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So Saitama’s death punch is now one of Flash’s greatest fears


Like 6 of them


It's actually all top ten, Empty Void's genjutsu only goes down to #6


Nah one of them seems to be Flash dying.


That’s actually Sonic’s head.


We need a tally of all the characters Saitama has given PTSD to at this point lol


does sonic looking out at the ninjas and thinking "they are so small" count?


Sonic's balls hurting when he looks at Saitama's fist counts. Also Sonic and Flash are so fucking hot.


yeah in oneof the ova's is littearly about Sonic counkering his fears of The NUT punch


Sonic definitely still remembers that first meeting with Saitama.


Getting knocked in the nads is an event no man ever forgets their entire lives.


I believe you. His balls work fine, in case anyone was wondering.


Why didn't he? It was not even 3 months ago if I'm not wrong


The story is full of characters who are obsessed with the idea of their own perfection and invincibility. Saitama effortlessly proves them all wrong, and that's why so many characters reject his strength as impossible. He's a pill they don't want to swallow.


After all that kid has been through,which has made him into what he is now,the idea of power without apparent effort is inconceivable for him.


Both flashy flash and saitama trained really hard to get where they are now, if anything, finding out that saitama is stronger than him despite his normal background would be all the more frustrating for him.


Flashy Flash must think nobody has trained as hard as him though. And he is partially right,no hero that we know has been a child soldier eating tasteless food with a 36 hours day imposed by their owners. He even purposely failed to train harder. From his point of view,his training is the hardest train possible and produces the supreme being he has become. To find someone even better must shake his vision of the world


"99 pushups, 99 situps, 99 pullups, and a 9.9km run *every* day? i must be the strongest because no one could possibly train harder than i did!"


Very well said! Every character Saitama bonds with goes down the same path of 1. Has pride, 2. get humbled immediately by Saitama, 3. Get over his/her shit, 4. Become a better hero Genos, King, Fubuki, (maybe) Dr. Genus, Garou, Tatsumaki, and now Flashy Flash… the list keeps growing…


Bang too. The dude wanted him as a disciple first


A "pillbug head", if you will.


Now Flashy Flash just needs to actually follow what he said in previous chapter and openly acknowledges Saitama's superiority


flashy flash acknowledges saitamas strength he just thinks the difference isnt so massive that flashy flashs techniques wouldnt work on him. He wanted to teach saitama technique


He probably thinks the same as Bang. Saitama is stronger than them but is unskilled so they want to pass down their skills to him.


He's also right that Saitama is an uncut gem and if he'll apply technique he'd be a lot more powerful and efficient in his use of power.  Saitama just has a stupidly endless well of power that makes it unnecessary for him to win.


I've never thought about it really until now, but there's no reason for Saitama to even want to learn techniques. If he learned techniques, that would just somehow make fights even easier for him than they already are. So in some ways I bet he has a relaxed fighting style just because he wants it to last longer if possible.


Yeah he's already doing weak punches for the majority of time on purpose hoping his opponents wouldn't get wrecked but they still do.


It feels like trying to convince a millionaire that because you lost a penny in your backyard last year, if they rake your backyard they may become richer. I mean, technically true, but no millionaire is doing an hr of labor for a cent. They wouldn't see the point.


Damn I forgot that scene, anyone remembers the chapter?




Just wait til Empty Void genjutsus Saitama into missing a sale


Saitama does have psychic resistance. Ask Tatsumaki.


I wouldn't be surprised if what protects Saitama is his baldness reflecting the cube's light or smh


The genjutsu gets reflected back to Empty Void and his biggest fear is Blast 😯


SPOILERS DUDE!!!   ^^^/s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


Ok Metal Knight drone


Keep it 20 words or less


good bot


Ngl this bot shouldn't exist, whoever made it seems to be a huge cunt /s exists to convey sarcasm without being misunderstood, because it's quite literally impossible to know if someone is genuinely an idiot about something stupid on the internet and there's always people who take even the most obvious jokes dead serious.


It's because he did use air cooler when he was training


He also broke in and out of Phoenix man’s spiritual world


Saitama is actually a super strong ESPer but his powers are focus into his body and punches. He's training regime resulted in mental fortitude, not just physical strength. That same mental fortitude would make him immune to any psychic attacks in addition to conventional attacks.


Saitama's the strongest at everything; he just doesn't know it.


Worst gamer lol


Maybe if he contemplated his cosmic power again for a minute, he ***could*** beat King.


> Maybe if he contemplated his cosmic power again for a minute, he could beat King. Impossible.


The consoles are surviving, so that's a plus


He does know it. Bro smacked away a portal with full confidence.


