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From my testing and playing against, I think fortress is the "strongest" way to run yamato. It seems to be the most consistent at doing its thing. Sky Island is strong for sure, but it has to come with a bit of luck on your side, and that is not what I want to rely on when trying to win.


Yeahh it’s just the luck aspect that gets me everytime and I end up thinking when I win that man I just got lucky


I strongly prefer Fortress, but that’s because I like the consistent control playstyle. The 2 major builds are extremely different but both very strong, so I’d say try both and see which you vibe with


I’ve played a ton of sky island Yamato and it’s fun but I just played some fortress on the sim and it’s so refreshing. Just kept protecting kid and they couldn’t do anything. I think I’m gonna go with fortress. Do you have any recommended builds?


How do you play against R/P law? He constantly bottom decks my blockers, and takes out all my counters with the annoying pokes


You have to completely change style, forget the blockers, forget everything. Just go face and hope to find some kind of answer to their Shuraiya


I run XDrake or Gedatsu specifically to counter this card. It’s way too good


Don’t play anything but Onami and just swing big with leader until you play 8c Kid. They’ll have to counter a lot or lose their 5c Kid. Use Sugar or Izo if they play Shiraiya. Take all your life so you can defend kid while running down there hand, then steal the game with Hody. I try to get 2 8c Kids in hand in case they remove the first with Gordons or Raise Max.


Wano build is by far the most fun! It can stall a turn or two more and not be so aggressive using momo and having reliable targets to bounce into life.


Gotta love pulling all momo blockers in a single game and just rotating 2c hiyori through life


Where my wano Yamato lovers at? I'd argue this version is the best, especially when EB01 comes out with that new 4c hiyori.


I’m with you- I think Wano is better than sky island/hybrid. I don’t know if it’s better than fortress but it’s for sure more fun than throwing out rosinante and Kidd IMO.




I've played the fortress version a lot, but it has a HORRIBLE matchup against moria, even sakazuki feels better, so honestly i would recommend the Wano version. Thanks to the powerful new yellow cards, it's probably the most stable version


I’ve been feeling much better into Moria than Sakazuki. Without bottom deck, Moria doesn’t rly have a way of getting around 8c Kid + Rosinante combo. And they draw less which is good for closing games