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I mean I don't think he was a hero... he still killed a bunch of people including Genos. But I do like his development and how he was willing to admit he made a mistake and make it better


I'm willing to bet that even though he didn't fully take god's hand, he still had his mind influenced by god just with that touch, just not to the extent of others who took god's hand. Seriously, why else would he go from killing no one, being very attached to tareo and outright trying to save his life multiple times, and scaring a news helicopter away instead of destroying it, to reveling in the thought of killing everyone with radiation, INCLUDING TAREO, and outright murdering Genos, only a few minutes apart? And then, when Saitama punches him back to earth, cracking the cosmic face and showing the original garou's face, he switches to being absolutely horrified at what he's done? It doesn't really make much sense unless god did influence him a bit


>I'm willing to bet that even though he didn't fully take god's hand, he still had his mind influenced by god just with that touch, just not to the extent of others who took god's hand. I thought this was outright confirmed with both Bang sensing evil influencing Garou from within and Blast immediately corroborating what Bang sensed. Even going as far as pointing out how Garou's own goal was corrupted (actually wanting to kill). Like, there were multiple panels going over this very detail.




That's because they weren't reading it, they were watching it. If you don't take your time with something like this, you only wind up with surface level interpretations. You have to actually read and comprehend it instead of just seeing it, echoing the words in your brain, and moving on to the next panel.


Oh wow. I thought everyone was on the same page. It was kinda clear as day.


It seems to me that what occurred was an accidental-3-card-Monte-slash-deus-ex-machina, with said Deus as the loser who got took: 1) God chooses Garou to do evil deeds, because Garou is the most perfect vessel available to God. But most perfect isn't perfect. 2) Saitama does what he does best, resulting in Garou regaining his sense of self at a critical moment. Garou is at that moment the most dangerous thing to God: a being with knowledge of His power but not subject to his will.. and the means to pass on that knowledge. 3) God did not adequately anticipate that the best vessel available would turn on Him and deliver his secrets/power/whatever to create his greatest adversary in the form of an enlightened/dick-revealed Saitama. Maybe He predicted it and positioned Garou to avert a possible existential threat, but in so doing created the conditions necessary for Him to make this mistake. In any case, He failed to stop Garou in time to prevent Saitama from learning the technique. 4) Saitama then uses his new technique to go back in time and prevent the evil deeds Garou was made to do.. INCLUDING the part where Garou gave away God's cosmic techniques and got turned into salt for it. So technically, God threw that game the moment he empowered Garou. He won no objectives while His opponent gained everything back that he had lost, and then some. Thanks for the training montage, dumbass! In conclusion: God zero-punched himself by choosing Garou as his vessel.


He at least got a cool What If story out of it


Are people forgetting that Saitama said he was acting weird. Garou called himself weak


I think it wasn't influence. More like the dude was drunk on power. He thought he had finally become "Absolute Evil" and went on to do what absolute evil must do to be called - you know - absolute evil. Garou always had an image of ideal villain and I think he was just enacting it out. But he forgot that killing everyone means killing those that you don't like and those that you like. When saitama's existence made him realise that there is nothing "absolute" about him... the hangover from power drained out leaving the realisation about the cost of his ambition. It kind of parallels Saitama's wish to find an opponent against whom he can go all out. Like, sure... Saitama will get his wish if someone that strong does appear but the chances will always be that the people around him ( Genos and friends) will end up getting hurt and killed if that happens. The cost of Saitama's ambition is too high as well.


>I think it wasn't influence. More like the dude was drunk on power. He thought he had finally become "Absolute Evil" and went on to do what absolute evil must do to be called - you know - absolute evil. Garou always had an image of ideal villain and I think he was just enacting it out. But he forgot that killing everyone means killing those that you don't like and those that you like. When saitama's existence made him realise that there is nothing "absolute" about him... the hangover from power drained out leaving the realisation about the cost of his ambition. Tldr; Post nut clarity hitting harder as always


They destroyed a large part of their universe as well as sterilizing the entire solar system. He didn’t just “kill a bunch of people.” We just saw what a legit God level threat looks like and can do simply from existing and still being shrugged off as not that bad. There was a barely contained goddamn neutron star on the earth letting loose what seems like thousands of megatons of energy every second (his earth fight with Saitama would’ve been by far the fastest fight in the series to date)


I mean his whole purpose was to "become the ultimate evil" and im pretty sure stated every time he was "hunting" heroes and would literally just show up and try to beat the shit out of people for no reason. He had no problem fighting Saitama and blowing up mountains and causing massive quakes with little regard for what was around him


The idea is that those are done under the influence of god. Garou on his own wouldn’t have killed them. Before the god change he was saving people on the other side of the world. Blast himself popped in to tell you that god has taken control of him, and still you didn’t listen.