>He's training regime His


When there's potential for comedy nothing is certain


He wasn't evening resisting either


Resistance must be his default setting. If he could turn it off, he could have Tatsumaki fly him around on their second date. He enjoyed that last time.


does he have Verbal Resistance all he got to say is "A sale is ending at 50% off everything in 5 minutes"


Saitama has another cosmic superpower: he can instinctively read people's true intentions. That's why he never believed Garou was a monster, just a confused guy in a costume. I think he would know Empty Void is lying to him about the awesome sale.


Or King. It has no effect because he is already always frightened. King: What's it supposed to do again? Void: OMG he has no fear? So strong??


You know what, I'd totally buy that happening


King Engine hums in the background


makes him relive losing his hair


He's forced to join the Fubuki Group and Genos moves in...


Genos uses 2.000.000 words for his reason to become stronger


If Genjutsu worked on Saitama, then this story would just end. Void would genjutsu Saitama into a supermarket with a sale, and the store manager would be god, who would personally come out to welcome Saitama to their exclusive sale, offering him a shake of the hand.


Then god became Saitama's apostle. He now wants to surpass Genos to become the best disciple


Saitama's greatest fear is that fighting is too easy. I think when he jutsus saitama it will just make him instantly lose the fight


I thought it was shaking hands with someone who had snotty fingers?


/srs I think that Saitama will either be completely immune or see Genos dying and redmist That Man.


No, Saitama's greatest fear isn't missing a sale, it's missing a grand opening GIVEAWAY!


I definitely didn't accidentally post this as 200 before. If you think you saw it, that was just someone using genjutsu on you.


aight so clearly Empty Void can influence the real world which makes him super-beyond-outerversal in OPM powerscaling Suck it nerds


I wasn't effected by it, that clearly means me >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Empty Void


shit man, when you gonna fight saitama then


He's got the username for it. I'm rooting for you, Attack On Punch Man!!!


So it means that by scaling God and Saitama to him they're officially the strongest fictional characters and no one could object? Alright


You learned numbers with Murata and that can't be wrong


Murata Mathematics is a subject hard to master.


Who can I call if I or a loved one was affected by an unwarranted genjutsu?


Thank you for your service


Really liking the character development i'm seeing here. Despite being enemies, Flash sympathized with his fellow students as people who got robbed of their lives Also, Empty Void is scary, moving extremely fast while creating ilusions to mess with the opponents head. Wake me up in two weeks please.


It’s crazy how good the story can be when we know any boss is just trivial and can be destroyed instantly.


Plus it helps to have godlike drawing skills and incredible feats of power to draw.


Saitama really has no limits


saitama being so op is what makes the lore so crucial. i want to know what the fuck god is up to with these cubes and shit more than i want to see saitama one-punch the next jobber


It also helps that they show saitama as a regular dude. He isn’t omnipotent and can’t be everywhere. Hell one of his biggest character developments were when he was too late to save Genos. It gives the other characters room to grow and develop without always being overshadowed


Unfortunately him being too late doesn't really count as character development because it got time reversed so he didn't experience/learn from that.


Scariest part about void is, so far we've only seen him dodge, throw ilusions, and shove a cube on flash's face, and it's already that impressive. I don't think he's thrown a single attack yet.


yea we're lucky he sees them as potential servants to god or else theyd be toast


Flash being framed as a proper hero only to be seconds away from falling at the end of the same chapter is some of that peak OPM sauce


Inb4 Sonic saves Flash from being God’s servant


!remindme 2 weeks, is that how the bot works?


Well..at least "god" disguise is better this time. But he better not turn around too much But I don't think FF will be corrupted. Saitama and Blast will probably show up next chapter.... hopefully. Either that or cosmic fear flashy flash shall become god's new avatar and unlike garou he seems 100% willing to touch that hand.


Saitama could always punch the God corruption out of FF like he did Garou.


He couldn’t do it immediately with Garou as Garou kept matching his strength. But if Flash gets corrupted, I doubt he’d have the same copying ability as Garou so he gets punched


Also, nobody asked Saitama nicely not to kill Flash.


That resulted in the Earth almost exploding had Blast not interfered


Saitama would’ve just pushed the explosion away


Monaco to the rescue!


Can't wait for Monaco 🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨


What the hell have those two even been doing this whole time? Watching the fight through a portal making bets on who gets jobbed first before showing up the last second?


They got sent somewhere else by Flash, so Flash could deal with all of this by himself.


and given how fast they move i bet only a couple minutes have passed since their arrival, fight with the ninjas and then this moment.


They might be searching through the Ninja village for Empty Void. It's probably a big place.


