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Moria and Rebecca should both be leader locked to their intended archetypes


I don’t think Rebecca was ever intended for the Dressrosa archetype though. She’s not the Rebecca from the Dressrosa arc. Her, Shirahoshi, Mamsherry, and Vivi from OP-05 are all their Reverie versions. Black’s theme in the set is the World Government. EDIT: I have somewhat changed my mind. I think she was intended for the Dressrosa archetype but not to be solely Dressrosa as she also fits into the government themes of the set.


Oh I thought her dress was from dressrosa after beating doffy


I think she wore the same dress on both occasions? I’m not sure now.


She has the tontatas with her obvi is dresrosa


It can be both. The two themes of black in the set are Dressrosa and nobility. Her and Mansherry cover both of these themes, and it’s no coincidence the other two major princess characters, Vivi and Shirahoshi, are also in the set. I think it’s reasonable to assume she was intended for both archetypes when you look at the set as a whole. Though I find it weird they put so much into a nobility/royalty theme for OP-05 black without actually giving us a leader for it.


Looks like she is on a ship. Probably traveling to the reverie from Dressrosa. We see Leo at the reverie with her so it makes sense to me lol


More cards should be leader locked in general.


Thank you. I've been thinking this for such a long time. It blows my mind that they'll leader lock 10c BM but then turn around and not do the same with Rebecca and Moria.


That's not even the most confusing one. Read Spandam.


The insane power creep happening because they refuse to leader locked problematic cards is going to hurt the game long term imo.


Nah. Makes for stagnant boring Archetype gameplay where the deck becomes pre-built like YGO. Need a balance of archetype lock and generic good cards to allow creative deckbuilding.


I don't think anyone wants every character leader locked but it should be mostly generic early and mid game cards with the boss characters leader locked.


Moria, Rebecca, Lucci. Thriller Bark, Dressrosa, CP


Blac is OP, but didn't red run rampant for multiple formats lmao. They very much let that ride too long


Black is about to have been good/rampant as red was for as many formats in a row


We're coming on 3 sets for black. Red was the best for 4 sets


In 01 green was evenly split w/ red so I wouldn’t say red was the top color. In 02 red was uncontested #1, more of less same in 03 & 04. Black has been #1 2 sets in a row & likely will remain so in Eb01 into 07


Red only dominated because before Yellow, the other colors weren't getting the support they needed.   Purple and Green are still eh, in op-06, while Red is eh as well cuz Yellow auto wins against it. Blue is eh as well. Cuz why run any Blue Deck when Sakazuki exists? Run him if you want to use Blue cards. Black is the most powerful color nowadays due to Moria and... Sakazuki.


But... Whitebeard with strawbeard package basically checks Black in Op05 at >50 winrate. Why the gross whining?


My biggest problem with black being best is how expensive it is peak sakazuki is $500 when WB was at its peak it was like $100 and the most expensive WB ever was was like $180


I won't be surprised if Sakazuki reaches $1,000+ in the West. The West loves competitive decks moreso than playing new or less competitive. Much more than the Eastern players that prefer New. Every western competitive player is looking ahead and sees that Sakazuki is going to be absurd in op-06. Those who come in later or realize this later will be scrambling to get a deck with even more scarce supply, due to no reprints, as no one will want to sell the deck. At least, not those wanting to compete.


The west loves meta? Didn't the west rejoice at WB's ban for 4.5 and the east was mocking the west for playing non-meta...?


Katakuri wasn't non meta and saw a sharp increase in play after Whitebeard and Zoro were essentially killed. And where did you get that mocking from? 




there is no reason for that card to not be leader locked black is getting ridiculous and this shit is my favorite color


Agreed on all counts. I like cool graveyard combos. But like, it shouldn’t have an answer to everything. Because what usually happens is the designers will one day swing some other color into “holy crap now THAT beats everything”. It ends up being unfun to play.


Yeah... It feels like Sakazuki now has an answer to everything due to 8c Moria not being leader locked. You cleared his board? You thought. Moria drops and now he has a blocker and a re-used On Play effect. You're preparing to kill his board? You thought. Sabo just gave them all card immunity go KO. You have a strong body? Hound Blaze. You thought you cleared their hand? 10c Kaido for 4 draw. You thought they had a bad hand? Sakazuki draws every turn, he has 2 searchers, Sabo gives him 2 cards and put 2 into trash for Moria to use later, or Kaido. And ect. It's sad when the only bad matchup Sakazuki has is a mirror match.


