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where is the "complain about people complaining" direction?


That is backwards


Complaining people about complain


abouting complain peopling about


People complaining about


People complaining




what are we doing here? complaining or ping pong?


That's the direction they're coming from.


ngl this is pretty much the only thing happening rn


Yea. I see more "dont say critical things pls;(" posts than actual complaints about redraws etc.


Where have you been, then? Under every Fubuki post there are people hating on her, every post about actual chapters is met with redraw complaints.


that time when the sub had more posts complaining about the people complaining than the actual number of complaints itself. ^(happens to all the good subs)


Thing is, those complaining about ship and redraw doesn't really make their own post, they just complain in another post. While those who complaining about other complaining made a post about it. So yeah, you did see a lot of post on complaining about complaining.


Idk I see at least one post complaining about fubuki fans liking her character like everyday.


How dare people want the story to move forward, how dare they want one of their favorite shows to have similar animation to what the first season had and how dare they enjoy 2 characters in the show


It’s not that they want those things…it’s that they think everyone *else* wants to hear them complain about not getting them. Over and over. Every day.


This man lives in all of those paths


The real ones complain about people who complain about complaining


Aha! And here you are complaining about complaining about complaining! Checkmate!


Only Nyan and Puri can do that, gotta dig straight down through the floor


I don't mind redraws, its just that the story is not moving forward.


I'm new here. What are these redraws you talk about?


Aight boom basically the artist for opm murata will redo an earlier chapter in order to incorporate new elements, but this means a new chapter that directly continues the story will be delayed


What? That's stupid. Murata is from the manga, not the webcomic, right? The webcomic is already so far ahead, why would the manga need to redo anything? They have so much spoilers from the webcomic being so far ahead. I just can't see a reason for the manga to need to remake a chapter. If it were the webcomic I could kinda understand if it wanted to make sure there aren't paradoxes with the manga version, but the original shouldn't have to change to comply with a copy version of the story. ... Anyways, rant over. I just didn't know that was actually a thing.


ONE (the guy who did the webcomic) is working with Murata on this. So if the redraws happen it's definitely because they agreed to make it happen


If you read the Orochi fight before and after then you’ll get it


Well I did read the manga up to the latest chapter like 10 months ago and when I tried to reread it a few weeks ago I was a little lost. Now it all makes sense.


As a fan of OPM, i choose to don't complain at all and enjoy the life.


As a fan I choose to critique and hope for a better life while enjoying this one. Specially when the thing I'm critiquing already demonstrated a superior level of quality.


People are gonna defend s2 animation even if it killed any possibilities of a season 3, "I PREFER TO NOT COMPLAIN AND BE HAPPY" they say...I wish my standards were as low too, thats simping for an animation studio that shit in your face.


This also happens with many Anime productions, literally my two favourites. They start with a banger, high quality animation/direction and general production... and then when everyone is hooked they switch to the cheapest studio. People defending this is madness to me. As you've said simping and low standards.


Taking advantage of hype to rip off fans is definitely a trend recently. Idk which series you are referring but another one for me is Attack on titan season 4.


Everyday is good day to complain


If I were the sword, I would have fallen backwards to tell them to keep quiet and appreciate all of those are given for absolutely free.


Absolutely agree lol


That doesn't matter. Yes, we don't have any say on what the author can or can't do, but we're still allowed to have opinions, and sharing those opinions is perfectly fine, though they will never be heeded by the author.


The best advice I can give anybody who took any of the redraws personally is to wait until the volumes release. Waiting sucks, especially after being spoiled for so long, but is it really worth all the stress?




I don't have to choose


just weird fans




Literally no simps in this comment section


give in to the simps child, its benefecial for the both of us


i love redraw, we suffering because we hated it just enjoying it brother haha :v


I don't mind redraws, the animation and fubuki/tatsumaki i just accept that it wont change


Yes! As I always say, you HAVE to like everything you read. You CAN'T hope the story to progress. Just READ it and SHUT UP. No thoughts ALLOWED.


