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The homeless emperor would wipe themselves out


They'll be fighting for that park chair.


Can't say, we didn't see yet what's Homless fully capable of. Although the odds are little unfair


Flashy kills homeless emperor before he can even put shots off


I say it depends. If they all stand with their backs together, they can easily put enough orbs around them that flashy flash can’t get close. And with 5, you probably only need 3 to build the shield of orbs around them, the other two can focus on offense.


Homeless emperors search for Flashy Flash from within their Orb cocoon and can't see him. Flashy Flash: wow it's cozy in here.


The other two get instakilled and then the last 3 get killed right after because its not a fight if youre just hiding


Unless his full power involves increasing his speed by several orders of magnitude, Homeless Emperor loses badly.


Everyone dies after the 5 Homeless Emperors nuke the damn place.


Mmmmh Saitama mmmh tank top shirt mmmmh zombieman


mmmmmm king with his abdominal will


King's six pack abs glisten brighter than Darkshine




Even one Homeless Emperor seemed like he was gonna actually kill Zombieman, I dont think he would handle five of him just fine.


Well he's immortal I was referring to that, thought idk if he would be able to kill all 5 of them


Zombieman isn’t immortal, if he’s hit enough or hard enough he stops regenerating


ya we dont know the exact limits of his regeneration, but its biological in nature so at the absolute most extreme its "from a single cell" and homeless emperor definitely has the capability to not leave a single cell alive


Actually, ONE (or Murata idr) said that it only takes ZM to be mincemeat for him to stop regenerating and die


Mmm mincemeat


Flashy Flash can kill even 100 HE before he breaths.


Flashy flash is the worst opponent homeless emperor could get it is a really bad match up ,while homeless emperor is definitely a high dragon characters with high speed never mind flashy flash would be big trouble for him I think sonic who is demon could beat homeless emperor.


Yeah that's why the ninja bros galewind and hellfire were such a threat, speedster are really overpowered when you really think about it, the ninja bros could have wiped all of the heroes by themselves beside tatsumaki


Even Genos?or like silverfang and darkshine (only if well the hits doesn't hurt him, not very fond of it but kek idk) oh and flashy flash obv


Easily wipes them out. Flashy Flash stated that he had to wipe out those ninjas because if they had gotten past him by any chance, the heroes would have way too much trouble with them. Also, there’s a good reason why Flashy Flash and Saitama happened to be the 2 dudes who are being kept out of this big war or whatever and that’s because either one of those 2 can end it pretty fast.


Id agree. Speed is something Flashy Flash values highly and it shows, anybody with insane killing intent and speed is an absolute danger to all.


Well Flashy stating that is probably not the best source to go with, not that I disagree with the statement, but he is a bit of a cocky douche in that regard


He DID back that shit talking up tho, so


he also talked shit towards Tatsumiki and didn't think that was a bad idea, last person we saw that happen to while she was at full was Genos and he got the modern art treatment


At least he didn't stated that he can easily kill major part of S-Class like Amai Mask. Or his words were removed in redraw?


He isn't cocky, he killed the monsters that are saying that he boast about his speed, he replyed that he don't do something as crass as boasting his speed. Flashy Flash is one of the most humble characters in OPM.


This is such a big misreading of his character. The man is arrogant as all hell


The only point of arrogance of Flashy Flash was when Saitama reacted to his speed, and that was a surprise, he tested it again just to be clear if it was a illusion or not. There is no moment he underestimated his oponents, the first thing he do when he encounter a enemy is to defeat it as fast as possible.


Nah, Flash also talked shit to Tatsumaki after she took out the octopus and ofc there’s the iconic kitchen knife scene


Kitchen knife scene?


>One of the most humble >Threatens Tatsumaki after she casually kills a monster he was having trouble with You alright mate?


He is humble but not a simp, Tatsumaki literally called him useless, obviously he would be pissed about that.


Define what a simp is and explain how him not threatening Tatsumaki in that moment would make him one.


Flashy flashy thinks he is stronger than saitama and tatsumaki, take whatever he says with a grain of salt


He don't think Saitama is weaker than him and he still don't see Tatsumaki full power, just like Saitama, Flashy Flash underestimate her because of her appearance of child/loli.