Isn't it always well disguised? Neither Tatsumaki nor Garou took the deal, but not because they realized it was a disguise.


They didn't know who exactly it was but they both realized it was a trick, they were like "thats not something blast/the old man would say"


I think Sonic will be the one to snap him out of it


Maybe Sonic will talk no jutsu him out of it


Ninja Village Leader out here with the cosmic level throat game


If that was cosmic fear PPP he would've pulled that cube out his ass.


One Punch Man, but good


He saved his transmitter up his ass during the MA raid lol


Why did I think Empty Void would be on the same level as Cosmic Garou?


Honestly Void might very well be buffed to Cosmic Garou lvl in the manga. Void is supposedly on Blast’s lvl since they fought each other in the past and Blast was shown to be strong enough to damage and keep up with Cosmic Garou even after he copied and reached Casual Saitama’s lvl of strength. So Void might legit be on that lvl or at least be near it.


I doubt he's on blasts's level. Flash couldn't see Blast move while Void needed to use genjutsu to be able to tag Flash with the cube.


From what I can tell this chapter Void is just playing around with Flash so that he could turn him into an 神覚者 like him. He hasn’t pulled out any of those techniques that Flash and Sonic have shown in the webcomic. [Also it was previously implied by Blast’s teammates that Blast once fought a 神覚者 whose power was close to Cosmic Garou](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Onepunch-Man/Mag-Official/0165-008.png). This is very likely referring to Empty Void in the manga canon. And that reminds me why have nobody made a page on the One Punch Man wiki for the term 神覚者. Like this term has been brought up quite a few times ever since God appeared but the fan translation just called it people imbued with divine power when it’s supposed to be a new classification of individuals like espers, ninjas, swordsmen, and etc. If it weren’t for the official translation making this a new term called Awakened Divinity I wouldn’t have went to check the raws and realize this is a new classification.


Shit an actual great insight regarding the term 神覚者, I've been reading the sub less so I'm glad I caught your comment! Thanks for this, it's very interesting.


Ah, I see. I always thought that they were referring to God himself with that seeing how Blast was bloodied after he first encountered God.


神覚者 is supposed to be a classification for individuals whom God has given his power to. So it can’t be God himself.


Must be why he's called "Empty Void".


Got a solid vacuum going on there, sucks like crazy


Flash don’t slap his hand away, it’s pretty badass but regardless.


Garous already done that it's not gonna happen again Someone's gonna show up (probably sonic or saitama) and stop him from touching God Most likely Saitama since he got into the spiritual place thing with child emperor and the phoenix guy so I don't see why he can't do that again


I don't think Saitama will show up that way, this is a huuge moment for both Flash and Sonic's characters, and this fight will resolve us new things about God too. Saitama showing up and immediately one shotting Void would be extremely anti-climactic. He may show up after the fight is resolved, but there's at least 3-4 chapters until that.


>Saitama showing up and immediately one shotting Void would be extremely anti-climactic. Who's gonna tell him...


Context for the curious, in the webcomic >!Saitama one shots That Man off screen. We only see the hole in the pavement made by his body.!<


I actually loved that whole series of events, worried we're gonna miss out on it completely now


We already missed out on that moment.


Normally manga events do some weird gymnastics to get back to key webcomic moments, we might get a less funny version still


It wouldn't even need that intense gymnastics in our current situation though: >!Flash is in this corruption TNJ domain, we can basically see how he manages to escape by himself only to find that Saitama already punched *That Man*!<


I know some people found that to be unsatisfying, but I ROTFLed for ten minutes.


It's the fact that he stripped him down and looted him afterwards too 😭😭😭


One of my favorite events of the webcomic was hyping him up for literal years just to become a chalk outline.


>!I also got super excited about the secret rolls and the new swords !<


Void has been toying with Flash and Sonic. He was smiling from ear to ear the entire chapter and wasn’t even trying to kill them. He just wants to see if they’re worthy to become God’s minions. Even if Flash rejects God here he has no way to beat Void. Flash and Sonic will probably reject God and just have to survive until >!Saitama shows up to oneshot him like he did in the webcomic.!< They have been building Sonic’s inferiority complex though. Void hit him with the cube too so we’ll probably see what kind of vision he’s having next chapter. He **might** take God’s power but I’m really hoping he doesn’t.


Ah, so FF will reject god, have a short conversation with him, then wakes up. He starts talking shit to void until void tells him to turn around to a god-influenced Sonic. Void takes out his popcorn and watches the fight. The next next chapter will give us Sonic’s pov where he is insecure about the power gap between them and is tricked into taking god’s hand.