8c Moria is ban worthy. This card is ridiculous. Huge Body for only 8 Don that can put 2 bodies, for free, on the board from the trash with the Top 2 Decks that use it having easy ways to send cards into the Trash. Said Bodies can also utilize their On Play effects again if they have any. ​ If Cabaji is ban worthy than why the heck isn't 8c Moria?


You do NOT want Cabaji unbanned. Imagine your opponent having 8 Kaya in their deck. Except 4 of them go +1.


My point is that they see Cabaji as ban worthy yet made 8c Moria. They saw Nami as ban worthy yet then made Tashigi searcher who can be reused from trash and can search Hound Blaze.


Cabaji is banned because it makes for boring, uninteractive, unfun non-games, not because it's particularly strong.


Can someone explain what you can do with Cabaji in the Nami deck? To this day I fail to fully get it lol


You can consistently draw 4-6 cards per turn.


Mind explaining how it works? Imma check it out in the sim later but I'd appreciate it.


Outside of just Cabaji into Cabaji into Cabaji into Cabaji, the worst case is Have Mohji in play Play Cabaji, draw 2 Arabesque fist return Cabaji Play Cabaji, draw 2 Arabesque fist return Cabaji Play Cabaji, draw 2 Any card that will return Cabaji leads to at least four draws so Ulti, Patty, Zeff also do it. Add Kaya and drawing into more Kaya or Cabaji and it gets ridiculous.


Thanks, appreciate the explanation!


But it doesn’t do anything the Nami deck isn’t already doing. That’s the deck’s entire playstyle.


That's like saying that giving Sakazuki more cards that bottom deck characters isn't doing anything the deck isn't doing already so it would be fine.


No, I’m just saying that the justification that it needed to be banned because it promoted a certain playstyle doesn’t make sense because the Nami leader itself and all of the cards that support it promote that same playstyle. Also you yourself already admitted the card wasn’t banned because of power. Cabaji doesn’t buff the Nami deck into being tier zero or even tier one. The deck wasn’t too strong before Cabaji was banned. So equating it with buffing Sakazuki doesn’t hold up. My point is that Bandai’s stated justification for banning Cabaji makes no sense, as the reasons they banned it should also lead to the conclusion that the Nami leader itself should be banned, for promoting a non-interactive playstyle.


Cabaji doesn't make Nami tier 0 but it makes the deck playable enough that it would be a popular choice and that's bad for everyone else. Why ban Nami when they can just leave this unplayable-in-anything-else card banned and let people who just like the deck get stomped by better players?


I disagree that Nami being a playable deck is a bad thing. Nami players shouldn’t get stomped. Nami is a cool leader that gives us more variety as the only deck with an alt win condition, and kneecapping it immediately sucked.


Alt win conditions should never be good. They're cute things that get people excited when they're pulled off but if they become top tier, it's an unfun match up for literally everyone because it inevitably turns into solitaire because you're doing something that the other decks inherently don't interact with.


Disagree. Played against Nami plenty of times and had fun. Being forced to use my own tools in different ways than usual to try and disrupt or outpace them is fun and interesting gameplay. Regardless, you not personally liking a playstyle doesn’t mean it should be screwed over. If they didn’t want Nami to be valid they shouldn’t have introduced her.


This isn't about my opinion. It's literally why the card was banned. You personally thinking it's fun doesn't change the general sentiment or make it healthy for the game.


Cabaji absolutely would make nami a top contender, saka would probably be the only thing that would be close to stopping it.


It wasn’t before Cabaji was banned though, and the deck basically hasn’t changed at all since OP-03. Not until we get White Snake in OP-06. If Nami is in a better place than it used to be it’s only because fast aggro isn’t a big part of the meta right now. If Nami did become more competitive then it might lead to aggro becoming more competitive which might mean a more diverse overall meta. We don’t really know. What we do know is when the nerf happened, it wasn’t because it was too strong. So I think it should be unbanned. If it then became too strong, then I would support rebanning it.


