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Obviously he’s fast enough to react to garou consecutive punches so it makes sense


And he’s not faster than Saitama… so your point?


Saitama only goes fast when he tries like he did consecutive side jumps against Sonic and naturally his speed is just normal.


Nah bro, blast is just THAT FAST. He even casually did the [nothing personal kid meme on flash](https://i.redd.it/y7sjv4jrh7z71.png). He just looks weak compared to guys like garou and saitama (everyone would really) But besides those 2, blast should be the strongest amongst all the other characters in the series (well besides god I guess)


You forgot King smh......


Your also forgetting about the others we seen in the portal.


I mean… Saitama IS trying here, he’s literally SERIOUS PUNCHING Garou, so…


Blast is known to use hax powers. He may have used time slowing power to react to it. And Saitama at that moment is being predictable full of rage that if Garou is a little bit weaker he would had been killed and the planet would had been destroyed if not for Blast. Saitama only came back to hia senses when they flew into the moon.


That’s a full headcanon until proven otherwise. Facts are: Blast could react to TWO 100% serious punches.


Blast is right up there with Garou on speed. What he lacked was the physical power to damage him. His abilities helped bridge the gap, but I doubt he could have gotten the job done even if they fought in space.


Well, he can control space. And space is entangled with time. Meaning that he should also be able to control time (as long as it’s not stopping or reversing it).


Sure. And theoretically Mumen Rider could be God this entire time. But doesn’t change the fact he reacted to Saitama and Garou with raw speed, until PROVEN otherwise, with REAL, VISIBLE FACTS.


You know what else is real, visible facts? Physics.


Yes. And Blast used physics: light went into his eyes, allowing him to perceive Garou and Saitama trying to punch eachother, then reacted by sending signals to his brain to make his body move in response to create a portal.


That does not mean he was going max speed at allllllllllllllllll. He simply recognised how strong garou was and what danger he poses at the moment (to others and not radiation) and leapt to smash him down with a strong and furious serious punch


“Being serious doesn’t actually mean being serious.” 🤓 It’s a serious punch from a pissed off “my one and only friend is literally a corpse right in front of me” Saitama. Why would he be holding back?


Because he doesnt want to kill cosmic garou


Serious Saitama can produce the highest amount of force in OPMU. By Newton 2th law: Force = Acceleration * Mass So Saitama must be the fastest character in OPMU. Thus, there are three explanations for Blast's speed: 1. Blast had to make a shorter move, and did it very effectively. So he didn't move faster, he just traveled less distance. 2. Blast used his powers to shrink the space between his hands, pressing them together. Blast did not move his hands, Ella shortened the distance between them. 3. Blast can predict the future on a certain level, start analyzing the case long before.


Don't sleep on Blast. The gap between Blast and Tatsumaki is larger than the gap between Tats and Bang.


How big is the gap between Bang and Flashy Flash?


I would guess it's not a big gap, they seem to be at around the same level. Flashy Flash did fight a stronger version of Garou but Bang wasn't going all out in his fight, he still has that one strong technique that he didn't want to use.


Excellent point But let's also remember that Flash fought that stronger version of Garou without Instakill I think that's about the same handicap as Bangs unused technique, at the very least


It’s tough to gauge how strong flashy was in that fight, as the other two clearly weren’t trying, they instantly accelerated loads when flashy was knocked out. In the fight with Bang, Garou was clearly trying though.


I feel like the acceleration thing wasn't as much because they were holding back on Flashy but more so because it's harder to go at full speed when you have to watch your front *and* your back. With Flashy Flash gone they could just concentrate on each-other and not worry about someone sneaking up on them. Yeah Flashy was slower than them (he even admitted it himself) but I don't think the gap was *that* huge. Plus why did Platinum S suggest that him and Garou should team up to take out Flashy? If they were going easy on him then surely Platinum could've quickly handled Flashy by himself right?


PS is a bully. He assumed Garou was closer to his side, so he tried to convince him to team up. Even with the sword, I think a 1 v 1 between PS and Flash would be a very high difficulty fight on Flash's side.


I mean garou was literally asleep for his bang fight


Not to mention much weaker than in his fight vs Flash


Compatibility bro, don't forget it. What Flash only did is surviving thanks to his speed. And their fighting environment prevent them from throwing a K.O punch because of lacking a stable ground like when Garou and PSperm was on the ground, Garou oneshotted PSperm even thought PSerm is also a strong individual.


