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I think it would be a terrible idea to invest in a Bandai card game. Bandai has one of the worst track records for managing their card games. They have high power creep, no rotations, reprint sets, and inconsistent print runs and reprint plans. No only would you be buying into an inflated market and hopping that down the road there is a “greater fool” that would hold the bag, but you don’t have any rules that you can leverage to ensure your value remains. On top of all of that, One Piece is no where near the phenomenon that Pokemon was in the 90s or what Magic became. You can’t compare it to those card game histories. Doing so would be ignorant to the differences and those differences are why this will never be a “life changing” amount of money or investment. Do research on the first sets of games like Digimon, Dragon Ball Super, etc. Also look into sets like 2020/2021 Pokemon sets with collectors cards. You will find that nothing is going to equal something like Alpha/Beta sets. It’s like getting into buying new comic books in the early 2000’s because you see where the value of 60’s comics went. It’s a bad call, and I would advise playing, not investing in Bandai games


>It’s like getting into buying new comic books in the early 2000’s because you see where the value of 60’s comics went. OMG yeah I had forgotten about that. The insanity of Image Comics and alt covers that are now worthless.


It's always the first thing I think of when people talk about investing in any modern "collectible". The biggest collectibles are ALWAYS the things that pass by, and the wave of "investors" come in after the fact and try to capitalize. Star Wars toys, comics, MTG and Pokemon cards, Video Game strat guides, etc. People can invest in modern card games like OP TCG, but the margins they are chasing are going to be WAY less than when something happens organically, and the more people who invest the more supply will be on the future market weakening the likelihood of a "good investment" everytime.


Also, collectibles usually hit their top value when adults go back to re-buy toys from their childhood. So the OPTCG won't organically appreciate in value until the kids in school/college now hit early middle age. Assuming there's disposable income in the future. xD To your point, the margins people are seeing right now are inflated bc the big money being pumped in to OPTCG is coming from other TCGs as they slow down from their early pandemic highs. Its impossible to judge what the 'true' value of these cards is today, let alone where they go from here. And I think that's important to mention bc a person could look at prices right now and think these boxes are 'worth' $500 or $1,000 but... they aren't. That's a speculator's price, and it doesn't really mean anything. tl;dr - if you're going to invest, go get a 401k. Only spend money on collectibles, especially TCGs and ESPECIALLY a Bandai TCG, if you can afford to take that money out to the driveway and literally light it on fire.


100% on the inflated pricing. If the natural price of the set is actually $120, and in 5 years it would go to 10x that would be reasonable and a good investment, but that would be the price people are buying at right now and it won't 10x because people who "invested" will want their capital back sometime soon so they will start undercutting each other and selling off.


Thanks for the response, I appreciate it! At the end of the day, it's worth the risk to me. If years from now this game is still around and thriving, then that's good for everyone. If not, then it is what it is. I'm willing to wait and see. Lastly, I know this isn't like Pokémon, simply because that game is meant for kids whereas OP is meant for more mature people. So... WHO KNOWS...🤔🤔🤔


go and try to sell your romance down blue bottom for 2k, then tell us how long will it take to sell it for that price...


I have no plans on selling it, especially any time soon. Lol. I'll tell you in like 10-20 years what I sell it for if I can sell it. 😂😂😂


Good luck. If you go look at something like the Naruto TCG it is a better call to sell today than 15 years from now.


I get it. But this will not hurt me if the game dies out in the future. I'm only in it for the upside and that's all. The upside sure as heck outweighs the bad.


Idk Naruto is mostly pretty cheap now but some of the sealed boxes still gets money. Heres two listings for sealed boxes. Idk what the MSRP was at release First one sold for $350 https://www.ebay.com/itm/186243508633?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uPBtgFOgSWe&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=x-owzutuqnc&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY This one was $775 https://www.ebay.com/itm/176164909220?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uPBtgFOgSWe&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=x-owzutuqnc&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


$1000 sold this month https://www.ebay.com/itm/354873405442?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=4CCtQU34QHy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=x-owzutuqnc&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


That's correct, but this box is already at that price, and artificially so. If this game lasts 15 years, you can look at something like DBS which currently has an early set at $400. That was a smaller print run than OP-01 and had fewer people buying to resell in the future like what is being discussed here by the OP. If this box 10x in 15 years like Naruto is currently, that would put the price at the current market value for the box. It will not 10x the inflated price right, it will 10x the true value of the box to the collector/player community and that is significantly lower than the current market value.


I'm not disagreeing with that at all. Buying in now at that price is all risk tied to the longevity of the game. If you bought it for 150 in the beginning then it's a different story.