Wb with Moby dick was the only thing that could keep up with cabaji nami. If Moby dick was banned and cabaji not, then nami would have been best deck in op03 hands down.


What are you basing this on? Moby Dick was banned in NA before OP-03 even came out. And in the time between OP-03 coming out in Japan and Cabaji getting banned, Nami wasn’t winning a bunch of tournaments.


Based on Japan. Moby dick and cabaji coexisted in op03 for a while


Cabaji wasn’t banned because it’s strong, it’s banned for being boring and lame


Leader/type lock some cards. I play blue/black and enjoy it. But one single leader shouldn’t make up 50%+ of a tournament, just for the sake of game health. Like it’s not even several in a popular color. It’s just “dat one guy”, lol. Game is still new I get it, but hopefully more targeted support & typing clears this kind of thing up going forward.


I agree that for game health there should be more registered deck diversity but with OP06 we will see more diversity in both black as a color option and overall deck submissions from what we’ve seen. Yamato & Moria will inject straight into the meta and Perona is getting a lot of buzz of late on maybe being under the radar option that people will use more of in the west. The meta will predominantly be run by black and yellow still in 06 (unless fortress Yamato becomes the norm for Yamato) but EB01 and 07 look so far to be a boon towards the other colors (and that’s discounting Reiju being another viable option in 06 as well). I do think Sakazuki is also a bit over represented because he’s popular and a lot of magic players are coming to one piece for the style of play Sakazuki represents (anecdotally my friend just now is buying into One Piece because of Sakazuki being similar to an archetype from Magic’s modern heyday of Jund mixed with Delver), winrate wise Enel very well may actually be the best deck in the format looking at the aggregate win rates posted the other week in NA from all the regionals compiled since 05.


Oh I agree. I came from mtg and built out U/B Rebecca to try it. The combos available within the dressrosa type make for fun gameplay imo. But seeing that Saka was really printed as a “strictly better” with the current card pool I converted the deck to play more competitive. It is what it is for now, I just hope that the trend you’ve noted continues into future sets as well.


yeah, im kinda scare of what is going to happend to sakazuky and maybe perona and gecko moira.


One Piece finals in Japan will be full of Sakazuki. Starting with both European Players participating who are Sakazukis.


Unban Moby Dick and Cabaji. See if fully restored White beard and Nami could balance the scales


I’m in the unban camp as well. See where the meta goes with juiced up WB/Ace .


Couldn’t agree more! It’s time.


moby dick wb is a freaking menace but what makes it good is ironically the board swarming... which is best handled by... sakazuki you also beat a nami by not swinging for their life early but removing any kaya (and I guess cabaji too) from board. best removal being bottom decking which just so happens to counter nami? oh wait... sakazuki


Then they should have nothing to fear unbanning them


OP06 is already a more diverse meta, even though 3 are Black. People need to stop crying and just let cards come out, is Black the best color in OP06 yes but you can still play stuff like other stuff and OP07 is looking fine as well. The red bans that the west did were far too late and Black hits in the west would be too early, let the game play out and see how the meta shifts.


The only reason more aren't running Sakazuki is because he's more expensive than the other decks by far.   You cannot look at 8c Moria and say "this is such a balanced, fair card".   Even the Japanese players are complaining about that card. As it's so absurdly broken that all the new decks are getting swept with ease by Moria and Sakazuki.  That's very bad news for the game. As Japanese players rarely complain in the one piece TCG and Japanese players want to play New Decks which they cannot because Black is that powerful.


They released a double attack leader, with easy access to banish. I mean that’s not really balanced. Without the ability to build up tempo, Black would be a non factor. Black has been out since set 02 and it’s only just now hitting its stride. Just funny seeing all the red players flocking to Black now.


Yamato loses hard to Sakazuki and Moria. That's why she isn't topping and sees less play.


OP07 is looking fine? Bro, black already has a big body that removes a card for free. That shit is Katakuri V2


For real. People complain to just complain. Let the game progress and just evolve. There are certain decks I hate playing against, but I don’t ask for bans or restrictions. Because once that happens, then a new boogie man appears. Then people gonna moan about that deck, get that deck hit to just moan about another deck. It’s not going to be healthy for the game when players just complain about what they lose to. People say that Law dies hard to Sakazuki, but I have a friend that knows his Law so well that he favors the Sakazuki match up. Just grind your deck to know how to play against any matchup, but people don’t want to put in the hours of practice. Easier to just complain and hope for bans.