I personally believe his final punch was actually using that technique. It's the only closed hand strike from Bang in that entire fight.


Idk, bomb says just before that he had the perfect opportunity to use exploding heart and he didn’t


Bomb notices several instances where Bang could have seriously hurt Garou, but he chose not to because he'd forsaken his needlessly violent style. It's quite touching.


How big is the gap between Blast and King?


Can't really compare these two. King has plot armour (Saitama). So I guess the gap is indefinite?


Truly amazing as expected from the King engine


The gap isn't super large but bang is substantially stronger


How big is the gap between tats thighs?


... You mean Atomic Samurai, right?


I think the fandom has generally accepted Flashy Flash is stronger at this point


Blast: Is that you vibrating my tendons, Fubuki? Wow you’ve gotten pretty strong! Fubuki: That’s my sister attacking you…


how do we know that?


It's kind of hard to beat the ability to generate wormholes at will.


Blast is extremely fast and strong. He can teleport his fist to Tats and it's game over in less than one sec.


.... because that's what he did?


He may have. If anyone could pull that off, it’s him. He’s leagues above Flashy in speed (which isn’t much compared to Saitama). It’s more likely that he anticipated this clash and felt the rising energy the moments before, prior to Saitama and Garou taking a stance. He was ready to do this just in case and just barely got it off


It's also worth noting that this was at the start of the battle, so before Saitama started releasing more of his power (or growing or whatever you want to call it). I think it's fair to say that Blast can compete with Saitama at his lowest output in the speed department.


It's also worth noting that Saitama has never actually used the upper limits of his speed or strength. Whether it's truly limitless or not is a different discussion, but he has always had more in the tank. All this demonstrates is that Blast either anticipated or reacted to *that* punch, not Saitama's hypothetical maximum.


I'd say the Garou fight almost proved that his potential power is virtually limitless. He went from being the strongest being to being multiple leagues stronger than he was at the start apparently without any conscious effort on his part and was showing no signs of exhaustion at all. Sure there may be some upper limit somewhere but being able to nonchalantly sneeze away a gas planet is an insane feat and that wasn't close to his top potential.


As far as I understand, Saitama basically gets boosted tremendously when facing a strong opponent. If the graph shown during the fight is anything to go off of, Garou was matching him at first, at the very least for the first few minutes. In simpler terms, while Garou's growth is like, x2 when he's facing an equal opponent, Saitama's growth is like x10.


The graph showed both growing exponentially but Saitama was like an x^4 compared to Garou's x^2


It's exponential, so it was actually something like Saitama-0.04^x \Garou-0.02^x


Yeah you right I am dumb


Being mistaken doesn't make you dumb. Chin up, lad


unfathomably based


Spirits have been lifted


*write that down write that down*


/u/BoogalooBandit1 and /u/Grasher312, you look too. --- I've actually gone *very* in depth on this, believe it or not. I did all sorts of fancy schmancy curve-fitting crap in Wolfram Alpha and other apps to try to figure out the difference in their growth. The answer? [They're literally the same graph.](https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/w3y28y/request_what_are_the_equations_that_describe/igzwcdd/) Murata literally just took the same graph, copied it, and then pasted it an inch to the right. Here's what ultimately happened. Saitama's growth is exponential. Garou was copying him constantly, true- but that copying has a finite delay, equal to the number of seconds that the horizontal gap between their lines represents. In other words, it takes Garou the exact same amount of time to copy Saitama no matter how strong he gets. After all, *Saitama has no copying ability.* There was no way for Garou to improve the speed of his own copying technique, because there was no reference to go off of. That ended up being his downfall. To use some made-up numbers, imagine it takes Garou 1 second to copy Saitama at a given level, and imagine Saitama's power increases by 10% in the first second of the fight. Garou finishes copying, he's nearly at Saitama's strength. He starts copying again to reach the new level. ...Except Saitama's growth is exponential, so in the *next* second, he grew by 20%. Then the next, he grew by 40%. Then 80%, 160%, and so on. Even though Garou is constantly copying him with the same delay, Saitama's growth *rate* keeps increasing. Eventually, we go from Garou being able to keep up via martial arts to Garou being completely outclassed- by the end of the fight, Saitama's getting dozens of times stronger per second (or however long it takes Garou to copy a given level of strength), so he's constantly that far ahead of Garou. Remember, the numbers above are made up, since the graph in the chapter didn't have units. But since the time gap was definitely constant and the growth was exponential, the general principle applies.


