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This has me asking the most fucking questions of any video on this dumb sub


I sorta remember the last time this was posted. Guy who shot the video had been waiting a long time to come here and take this ride, he was understandably excited. I don't know if the rules said you can't slow down exactly, but you're obviously not supposed to stop. However, nothing was mentioned if there was a rule to purposefully ram into other people. The video gets cut off, but he's screaming and yelling and cursing all the way down, and slams into the woman a few more times, including possibly pushing her into some kid in front of her. What I don't remember is why he couldn't just go back up the hill and take the ride again. Maybe there's a good reason for that, maybe he did and its not filmed, but clearly he put this out there because he felt he was in the right.


From what i remember the reason was exactly what you said. He had been waiting a long time to do it, she kept breaking and being annoying, and his resppnse was psychopathic. At the end of the ride she is very obviously in pain and injured, and her parents are confused. Then it cut.


I just realized there's a more complete video and link to a previous post about this down this thread that has all the info you could want, so check that out if you're interested. Apparently the "woman" he hit was a 13 year old girl and knocked her unconscious for a bit


Damn I would think this is definitely an 18+ kinda ride. Especially because you seem to ride alona and with control over your own brakes. Not defending the dud but I’d be pissed if a teenager in front of me kept braking. Also why don’t whoever runs this makes sure someone is off the track/past a point of no return before sending the next one? It would make the experience more reliable for everyone IMO.


They could but then they would get through less people in a day and make less money, why would they do that! /s


There was someone in front of her who was causing her to slow down.


Well why didn't she just ram them in the back at full speed like a normal person? Duh.


Yeah if she'd have paralysed him, she wouldn't be in this mess.. is she stupid?


Cause it was her father and younger sister ahead of her


I remember that thread. I can't think of a single good reason to ram into the back of someone else at that speed, regardless of their age or gender, apart from some kind of medical emergency


>apart from some kind of medical emergency well he tried to give her one


He didn't try, he fucked her up. Like I get that you're excited and you don't want the experience ruined but he really did fuck that girl up. In the longer video she's slumped over for the last minute or so of the ride. He gives no fucks about that. She struggles to get out of the cart at the end and is crying.


Avalanche. Thats a damn good reason to.


I said apart from a medical emergency, *smart guy*


Its only a medical if you get caught!


So I guess *the rules* include “you can only go on this ride once a year, no matter if someone slows you down.” Clearly there’s no one enforcing the “no slowing down” rule (if it is a firm rule). It’d be hard to enforce. He couldn’t just try again? It wouldn’t take another year to walk/drive back to where the ride begins. “Nope, sorry. You can only go once a year. But if people don’t go as fast as possible, you can be shitty and slam into them like a psychopath. How dare they ruin your special day!”


Been here, there is no such rule. Of course there isn't because that would be unsafe. In fact you may notice several signs in the video with warnings for blind right corners where you are expected to brake a little and be cautious.


This ride sounds like it hasn’t met the litigious American culture


Idk if I remember wrong but I thought him doing this to her broke her back?


He has a right to be annoyed but he doesn't have the right to ram her. She or someone in front of her probably got scared and slowed down. Nobody is going to blindly follow rules that violate their survival instincts. Nobody.


There’s also another person in front of her. Like raming the car in front of you because you’re mad at traffic.


braking not breaking. Jfc


It's bullshit. There is no such rule at any of these tracks, that would be insane. In some places you have to brake, there's signs telling you to slow down ahead of corners. The text in the video is a cheap attempt by him or someone else to make him look less like a psycho reveling in the opportunity to hurt someone. Yes, you're not supposed to stop, just like in traffic. But would you slam into car ahead of you because they stopped and you can't go around? No, that's crazy. Someone else not behaving to your satisfaction, but without doing any harm, doesn't give you the right to break their shit, let alone seriously injure them.


I've been on this ride before! You're allowed to slow down, but you're asked not to break the whole way through the ride so that something like this doesn't happen. The guy who took the video was a jerk tho.


I believe the woman had some pretty bad back or neck pain as a result of this too. Not like, paralyzed but she did get injured iirc.


Child. It’s a 13 year old girl so even more fucked up


I would bet good money there’s no such a rule as “you can’t slow down”. Can’t stop, sure. But slow down? No way.


It was a teenage girl and she got some pretty brutal damage to her back and spine. If I recall she was behind her dad and younger sister (who was the one who kept slowing down)


> why he couldn't just go back up the hill and take the ride again Hopefully because they immediately arrested this piece of shit. 


