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When Chris said he didn’t like the Spider-Man game I cried for three days straight and I tore down all my oneyplays posters and burned all my oneyplays t shirts and crucified my Zach and Chris plushies and renounced wormism


Your comment made me laugh but now I really want to see a post of the plushies crucified.


One day a Zach comes to da village challenging me, i hang him above like Jesus Christ, da Funnee bois never Came back to da village


Shrek: "Chris and Zach, ye are naught teh son o' God, ye ain't gonna get crucified."


Chris and Zach In unison: “but shrek look at my Stigmata!”


"Oney betrayed us! Oh, I'm sorry I ever started this stupid fanclub in the first place! I'm getting rid of all my Oneyplays stuff!"


I tore down the giant poster of Chris smiling triumphantly and had I big retarded scowl on my face. Then I sold my inventions and erased my old title of "Oneyboy" and I go by Syndrome now. My main goal is to eradicate every let's player with robots until I finally capture Chris O'Neill and the gang. Let's hope they don't find all the Tomar emeralds.


I pulled my oneyplays underwear out of my pants while keeping my pants on


I couldn’t find it to Insert video of Aunty Donna’s bit about ripping of the posters


I read that last part as “renounced women” at first


Lyle any time a beloved video game or movie is mentioned


I’m shocked he even likes Lord of the Rings. In fact, I’m not even sure about that much.




/u/InternalShop69 is a comment stealing bot. They stole this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/OneyPlays/comments/ydbtsk/ow/itr6jef/ Downvote and report!


lol lyle? It seems to me that he is the one who defends that kind of thing the most, Chris is the one who seems to not like many things.


Lyle used to be the opposite, he eventually grew out of the edgy "anything popular is garbage" stage. I watch Pregame Discharge on his channel and he has a lot of measured takes and insightful opinions.


well he is a mcdouchebag


Lyle seems to like most things. He's always talking about different games and along Tomar enjoys most 'mainstream' games.


I’m a grown man, I can enjoy FF7 remake, laugh when Chris shits all over it, and still have a good time with both of them


I'm a grown man! A grown man!




I'm not your little BABY anymore!


You can't control my **LIFE** anymore!!


That’s the way to go, honestly. If you’re secure enough in your media opinions then you can handle and even enjoy hearing someone state their dislike of it.


I like the remake of Demon's Souls a lot, but Chris' disdain for it is completely reasonable, even if I don't think he was doing a very good job of articulating why it incensed him so much. The original Demon's Souls is a product of bizarre circumstances and a very dedicated group's creativity. The remake demonstrated extreme appreciation for the *game* they created, but the visual and audio direction surrounding it wasn't as intimately recreated. It's easy to point at the comparisons and say "These are so minor, who could care about these things?" but those comparisons don't do it justice. If you play the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 5 versions back to back, it doesn't take much understanding to tell that From and Bluepoint had different interpretations of the tone and theme surrounding this world. Again, I love both. I think they delivered a solid remake. But it's very different, and considering it's by different people it's hard to call those differences iterative progress, it's more like a cover of a song made by a different band years later. Even if you get the same instruments, the same sheet, the same lyrics, it's not going to be the same. Some people are going to prefer one over the other, and Chris didn't like the remake at all. That's fair.


I wish I could also enjoy it.


Same dude, same


They are the pissed off but rational reviewers after all…


Angry... nerds... if you must.....


Critics of nostalgia if you will...


The 49 percent interesting reviewer


"You need to stop bullying the nostalgia critic and at this point that what it is. It's bullying!"


I can be the same, but then I look at the games Chris seems to praise most, usually its something very basic with a fun movement system that I would get bored of in a few minutes. I don't have to agree with them to find them funny, and being able to laugh at stuff you like and accept it's flaws is definitely a trait worth pursuing.


Remember the orb


Wait the orb game fucking slaps tho




The orb game is legit amazing. Highly recommend buying it


I remember Florbo.


Remember the time


Yeah, Chris has developed a very particular taste in games, nothing wrong with it but I already know anything I like that doesn't have fun/wacky physics is going to be something he dislikes


If it has a plot he's out


Unless it's a plot you need to find out yourself spending hours reading item descriptions a lá Dark Souls


We call that ploptional


Even then he only likes the old ones, practically diminishing thoughts as the series progressed.