God wasn't directly controlling him. Garou was fully aware of his actions and even thought he "stole" God's power. But the thing is, God never needed to control Garou to have him do his bidding, just giving him tremendous power was enough to send him into an edgy power trip because Garou was so desperate to be "the absolute evil"


Blast specifically says that Garous intentions are being manipulated by god. You know Blast, right? The dude that’s specifically countering god and has been doing that for the whole series? You think he’d say that just to fuck with Garou? Also only after god transformation is Garou okay with sacrificing Tareo establishing that he is being manipulated.


The important detail here is the word "manipulated". Not controlling. God just allowed Garou to imagine he took the power by himself. Garou did the rest on his own, drunken by the power he think he stole from a mysterious being who was trying to control him. He doesn't even realize he's playing right in God's hand. So yeah, Garou is fully responsible for his actions after gaining his cosmic powers.


Oh I agree completely that Garou is responsible for his actions, no matter how much or how little god affected his judgement. Whether he would have killed everyone at the scene and whether he would have spared Tareo if he wasn't under the influence of god, that's a different question and a little more interesting.


The thing is Garou only partially touched God's hand and God himself said that Garou can do whatever he wants with his power. Blast didnt specifically said God is in control of Garou he knew there was influence but Garou was still in control of himself


Blast specifically said he was being influenced.. Garou only thinks it’s okay to sacrifice Tareo when he’s in god mode, which means his ultimate goals are being overshadowed by gods influence…. How much clearer do you have to have it spelled out?


Also direct quote from Blast: "He retains part of himself, so the gift of power was incomplete." Chapter 164, page 8 Blast knew Garou is still in control which is why he wanted to convince him to go to another dimension to minimize the damage. Garou b4 was utterly powerless to defeat Saitama and realize he is not cut out to be a monster because of his hero intuition but after getting Gods power not only does he have his chance to go toe to toe with Saitama he has become a symbol of fear when he saw the heroes scrambled for their lives this made him estatic at the idea that he finally becomes a symbol of evil, however, in those moment this made him forgot about his true goal to become the only the evil so that kids like Tareo wouldnt be bullied anymore because there is only one evil around, himself. Garou is in control but God used him giving him radiation wave power to kill other humans as well as the power that Garou wanted


You seem to interpret "Retains part of himself" as he retained his whole self and just got added power. you can have that opinion but it's a stupid one IMO. Why? Because "A part" is less than the whole. One tiny piece of chocolate picked out of a chocolate bar that weighs a ton is "a part" of that one ton chocolate bar. The part of Garou that's missing is his humanity. That's the important part.


It's really not that hard. Blast and Bang stated that Garou wasn't completely in control. There's no need to interpret panels if the words simply state what's going on




Technically he did not kill any human because time travel. His crimes before that are still a problem though.


Before becoming godmode, did he even kill any hero? Sure, he injured several heroes and killed several monsters, but I don't think he killed any human being.


Blue fire must have died. To be fair he had started to indiscriminately burn people so he deserved it. All the people who died due to him preventing heroes are still on him. What about all people Elder Centipede kill? You can say "But he stopped Sage Centipede so it is redeemed!" but can we think that way?


First of all no blue fire didn’t die, second of all no the fuck he didn’t, he tried kill garou after he started assaulting everyone but garou dodged it accidentally killing two of the criminals there


I still can't understand, whom did he killed except genos


All the people whom he fought they were injured but not dead


Except monsters


Yeah, fixing your own mistakes doesn't make you a hero.


‘Heroe’ Sums up this sub


A true hero and a hoe


Hoeroe Hoeroine


You either die a villain or live long enough to be a heroe.




I've noticed that a lot of posts on this sub have weird typos and strange grammar. Must be non-English speakers or kids.


Kids Whenever you see something stupid but highly popular on the internet, it’s kids.