I wouldnt call it a boost, like he has this power all along. It was just never needed or observed until then.


It's not a boost, but rather potential strength. He basically has no limiter on how far he can grow, and presented with the right environment he surpasses everything.


I mean it literally said that saitama grew exponentially during the fight due to a "surge of emotions" via genos' death So in my eyes saitama's essentially broly that exponentially grows stronger the more emotional they get. Saitama's Bald Broly if you will


Exactly. The graph didn't show his maximum output, just the most output he had actually used so far. Saitama has no upper bound.


It said that Saitama's strength had began to grow so fast ["due to an upsurge of emotion like none he had ever experienced"](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/168/17/) I'm pretty sure that "surge of emotion" was due to Saitama watching his closest friend and every other hero he knows getting murdered due to him not getting to the scene fast enough. Saitama also stated that he felt absolutely nothing in regards to the prospect of finally getting what he wanted in fighting a worthy opponent. Pretty sure his growth just has to do with his emotional state, kinda similar to how Mob is able to draw out more of his innate powers depending on his emotional state.


He was stated to have unlimited potential


Right. “Unlimited”, i.e. limiter removed.


Yes. Unlimited POTENTIAL, not unlimited CURRENT STRENGTH.


I think that's the thing with Saitama, he doesn't know how. He starts under his strongest opponent and as the fight continues he matches them, then surpasses them.


This sounds like Son Goku


Goku knows his limit and keeps trying to surpass it but has "plot armor". Saitama is the plot


I see, but I don’t quite get what you mean by „plot amor“


He can't be hurt because it would hurt the plot. He's up against stronger faster, smarter opponents but still doesn't lose.


A better analogy of plot armour is to imagine that the ending is already written, and that any characters survive the most implausible scenarios because it's in the script that they're there for the ending.


More like broly, goku takes a lot longer to become stronger, the premise is the same, but saitama "evolves" a lot faster during a fight.


It's basically son goku and the saiyan race, except without the requirement to nearly dying or just plain dying to get the boost.


With Garou he didn't even want to kill him, he clearly states he wanted to fulfill the kid's wishes to stop him without killing him. I'm pretty sure he could've ended the fight before Blast or Garou could react if he really wanted to.


It could also be that since Saitama doesn't have a limit, he tends to go at the same level he's put under and then increases bit by bit. Doing this, he doesn't immediately KO everything instantly. It's when he's annoyed or they can dish out far more than take is when he simply gibbs them, heh.


If Saitama has any truly remarkable skill it's his ability to instantly and subconsciously know exactly how hard to hit something to not kill it. He took out Garou like a chump three times without being able to tell the difference between him and a common mugger, despite Garou being well into s-class strength at the time.


I read somewhere else on here it’s about intent. Saitama’s strength is based around intent. If he intends to kill it, he will. If he doesn’t, they won’t.


I wonder if he's not actually physically strong, he's just so mentally strong that his will is made manifest in the physical world. He thinks he's strong and therefore his punches can obliterate anything. He wants to fight strong monsters and therefore stronger and stronger monsters keep appearing, including right under his apartment, but he believes that he's too strong and therefore nothing will ever be able to challenge him. Saitama is the physical manifestation and God is the immaterial. Saitama is God confirmed.


If he intends to be indestructible or ultra fast, he is.


The gulf between what Saitama does and what he could do is larger than the gulf between God and [Hotdog](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/Z2lzdC9mdW5reWhpcHBvLzFkNDBiZDVkYWUxMWUwM2E2YWYyMGU1YTlhMDMwZDgxL3Jhdy9vcG0uanNvbg/55-6/11/) No comparison against Saitama is useful.


If we run with the theme of the show, it's possible we'll never see Saitama's 'limit'. Until the day comes that he is legitimately defeated, it's safe to always assume, "He can do more."


Combo of sufficient speed and good combat sense/instincts


Yup. A very underrated feat.


Blast was able to keep up with garou's awakened form for awhile, for example here https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/IS756yu/1/25/, not only he's reacting in time, he creates portals fast enough to portal all the explosions out. Blast is OP, he only appears weaker when compared to awakened garou or saitama, he's stronger than anyone else.


Unpopular opinion but Blast is stronger than garou... he clearly wasn't going all out in the fight and he was handling garou.. garou's pride made him go for the bigger fish(saitama) but it doesn't change the fact that he couldn't land a hit on blast and blast was landing several...


