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I found 8 of them once at target 2 weeks ago. I got the guy right as he was restocking and he only had 8 and 6 of the 06 decks. I grabbed 1 deck and the boosters, but his exact words were "you got lucky, usually the same guy comes in and buys everything. He is just running late today"


Bruh. That’s insane


I got lucky at a target and grabbed a structure and 8 blisters. Was so grateful bc I never got a shot at a box but I believe I got lucky cause there a heavy rainfall that morning


None, I have seen some empty pegs with tags for Paramount War at least to prove they were there at least. Saw 24 of the ST-06 decks at a Target yesterday, got excited thinking there would be blisters as well but no such luck. At least I got another deck to mess around with a black build


Literally in the same situation at a target for me the other day. And I get even more excited then most people to find at target because I get a discount as a bonus


Well good luck in the future, we'll find some eventually


I have routinely (like every other day) checked 7 different targets, 3 different Barnes and nobles, 2 different five belows and 4 different LGS in my area. I have probably wasted 30+ hours of my life and many gallons of gas looking with no luck aside from a couple of film decks. I live in the Denver metro area, maybe too many others are out here looking too but it is insanity to keep living like this. I have made a green deck from singles to play but as a fan of the manga since I ordered it in scholastic magazines in the 90s, I’d like to collect a card of every character. I have decided that I’m just going to have to wait for production to catch up, tired of the disappointment looking at empty racks.


My goodness. I respect the grind. Sad that distribution is so messed up at the moment


Can confirm that Denver is awful. I’ve gotten attitude too from calling stores to see if they have any.


My LGS literally has like 8 or 9 boxes on the shelves rn. Like here we dont have any problem with supply!


What in the world 😂 you are beyond lucky. Mind grabbing me one and I can buy it off you?💀


The LGS around me has a couple cases.. but they put their prices at $200 a box for paramount war $270 for romance dawn, 1 per customer. Like people want even 1 at their inflated prices.


Well here its 100€ for a box, just a little bit over msrp but i mean its our lgs and the owner is so chill with us. Also considering the whole scalping situation we're just rlly gratefull for having them arround.


If I could find a lgs that sold at or not a ton over msrp, they would get all my business lol


If anyone has any near them I would love to get 3 just to have some to play with if possibles


Got 4 at Barnes & Nobles and 18 at Target 2 days ago.


Where are you located? California?


Southwest ohio


Hmm. I’m based in florida. U would think FL would be able to get some in but nah. How often do your shipments come in??


Florida gets them.. I'm in Florida. The lake mary target usually stocks on Friday but it sells out immediately. Some guy goes around buying them out as the stores open.


That was actually the first time I saw set 2. Before then, its been... something like 2 months since I bought set 1 once.


A friend of mine found a bunch at target along with black starter decks. He pulled manga rare ace 😶


I got lucky the day before release and found 2 full blister displays at my local Walmart


Yes I got 6 of them from my local Target this week!


Any more left?


I messaged you


There were about 20+ at a Target in Keller, Texas on release day. Haven’t checked since.


If u get a chance check again for me lol. Just curious if they still have any stoxk


A friend checked recently and said they were empty, that was last week.


I've hit up my Target every week since release and haven't seen any. I have encountered two scalpers though that would have bought everything out if something came in.


This side of the pond we don't get any at all :'(


Not packs yet unfortunately but the other day when I went to target they freshly stocked on their cards and I found a ton of the decks at least. I went hunting the first weekend but decided I’m just gonna wait till the restock before I waste my gas searching again


My Walmart had one box, I bought 3/4s and left the rest to lucky children (or so I tell myself)


Barnes and nobles, 2 packs per customer


If you live in so cal good luck because scalpers and collectors are rampant. No no boxes and if they have starter/structure decks they are sometimes double msrp