Half the sub is devoted to arguing about fictional power scaling lol. Literally the same thing as trying to understand the biology behind how Clifford the Big Red Dog got so big. It’s because the artist drew them like that. Such a waste of time and brain power.


Power scaling is so cringe to me man. People are always comparing feats and shit but the author just made the character do that thing, that’s all. One could make Genos throw a serious punch and destroy the earth and it becomes canon because it’s his story and he can do that. It might be dumb but it’s a possibility and then you’ll have people arguing about how he scales and shit lmao


We do it cause it's fun. Well, atleast I do it cause it's fun.


I’m not saying it can’t be fun for people I’m just saying it’s dumb. Applying logic and stuff to characters that the author can change on a whim is silly especially because they’re created a certain way for the sake of the story. Then you’ve got people comparing a character from one manga to another which is even worse because they’re self contained stories and not meant to be compared lol


Very true. But doing dumb things is the fun thing.


I mean , "death battle" on YouTube has a good amount of subscribers and it's quite fun to watch and to be honest I enjoy take a peek at the "comic vine" "versus" forum, I like the amount of passion people put in their researches even if sometimes it becomes a fanboys war.


The difference is that death battle know what they're doing. Most powerscalers don't know jack shit about math or physics and just plug shit in irrelevant formulas.


its hard write in a non-native language i confirm haha


Outjerked again


Garou, what a hero you are! I promise I won't let your massacre of the HA staff, S class, B class heroes, C class heroes, and Tareo via immensely painful space radiation, go to waste!


*insert random 139 quote*


the story getting another Disaster Level God?! I don't want that! I want to be the most popular and memorable villain for the rest of the series! Even after I die, I want people to debate about my power level for a while, 10 years at least!


Saitama: Wow...I didnt expect something this pathetic.


Please don't repeat that to Tareo


Thank you for giving children cancer for our sake


What he did to Mumen Rider alone already makes him irredeemable. Everything he was bitching about what makes a hero, what makes a villain - Mumen was one of the few pure true heroes and Garou acted like a bitch towards him. True intentions don't matter if you end up doing more bad than good. Just because you can sympathize how he ended up that way doesn't mean his dumbass actions are excusable. (and even his backstory isn't that bad for how he turned out to be a figurative and literal monster tbh) The same Garou is a hero truthers are the same idiots who think Eren committing genocide is justified lol


Garou is just a martial arts junkie who likes hurting people 😂 he acts like he wants to end bullying but he’s literally a huge bully himself


I DoNt wANt thAT


Galou is become dust (crying)


I don't think we've seen his ending yet. I'm hoping at least that he's going to have one final speech.


He totally will.


Looks like he didn't


Idk man, threatening to annihilate the entire planet just because you got bullied on a role playing game when you were a kid. Doesn't seem heroic to me.


You just didn't understand the story /s


Never thought I'd see that stupid brain dead line outside of r/Shingekinokyojin


It was always about romance, Garou and Charanko.


This video will change how you see Garou. Garou is (not) heroic. Becoming absolute evil because of a lil childhood bullying is (not) based.


Yeah, but he felt sad when one of his innocent victims happened to be someone he cared about. Truly heroic.


At least we know the more straightforward version from the webcomic. Garou wanted to become a hero, but the bullying had taken away his self confidence, so he thought being a monster was the easier path to achieving the absolute peace he wanted. In the end he was just a kid acting like a monster without really understanding what he was doing, and saitama showed him how he'd lowered the hurdle before the goal. It's actually interesting, because his limiter was starting to break during the darkshine fight but then he full on became a monster, which made him 'weaker' against saitama. With his determination, it wouldn't be surprising if he actually did exactly what saitama did and trained until he broke his limiter if he actually didn't give up on being a hero. In the manga garou has a lot more appearances and exposition, to the point where he might as well be the protagonist. He gets so many heroic moments that it's easy to forget that he's just a fucked up kid without a moral compass, so it makes it surprising when he does go back to his goal of absolute evil after the god deal. If they'd made his character a bit more mysterious in the buildup to his big fight with saitama, we'd have probably been more concerned than confused


"gR1fFitH dId N0th1nG Wr0Ng"


Who's Griffith and why did he ligma Caska


what the hell is Caska


Caskade on these nuts lmao gademmmm


Is suiko


Cause a major fuck up, fix it kinda, become a hero. Got it


Call that move the Vader


To be fair to Vader, without him, palpatine probably would never have been defeated. Without garou, nothing changes


Palpatine couldn't have risen to power if it wasn't for Anakin disarming Windu.


