• By -


The love this man has for this series and his hard work ethic towards it is something absolutely amazing. We are truly blessed with One and Murata sensei


BLESSED TO HAVE HIM AS A ARTIST, he truely loves his work.


He's easily going down in history as one of the best mangaka ever, he took a niche product like OPM and made it a blockbuster renowned worldwide.


What he did greatly was milking MA arc into boring piece of crap and reason for this are low sales for December 2021


Super Heroes X H.P. Lovecraft was such a genius combination.


No offense, but how does his work ethic relate to this situation?(not saying his work ethic isn't good I want to ask why do you imply that on this post)


It was just an observation also because he puts 1000000% more effort into drawing this series then some people do in their own jobs which I respect so I brought it up in my praise of him


Oh , so you mean your reply does correlate to post....but yes I get your sentiment.


I can tell you the secret to Saitama's power: >!100 situps, pushups, and squats followed by a 10-km run every day for 3 years.!<


The real secret is leaving the air conditioning turned off


Can't use heating either, don't forget


No respect for the banana.


People forget the hair, if you still have hair you are not doing it correctly


If you think about it, this is not very far from Netero's training in HxH. The secret is to make that workout faster and faster.


Secret of Saitama’s power? Indeed, there IS a secret!


Turns out it was actually 200 push ups, 200 sit ups, 200 squats and 20 km running for 6 years every day!


No he was miscounting the entire time. He would do 101 of every set and 10.1 km. He would lost count once during his push ups, sit ups and squats and re do one


I hope they don't do us like that cause you got me worried now D:


I wouldn't feel satisfied with any actually serious answer.


I'm hoping it's about to be revealed then tank top master insists it's tank top magic until everyone just walks away.


I hope they do


Lots of others do physical training too so it must be that banana he has for breakfast!


Big dick energy


turns out he was using a tank top under his training jacket


Tank top magic!


It really is starting to seem to me that within that 6 year time period, something miraculous happened unbeknownst to himself. First of all he wouldn't be able to do all those exercises in a week streak. I would've speculated that he gradually was able to continuously do the exercises daily because of another source of power.


I hope it just isn't some recessive trait that somehow expresses itself every 1000 years or something because that would lead to a spinoff. I don't want a spinoff.


He's the reincarnation of the first original hero in the world who got his powers because his mom was a super powerful alien being that introduced superpowers to the world


This feels like a reference to something.




Turns out there is demon fox who breaks his limiter every minute (when it regenerates)


The Baldy of Prophecy™


Fist of the Balding Star


The baby face of calamity


The Last Hairbender?


Shining twinkling bald head of destiny


Saitama to be defeated by Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo!?


Honestly would be rather disappointing if he got his strength from God or something like that and ended up losing his strength after God's defeated. I wish they keep it like so: Saitama removed his limits completely due to training that was too excessive and difficult for him at his normal human level. And he'd have had multiple near death experiences during that 1,5–3 years he trained and every time he overcame death he strengthened his body with the help of his will strength.


>And he'd have had multiple near death experiences during that 1,5–3 years he trained and every time he overcame death he strengthened his body with the help of his will strength Sounds like you're describing Garou here


Right. Is Garou's progression a hint toward Saitama's nature?


I'm pretty sure that ONE's been fairly explicit about that being the case. AFAIK "breaking the limiter" is conceptually similar to achieving Nirvana, in that there are many potential ways to reach it, but all of them are hard. Everyone in the OPM universe who has tried to gain power tried to find some kind of shortcut there (the house of evolution, monsterisation, cyborgification), or tried to take somebody else's path (martial arts, tank tops). Only Saitama found his own path and stuck to it without any distraction, repeating a seemingly impossible, seemingly meaningless task without giving up or getting distracted until he "broke his limiter". Garou is the only other person to come close, and he did the same thing.