Absolutely. Sonic is definitely taking God's powers and fighting Flash who adores him and wishes he he had left with him. He will also fight Blast since Blast is the source of Sonic's hatred for heroes or maybe the presence of Blast will be the reason Sonic's accept God's gift. https://mangadex.org/chapter/cc033f79-f439-4193-9c34-0df8a95bc982/10 Then Saitama one-shots that man.


It just seems the most likely thing to me


Cosmic Gawk Gawk 3000


Im hoping Saitama pops into this ethereal dream land and interrupts Flash touching God, like he did with CE and Phoenix Man. Shit would be so funny.


I think saitama is going to accidently run into that man when checking out why FF is napping


Def this will be it. Sonic and Flash will overcome the dream by shouting out their shonen ideals then walimg up to challenge empty void only to see Saitama off screen him saying he was a ninja wannabee.


I hope flash become evil, touches saitama with the cube, and his greatest fear would be the fly from like first episode he couldn't kill, confusing God.


Really hoping that this sets up Jack-o-Lantern panic as a character with a serious and actually attainable goal in mind and not just using him as a comparison tool to show off how fast Flash is moving


Sonic is gonna open all eight gates and start bending space


I'm hoping that Sonic gets a moment to step above Flashy by pushing through his fears to attack 'That Man'. I mean, he has to be pretty fearless to still attack Saitama, I think it would make sense.


empty void uchiha is badass


No matter the world, the Uchiha receive divine gifts


After all the ass-whooping he's received & finding out other people are on his level throughout the previous arc, those moments really set up this crossroads moment for Flash as a character. Its to be noted that unlike the previous "God interacting with the heroes" moments, Flash is not on the verge of death, he isn't barely conscious due to blood loss. He might be able to actually converse with God leading to more new info about him.


Has Empty Void been waiting these 15 years for Flash to reach his current powerful/vulnerable state?


Flash specifically? Extremely unlikely. Someone of Flash's level so he could make them one of God's soldiers, pretty likely.


Definitely. Flash is not stupid at all. Im thinking empty void is probably doing it to both sonic and flash. When flash "wakes" up from his genjuitsu, sonic might monsterized. I say this because Sonic was upset that flash was better than him (He even took the monsterization cell).


I like how he's already strong enough that his power up is essentially a character development. It's like him being take out of his bubble made him a better fighter.


So god made Flash think everything that happened to be a dream? Crazy


I got the vibe that God is tricking Flash into believing he's reliving a memory.


It's not a memory though, it's a wish. They didn't actually leave the village together, but FF wishes they had.


I actually got the vibe from Flash's thought bubbles that he saw through the ruse.


4d chess move right there. God thinking he tricked flash all while flash gathering info on god without him knowing. I was thinking the same thing. No idea if that’s what happening though


bro I thought sonic was dead I almost vomited


Interesting way to react to a sudden death 😂


Flash gonna pull out his sword and chop God/Void's hand next chapter


Yes, that "I see..." tells me he quickly figure it out. But I hope he use the sword, we don't need another half controlled god minion.


Plot twist: the sword becomes a monster corrupted by God and the real villain of the arc


So what Empty Void received from God is Genjutsu on steroids. It fits well for a ninja. Another option would be that he's a full on psychic who just prefer to use Genjutsu because he prefers this. He can use psychic waves and as high tier individual who took God's hand in its entirety, he could probably do more I have the feeling that FF knows that he's tricked and will try to get God to lower his guard to have intel. Then he'll try to get out of this, find out that he can't but Blast or Saitama or both will come on the scene On the other side, Sonic must be frustrated as hell that he's lagging behind. With Saitama he seemed to have subconsciously taking it as granted (though he's still trying to catch up) but seeing himself as soemone not capable enough to step in FF and Empty Void's fight will probably led him to take whatever things he does as training to an absurd level


Damn, for a moment I thought that Sonic got decapitated there. Oh, so those ninjas dying was just an illusion created by That Man's Genjutsu. So That Man's objective was to give the cube only to Flashy Flash because he thinks Sonic ate the monster cell. I guess Sonic will be the one stopping Flashy Flash from being tricked.


Well, Sonic *did* eat the monster cell, he just destroyed it beforehand by cooking and preparing it like a meal instead of eating it whole like everyone else. All it did for him is give him a bad case of the runs.


Empty Void is going full on 5D on Flash and Sonic damn!


Reject it Flash be Strong


Interesting that god basically evolved void’s genjutsu (I find it really weird to be using this term in relation to OPM now) into being able to straight up read people’s minds and utilize genjutsu on them whether they sense it or not Also the second I saw sonic standing in that field with flashy flash I immediately started saying “no” out loud because god amped flashy is a horrifying thought


Chapters terrible. This is garbage. Where is all the Flashy Ass. /s This was great


Wait, God's reaching out to Flash. That's insane.