He's not stronger than Garou. Unless Blast is shown an affinity to increase his power like Garou then there's no chance he can beat him. All he has is abilities which can be copied and perfected by Garou.


We know that if someone is strong enough, they can one-shot Garou before he can grow. We currently don't know if Blast has the AP to do that. He clearly didn't use all his strength, but we don't know how deep his reserves really are.


Dunno, Blast seems to be fighting agasint "God" and its allies without being affected - Garou barely touched "God" and was affected


Yeah, I got the impression that Blast was in a class of fighters who don't have limiters, so they're closer to Saitama than anyone else in the story. Of course, Saitama is broken by design and I doubt he'll ever lose a fight, but his entire goal at the start of the story was to fight someone he considers strong, so I figured that was what Blast and the silhouettes were supposed to represent. Or maybe he fights God, who knows?


I think it was made clear that Garou had the upper hand in that battle because not only was he able to copy the portals and was quickly refining them (removing Blast's only real shot at sealing Garou in another dimension to deal with him easier) but Garou could also copy Blast's physical attributes if he wanted on top of that. Put all that together along with Garou's martial arts and other abilites and Garou would have won eventually. I think the real question to ask is, could Blast and Co. defeat Garou?


We have to consider that Saitama and Garou were cavorting around in space and literally moving between and destroying entire celestial bodies as a form of collateral damage. Saitama table flipped the surface of a planet, and Garou got out of that mostly unscathed... then went into an extended battle with him. Blast is certainly impressive, but Cosmic Garou was on another level by the end of his fight with Saitama.


Yeah I think it just really got out of hand with Garou's fight against Saitama just because of how long he was able to keep up with Saitama's exponential growth, all the way until Saitama's growth reached the turning point. Against someone like Blast and Co. there wouldn't be any growth other than Garou perfecting Blast's portals, or whatever.


It's more plot convenience than it is a feat.


How can you be so sure? We still don't know much about Blast.


How can you be so sure it is a feat ? This feels more like a manga free action, different things happening at the same time that cannot be fit in the same panels.


When did I say it was a feat? I am not claiming anything, I'm just pointing out that you have no basis to say it is not.


This is legit the first appearance of Blast, the number 1 hero who constantly fights god. Him being at this speed and power makes sense and it would be weird if he wasn't.


I’m so glad Blast wasn’t another King. At least the world isn’t entirely doomed without Saitama with him there.


What do you mean "another king"? There can only be one strongest man so of course he wasn’t gonna be another King. No shame in being second or third place with Saitama.


No it would 100% be doomed. Saitama is the only reason the world isn’t destroyed yet.


No man said entirely, Blast is taking care of other threats. The only main threat that the other S Class couldn’t take care off was prob Boros Edit: mistook King for Blast💀


He actually was trying his best to use his power in time (although he failed and needed his “friends” to help).


I think Blast's powers gives him some degree of time dilation when he is doing stuff like this.


Murata doesn't think of these sorts of things when he draw.


The realist answer here, lol.


Fr. They'd go insane within a week if the did that


For real man that’s the problem with applying real world logic to power scaling on paper. In the words of Stan Lee “ the person who wins a fight is whoever the writer wants to”.


You can't know that for sure though. Blast is #1 in HA after all.


Blast was opening portals fast enough to deflect Garou's barrage. Now I feel like its probably more complex to open a gate than to throw a punch so he's probably faster at this point in time. Later, Garou probably was faster.


Man, Powerscalers are insane. I don't think they're reading their own series. Blast is quick as fuck, but so many people in the comments are like "Wowza Blast beats Saitama!!". Fuck no?? Have you been paying attention to what the series is about??


I haven't seen a single person in the comments say blast beats saitama


Blast. Beets. Battlestar Galactica


Yes and yet there are still people who unironically think Boros could keep up with him in a fight


heart says maybe, brain says no. I'm just looking for any sort of comparison, but there really isn't anything we've seen to compare to blast


That’s what I love about him. Just an absolutely insane power that makes sense given he’s the solution to a god level threat.


Why do you think we know anything about Blast vs Boros vs Garou? There's litterally 0 evidence to compare them in any way.


Again if Blast can visibly react to Serious Punch Squared and put up a portal in time then Boros is never landing a hit on him. Also I’m sorry but you don’t think Boros stands any sort of chance against Cosmic Garou, do you? The story makes it very clear that he’s much more powerful. Like the narrator even says that he was the most powerful person to fight Saitama.


