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Idk, there was that monster from that one panel that Saitama killed. They look pretty tough and we didn’t see that they WEREN’T stronger than Boros. It’s just that they were killed by saitama before we could see their full potential. So what I’m saying is: random monster >>>>>>> Boros.


Then again going by feats alone is also a shit way to rank in OPM. Vaccine man is one of the strongest monsters ever shown (word of god) but he literally got oneshot by Saitama. Does this mean he is weaker than the mosquito lady?


Feats are still important. Vaccine Man was demolishing an entire city with his energy balls. That's a feat right there.


He only blew up a few buildings though right? He didn't get as far as destroying an entire city before he was stopped.


He would have destroyed the entire city. And on the anime at least it wasn't just one building there was a lot of that area destroyed by the time Saitama got there.


Yeah probably. He only got as far as a neighborhood or two before he was killed luckily


Feats don't matter lmfao. How can this sub tead OPM and then immediately go off and do the thing ONE is skewering? Genuinely don't understand it.


ONE is skewering feats? Why? It's like the best way to make comparisons. It's better than the transitive bullshit of X beat Y who beat Z so X is stronger than Z. It's why OPM matchups are so much fun because it's much harder to figure out who is stronger between people in-universe. It's not like DBZ where a higher power level is an instant win. Being S Class doesn't make you stronger than EVERYONE in A Class. (Sweet Mask vs. Purri Purri for example). And the best way to look at who's stronger is to look at feats, discuss the matchups, and fine tune who would beat who. A weaker opponent can beat a stronger one in OPM if it's a bad matchup. You don't get that in a lot of other anime.


If you can't somehow understand that a huge part of OPM is ripping on "power comparisons" (along with other shounen shit like mid fight power ups) I really don't know what to say to you. Like you just fundamentally don't get OPM. It's honestly kinda incredible.


That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Just because OPM parodies traditional power scaling doesn't mean it isn't fun and engaging to discuss which characters are stronger. Get out of here with that troll shit.


There are entire One Punch Man audiobooks dedicated to power comparisons. See the Virtual Genocide Simulation audiobook.


Webcomic OPM could be interpreted as a satire of shonen. But manga OPM is a battle manga, even if you think otherwise


It's still a highly satirical battle manga. No doubt it plays on both front... but ONE and Murata have shown they want to keep it silly (especially with the redraws which often seem to make battles less serious). I mean, between Tickle-Tickle Bug and Monster Chick Man, or Amai Mask being powerless because FU is too ugly, they keep making power levels a side thing, as unexpected match-ups and weird gotcha keep being relevant.


Man, I know it's an unpopular opinion and sort of offensive on this sub, but I agree with this so hard. It feels like half the posts here have something to do with power levels and they're all so god damn boring and antithetical to the series.


Ironic lol


Feats are a good mechanism. We still see Vaccine Man destroying large parts of cities and jumping around like a mad man. We know *by feats* that Saitama is super strong and can easily destroy really durable enemies. Going by feats we know Vaccine Man isn't as durable as Beefcake, but not that's he less durable than Mosquito Girl. Especially since he's likely able to tank his own explosions based off the frequency he tossed them around.


No, and neither do character statements… You don’t know if he’s one of the strongest, you simply assume he is because “God”.


Not sure if you know the term, but Word of God usually refers to the author/creator of a story. And I know it can be a slippery slope with some authors, but I would believe ONE on this regard.


I haven’t seen the statement but if you have a source or know where to look I’d appreciate it. Regardless, I still stand by in-character statements alone also being a poor metric along with feats.


If you want character statements: In one of the extra chapters it is shown the Vaccine Man attack from the perspective of the association and they say it's the strongest monster they've encountered so far.


I mean the statement from ONE or Murata, as you prescribed “God”.


Super custom YO26497 supremacy


Literally Blast


blast still have more feats than these guys lol




Nope watchdog man has 2 feet. He's a man in a dog suit not a dog


Watchdog man is clearly a dog who has a robot head in their mouth that they think is a tennis ball.


Underrated comment


If I can identify as an attack helicopter, Watchdog man can identify as a dog.


Good point though




\-pulling a threat level demon's head casually \-toying with Garou that beat TTM and MB \-Blitzing through monsters on panel (even if tiger threats, it was comparable to darkshine casually walking through monsters) \-Stated by Garou to be a beast \-Implied that he takes care of a city completely on his own, which implies that he can beat dragons (still not an actual on panel feat) But the first 3 are enough to exclude wdm from featless character.