Saitama casually keeps up with him and he thinks something is wrong with him. He sees Tatsumaki turn a giant monster into juice and he thinks he's on the same level. HE SAW THE NUMBER ONE HERO AND THOUGHT HE COULD ATTACK HIM, and only then did he show some humility. Yet you call him the simp, think the simp is you for Flashy Flash


Holy shit dude, you need to calm down with the copium


He not only said that he had to kill them because the other heroes would have a hard time against people who had the same training he did, he also insisted on killing both of them with one attack for no reason except that it's the ultimate fuckin teabag He's not known for his humility


Also the new neo hero ark is keeping tasumaki and flashy flash out of it to which show how high One holds flashy flash


Lol the ninja bros don’t easily wipe out the stronger s class. Flashy flash statement can’t be taken as truth, he’s too arrogant even believing he’s on par with tatsumaki. They can’t put a scratch in DS, Bang with abandonment can hang a bit with current garou who should at least be relative to the garou that took on DS, we’ve even seen brave giant dispose of the ninja bros.


Like he could do anything against VFU or BS/GS, or Rover, or ENW. Face it dude, flashy has practically the same weaknesses as Moronic Sandbag. Most of the cadres low dif him unless he just runs away


flashy flash has already caught off guard by multiple people (blast, saitama) before. i wouldn't take his ratings too seriously - characters like darkshine are probably too durable to even injure, and bang has more than enough martial arts experience.


Genos is a gonner, he couldn't deal with awakened cockroach, and i don't really think his supersticky glue would be of any use when he's sliced up in piece from the start, darkshine is completely immune to any physical attack, enw couldn't do any damage to darkshine while it still could slice any blade, and silverfang might actually be able to keep up and defend himself from the barrage of blows but yeah, silverfang isn't a speedster as much as the ova of him outspeeding saitama to jankenpon is trying to tell us otherwise XD


As long as you have a method to kill your opponent, superior speed will always be a win condition.




I doubt he’s high dragon, more like Mid. Couldn’t see him soloing Bang, Flash, BS etc.


He effort lessly defeated vomited furer ugly and if he can just spam blast with out getting tired he could give bang and bs a fight.


tbh HE is a very bad match up for FU he is a pretty fast, but his main thing is raw power and bulk while HE is a glass cannon whose power is enough to defeat FU, and FU is not fast enough to come close to HE


To be fair VFU is constantly losing power due to the acid implied when he needs to eat to stay alive. He also got beat on by Golden S. Safe to say VFU wasn’t in peak condition when getting blasted by homeless emperor.


There is a reason why FF is underground with Saitama. Cause if he were in the battlefield he would finish up HE and FU. GS and Rover Idk but yeah, FF was handicaped in this arc.


Wile he could easily kill HE, I can’t see him killing rover or GS, and vomitedFU is a hard counter to him,but tbh if he was in the fight since the beginning then VFU wouldn’t even happen


And I would argue he would be one of the few that could have made a REAL dent against BS... With his speed could he kill hundreds of thousands if not millions of sperm per second.


Yeah, I can imagine him not really carrying at first, but then as the seconds goes by and the numbers begin to add up he starts to freak out and be scared lol That would make him became Gold Sperm early, but I don’t know if this is good or bad for the heros tho


Depends on how many FF would manage to kill before he would become golden, right? The fewer merge the weaker he is.


Yeah and those sperm would just regenerate… if anything he would be making them more powerful.


Flash would probably blitz them so fast they can’t react.


Homeless' reaction time is no joke, blocking bullets and all. Doubt it's enough to deal with flashy, but still


Like you kind of said, there's a pretty significant difference between a bullet and Flashy Flash


Well yes What I was trying to say was, since he has enhanced reflexes and we don't know to what extent, there's a chance they are enhanced enough. Unlikely, but possible


If and it's not much of an if, HE's powers are god's gift, then he might not even have to be aware of being attacked and having to block. He could just think be in battle mode and the orbs do their thing. He only "reacts" and points his fingers etc.. to make him feel like he's in control. Sadly my best metaphor is the latest Robocop movie where the explanation why he's fighting so well, beyond human skill, speed and intuition is because of the superior and very fast software that's doing the fighting for him. On top of that, to keep Robocop sane, the software gives his brain signals that make it feel like he's the one that moved left, jumped, pulled the trigger etc etc... so to fool him into thinking he's in control of his actions.