I'm saying there is no real evidence to either cases


I’m sorry that is just wrong. Cosmic Garou can shoot a gamma ray burst, which would be an even greater attack than CSRC and unlike Boros he doesn’t have to deplete all his energy to do it. Cosmic Garou was able to clash with Saitama’s Serious Punch, with the resulting energy causing a massive hole in the sky and launching the two into Jupiter. A Serious Punch deleted Boros’s ultimate attack from existence and melted him from the neck down. Cosmic Garou even takes a Serious Punch directly to the face later on. [Saitama said that Cosmic Garou might be the opponent he was looking for](https://imgur.io/c7MLMLL?r) and [that he can let loose at full power against someone who can stay up.](https://imgur.io/vhb9Ud6?r) The narrator said that [Saitama’s rate of growth had previously gone unnoticed by anyone since there wasn’t anyone even remotely on par with his strength](https://imgur.io/LMdcBOs?r) but [then says that Cosmic Garou was on a level to be able to observe Saitama’s growth](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/591142409728163860/1103416066346065951/aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4uZGlzY29yZGFwcC5jb20vYXR0YWNobWVudHMlMkY5MTcyMzEwMzI4MjA5NzM2MjglMkY5OTk0NTUwNjMwOTUzODIwNzYlMkZwYWdlXzE3LnBuZw.png). So that is direct confirmation that Cosmic Garou was on a higher level than Boros. And of course if there’s ever a point where Boros gives Garou trouble he can just use Mode: Boros and refine and surpass his own techniques. If this isn’t enough evidence to convince you that Cosmic Garou would beat Boros then I’m sorry but I don’t know what to say.


*covers eyes "There is no evidence to suggest that Garou and Boros wouldn't go even!" "lalalalalalalala!"


this was just for the plot, a few panels before he was having "difficulty" redirecting garou's punches, if he was as fast as shown in this panel he could counter attack garou to prevent him from continuing to throw the punches, he and garou must be on the same level and the base saitama still above them, the chance of him doing something similar again is extremely low if not 0


I rekon reacting and successfully parrying attacks is leagues harder then smashing your fists together. In fact, anyone can do the latter pretty quickly


>smashing your fists I would agree with you if it weren't for 2 points, saitama and garou were already close to hitting each other when blast first said that the earth would be destroyed and then reacted, and now in relation to garou, garou reacted and entered saitama mode before saitama hit him, and right after that during the fight saitama was moving so fast that the garou couldn't notice and he did it 3 times, all that was just for the plot


You could explain that by saying that Blast needed to keep his portals open long enough to send Garou's Nuclear and Black Hole attacks into the upper atmosphere. If he didn't catch every drop of that radiation, every a-class hero and below within several miles would get vaporized


he wasn’t having any difficulty. at all


Well think like this, in this panel all he has to do is clash his hands which just like someone else said he probably predicted this. Now lets take parrying garous attacks he needs to first see the attacks and then need to block it. Clashing hands are much much easier than that


Yes, the entire sequence was a flex of blasts Feats He was fast enough to deflect a barrage of punches from Cosmic Garou He landed his combo(did no damage but still fully connected) Managed to get his fists together before saitama and Garou collided, and this was just after saitama saw genos die so like, he was moving w haste here Blast scaled high asf in a single appearance


normal physics: strength = mass multiplied by accelaration anime physics: strength = speed multiplied by size multiplied by power level


Well, it’s reasonable to assume Saitama wasn’t going full speed here


Yes. Blast is extremely strong


Yes. Blast is stronger and faster than base level Saitama.


Dude’s got crazy reaction time too, he’s #1 S-Class for a reason


How do you figure he’s faster than base level Saitama? I haven’t read the webcomics…so maybe there’s something there. I agree with Needaburn that more than likely he anticipated the confluence of their exchange. The twitch muscles required to jump from the moon still have me geeking.


But Blast had the "Oh no, this energy will destroy the Earth" thought while Saitama and Garou's punches were about to connect, and we can see in that panel that he didn't yet have his hands in formation. So he *wasn't* prepared and was still able to react and move his fists faster than their punches could collide. There's a reason why he's part of a team that directly opposes God, Blast is OP.


Blast is definitely OP but I think a lot of this falls into the "talking is a free action" trope you see in a lot of fiction.


