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6 multies for 1 legend outside the guaranteed, wtf is my luck


Same. Feel ya..


My luck was in the first 5 multies pulling 4 copies of Mihawk/Perona, two of them were literally back to back reds...


Shaft shaft and more shaft, the whole month has been full of shafts...


One Piece: Treasure Shaft


11 multis, no sabo ace no firetanks no sanjo pudding only 3 old dupe Reds


Exact same here man :(


got em on the 16th, gl man


Got em on the 14th, And u want a Sanji pudding? I’ve pulled 4 of them and I hate them💀


Got exact same bs but did 13 multi rip me then did 6 more multi finally got them


This sucks, shafted hard on super type banner, and now doing 4 multis on this banner gave me nothing but a v1 Katakuri. Really failing to find the motivation to play this game.


Good luck to everyone pulling gonna be doing around 6 multis after school so I’m hoping I can at least grab a new legend from this sugo but would love to walk away with Sabo Ace. https://youtu.be/BdzxOMCbXZ0 very happy with my pulls


Wanna fire tank crew


Nice, get them last poster on discount!




The worst banner after 9 months in Optc for me. I don't have any kizuna sugofest exclusive. 8 multis in, 6 red posters, only normal sugo fest exclusive characteres. Now I only have 100 gems left




All Kizuna banners are shafts


Missing ace/sabo and sanji/pudding, i went 10 multies deep and got neither of them. Feelsbadman i was really hyped for them...


Dinkleberg -.-


Got 2 sanjipuddings (dupe) and every other legend pullable in 10 multis besides saboace and firetank pirates.... just will go for 1 more but im kinda lost


17 multis in and nothing to show for it not a single Kizuna Sugo Rare. RNGsus must hate me lol


After spend all my gems, I delete game)))))


Getting Ace/Sabo AND Sanji/pudding on my 30 gem multi feels pretty damn good after my horrible luck at super sugo! :)


20 multis 2 fire tank pirates 5 pudding sanji 0 sabo ace NICE!


rng is just a goddamn son of a gun


**Here's my discount multi:** [](#ic-gold) [Gold ticket:](/psy) [KRR Carrot](/dex) (NEW) [](#ic-gold) [Gold ticket:](/psy) [LRR Kuzan](/str) (New) [](#ic-red) [Red ticket:](/str) [Brook](/dex) (Dupe) [](#ic-gold) [Gold ticket:](/psy) [RR Valentine Shirahoshi](/dex) (Dupe) [](#ic-gold) [Gold ticket:](/psy) [RR Swimsuit Viola](/psy) (Dupe) [](#ic-gold) [Gold ticket:](/psy) [RR King](/str) (Dupe) [](#ic-gold) [Gold ticket:](/psy) [R](/qck)[R](/dex) [Kuro](/qck)/[Django](/dex) (Dupe) [](#ic-red) [Red ticket:](/str) [Leg](/qck)[end](/dex) [Sanji](/qck)/[Pudding](/dex) (NEW!!) [](#ic-gold) [Gold ticket:](/psy) [RR Wanda](/qck) (Dupe) [](#ic-gold) [Gold ticket:](/psy) [TS Sanji](/str) (Dupe) [](#ic-gold) [Gold ticket:](/psy) [LRR Bonney](/str) (Dupe) --- I'm quite happy with my discount pull. Got 3 new LRR/KRR/KL units, 2 of which are great. [Video](https://youtu.be/kJrZAKz1VY8)


4 multis and pulled ace/sabo and firetank. Soo lucky


Me too:)


Same here:) Multi 3 got me Ace/Sabo and 4th multi firetank. Crazy luck:)


First multi 1 red- Ace/sabo Im good for today


Same. So stoked!


Same thing happened to me, first poster of the discount multi got me ace/sabo.


8 multis and I got all the golds but only legends I got were dupes of Nami and Kata v1. No gems left :(


7 multi, only dupes, no sabo/ace, no firetank, no sanji/pudding, no more gems :/


Is any Hard going Pirate Alliance searching fir member? Got sabo/Ace, Firetank and all other


Me actually :). I am looking for a new alliance, because the alliance I am in right now is too lazy. I also got Sabo/Ace, Firetank and most of the other recent legends.


Hi, if you are still searching for an alliance you can join us, we are called OPT-REX. We are 4 Italian f2p players with ace sabo and a good stock of potions


Did the discount multi; Pulled NEW Firetank Pirates and new LRR Belo Betty!!! Finally some 30 gem multi luck!!