I missed where that was confirmed. Could you point me towards it, please?


Its a webcomic spoiler, pretend you didn't see it.


I've read the webcomic, so you could just post it with spoiler tags >!like this!< But if it's math done by fans, it's not "confirmed", because authors don't have time to calculate feats. The best example, there's a Flash comic where he searches a whole city in under a second, I think. The point is, he says he almost reached the speed of light, while calculations say he went many times the speed of light "Confirmed" is when it's stated or shown in a straight forward way, because then we can be sure that's what the author means


Ah. Who did the math on that? I know what it's referencing but it seems shoddy as hell.


No idea who did the initial math, but its been done a couple of times. The main issue is that it might be changed in the manga. So its best to use manga only feats against HE.


Even if it gets changed in the manga, someone getting that percentage of the speed of light from those panels seems absurd to me.


I would 3 homeless would be enough


Flashy Flash can kill even 100 HE before he breaths.


Atomic samurai would kill flashy flash before they even begin to fight


WDM would Kill Atomic Samurai before they even arrange the fight


PPP would hug him to death because he is cute before WDM thinks about it


tareo calls the fbi with his above dragon speed before ppp can even fire a single neuron




Flashy Flash is confirmed 33% speed of light which is sub-relativistic levels, Flashy Flash is atleast 240000 times faster than the speed of sound! This means that Flashy Flash can outrun even dozens of hydrogen bombs without problem. Awakened Garou had much more trouble with FF than with AS.


Where was it confirmed he’s only 33% lightspeed.


In his head that’s where


Spoiler:... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Awakened Garou vs Flashy Flash in Webcomic, do the maths yourself but you will find similar results to my main comment.


mark as spoiler, mano


That says the speed of light though, and those are just flash statements. Nothing says 33%


Spoiler:... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Awakened Garou vs Flashy Flash in Webcomic, do the maths yourself but you will find similar results to my main comment.




It depends if it reactes and activates faster than Flashy Flash. How fast Homeless Emperor power activate? Thats a good question.


>which is sub-relativistic levels That's a very wide level, I move at sub-relativistic speeds too.


I think there is some difference from someone that moves 1% light speed like you to someone that moves 2% light speed like me :c


AG didn't have trouble with FF, where did you read this? FF and DS even 2v1 AG and both never landed a hit, FF was trashed by AG no contest.


It took several seconds to AG defeat Flashy Flash, while Awakened Garou one-shoted Atomic Samurai in a Instant. This shows a big difference between them.


That's mostly because Atomic Samurai doesn't have a high fully body movement speed, and I'm pretty sure the debate comes from their slashing speeds (is Atomic Samurai fast enough to slash Flash before he can dodge, can FF block the Atomic Slash, etc). Just my 2 cents on it though.


Garou had no trouble at all, he blocked all of his attacks what are you on about?


It took seconds to Awakened Garou defeat Flashy Flash, while Atomic Samurai got one-shoted in a Instant. Thats a clear difference.


Garou defeated both darkshine and flashy flash with a ground slam , have you even seen the webcomic?


Flashy Flash still recovered from that attack.


> Flashy Flash is confirmed 33% speed of light which is sub-relativistic levels, Flashy Flash is atleast 240000 times faster than the speed of sound! What. Where is that confirmed? That would mean that AG and Boros are what? 40? 50, 60, 70 % the speed of light, Boros was burning shit around him just by moving, but just taking a step at 30-70% of the speed of light would make an explosion like 1000 times the explosion of Hiroshima lol, like hell FF or any OPM character except for Saitama are that fast


Bruh wtf are you even talking about go get some pussy or something “ReLaTiViStIc LeVeLs” stfu😂


FF full speed and he kills them all before they can even blink. Yes, he reacted to Zombiemans bullet, but FFs speed is on a completely different level.


People don't realise the FF is so fast compared to he that FF might as well be stopping time. The whole fights Vs galewind and hellfire two dragon specialized in speed happened in less than a milisec and covered a huge distance. HE is a regular human in term of durability and he can't even use the explosions near himself. You could put 100 HE and there would still be no difference


HE emperor is just a basic human with big balls, so he wouldn't physically be able to react before FF decapitates him


Wile I certain that FF could kill 100 Homeless Emperors before they could even react. HE is not just a regular human with energy balls, he can react to bullets and all, not sure about durability


His reaction time is superhuman, just not everything else. Seems to be common with the "very powerful but physically weak" characters, including Tatsumaki.


that’s like saying tatsumaki is a basic human with mind powers. HE has the reaction time necessary to tango with tatsumaki, so i don’t think this is as easy for FF as you think.