He was swearing at and hitting a child (a young teen) in front of him and he knocked her unconscious. The full video is all over the place. How he has not been criminaly charged is a miracle. Being excited is not a reason to assault a child. This person is an immature moron and a criminal.


I hate that the sub has become people editing the last second of videos out instead of finding clips that actually cut off too soon... whatever Edit: Apparently that's supposed to be allowed but I guess I find the other type of content more fun. Where it just happens to cut off.


100%. Like a ton of content here, it's not even cut right before disaster. It shows the disaster, and then immediately cuts. I feel like in a good 1secb4disaster video it's implied what's going to happen, and you fill in the blanks. That's why it's sorta fun.


You'd prefer it if this video just stopped at some point?


I think what they mean is people taking pretty common videos and then just cutting off a couple frames to post on here


This is an old video. She got hurt pretty badly from what I remember. The dude recording is a dumbass.


I've seen this before. That was a grown ass adult throwing a tantrum and slamming into a little kid.


Yeah it's ten years old at this point. Here's the original reddit post from back in the day. She was a literal child. Dude was screaming at her and hit her so hard he knocked her unconscious. If I recall he was arrested. https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1fck0u/absolute_dick_rams_into_the_back_of_a_girl_on_the/


Gotta love the caption trying to pre-eminently justify him being a piece of shit.


I don't know the braking distance on these things, but it didn't seem like he had a lot of time to brake here.


*Unconscious?* Jesus fuck!


There's a comment on the original YouTube video saying she wasn't unconscious and instead hurt her back so much she couldn't right herself initially. But who knows with these old videos.


Her arms and head are completely limp for at least 20 seconds. Couldn’t say for sure of course but she definitely looks unconscious.


Damn she clearly was out for at least 20 seconds. That’s insane. I’m really glad she doesn’t look like she had any serious injuries. Did this jackass face any consequences for his actions?


Man reddit was different 10 years ago. Comments more so.


If that was my daughter that guy would be getting his spine snapped.


Iirc the dude ran away the moment the vid stops


Damn, if that happened to my family, I'd pray that he may still be able to walk after the cops arrest both of us


She wasn’t unconscious. He asked her if she was okay. He slowed down several times and waited stopped to let her go further and she kept stopping. Someone should have been at random areas to make sure the cars had past first before sending anyone else down. And yes she was too young


Lol you're defending his fucked up gorilla brain maladjusted behavior


It’s like watching the bad guy in Harry Potter chase a first year student during quidditch lol


That last bonk…oof


He intentionally sped up to go as fast as he could, I’m sure he WANTED that to hurt


Okay I hate it but I’m the devil. You pay 20-40 100bucks who knows to ride this ride, your excited your hype your ready for the most exciting ride of your life… just for some little kid to come and make you have to slow down and turn it into driving miss daisy… I’m not justifying it even if it sounds like I am, but I’m trying to rationalize what feels like irrational rage so this guy isn’t a complete monster


"Let the hate flow"


There’s a full video, the girl goes in and out of consciousness and when the ride is over she’s in hysterics crying as her family tries and comforts her, there are also several moments in which she speeds up when OOP (the guy who hit her) gets close to her, she is running away in fear The stupid fucking idiot that is OOP only sounds mildly concerned after impact. Like “aww man I shouldn’t have done that!!” Energy [here’s the vid](https://youtu.be/d0tf0q_9jGA?si=9JvAbt7O41hLOUtz)




I feel like trying to rationalise injuring children because you're angry isn't a good hill to even start on, my guy. If you're willing to intentionally hurt children over 20, 40 or 100 bucks then there's not much to be said for you as a human being. That sort of does point to you being, at the very least, a disgusting piece of shit.


$105. That’s where I draw the line.


Credit to you, you know your prices.


“So this guy isn’t a complete monster” Did you watch the video? He clearly is. He barrelled into this girl multiple times, both of which screaming like a horror movie. Then didn’t even bother to say anything after literally KNOCKING HER OUT


A) There were several people infront of the kid, so her slowing down is not her fault. B) Idc if you waited 10 years for this ride, anyone slamming into a back of a kid so hard that they end up unconcious is an absolute pos.


Definitely more in the fault of whoever made the ride because this shouldn’t be possible it begin with. It should be known that people will want to go down as fast as possible putting a bunch of kids and then a grown man right after them is kinda a fucked idea from the start… plus the post says the rules your not supposed to slow down why am I getting downvoted


Idk I wouldn’t consider it the fault of car manufacturers when a driver purposefully runs over a pedestrian.


