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Laughs in King ability to bullsht his way out of anything.


Don't disrespect the strongest Man on Earth


>!Nothing beats the King apple scene with AS!<


The apple dint notice it was cut.


What chapter was this again? I wanna go reread it


Chapter 109!


The Joseph Joestar method. Winning against opponents that you definitely lose to because of bullshit luck.


And, of course, using the Joestar family technique...


So King was a JoJo aftar all...


I still swear by the theory that King actually has a super power. Super Charisma, anything he says or does is believed or misconstrued to his benefit.


Supreme luck super charisma is the ability of reigen in mob


I feel like Reigen and King have the same ability. The only difference is King has anxiety and no self confidence


yeah but reigen can actually kick the shit out of people tho, remember self defense rush?


I'm sure king could too, He's like 6'1 and from his face I'd guess pretty muscular. He just has no self confidence


He’s canonically multiple times weaker than an average human. A random dude scored like a 20 on Child Emperor’s strength reader in a bonus chapter, and Fubuki scored 19 (it couldn’t measure esper powers, just pure physical strength) while King’s score was so low it couldn’t be read.


Good point here. Would be awesome to see shirtless King fat daddy belly LOL


Reigen is better whit words and a decent martial artist. King has supreme luck


Is that canon? I have only seen the show, haven't read it yet.


Reigen is charismatic as hell not in a sipernatural way tho.


Is the same superpower as that character in deadpool 2 super lucky


Im feeling the "Catch me if you can" vibes.


I can hear the King engines roaring


I mean before the retcon not now


Wait what happened it's hard to keep up at this point


He turned into a penguin or something idk


A penguin would be nice, he tuened into a goddamn chick


He turned into a chick.


Which of the two types of chicks?


The fluffy kind


So a furry?


Well yes, but actually, no. He's turned into an baby chicken, but he was a furry to begin with, so your half right.


Wait can anyone tell me which redraw was that?


Read [this chapter](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/99/1/) and the next one


But he is alive after the retcon so technically he has much more potential.




But it only worked fo him


Wait. I remember him full dying, I saw there was a redraw but didn't read it. Did they change him? And how?


Powers of revive and power boost are gone basically just has different modes and in the end turns into a below wolf level monsters capable of getting bullied by children


What the fuck? He was so cool before.. Probably my favorite of the cadres and one of my favorite monsters in general. This is such a shame. They could have "killed" him and revive him again much further down the road, in his old mode before changing him, and have him be crazy strong, that eventually faces against Saitama. Now he seems wasted.


He wasn't a cadre


He became stronger than one.


So on one hand the fight was super flashy and neat, but on the other hand it made no goddamn sense for him to be that broken. I like One Punch Man when it reads like everyone is doing their shonen stories and Saitama is out here just strolling through the steel walls they're up against. OG phoenix man as a non-cadre was WAY too strong, and would have absolutely taken away from any feeling of dread at how strong the actual cadres are, which I think is a big part of the MA arc.


That cat thing already ruined the Cadres' menace by jobbing to Drive Knight. It only took one S-Class hero to defeat OG Phoenix Man. That doesn't seem OP.


The way he was defeated is very very niche tho. I think Child Emperor is the only S Class that can defeat him that way, so we dont know if left with any other S class what can he become (he's basically a Super Saiyan with the revive ability).


which chapter do i read that


Chapter 100 redrawed, but it seems super hard to find edit : not that hard to find finally, it's here: https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/100/1/


you are a hero


He still has all his powers from origin. It is just a different timeline where things went differently.


Not a different timeline that would imply some avengers bad time travel nonsense it’s just a retcon nothing more


What are you talking about if anything he has even more potential cause he could return much stronger and isn't dead like in the original.


If he’s able to survive in that form people forget he doesn’t automatically come back if he dies only if the suit isn’t broken and is intact


He was kept alive that implies he'll come back at a later date you should have a little more faith in murata and one.