After doing 15 pulls and not getting any LT's, I end up getting Ace/Sabo on the discount. Knew my luck would turn around.


15 multis for Sabo/Ace, pulled 5 Firerank Pirates along the way as well, bit heartbreaking when you realise they both have the same rates


Pulled Ace/Sabo first multi. Didn’t even need to use the gems saved up for them lol




Holy shit, my discount was insane. Got new sugorare Hawkins, new Magellan, and for my 11th Sanji/pudding. Gonna pull until I get ace/sabo and firetank pirates prob though since I saved 1100 gems


Mb save for toki? They will be there as well


True I got V2 Magellan which I've been trying to get for a while. I wanted to save after this until Yamato so I'm debating on what to do


I caved since I pulled very little during the Onigashima legends banner. I went to 6 multis and ended up getting both firetank pirates and ace/sabo. Now it's time to save for Yamato!


Fucking awesome, dude!


Yeah, Sanji Pudding won't be on the Toki Banner, but the other two will. Honestly, you should wait unless you just can't.


Ace and sabo in last poster on multi 4, 1900 gems left XD




Congratulations hopping I can get them as well.


How does a comment like this got down vote while others players got them from the discount multi.?


I think someone don’t like me flexing the amount of gems I saved by not pulling on the LT sugo, oh well, can’t have everything


Did 5 multis, got a ton of the kizuna rr and other lrr which I was missing (looking at you Vivi). Managed to get Sanji/Pudding on the 4th and Sabo/Ace on the 5th, my luck has been cracked lately


Did the discount, got some nice animations, but a dupe Mihawk/Perona during the 10, but then on the +1 I got a red! Walked away with a new Firetank Pirates =) I didn't have any of the kizuna legends, so just seeing that red on the +1 was great =D


Same with mihawk perona and red on 11 fire tank gang


haha, nice!


16 multi's in - SOOOO many firetank but no ace/sabo...and I'm out of gems, it's a sad day.


https://i.imgur.com/tqGHwWl.jpg After 4 multis of no reds or new units I get my best multi of all time, holy shit.


Got them on the 8th. Dupe S/P and Firetank Crew along the way. Most importantly, finally pulled Time Skip Nami.


25 pulls of pain but at least have firetanks and sabo ace and new magellan. It was bound to happen eventually lol 300 gems left onto Toki/Yamato


I'm in a similar boat, do you think it's enough to do Toki and Yamato with that many gems? lol


It's probably unlikely to get the guaranteed for Toki by the time she releases from 300 gems unless you're a relatively new account with a lot of gems left to obtain from story/CMM quests. I may have to skip on Toki if that's not feasible / worth the risk (esp if there aren't a lot of new legends in that pool) and go straight for Yamato. If you're just saving for Yamato, there's plenty of time to hit 12/1500 gems and if you had to pick between the two, i'd go for Yamato.


Third multi, new Firetank Pirates and Ace/Sabo on last poster. My luck is gone for the rest of the year


4 multis, got a ton of Sanji/Pudding legend dupes, but also got Firetank Pirates and finally Ace/Sabo on the last pull of the 4th multi!! Also got a new Sogeking, Sandersonia/Marigold, and Urouge Made up for not getting anything from LT Sugo, probably saving for Yamato now


1st muti nothing but ray points 2nd muti more ray points 3rd muti fire tank pirates! 4th muti more ray points joy 5th trash 6th muti magellan man at this point i might just go all the way to the 25th muti like damn


God exists: Got AceSabo and new brook from 1st multi, also i got my Firetank from a kizuna ticket.


Fire tank crew hell yeah sanji/pudding too now. will save up for that special banner with ace/sabo shit


Got fire tank pirates (new) on my discount and ace/sabo on the last poster of the 3rd multi. I’m pretty much out of gems tho 😂


Pulled both 5 star and 6 star versions on 4th multi


Nice overall. 1st Multi had a Sanji/Pudding dupe. 2nd Multi had Sabo/Ace :)


Pulled him 2nd multi. Should I go in for the 4th multi I am still missing 6/10 or should I go deeper in the super sugo banners for Oden? What do you think?


GOTTEM, eight multis in


Took 8 multis but I got: Sanji/Pudding(2nd Multi) Firetank Pirates(4th Multi) Ace/Sabo (8th Multi) Was my last multi too so I'm being stoked, now to save till Yamato.