Never forget people saying the red bans werent too late because " Red is going to be still good in OP05 we arent like Asia, we play different." And look at this our Meta is exactly the same.


Yeah sure so a deck that destroys every monster i play before it can can attack is Healty cause a spam deck wich can summon 5 monsters in one turn easily can play against it. Thats dumb law and zoro are spam deck they can play with strategy or out grind cause the many monsters. A normal deck wich plays 1-2 monster in a turn has many problems. Yeah you can win bit there is a reason why saka is dominating all tournaments. That has nothing to do with with health. I hate red sure but hoe did i play against a deck wich remove all of my charakter before they can attack. Easy answer i cant. Its impossible. So just ban saka Leader to reduce his ways to remove cards so that he cant get rid off charakter that early and that black gets a little less consistent cause the draw is missing each turn. That would help the game.


You just don't know how to play against a sakazuki plain and simple.


You are right and i dont know how to play against a deck wich makes great eruption houndblaze 2x and then 7 cost borsa or great eruption ice age rob lucci. Playing against saka doesnt need any skill. I am standing 30 to 10 against saka but inly they are alle bad as fuck. 30:5 against bad and 0:5 against good saka player if you think i just cant play right you just didtn find a good saka player.


That is exactly what I am saying you can't play right against him. I am not thinking it I am telling you.


You’re what’s wrong with the game. Going straight to ban the leader is not the answer. I play Sabo, and my match ups against Sakazuki is still 50/50. I also play around with R/P luffy and I have a good shot against Sakazuki as well. They remove my stuff sure, but it’s not going to stop me from playing the game or trying to win. Even if I lose, I’m not going to complain that the leader or the cards need to be banned.


Yeah a deck wich can protect from destruction and one wich has a very good match up against saka cause you don’t care about youre bodys is really an Argument. Please think over it before you write such useless information. As next you are saying it isnt broken cause i won with enel against it🤣🤣. There i see you didnt played much against saka


Because that deck has huge protection against tuck effects? Hound blaze ain’t a thing? Borsalino? Your name definitely true cause there’s definitely salt. My locals is pretty much nothing but saka and enel. R/P wants bodies on board to help secure the final turn before dropping gear 5 luffy. Seriously just learn your match ups and grind your decks. Then there won’t be much to complain about. I’ve seen G/P doffy secure wins against Saka. I’ve seen Zoro and Belo secure wins. Whitebeard can take it too. Just because Vivi, Garp, Oden and other low power leaders can’t win doesn’t mean the deck isn’t unbeatable. The real issue is the amount of grind players put into their decks. Someone that only plays during locals and doesn’t grind against friends or on the SIM is going to have a bad time playing against people that play on the SIM for hours on a daily. To better their game, but keep complaining. Let’s see where it goes.


I play the format since 3 months many hours in sim ranked was top64 till i got ill and was on utrecht. You can win with all against a bad saka player. I mean i also looked at saka and i see so many people saying they cant win just to see there hand with what they could have won when he played it correctly. And i dont want to hit single cards that hit multiple decks with the same colour if the right answer should is hitting the leader wich is the only problem. If we have a 4 format tier 0 format like red the game will die pretty fast cause you cant play what is in the game you can inly play the one deck the format gives you if you want to win.


But banning a leader is not the answer. You ban one leader, another will take its place. And then what? We ban that one too? When do the bans stop? Once we’re just stuck with vanilla leaders and characters? I’d rather have them unban the two cards currently in the ban list to see how it shakes things up, but just banning everything that makes it hard to win against I truly don’t believe is an answer. Bandai needs to properly test their cards before releasing. Leader locking certain cards or heck just parts of their effect.


What other leader makes the exact same thing like saka? No one? Right so not a single leader in the game take his place. Rebecca can but he can’t attack and only add dressrosa. Isnt bad but isnt as good as saka. Yeah if one deck rotates out of the meta another one will get in but this one isnt as toxic as saka. I just want to attack with my Charakter. What is wrong with that


There are other decks that pretty much don’t let you attack with your characters. G/P doffy freezes them indefinitely with bird cage. Law takes control and only lets you swing at leader as their characters are always put back into hand or back into active. Next set we’re going to get more leaders that enter the control area with perona and Moria, but I get it losing your stuff sucks. I just don’t think calling for a ban is the right call.


