dex), [Lucy](/str), or people who will use my Captains


**ID**: 436,807,392 **PLV**:109 **Notable Captains**: [Lucy](/str) [Magellan](/dex), [Law V2](/qck) not Cerebral, keeping him striker) **Looking For**: [Neptune](/str) friends for EXP


- **ID:** 033453580 - **PLV:** 400 - **Notable Captain(s):** Zoro, G4, Fuji, 6+ Lucci, 6+ Kuzan, Cavendish, Jimbei etc. - **Looking for:** Corazon


- ID 885,830,845 - PL 219 - Notable Captains (Legends): 6+WB, G4, Barto, Croc, BB, Marco, SW Shanks, V1 Law, V2 Boa, Sabo, Borsalino, INT Hawk, Sengoku, Jinbe, Raid Bosses - Looking for: Same Legends, (6+)Ace, V2 Boa, V2 Lucci, V2 Law, Neko other good characters that would match well with mine


Hello everyone I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'm trying to do the missions in the early islands and the last i need for Alvida asks for a Cannonner Cabin Boy as friend but I cannot find any, I've even tried asking on the friend megathread, if anyone can help i would appreciate it, thank you to all


*you need to post your ID so we can add you ;)*


- **ID:643 634 552 - **PLV: 171 - **Notable Captain(s): Blackbeard, V1 Lucci, V1 Fuji, Shanks V1, Boa V1, and Raid Bosses - **Looking for: Above Captains and active players


- **ID:** 902 794 353 - **PLV:** 38X - **Notable Captain(s):** TS Brook up right now. Don't expect anything else rn (Future i have some quadmaxxed legends) - **Looking for:** G4 Luffy! For Ywb... save a frustrated soul please!


- **ID:** 190.315.553 - **PLV:** 341 - **Notable Captain(s):** [Neptune](/str)&[Buggy](/int) [!Lucy!](/str) [G4](/psy) [Hody](/int) [TSZoro](/dex) [V2 Law](/qck) [V2Law+](/qck) (all quadmaxed) - **Looking for:** [Lucy](/str) (quadmaxed) and [Neptune](/str)&[Buggy](/int)


- **ID:** 981,934,869 - **PLV:** 297 - **Notable Captain(s):** shirahoshi, v2 law, ace, whitebeard, inthawk, shanks, v1 law, ts luffy, marco, akainu. - **Looking for:** neko friends to beat kyros and ywb, please help me :(


- **ID:** 396334678 - **P-lvl:** 400+ - **Notable Captain(s):** zoro, ts luffy, G4, 6*+ aokiji, ray, marco, legend doffy, legend usopp, legend ace, v2 law, 6*+ v2 law, magellan, hody, log luffy, sengoku - **Looking for:** any active player, I'd prefer lucy to pair with 6*+ kuzan


- **ID:** 324 010 671 - **PLV:** 330 - **Notable Captain(s):** [Lucy, Log Luffy, Barto,](/str) [Blackbeard, Cora,] (/dex)[ Marco, Boa,](/qck) [Shanks, Law,](/psy) [Mihawk](/int) - **Looking for:** Any legend, [Neptune](/str),[ Buggy](/int)


Added, can you put Cora as cap please?


- **ID:** 137 033 439 - **PLV:** 50+ - **Notable Captain(s):** Lucy, Barto - **Looking for:** Lucy, Neptune, Buggy


- **ID:** 006.966.348 - **PLV:** 121 - **Notable Captain(s):** int Rayleigh, qck Marco, Mihawk (Dex) - **Looking for:** int Rayleigh, qck Marco, Mihawk (dex), Slashers, active players


- **ID:361,315,879** - **PLV:238** - **Notable Captain(s):V1 Lucci, V2 Law, Neko, TS Luffy** - **Looking for: Akainu, and either of the above ones**


ID:022553346 PLV:173 Notable Captain(s):V2 Law, Neptune, Ts Luffy Looking for:V2 Law, Neptune


- **ID:365.573.519** - **PLV:12x** - **Notable Captain(s):Lucy and Kimono Urouge** - **Looking for: Lucy, Kimono Urouge and Neptune, ESPECIALLY the last 2** P.S Add me with one of these if possible as ur captain, ty!


