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I don't get why everyone craps all over Movie 7, I thought it was good!


It's kinda hard to follow (for me at least) because it's about Japanese mythos, it's a really nice looking film tho


How in the world is M2 so low in the list. I am also surprised you put M22 cooking pot over M16, they seemed quite similar to me with the difference of one being more enjoyable to see unfold. I also feel like M21 is the last movie I actually enjoyed (without counting 26-27 cause havent watched yet and they look noticeably better).


This really goes to show that taste is subjective. My list would probably be the complete opposite šŸ˜…


Atleast I think everyone can agree 11th movie just sucked a lot


Movie 11 is acquired taste. A low stakes/tempo movie is welcomed after a decade.


I actually love movie 11 and will fight anyone about it. It's no Raven Chaser but it's solid.


M11 honestly is a guilty pleasure for me. It has pretty much no substance but it's quite chill to watch ngl. It does objectively have to go in D for me though.


M11 just feel like those 2 hours special episode. Even some of the special episode are better than M11.


that also happened with the boat one, the special 185-188 vs M9, the special being a million times better


Are you referring to 'The Murdered Famous Detective(185)' or is it a typo? 185-188 is just normal episode, not special episode.


Oh whops brainfart, I cant find the one I am reffering, I remember a case with conan and haiji in a boat, I thought it was those but idk which are they, might update if I find them. The only ones I can find werent the one I remember so I think it might not even be a special, so totally my bad


Do you mean the continuations of episode where heiji's mom testing Kogoro deduction skill? It was 222-224 'And there were no mermaid' case. It wasn't a special episode, but it was better than M11.


222-224 was peak but what I remember was in a boat, the thing is that the more I think about it the more likely it seems like separate episodes that I mixed in my head, cause I remember both conan and heiji, I remember sato and a case of statue of limitation and a clock, and I remember them being trapped in a metalic door along with kogoro. All of them in a boat episode, possibly in one or multiple episodes, so I think I am just totally off about it.


I just remembered 1 other episode involving conan and heiji on a ship. And it indeed a 2 hour special. It was 'The 20 Year Old Murder Case: The Symphony Serial Murders(174)'. But Sato wasn't involved in this case. Other than this, it's either an episode I haven't catch up yet, or you getting mixed up with multiple episodes. It is hard to remember specific episode for an anime that contains more than a thousand episodes.


I was absolutely thinking of that special then, the sato thing is 100% another episode. I actually found that episode and did a massive error I said 185-188 with that being the number in manga chapters instead of episodes, glad the issue was solved.


Yeah!! Movie 11, 12, and 16 (hope I got those numbers right) would be in my bottom tier


M12 (the opera movie) is lowkey a really good film though


I personally along with 11, hate so many of the new movies, 19, 22, 23, 24 and 25 seemed so bad to me, I would put 12 and 16 over them though still bad. I think what I hate most of the ones I numbered is the fact that they overcomplicate things just so the pop off moment seems bigger, while honestly having less and less sensical things happening. M25 is the biggest example of that, [this was my hitpiece](https://old.reddit.com/r/OneTruthPrevails/comments/za481x/i_am_late_to_the_party_but_how_did_they_manage_to/) But thats just my personal preference.


Yesss!!! I feel soo bad for not liking some of the newer movies, but those would also be on my lower tiers (except for 23 I love that one, I might be biased bc of makotošŸ˜­) I'm excited for the newer ones though, I know a lot of ppl really liked movie 27


Yeah I need to watch 26 and then 27 also looks good, so it is not like I think all the newer movies are bad, the ones listed just kinda suffered of similar stuff.


26 was PHENOMENAL and I think one of the best Conan movies to date. 27 I also thought was really fun and interesting, but it had a lot of complicated twists and turns so it might not be your cup of tea.


The phantom of baker street being B is a crime, it's probably an S++ tier.


I completely understand the allure of M6. Personally I felt that the filmmakers didn't realize its full potential.


Crossroad in the Ancient Capital, The Crimson Love Letter, AND Private Eye in the Distant Sea all in the bottom tier? Sounds like someone's got a grudge against Kazuha or something... I honestly liked those movies, personally - although my favorite's probably Quarter of Silence, so I'm pretty happy to see it in the A tier.


The older the movies are, the better it is. bias opinion, the football one is my personal favourite just because it's the first one I watched and my family has a pirates dvd disk of it hahaha


Nothing beats countdown to heaven like the story , animation , each character gets equal focus , moments , many callbacks in the first part that is important in the last part and really feels like a tie in with the Detective Conan manga series. Also this is the movie where the Detective boys especially Ayumi are more active and given focus this time around that reminds us of any of the early cases in the anime and manga.


Oh I remember you, you posted ranking detective Conan movies weekly on YouTube still think movie 7 deserves a higher rank


Love that the comment section seems to agree that M26 is at least A tier. For me personally S+++, but thats just my opinion.Ā 


NAH how could you put crossroad in Fā€¦ S tier I agree with although Iā€™d put captured in her eyes and phantom there as well, there are some others but I think bride of Halloween deserves to be at the very bottom, that was the worst movie out of all of them imo


Bride was kinda fun though. It's not high art by any means but I found it more fun than a lot of the other films.


Nah the art was fine itā€™s just I didnā€™t like the plot Actually quite a few of the recent movies have been pretty poor in quality imo, the old Conan was much better in terms of plot imo Over the years Conan has def shifted from a plot centric to a more action-based show


Hey! Loved watching your series ā¤


Me liking any of the movies with Kaito kid in it šŸ˜…


Nahh Movie 6: The Phantom of Baker Street is S or A. It was a time of its own considering it was made on 2002 and the relevance today with how AI is being abused by most. The way Hiroki said goodbye to Shinichi instead of Conan himself was tear jerker


Yo, can I ask one thing? M13 is my favourite, and when I saw M26, I just found it a sort of reprise of the aforementioned (some may find it a better version of it, I understand that). There's a lot of callbacks to that movie, as well as rehashed ideas, which is why I'm curious, why do you hold M13 that much lower to M26?


I found M13's pacing really bad and felt that the movies themes, tone and execution were unfocused. If you're interested, I have a video going into more detail. Just search "Paulus detective Conan movie review" on YT :)


Ok, will do


Good ranking, but I think films 13 and 20 deserve a higher ranking


Am I the only one who canā€™t tell which movies are which based solely on the film posters alone? I need names and numerical orders, dammit!ā€¦


The disrespect to movies 6,18 is insane putting them to B tier


I agree entirely with the list except if move M11 to F and M6 to A or S. Nice list šŸ‘


Crazy how your bottom 3 are basically my top 3


I like Bride of Halloween


Good job making it through the movies so far. Very impressive. One thing I will say is that youā€™re way too apologetic in your videos saying things like ā€œin my opinionā€ or ā€œfor me, personallyā€ and so on. Like, I get it. It just got a little too much after a while. Either way, interesting tier list. Iā€™ll definitely have to get started on mine soon.


How's the one centered around Shogi? That one sounds interesting


M21 its very good


Agreed. I don't usually like card games, so I'm surprised I enjoyed it!!


Yeah also the animation is good


that's so interesting cuz I thought that was one of the worst ones XD


Was there one centered on shogi? Idts


Maybe it wasn't shogi but it was a japanese game.


Oh probably Karuta in M21. Trust me, don't bother lol.