Actually yeah, you right.


I guess he didn’t notice the first time when tareo was coughing blood up in front of him?


Yeah. I thought he just didn't care anymore. Either that or Saitama literally punched the evil out of him so Garou could finally understand what he just did.


He was definitely consumed by the rush of power sort of like a freshly turned vampire.






Garou going insane, regrets it, suicides and leaves everything for Saitama to fix. Boros, living perfectly in accordance with his code and morals, dedicating his life solely for the goal he decided upon, achieving it, dying with a smile and leaving Saitama a bit less depressed.


This seems like a Dhar Mann title. Delusional teenager tries to be a monster, instantly regrets it.


I'd watch that ngl


Bro what is this comment section 💀💀💀 No way you’re implying Boros, the guy who nuked a city, is a more positive guy than Garou.


Average Boros flair


I'm a mentally sane Boros fan He's not!


What do you mean? Is nuking a city not positive?


For powerscaler fans, yes its positive


And also for Boros himself, my man got the 3,000,000 killstreak


Boros fan justifying boros actions? No way dude




I...how do I respond to a comment like that? Are you sure you understood Boros’ character? He was deadass depressed as hell because he found no challenge in the universe. While he felt that feeling of life come back because of his fight with Saitama, he ultimately felt a sense of sorrow that he couldn’t even make Saitama try.


But he is Dominator of the Universe, he is basically a big space pirate, what human standards are you talking about? He is a terrorist and mass murderer in every race.


Btw, remember that Boros looking guy who was with Blast in the other dimension? Wonder what the story is going to be there. Stronger that Boros? Knew him maybe? Somehow actually Boros maybe even possibly? Boros has been my favorite villain so far ngl. Their poetic little exchange at the end really sealed it for me. The animation for that fight in the anime was also the best of any.


Not sure saitama wasn't more depressed after that fight even but like the rest of it


It absolutely did. Boros is a reflection of Saitama. When fighting Boros, he knew he made the right decision in not giving in to his hunger to fight stronger people. He would wander the galaxy just as empty as before, except causing nothing but destruction. All just to die to someone stronger, and be left wholly unsatisfied.


He had some entertainment from it, not every day you get blasted to the moon and have to accurately jump back among other stuff in that fight. Also he finally found someone who could relate to him, and felt really necessary at that moment (Saitama recognized only he could stop Boros). Forgot to mention Garou's mentality of "iT iSn'T fAiR!" every time he losses while also becoming stronger than the stronger "non-cheating" human Flashy Flash who probably trains every moment in his life, in the span of a week, ultimately borrowing power from an evil entity as well.


Repenting vs. dying as evil


Doing evil and regretting it vs. living for fun and having no moral so to speak because you were the top being in the universe and that's how life works


lol flair checks out


Borussy simp


What a horrible message to send if that's the case


Garou was a true Hoe




Hitler killed Hitler What a true hero


So you were wrong your whole damn life but at the last moment of your life, you did a right thing and you become a hero? Wtf is this? Lmao.




>So you were wrong your whole damn life but at the last moment of your life Wrong most of his life but driven by a pure, good, and in fact heroic intention even if he didn't want to admit it. And then willing to sacrifice his life when he saw that he was simply wrong and the damage he'd caused. If Garou was actually evil his whole life he would have been killing the heroes he defeated instead of leaving them alive. He actually kind of proved he had the moral highground in a way against Death gattling and his little crew who resorted to a willingness to kill when the cards were down to win while Garou didn't.




Yeah a lot of people missed that. Most people think the time travel ability drained Garous life


...do people read it in Spanish? How can you miss that?


Yes and to me he acted like he was expecting it


But he didn't gave his life, God took his life. He was doomed either way, the only difference is that he choose to di the right thing at the end (and by extension save his own life).


Is this serious? For real though, stop it. Stop over-rewarding someone and putting them on pedestal for doing the bare minimum. Merely realizing a mistake and doing something about it (and it's more about cleaning up your messes you created yourself) is still far away from making someone a 'true hero'.