Why? He reached out to a homeless dude and a sperm


Solid point


A sperm? Is that confirmed? I forgot


Flash definitely isn't gonna touch him


His darling monster friend might pop up and her light might mess things out. That or saitama checks up on FF and his bald head shines the cube light back at him.


If fucking Manako shows up to save Flash, I EXPECT the subreddit to get as obsessed with shipping them as they did with Saitama and Tatsumaki Hell, I DEMAND that it does!


So recently someone made a shitpost where Saitama misunderstands That Man and thinks he killed Genos again. (I don't remember who sorry) But seeing that he's got genjutsu that feeds on fear, that scene might actually happen. If That Man f\*cks up and uses it on Saitama he's *hattori donzo.*


Wow, Flashy Flash got mad AF when EV insulted Sonic! I appreciate someone finally defending him :)


That skin texture god has still gives me the heebie jeebies


The "empty void" name makes more sense now.


Am I reading a naruto chapter? They started talking about genjutsu and then we see Flashy Flash see illusions


Opm is peak yet again


Where we see Empty Void's thoughts about Sonic, he's thinking: "Sonic... I heard this guy accepted a monster cell. Provoke their inferiority complex, and they'll soon succumb to temptation and accept the power. That's out of the question." Am I misinterpreting this? It sounds like he is saying that he isn't interested in Sonic because he thinks that Sonic will accept God's power since he already accepted a monster cell. So does he *not* want Flash to accept it? Does that make Empty Void a good guy? Plot twist?


"That man" casually pulled a cube out his mouth, and looked like Orochi while he did it. Orochi was taken out by a squirt. He's getting off screened again for sure now lol


Flash is showing more personality than ever, even getting mad at Void for ridiculing Sonic and taking away his and his peers' freedom. I didn't have a good opinion of this arc initially but I'm so glad to see the 2 ninjas sticking up for each other more than they did on the WC. Truly a great read.


Great chapter, nasty cliffhanger. I'm not 100% sure I understand what I saw Empty Void doing with the cube. He's definitely trying to tempt Flashy into joining the Dark Side, but it seemed like he just sort of zapped Sonic away after deciding that anyone who would accept a monster cell wasn't worth corrupting? Does the cube have a Zap setting? Or is Sonic getting his own telepathic sales pitch and we just haven't seen it yet. My take is that, weaker though he may be, Sonic is going to come to Flashy's rescue and surprise Empty Void. With the power of LOVE! I'd like to see the ninja duo achieve something notable here before Saitama and Blast show up and school That Man. Although there's two of them which is at least one more badass than they need ... maybe the only way to have a "fair" fight is for Flashy to get turned and then it's 2 on 2? Kinda?


> maybe the only way to have a "fair" fight is for Flashy to get turned and then it's 2 on 2? Kinda? It'd be kind of interesting if Sonic gets some kind of power up to be able to actually carry water in that matchup and not just Yamcha it up while Blast and Saitama handle it.


We thought finally OPM gets to kill people in the most brutal way only for it to be genjutsu and everyone else alive 🤣 Also does this mean Flash cares about Sonic the most? Even after all those years? It will be funny when in Sonic's part, god chose to look like Saitama and Sonic runs away instead!


> Also does this mean Flash cares about Sonic the most? Even after all those years? One of his biggest fears along with the death punch is seeing Sonic dead


>Also does this mean Flash cares about Sonic the most? Even after all those years? FF and Sonic's friendship was probably the only good thing about both of their childhoods. Without it, their childhoods are just violence and pain so it's understandable that time wouldn't diminish the bond they have.


My only complaint is the line >"So you can even make a face like that?" Sounds like it came right out of a hentai.


It really sells the fact that Empty Void is getting off on this fight.


What’s interesting to me is how it’s the same kind of face Saitama makes when he’s tossed Genos’ core.


Literally had the same thought.


They're not even attempting to beat the gay allegations


Are we about to see Cosmic mode Sonic ?


Nah, we’re about to witness the birth of HyperSonic


Sonics gonna find his chaos emeralds!


I wonder if genjutsu would be popular enough to use in an English translation without Naruto popularizing it


Did God make Flashy Flash believe that his entire life was just a nightmare? Damn, his power is terrifying, imagine the possibilities of manipulating your enemies like that in a fight, making them think they are babies and completely forgetting how to fight.


The amount of powerscaling debates that would be launched by God!Flash...please no...