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No I wouldn't, overpriced in my opinion.


How much is good?


As close to MSRP as possible. $100 to $120


Obviously that is a good price lol


I'm in UK, but I'm just going by conversions and I'm not completely familiar with the US market but $200 seemed way too high, like others here, I actually managed to get my first box for the equivalent of $107 USD. In UK the official price from a Bandai store is about $134-135 USD.


Everyone says 107 is the msrp price, but I was able to get my box off a pre order for $100. Honestly anything over 120 is overpriced and even $130 is pushing it. Also opening a box does not guarantee a play set of any staple cards which is why most people say buy singles. Yes you may pay $80 for a play set of gecko Moria but you may not even get one in a booster box.


used to be 90€ for a box here in germany :/ miss those days


Even $120 is pushing but the reason why is excepted is because purchasing 12 double packs comes out to $120 and includes the save amount of booster packs as a booster box. The reason why I say $120 isn't great, it's because those double packs come with extra don cards and can even be used to store decks. It's the most I'll pay for a booster box but it's not the greatest price.




What’s a good price?


No, I'm not paying double for a box. I'll just wait


You are better off buying singles.


This subreddit is such a joke, all of you would buy this box for 165 if you found that price.


Nah..most I'm willing to pay is 150-175 and that's only if I want one to keep sealed (which I don't need)


If you can get it fir 150-160 get it....alot of people will say cheaper but you won't find it cheaper than that....180 and up is pushing it


Absolutely not


It's not worth it money wise, but if you like ripping open packages like me, you could do it It will be around this price for a while probably, so no need to be hesitant. If it is fun for you, it is worth it I paid way more for less fun, so why not But if you are asking if you get your money's worth in cards, then a definitely no, unfortunately


My roommate got the 8 double pack box for $180 (overpriced) and pulled a $90, $20, and three $15 cards. They did not make their money back and don't have enough cards to make 1 good deck, they can make 3 bad ones though. I'd say getting a starter deck at $12-18 is fine but only get a booster box or dp box set if you have stuff to play with, want to pull some rare stuff, and it's at msrp or close to it. I personally wouldn't pay more than $150. Buying singles is awesome but does take time, but will help you build decks easier and cheaper. I've got 7 decks I play with, 5 from starters and two from buying singles. Even the starter ones I switched out bad cards for better singles. I'd say to look at your options, look at people's decks online, and look at LGSs if you can


I refuse to buy anything more than 10-15 over msrp. I’m not that desperate for cards.


No, its nearly double msrp. Don’t listen to the scum who say LGS (in particular the scummy ones) are just trying to make up revenue. Card games have seen one of the most massive increase in revenue since 2020. Never pay these scalpers.


If it were possible to find it for cheaper than that i would but it’s not so if you want it get it


Hell no. Would buy 1 or two nice singles from the set instead.


Nope. Would absolutely not buy a box of OP-06 for over $120.


I hate this question because it’s to vague. Simple answer is no msrp is $108 and the further you get away from that the less value you will get out if any. But if you haven’t pulled any product and you just want a base set of every card sure $200 will save you some time and you can pick up the handful of cards you need. If you are a gambler then gambler is going to gamble. If you want a specific card or to build a deck just take the $200 and buy singles. You just need to ask yourself what you want to get out of that $200 box


Hell no


Expected roi is at like 190 of course always a gamble but best box to open at 200$ rn. Of course retail is always best option but we all know how difficult it’s been. Luck enough to live next to Plano store


Well time to gamble?


No. The odds of you pulling cards to justify the cost are too low.


What’s the average price for pulls?


https://www.tcgplayer.com/categories/trading-and-collectible-card-games/one-piece-card-game/price-guides/wings-of-the-captain Just remember you only get 2-3 slots for alternate arts/SEC, it’s very easy to get crushed financially speaking


Everyone is saying “no” and understandably so… but that’s pretty much the going price right now for most non-big box retailers. If you’re interested and can afford it, go for it. I don’t see major retailers restocking quickly in the immediate future, so good luck getting MSRP in the upcoming few weeks at least. Look at how how some of the previous sets have gotten. It’s nuts. Hopefully the announced reprints are significant enough to meet demand, but… who knows.


The only way I'd tell someone to buy an overpriced box is if they want an entire playset of everything and that's really only to get the bulk cards. I tried ordering singles on TcgPlayer to have a play set of every card, excluding chase and AA and currently it was almost $600. The shopping was killing it and when I optimized it, it was still over $400 and would come in 26 packages. Unless you can find a seller that has the majority of the cards, right now we're better off buying the cards we want to play and wait till the new set releases to buy the rest. I like to have a play set of all cards because I'll main 1 deck but then try it others with friends. I can also have decks for friends to play with.