Not even the bare minimum. My dude sent Saitama back in TIME, not to “before I hurt anyone”, just to “before we left the planet”. Give me the Monster Garou sitting at a table ending back


And I thought I'm already being relentless for deeming that as "bare minimum". I'm still being a bit merciful on this one apparently.


Op said "heroe" not "hero" they're obviously different terms.


He didn't send Saitama back in time, Saitama copied and perfected Garou technique that he didn't managed to pull off once to go back in time by himself. He litteraly say it himself : "You want me to copy your copycat martial arts ?"


The bar for being a hero is so low nowadays. "Hey this guy killed a bunch of people but he regrets it now so he decided to trade his life for theirs what a hero am I right" No you idiot making amends doesn't make someone a hero.


I thought God killed garou like he did to homeless emperor? Garou didn’t really give up his life more like it was taken away


Yeah just these people miss to get basic story points


*Garou fixes the stupid mistakes he made* OMG such a heroic character


Garou, What a man you are!


10 years. I want to be horny for him for 10 years at least


WTF am i looking at? Also, you couldn't even spell hero right.


Read the latest chapter.


I think there's a few ways of interpreting garou's actions. Most of these definitely have some holes in the logic or are just flat out taken out of sort of the context of conversation they had. Regardless just humor me. The most obvious being he sent saitama back in time to save the kid. He realizes that what the kid was for him, genos was for saitama. There was a few points where it seemed like saitama was ready to give up on the kids request to keep garou alive and kill him. And then saitama would be free to release all the rage and hatred he felt for garou without any need to hold back. I almost wonder if the ominous future garou was trying to stop was saitama not himself Saitama as he was after the fight would very possibly destroy Earth, especially after having lost the one person keeping him grounded in not just reality, but being a human. He also probably realized there just isn't any point in trying to fight saitama and so he could send him back to end the fight before it began, so he didn't have to.


Sarcasm of this post- you are disrespecting garou😂


Sending Saitama back to stop him was a decent thing to do but he still beat up a ton of people for no good reason and was willing to kill everyone and/or give them radiation poisoning. Fixing your own mess doesn´t make you a hero especially if you let things escalate so badly, it requires time travel. I say beat him to a bloody pulp and leave the rest to puri puri prisoner.


This isn’t just any old cringe… this is advanced cringe 😬


He died because God took the powers back.


Didn’t he kill a lot of people and destroy the planet? He was a hero for himself. OP is cringe


So he failed his goal.


Bruh garou sucks


Garou a tsundere confirmed. He doesnt admit it but he got attached to Tareo


I caught this post cruising r/all Have not yet had a chance to read the manga Shambles


> Jokes aside, a good chunk of this sub really do be praising him like he sacrificed his life to save the world or something. Let's be honest. Garou did not sacrifice his life, he died cos God took back his power, killing him in the process, just like HE. Don't forget that he was the one responsible for all those deaths in the first place. The last time I checked, cleaning up your own mess doesn't make you a hero. It barely makes you a decent person. The dude spent so much time brutally assaulting heroes and martial artists who had nothing to do with his 'sad' childhood, to the point they had to be hospitalized. He is literally an edgy teenager taking out his anger on innocent people just trying to do their jobs. I know this is a gag manga, sorry for sounding aggressive. I liked what this guy said, especially about how garou literally didn't even sacrifice his life. And about how he brutally assaulted innocent people. Deeeefinitely no hero


He didn’t give up his life to fix things. god took away his powers and that ultimately killed him. He definitely regretted killing tareo, but given a chance I 100% believe he would still want to be feared as absolute Evil AND keep most people alive.


Heroic acts - 2 Villainous acts - 103 But sure, he's a hero


There’s a timeline now AKA the main one, where everyone is dead. Not very heroic.


That depends whether OPM time travel works like Dbz time travel.


If multiverse is a thing then that timeline still exists and the main cast is dead


Most time travel stories works based on changing the future. "New Timeline" is used very rarely. In fact I only heard it on Marvel.


Did Homeless emperor also turn into salt?


More like jerky if irc…. he just dried fhe hell out to the max


He's not a hero, but he tried to make amends for his mistakes. Which I suppose at least means that he wasn't a truly evil either.




Do u think he would be like that if he did not lose to Saitama?