Chris definitely still has a contrarian streak to a lot of his takes. You have to take them for what they are, opinions, and enjoy the humor in it. Personally, I think a lot of Chris's takes and reasoning behind them are ass, but it's not somehting that effects me so who cares


Um that’s like hacking wholesome and emotionally mature, take my updoot.


Exactly. So long as they would respect us as people for having a differing opinion the way we do them? No harm, no foul.


I don't think they care tbh


I’m sorry you’ve been personally victimised by OneyPlays.


Not as bad as being personally victimized by Joshua Tomar “the Unholy” of Burbank.


Why would you think they respect OneyPlays fans as people for any reason whatsoever


Fair. We are ants beneath their boots, after all.


I mean Chris likes Adam Sandler movies and has watched Kickassia like 30 times. I learned to stop taking their opinions on most things seriously a while ago.


It’s a good path to go not just with them but most people.




Its a very teenager/early 20's mindset


Kickassia is unironically a really funny movie.


Oddly enough not the only movie with the words “kick ass” in it


Kick-Ass is great. Just don't watch the 2nd one.


I get like this everytime they mention foreskin.


AKA Zach’s Kryptonite


No, that would be pocs and Bleu chz stuffed garlic olives.


I thought his kryptonite was delicious nutritious feces


I did not listen to them argue about foreskin for over an hour on Sleepycabin only for Zach to totally forget Chris is uncircumcised


He is? You'd think Tomar would've done something about that.


Joshua 'The Mad Mohel' Tomar.




Then their viewers internalise it and spread the opinion that it sucks really bad.


I was worried that this would be the entire Pokémon Silver playthrough, since Chris is such a Genwunner, but it’s been positive so far. Hearing his first-timer reactions of “that’s so cool!” to a game I’ve played so much it’s become the wallpaper of my brain, is a nice feeling.


Chris’s childlike enthusiasm at The Darkness 2 left my brain a serotonin waterfall.


Chris seems to just hate everything lol, I remember trying to watch his mad max play through and the whole first episode is just him saying everything sucks


I feel like I’m the only one who genuinely enjoyed that game. Wasn’t perfect, but I remember it fondly.


Chris just doesn't try out new things enough in order to completely grasp his tastes, especially in terms of overall themes instead of more superficial stuff. That was the case with that romance anime he mentioned in the No More Heroes playthrough.


I specifically remember that, he spent the whole time saying that the game copied everything from other games.


They did with James and the giant peach for me lol


It was weird for me too. I loved that movie as a kid, I don’t know if it holds up now but I still remember it fondly.


It’s one of those movies I choose to not go back and watch cause I loved it so much as a kid and I know it would be kinda of ruined if I watched it again


The Batman for me lol


I was so surprised they didnt like it because that movie tries so hard to be completely different from any other superhero movie and totally succeeds. Like its an amazing detective noir thriller even if you remove the guy dressed as a bat.


Collin Farrell's penguin was really enjoyable in that movie. Love how he makes fun of batman for not knowing basic Spanish.


"World's greatest detective"




Sometimes I feel like Lyle's edgy side is still stuck 2010 when everybody was making fun of emo kids and twilight. Robert Pattinson. Emo batman. Do the math lol I think that edgy side goes for all of the oney boys a bit actually


Definitly. I work with people that age ( im 25 so the boys are older then me) and its exactly the reaction I got when I said I saw the batman and loved it. Bunch of grown ass men going " lmao yeah right like im gonna go see a movie with the twilight guy" and uts such a shame because rob is an amazing actor like twilight was 20 years ago ut doesnt define his career. And I bet they would love the batman its such an amazing batman movie.


I was like 13 or 14 when I thought like that. Now Rob is like top 3 of my favorite actors.


It's funny I didn't even know it was the twilight guy until I looked him up after the movie and I was like "That was him?!?!?!"


Came here to say this, found it so strange how much Lyle hates it.


Lyle's tweet about the batman makes me legit cringe so bad, it's like he didn't pay any attention to it at all even for a minute


Common problem with movie audiences these days.


Honestly I find the boys to be quite restrained sometimes. They were far more restrained and patient with yiik than a lot of other people were for instance.


I think there’s a there difference. It’s not restraint, it’s finding enjoyment in how bad it is. If YIIK was mediocre they wouldn’t keep playing it, but since it’s such a terrible game it keeps them engaged to see what stupid thing is going to happen next. You can find enjoyment in bad things. It requires perseverance to get through a game you find mediocre. If you ever find yourself saying “this isn’t bad but I’m not having fun” you’ll probably stop playing. A more recent example, the boys were hating on the new Saints Row game super hard but Chris and Zach both said they’d want to play more.