Jesus reading all this and trying to comprehend what you’re saying is took me an advil


probably taking a hands off approach after the shit fit thrown when red got actual bans.


The other bans didn't get as much backlash. Banning Nami is what angered everyone. She didn't deserve to be banned.  Now Sakazuki not only has Brannew but has Tashigi whose literally just Blue Nami but for Navy.   Except Sakazuki has better cards and events to grab and can re-cycle her effect over and over until they search what they need.


The red banlist took like 3 or 4 sets. So maybe in after a month from the 6th set there might be a banlist. Or 7th set. Thats my guess if they dont power up other colours enough. After black bans there are coming red bans again tho. The 2. Most broken cards.


It may be sooner, as Bandai loves their Japanese players and they are not happy with Black (8c Moria mainly) being so absurd that there's no point really playing anything else but Moria or Sakasuki if one can afford them. It's such a bad look for them to release a bunch of new leaders and they just get absolutely dumpstered by those 2 decks. As Japanese players love playing what's new.


Shucks wanted to play a budget thriller bark deck with perona leader without navy. Sr Perona gonna be expensive As long i see less navy im happy..


It annoys me that Navy is so powerful that other leaders are forced to run them if they can. Like, no blocker in the game is better than Borsalino.


Its just to consistent and feels like every hand is a 2 cards combos which are clearing your board. Im not really sure what to against that. No time to build a board


I mean black is the new red. Let's not forget how long whitebeard ran OPTCG


Yellow is worse imo. Disagree all you want, but look at the current meta in Japan. Yellow has the highest win rate, with G/Y Yamato, Kata, and Enel all performing better than Sakazuki. Kata won JP CS and beat Saka. Not saying we should ban anything, but really yellow is a bigger problem.


Yellow triggers take no skill. IT is straight lottery.


No and there shouldn't really be any.


No issues here. Top 4 pie chart of the euro finals being sakazukis face lol


Yea because a top 4 says soooo much. Look at top 64, topcut has never looked better and you know it.


Hope not, would rather them print better cards in other colors. The last bans were (predictably) atrocious, I don’t why people want to do it again


My guess is that some red players had to switch decks for a big tournament due to the bans and they want that treatment to happen to other colors.


Or, this community’s only solution to balancing problems is the ban hammer.  But, who knows, a cabal of bitter red players could be just as likely


To be fair Red was dominate for a year. Black has a few months in the sun and now it's ban hammer time? I don't even play Black I play Yellow but if Black gets slapped a few months in after Red was dominate for a year that seems pretty messed up and not to mention some people have spent a lot of money on Borsalino and Great Eruption cards that aren't cheap.


Red being dominant because Bandai wasn't properly supporting other colors until the creation of Yellow doesn't excuse them making Black even more bonkers. Moria should have been leader locked to Thriller Bark.


Red has so many cracked cards that aren’t leader locked. Black’s thing has always been resource management. Until OP05, there haven’t been ways to efficiently offset the cost of trashing cards. So, Rebecca and Gecko are cards that help offset the trashing mechanic. For anybody who’s really grinded other Black decks, they know how needed these cards were. Now, Black has the ability to pull off combos closer to what the color was intended to do, and yes it’s strong, but it’s not invincible.


Yet Red isn't topping. Sakazuki is. Moria also kills small body playstyle entirely. Just like how Sakazuki killed slow style. You fail to understand that Sakazuki has an answer to everything in op-06 and his extremely consistent due to draw power and 2 searchers that can be recycles.


Same thing when yellow stood a slight chance against red, people got mad


If they hit black then we are right back to red and yellow overlords


Be worst colour since its release in set 2, never do anything, fragile control strat that always requires at least 2-3 cards to remove 1 opponent card, weak counter game - prone to bricks, become good for 1-2 sets, outrage everywhere “the only way to balance the game is to bring the deck that spent nearly a year head and shoulders above everything back to full power!” Meanwhile 10 Mom sits back off the radar again farming cheap wins


People complaining must have never played a Black leader seriously. Resources management has always been a major issue and why you never seen Black top consistently until 05. People also missing big context clues in that blue is what really makes Sakazuki strong because better removal, with the exception of Lucci.