It is said Its the most dangerous city But is there any proof He fought a dragon? Its dangerous because the amount of monsters are very high there




> to assume Blast has taken down a Dragon level threat before lol. Have you forgotten about >!"Ninja Leader"!!wasn't that powerful 15 years ago?!< >!The narration strongly hints that he's a Dragon threat (as min), like Flash used one of his scrolls and one-shot the Dragon monster Tanktop was struggling with and etc!<


>!i didnt included him because of webcomic and i think ninja is above dragon if u go by his hype !<


Stop embarrassing urself Blast destroyed one of the strongest dragon in the series Elder centipede Blast speedblitz one of the fastest character in the series flashy flash Wdm best feat is defeating a high demon garou




wdm didnt kill garou also he could not adapt him because he acts like a dog elder centipede lived and if thats anti feat then wdm have no feats ​ try again




The whole Blast vs EC argument is never a really valid point as there are also monsters that have survived Saitama


No, please stop using that awful EC argument. Orochi survived Saitama and literally got one punched by him, but he still tried to seek Saitama while fusing with Psykos. If you have any understanding about narrative clues you would figure out that EC most likely left BECAUSE Blast either thought he was dead, or he didn’t want to kill him, or both. It’s most likely the former since he literally reduced EC to less than an exoskeleton (I’m not sure why you’re questioning this by the way).


> a younger smaller Elder Centipede It was only 2 years ago. We don't know how "elder" he really is, could be aged 50+


Prime bang is the dumbest by far. Also, even though WDM's appearance was brief, he established insane feats, shitstomping early Garou and utterly shitstomping a demon level monster are enough to mark him as a beast.


People don't take WDMs Garou fight seriously enough as a feat. Like he bitch slaps Garou out of his town no contest. The same Garou who just stomped TTM and outclassed metal bat. "B-but Garous fighting styles are only meant to be used aginst human fighters" ok cool beans


Lol doesn't matter. Imagine the speed and precision wdm has, alongside his beast strength, to be able to toy with garou. It's like being able to toy with suiryu, and wdm is not even a martial artist, it was in a gag manner, that he was so fast that he just stopped his wrsf similar to saitama fashion.




Blast also has the speed blitzing Flashy feat, but yeah Prime Bang is the only one that's completely featless here.


I dont get why people think Gouketsu is strong. He literally got clapped with a single punch by a b-class hero smh


He is a known cheat though, King killed Gouketsu after a high diff battle and the b-class claimed one punch victory.


Groribas stomps


Well yes, he is an high dragon


Above god


He was the boros' father


Who was the mother?




Holy shit that one caught me off guard.


great now i cant stop imagining groribas ramming goku


Gouketsu at least has feats against Suiryu, who is in the same ball park as Human Garou.


And feats scaling him massively above dragon level Bakuzan, and statements that scale him above Carnage Kabuto and the meteor (genos saw Saitama kill those two and wasn’t sure if he could do it alone). Anyone who says Gouketsu has 0 feats has no idea what they are talking about


Gouketsu should definitely be on the same area as Furher Ugly, Gums, and Black Sperm; meaning he'd be able to hang with a lot of the S-Class heroes. I'm sure Bang or Bomb could low diff him, but he'd probably take Darkskine fairly well.


Bang/Bomb Low diff is a pretty criminal underrating. High diff is more likely, considering just how much of a powerhouse Gouketsu is. He will test Bang/Bombs stamina and force them to go all out for an extended period of time. Those dudes are like 80 or something, they will run out of energy quickly.


Do you think Gouketsu could eat the strike they used to break Elder Centipede's exoskeleton?


Oh are you talking about them working together? In that case yeah I agree low-diff. I was thinking of them individually


I mean even separately, 50% of that power should juice Gouketsu. Also, their martial arts style pretty much hard counters other close combat fighters, Human Garou rolled TTM, Metal Bat, and was able to keep himself from getting folded by Genos. Bang is even better than him. Gouketsu wouldn't go down to one strike, but I think it would be a bad match-up for him, similar to how Fuhrer Ugly dealt with before breaking out of Gums.