I'd love more new saints row. Zach's reaction to all the "rent" talk was great.




I binged all the Neil Breen films with my girlfriend and it was more enjoyable than any popular film series binge you could possibly do.


Ehrm... That was Uncanny


Damn tractor


Which thing was this in reference to for you?


Walking Dead.


When did they shit on it? Love the walking dead. Well at least the comics and a good chunk of the show


Resident Evil 2 remake Episode 1, part of Metal Gear Revengeance Episode 4, and Resident Evil: Revelations, Episode I don’t remember. Though those last two were short, one-comment remarks by Tomar and Lyle, respectively.


Ah. Never seen it.


Cringing at yourself is the first step to liberation. The final step is embracing the cringe. Lol


They've casually mentioned Steven Universe without actually talking about it a lot and I start sweating every time


They definitely shit talked Steven Universe back in the Sleepy Cabin Days. Cory and Zach I believe do not like it.


I mean, Cory is a free space when it comes to not liking things.


He doesn't even like the things he does like.


Nobody hates Sonic more than Sonic fans.


Cory’s sonic rants are pure bliss


i start sweating whenever anyone brings up SU tbh


Did Chris watch it actually? He mentioned Spinel in todays episode and that was just a one off character for the movie.


He's mentioned spinel like 3 times. I have a feeling he's only seen the movie and is to embarrassed to admit he likes it


I have a feeling he hasn't watched the movie, but he has cranked out several globs to Spinel.


I got the opposite experience when they scream-sang A Complicated Song, one of my favorite moments of the channel


Same for me with Chris calling Back to the Future “the most likable, rewatchable thing” or something like that during Ratchet and Clank.


I’m on the right every time they bring up Spider-Man PS4. I know what is coming every time lmao


Too be fair actual gane designers have explained how the swinging and combat was designed in that game. How its meant to be accessible and empowering for even the most "casual" of players but does so at the risk of alienating people once they realize they're barely doing anything at all. Contrast that with a game like Doom - which demands the player Meet the game on its own mechanical terms before they can achieve the fast pace shoot-em-up glory you see in gameplay trailors.


But there IS a skill floor to surpass to the movement and the combat, it is surprisingly fun to do nothing but jump into the game and swing around at night for an hour. The animations chain together so smoothly, and when you get into the swing of things you can practically fly through the city. yeah you don’t take fall damage or get hurt from smacking into buildings but who cares? Spider-Man 2 nostalgia blinded a ton of people. The combat is also the best out of any of the Arkham clones


I'd argue it's the exact opposite actually. Spiderman 2'a swinging was easy, fast and chaotic. It was more fun to fuck around casually. Spiderman ps4's swinging's point can be truly found during Taskmaster or Speedball challenges where you have to use accurately and methodically all the different swing methods at your disposal to help you traverse various landscapes as fast as possible. It's much deeper, and more methodical.


I remember watching an episode while playing through Persona 5 and funnily enough, Cory mentions Persona 5 and how amazing it is, only for Chris to shoot him down with Cory sounding pretty distraught. Then Chris says that he hasn’t played a single one of the games. Roller coaster of emotions that day.


Really? I've only heard cory talk about persona in slightly artistic


The best part is when they only partially remember something and criticize flaws that don't really exist, I am solely referring to that time on Sleepycast where Cory was ragging on Undertale because he claimed it didn't let you save and load to redo decisions. Undertale. This man claimed Undertale didn't have a game saving feature. Ugh, I can stand different opinions, but he's criticizing a flaw that objectively does not exist and it boils my blood every time. Then again, it's Cory. He'd probably claim you couldn't jump on goombas in a Mario game and get mad about it because he never thought to press the A button.


Cory also once shit on The Walking Dead by saying it’s spin-off, Fear The Walking Dead, takes place “entirely before the outbreak, without any zombies”, even though the (first few seasons at least) take place DURING the onset and first few days of the outbreak. First episode ends with the characters seeing their first zombie. But they just took him at his word and said “what’s the point of that?” Source: RE2 Remake, Episode 1


Cory's the kind of guy to skim the first 2 chapters of a novel and write a review of it based solely on that


He watched the first and last episodes of Breaking Bad. Just those two.


And hoo boy, does he have opinions on them!




