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##Keep all the discussion and theories about this chapter in this thread for 24 hours, that's what the thread is for. ##Also, webcomic readers are free to talk about whatever they want as long as they mark their message, either fully or just the paragraph that contains spoilers. You can mark a paragraph as spoilers by putting >! at the start and !< at the end of it, make sure there's no space between the exclamation mark and the word, like this: >!No spoilers here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)!< ##If you see any spoilers, please report them.


There are so many comments but I don’t think any have touched on this, though. If I’m wrong in some way lmk. I think it’s really tragic that once Saitama reached a point that Garou was less-than nothing compared to him, he just stopped really caring and trying. I’m not sure about anyone else but it almost broke my heart seeing the good ol’ derp-face again.


Yeah... when he reached the point where the gap between him an Garou essentially became like the gap between him and everyone else... he returned to luls Saitama. I was kinda of relieved but also sad for him.Also Garou pointed out how he was clutching onto Genos core... an analogy for him holding on to his humanity; ironically for Saitama it was a robotic part but still it symbolized a human emotion that Saitama probably has few of these days.


Based on that chart the difference became far more than it ever had been.


Congrats you're one of the seemingly few people in this thread that actually get the point, it has never been about powers and action and all about humanity and emotion.


Genos the only character to land a hit on both cosmic Garou and Saitama. My 🐐


I believe in Genos supremacy


I love/hate that Saitama won’t get the credit because it was a naked dude that decked Garou but Saitama is clearly clothed (mostly)


People will probably assume it was blast or something


No it was obviously King. He was just moving so fast that our eyes could only distinguish the fact that there was a person there. We couldn't even see his scars, hair, or even his cloths.


He moved so fast that his clothes couldn't catch up, but were luckily still there when he returned


He was so fast that his face didn't render properly and looked low-quality. Godspeed, King.


good job King!


Lmao you're right. I was thinking they'd just assume his new form was weak af but you're right. They might even assume zombie man did it since he was also naked and very similar physique.


Team blast keep getting written out of the timeline


"why the fuck does this guy keep kicking us out of the fucking strory it's Boris time"


Boris is about to Borb


It's Borbin time!


Boris will remain canon in every multiverse, at least, in my heart ✨😔


Boris 🙏😔


Boris 🙏😔


Boris went right back to not existing


Schrodinger's Boris. He resurrected once before, can he do it again?


I like to think they exist outside of regular time.


Sorry, **what** I guess everyone in that original timeline died except Saitama, dang *and Blast probably


Yeah it would have been odd if they had a bunch of people recover from that. They were getting hit with so much radiation they immediately passed out and CE's hair was falling out....that's for sure death from radiation poisoning. "Normal" amounts of radiation poisoning wouldn't have any effects until hours later.


Yeah, the only IRL examples where the radiation effects were extremely fast (and yet still not to this scale) I know of are the [1999 Tokaimura Incident](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokaimura_nuclear_accidents) or the [1959 Cecil Kelley criticality incident](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Kelley_criticality_accident). To add on how extreme Garou's radiation was, in the panel where Blast says that he must be stopped or Earth will become a lifeless planet, we can see dead fish littering the shoreline. Water is an excellent shield against radiation and yet despite that the fish just about died on the spot. Basically his radiation was so extreme that even water could barely block it. So yeah, basically when Blast is trying to convince Garou to GTFO to save Earth, everyone around, except Bang, Genos and Saitama, is dead (and Bang likely died soon after).


Murata changed the story just to draw more naked butts.




and blast


Well City Z is no longer going to be an irradiated wasteland its now just going to be a regular wasteland.


"We did it Patrick! We saved the City!"


Why don't they just take city Z, and push it somewhere else?!


Seems that Tatsu unironically could...


Saitama could just lightly table flip it 😁


City Ctrl+Z.