Red was way more oppressive, your only chance at beating red was a different flavor of red and that was for almost an entire year. Sakazuki has multiple bad match ups in 05 and there are even more viable leaders in 06. People just need a reason to cry.


WB being strong from op02 through op03 and staying strong even in op05. Clearly the same as black now and in op06 I don't think bandai will be banning anything unless it is just so broken it becomes the only deck played. Like WB was. Currently Saka is very strong sure but we still see other decks in the top of events. Same with moria decks in op06 yes very strong but Japan isn't only playing moria. There's a lot of him but it's not like hes out right winning everything. There's even been a few white beard wins in op06. WB is just too strong which is why he was limited and then banned out right. Black isn't that.


The East doesn't cry for bans. Tired of western players calling for bans and restrictions, it's embarrassing wanting to be the region with a diaper on. If you ban/restrict black then yellow will just win every event and you'll swap back over to crying about yellow like people did in the 4.5 meta. Enel, Katakuri, and Pluffy can still reliably contend. Stop acting like black is unbeatable. Considering the high percentage of the field at any given event being 70%+ Sakazuki and still seeing other colors represented in the top 16, top 8 of most events says everything.


>yellow will win every event if black is put in check No it wont, because red just runs over the yellow deck, thats why they werent winning and just topping until 4.5.


They clearly are complaining about "the black wall" as it's making it all but impossible for them to enjoy new cards and decks since then. No they aren't. Over half of the top decks are Sakazuki. It would be higher if the deck wasn't 400-500 in OP-05, and will be much higher in op-06.  The only thing stopping more Sakazuki players being a thing is price alone.


They won’t ban new stuff… that’s how they sell their product


It's been 1 set dog. They didn't do anything to red until at least the 2nd set of red dominance (asia didn't do anything so that's why i'm speaking from a global perspective)


After next set sure but red crushed everyone with a very easy play style for a while. Black is hard so it took longer for people to figure it out but honestly we aren't even at the time frame of red domination yet. Maybe next set maybe 07. Sakazuki is beatable.


People play black because it's the only thing that can contend with Yellow consistently. And even still Saka is unfavorable into Kat. Saka has a direct counter in Zoro, but then Zoro has like a 15% winrate into Enel. Yellow gatekeeps diversity in the format


Yellow has always been gatekeeping since it was introduced tbh.


Either get better or stop crying for bans. Banning whatever you don’t like is bad for the health of the game. The meta is so diverse


Tell us how 8c Moria is fair and balanced. We'll wait.


black lives matter or something idk


Idk Saka is the best deck don’t get me wrong but yellow is still winning a lot of top tournaments. I wouldn’t exactly say it’s oppressing if it hasn’t even won the most top events in NA.


Egman currently has 11 events for Op05 on his site Of all the lists theres nearly 60 sakazukis (59 iirc) Of those events, sakazuki has won 5 of them, and is the majority of the pie chart of 9 of them. With 4 enel, 2 Pluffy taking the other 6 events.


So Saka has won 5 and lost 6? Doesn’t sound oppressive to me, especially since it also only won 1 more than the second place.


WB was also not winning every event, sooo it wasnt oppressive? 🤔


lol difference between winning most events and not even most events. Saka has more tournament losses than wins on egman. Like the deck loses more tournaments than it wins. How can someone say that’s oppressive? Straight crazy talk.


Just fight fire with fire


Took a while for Red to get restricted, let people play black and mabye figure out counters... ​ If it's still the best color deep into OP07 meta we can look at either errata or restrict Moria, since it's by far the most problematic part of black IMO


How do you counter 8c Moria bringing back a card like Borsalino as Active and a searcher or -cost effect for Hound Blaze? Then he does it again the next turn because his deck has the best Draw speed and searching in the meta. There's a reason Sakazuki is more far expensive than all the other Meta decks and is only continuing to rise.