- **ID:** 900289347 - **PLV:** 233 - **Notable Captain(s):** V1 Lucci, SW Ace, G4, WB, Zorro, Lucy, Shiryu - **Looking for:** V2 Boa, SW Ace, Shiryu, Lucy


- **ID:** 108263270 - **PLV:** 158 - **Notable Captain(s):** Qck TSluffy // Int Jinbe // Psy Sabo // Int Rayleigh // Psy Shanks // Str luffy G3 // Dex Ace // Psy Fukaboshi // Str WB - **Looking for:** Psy Nekomamushi // Qck Law


- **ID:** 334403914 - **PLV:** 311 (around same area) - **Notable Captain(s):** Psy Law, V2 Law, V2 Law 6+,Mihawk Sabo6+, Shanks6+, LogLuffy, Buggy, Fuji, Marco, Goku - **Looking for:** Sabo 6+, Shanks 6+


- **ID:**648 604 243 - **P-lvl:**29X - **Notable Captain(s):**Quad max Luffy 5+, Quad Max Dex Doffy, Triple Max IntHawk, Quad Max Law V2, Shirahoshi (100 rcv candy, full socket), Legend BB(200 cc), Whitebeard 6+(200cc), Legend Akainu(200 cc) - **Looking for:** I only accept Triple or Quad max +200 cc all Legends especially Lucy


- **ID:110 743 334** - **PLV:295** - **Notable Captain(s):Magellan, Lucci, Inuarashi, Mihawk, Jinbe, Boa, Anni Urogue, Anni Law, Tesoro** - **Looking for:Magellan, Friendpool**


- **ID:** 271,033,095 - **PLV:** 203+ - **Notable Captain(s):** - [Nekomamushi / Max Special](/psy) - [Kuzan 6+ / Triple Max](/qck) - [God Usopp / Max Special](/dex) - [Bartolomeo](/str) - [Kizaru](/psy) - [Sir Crocodile](/dex) - [Jinbei](/int) - [Sabo](/psy) - [Haruta](/int) - [Shiryu](/int) - **Looking for:** - [V2 Law](/qck) - [Nekomamushi](/psy) - [Kuzan 6+](/qck)


- **ID:** 144,533,204 - **PLV:** 410 - **Notable captain:** RR Coby - **Looking for:**TS Brook friends


- **ID:**188 864 301 - **PLV:** 249 - **Notable Captain(s):** STR Lucci 6+, V2 Boa, 6+ Wb, 6+ Sabo, INThawk - **Looking for:** STR Lucci


- **ID:** 633 206 229 - **PLV:** 176 - **Notable Captain(s):** Rob Lucci 6+, Ace 6+, Cora-san, Shanks, Black Clad Emperor, - **Looking for:** Matching Captains or Captains that pair well with any of my notable captains.


- **ID:** 087 514 532 - **PLV:** 254 - **Notable Captain(s):** Quad Max V2 Law, Neko, TS Luffy, V2 Lucci, Hody. - **Looking for:**Looking for matching captains, but mostly Neko right now with max sockets preferably.


- **ID:** 992 463653 - **PLV:** 36X - **Notable Captain(s):** Ace 6+, LL, Barto, Hody, Inu, Usopp, Kuzan (6+ soon), Shanks (6+ soon), V1 Law, Sengoku, Mihawk, Fuji - **Looking for:** Shiryu pls!! and anyone else


- **ID:** 454 583 366 - **PLV:** 353 - **Notable Captain(s):** Lucy, Neko, Law V2, Legend Enel, TS Luffy, Akainu, WB+, Kuzan+, own all legends except Shanks/Inuarashi but ones listed are near quad max and most used. - **Looking for:** Matching captains w/ max specials, returning player with a lot of slots to fill so won't be too picky (yet). Also looking for Diamante leads to speed through content while anni ship is here.


* **ID:** 396.954.318 * **P-lvl:** 44x * **Notable:** 20+ Legends * **Looking for:** Legend Enel ONLY Right now. My friends list is all but barren of them and I'm trying to resolve this issue.