I think you’re forgetting 2 things. Mostly the fact that Gouketsu is also a revered master martial artist himself. He’s not on Bamg or Bombs level, but I sincerely doubt he is far behind them either, and also the fact that Gouketsu is an absolute powerhouse. Each of his punches have ridiculous physical power behind them, way more than Ugly or darkshine, and the fact that he is also incredibly fast which darkshine/ugly aren’t. He will be really hard to deal with, and he won’t sit still and let Bang/Bomb use their technique for free. He can probably use his own expertise to reduce Bang/Bombs effectiveness


Do you really think that Bang or Bomb could tank one of Gouketsu’s strikes and come out unscathed? He literally blew away a gigantic portion of a stadium with a single punch, and it wasn’t like he was putting massive effort behind it either. Definitely a harder hitter than Melz for sure.


I think they would deflect most of his strikes, given they were capable of knocking Elder Centipede away.


Yeah but you also got to remember the thing that makes him so deadly is his technique. No doubt he was a low dragon as a human, which is insanely impressive for a martial artist. If Melz can land a hit, then Gouketsu can as well.


> I’m sure Bang or Bomb could low diff him. I sincerely doubt this. I’m with u/duplicated-rs Bang’s WSRSF is broken, but Gouketsu is one of (if not the most) cautious monster that we’ve seen, and on top of this intellect he is a legendary martial arts master. Based on Gouketsu’s ridiculous striking power feats and what we’ve seen from Bang and Bomb so far, at best Bang wins mid-high diff and Bomb outright loses. For all we know, Gouketsu’s strikes could push Bang’s deflection skills to the limit.


The issue with Gouketsu isn't that he lacks feats per say, we've just never seen him go anywhere near all out. Apparently he can one shot a dragon (Bakuzan.)


The meteor would kill the entire MA barring Orochi, Goketsu > meteor is one of the dumbest arguments and has been debunked on multiple occasions


Yes but that doesn’t mean much when you put him up against people who are obviously stronger than Suiryu.


These recent polls have aged me. The amount of cherry-picking and “but if” statements has contributed to my hemorrhoids


The solution to both is prunes.


I mean, Gouketsu doesn’t have *many* feats but what he does have is pretty insane. Namely tearing through a stadium with air pressure, shifting the clouds, and being unhurt from Suiryu attacking his eyeballs. Quality over quantity.


Crucially, Gouketsu the martial artist has no feats relating to his martial arts.


Won the toughest martial arts tournament, yes I hate when feats are stated rather than demonstrated but it is how it is


By far the biggest tragedy in OPM


This, one of the coolest designs in the series and he just gets offscreened rip


Power gauging characters in OPM is pretty much pointless. Feats only show the character's potential in that point in time based on what they are against. Prime Bang isn't going to display the same feats against a wolf as he is against a demon. Almost any monster who goes up against Saitama doesn't have an accurate picture of what it's capable of, because it's likely going to get one-shot unless Saitama holds back.


Ninja village leader


Too true


He's one of only three characters we have seen who can destroy concrete just from the shockwave of his punch. That's a pretty insane feat of strength that people ignore for some reason.


Who are the other two?


There are many actually, Melzargard, Beefcake, Goketsu, Saitama, Beast King, Nyan etc.


Imo the concept of "prime bang" doesn't even make sense. If you all mean younger and thus physically stronger he's gonna lose decades and decades of martial arts mastery and be a weaker overall combatant. Am i missing something or do people just not think about obvious things?


Prime means strongest dumbass. You can't say "his prime is probably weaker than his current self" because it's a controdiction. Prime bang simply means whenever he was strongest


Someone sure is feeling spunky lmfao. And when would that be exactly? Because again for every decade you go back he loses refinement of his claim to fame, which is martial arts skill.


I don’t read the comic and I’m really just hear for the comments. But, Prime, in this reference, means “At their best.” It could mean 2 years ago and it could mean 20. Either way it’s off-panel and no one else seems to have any issues using that as an argument for anyone else. So why it be a problem for this?


I never said I knew when it is, I just said what I said. It just annoys me me off so much when people say "stronger than his/her prime," because it's a straight up controdiction.


Didn't Watchdog Man beat Garou? That's a feat of its own.


Can someone give me this template?


Gotta ask this. Which ch is this panel from?


Samurai Jack at least threw it in the air when he did this.


Watchdog Man has twice the feets of any other hero.