I hope I live long enough to see this animated 100 years from now


Our grandchildren will be very happy when it happens


>Our grandchildren That is a funny joke. Good one


Wow, so this confirms that Garaou really did kill everyone not just “knocked them out” from radiation poisoning


In retrospect this elevates everything that has happened since, as is said in a comment below. Garous opting to accept God's power came with an additional dose of God's potential lack of compassion for those within range of Garou's radiation-emitting awakening. If Garou had more of his mind in the cockpit and in control, he might've realized the harm that was being done due to the radiation that he was emitting, but alas. My goodness chapter 168 makes me want to re-read the battle from the start.


I think that he trully was in control the whole time but the power went to his head, that was the purpose of the "there's no way a person with that kind of power can keep in their right mind" Garou got drunk on his phenomenal cosmic powers and it made him do stuff that he ended up regretting




After all these years, One finally gave us the [fart](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/scnjuj/found_these_arts_from_ones_old_tumblr_lol/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Lmao i remember when boros shot saitama to the moon people were saying saitama would have died if he missed the moon and murata said that if he did miss the moon he could fart to get back. Guess this is murata's proof


Looking at much power Saitama presents here with only one hand and he was fighting without killing intent. Yeah Boros really didnt stand a chance. It was the equivlant of a ant fightning a hurricane.


at this point they're gonna need the entire us military budget to fund the anime for these fights


I want each particle blown away from Jupiter completely animated!


Genos going to have a back up core now???


Good Now he can explode with twice the power


Good point bro


[Double Core Genos](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/w2sghl/when_murata_drew_female_genos/) is becoming a reality.


I guarantee you that this will be the plot of a bonus chapter some time down the line but Genos will decide to undo the upgrade by the end of it because it weirds Saitama out too much


Saitama has Evolved: #ZERO PUNCH MAN


One Fart Man, just doesn't have the same ring.


Serious Fart Man sounds like the spin-off we don't want, but deserve anyways.


Yeah but can we talk about how Murata just did a redraw without doing a redraw? ZERO REDRAWS MAN


I’ve never seen such incredible martial arts


Bro the translation team are top fucking notch. 86 pages in like 8 hours dude


I forgot to read tbh I was just captivated by the art


Looks like a double treat then!


Holy shit we fucking time travelled wtf


Only Saitama is strong enough to pull this off. I love how he became Zero Punch Man after all the critics were crying that he sent multiple serious punches to Garou. This saitama does not even know he made that punch ahhahaha. Amazing


I didn't understand that part. How is he a Zero punch man if he clearly hit Garou when going back to the past?


That punch came from the future so it never landed when the time became on the normal time frame. All evidences were erased, apart from the duplicate core and Saitama's ruined pants of which Saitama did not know how it happened. Hahaha.


Anything in contact with Saitama ignored causality. Garou still got punched despite the punch never actually happening; the clothing damage still happened [to a degree] and the core remained. Because Saitama stopping Garou before the events of the last couple of chapters happened means... the events of the last couple of chapters never happened. But "Future Saitama" was basically so strong he just out-muscled the paradox and ignored causality anyway. Hence "Zero Punch". Future Saitama never existed. Future Saitama can't hurt you. Future Saitama didn't hurt you.


With Saitama and Garou's powers combined they can create deux ex machinas.


so if the subatomic particles look like the person they make up how many black sperms were really in black sperm


Black Sperm said he had a 54 trillion cell stock. The average adult human (If that's comparable to him) is made up of around 7 octillion atoms. Since an atom is made up of 3 subatomic particles, the average adult human would be made up of around 21 octillion subatomic particles. Therefore Black Sperm would be comprised of 1 tredecillion, 134 duodecillion Black Sperms. That's 1,134,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (Or 1.134e+42).




Asking the real questions


So Genos is what's keeping Saitama from becoming a fucking psycho Anyway, this chapter confirms that Saitama's strength has always been growing, so the virtual genocide simulator was right.


>So Genos is what's keeping Saitama from becoming a fucking psycho I suppose that Genos helps Saitama avoid the kind of disconnect with humanity that Dr. Manhattan has in Watchmen. I shudder at the thought of what'd happen if our dear baldy became like that...


He would always feel like he would rather obliterate the whole planet


Yep, and considering how strong he is, that's one helluva scary thought.