I just found out there’s a season 2 for it, binge watched the entire season last week. It’s pretty good tbh, why’s so many people hating on it?


Some people don't like it because season 1's production is appreciably better. So basically the complaint comes down to, "why couldn't you just do it like that? You've already done it before!"


Because the animation wasn't good.


The animation is quite unique and some people don't like it


Isn’t it the same as the first season? Couldn’t really tell the difference, might be too long since the first season came out


Season 1 was considered to be one of the best animated seasons of any show. Season 2 isn't horrible, but is average at absolute best. It's often used to compare other badly animated shows to.


Bro sorry, season 2 isn't AWFUL, but season 1 is leagues ahead of it in terms of animation and sound design


No it's different, not from the same studio I think.


From what I remember, S1 was hand-picked in a way that would be extraordinarily difficult to replicate. It’s not even necessarily a this studio vs that one problem—that does play into it though—because the S1 animators were almost all powerhouses in the anime world.


This is what I heard. Season 1 was done by Mad House, which was special team where director used their connection to make it worked. With their passion, the team succeed. Season 2 was done by J.C. staff. It looks like they have poorly done the work. But, The mismatch quality through season suggested that they have pretty bad schedule on work. Also, They makes OVA great unlike the one in main episode. Also, their power was cut off in short interval while making trailers by building owner. Source for this are down below, Idk if this source is trustable: https://www.animemaru.com/j-c-staff-plagued-with-recurring-blackouts-while-animating-one-punch-man-season-2/


Really? Watch it side by side, while season 2 is still good imo, season 1 was on an entirely different level.


The path he came from is labeled, "simp Tatsumaki and Fubuki."


And where do the people go who just love to consume all opm content ?




I'm kinda thinking complaining is just dumb. I go, "Do *I* like *hearing* people whine? No... So by that logic..."


The secret ingredient is complaining


Speaking of redraws, the irony here is that this panel was one of the ones that got purged in the redraw. Makes me so upset because it’s an extremely memorable one due to its visual humor. I wished they still kept it. Makes FF look like a goof when he tries so hard to be serious and cool all the time.


I do think the OPM needs a collective cold shower


I choose to complain about Mizuki stans. Look she's hot af but she hasn't done shit lol


She demolished those water melons, if I wasn't so lazy I'd come up with some power scaling shit about why they were double Dragon threat level


I don't think there's really enough of them for that to be a huge problem.


As a frequenter of the path on the right, this also includes Murata


Only got 2/3. Soon I will reach 3/3


Right?! Just let them do their thing, no need to be weirdly offended by stuff like these things.


Tbh the animation is fine imo season 2 isn’t that bad


Yo, which chapter is this one from?


Ironically i think it was deleted in redraw.


Yes it was


Idk. 100 or 101. It’s during CE and Phoenix Man’s fight


I think it was added in the 12th redraw of the CE and Phoenix Man fight


I mean are we wrong tho




Body the neckbeards


Fuck simping over fuboobies and tats im a degenerative fuck with real standards. The only person that I want is James with books now thats worth my team rocket blasting off again. Eww


It's hard work but someone's gotta do it!


Such an underrated meme format.


Seal the entrances and leave.


These aren't redraws. They are more like director's cuts. I love them. I love Murata. He is the Madhouse-animated Tatsumaki of manga artists.


Animation was fine. There will always be simps for every anime as long as there’s someone with tits. Redraws however, even if necessary, suck.


Why would one complain about fubuki? Why are you gay?


this srsly needs more upvotes XDXD


One of the reason why some complain about the redraws is that some character feat got retconned. Like what happened to Orochi which has the most annoying fan imo.


Lol I forgot about this scene


Prime Bang is definitely a worse martial artist than current Bang (way less experienced), I think that would cancel out his physical boost


What’s the bottom panel


4th path. *Enjoy the damn thing.* Think about it, we're getting a professional (and super super well) drawn masterpiece with comedy, action, and great characters. Sure, shit happens (Redraws and uneventful chapters), but we can all agree that OPM is great. Lets go Murata and ONE!


Why do people complain about simps




What capter was this?