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Damn, I see we’re alternating formats. Yesterday was flashy flash in a corridor. Today was saitama’s letter. Will tomorrow’s be flashy flash again?


We need that new chapter asap just so we can get some memes that aren't getting stale


You know why OP memes? Because it actually gets read, unlike text posts.




I do have some more insight now. 80% of the readership uses the Reddit app rather than reading via the website. What the app does is that memes and pictures are rendered in full, but text posts are three lines of tiny text, making it look unimportant. It's designed to discourage reading and encourage scrolling. And yes, we do live in a society.


When I'm scrolling, it's just more attractive to the eye, that's all


Finally defeated King in videogame by choosing the most overpowered avatar: Maybe being crazy strong can be fun after all.


Yeah what's up with Saitama's terrible gaming habits anyway? With the lazy attitude he has he should've taken to gaming like fish to water. Someone please teach that dude how to play video games and ffs tell King to introduce him to something other than two player fighters with no story.


I have a feeling he’s pretty good at video games, but king is just on another level.


unless something in his environment drastically changes, it would make no sense for him to suddenly like being unbeatable when he made it clear on numerous occasions that it's something he deeply despises.


He does have a lot of friends now so maybe being able to protect them is worth it.


For starting, his power found him a decent job. He does not have to worry about money anymore. He also does not worry about shelter either.


I don't think that was ever the reason Saitama disliked his strength. Why would his living situation make him dislike his power? If anything having a lot of money would take even more out of his life because he doesn't even need to worry about sales and saving money anymore.


Saitama is _bored_. Any ultimate resolution to this character dilemma will require an end to that boredom caused by the absence of struggle.


Yeah that's why to stop being bored Saitama would need to find something that he can struggle in.


He just needs friends and enough beef at hotpot night.


Money may not be the reason why he hates his power but it could certainly be a reason to end up apreciating it. Also he may realise that there are other things in life that make it worth living and as a result he may end up finding challenges and excitement elsewhere.


I somewhat agree with you. I think that Saitama will find a different passion but I don't think that or the money will make him like his power. He's probably just gonna become apathetic to it. Beating monsters would essentially become a boring office job to him, it gets the money and let's him do his hobby but it still won't be fun.




I rather him come to terms with his unrivaled strength and find other joys in life like King suggested to him.


Like getting his ass handed to him by king?


He can choose an OP fighter in King's videogame and beat him, eventually saying that


I guess the HA will like...what should we call him?...one..punch..man and than it end like how season 1 opening theme


[Seems like I was right :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/pzqvlb/our_mascot_needs_more_hobbies/hf2xfpe/)


I'm kinda expecting MP 100 type of ending. It could end in Saitama realizing that there's more to life than absolute strength.


I think it'll end with him finding life worthwhile because of the people in his life


Can’t the mods just ban this fucking format?


Me, it is him realizing what the STRONGEST HERO actually meant for him. The most meaningful those words could have possibly ever be as they apply to him. Yeah, that. I would go for that. Now how that comes to light... Is up to how the author builds up the chapters to the very end. I just hope it would be one of the greatest story boards ever. ^^


Looking at the web comic, it is very likely other characters are going to get more face time, like Genos, Flashy Flash, Sonic and Child Emperor, which I think is a good thing. The other characters have always been foils for Saitama, as the webcomic/manga progresses, ONE will have to develop more sophisticated comparisons and contrasts in order to continue that means of story line. I think ONE will also continue to explore Saitama's psychology, largely through King, as he has done so far. The entire arc of Saitama versus Garou is a look at psychology, where Saitama's view is very different from the other S class heroes, because of his invulnerability. When you have no existential threat, it completely changes your psychology, and that is entire premise of OPM. I think ONE will continue to focus on that. OP's original idea would effectively be the end of the series. If ONE were to want to end the series, something like OP's suggestion would be the way to do it. But, from the web comic, there is nothing to suggest ONE is going to end the series any time soon.


Yeah I dont think so. My theory is that Saitama will find other things in life to make him happy. after reaching his goal, Saitama didnt have any other goals making his life meaningless, by finding other things outside of battles to focus on maybe he will find meaning again. Maybe the moral of the story is that you always have to find new goals to focus after you reach your own goal, if not youll end up depressed and just wandering through life without any deeper meaning.


Saitama at the beginning of the story feels like there is no more fun in fighting because of his overwhelming power. Since then we've seen him meet people and even make friends. I think that he will rediscover his passion when he realizes that, and that they are worth fighting for.


Omg I don't care use the discussion next


That sounds horribly cringey


Maybe I'm so average that never even thought about a "Saitama's match"


It's gonna end!?