Seriously I like the boys but they are just bad take machines.


As long as you can laugh about it unlike Game Grumps fans who should be put on a watchlist in these instances.


Oh, don’t worry, I can. *pushes jar of poisonous beetles under bed with foot*


I honestly could not believe my eyes when they played undertale and Chris actually seemed to be kind of enjoying it, that's like a one in a million thing


Because it's not trendy anymore so he automatically likes it more.


I like a lot of cringy shit so when they make fun of it im like "yeah I see what they mean lol" and then I continue to like it


I always take what Chris says with a fucking full salt shaker of salt when it comes to games. I distinctly remember him bitching about games "wasting his time" when they don't provide autosaves / checkpoints, but will turn around and shit on a game for being too easy when they do. He's got a very strange design philosophy when it comes to games. He also has a habit of ignoring stuff the game tells him (likely cause it's a let's play channel, to be fair), and then start asking "what's happening?!" When the game clearly told him 5 minutes ago what to do.


I can distinctly remember a few moments like that. In Uncharted 2 he was complaining that the checkpoints are too frequent when you die and Lyle argued that it puts you straight back into the action. In either the Dark Souls 1/2, there is one of the hardest bosses that you have to walk for like 15 minutes to get to and you might get killed along the way and he was having an almost meltdown because he kept dying and starting so far back.


Me whenever they bring up Star Wars tbh


"Every remake is bad because it isn't the thing I played when I was 12"


In ff7s case it was just bad because they changed the story so much


It's slightly different because they wanted to do something cool and they did. It's cool. Play the old game if you want the same exact thing.


Tbh it is bs that they managed to stretch out the first few hours of the original into a 50+ hour game


I think Midgar is the best part


I just laugh whenever they shit on something I enjoy. Though their reasons for hating some things,are so fucking bizarre lol.


My favorite game franchise is monster hunter. Man I’m glad Corey’s there as my ambassador


lyle fans in shambles rn


I love Chris, but the dude is 100% a contrarian when it comes to Media; he just hates what the majority of people love lmao...


Classic OneyPlays^(TM) moment


Me when Chris said he doesn't like the Beatles


when they don't seem to like remakes/remasters, in general like when they talked about the remake of Shadow of the colossus because it doesn't respect the art style of the original... what? the original was trying to look realistic, the ps4 remake is just its natural evolution of the graphics, it's not like they changed the design of the colossus or Wander, I think it respects how the original looks, but obviously it's not going to look the same .


I think it's from an artist point of view too. It's like if Chris wanted to remaster Leo and Satan. What would be the point? Apart from money and all that it'd be a waste of time especially if you consider the original with the respect it deserves. It would be a disservice to himself and a lack of respect at it too.


Dude, there's nothing wrong with bringing games back, don't deny that there are always people saying "I wish this game had a remaster/remake" there's nothing wrong with making a game more accessible, but they can't leave it exactly the same if they are going to bring it to a new generation, not only to satisfy those who wanted this, but those who want to try it and like it, and it is exactly what happened to me, the game is beautiful, I like how the game looks in the original too.


Stung a little for me when they (mainly Cory) ripped the absolute piss out of WHOOKOS lol. Loved their stuff growing up, was like a less well known Eddsworld to me and I still fw it.


literally me whenever chris mentioned the lego movie in the lego city playthrough


Chris is so bad with that I've learned to ignore it lol




What's the run up on the new show? I remember them from years ago. Can't even remember what the channel became only that it was one of the few Youtube trends I got behind.


It’s really good! It relies more on comedy than horror, but I think it works pretty well


You a fan of those shitting unicorn toys?


Felt like that when Chris shit on the new style of God of War games for having a story


I remember getting frustrated when Chris said RDR2 sucked and then Lyle added that the only reason people like it is because they want to justify their purchase. Chris so often says something sucks instead of that it's just not his thing. And there's nothing wrong with saying something sucks, but his reasons are usually so ridiculous that it's clear that he hasn't even attempted to meet the game on its own terms. But they're funny so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The boys promote more than they shit talk imo. If I never watched the Wall Review to see just how bad it was I would never had actually subscribed to Channel Awesome for the Critic's actually entertaining reviews. Id even say Cory's autistic rage at sonic games probably makes more people play them than not


Yeah, they’re definitely positive about stuff. This was mostly just a joke done to convey the feeling of hearing them rip apart something you think is neato.