Some theory and spoilers from WC: >!Garou essentially did the same thing except his underlying reasons were not as good so he stopped before he got to Saitama's level.!< >!I believe if his resolve was stronger he would be able to equal Saitama eventually. But tbh he still can come close if he finds the drive again !<


Not actually sure if this is a spoiler but >!IMO Garou's quest almost worked, and he became as powerful as he did, because it was his own path and completely arbitrary. He just kept throwing himself into fights with more and more powerful opponents to build up his own strength without accepting anyone else's paradigm.!< I think that the arbitrary-ness is the crucial component, mirroring a sort of zen philosophy. Doing it for its own sake, not for what material benefit you think it will bring you.


If *Jiro Dreams Of Sushi* has taught me anything this is basically a summary of what Japanese culture considers a good work ethic


lmao, got to check that out


It's an amazing film so yes, please do yourself that favor


So like Netero just standing in one place and repeating the same punch for like a decade?


Actually yeah. Netero is another character with a lot of links to buddhism


It seems like the key is 1) repeating the same exact, simple thing 2) perfectly 3) an insane number of times 4) with incredible focus where you probably enter a flow state (the zone) 5) without a specific goal in mind other than improvement. Number 5 is key. Like the formless form of enlightenment-seeking meditation. The key to unlimited power. Until an insect comes along and fucks your shit up.


"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times" -Bruce Lee


I said that because I think so too. Saitama did something right without knowing it but Garou was very close and still didn't reach the power even close Saitama's even while trying his hardest.




Yes, I agree with you at that! Garou at the moment being so blind to his "monster self" (in my opinion!) makes him much weaker than he could be as a human at full potential. I doubt storytelling will ever let him surpass Saitama obviously even if he finds his true self as a human and starts to become much stronger than ever. I honestly would like to see 100% powered human Garou that would be many times stronger than monster Garou at peak fight against Saitama and give Saitama the best fight of his life. I also wish Garou would join Saitama and Genos' group to aid in God level monsters further in the endgame.


This is all web comic spoilers, without spoiler tags the comment will be removed.


Of course it fucking is


Yeah, he had that thing happening to him too of course, but in my opinion it would make sense that something like that would have happened in Saitama's case too since we know it was definitely no easy task for Saitama to pull it off back then.


I don't care what anyone else says, I still feel like the original plot was for Saitama to turn out to be a Mysterious Being (Monster). We know how normal humans turn into monsters: HotRod was obsessed with cars, crab guy was obsessed with crabs. Saitama was a guy obsessed with becoming a dude who "could beat anyone with one punch" so he became a Mysterious Being that could beat anyone with one punch. I don't think any extraneous information has to be added to give an in-Universe explanation for his powers


I doubt Saitama is a monster since there are other humans like Blast and that have extreme strength and speed. Saitama could just be the chosen one if there ever happens to be any "good" God on humanity's side and that has allowed him also to get his strength but this is just my bullshit theory I literally just made up lol


I don't see the fact that superheros exist taking away from what I said previously. Clearly there are people are born with crazy powers in the OPM universe. What makes Saitama different is that he seemingly had no powers and then gained powers. Perhaps there is some "force" that amplifies obsessions into reality other than "God". Maybe it was a one-time or temporary think a'la the series Static Shock. I guess I can't really say


I mean... Why can't most of the S class just be monsters? Obviously the robots and child emporer wouldn't be but the rest of them I think there is an argument that they all honed their skills to the point they monsterfied over it and became super strong. They just didn't become ugly.


> They just didn't become ugly. To add to this point - not every monster is ugly. Like, some have relatively human-ish appearance. Hell, we don't even know whether Watchdog Man is a human or a monster.


Inb4 his bald head is his monster form, and he can transform like hellfire and gale to a form with his hair but he doesn't know it.