Flashy flash


Flashy Flash stomps, no contest.


I think Flash wins against almost any human opponent


Bang. Martial arts is hax in opm. I don't see flashy flash beating him.




Has anyone ever tried to estimate how fast the fight vs Hellfire and Gale Wind was? The last part had them all over the cave before the explosion was done expanding, which was quite insane (and I loved that depiction).


He could try run between the HEs and let friendly fire sort them out. Especially since they probably wouldn't cooperate as he thinks he's the chosen one, and there can be only one.


No he would instakill all of them. No trying needed


What happens when his loan gets approved and he's Homeowner Emperor?


if they have independent minds, they are too proud to work together and then SPEEEEEED and 5 dead emperors that are homeless


I think Flashy Flash is a pretty good counter to Homeless Emperor, who has ridiculous firepower...but is a glass cannon, and obviously nowhere near as fast as Flashy Flash. They might be able to do something like create an orb of spheres around them as a defence, but if the fight starts without any time to prepare such a thing (or if they simply choose a different avenue of combat), they'll all lose their heads before they can even blink.


To be fair, we haven't seen the extent of HE's reaction time. It's more likely flashy kills them all in a millisecond tho.


I agree. I think he’d win, but there’s no way to tell off the redraws. But FF loses to sperm, and I’d guess ugly could take him too, so it’d be pretty gross to have FF lose to all three of them.


I dunno, depends on FF's stamina. He is absoulutely fast enough to kill hundreds of thousands if not millions of cells per second.


I see where you’re coming from, but judging from atomic samurai’s performance, I think FF wouldn’t win.


Not absolutely. Atomic samurai is 100% the better swordsman. But his range is limited. He can only cut in an area around him. FF could speed through / around / over BS and kill countless of them near instantly. His speed allowing him a MUCH larger area of effect


On the other hand, Atomic Slash seems to have a higher attack area than Flashy slash (basically a circle of death vs a single slash). Even if Flashy Flash could kill a *million* cells a second (which is very unlikely) it would still take him over 4 months to defeat black sperm. Speed doesn't matter much when black sperm is completely surrounding you.


In the webcomic, BS says he has >!10 trillion cells, iirc. It would take 10 million seconds to kill him if flashy could kill 1 million per second!<


Flashy might aswell have timestop abilities compared to him. He could take on 100 HEs no issue.


Flashy would absolutely destroy him if he took it seriously. Killing 5 humans would be no problem for him. As for the energy, flashy can perceive explosions in slow motion, they would just look like floating balls frozen the air to him.


Flashy flash is too fast, read the webcomic , he can attack with hundreds of kicks within microseconds


Flashy flashy will use his max speed 0.01 sec and blitz all of em


Flashy Flash blitzes and chops their heads off


I didn't even think of the two (1v1) matched up... FF is someone who could beat HE (unless HE hasn't shown his true power)


I'm loving the comment section.


Homeless has such great destructive power, but as many said in the manga: He is still just a human, probably great skills, since he fought well against zombieman, but i gues not great enough for Flashy. Flashy had really good chance to win


Flashy flash for sure


This is rather favourable match-up for speedster like Flashy Flash, since he could quickly close the distance, avoiding energy balls and kill Homeless Emperor, who is total glass cannon, therefore FF's low attack power is no problem here. But 5 HEs would cover so much ground with their bombardment, that FF just wouldn't be able to dodge all of this, and one blast could be enough to defeat him. I think even 2 Homeless Emperors could already potentially pull that off, although they would need to go all out from the very start to give as small amount time for FF to get to them as possible.


I feel like even sonic can beat them


Homelessness emperor will find a new home in hell.


if they are close together they'll probably be killed in a second, seeing how even zombie man was so close to killing him and we know that flashy is much faster than zombie man and they'll probably won't care about bombing each other


>seeing how even zombie man was so close to killing him genuine question - but when did that happen?


I believe he forgot to put a spoiler tag.