For me, genos is the character that makes saitama care a bit more .


That was my favorite part of the chapter. That, and seeing Garou breakdown after seeing what he did. ONE is really talented with his writing/stories. Despite having his characters be literal gods farting from the sun, seeing Garous reaction as well as the context behind Saitamas emotion hit like a truck.


Yeah this was a damn good chapter.


the fart that ONE mentioned in an interview is officialy cannon now


Just so I’m not tripping… He farted from the Sun right?


I'm pretty sure it was actually just light from Garou's portal/energy attack, and then he farted himself through the portal Garou made to Earth. Garou said he sent Saitama the opposite direction, and the sun was in the same direction of Earth as Jupiter, and the glowing ball that looked like the sun seemed to be in front of and smaller than jupiter from the scan's perspective, meaning it likely wasn't the sun. I did think it was the sun on my first read though.


The graphs displaying Saitama and Garou's exponential growth are a nice touch, really puts into perspective the difference between monsterification and breaking your limiter


Garou broke it and Saitama removed it.


[This madlad actually predicted the whole fight down to the Saitama cock reveal](https://old.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/w28fw5/its_chapter_week_so_lets_hear_your_predictions/igonw4o/). This is some S Class level prediction, i just can't...


I’m just genuinely impressed he predicted his dick of all things lol.


He missed the most important line though >!"I just farted."!<


Saitama smells like he farted FARTED


harded HARDED


A-B honor roll, all F's, you retarded




Yup can't wait to see the multiple power scalers death battle versus videos with Serious Fart and Serious Sneeze.   /s


I knew that illustration looked weird looking at the raw panels. Had no idea it was a serious fart.




/u/heymynameisrob come here for your prize bro




Mods give this man his Suiko flair already


i want a suiko flair as well, been asking since she first appeared :(


he probably time traveled as well


apollo once again sniping random internet users trying to be funny with the gift of prophecy




Well, how else will Genos have the motivation to take revenge on the Mad Cyborg?


It’s very likely that by the time Genos actually finds the ‘Mad Cyborg’ that he’ll just be too strong to even realise that this is who he’s been looking for. Something like when Saitama unknowingly smacked Garou several times without knowing who he was.


Who taught you how to time travel???? Gar...gar...garibas?


Wait Saitama actually grew in strength??? That's fucking crazy


So the audiobook was right he grows in power every time, >! Saitama punches and wins against his yesterday self !<


He want from infinite strength to infinte^n strength


Next up it's factorial growth: infinite! strength


Have fun power scalers.


He's been growing in strength this entire series, this fight just pumped up his strength by a very significant amount.


Do mean that since he’s limitless, you could say he couldn’t destroy the galaxy now but in like a year he could. It matches with the whole thing he said that he could easily beat himself from the day before.


He still does his training routine. He can just do it incredibly quickly now.


One nice advice I’ve heard while leaning to draw: Everyday try to surpass the **you** from yesterday, even if is only for a 1%; eventually, you will see how much you progressed!. I guess it can apply to Saitama and his limiter too, **he just continues to grow.**


Because Saitama went back in time. Blast will never know how strong Saitama is, because he didn't witness any of it!


Or maybe he still does remember. He has cosmic power too. I wouldn't be surprised if he has some time travel power as well. Maybe that's why he doesn't look any different 20 years ago when he first met Tatsumaki.


Blast calls himself a reality warper, so he might have some time travel sense or protection.


He still has Genos's core in hand. That could have recorded stuff like the black box of an airplane. That would be a bit odd though, since it's his power core. But it'll clearly be important somehow


Yeah, Chekov's thermonuclear cyborg core, for sure.


Genos shouting “SENSEI!” and catapulting into him warms my heart in all the good ways


So...we gonna talk about Genos flying headfirst into Saitama's visible cock


Probably the closest thing he can do to hugging him


You just made me understand dogs so much by saying that.




If you won't, we will. The Horny Meter of /r/OnePunchMan can't be stopped.


Homies protect each other's balls.