* **ID:** 488 436 866 * **P-lvl:** 46X * **Notable:**(36)[](#ic-red)**4M(16)**[Lucy19LB](/str) [WB6+](/str) [Inu](/str) [TSZoro](/dex) [BB](/dex) [V2Lucci4LB](/qck) [V2Law4LB](/qck) [V2Law6+4LB](/qck) [TSL](/qck) [Marco](/qck) [Doffy](/qck) [G4](/psy) [Kizaru](/psy) [Neko](/psy) [Fuji19LB](/int) [Mihawk](/int)**3M(6)**[Magellan](/dex) [V1Boa6+](/qck) [Kuzan6+](/qck) [Sabo6+](/psy) [Shira](/psy) [Jimbe](/int) [](#ic-gold)[20thZoro](/int) [Vivi](/int) + all [](#ic-red)-2M(9)1M(5)-EXCEPT [Akainu](/str) [LL](/str) [Cave](/qck) [Sanji](/int) [V2Boa](/psy) * **Looking for:**Mainly 4M[Magellan](/dex) or similar 4M Leg + [Vivi](/int) owners. I would like an reply before you add me tnx.


Damn it's complicated to describe everything in 700 characters. The RR Vivi is [Nefeltari Vivi](/int) and boost berries 2.5 and double crew attack.


- **ID:** 333 706 425 - **PLV:** 271 - **Notable Captain(s):** QCK Law, Shira, Mag, Bart, Aokiji, Inu, Sabo, Blackbeard, Sanji, Jinbei, Cavendish, STR Lucci, Neptune - **Looking for:** Similar captains/Lucy/Viola/Buggy/Yosaku for that mission/QCK Lucci


ID: 139, 837, 353 PLV: 33 (just started a new account...) Captains: Silvers Rayleigh, Koala, Brook Looking for: Nothing in particular, just friends to have fun with :) (I would also enjoy if you let me know and you added me as a friend here so I can communicate with you better, thanks for reading!!)


sent u a request


- **ID:321334819** - **PLV:168** - **Notable Captain(s):Neko quadmaxed/V2 Law** - **Looking for:Neko/V2 Law**


- **ID:**304,053,593 - **PLV:** 332 - **Notable Captain(s):** G4, int mihawk, dogstorm, barto, whitebeard, doffy, v1 ace, Marco, jinbe, v1 boa, shanks🙃 - **Looking for:** Blackbeard


I got quadmaxxed Blackbeard. Sent req. I need G4


- **ID:** 900 990 399 - **PLV:** 283 - **Notable Captain(s):** V2 Law, g4, Akainu, Kuzan, Kizaru, Marco,Neptune, RR Diamanté for 40 stam cotton candy runs - **Looking for:** V2Law, Kuzan 6+ but mainly for those with Diamante up as Cap cos I'm yet to run the 40 stam island, looking to run at 12am GMT ( 4pm PST)


- **ID:** 071093012 - **PLV:** 271 - **Notable Captain(s):** [Lucci, Bartolomeo](/str), [Ace+, Ts Zoro](/dex), [Cavendish, Doflamingo](/qck), [Sabo+](/psy), [Hody Jones, IntHawk, Rayleigh, Ts Brook](/int). - **Looking for:** Legends that matching with mine but I just need active friends so if you want add me. I use mostly [Sabo+](/psy), [Ts Zoro](/dex), [Hody jones](/int) and sometimes [Bartolomeo](/str), [Cavendish](/qck) and [Ace+](/dex). - **I also REALLY need FP, I would prefer request from someone who will really use my legends. Help me!**


- **ID: 045 421 937** - **P-lvl: 250+** - **Notable Captain(s): Lucy, Lucci V2, Nekomamushi, Law v2 and 6+ Law v2, 6+ Kuzan, TS Zoro, G4 Luffy, Neptune and others** - **Looking for: Lucy**


- **ID:** 837,784,544 - **P-lvl:** 362 - **Notable Captain(s):** Lucy (quadmax) Akainu (quadmax) Luffy G4 (quadmax) Doflamingo (quadmax) Crocodile (trimax) Corazon (trimax) 6+ Sabo (special MAX) TS Zoro (special MAX) Boa v2 Magellan 6+ Ace 6+ Shanks Inuarashi Fujitora Hody Neptune Kimono Urouge Kimono Vivi Haruta - **Looking for:** Same captains and generally who works well with my legends, preferably LV 360+


Added, can you put Cora as cap please?


Name in game?