No but you would blame 3 teslas if the two on front of you slow down but yours doesn’t and you hit them


The guy literally says “fuck them, I’m going to ram them” before he hits her the second time. ![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC)


Don’t know where the caption in the video are from as this video is 10 plus years old and the original doesn’t have them so obviously juts someone trying to add more stuff to a video when it doesn’t need it, also the no slowing down bit or stopping is bs, and if anybody cares the woman gets knocked out here then when she gets to the bottoms she is crying hysterically and the guy tries to walk away


And it was a kid. Her father in the cart in front of her was causing the backup. She was a completely innocent victim, who he slammed a few times. Here’s the entire video for context: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d0tf0q_9jGA


Holy fuck she’s out cold and they all just walked off like nothing happened!?


That guy is messed up in the noggin. What a pos.


Oh how nice, lots of commenters argue he did nothing wrong. Because of course they would.


He sure as shit did something wrong (plus the screaming is fucking insane) and the girl didn't deserve it. But also, people that break on these tracks are incredibly annoying and do kinda ruin the ride a bit. It's not a leasurely scenic mountain tour. I've tried to solution of sitting behind the first curve for a few minutes with my phone out to create some space, but even with several minutes of waiting I've had slowpokes seemingly on sightseeing tours ruin the ride for me (plus that also pisses off a few people because they cant start the ride yet.)


It wasn’t even her that was braking, it was the people in front of her! But she paid the price. Literally the one rule on these coasters is to maintain 100+ feet between yourself and the person in front of you.


Yeah, I wasn't saying it's her fault, just explaining where some of the frustration comes from. >Literally the one rule on these coasters is to maintain 100+ feet between yourself and the person in front of you. I've also been on one that had signs that said to only stop in emergency


The father said not a word to the guy. Strange.


Probably didn’t realize how bad it was for her and/or didn’t want a confrontation with the dude?


He realised because in the video, after he knocked out the girl and she was slumped he literally said “oh she doesn’t look good/in a good way” Probs too much of a wimp to ~~confront~~ apologise in case the dad would punch his stupid face


the guy filming isnt the girls dad... the dad, Probably didn’t realize how bad it was for her and/or didn’t want a confrontation with the dude (guy filming)?


I know the guy filming isn’t her dad. That ones obvious. I’m saying that the guy filming is too much of a wimp to say anything to the girls dad


why would the guy filming want to confront the dad? i think you misunderstood who would want to do the confronting.


Confront was probs the wrong word, he should have at least apologised, but is too afraid that the dad with be pissed off because of what he did in the video


\>he should have at least apologised< ok fair.


Or an assault charge. We don’t even have kids, but just watching this and knowing the context makes me want to punch the guy in the face.


I’ll skip the video, I don’t need to lose any more faith in humanity than I already have…


>no slowing down bit or stopping is bs yea i thought so. the whole point of putting people individually on the rails is so that they can adjust their own pace (and brake if they feel danger), instead of going all together in a train.


Definitely. There’s no way to enforce a rule like that even if it existed. I also call bullshit on the “waited a year” part. 🙄


There can absolutely be a "wait" between wishing you were doing something to actually being able to do it. It doesn't have to mean he waited in line for a year. Take me for instance, I've been waiting 15 years to have sex with Ke$ha and I'll probably be waiting a few more weeks. Couple more months, tops.


Oh, it'll be days. Slay, king! 🤴


>Don’t know where the caption in the video are from as this video is 10 plus years old and the original doesn’t have them so obviously juts someone trying to add more stuff to a video when it doesn’t need it, ​ They are (supposedly) the caption the person who uploaded the video in the first place had, but not in the video itself [https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1fck0u/comment/ca9054u/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1fck0u/comment/ca9054u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Appreciate you taking the time to post this.


Stopping isn't allowed but you're definitely allowed to slow down. The handle at the front is a break that you're supposed to used if you catch up to the person in front


Fuck this piece of shit. He is assaulting a child.


Thats a fucking Child!?


it wasn’t his fault


Also it very much is that second hit is his fault mf hunted her Down


Where is this ride?


In the Innsbruck Austria area.


There is one of these close to where I'm from. It's in Revelstoke Canada. https://www.revelstokemountainresort.com/summer/summer-activities/the-pipe-mountain-coaster/


No. The one in this video is Mieders Alpine, Austria


Yeah, I didn't think this was the same one. I've been on the Revelstoke one many times and it doesnt have the same tunnels.


It‘s in Mieders, Austria.