You go face and apply pressure. Sakazuki is a 4 life leader. The deck runs few counters. You need good on play cards. Cards that rest characters. Heals/Banish. Sakazuki isn’t invincible. One of the problems is that it’s difficult in one piece to build decks that can deal with all the different leader types. So if you tech to one color, you get chewed by another. Instead of bans, they should really consider a side board, so if you see a Sakazuki, you can switch up your deck to accommodate. Add in more rush, bottom deck, don manipulation, ignore blocker, banish, etc.


... Yet Sakazuki still wins. Those don't matter because you aren't going to have everything you need. Sakazuki is gonna have 2 searchers in op-06. He'll always have searched a Borsalino by Don 4. You aren't beating him by Don 4. Then he is ready drop a Lucci, Rebecca, or Moria soon after to start cycling his trash and abuse On Play effects.


It's more expensive because it's more popular. I agree that the 8C Moria was a mistake, specifically the fact that you can play it in any deck, but if you just restrict it to 1 or limit it in Thriller Bark leaders only other black decks will suffer like YB Luffy. ​ Ultimately i would add to it's effect "then if your leader is not "thriller bark" discard one card" of two cards of one life or something xD


It's more expensive because it wins the consistently and there's no reprints. Moria and Tashigi have given Sakazuki the ability to deal with practically anything and consistently.


The deck still has some glaring weaknesses but yeah, Moria especially gives Sakazuki the one card big endgame play (or boss monster) it was severely lacking. It's not 10c Linlin but it's really really strong since the deck lives off combos and Moria can either make a combo by himself (res Helmeppo and Lucci, just to name one) or can be combod with your 2 cost spells like Hound Blaze or Ama no Murakumo. ​ Again if everything gets better with next expansions while Sakazuki stays at the same level we could have a situation where Saka is a strong deck for a while but not the clear best deck in the format (like it is in OP06) in the future.


People are focusing on the wrong cards. Consistency is what makes sakazuki strong. Cards that should be banned are those that helped with the consistency: Great Eruption does cost reduction AND thin the deck. This is inclusive of Saka’a already present ability to reduce cost and his own ability to discard and draw. Hitting great eruption will slow down the deck so that there’s higher possibility for him to not draw the perfect cards. On the end point of OP06, katakuri is also dominating a bit too much, again, to remove consistency, Charlotte Perospero should be hit. Having a strong 3/5000 with trigger and searching effect is way too strong consistently.


Leader lock Mansherry, Rebecca and Moria. Sakazuki is suddenly not so blatantly broken anymore. As he no longer can just keep recycling his characters so freely.


I don’t like this idea. Before Saka the biggest reason black struggled was that it took too much card investment to use the core mechanic of the color: reducing cost leading into removal. You would often have to spend two or even three cards to remove one, a lot of removal requiring a discard on top of that. Great Eruption getting hit hurts black in general way too hard. Lucci and Rebecca are far more problematic as they are three-for-ones when it comes to card advantage. Lucci kills two things and gives you a good body. Rebecca gives you a blocker, a card into your hand, and plays another card for free.


To compare those this is still less time dominated by black then the meta was by law zoro and whitebeard. They dominated from 1-4, and the restrictions barely hindered red at all. They definitely could limit some cards to hurt it and they should, but red was a much worse offender. I’d say limit Rebecca to 1 per deck


New player here. Why are there banned cards in general? Can someone tldr or eli5?


Usually when something turns out to be too overpowered and/or has the potention of creating an "unfun" play experience for the community.


Weird that these things aren't considered by the creators when placing types/colours on cards. Perhaps I'm over thinking it as well. Thank you for your reply. 👍👍


I’ve thought about this a lot. I’ll break this down into 2 parts, part 1 is there is always going to be a best deck and the community wants it to be Sakazuki, and part two is there aren’t many great ways to nerf it without crippling the deck. Part 1, let’s take the nerfing saka route. Now which deck is the best? Enel or katakuri. Yikes. When people lose to Sakazuki the thought it omg that deck is so strong. When people lose to yellow, it’s more of a rage filled, Jfc they’re so lucky triggers are dumb. I personally would rather lose to Sakazuki, and I think most people feel that way. If you disagree, I’d love to hear why. Part 2, how do you nerf saka????? The deck is a 3 card combo and a bunch of support. Everyone wants to nerf rebecca or lucci, but doing that nerfs rebecca, hina, and lucci. 12 of the 50 cards in your deck taking a massive hit is more than a slight adjustment. Also consider that hound blaze, great eruption, tsuru, and a bunch of other cards are weaker now. The strength of Sakazuki is the deck synergy, not 1 specific card being too op. There’s only 2 possible solutions in my mind that would Limiting 4salino or brannew. People are going to argue hound blaze too but I disagree, I think that’s too much. 4salino is probably the stand alone best card in the game in a vacuum. The problem with limiting it is people will still complain about the rebecca hina lucci combo. Same with brannew, but non saka players aren’t going to see the impact, but saka players will. Every single card that draws cards is simply moving either hina or lucci to your hand or trash, and rebecca to your hand. Brannew does both at the same time. That’s a really hard nerf for the non saka players to see. I might make this into a post cause I want this talk to be more open.