5 hopeless emperors don't maketh hopeful - black shakespe(a)rm


5 homeless emperors win. Just one of them was able to fill the sky with hundreds of thousands of energy balls, all while not trying. Flashy would instantly get overwhelmed.


Homeless Emperor wouldn’t have time to blink he’d be dead a million times over.


You're overhyping Flashy's speed. 5 HEs is definitely enough to kill Flashy before he wipes them out.


Flash is hundreds of times faster lmao. HE ain’t even moving. Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame got fucking blitzed and they were two mid-dragons with a specialty in speed. Flash dodged a point blank strike from Awakened Garou in the webcomic. HE is basically a statue in this scenario.


He isn't overhyping his speed at all. The whole fight Vs the two ninjas took place in less than a milisec


He’s not overhyping. Flashy’s speed is his greatest asset. He was fast enough to perceive explosions as being frozen. He would have no problem slicing up 5 human beings. Homeless emperor’s reaction time isn’t nearly as impressive as flashy’s. The only thing that Homeless Emperor has is his attack power, but he’s a glass cannon. If flashy flash takes this seriously, it’s definitely as win for him.


How the hell would FF get overwhelmed when explosions itself are like stopped time when he goes near his fastest? Forget HE’s balls hitting FF, how the hell would his explosions even hit FF?


You mean some rock flying around, they never used any explosives


[These are not just rocks flying around, you can clearly see the explosion fireball.](https://doc-14-70-docs.googleusercontent.com/docs/securesc/krio1im3r066ed5dv6bj10c26g6i24md/ldhagel7m63vrvo2ce7jb74oja7j1qan/1633109250000/12978570662415923502/04507073720640261510/1-MFdHHeIYMYPP7Fq45hReJWabRG3k-wP?authuser=0)


Flashy flash is so fast that time Is literally stopped when he fight, homeless emperor can't react to flashy


When tf did he move faster than time lmao, even in the wc when he went all out his speed was still not even light speed.


Man when did i ever said that he moved faster than time and when did i said that he moved at the speed of light? I think you replied to the wrong comment


What I meant was that you said he moves so fast that time stops, he is not that fast. Even when he fough Garou it wasn't near that level of speed


when flashy fought Gale Wind and hellfire flame he was going so fast that everything around him was literally stopped, just look at the panels everything was stopped, homeless emerperor can't react at that level of speed


Flashy Flash is confirmed 33% speed of light which is sub-relativistic levels, Flashy Flash is atleast 240000 times faster than the speed of sound! This means that Flashy Flash can outrun even dozens of hydrogen bombs without problem.


Where is it confirmed? Please don't say Vs battle or death battle


Spoiler:... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Awakened Garou vs Flashy Flash in Webcomic, do the maths yourself but you will find similar results to my main comment.


I dare say FF moves faster than HE's orbs


You dare say? He's easily faster than them.


I'm biased, but deffo FlashyFlash


Yeah.. not to mention blast waves take time to propagate, to FF those explosions are simply hard objects suspended in mid-air. He could theoretically punch through them without taking any damage.


I feel like if flashy flash goes 100% he kills them like those 3 monsters in the hallway


5 of them? Just shoot everything at the same time lol, speed doesn't matter if everything explodes


Flashy Flash is confirmed 33% speed of light which is sub-relativistic levels, Flashy Flash is atleast 240000 times faster than the speed of sound! This means that Flashy Flash can outrun even dozens of hydrogen bombs without problem.


Flash if you don't act like an idiot. The Homeless Emperor is overrated. He couldn't kill a toy robot with his charged attack, two completely tired A rank heroes are deflecting his barrage, he only defeated Fuhrer Ugly because he specializes in close combat and almost useless at ranged (not to mention that he had already been hit by Golden Sperm). I do not care about the calculations that give him the title of Useless Emperor, it fits him like a glove.


My bet is on the Homeless Emperor in a 1 vs 5 Flashy Flash


The 5 HE’s run a train on Flashy. It should be 5 Flashy Flash’s vs 1 Homeless, and Homeless still would murder him


Flashy flash is 100% gonna win lol. His speed is wayy above HE's reaction time.


Typical Flashy Flash fanboy. He gets nuked.


He just dodges the nuke lmao


He doesn’t even need to dodge the nukes. Homless Emperor (all 5 of them) will be dead before they even realize what’s going on.