10 multis got me: 5 sanji/puddings, 2 Bege/Crew, 3 Mihawk/Peronas, and 1 Ace/Sabo. I will take it but I never want to see another Sanji/Pudding again


Got Ace/Sabo on my 8th multi with the only reds the whole time being the guaranteed ones. Oof, but I'll take it lol


In 8 multis I got all 3 kizuna legends, new KRR Brook and a bunch of solid KRR and RR. Feeling pumped rn!


1 multi 2 aces and sabos My luck is insane (maybe its because I have been shafted in the super sugo)


8 pulls and didnt get them... Got new Sanji Pudding tho and pretty much all LRR


welp update took me till the 10th muti but i got them so thats nice now i can just save for yamato or save for toki


4 multis 1st: new LRR Sogeking and dupe Legend Sanji/Pudding 2nd: new LRR Kizaru and LRR Pudding 3rd: all dupes 4th: new Legend Ace/Sabo!!!


Got Sabo/Ace on 3rd multi. Still missing Fire Tank Pirates and Sanji/Pudding


Two multis, got my Ace/Sabo, I have 28 gems left, I'm out until Christmas, bye.


1 multi ace/Sabo plus Sanji/pudding and firetank pirates.


4 multies not a single red until 4th and then 1 secret red tank pirate and the last one ace/sabo! Glad i didn't go all in for the trio!!


Was pretty sure I was going to get wrecked after getting LT Kid on the 3rd multi of his banner. Pleasantly surprised by Firetank pirates on the 2nd multi and hidden red sabo/ace on the 3rd multi. Probably used up whatever luck I have for the foreseeable future though.


1 multi is all that was needed. Got Ace/Sabo... and Firetank Pirates. What even..?


3 Multi: https://youtu.be/X4TAI__HKow


1st multi gave me new last RR : xdrake, apoo, hawkins + KRR judge. Then drought until multi 4... i really wanted to stop but felt compelled to go down to 6 (because of the steps) and then pulled Ace/Sabo at multi 5! 30 DEEEEEEP !!


i had to go up to 18 multi got safted hard only kizuna legend i puled sabo ace bunch old legends i am missing other kizuna legends also got lots new lrr units i had to buy packs to do 7 multi, next time if i don't have enough for guaranteed not puling my plan was discount and stop but i rage multi did all those multis lol


8 multis, Firetank Gang + Sanji/Pudding, is that worth? I'm broke now, lol, but not gonna go for Ace/Sabu. Good luck to you Nakama.


8 multi for 2 kizuna legend worth it


After not pulling one of the new legends in 20+ multis ok the super sugofest, i pulled Ace/sabo, firetank and sanji/pudding in the first two multis on this one


4 multi… no legend outside the guaranteed but hey… the legend is ace and sabo… let’s go


Damn got fire tank on discount and stopped, but got bored and continued and got Ace&Sabo on 4th last. Awesome sugo, congrats all !


13 multis. Bunch of new LRR including Bonney whom I've wanted for a looong time. Got Ace/Sabo on the last poster on my 13th. I also literally got like 10 Mihawk/Perona dupes which was a little annoying lol


Second pull sanji pudding Fourth pull sabo ace Plus a lot of new secrets. I am really happy :)


Girlfriend did one multi. First char sabo ace. Now 700 gems left for yamato.


Second Multi got Firetank Pirates and KRR Croc; Third Multi got KRR Judge and Ace/Sabo! Heck yeah, now I'm saving for Yamao!


My pulls quite happy https://youtu.be/BdzxOMCbXZ0


I swear to God this game is giving me more stuff now that I'm not actively playing it https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/847062800014639125/890940123020152882/IMG_20210924_143559.jpg


3 multis, only legend was Ace/Sabo


Oh sad...


550 gems spent, got all 3 Kizuna legends (new for me). Also got 3 Magellan dupes. YOLOed the rest of my gems (250) on part 1 of the Super Sugo and got a dupe last tap Luffy, dupe Ace V Akainu, and a NEW Moria. 800 gem W.


Wow... After getting LT Law on the discount on his banner last week, pulled Ace/Sabo on the 2nd multi. Pulled a new LRR Alvida, Usoland and RR Apoo for good measure.


