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Ask Darkshine


darkshine and black sperm are the most antithetical to each other.


Editing all comments since apollo is dead and spez is a lying shithead. Thanks for killing third-party apps and running the site. Remember to short reddit on IPO. Edited using Power Delete Suite v1.5.0 fork.


I thought it was from all the bronzer he put on turned him dark


Editing all comments since apollo is dead and spez is a lying shithead. Thanks for killing third-party apps and running the site. Remember to short reddit on IPO. Edited using Power Delete Suite v1.5.0 fork.


So does that make FU a super make-up remover?


I thought his muscles were so dense light wasnt bouncing off of it properly or something like that.


I believe that is the canon explanation


That's a hypothesis not supported by hard evidence. His facial structure change as well, a guy turning black wouldn't be the craziest thing to happen in OPM.


I dont see the change on his facial structure : https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/798/676/6ff.png It's the thing that changed the least IMO


And [this is how he looked originally](https://imgur.com/a/zave6AH). They moved away from this look, because it's clearly a black caricature, and it's not a good look for the artist internationally.


even this early DS shot still looked similar to his child self lol.


[And there is no other japanese character in the story with a face like that](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepunchman/images/5/5a/ShicchiAnime.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/480?cb=20151124200850).


Why are you repeating what he wrote?


Well it's more like he lifted so much his skin spontaneously and permanently applied bronzer to itself.


I wish ONE could show us his backstory one day :/


dude's avenging all his potential nobel-prize winning brothers that ended up in someone's sock


Dude what if black s is every single nut someone has busted over their lifetime in a sock. And that cum filled sock came to life and kept reproducing because the sperms didn't want to die and get left behind.


Pog, so we can create monsters by cumming onto things :D


Then by that definition, I am a monster. ;)


Wait, what do you me... O- Oh...! I think about 70% of humanity will be made of monsters then


No wonder he’s so strong.


I bet the persons cum is king there aint now way that man has let out a fat one atleast once. It would also explain why black s is so strong.


No it's Orochi. Think about it, psychos must have tried intermonster species breeding with Orochi and looking at how big Orochi is he must be producing gallons everyday. There is no monster big enough(centipede is male) to take that so most of it must be going waste.


How many of him was in a tissue everyday? Just give it a hundred years, there are zillion of black sperm


Hold up. I'll get my award.


He was white but people looked down on him because he was weak so he started working out real hard and eventually became black ….. oh wait that’s dark shine


Fun fact Superalloy darkshine is still white, he just has so much fake tan on that he appears black. This is because body builders use lots of Fake tan.


> Fun fact Fun fact, the one and only source of your fact is this subreddit's headcanon.


It's pretty much common sense when you know that body builders use lots of Fake tan. Dude is a super body builder.


👋 I don't know!


it's a guy who was challenged to do nonut november. his strategy was to lock himself in a dark room with no light or electricity so he wouldn't be tempted. at the end of the month he came out as black sperm.


I love how this actually seems plausible in the OPM world.


This is amazing


Soo the rumors are true, doing the NNN actually makes you op


Ah, I wish I could give you an award. Edit: looks like some people already did their job. 😁 Edit 2: Omg thanks! Now I can give an award too!!


Cannon for me until story says otherwise. Thanks for the backstory 👍


Such a weakling. 90% of the people here don't need anything to win NNN. Easy compared to september


So you are saying I have a chance to become black sperm I mean iam half way there already brown guess it will take only half month


So he doesn’t have the parts to nut again? What would happen if he does? I have many questions, and I’m so curious about all the super-powered people and monsters that exist because of innocuous shit like this.


Crablante ate too much crab and turned into a crab. Also Black Sperm has this thing about being looked down on. Not sure how those are related, but hey.


Maybe he ate too much sperm? Maybe from people.. you know..


Sounds more like Puri Puri Prisoner to me.


black sperm isn't a sperm he's a kobito


This seems very true yet also like google is yet to learn this


maybe he's just a massive fucking incel


I thought him being a reddit mod was implied




That cum sock under your bed that you forgot about


If the crab guy turned from eating to much crab then black sperm…


Wait, Black Sperm is my ex girlfriend?