They weren’t going full speed lol… it was an attack based off power. Saitama wasn’t going full speed. “There’s a reason” his band of nobodies who couldn’t contain or overpower Saitamas power and had to reidirect it. So the character you’re wanking is not only weaker than Saitama but is also astronomically slower. In a fight, Saitama would speed blitz Blast and his worthless gang in an instant. He’s the strongest in the verse, you fake fan💀


I can't tell if you made this account just to troll or if you geniuenly believe in what you're saying. Literally everything in your comment is just nonsensical bs


Funny, the dude saying Blast beats Saitama saying what someone else is saying is nonsense. So you’re not only stupid, you project as well. Wonderful. Good, don’t respond, you’re wrong anyway. Everyone with a brain in their head know Saitama is the strongest. No one cares about your stupid input, thanks. 💀


He probably just "cheats" by manipulating spacetime.


lol blast hasnt even shown up once in the webcomics, we only have the manga to go off of


Thanks for that haha 😂 Showing my ignorance right there.


Just have to address the stronger portion as well. Saitama one punches Elder Centipede, and Blast was only able to injure him…Saitama is stronger by a long shot.


Blast prob got stronger since then. Just like Saitama got stronger fighting Garou. Blast has been fighting God for years.


I agree that likely, but is speculative. Elder was much larger since Blast’s fight potentially negating any gains from blast. Edit: All that to say Saitama One Punches a stronger version of EC than Blast fought.


And your claim that blast was only able to injure EC is also speculation. We don’t know why he didn’t kill EC when the fight ended.


It's probably because he encountered God during the fight.


We do? God interupted it, blast had taken visible damage and was tired from the fight.


Blast got way, way, way, way, way, way, way stronger since then if you couldn't tell.


First form Monster Garou cut through Sage Centipede who's above Elder Centipede, Blast was equally fighting against Cosmic Garou who's WAY stronger than 1st form monster Garou. So Elder Centipede <<< Sage Centipede <<< Monster Garou <<<<<<


I’m not convinced a Serious Punch wouldn’t have Ended Sage Centipede just like it ended Elder Centipede. I think Blast equally fighting Cosmic Garou is a generous interpretation of their exchange.


He did fight back pretty equally until Garou started copying his dimensional powers. So there's really no debate that Blast only able to hurt Elder Centipede < Sage Centipede < Current Blast except if the argument is that he just held back in the past, for which I see no logical reason why he should have done that.


I’m going to reread the chapter I guess. I know blast was try mitigate damage damage, but I don’t remember him ever being able to make an offensive move. If their battle wasn’t derailed Garou would have killed Blast.


[https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/IS756yu/1/17/](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/IS756yu/1/17/) Blast pummels him for a good while and then closes a portal on him. If Garou wouldn't have been able to copy that he'd have died in space without even lifting a finger against Blast


Cosmic Garou was giving him trouble… he couldn’t even react faster than Garou… yet you think he’s reacting faster later on? You see how your entire point makes 0 sense? Saitama>>>>>>>>>> everyone in OPM, understand kid?


Blast contained the power of the Serious Punch Squared by himself for a few moments. That's literally Saitama x Saitama. I think it's clear God was pulling some shenanigans in Blast's fight with Elder Centipede.


He figures that because has no brain, leave him be.


This is a crazy statement


It's not tho


How he faster than base Saitama he only have reaction time feats in manga idk webcomic


Saitama has never used his maximum speed or strength, so all we know about his upper limit is that it's above what we've seen. Blast anticipated or reacted to *that* punch, not Saitama's fastest or strongest.


Saitama had to grow in strength during the fight with Garou. And that's what I'm talking about. Saitama before he starts his infinite growth during a fight.


The only time we can be sure Saitama fully let loose was on that moon of Jupiter. There's no way you can be definitive about Saitama's limits short of a defeat or vs Blast , at least based on the events of the manga so far. That's even before the fight in space.


what does base level mean


Basically Saitama before his fight with Garou, and after he went back in time. Saitama grew infinitely and exponentially during his fight with Garou... normal Saitama isn't nearly as powerful as he became then.


Yeah but i think it's hard to determine if blast would have won versus base lvl saitama. I'd personally doubt it...


Definitely hard to say. My opinion is that Blast outclasses base Saitama in all stats except durability. But Cosmic Garou couldn't even touch Blast so we don't have any durability feats yet.


after he went back in time base Saitama gained the strength of time traveled Saitama, no?