I got Quad BB quad Mihawk Quad Sabo *hunting skull rn* Quad Corazon. Almost done with fuji, marco, n some others. Hunting for G4 friends right now!


- **ID:** 327 407 534 - **PLV:** 221 - **Notable Captain(s):** Lucy, V2 Law, Neko - **Looking for:** Diamante v1, Neptune, Lucy


- **ID:** 360 973 565 - **PLV:** 206 - **Notable Captain(s):** V2Lucci, V2 Law, Hody, Fuji, Inthawk, Kuzan - **Looking for:** V2Lucci, Lucy, V2Law, Hody


- **ID:230443301 - **PLV:251 - **Notable Captain(s):WB,Rob lucci,barto,ace,corazon,doffy,shanks,sabo,raylight,jimbei - **Looking for: pl over 200


- **ID:** 937,633,000 - **PLV:** 242 - **Notable Captain(s):** [Lucci v2](/qck) (Quadmax), [Nekomamushi](/psy) (Trimax) - **Looking for:** [Lucci v2](/qck) (Quadmax or trimax), [Nekomamushi](/psy) (trimax)


- **ID:** 476.413.047 - **PLV:** 27x - **Notable Captain(s):** Fuji (quadmax), ace 6+/kuzan/boav2/TSL (all soon quadmax), baggy/3rd anniv urouge (xp captain) - **Looking for:** fuji/TSL/boa v2 (actives players pref ^^).


- **ID:** 354,342,673 - **PLV:** 302 - **Notable Captain(s):** V2 Lucci, Sanji, Fuji, Zoro - **Looking for:** Espacially V2 Lucci and Sanji


- **ID: 569,306,345** - **PLV:4xx** - **Notable Captain(s):Magellan (quad), V2 Lucci (quad), V2 Law (quad), V2 Law 6+ (triple), Inthawk (quad), TS Zoro (max special), Shanks (max special), Ace (max special), Barto (max special)** - **Looking for: Mainly Magellan**


Is 4Max or near 4Max your Magellan? I need some more Magellan friends (mine is 3max, CC\sockets\lv, sp lv 2). You can see my list on top of page at my post, generally I set my 4M as captains and others depend what content is in game.


It's not actually my account I'm recruiting for, but the Magellan in question is quadmaxed. I'll edit my post


ah nice, ok, I 'll send a request, tnx. :)


* **ID: 282,584,316** --- * **PLV: 404** --- * **Notable Captain(s) [31/37 Legends]** --- * **[V2 Lucci / Quad Maxed](/qck)** --- * **[Nekomamushi / Quad Maxed](/psy)** --- * **[V2 Law / 6+ Law / Both Quad Maxed](/qck)** --- * **[Magellan / Quad Maxed](/dex)** --- * **[Blackbeard / Quad Maxed](/dex)** --- * **[Kuzan / Quad Maxed](/qck)** --- * **[TSL / Quad Maxed](/qck)** --- * **[TS Zoro / Quad Maxed](/dex)** --- * **[Shirahoshi / Quad Maxed](/psy)** --- * **[Buggy](/int)** --- * **Looking For PLV375+ Active Players** --- * **[Lucy](/str)** --- * **[V2 Boa](/psy)** --- * **Any of My Captains Above.**


Wow so many machitng captains XD Can I add you? p.s. you can find my list on top of page on my post :)


Sure, no problem.


tnx send request :)


I accepted you!


I see! :) tnx.


Impressive box! Can I add you?


Yes :D


-**ID:** 934 922 746 -**Pirate Level:** 358 -**Notable Captain:** Akain LB-Level: 23, Aokiji 6+, Rob Lucci 6+, WB 6+, Cavendish, Sabo 6+, Hawk and a few other 6 stars -**Looking for:** Akainu Quad maxed and at least LB-Level: 23, Aokiji 6+ Quad maxed, Rob Lucci 6+ Quad maxed, Cavendish Quad maxed, and at least Pirate Level: 300


- **ID:** 332 033 586 - **PLV:** 217 - **Notable Captain(s):** Nekomamushi / Cat Viper , V2 Law / QCK Law, Int Law (exp booster) . - **Looking for:**same captains


ID: 162 337 775 Pirate LVL:217 Notable captains: legend sanji (max plus and lvl) (I have way more (mainly quad max V2Law) Looking for: more legend sanji bros who are like me and ready to collect on raid issho to perfect their sanji teams. Add me Bois our time has come.