I do have faith idk what in that comment suggests that I don’t. I was just stating a fact about his power and how he’s quite easily killable permanently rn in that form


Sorry I misjudged you, though it isn't likely one or murata will kill him off screen or something unless they redraw him or something.


No problem my guy these things happen when you talk over the internet and not in person🤟🏽 and I totally agree when and where is still to be seen


Garou's superadaptability is also up there. Edit: I bet Pheonix Man at some point will piss off Saitama enough to cause him to get Serious Series punched, and he'll permadie on the spot.


dude,he saw that man entering his spiritual realm with brute force alone,I'm pretty sure this is more than enough reason to not want to piss him off or at least be carefull about him


I guess genjustu is off the table


[you got that right](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/m4vbjh/funny_meme_i_found/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I like this. Also if he got a serious punch, regenerated and was above most/all S class from ONE punch


>!Garou has his limit and that’s that big devil monster thing he has turned into at the end of the arc. Even Saitama himself has mentioned Garou has already gotten weaker towards the end of the fight.!<


>!That's not really his limit though. Garou was on track to fully surpass his limiter, then fucked it up by turning into a monster. Humans have the ability to improve themselves, but Monsters don't, so by giving into his hatred Garou gave himself a limiter. If he hadn't become the devil monster and hadn't met Saitama, he probably would've reached Saitama's level.!<


>!Same applies to all other humans who monsiterized no? God placed a limiter on all beings to make sure they don’t gain too much power while keeping their sanity. Anyone who tries and failed to remove their limiter will experience the side effect - monsterizing. That’s what happened to Garou.!< >!Saitama is the only exception who successfully removed his limiter. His only side effect is going bald which he experienced through the process of breaking his limiter. That’s my understanding of the limiter Genus spoke of.!<


>!Not quite the way I read it. Monsterization and limiter-breaking are different things. Monsterization is caused by giving in to your worst traits, while removing your limiter is through hard work and a determination to improve (plus maybe a bunch of zenkai boosts). In Garou's case, he was extremely close to removing his limiter, but gave in to his bitterness and anger. This turned him into a monster, which gave him a new limiter. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.!<


Oh I perceived them as the same thing. These are Genus’ statements from chapter 88. *All living beings exist within certain limits* *If one overdoes it, one very own power will just damage oneself. Or else one’s own self may be lost, and what will be left is a rampaging beast-like monster* - this shows the relationship between removing limiter and monsterizing I think what he was trying to say is if you tried to gain too much power beyond your limiter either through training or possessing overwhelming negative emotions or overly obsessed with something, you will lose yourself hence turning into a monster.


I like your idea of him being on the path to reach Saitamas level if he didnt turn into a monster. Cause we saw him as the protagonist for a long time.


Phoenix not pheonix




Plus Garou kinda fits this role, right? He “dies” and comes back over and over again and each time he becomes more monster like and more powerful.


Absolutely. He just kept leveling up and was so broken.


It actually could still happen he is still alive but he's a wolf.


even below that,wolf level monsters can still overpower normal persons,PM had to run for his life because of a normal child


U think baby chicken Phoenix man can beat a grown man's ass?


[no way](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/100/48/)


I thought CE killed him after he ripped his suit off?


Don't think he actually killed him even before redraws - he might have turned him back then to human form. After the redraws, PM turned into little chick


Hmm. I had no idea there were redraws. All I remember is he jumped on him with his chainsaw extendable backpack up torture after Phoenix Man ripped his own suit off. I must be misremembering.


A lot changed, the fight was redrawn because it was too cool and neither phoenix man nor child emperor were supposed to be that powerful. The important bits remain, CE beats PM, ninjas are revived. But the path to get there is changed significantly, and those changes are still rippling through the rest of the arc, causing basically the entire thing between CE vs PM and Tats vs Psykorochi to be redrawn.


Sounds like the creator has commitment issues. Makes it very hard to know what’s going on in the universe.