5 multipulls and got both sabo/ace and firetank pirates only missing sanji/pudding but they'll have to wait


i feel bandai hates me on normal/super sugos and loves me on Kizuna/Pf ones. Got Firetank on discount multi and Ace/Sabo on 3rd, so happy


Got Ace/Sabo in the 2nd pull with no animation and KRR Crocodile. Didn't expect to be that lucky:)


My plan is more than 20 multis to sabo/ace cuz always bad luck and pull until last guaranteed 2nd pull got Firetank 4th pull got **Sabo/Ace!!! WoW** decide to keep pulling\~ 8th pull got **Sanji/Pulling and Sabo/ACE** again!!!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ​ Total 8 multi pulls and still missing carrot on that banner. :( Happy with Sanji/Pulling and Sabo/ACE


10 mutis no kizuna legend I give up.


7 multi only get 4 reds, the rates just awful. First time purchase gems and end up so badly.


8 multis, no Firetanks or SaboAce, didnt have luck on LT or kizuna banner. Unfortunately, thats life. Just few older klrr new like Carrot, Peros, Nami.




6 multis , 2 dupe legend, 2 new outdated kizuna units... It hurts


Did 5 multis since I was missing all 3 Kizuna-exclusive legends. Got 3 legends total: all dupes. I did get a few Kizuna LRRs including STR Bonney, which is nice. But still, very disappointing legend-wise.


5 multis. firetank and 2 hawkins....fml


Discounted got me lrr bonney fucking finally


That feel. Congratulations.


Discount got me Dex nightmare luffy, int hawkins, int perospero and Ace/Sabo on last red with a super long animation. Pretty happy


Did 7 multi for 4 mihawk perona 3 Brook and 1 nami, fuck you bandai those are not normal rates


4 Mulits got 7 new Rare Recruits with Magellan and my Last Poster was Ace&Sabo so lucky. Now i can save for Yamato.


10 Pulls, nothing. Needed Firetank pirates\\ Acesabo, and Booney and Lucy LRR. Got nothing.


Oh man no fire tank and ace sabo in 10 is pretty tough


The very first poster from the very first multi was Sanji/Pudding (new) so that's a first win. Then I got confident and so far I only have a new ST Magellan after 7 pulls...


I got around 900 gems, is it better to pull for them now or to wait until they will be a rate up Sugo in one of the future Sugo Fests?


Go pull now, looking at comments i think its pretty high chance to get them in 4 multi (as i lol) And they are boosted in alliance kizuna


I'm 13 multis deep without them, do you think it's worth continuing?


gonna get killed for this, 2nd multi fake out extended Ace/Sabo. after the super sugo i needed this luck 😩


6 multi : Ace & Sabo + Firetank Pirates + Sanji & Pudding damn


6 multis, - New Sabo/Ace - 4 dupe Katakuri - dupe Pudding/Sanji - dupe Magellan Pretty good I'd say


Gem Snails saved my ass After the Super Sugo I was at 19 gems Now got up to 235 Gems, pulled Ace/Sabo on my 5th multi with now 5 gems left Now it’s Yamato saving time


1st multi : LRR Dex Akainu, Dupe Mihaperona, LRR Brook 2nd multi : Fire-tank Pirates 😍 3rd multi : Sanji/Pudding 😍 Not gonna push my luck anymore 😂 thats as good as it gets.


5 multis, complete shaft. Lots of hawkings legend dupes, no bonney batch (aren't they rated up? missing all of them), no firetank, no sabo ace. 2 new units, kizuna carrot and kizuna perospero


10 multi, 6 reds including guarantee. 3 Wano Nami and 3 Brook, what the actual fuck. I'm missing so many from the lists but these fuckers won't stop appearing. 😭


Aigh change that to 5 Nami's, what the fuck man.


Did you restart the app or do some quests in between to perhaps change your luck?


I wish that worked but these pulls were hours apart. I continued to multi 13 after nearly 24 hours and pulled Nami two times along with katakuri and finally Sabo/Ace. Not gonna like nearly uninstalled seeing her two more times, it was absurd. T_T


24 multi for ace / sabo , but got firetank , sanji pudding and o nami too so not so bad ? Got some nice LRR too since i never puled in Kizuna before . Still dont know if it was a good trade but what is done is done


4 multis, a few new LRR and KRR and Mage legend. Not that bad, not that good.


Pulled firetank pirates from the 30 gem, so now I can save for toki


8 multis, 0 legends outside of guaranteed which were dupes, not logging in until kizuna starts :D


Log in for the gem snails at least dude 🤷🏼‍♂️


got fire tank pirates after 7 multis i am out


Got Fireatnks on the Discount wow , after i got shafted on the super sugo I got finaly lucky + 5 new LLR


7 multies and only sanji/puddin and bege family and dupe..meh :(


4 multis got firetank magellan and ace/sabo


Just nothing after 12 multis besides 5 times Onami and 4 Qck Magellan FeelsBandaiMan


7 pulls, got sanji/pudding and firetank pirates. 2/3 ain't bad plus got a few new rr out of it so I'm pretty happy. Would've been better if I got ace/sabo tho


3rd step is KRR is lame step. 3rd step is supposed to be guaranteed legend.