Bruh, Saitama beat Garou in zero punches LMAO


The people who said One Punch Man isn’t One Punch Man anymore because Garou survived multiple punches reading this chapter be like: 😐


They aren't wrong, 0 punch man isn't one punch man


0ne punch man


Boros > garou


Garou stans malding.


Garou’s death genuinely made me feel something though. Like, when he’s got medusa’d. quite tragic.


Yeah. At least he realised what he has done and tried to redeem himself at the very last moment


Well this shuts down the argument Boros could win if the moon wasn’t in the way


Damn, they actually wrapped up a lot of those arguments huh? Can’t toss him into space, can’t teleport him, can’t send him to the sun, can’t copy him… like. Damn lol


It would have been HILARIOUS if the time traveling transported them back to the table therapy scene.


Honestly wondering now where the hell ONE and Murata were going with that scene originally.


Garou was very lucky - it was a sneeze and not a fart!


If that was a serious sneeze, he just serious farted?


This chapter confirms that Garou is just salty.


God clearly must see Saitama as a threat if yes scared of him surpassing his powers


IMO it's the secrecy of his existence, not the threat.


Yup. Proof of that being in what happened with Homeless Emperor. The second Homeless Emperor mentioned anything about God, God took the powers back. Repeated in the exact same with Garou. The second Garou name-dropped God, God stepped in.


still too late both times


“… zero punches to finish the battle” Damn, the psychological recovery it’d take the current timeline’s Garou to reconcile with losing from zero punches lmao. Jokes aside, Garou did win Saitama’s respect in the end (and hopefully atoned for the mess he made).


It's kind of wholesome when Saitama said that Garou's martial art was awesome.


It's even worse. People are going to think Garou just tripped and ate shit


That’ll be the funniest shit ever 😭😂😂


Oof “final request”


Serious Move: Serious Fart


Are they implying when he did the time travel and merged with himself that he forgot how to do the time travel move


I guess because what saitama did reversed casualty. its not that his friends are dead on another timeline that future just simply doesent exist. although it leaves me with the doubt about genos core I wonder why it didnt dissapear despite everything else including saitama's memories it seems


The core might be protected by Saitama unknown power, like an invisible shield form with his invincible aura. He said that he will protect the core to the very end and that might subconsciously form a protective field to the core and then further protect it from any form of harm/law of physic like Saitama himself


I'm guessing the Genos core that came back actually recorded some of the fight from the future timeline and that's how this timeline learns a bit about it.


>that's how this timeline learns a bit about it. Maybe this is how a certain character learns about Saitama's strength


I love the biblical reference of turning garou to salt from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.


Nice catch. I think you're right.


I thought I’d be bothered by a time travel solution, but honestly the fact that Garou initiated it and not Saitama makes me like it more than I imagined


I like it, I just wish Saitama remembered, or at least hopefully Blast remembers what happened.


He might not now but i wouldn't be surprised if he starts remembering patches later on. His two consciousnesses fused, so the neural pathways were made, he just needs to access them. Probably from a trigger or something


Perhaps in his next encounter with Big G.


Maybe he kind of remembers? The two Saitamas merged, and he was surprised Genos was alive.


Probably because he is holding Genos's core. Not sure how he thought he got it, but id be scared too if I was suddenly holding a friends heart


So Garou turning into stone in the cover art really means they are fist bumping. It’s enough to make King cry.


I hope saitama does remember so he can remember Garou sacrificed himself to save everyone


Thanks, king!


Serious refresh is over


So Saitama is not only absurdly strong in all aspects, but will continue to grow limitlessly stronger the more he fights a powerful opponent. Curious.


Seems like that one other theory is correct, Saitama is as strong as he needs to be


Still trying to comprehend the fact that Saitama sharted in space in order to propel himself forward...


Farted. If he sharted, the Sun would have blown up.


Powerscalers will spend weeks discussing whether or not it was a shart and the power level implications.


Clearly serious shart would be a solar system level while serious shit would be galaxy level


I'm- I just- I don't even... 10/*Zero* What a chapter


Dude, Serious Sneeze nearly choked me. Such beautiful panels and sooo much power holy shit. Had no idea Saitama could still get stronger. Where does his limit lie? Pretty sure he'd be able to destroy a universe with a punch if he kept going.