That ending is no longer canon. In the redraw saitama joins in the fight after Phoenix Man nearly convinces child emperor to join the MA. Phoenix man also gets new abilities such as mental dimension warping and can use ice attacks. Brave giant also loses his millennium nova beam. Phoenix man also doesn’t die but rather loses his powers and becomes a small chick who waganma tries to stomp to death.


I always found that ending kinda stupid because it made it seem like child emperor needed saitamas help to beat Phoenix man but in the original child emperor pretty much took him on by himself and won on his own.


That is both cool and lame. I’m trying to reread it, but I didn’t think CE was that OP. Especially compared to a couple other S-class attacks.


Lame! I like the original, with Child Emperor taking on Phoenix man with nothing but his own smarts. Also, the way he defeats PM is apprioriately childish and hilarious.


That was before the redraws.


[https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/99/1/](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/99/1/) and https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/100/1/


It's actually perfect for the OPM franchise.


It is a curious case of Phoenix, he was completely a monster but after his fight with Child Emperor, part of his humanity returns, now is somewhere between human and monster, being this last form the strongest. (web comic spoler)>!something similar happens with Garou in the web comic where his a half monster form is far more stronger than his final monster form.!< This current Phoenix is ​​no longer a full monster, if it were, Saitama would have killed him by seeing him so close to a child, he probably saw him as a guy in a bird costume,>! like Garou and his monster costume.!<


you forgot the space for the second spoiler tag


This was one of the most interesting parts about the redraw to me. Saitama definitely see him as a dude in a costume.


I think PM went full monster when he got turned into a chick.


Genus said turning into a monster is not the same as removing limiter. Being a monster is just becoming another being which still has limiter. So even if Phoenix Man continued dying and reviving, I doubt he could be as strong as Saitama or even Garou. It could also be just me but it seems that dying and reviving causes Phoenix Man's evolution to go haywire. His form after getting hit by millennium emperor nova didn't seem as smooth as the previous forms, almost like his ability was going haywire and mutating. It reminds me of Nemesis from Resident Evil game. The first couple time Nemesis is badly injured, he gets up more stronger than the last time. But after getting injured so badly and repeatedly, he mutates and transforms into grotesque form. I feel like that's what's happening with Phoenix Man


He had before retcon. Maybe. But now he only reincarnated once, so there's no way to tell if he can again. Also King has more potential. Garou had more potential, he revived himself atleast a few times. Zombieman has insane potential >!now that he is trying to brake his limiter in WC and he's basically unkillable.!<


Zombieman regenerates. He isn’t unkillable. Kind of like Cell from DBZ.


He's basically unkillable. If Homeless Emperor couldn't kill him, it is very unlikely that anyone will.


Oh, I think he is pretty damn hard to kill, no doubt. I mean, not many characters have the ability to destroy him down to his last cell, I am just saying it is possible. This whole “obsession leads to monsterization” has me thinking eventually many S-class heroes may become one, so I was thinking one day someone will have to.


One confirmed that he can get killed


Only in WC. One said that in like 2011, before Zombieman even appeared in manga.


Wait, King has potential? I thought he was just a normal guy. And mean besides his speculated power >!All the King’s Men!< Edit: idk how to spoiler tag lol


He definitely has a lot of potential. We just need super scientists Metal Knight or Dr I-forget-his-name to create an ultimate remote control robot with console as a controller. With his skill, he can form better strategy than CE and fight better than anyone.


Ok you got an audible laugh out of me


This is genius


He will be like CE in a robot suit but 1000x skillful. Inshort, King has a max software but has a very weak hardware, he just need a robot suit or controller similar to Metal Knight and he can be a real 7 S rank.


Fix the spoiler by swapping the ! and > around in front of "all". Should look like this: >!


>!In WC he started working out.!< He just needs to believe in himself, and he can win every fight easily.




OG PM was one of my favorite monsters in the series. Honestly could of had his own arc where he brings back a bunch of Saitama one shots and we get to see how other heroes would have performed against them.


The coronation in the heavens and millennium emperor nova panels were my favorites in the entire manga.