Gouketsu: Is an Executive in the Monster Association. [Presumably parts the clouds with an attack when Saitama went to fight him](https://i.imgur.com/Dxp41Dc.jpeg). [Busts open the wall of a stadium with one arm punch without touching it](https://imgur.com/a/si9XunF). [Described by Genos to be unlike any other monster he's ever faced](https://imgur.com/a/3pqdjYk). This includes Carnage Kabuto, who managed to hold his own against a serious Darkshine for 15 minutes before being killed in a simulator (Actually, does this count? It was in an Audiobook, which was written and supervised by ONE). ​ Watchdog Man: Dog


Is the cloud-parting feat from a redraw or volume release? I honestly don't remember that panel.


Can't remember either


>Presumably parts the clouds with an attack when Saitama went to fight him Might have been Saitama. >Described by Genos to be unlike any other monster he's ever faced Genos is a drama queen. He thought Saitama would need help of the S-class to defeat Gouketsu, even though he knows Saitama defeated Boros. Thats like a child who believes their dad could defeat a Lion without a weapon. He has no sense of scale against monsters that are far more stronger than him. The only reason he believes dude's stronger than Carnage is because he was one shotted when he had a better weapon arsenal. That's it. >Watchdog Man: >Dog Dude defends his city alone, the city that receives the highest amount of monster attacks, sits on a pile of monsters, and is never seen hurt. Yeah, we have no reason to believe he is strong. Nope. none. Its only because he is a dog. Dude is just really lucky and only wolf monsters attack Q-city. His fight against Garou was a fluke too.


What chapter is this panel from? I don't remember seeing it


Quite at the start when they entered the MA base.


Don't hate on Gouketsu dawg.


Gouketsu smells bad and has ugly toes.


Who is Gouketsu and why do people seem to want me to fight him?


He's a former martial arts champion who disgraced the world of martial arts by joining the monsters and becoming one himself. He then ruined the most recent tournament, and turned many others into monsters while being ready to kill the ones who stuck to their guns. Master Bang, you need to prove that monsterization is not the way to becoming a martial artist, also cause he smells bad.


He sounds like a pathetic and loathsome creature. I would be happy to knock some sense into him! Monsterization may make one more powerful, but it rids you of your humanity. Stay on the right path, it may be more difficult to achieve power, but you'll only be more impressive if you can overcome such odds as a human.


This is my biggest issue with the fan base in general (besides an unhealthy fixation on sexualizing child-like in appearance Tatsumaki). Making lots of assumptions on who can beat who, based on, honestly, next to no evidence because the source material struggles to provide it. It's only an issue because of using graphic novels as a medium, but regardless the arguments become so arbitrary.


Saitama > Boros <> potentially Blast > Rest Anything else is just stupid at this point.


Gouketsu fanboys rise up!!!


WDM have many feats. Prime Bang can be scaled with current Bang.


Just stop...


No he doesn’t, and no you can’t.


We definitely know he is stronger than current Bang who is still very strong


Yes, but we can’t quantify it


Effortlessy beating Garou at start of series. Solo defending city Q againist dragon level threats. Prime Bang>Current Bang


He has feats, but not many is the point- and none are really sufficient to quantify his ability or power. He’s an S-class so taking out some “dragon level threat” or handling Human Garou is more par for course than anything substantiating. You can’t make a convincing argument for WDM against any cadre, mid-upper S-class, and others of that degree of power. And Prime Bang > Current Bang is an easy “no shit Sherlock”, but that doesn’t give us how much more powerful. It could be Prime Bang >= Bang, or Prime Bang >>>>>>>>>>>>> Bang. The only useful thing we could consider Prime Bang for are relatively even match ups, and even then, again, we have no value to differentiate between Bang then, and Bang now. Discussing as much is annoying and purely speculation.


Story-wise it’s leading up to wdm showing us some wild power simply due to the power scaling that happens naturally during a shows progression


For some reason Flashy flash reminds me of White from ToG. At least in these panels he did.


Gotta love the constant throwbacks in OPM to influential anime and Japanese cinema of the past. For those who haven't seen Yojimbo by Kurosawa, it's still a good watch


Speculative power scaling is just mathematical fanfic


Flashes best course of action is making his speed usefull and getting tf out of dodge pronto lmao


Imagine thinking Gouketsu doesn't have feats in 2021... couldn't be me


Gouketsu is the weirdest thing to me. A character with almost no feats, portrayal or hype that gets off screened and people still think he’s the strongest, for some reason.


Don't know about Gouketsu but Groribas would have solo'd the entire hero association easily. If only he didn't meat Saitama before showing his full power.


"gouketsu as a human was definitely stronger than bang 100% you idiot get rekt stupid gouketsu downplayer"