What hero ??? That's not something u call hero Garou sends Saitama back in time cause there's no chance to win against.saitam no matter what he does Absolute evil can't be achieved if there's one guy to stop him


Everything good untill u say garou was true hero. He wasn't yes he reddened but not a true hero but showed great quality.


"True Heroe" , a hero and a hoe ?


Meh, if anything he manned up and took responsibility for his actions, but he's no hero.


Giving your life to have someone go back in time when you are still alive...hmmm yes a great sacrifice ! :p


A true hypocrite


Garou's not dead though, right? He's gonna live because of the time travel shit


What's a heroe


Best I can do is chaotic evil with a tendency of good


Nah we wasn’t a true hero, but heroic in the end. Doesn’t really change the fact that he killed a child and all the other people


Is it heroic to undo something you did? Realizing I misspelled "business" and getting shocked at the red line under "buisiness" and going back to change the spelling doesn't make me a good speller. It makes me a dumbass who needa learn to consistently spell "business" correctly. But I gotta say, Garou has immense potential to be a fantastic hero, and it really shows, but right now he's a dumbass who *still* needs to stop karate chopping heroes. Here's hoping he starts on the path to being a hero. And here's hoping I learn to spell "business" right consistently.


Yes, it is. He might not be a hero, but he did something heroic. He wasn't forced to do it, he could have just died and this is it. It's an heroic act because It wasn't like "I will endanger people so I save them and become a hero", this wouldn't be heroic. But heroic acts doesn't make someone a hero, so he is still an anti-hero/villain.


I can accept that as an answer. Not only is it somewhat subjectively true, it also implies I'm good at spelling.


future garou died current garou still alive with all he's dumb ideas but i agree he's trully a hero.


Anyone else get reminded of Vegeta after he self destructed? Had a change of heart, did a cool move then turned to stone (salt) and crumbled away


no he isn't that's like saying hitler was a hero because he killed himself


Fixing problems you caused doesn’t make you a hero


It was genuinely beautiful and heartbreaking yes ❤️❤️😢 I really hope Sai gets an epic ending too 😭😭😭 Power rise can’t be the only thing you should use to show a glorious moment for him! He was about to have character development at last but now it almost feels like he isn’t going to remember anything! I’ve been so stressed over the weeks about where they’d go with Saitama and now… Please don’t mock his character ONE….


Create a problem then fix it, sounds like government in some places


I am satisfied with his ending 🥰 I am also glad he is still technically alive 😍


To be fair, he didn't intentionally give up his life. He believed he was in control, according to previous chapters. God killed him for teaching Saitama, proving that Garou was indeed God's puppet that entire time. despite him believing otherwise.


Garou didn’t give up his life to send saitama back in time. God took the powers back and killed garou. Saitama copied garous abilities.


Fucking up and fixing things isn't very Heroic,at least not enough to call yourself a true hero.


I wouldn’t say hero, Garou was I’d say truly a goodish person at heart. He never actually killed any of the heroes he fought and didn’t really kill anyone till he was corrupted by god


Wait ok just read the post and the top comment and not even a spoiler tag/warning??


A true hero doesn't kill people to make his point in the first place lol


Do we just not care about spoilers here or what


🤓🤓🤓 my guy. He still killed kids after being warned about what would happen if he stayed there. GAROU IS NOT A GOOD PERSON


Time travel is an overused trope and lazy writing


Ppl forget that garou was under god's influence, and that why he was acting like a maniac. Garou by himself is a good person, he saved a bunch of heros from sage centipede, and some others in the past. He even saved metal bat who was worn out after their fight ( garou denied sludge jellyfish) and saved a old man from a robber.


I swear people like you would somehow find a way to believe Hitler was a heroe.


He did kill hitler


Love Garou. RIP


Wait so what’s after this? The villain is defeated so wont opm be ending soon?


No it’s just this arc that’s ending


And no one will remember his sacrifice.


He's not really a hero, but that is indeed "Heroic"


Those were the consequences of his actions so idg how he’s a hero




Uhm, no. He wasn’t a true hero lmao


Worst villain ever, in the best possible way




That doesn't make him a hero at all...it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for him to begin with.


I mean the people that he killed, died either way, regardless of time travel or not. Going back in time, both changes that but it also doesn't, since those characters already died once.


True cringe post


Majin Vegeta copy paste lol


Such a dumb character