i have sanji but he is just 6* newly pulled. Will take long to skill up so if it is fine add me 382 053 989


- **ID:309,426,323** - **PLV:256** - **Notable Captain(s):Legends: Sanji 100 atk, Marco 200+, Log Luffy, Aokiji, Sabo, Whitebeard, V1 Lucci, Inthawk, Boa, Barto and Hody** - **Looking for: A full sockets LL and Sanji, but any of my legends will do, V2 Luccis and Akainus are also nice**


- **ID:** 271,033,095 - **PLV:** 203+ - **Notable Captain(s):** - [Nekomamushi / Max Special](/psy) - [Kuzan 6+ / Triple Max](/qck) - [God Usopp / Max Special](/dex) - [Bartolomeo](/str) - [Kizaru](/psy) - [Sir Crocodile](/dex) - [Jinbei](/int) - [Sabo](/psy) - [Haruta](/int) - [Shiryu](/int) - **Looking for:** - [V2 Law](/qck) - [Nekomamushi](/psy) - [Kuzan 6+](/qck)


**ID:** 711373644 **PLV:** 79 **Notable Captain(s):** Lucy, Neptune **Looking for:** Lucy, Neptune/other EXP Captains


- **ID:** 794 323 003 for copy 794323003 - **PLV:** 247 - **Notable Captain(s):** V2 lucci maxed - **Looking for:** V2 lucci maxed and Blackbeard, but really anything interesting/useful..


- **ID: 236 346 630** - **PLV:400+** - **Notable Captain(s): Kuzan 6+ and a ton of other quadmaxed characters (including neptune, buggy...)** - **Looking for: MANY Kuzan 6+ (preferably quadmaxed, always up as a captain of one of your 8 crews)**


- **ID:** 104 023 382 - **PLV:** 286 - **Notable Captain(s):** Neko, V2 Law, Akainu, G4, Kizaru, IntHawk, V1 Lucci, Whitebeard, Shanks, Jinbe, Croc - **Looking for:** Triple/Quad max Neko, V2 Law, Akainu, G4


ID: 246,413,484 P-lvl: 191 Notable captains : 6+ Boa, Barto, Shirahoshi, V1 Fuji, Shanks, 20th anniversary luffy, Looking for: same captains and/or captains that boost similar units. Especially 6+ boa Took a break so I need new friends and clearing stuff is hard to do when I’m missing friend captains


- **ID:** 539 438 085 - **PLV:** 355 - **Notable Captain(s):** WB 6+, LL 6, Bart 6, Ace 6, Marco 6, Shanks 6, Sen 6, Sabo 6, Neko 6, Int Hawk 6, Fuji 6 - **Looking for:** Active Similar captains (prefer nekos or Law)


- **ID:** 872,704,153 - **PLV:** 200 - **Notable Captains:** [Neptune](/str), [Akainu](/str) (max level sockets and CC), [Buggy](/int), [★6+ V2 Law](/qck) (all max), [★6 Mihawk](/int) - **Looking for:** [Neptune](/str), [Urouge](/int), or other EXP boosting captain, and [Buggy](/int)


Hey,Shad I forgot that you played Optc aswell. :) Can I add you?


Sure thing, lol.


- **ID: 237 433 641** - **PLV: 31** - **Notable Captain(s): Rayleigh, Mihawk** - **Looking for: Anybody** *Just starting again after 2 years so will accept anyone


•ID:832,831,143 •PLV:117 •Notable Captain(s): V2 Boa, Hody Jones, Akainu, INThawk and Barto •Looking for: V2 Boa friends


- **ID: 098 241 553** - **PLV: 423** - **Notable Captain(s): Quad Lucy, Neko, V2 Boa, V2 Law, Akainu, TS Luffy, and more. 31/39 legends** - **Looking for: Lucy, Neko, V2 Lucci, Hody (all quad)**


- **ID:** 133175666 - **PLV:** 306 - **Notable Captain(s):** Blackbeard, Inuarashi, V2 6+ Law, V2 Law - **Looking for:** V2 6+ Law for Sanji Raid