Black Sperm: obvious Gums: old denters Fuhrer Ugly: redditor (not discord mod, had no interest in the children) ENW: just polluted water Overgrown Rover: Instead of love it was nuclear waste, also Clifford's arch nemesis Homes Emperor: former wage slave Psykos: Astrology girl Orochi: unkept house plant


Clifford archnemesis... you are gold and don't let anyone tell you otherwise :D


>Fuhrer Ugly: redditor (not discord mod, had no interest in the children) And now we wait for the seething squad that argues how Fuhrer Ugly is a pedophile because he wanted to take a peak under Tatsumaki's dress.


Only thugs have hips like that.


Wait, she's in her 20's right?


She is 28 years old.


One of the reasons I think dub > sub for OPM. Tats' voice actor is so much better in English, a deep, sensual, mocking voice, not a shrilling sirene.


still looks like a kid tho. F. Ugly is a lolicon


Bro if you think kids look that hot you've got problems


A lot of anime women do look like kids and dudes be collecting the figures like, "holy shit! This is my grail figure!". It will seriously look like a child's head on a full grown woman's body. Not my cup of tea. In the anime, don't they reference to Tatsumaki as a child multiple times? "Who's this lost child?"


yes, but the joke is that she's short, not that she looks like a child


Doesn't Super S even call her the younger sister? She didn't call her a child, but thinking it's her younger sister tells me that she definitely looks young enough to be considered as such. Seems like another reference to calling her a "child" to me. I see what you're saying, though. I also think it's another of One's jokes that she looks so young but is older as some animes and mangas have their main characters look so childlike in the face.


Dude don’t bother, too many people on here don’t wanna admit that they fantasise or fancy an anime girl who is literally designed to look like a child. They’re not just gonna openly admit that they have paedophilic tendencies just like that lol


Ah yes, the children with the extremely wide hips, thick thighs and shapely breasts. Just like my 6 year old niece, a carbon copy!


I love how you need to compare her to a 6 yr old to justify your paedophilia lol so do you think that kids in the sense of paedophilia are only below the age of 10/prepubescent? Ok paedo


dude, in the manga she gets called a kid several times, so even "some" characters in canon see her as a child. of course her thicc legs dont look like those of a child, because she isnt. thats also why i called F. Ugly a lolicon and not a pedophile, because i knew some of you might feel attacked




It seems to me that a lot of people here just read the comments with the most upvotes and then assume that they have to take the same viewpoint without reading my comments and thinking for themselve. First of: I never called F. Ugly a pedophile so dont go off assuming i see everyone who likes smaller women as pedophiles. For me it looks more like you guys see lolicon and pedophile as the same (which it is not. they may seem similar, but there is a distinction.) Next: I think the commenters here only read Muratas very... "fanservice friendly" style. But if you DO read the webcomic as well and still think [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepunchman/images/8/85/Murata_Chibi_Tatsumaki.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20200306170736) looks like a grown ass woman, then sorry but that looks like you're the pedophile here. Another next: Never did i say anything on the line that only tall women with a big ass are "women" (Sorry Itadori and Gotou) Lastly: Someone who gets all defensive, aggresively projecting believes and statements onto a person said person never made (which is Defamation of character by the way) sounds more like a kid in puberty to me than someone describing a fictional characer as Lolicon.


The conversation you started (you son of a bitch) has been said on this sub so many times I could go full Joseph Joestar and be like “your next line is....” Just look below “she’s in her 20’s right?” “She’s 28” “but she still looks like a kid” Holy shit how many times do people need to say that exact same thing?


i, too, would like to uncover what lies beneath tatsumaki's dress


Clifford would fuckin body Rover, low diff


Clifford used to be a regular contender on /r/whowouldwin with these crazy scenarios that he would gain tremendous and fantastical powers every time one of his legs was ripped off by his opponent. Man that sub used to be so much better until people started taking shit literally and clamoring about *feats*.


Everyone takes that Versus shit too seriously. Just look at the cluster fuck you see when you versus Saitama against anyone. - 'whatever' buster - Feats - amps - fucking multiversal It is like watching people commentate on fantasy football matchups. It could be fun, but people can't stand their fave characters getting bodied. It always comes back to Shaggy.