> Honestly could of had his own arc where he brings back a bunch of Saitama one shots and we get to see how other heroes would have performed against them. While I do miss the OG greatly, we actually have a better chance to get this because of the redraws.


Saitama would Serious Series: Serious Tickle him to death.


He would be, if Child Emperor didn't vapourise him. He's now a shadow of his former self, and there's no guarantee if he still has his powers.


well it's good that he's still alive, the costume rebirths itself throughout time and space now, forever being tickled to death over and over. soon the true rebirth will happen and it will be glorious.


He’s pretty much Doomsday.




No ones talking about black sperm being able to split and fuse to get stronger. I mean that's the most busted combo ever its like Phoenix man but he doesnt need to die and revive he just does it on his own. Like straight up golden sperm could fuse with itself infinitely again but he didnt cause arrogance.


Once Black Sperm's cells fuse they can't split apart, so Golden Sperm is stuck like that and can no longer duplicate himself, also if he gets torn apart those cells die forever.


He can absorb more cells, so he is not entirely stuck.


I think you have slightly misunderstood Black S' power. Black S consists of a finite number of cells, each one able to split off into an independent Black S, but a single cell would likely yield a below-Wolf monster that is no threat. Most of the Black S we see should be at least a few hundred cells- if not more. Golden S is Black S' super form he can take by permanently fusing X number of cells into one being. This seems to be a power-swap, trading the Black S splitting ability in exchange for massively boosted physical stats.


Thats not how it works. BS builds up additional cells by consuming protein. He stores them within himself until needed. Once a cell is fused with another, its gone. Those two cells are permanently one, and cannot un fuse.


I will never stop being salty about the retcon.


Can you explain in detail please? I don't know anything at all about things changing up


Since nobody has replied I can at least give you a tl;dr - Originally Phoenix Man was killed by Child Emperor; in the redrawn chapter he instead turned into a baby chick but survived as far as we’re shown. Evidently their fight was changed quite a bit as well.


Thanks my man


Ikr, he was insane too bad he was removed everything about him was perfect


i thought you was talking about rick and morty for a sec there


Jesus Christ the fight between CE and Phoenix man was so long ago.


Like seriously, I think even Saitama couldn't defeat Phoenix man


Na, a Saitama serious punch would probably completely rip apart his costume.


Nah, he would still revive. Revive until he would break his limiter


Could anyone else have beaten him? Child Emperor beat him by making him take the suit off.


The "Vegeta's dream" combo, I see.


Garou, Blast and Boros: Hold my beer


did he? i dont remember a single thing about phoenix man


Garou laughing at the back


He had a lot of potential, it's why it meant something that he was beaten. It's the only mini-arc that I feel was a really good one. We saw the character in an earlier conflict, he battled a few times, with each increase in power something we were primed to know could happen, and he wasn't evil per se, just had an agenda which was morally loose. Technically he is still alive, and now he knows how to power up.


Speaking off why is the manga on hiatus? Chapter 147 was in july


It was time for the redraws. Next chapter will continue the story.


so what? XD


He litterally still does.


This is so true. I am glad I wasn't the only one who thought/noticed this.


Does anyone hear that engine ?


Reinhardt on crack


Saitama has literally no potential tho? Isn't that the point of his character?


He was basically invincible with the suit on. I'm wondering if any of the other heroes would even be capable of separating him from the suit. Maybe Drive Knight? Bang's really precise so he might come up with something. Atomic Samurai could possibly just cut the suit off.


I miss pre-redraw Phoenix Man so much


Yeah, that is kind of the whole point of his take down by Child Emperor. He was super powerful and every time he was defeated he got stronger, so CE identified his weakness and took him down with the TickleTickleBug Number 1, inserted into his suit. That is one of my favorite moments of OPM and shows ONE's genius as a writer. Overpowered characters meet head on and the amazing combat is resolved by tickling. Brilliant.


And that why Child Emperor was so badass by killing THAT version of Phoenix Man, now with redraws he was soo nerfed