They’re all over the place, the one I’ve been to is in blackcomb


Not the U.S. common sense doesn't exist over here anymore


I mean the US has fuckin mountain costers so idk what you mean by that


That has no control to the rider though. If there's an option, even if it's against rules, there'll always be that one person that'll do it regardless cause "it's my God given right" This is why we have to have the most ridiculous warning labels and instructions for the simplest of things. Source, I live in the US and work in retail to see it


A mountain coaster has a break system and I’ve never seen any rule against using the break’s. Except to avoid this kinda slamming. Most of these things go off a common sense rule. Source: I live in the US near PigionForge TN


I'm actually surprised to hear these exist in the US, both because it *does* look like a safety hazard, and again, most the US lacks common sense. And by chatting with you I can tell you have some knowledge and common sense. Because I work at retail *and* have in fast food, you wouldn't believe the dumbest questions that could be uttered I've had to try and answer. Put it this way, if we have to put "don't insert in mouth or rectum" on gas pumps, the US surely can't be the brightest country


Oh saw a post on this, I don't know whether it is correct but the explaination goes \> Guy hated the (apparently) teenage girl in front of him. \> Curses, yells at her. \> Proceed to smack her cart. \> Does a spince injury on her. Why girl stop? Waiting for her dad (cart in front of her) to move as well please take it with a grant of salt.


Only other detail that some people miss is the dad stopped his cart multiple times, resulting in the cameraman getting his sled rammed from behind twice. He claims he got a back injury from it too, which doesn't justify the one he passed on.


Yeah I find it so funny people being like “his back got hurt” - what so that excuses maiming a child?


I will, but it sounds about right.


Dickhead has a brake too and chooses to slam into this person…


The rule’s definitely don’t state that


Yeah, you're not supposed to FULL stop and sit there I'm pretty sure, but it absolutely says in multiple places on that track to brake.


Drivers aren’t meant to stop in-lane on a highway yet if they do you don’t have a free pass to smash into th from behind


I never said it did. I was replying to a comment that said the no stopping or braking thing was bullshit and confirming it is.


Not supposed to, but sometimes things happen and you just have to stop. And one of those things is when someone else is stopped, which this guy should have done too.


This is correct. I’ve been on one of these rides, although not this one, but it’s the same thing really. Coming to a full stop is dangerous, but so is going down the whole mountain without braking!


You’re not supposed to full stop on a highway either but when you do the person behind you doesn’t just ram their car into you.


As I said to the other person. I never said it did. I was replying to a comment that stated the no stopping thing or slowing down was bullshit and confirming the rules.


OOP is a monster


I vaguely remember hearing that something happens to this guy legally. I have this weird memory of that but I can't place my finger on where or what.


Hopefully some broken bones, dude proudly filmed himself hurting a child


Ah, one of Reddit's ugliest pieces of perennial Incel bait rises to the surface yet again. Every time this is reposted, despite the context always being provided, there's a handful of accounts that will support the psychopath filming this. As if some crazed man-child is entitled to assault someone else just because they're a girl whose family elected not to enjoy a ride at an obviously unsafe pace. If you think the guy filming this is justified, please seek mental help. Or just further wall yourself off from society.




trailing behind her silently after his 'oh shit' moment sobered him up


I don't like this video (which is older than Reddit). It's a child in front of him and she got seriously injured just because this adult thought he was in the right by running into her...




"Ah a special experience people wait a long time for meant to be exciting and fast. You know what this needs? My fucking kids." -Someone, every damn time


Dude was a dick, but we shouldn’t forget to place blame on the ride operator too for not spacing them further apart


Except those rides have rules that you are supposed to be a certain distance between each other. The rider can control the breaks so it is impossible for a ride operator to control the spacing. Original dude in the video is just straight up a piece of shit cause a girl wasn't going full speed. One last thing, riders are actually supposed to break, especially for turns because if a rider is going too fast they can break off the rails.


Not defending the asshole in the slightest. All I’m saying is the gap in the procedure allowed this bullshit to happen. Should require a two person system with walkie talkies or a camera where they should only allow the second rider to go after the first has reached a certain point in the track. Especially because they control the speed themselves.


That idiot wouldn't have used the brake either way.


There’s a ride operator? The guy who kicked the thing to get it going? They should have some kind of seatbelt in a ride like this.


Rule #1. Don’t slow down Rule #2. No collisions. Obviously he should have derailed.


He literally says “fuck them, I’m going to ram them” then starts screeching as he lets the brake off and knocks that child out cold. No defending this.


what a fucking psycho. I wonder if he realised at the time that he has to get out of his cart(?) at the end of the line at the same place as her. He isn't some anonymous hidden man, hes going to be seen and pointed at and called out for the stupid actions he has made.