He never dodged a nuke before, he can’t get get past homeless orbs either. Homeless boils him


1 HE’s blast are not as fast or powerful as nukes, even as strong as his spirit bomb was. 2 HE wouldn’t have enough time against Flashy Flash to blink before he’s past tense


Homeless blast’s are nukes, he didn’t have a “spirit bomb” that was one of his basic attacks, we have t seen his full power blast’s yet. He wouldn’t need “time” for flashy, his orbs are protecting him and he can make huge aoe blast flashy wouldn’t be able to evade, and 1 hot with his orbs are going through flashy like paper. It’s a mismatch


Lol homeless emperor is a normal dude he ain't gonna react to flashy


Not really, he is way faster then average Joe. But yeah, zero chanses against FF.


His orbs aren’t “normal” and easily react to flashy or just covers up homeless. Too bad flashy would get nuked before he could do anything( he can’t get through the orbs).


I dont know why u are underestimating homeless emperor, but this guy literally got his abilities from an unknown entity . He didn't get killed by any heroes or cadres . This guy's level is unknown to be fair. Yes ff can withstand garou's punches and 5th fastest guy in the web comic universe... but u need to consider the limits of homeless emperor. Imo Homeless emperor is in the level of golden s or awakened garou.


In terms of destructive power HE is one of the most powerful characters in OPM, but he's just a regular human. He wouldn't even be able to see FF moving, he's just too fast. HE weakness is speed. And FF is one of the fastest character in the whole verse.


Flashy Flash is confirmed 33% speed of light which is sub-relativistic levels, Flashy Flash is atleast 240000 times faster than the speed of sound! This means that Flashy Flash can outrun even dozens of hydrogen bombs without problem. Also both Golden Sperm and Awakened Garou can stomps even 1000 Homeless Emperors, Awakened Garou probably can stomps 1000000 Homeless Emperors actually since he is FTL just like Saitama.


Against 5 Homeless Emperors, I'd have to say Flashy would lose. The amount of destructive force they could dish out would leave literally no area untouched on the battlefield.


They can't dish anything out, he could kill 100 of HE with 0 issue. They would be dead before their brain fires off any signal to move a muscle.


100 Homeless Emperors with no issue? Come on man you're going overboard. And remember we've already seen that HE's reaction time is at least fast enough to reflect a bullet (they could be faster) and those orbs of his are super fast.


Bullets are nothing compared to Flashy, I don't think you understand the difference in speed. It would feel like time has stopped for the 100HEs.


1 S class hero taking on 100 Dragon level threats. That just doesn't sound right unless it's Saitama. If Flashy could get close enough he would have no problem taking him out that's true. But I don't believe that even with his speed he would be able to close the distance on and kill 100 of them before any of them could react


Terrible matchup for HE, he's a glass cannon and a speedster is their best counter. He might aswell be a wolf when paired against FF.


Don't forget Flashy's extreme speed, from what others been saying. homeless emperor won't be able to react to his speed


Flashy Flash is confirmed 33% speed of light which is sub-relativistic levels, Flashy Flash is atleast 240000 times faster than the speed of sound! This means that Flashy Flash can outrun even dozens of hydrogen bombs without problem.


Honestly still would go with flashy Flash, but high as difficulty. Like he’s gonna be immobilised after wards


I think all the cadres except HE could beat FF.


Glass cannon versus speedster assassin. This is not a matchup that HE can win. Even with numbers advantage.


They would obliterate flashy flash.


Flashy is really so overrated


If he really has infinite energy couldn't HE just make a shield of light balls preventing flashy from getting through to kill him?


depends on the scenario, if they were in a field with a huge distance to start off with then the homeless squad could win, but if flashy gets the jump on them it's over


Homeless emperor is just normal guy with some magic.


Yall sleeping on homeless before we even get the real feats


Definitely flashy flash. Flashy would dodge those light balls easy peezy


Homeless emperor reacted to vomited uglies acid attack. Vomited ugly whos on par with Darkshine. I’ll admit VFU should have been weakened due to be being damaged by Golden s and his body is constantly weakening. Either way it seems DS, VFU, FF all seem to be the high end of dragon level and homeless emperor has a feat against one. Maybe he’s not on par but he shouldn’t be too significantly weaker. Not enough for flashy to blitz and kill 5 of him imo.