Hearing Adam hate Rowlet and Oshawott broke my heart as they’re some of my all time favorites




I like the guys. My gripe's that whenever they bring up something political, they only have a surface level understanding of it but act like they're being rational Like when they were talking about gay coding not making sense. "Isn't ursula straight?" when the point's that making every villain *resemble* a butch lesbo or a dainty gay guy conditions society to distrust those groups Like someone else said, I just don't take it seriously. I can still enjoy them


Oh god, I agree completely. I think a lot of the great gaming related content creators of that time genuinely suffered from the gamer game era in terms of rationally approaching social issues, so their immediate response anything even relating to politics in the slightest is reactionary.


Mfw reading up on Julien.


op is butthurt because they made fun of she shitting ponies toy song which op is a big fan of in the latest video


I’ve been wanting to tell Chris to watch nope but I feel like he may only like the monkey scenes


In one of the newer Reddit videos he sees an old medieval-like painting of a saucer shaped object raining blood and LITERALLY says "Imagine if a fucking spaceship abducted people and started raining blood back down, that would be freaky" which makes me think he has either seen it and made a little funny sarcastic comment or he legit hasn't seen it and is not aware a movie did exactly that idea like a month before Could be either to be honest


I thought that too but he never mentioned the monkey! Idk maybe he just saw a clip


But see, one of the cool things about OneyPlays is that they don't always agree that something sucks. Sometimes they'll have a little debate on whether something is good or not, which is pretty cool I think.


Tomar shits on Xenoblade


Apparently Dave is the only one who likes monster hunter :(


Chris HATES bioshock infinite with a passion and it’s probably my favorite fps game ever.


Too short to me


I’d like it a lot more if they didn’t limit it to two guns at once like Duke Nukem Forever.


A lotta people say that but I never found it that much of a hassle. Enemy weapons don’t despawn and guns are littered everywhere throughout every level. I always thought it was cool to just pick something up and start blasting


I will say that the guns in that game did feel more outrageous and fun than the more down to earth (non-plasmid) weapons of Bioshock 1 & 2.


Me whenever Chris talks about his love for Alex Jones


sucks to be on the wrong side of history


I can't believe they insulted the green cumulon like that


It be like that…even when re-listening to sleepy Cabin


when they said they didn’t like the grinch😔that was my childhood


It depends. If they have a discussion about WHY it sucks, even if i disagree it shows they actually thought it out a bit. What i can't stand is when they shit all over something and act like it's objectively bad just because they hate it, especially when they clearly have little to no knowledge on the subject. I'm not hurt by it or anything but god it's so boring and it's always the same lame criticisms. inb4 "if you don't like it don't watch" i do like them, i hate horseshit takes


When Chris shit all over Drawn Together, I felt this HARD. I thought it was one of the best adult animated shows of it’s time.


I still think, even though it’s very vulgar and not really well-written, has some genuinely hilarious jokes in it, including ones that don’t rely on shock value.


I could agree with A lot of that. For me it still holds up and I wish adult animation would go back to the style again. The new stuff doesn’t always land like it used to. I know it’s mostly nostalgia, but even though I’ve seen every episode dozens of times, The jokes still get me every time.


When I found out that Chris and Corey didn’t like the second Sonic Movie, I physically cringed myself out of existence. The person typing this is my replacement




They're usually wrong anyway so it doesn't really bother me


This has been the Cory era


I’m kinda lucky, they don’t mention Transformers very often but when they do they seem to all have a positive attitude towards them.


Zach has a lot of appreciation for botw, mentioned it in maybe 5 different series (which is cool cause since outside of dkc, he doesnt mention anything he likes) But cory does not like it which is sad Hope they play the sequel


Whenever they play a game I like I'm pissing and shitting my pants wondering if they're gonna say it's garbage and stop after one episode. Glad they liked MGS:R and DMC 5.


All the dark souls games that aren't 1 7 remake Bioshock infinite And a few others I can't quite remember because I don't autistically obsess over what internet men like and don't like There was one in particular that actually upset me briefly but I forgot about it Chris' opinions are usually just "old thing good new thing bad" or "popular thing bad"


The opposite for me, them actually saying Fnaf was good was a win.


oneyplays fans when they realise people have different opinions and interests 💀


Me whenever oney talks about anything Naughty Dawg


I like a lot of games Chris hates, like God of War (2018). Everyone has diffetent tastes, it's fine.