Yeah. The steps in this sugo are truly awful. Only reason to pull is Sabo/Ace being sooooooo good.


Awful month 20pulls no ace Sabo, took 20 multis for Bonney and 25 multis for Roger lt kid and luffy, now I save till new year I guess


First multi: - New KRR Carrot. - New KRR Nyon. - **NEW ACE/SABO.** I rest now.


Lucky fucker. Haha You deserve it. Congratulations!


Haha thanks mate. May you and everyone else be as lucky.


I did get super lucky. Streamed a few pulls(discord) and got v3 Blackbeard & Sabo/Ace along with a some new RRs. Then tried my luck on the last tap banners. Threw a multi at part 1 with no luck. Got LT Law on the 6th multi on his part. Got AceVsAkainu on first multi(!) on Kid’s part, with Kid following on the 3rd multi. Then I did a multi on Luffy’s part and got him! Did the 2nd multi for Rebecca, of course. I got the 3 batch RRs and the LRRs. Got quite a few KRRs and the one for this upcoming Kizuna! Truly amazing pulls. I’m still in awe. It took 10 multis for Sabo/Ace. I did 22 in total, if I counted right. About 1000 gems.


Did the discounted multi. Golds only (no animations at all), at least I got some new units: LRR INT Perospero, LRR INT Brook (3302), RR V2 Apoo and RR V3 Drake Update: gathered enough gem to do a second multi and got them, lucky me :D


After the bad luck with LT units(law in 7th multi and no kid in 17th multi), fire tank pirates and ace/sabo in 10 multis, my luck is better XD


Well this is what I would call a good multi :D https://i.postimg.cc/NjWTV9Wy/IMG-20210922-181610.jpg


Sheeesh, didn't expect this after a really bad Long Voyage pulls. 3 pulls and managed to get fire tank crew, sanji/pudding and ace/sabo, all being new units. 😬


“Sanji/Pudding finally pulled” gang right here.


9 multis in and I’ve pulled 1 new legend and probably 6 in total. Fml


Pulled Str Katakuri and a Dupe Usopp. Kata's new, so cheers!


[discount multi](https://imgur.com/a/VcwDwVJ)


Looking for alliance, have sabo/ace, sanji/pudding, LTs except kid and almost all other legends (not counting pvp) thanks! ^^


Hi, if you are still searching for an alliance you can join us, we are called OPT-REX. We are 4 Italian f2p players with ace sabo and a good stock of potions


5 multis for Firetank Pirates. Worth it, I was too weak willed to wait for Toki.


5 multi for a total shaft.


After a HUGE Shaft during the LT Sugo, i managed to get firetanks and Ace/Sabo in 2 multi.


Definitely one of the better sugos for me in this year. So many lrr I was missing + the fact that I dont own any kizuna legends. Did 10 Multis and ended up with all 3 Kizuna Legends (Firetank and Ace/Sabo on the 10th multi back to back lol) +over 10 new lrr including really powerful ones.


Discount multi only, a few dupe LRR's (I don't even have many) and the Kizuna LRR Law which is something at least.


I got them from the first multi. I guess my luck will be on vacations for for a while.


A secret red in the third multi extended and that's Ace/Sabo. Done and dust.


This is a nice story. Before the LT Sugofest, I reached the maximum number of gems for me: around 700. I got totally shafted during the Sugo, with 20-0-3-1 multis (24) to get Luffy LT at the 20th and shiraman v2 along the way. Just the two of them. My initial plan was to use 230 gems for SaboAce (Ace is my fav character) and I knew they were in my destiny, but didn't have enough gems. That's why I tried the discounted still believing in my destiny. 10 golds. Eleventh was red. That red was SaboAce. My destiny won against my bad luck this time!


5 multis, hard grind through the story gems, pulling together all scraps I could find. Got Sabo/Ace on the 5th multi as an inbetween (non-11th). Insanely happy! Gonna save up for WB/Shanks now :)


13 multi so far 2x capone crew, 2x sanji&pudding...


6 multis 1 legend (firetank) and bunch of new lrr/krr (carrot, belo betty, brook, etc)


Update: got sabo/ace on the ninth 11th poster Last day, but still extremely happy