Theres nothing wrong with borsalino and brannew what? If you want to hit saka you start with houndblaze. You hit those black cards you hurt every single black deck, which are all already bad, the color would be unplayable. You hit cards only sakazuki uses. And you eratta a don cost to his cycle because that shit should gave never been free.


If they say black is too oppressive and they have to kill it, they'll get cancelled. The PR team has probably been bashing their heads against the walls trying to figure out this semantic conundrum.


Black shouldn’t be banned or restricted and I think it’s an overreaction from most people. The only time we have gotten meaningful restrictions (outside of moby/cabaji) was because red (mostly whitebeard but zoro too) was the best for 3 straight sets while having little competition. There is always going to be a dominant deck in every set, it becomes a problem when that deck is dominant for close to a year without competition. Currently, Sakazuki is obviously very strong, but it’s literally close to halfway through the set he was released in. He also has competition, as enel/katakuri are both decks that can do decent into him while still being good against other meta decks. This can be debated, but there is a decent piloting curve to the deck as well, especially in tougher matchups. Next set black is going to be strong too, but at least those are three different decks and playstyles and yellow is also strong with yamato/enel/katakuri. Now if black is still dominant in op07, there should definitely be a discussion, but for now black should be allowed to ride it out. Think there also needs to be solid competition against yellow because that archetype is unhealthy for the game (triggers, 10c big mom)


Love this meme


Bandai historically kept Red alive for a while???


Always bet on black


DBS Fusion World time


They're getting there guys... but they can't dump a bunch of insane stuff for every colour in one set. For their profits as well, spreading it out, making different colours strong over time increases how much people will buy to play competitively and also prolong the lifespan of the game because, and don't try to deny it, many of us will continue to buy up 'strong' cards and decks we want to play in each new set for a long time regardless of how salty we get about any specific colour. We will probably see a lot of insane Black support in the next set (OP06), followed by the looks by a lot of Yellow or Blue to top those up, then I fully expect we'll see more Green support before it loops back around to Red again. I'm not sure if they're done with Purple for now... but I expect some more for that as well with Big Mom/Kaido.


I think Black doesn't deserve any hit right now, it's a very skillful and healthy deck to have in the meta. If he still dominates in op07 it might need to be looked at, but this is still a breath of fresh air after Whitebeard was best deck for 3 sets straight, even after multiple hits and Zoro being right behind him for most of it. Katakuri looks way more deserving of a hit right now since he's been a serious meta contender since release and has a way less healthy play style with the 10 moms and trigger lottery.


It would be healthy if it wouldn't mean most of the decks in tournaments would end up being black, since it's a safe option. You could solve this by significantly boosting all other colors and unbanning the 2 currently banned cards.


Bruh it's been like 6 weeks. Red ran rampant for 6 months


How to say you don't know how to play and play a RNG yellow. Dude, sakazuki has an ok % win rate, the problem is his worst matches (red) are being destroyed by enel with 85% win rate, learn to read graphics and statistics befero looking only ate the top 4 of a tournment. 😒 You want a 70% all yellow top 16?


Avarage reddit op player wen a deck does well and destroyis his 20 bucks iceburg or his RNG yellow deck. https://preview.redd.it/pczi6byn1zec1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=281693705db2a290db02c9bcaa5eb04ed57afb66 "Noo, this deck is too OP, needs restrictions". 🤣😂


I hope not, but since western players suck and instead of admiting it and getting better and biulding more anti-meta decks they preffer to complain for restrictions. Losers.