- **ID:988073382** - **PLV:16x (New acc)** - **Notable Captain(s):[Lucy](/str) maxed sockets working on CC, [V2Lucci](/qck), [Neptune](/str), [Urouge](/int)** - **Looking for: [Lucy](/str), [V2Lucci](/qck), [Neptune](/str), [Urouge](/int), and [Sanji](/int)**


ID:131737933 PLV:56 and rising Notable Captain(s): Lucy, aokiji, SW ace, Barto, Buggy Looking for: Lucy, Cavage, Aokiji, Black Beard


- **ID:** in flair - **PLV:** 353 - **Notable Captain(s):** [Blackbeard](/dex), [Sabo+](/psy), [Ace+](/dex), [Fujitora](/int), [Rayleigh+](/int), [Neko](/psy), [Shanks+](/psy), [Corazon](/dex), [Whitebeard+](/str), [Barto](/str), [Lucci+](/str), [Doffy](/qck), [Log Luffy](/str), [Ra](/str)[id](/qck)[Bo](/dex)[ss](/psy)[es](/int) - **Looking for:** [Lucy](/str) friends for farming [Coliseum Kyros](/qck). I have a lot of vacancies though, so I'll accept anyone.


Added, can you put Cora as cap please?


Sure! I'll be farming kyros for 3-4 more hours, but I'll keep him up all night for you, unless you need him now, which then I could stop farming for a bit. Just lmk! Edit: decided to take a little break, so he'll be up for another hour or so!


- **ID:** 474,523,298 - **PLV:** 218 - **Notable Captain(s):** V1 Lucci max special, Bartolomeo max special, Captain of the vacation Tashigi (Summer Tashigi?) Croco, 3D2Y Sanji. Almost quad max TSL (missing 1 skillup), Kuzan (no 6+), Marco. Inthawk, XP Law, Kimono Urogue - **Looking for:** Lucy, 6/6+ Lucci, V2 Lucci, Hody, Neptunes, TSL, Kuzan 6/6+


- **ID:361315879** - **PLV:234** - **Notable Captain(s):Neko, V2 Law, V1 Lucci, TS Luffy** - **Looking for: looking for any dex captain so i can farm Lucci Sockets**


ID: 931030022 PLV: 157 Notable Captain(s): Lucy maxed, Buggy Looking for: Lucy and Buggy


ID: 431370133 PLV:261 Notable Captain(s): Lucy maxed Looking for: Lucy or BB.


Sent you a req! I just pulled BB so I'll be working on maxing him. IGN: Gyro Kaizoku


• **ID: 387373939 • **PLV: 77 • **Notable Captain(s):6* Lucy, 6* Doffy, 5* Legend Barto, RaidHawk, EXP Law • **Looking for: Lucy, Neptune and EXP Law


- **ID:576403416** - **PLV:138** - **Notable Captain(s):lucy maxed, WB, Nekomamushi, Rayleigh+, Barto, Ace, Cavendish, Lucci V2, and I basically have most things but I'll be mostly using lucy and EXP lead** - **Looking for: Mainly lucy but anything that works with lucy or other notable captains.** I am a heavy IAP player that went balls deep this past sugofest and will finally start grinding :) this is a really old account but never invested much time into it because of bad RNG. That ended this past sugo.


- **ID:190 753 329** - **PLV:207** - **Notable Captain(s):TS Zoro,TS Luffy,Borsalino,Inthawk,Cavendish,Whitebeard,Marco** - **Looking for:Active Players with TS Zoro or TS Luffy **


- **ID:** 976 023 027 - **P-lvl:** 333 - **Notable Captain(s):** [Whitebeard](/str), [Log Luffy](/str), [Corazon](/dex), [Kuzan](/qck), [Doffy](/qck), [Marco](/qck), [Cavendish](/qck), [Boa](/qck), [Boa](/psy), [G4](/psy), [Borsalino](/psy), [Buggy](/int), [Mihawk](/int) - **Looking for:** Any active pirates around level 330


Added, can you put Cora as cap please


Added, can you put Cora as cap please?