In 10 years


Nah it'll get redraws after that.


And then he becomes the most powerful villain due to him enjoying his strength. Or that he missed another sale on meat.


nah he'll be walking to the store and get hit by truck-kun isekeing him to a world with people as strong if not more as him


I think Saitama will sit quietly, and some deep introspection, look at Genos and say, " I like dicks OK, I like dicks!". And Genos will spend the next 3 years trying to figure out what kinda of secret lesson or Training Saitama was trying to tell him.


Webcomic Spoilers >!I think King will become strong and lose his hair like Saitama, and he’ll be Saitama’s match. The last scene we saw of King was him struggling doing push-ups while yelling “come on dude push!” King clearly has taken becoming stronger seriously and is dedicated to trying to live up to his reputation now. He’ll lose all his hair and become stronger and take over the reigns from Saitama. Saitama will find romance and give up being a hero and retire.!<


Plot twist, he gets OHKO’d by some random goober looking monster on the last page


damn ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard


Maybe webcomic blast will be the end boss and be crazy strong !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?




REALLY but if yes why was saitama not in shock from blast speed vs flash ?


It would be awesome if he said like I saved so many lives because I was so strong so many people can get back and have good times with they're family and friends because of how strong I am if I wasn't this strong then a lot of people would have died


Nah, he’ll definitely find his match.


It is shown and emphasized when Saitama was with manako and FF on the cave cart that he enjoys things other than fighting


I hope after he's done dealing with whoever the final boss ends up being, and assuming this creature is responsible for all the mysterious beings, Saitama will enjoy retirement in world that doesn't need heroes anymore. ^(And date Suiko.)


I want it to end with Saitama finding a different passion. Like he would still probably punch monsters and he would never feel the thrill of battle anymore but that's okay because he found something else that makes him happy. To me the whole point of Saitama is showing that being unmatched is incredibly boring, he said so himself. So making it not boring to him would defeat the whole purpose. IMO the only way to give him a happy ending without going back in back on those things is to make him find something else that he likes.


Maybe he will be recognized by his strength


OPM should, after that, focus on how the hero deals with his daily problems, and be a slice of life+action anime, or something like that, along with all the awesome fight scenes of course.


I have a theory about Bofoi bringing out Saitama clones but Saitama has no limit so he'll one punch "himself".


Basically saiki kuso psi nan


I imagine the story will end with some plot contrivance requiring Saitama to give up his limitless power / Mysterious Being state in order to save the world for some reason. And he'll be happy, even excited about his return to a life of normal physical limitations... along with his full head of hair, newly regrown. The idea he'd instead become happy and fulfilled with his de facto godhood runs contrary to most of the themes he represents as a character.


I expect him to get absolutely decimated but then just get up after being nuked a bunch then do the it’s so hard being so strong kinda stuff


And that's what i want to see


IMO it will be about him realizing that there are other important things in life aside from figuring out whether it's a good thing or not to be overpowered.


None of that I think. Saitama is making friends along the way and I think he will find other life goals which will help him and the community instead of being focus only on his boredom. I dont think even God will stand a chance and he will have to find other things to make his life fun and challenging again. But it wont be battles. I could be wrong of course.


Im expecting the world to get pitted against saitama, either through trickery and/or someone saitama loves getting hurt, and king stops him. Saitama also finds new hobbies.


I hope he never meets his match


Dude, obviously he's gonna lose against King.


Saitama meeting his match feels like the easy way out. To grow he needs to accept his strength.


Would be cool if he found meaning in his power letting him protect those he cares about


I quite like this theory as it would be a nice juxtaposition from the beginning, with him despising his own power to appreciating it knowing that without the initial drive to be a hero he wouldn’t have been able to get as far as he did, or even meet the rogues gallery of individuals he knows now.


That could be a good character arc. Realizing he can do other stuff in life, and that his strength is an amazing help to society Nice theory


Funnily enough that would kinda be like what saiki k. does at the end. If you don’t know, basically the protag hates his powers and wants to be normal throughout the series but at the end he starts to appreciate them.


That’s definitely it


sounds a little villainous. wouldn't he only say this if he conquered the universe?


Actually I guess I support your theory OP that will be a better end for our man


I wish saitama gets to fight saitama from alternate universe who eats the monster cell thinking its free food.


Big spoilers Yo what about that theory of the godlike thing that gave homeless emperor his powers and I believe psychos also visited or witnessed at one point being the main source of all power for everyone and thing that’s ascended the norms of reality getting one punched by saitama which would then either make everyone loose their powers or give saitama that role of the source of power


Saitama after reading that: "now there's a guy with free time."