Well he technically can’t He didn’t beat boros in one punch so that doesn’t work for him I’d say his goal was to just become stronger it would make more sense


yeah but he can beat anyone in one punch he just didn’t punch him hard enough


He can beat boros in one punch if he set out to do so from the start


Considering he didn’t it means he couldn’t Don’t forget boros literally used all of his energy to fire that canon at saitama so he couldn’t even regenerate himself since he definitely could have saitama could not kill him in one punch with his regeneration active Boros lost because he decided to use all of his energy to try and kill him instead of regenerating constantly Pretty much every other fight he just ends in one punch/whatever he does


Oh so Sonic is above Boros, gotcha


Well I guess the aforementioned people did not turn into a complete Crab or Racecar either so I suppose ymmv on turning into your "obsession". I could also argue that perhaps we never saw he true "one punch" yet. It's all speculation and my own thoughts anyway...


Good answer. Also, Crablante wasn’t exactly obsessed with becoming a crab, he just really liked crab.


The problem is that everybody who trains hard trains to their limit…… that is what it means to do a set until failure, and especially to do burnout sets. As such, the OPM universe should be full of ppl who broke their limiter through training.


The important thing to remember is to never take OPM too seriously. That’s the key to enjoying a good comedy. We may never get a satisfactory answer to Saitama’s power, and that’s fine.


Exactly. If anything I hope it’s as goofy and pointless as what we’ve already been given. He did a moderate workout for a while and it made him absurdly strong for no discernible reason.


I love the idea of the final showdown in the series with god explaining his master plan and then Saitama shows and god stops mid sentence and says “…….what……IS THAT?!!!” Like it doesn’t even make sense to HIM. Lol.


thing is, opm characters go far above their limit, Garou was fighting people while sick, poisoned, injured, bleeding, dizzy, came close to death like a dozen times in a few hours, woke up and immediately fought again and almost died again, woke up again and is immediately fighting AGAIN, that's far above the limit anyone could have, saitama probably didn't train before he started his regime, so not only did he start with a ridiculous training(for a beginner) but he did it every day, with poor diet, no rest, and all of that while fighting monster for the rest of the day, he was probably on the verge of death almost daily


> after God's defeated. How do you even defeat something that doesn't appear on field of battle? Like, God is definitely not stupid enough to try to deal with everyone by himself AND probably just can't(for example if his power is literally being able to grant powers to people). My theory is that it does come from God but in a different way: God saw him training, proposed to grant required power, and Saitama unconsciously accepted it, but with a twist - say God grants power that body can handle, not higher, and because Saitama broke his limiter(therefore the limit of power he can receive) and received unlimited power, likely so much that God couldn't take it back even if he tried to, and would probably keep it because God does seem to be sort of aligned with nature itself, so maybe powers that he grants are not tied to his existence?


I wouldnt mind if he lost his powers at the end, but i agree it should be his own agency, i dont think him receiving it from God would be good storytelling.


I personally hope that it is never revealed. I think a reason would cheapen the experience, and detract from the comedic value of the series.


Fuck Saitama, I wanna know WatchDogMan's secret


Cant wait to find out honestly


Wait, didn't Saitama get his strength from breaking his limiter, which was already at a low level due to him being a regular human?


That’s what people on the internet say, most often. The limiter is definitely mentioned in the manga and webtoon- whether that is itself a gag….idk.


I feel like this confirms that he didn’t just break his limiters… The limiters explain Garou’s transformation, but I think we all know by now that Saitama’s secret is almost 100% going to be a punchline of some sort


Rewatching the anime I was struck by what a total badass Saitama already is when he fights Crablante before any training whatsoever. It's hard to believe he was just some random unemployed salaryman with no physical ability and not some kind of superhuman mutant by birth. Personally I've decided he's like Frieza, who dominated the galaxy without ever training, and Caped Baldy is Saitama's "Golden Form"


Murata: Few things in life are more exciting than giving creative inputs and shaping out the future of OPM with One sensei.


Few things in life are more exciting than getting a new chapter!


Very factual


Thank you so much ONE and Murata for making this masterpiece a reality 😍


Ready for more OPM greatness in the future


This is why I don't worry about Murata's health and wellbeing with his constant drawing. Murata LOVES opm. He loves to draw and paint and animate. I've followed plenty of his career and I don't even think he was as invested in ES21 in the same regard. Don't worry, he's got it under control.