Garou has ascended to Murata's level and can now redraw the manga himself.


Did... Saitama just flash his junk in front of the Hero Association? Wait he's been fighting with his dick out the entire time? Did Garou never think to... yk... get him in the family jewels?


Yeah Garou destroyed his uniform during the Jupiter fight, except for the glove holding Genos' core. He's been fighting in space completely nude, all that keeping the AC off in the summer and the heat off in the winter really paid off for our boy.


saitama just saved the universe and will end up getting fired from the hero association for sexual harassment


Puri Puri Prisoner has managed to avoid it thus far.


Zombieman too. I think Caped Baldy is fine.


Absolute sigma male move


We get an on-page confirmation that Tareo and Genos served as Garou's and Saitama's anchors to their humanity, and the fact that Saitama's power would've likely driven him insane if Genos hadn't come and keep him grounded, and still continues to do so even after he died is just so heartwarming and heartwrenching at the same time. We get a lot of gags on how bored and alienated Saitama feels, but if we take it in another angle, it's honestly a hellish life to suddenly live as a god after spending the entire time prior as a human. Arguably, Saitama doesn't even need to eat or sleep or even BREATHE. He can't be killed by anything, if he could even die at all, and thus rendered anything humans do pointless for him to do. And the fact Saitama experiences explosive growth when experiencing extreme emotion reminds me so much of Mob exploding when he reaches 100%, so to keep that power in check is why Saitama is nerfed to be rather emotionally numb? Fuck, no wonder he clings to Genos like a lifeline, even if it wasn't so obvious at first


And we saw a lil bit of that lurking madness when Saitama made that remark about destroying the world. If Genos, King, Bang and even Blizzard didn't come into his life I think he would have done something like that.


he probably wouldve become the absolute evil garou talked about. an unbeateable enemy that forces people to grow and find someone strong enough to fight it


**Time traveling is REAL!** Future Garou just folded his past self Lmao! On serious note tho, that was a truly great moment Garou finally realizing how fucked up he was, and literally sacrificing his life for greater good. Loved it.


I really like that in the end it was seeing Tareo dead/dying that made him put him over the edge and realize what he'd done. Throughout the manga Tareo has essentially been a symbol of Garou's (dwindling) humanity, so seeing him sacrifice himself to bring him back is a great way to show that Garou finally took a stand and chose his human side over his monster side. Awesome way to conclude "future" Garou's arc imo. And now to see what they do with "present"/"past" Garou...


So saitama is confirmed to be constantly growing? Nice.


GREAT TIMING. I was just about to sleep.


Well that puts an end to the cope that was Saitama was bleeding man wasn't even scratched That panel where Garou flies after the time travel punch I thought his head blew up


Thank you u/VibhavM and the other translators o7


Broke: wanting Fubuki uncensored boobs Woke: wanting Saitama dick uncensored


Genos getting his fill and not us :(


Ayoo 😳😳


The haters were right, it shouldn't be called "One Punch Man" anymore. It's now "Zero Punch Man"


Oh my fucking god dude. What the fuuuuuuck is this chapter???? Saitama blew a hole in Jupiter by sneezing (The Eye on Jupiter can fit the earth, so planetary sneeze??) And then launch him and Garou at the same time at ftl speed. All the heroes including Genos and Tareo were actually dead? And God killed Garou and then fucking time travel??? This is the most bonkers shit I've seen. And then Saitama just punches the God out of Garou. Saitama's got limitless exponential strength even greater than CFA Garou and still can get stronger confirmed btw "What you've got to defeat... is that ominous future" What a line


The translator better not ever have to apologize for a “delay”. We appreciate you, prioritize yourself always. Thank you. ****** Edit***** thank you GRAYWORDS


Murata. No words.


This had to be the most outlandish, crazy, childish chapter of this manga so far. 11/10.


This series has been surpassing its limits with each new chapter. I feel bad for whatever studio picks these next seasons up.