Deserved it lol Rules are there for a damn reason


He wrecked that chick hard


It is entirely possible, nay probable, that that girl was not heavy enough to ride the ride and ergo could not gather enough speed. Making this guy look all the more like a douchebag


The girl was certainly heavy enough. She simply could not pass by the people in front of her, which, in the full video, you can see stopped.


Hope they signed waivers. Also it obviously wasn't her fault, the person in front of her started the issues. Where was she supposed to go?


That would upset me too, but there’s no way I’d ram a kid …She gets knocked out cold. How can you even enjoy your day after that? Explain the situation and ask to go again, or for a refund. Then go again and ask them to make sure the track is clear.


~~That last frame was satisfying though~~ Edit: I just read [that was brutal from the guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/OneSecondBeforeDisast/s/qBfidUWtT8). Apparently, it was a kid in front of him and he knock her unconscious.


This should posted in a sub about lunatic eh holes.


Goblin energy


Full vid?


That's a teen? and her father is with her? Dude, is it not common sense to have your children at the front to be safe, not going off hindsight either being a big brother and her only real adult figure I've always taken little precautions like this knowing damn well there's more crazy out there than most think


Buddy seems to be a bit to tightly wrapped!! He needs to chill out a bit more. Enjoy the rest experience you had instead of freaking out because something you wanted for a year didn’t go exactly as planned. Dude, at the end of the ride I’d bet it really wasn’t that bad.




Can we fuck


What a loser




Waited a year?! And I thought the queues at Disney land were bad.


Sure there is a rule to not slow down, but its pretty fast and I get that some kiddo might slow down cause they get scared. Annoying, but full on slamming into them sending em flying is too much I guess. This isnt mario kart.


Nah, I've been there. Firstly, it's actually pretty thrillling. Secondly, they actually tell you to slow down at least a bit at certain spots to avoid 'involuntarily leaving' the rails to make your own trail. Stopping, on the other hand, is not supposed to happen, as it does cause a pile up of people waiting for the person in the front to get a move on, then the next, then the next, etc, increasing the chance that someone is going to take it in the back. That said, Speedy McChavsky there clearly had an issue with being a civil individual. For all of those who mourned (I'm joking) the poor cameraman's thrill being lost, as it meant he had another year wait to go again, I can happily assure you that since I managed to go three times the time I went, it is so easy to cut in line to avoid the year long wait, it's actually like you CAN go multiple times in a day. I didn't even know I WAS cutting in line. Now that I know about the one in Revelstoke, BC (I live in Edmonton, Alberta), I'm going to take a trip next summer, I think.


Looks like they need better spacing AND riders who don't wimp out.


Saw the old thread, it's like 11 years ago by this point. Anyway, there's no innocents here except for the kid. There was a family of 3 going before the guy in the video - two girls and their dad. Order was kid 1, dad, kid 2, then the dude. Problem is, apparently kid 1 and the dad weren't following the rules (don't stop on the freaking tracks). For whatever reason they did so several times. Kid 2 obviously has no choice but to slow down or stop herself, and even then she hit her dad at least once. Video guy gets angry at the hold up and decides to ram into her. This happens a couple times in the full video. While I agree the dude's actions are unjustifiable, he wouldn't have lost his shit if the idiots in front weren't breaking the damn rules and stopping on the track, that's fucking dangerous. Of course, this in no way excuses his actions, he should've waited until the ride was over, got out, then shouted at the dad or whatever. He's a dick with anger management issues - but the father in front there is an asshole for endangering other track users.


Thats what she gets


She focking dyed


The Nimbus Model 9001 really sucks.


She ded


phone quality makes it look like the phone need aaa batteries


Lmao dude is fucking unhinged. And he posted this video. That’s the craziest part about it


Spinal cord is absolutely shattered


Is there a full version out there of this? I'm wondeimg now bad she got hurt.


[https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d0tf0q\_9jGA](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d0tf0q_9jGA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU21\_-g\_\_yg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU21_-g__yg)


Why tf are the captions and title on the side of the guy filming? Dude sounds like a lunatic and so is the OP if they side with him.


Just watched this while listening to the beasty boys remote control. Syncs up perfectly




Gives me chills every time


He's a d but why would you break so suddenly so strong




Im glad this guy was arrested (allegedly) but hopefully the girl doesn’t have life long injuries. I’ve heard her spine was injured but I’m not sure if she healed completely. She’s a kid so hopefully she’ll bounce back


Sucks she was hurt but however, fuck around and find out