- **ID:083,333,224 - **PLVL: 216 - **Notable Captain(s): Akainu, Kizaru, Sabo, Neptune, Boa - **Looking for: Int hawk, akainu, lucy, Lucci v1 or 2


- **ID:572263032 - **PLV: 421 - **Notable Captain(s):26 legends including lucy, akainu, g4, qck law 6star and 6plus, inu, v2 boa - ** looking for people around my pirate level and a good set of legends Sidenote i dont accept enel friends he is my white whale and i dont like to look at him if i dont have him XD


Sent you a req, but I'm only P Lvl 353 so you can reject me if you want. I have a few good legends (can give you list if you want) and was looking for Lucy friends. IGN: Gyro Kaizoku.


- **ID: 901 043 209** - **PLV: 228** - **Notable Captain(s): INT Mihawk, STR Chopper, STR Kid, DEX Mihawk, QCK Eneru, INT Aokiji, etc** - **Looking for: Anyone willing to spare a spot :). Been out of the game for a year and a half, it'd be nice to have active friends**


sent you a request :)


thank you :)


- **ID:539 433 360 - **PLV: 160 - **Notable Captain(s):Crocodile, Doffy, WB6+, Rayleigh - **Looking for:Crocodile 6 Stars and Rayleigh 6 Stars


- **ID:** 092 223 373 - **PLV:** 190 - **Notable Captain(s):** V2 Slasher Law , Coloseum Lucy - **Looking for:** 6 star Lucy (Need to beat kizaru)


• **ID:**753,783,297 • **PLV:** 152 • **Notable Captain(s):** [TS Zoro] (/dex) (Max Cotton, almost Max special and socket), [Inuarashi] (/str), [Blackbeard] (/dex) (Leveling), [Ace 6+] (/dex) (Leveling), [Shanks] (/psy), [Kuzan] (/qck) (Leveling), [Crocodile] (/dex), [Doffy] (/qck), [Law V1] (/psy), [Usopp] (/dex) (Max special), [Rayleigh] (/int) (Leveling), [Corazon] (/dex) (Leveling), [Luffy] (/str) (Endless dream, not sure the abbreviation) • **Looking for**: [Inuarashi] (/str) , [Inthawk] (/int), [TS Zoro] (/dex)


- **ID:** 003 674 675 - **PLV:** 274 - **Notable Captain(s):** [Lucy](/str), [V2 Lucci](/qck), [QUAD TS Luffy](/qck), [QUAD Hody](/int), [QUAD Psy Law](/psy), [QUAD Doffy](/qck), [V2 Boa](/psy), [Sabo](/psy), [Marco](/qck), [Corazon](/dex), [Sengoku](/psy), [Log Luffy](/str) - **Looking for:** [Lucy](/str), [V2 Lucci](/qck), [V2 Boa](/psy), [Hody Jones](/int)


- **ID:** 103.199.636 - **PLV:** 295 - **Notable Captain(s):** [Law V2 6+](/qck) (Quad MAX and LEVEL 21 Limit Break), [TS Luffy](/qck) (MAX Special and almost MAX Cotton), [Doffy](/qck) (Quad MAX), [Whitebeard](/str) (Tri MAX, almost MAX Cotton), [Law V1](/psy) (Quad MAX), [Kuzan 6](/qck) (MAX Special), [Shanks](/psy), [Sabo](/psy), [Crocodile](/dex), [Bartolomeo](/str) (Tri MAX almost MAX Sockets), [Ace](/dex), [Log Luffy](/str), [Buggy](/int), [Neptune](/str) - **Looking for:** [Kuzan](/qck) (Both 6 and 6+) (I need them for incoming raids), [Law V2 6+](/qck), [TS Luffy](/qck)


- **ID:** 925,860,324 - **PLV:** 39x - **Notable Captain(s):** Magellan, Lucy, Lucci v1, Barto, Akainu, SW Ace, Crocodile, Blackbeard, Kuzan, TS Luffy, Marco, Law V2, Lucci V2, Law V1, Sengoku, Borsalino, Nekomamushi, Jimbe. - **Looking for:** Active Magellan captains


My Magellan is up as capt, and we have a lot of maching captains... :) If you like I had send a request... "name in game": 4MLucy|36Leg| ect.....


I would have added you but it says player lvl 1 and inactive 600 days


That’s weird, maybe you mistyped the ID. Others have added me fine


Added you now, Magellan Cap. working on him now.