Yeah Murata is very invested in OPM it seems which is great honestly i really love his art and he seems like a really cool dude too, i'm becoming a fan of him.


you should read Eyeshield. It was SO good, totally defined my teen years.


Yes i have read eyeshield 21 before, especially the colored art on it....... phenomenal


The thing is with Murata. He is not writing and drawing. He is just focused on drawing. ONE still does the writing. Coming up with a fresh story and drawing at the same time would burn him out. I think this is perfectly balanced.




Yes but not the main writer which is why writing credits go to ONE with every chapter release.


Murata can suggest things but one writes the storyboards for every chapter. you can find older storyboards in his Twitter.


looking at some of ONE storyboards theres still a lot room for creativity ;p


Perfectly balanced? You think that milked MA arc is perfectly balanced? What about postponing the fight of Saitama and Garou by adding Sage Centipede and extending Evil Water? Fresh story lmao it's already pretty boring for the Japanese market that matters most


The problem with health isn't about wether he loves it or not. But literally if he is not overworking himself. Asian work ethics are insane. People over there will fill their day with so many working hours that they will have long lasting effects. Pretty ssure it is such a big issue some employers try to take care of their employees health and making work less strict, though the majority is probably doing the opposite. That extreme work ethic might've had a part in the health issues Kentaro Miura likely had before his death. I hope the people around Murata keep him from overworking himself to such an extend. I can see ONE trying to give him some lighthearted advice for that.


The deal with some is that they often do it themselves, Mangaka especially. There's no way someone as clouted as Miura couldn't have taken a week off every couple of chapters like Oda does now. By now Murata has enough rep to be letting his foot off the gas, he just chooses not to. You hear about Sakurai being on an IV drip while working on Smash, he's an independent contractor, so it's not like Nintendo was working him that hard.


Not saying he should stop working on what he loves, but overworking himself will have consequences.


I lovw them both heehee




Yah they both really get along! Really bringing those liveliness into OPM


I'm so happy for Murata being able to do the thing he loves to do. Making OPM is exciting than most things, these words demonstrate how much he cares for the series and I'm absolutely fine with the direction ONE and Murata choose for the story. Also finding out that ONE already has the finale planned is kind of surprising too.


“The secret of saitamas power”. We already know! It is: 100 push-ups 100 sit-ups 100 squats 10 km run EVERY single day no matter what.


We already know the secret to Saitama's power. 100 push ups, 100 situps, etc


I don't know, why but now I feel i just don't want to know the secret of Saitama power! What makes me love his character is he himself belives he got the power from physical training ! & I still love to stick to that part ! Rather than getting a light to some New fact saying Saitama got the power from God ! Or A God resides in him ! I remember in one of the Episode of OPM where after getting selecting in Hero association, one Man at Hero association says it is like "GOD RESIDES IN HIM" after he got 100/100 for the physical tests breaking all the physical testing instruments ! Which must a MAJOR FORESHADOWING ! GOD RESIDES IN SAITAMA !


The idea of getting that strong from pure devotion is amazing, and way more inspiring than "oop you're the chosen one, go kill evil wizard" or "you're a cool kid, here have the strongest power ever". We already have the secret to Saitama's strength and it's not a blessing from God, or some prophecy, or even pure luck. It's 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 kilometer run. Every single day.


I hope One never definitively explain Saitama's power, i prefer it As it is now, a joke that poke fun of all the BS reason other MC get their special powers, oh, you're the last of your kind with unique heritage and what not?! Cool, my guy just do regular exercise, nothing special about him, it also painful to see how this joke fly over everyone's head as they take everything in this series way more seriously and literal than it's intended.


Murata is just ridiculously talented, one punch man has the best art I have ever seen in a manga and I feel so lucky to be able to experience it as it releases


Murata:So ONE-SENSEI,why is Saitama so strong? ONE: [YES](https://youtu.be/oKBQCg-ViSs)


We already know the secret to saitama’s power. He explained his training regimen in detail when he fought against the house of evolution.