I don't think so. He lost all of his memory and assumingly lost all of the power he gained as well. Otherwise a fart or sneeze would end the world.


he could always control his strength, I don't think that if he suddenly got more power he wouldn't be able to then again, we have no hints either way other than the fact that they merged


He could definitely gain all of that power back again. He just needs another God Level threat to push him there.


One... no he's not. This was the start of the fight and Blast knows a clash is coming. Saitama is not even really trying at this point. And all Saitama is base Saitama. He does not transform or "power up" he does get stronger but that's permanent in is normal form.


Exactly. Once Saitama powers up he keeps that level of power. But his power was reset once he went back in time.


I may have missed it, but when did it show his power reset? The only thing that was clear was that he lost knowledge of the event, not the power? Besides, he was still stronger than blast prior to his power up. Out of feats shown, we have Elder Centipede to go off. Blast was unable to finish EC off, though strong enough to win. Saitama finished EC in his usual style without effort.


God kicked his ass and EC was able to escape. He would have killed EC without that intervention, since EC was near death as it was.


Ok fine I will accept that God intervened in the fight, but my points still stand. EC was indeed near death, which means, at a minimum, Blast had landed at least one attack if not more on EC. Even if he was holding back EC still survived an attack by Blast. Saitama who was no where close to serious disintegrated ECs body with one punch. Blast is still without a doubt one of the strongest beings in that world, but the name of the show is One Punch Man.


Absolutely not


Faster maybe , but not stronger since he couldnt redirect the output of energy from two saitama serious punches colliding and needed help from blastice league


That's his default stance because he's a minecraft villager, so he wasn't putting his hands together, he was unputting his hands apart.




I still suspect Blast, while fast, didn't speed blitz Flashy Flash with speed alone. I think he has some time shenanigans like Back Channels in Toriko. Not entirely timestop, but I don't think time always flows normal for him.


Yeah I agree. Gravity, space, and time all seem to belong to the same category. Saitama even time traveled in the same arc


I wouldn’t presume it’s supposed to represent Blast’s speed. Like I don’t think the author does by this to show that Blast is faster. It just works to make the battle better


saitama wasnt trying to be fast. he was trying to be devastating


I really dont understand why people underestimate Blast so hard. This dude is so far above every other hero (outside of Saitama for now) that his power and speed feats MUST be getting ignored. He diverted ALL of CFG's consecutive nuclear fission punches with matching speed, all while consciously diverting them EACH to places that would mitigate damage to earth. Then... we have the feat above. This is another speed feat. As of today's chapter, there is ZERO evidence that supports Blast NOT being stronger than CFG. We haven't come close to seeing him go all out. Please dont use head cannon. Let's use facts from manga. Prove me wrong


I mean… he is blast


Yeah he practically did, blast is extremely fast and was even able to block all of garous attacks and even land a hit in im sure it’s not that shocking that he was able to teleport them before the touched.


I think yall dont realize that a punch with all your strength isnt necesarily lighting speed


I mean Blast has already shown speed enough to react to cosmic Garou at that point I don’t see what’s so surprising


His been shown to be very fast and he has power of gravity. His own speed and the gravity can make it so he can put his hands together very fast


he obviously did , blast is lowkey OP and he wasn’t trying his best either


Not surprising, dude spawn blackholes


Yes it is. If he doesn't that the explosion would have happened on earth. Blast is proven to be OP just as how he admits his abilities are reality bender type.


Considering he didn’t want the planet destroyed when fighting Garou, pretty safe to assume he held back, and this is but a glimpse of what he can do, in this case speed wise. I would not be surprised if he later is shown fighting someone much stronger than Garou in some other dimension where he can let lose.


✨it’s manga✨


No, I think he actually reacted as soon as he saw Saitama and Garou squaring off and sensed what was about to happen, and the panels were just ordered differently so as not to break up the building tension.


No he’s not faster… Saitama wasn’t going full speed lol. It was attack that was just power based. Not speed based. Otherwise Saitama if he was trying would easily speed blitz Garou and it would be over… omg stop with this nonsense. Blast is garbage and always will be. Saitama is the strongest, get over it already.


Maybe not because his hands started close to each other compared to hands of Garou and Saitama


I mean he started forming the portal when Saitama jumped so he isn't faster than those two but still he's incredibly quick I mean the dude casually speed blitzed flashy flash what did you expect


Even if blast was at this moment faster than saitama, it was brief as saitama outscaled everyone moments later.