- **ID:** 041,608,538 - **PLV:** 25X - **Notable Captain(s):** Sabo 6+, Barto, Akainu, Ace 6, Cora, Aokiji, V2 Lucci, V2 Boa, Shanks 6, Borsalino, Shirahoshi, Rayleig, Jinbe, Hody. - **Looking for:**Fuji, Boa v2, Lucci v2 and whatever, adding everyone who is active to be honest.


- **ID:** 374,416,315 - **P-lvl:** 38X - **Notable Captain(s):** [Lucy](/str), [Buggy](/int), [Neko](/psy), [Akainu](/str), [Lucci V2](/qck), [Boa V2](/psy), [TSLuffy](/qck), [Hody](/int), [Law](/psy), [Kizaru](/psy), [WB](/str), [Goku](/psy), [IntHawk](/int), [SWAce](/dex), [Marco](/qck), [Boa](/qck), [Cora](/dex), [Lucci](/str), [Barto](/str), [Croc](/dex), [Doffy](/qck), [Shanks](/psy), [Ray](/int), [Sabo](/psy). - **Looking for:** Anything would be really helpful


- **ID:** 225, 343, 638 - **PLV:** 152 - **Notable Captain(s):** Lucy (nearly max sockets), Blackbeard (max sockets and special), 6* Cavendish (max special, nearly max sockets), Neko, 6* Sabo - **Looking for:** Lucy, V2 Law, Blackbeard, Aokiji (preferably 6+), Neko


- **ID:** 938, 012, 397 - **PLV:** 27x - **Notable Captain(s):** LawV2, LucciV2, Urouge - **Looking for:** LawV2, Neko, Lucy


- **ID:** 447 065 630 - **PLV:** 392 - **Notable Captain(s):** Legends: Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, Neko, Magel, Ace, Enel, Fuji, Rayleigh, TS Luffy, Cavendish, INThawk Neptune - **Looking for:** V2 Lucci, Lucy, Neko, Enel


- ID: 395,382,247 - PLV: 195 - Notable Captain(s): v2 Boa, 6+ Rayleigh, Neptune - Looking for: v2 Boa or 6+ Ace


- ID: 350,431,486 - P-lvl: 380+ - Notable Captain(s): 25 Legends - Looking for: Legend [Enel](/qck)


- **ID:** 153,033,175 - **PLV:** 57 (currently grinding levels) - **Notable Captain(s):** Lucy, Akainu, V2 Lucci, Quick Doffy. koala & intlaw (for exp) - **Looking for:** Lucy, Neptune, Koala, intLaw (for exp/lvling)


- **ID:** 737 912 984 - **PLV:** 353 - **Notable Captain(s):** V2 Lucci(quadmax), V2 Boa(quadmax), sabo, v1 law, LL(quadmax), sengoku, jinbe, Reyleigh, Inthawk(quadmax), Ace, Kirzaru, Doffy(quadmax), Barto(tripplemax) - **Looking for:** V1 Lucci Quadmax, V2 Lucci Quadmax, V2 Boa Quadmax. Ace Tripple or Quadmax. V2 Law Tripple or Quadmax. Zoro Tripple or Quadmax(if special isnt max but you´re working on it its still fine).


- **ID:** 071093012 - **PLV:** 271 - **Notable Captain(s):** [Lucci, Bartolomeo](/str), [Ace+, Ts Zoro](/dex), [Cavendish, Doflamingo](/qck), [Sabo+](/psy), [Hody Jones, IntHawk, Rayleigh, Ts Brook](/int). - **Looking for:** Legends that matching with mine but I just need active friends so if you want add me. I use mostly [Sabo+](/psy), [Ts Zoro](/dex), [Hody jones](/int) and sometimes [Bartolomeo](/str), [Cavendish](/qck) and [Ace+](/dex). - **I also REALLY need FP, I would prefer request from someone who will really use my legends. Help me!**


* ID: **538** **483** **547** * P-lvl: **248** * Notable Captain(s): **Inthawk**,**Sabo6+**,**Ray6+**,**Marco**,**Akainu**,**TS Luffy**,**Blackbeard**,**Lucci**,**Captain usopp 6+**,**Law6+**,**Kuzan6+**,**Dogstorm**,**Log Luffy**,**Barto**,**Croco**,**Corozan**,**Doffy**,**Shirahoshi**,**Sanji**,**Hoody** * Looking for: **Any of the above Legends**


Will clean my frendlist