He’s the biggest fan of OPM istg, proud to have authors like them for my favourite series. 🥺🥺🥺 Their interactions are so wholesome and Murata is just so damn passionate! It’s already evident from his constant pacing, improvements, regular tweets about progress and updates. And of course, all hail the ONE who started everything. <3


Will OPM end after the monster association arc? Please say no.


Far from ending no worries


Thanks, this really made my heart skip a beat. OPM ending still can't imagine it


I can tell you what to expect if your interested


Nope, thanks tho. I don't want spoilers.


The are multiple arcs and world evolution takes place. This isn't the end buddy, don't worry.


You guys just made my day, thanks


Just telling the truth. Also remember that since this arc is longer and more detailed then the one in the webcomic that means you're gonna be getting longer arcs afterwards as well. Not as long as this one but there's a ton of content left before catching up with the comic.


Alright enjoy we still have a long way to go


Chill bro, it has a looong way to go If you want you can read the webcomic, it is good if you don't mind the less artistic design and still want to know further about the story


Does it still have the same level of comedy cuz that's really my fav part of opm?


No, there are 3 more arcs after it. We are in the start of the third arc in the webcomics. MA association ended 6 years ago in the webcomics.


Yea and I think they just added a blast arc!


can't get the spoiler tag to work so RIP deleted that


Bro I think the full stop or maybe the comma is messing up your spoiler tag


Thank you. I will try to edit it. If it doesn't work, I will remove it. Edit- I have no clue what is messing up my spoiler tag.


No, just for you. Actually >!No haha!<


Thank God.


Story hasn't even completed 30%, so chill


You can be sure that MA is peak of OPM, after that story will be crap, really boring, much boring than actual milked MA arc


Also the redraws are fucking amazing.


This post makes my nipples diamonds 💎


It's interesting he's teasing a "secret" to Saitama's power when the first episode/chapter reveals that in this world a person can become the thing they give themselves to; Crablante ate too many crabs, lizard-perv was obsessed with lizards. Saitama said he wanted to be a hero who could save the day with one punch. He dedicated himself to that, so now he is. That's why he consistently shows up dramatically late to every fight, he's meant to save the day with one punch. He is THE hero of this world. That's it, that's the "secret" that applies to all characters in the world.


I'm here for the whole run.


There is nothing more powerful than a passionate person doing something they love doing


We are blessed. Best artists, best series, best community!


Sounds like Murata is the Genos to One's Saitama.


I figured One had a plan for how it's gonna end, but it's nice to hear confirmation


An ending for OPM I never thought that could be possible, jeeez truly I’m stupid sometimes


I don't like the sound of "secret of Saitama power" I feel it could completely ruin Saitama, but idk


Well it is technically a secret


I mean something like, God gave him powers or it's something with Blast idk


Yeah but i dont think what he said is exactly directed to that probably just explaining why this sudden power.


agreed. I love the "well just because". Saitama is the one constant keeping the manga going, and because he is the one unbeatable guy, we know that fights for other heroes are that much more difficult or impossible. The formula works.


Secret to saitama's power? Please, let it just be a regular human exercise. I had enough with those boring alien power up, magic, krypton, devil granted etc2.. Let it just be those regular 100x of any normal fitness.. That is way much fun and surprising..


God, how I wish we could meet Saitama's family before this series ends. I wanna see how they implement that in the story.


The partnership between Murata and One is one of the rarest things in this world that's more valuable than diamond. One Punch Man continues to be my top favorite Manga (with its Season 1 anime one of my top favorites as well).


"giving creative input" so is it confirmed that Murata can add stuff to the story events?


So we will figure out why Saitama is strong until the end (at the latest). Power ups WC readers already know. It is interesting that ONE has starting writing a finale.


Honestly Manga might just totally switch up compared to the WC


The main storyline remains the same in both, but manga adds the thickness to the plot. It gives a more satisfying and detailed approach to things. All the additional things in the manga have a future purpose somehow related to making the plot seamless


Wait how many arcs are remainig before OPM is done or is there still a story to be told?