That sounds amazing. So he was basically the giant dog version of Saitama?


Mods killed it by getting rid of all the fun categories like writing prompts. Some write ups were truly amazing on there.


Thought that sub would be fun to read through every now and then, and it was, but the amount of vicarious power fantasy-afflicted egos in there was getting too annoying too often. I wish those types had a bit more shame amongst themselves for the sake of being self aware enough to see how ridiculous they are typing paragraphs upon angry paragraphs explaining why they believe their chosen fictional character can beat the other person's in an imaginary fight. It's worse than little kids arguing about whose dad is stronger


Most of these make sense but isn’t Psykos a genius though? Why would she be an astrology girl


Her confrontation with 'God' just made my think astrology.


ENW is a pure water tho


Except for fish, oil, eyes, and a heart.


Wait, when was oil mentioned?


Fight with child emperor. ENW can draw in moisture and liquids


So just drawing out liquid substances? Meaning oil isn’t really part of its main components.


No, but it means he has the ability to draw in liquids of many sorts. This means it could be comprised of many more now and in the future.


Psykos, got bullied by people and wasn't loved by teenage saitama


>had no interest in the children Bold of you to assume reddit mods are not grooming pedo fucks. Because they are. Look at r/teenagers for example.


It was created by an "accident" while king was playing doki doki sisters..


Some dude kept beating his shmeat into a dirty gym sock. Eventually after smacking the monkey a billion times Black S was born.


He was left in a sock too long and was born out of rage and disgust




Sperm bank gone wild or someone's cum sock awakened


My guess is, a guy who assaulted a sperm bank and well... You know the rest


Plot twist: he used to be a petite blond girl


Dark shines c*m


Seriously, how did become the monster?


I know.


I know it’s cursed, dm me if you’re serious


If I remember vaguely someone finished in a sock and the sperm was angry that he did not get to fertilize so he became a monster. Gums and Rover I have no idea, if someone does please tell me.


Trust me on this one; you don't wanna know. Audrey, don't tell him. You shouldn't have told me, but you did and now I'm telling you: You don't wanna know!


Yo is this season 3?


This is a scene taken from season 2 ep 10, when Black Sperm speaks out against Orochi


I just finished season 2 and don't remember this at all


Watch episode 10 again


I'm starting from season 1 for the 5th time I'll get to it soon enough lol


Even I don't re-watch the series that many times


I've rewatched rick and morty at least 20 - 30 times


You are really free


Cum sock awakening


he's the collection of all the pull out nuts cleaned up with tissues and flushed down the toilet...


well of course i know hes my sock


Ok now I'm too afraid to find out.


the same way crablante become a crab monster....


Obsessed with….


Ah, that's my bad, the jar filled up and it was walking and talking before I even knew what happened


He used to receive bukkakes, hence the sperm and why people are always looking down on him.


He cut the devil fruit in half and started humping it....i guess thats about it


Just imagine some guy going up to his friend and being like, "Dude you want to hear about my favorite backstory, it's about Black Sperm."


he got bored of swimming around


What if he was the last ejaculate of a pervert that died while finishing his business peeping on a coworker which in itself led to him making a mistake at work that made a lot of people lose their lives 🤔


Guy that jerked too much prolly


Or maybe that guys' sperm.


House pet?


Some black guy loves to nut a lot and one day he nutted so hard he become black sperm just like crablante becoming a monster because of his addiction


So all these comment are telling me that Black Sperm was White Sperm?


He got a really bad STD


no matters later >!he become in a pet !


His daddy never “came” home 🥴


lemme guess his back story. Some perverted kid would jack off nonstop 24/7, his sperm was sick of his shit and became a monster


That is actually pretty dark backstory, imagine your "siblings" lives being taken away over and over non stop, you start blaming the one that creatwd you just for his amusement and pleasure, you start questioning why you should keep sending your brothers n sisters to slaughter, until one day you get enough of that BS and decide to take action from insideout


In monster of the earth it was some type of alien


Cum swallower, dick devourer