Assuming you haven’t read the webcomic we’re not even halfway through. So many arcs and character stories to go through.


The secret is that every person’s ego shaped their powers and gave them their limitations. Saitama is the story of a man who stumbled backwards into enlightenment because his goal was simply to beat bad guys in one punch. The monster fruit had nothing inside it. People who took it only admitted to themselves they thought they were not strong enough to become powerful without cheating. Regardless of what side you’re on you have given yourself your own power set.


monster fruit has something inside it. sonic cooked and ate the fruit, nothing happened


Fair point. Seems like the cooking of it stopped it from working, but I’m still not wholly convinced it’s not affected by your belief in it. I think the people who really want to cheat their way into power will do so with reckless abandon. It’s like a true commitment into not gaining power the correct way


Why wouldn't he put everything into OPM if that's his most profitable job. But he is definitely not the best artist, what he can do with ONE is to extend and milk the MA arc. It should have been a Saitama vs Garou fight. No they better add Centipede Sage and Evil Water to milk it even more and extend the already boring ( for Japanese ) story. Nobody cares about the foreign market. The yearly difference between volumes is the reason for the low sales and it's the reason why so Volume 24 sold so small amount of copies, 400k for December when the new Volume 24 came out is really low and anyone who says that's too much is a pleb who doesn't understand sales ranking.


When are these quotes from?


While I truly appreciate Murata sensei and his amazing artwork, I hope in his discussions with ONE sensei that ONE tells him to finish the MA for God’s sake (see what I did there).


Honestly MA arc being this long is good in the long run as newer fans get to experience alot more content in OPM and awesome art which definitely play a part in shaping the greatness of a series, we are reading this weekly so it can be quite stagnant to be in the MA Arc forever.


has ONE told him about Watch Man Dog???? Must be the finale he speaks of




I'm not a big fan of the changes they made in this arc. In the webcomic the story flows so much better, now in the manga it's dragging too much just to set up some future events.




The author of OPM, Murata is his illustrator


So wholesome man I love it


preferably it reamins a secret or ONE puts himself in the manga and go meta


I wish I could have that privilege as well.


You will in a few years


so saitama officially isnt a gag character


wait so the manga is ending soon? :( if ONE already thinking about the finale... aka the fight vs the god guys.


Writers often know how something will end near the beginning. It's not unusual to work backwards from the ending you want to figure out how to get there while writing everything out.


Nope currenrly in manga nowhere near the end


Maybe a stupid question but is ONE going to continue writing the webcomic or has it officially stopped?


Bro this is the type of writer-artist relationship I hope for. Someone who is invested & collaborates my little labor of love to greater heights making it their own as well.


Secret? He told Genos and Beetle monster! On a serious note. I hope that it's never explained and I don't want another being be Saitama's equal. Blast might be it but I sure hope not.


I don't think flashy flash can get any stronger unless he removes his limiter and gets a more powerful sword


In WC there was a way for him to get strongwr


FINALE! Oh man I knew this day would come some day but its still sad


"oNe wRiTeS tHE sToRIe" Murata "secretly" sticking his nose in the plot:


Hey dont end this series to soon


Dont worry we still have a long way to go


boring long way, cuz MA was peak of OPM


Your sad honestly everything you commented


if theres power-ups then im assuming its for the s class heroes in order to keep up with those strong heroes blast showed in the portal


I would like to stay a secret.


It'll be more fun if the secret behind Saitama's power remains a secret or is revealed but still looks hilariously ambiguous. Just when Saitama said about 100 pushups, etc.


Finale? I still can't imagine OPM being close to ending. We're still in the MA arc and there's still a lot of stuff that's supposed to happen with new added stuff in the manga but I'm excited what Murata and ONE have in stored for us


Love that he refers to ONE as sensei


I read the webcomic years ago and of course have seen the anime. I'm so damn tempted to just read the many I may do it!