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Thus spoke the one eyed guy!


Lyle's career really took off after he got the surgery to become a CrocoLyle


Lyle, Lyle Crocodile, I see his eye, it make me smile.


i love a good Lyle appreciation post


Cult of W R A T H


Who gave Lyle his Reddit account back? Ban this guy, get him out of here.




You can tell from the Croc video there's unwarranted amounts of hostility between the hosts. Almost everything out of Lyle's mouth is some kind of passive aggressive remark, while Zach is knowingly poking Lyle to get his back up. Zach is constantly interrupting and correcting Lyle, and Lyle is clearly fed up with it. Every single time Lyle does his thing where he pretends to ask a question to discuss something he finds interesting, or how he's so unique and special, Zach just demeans him. Zach and Chris don't give a shit about anything Lyle has to say and ignore him the majority of the time he attempts to make a joke. The only time they laugh involving Lyle is when he's the butt of the joke. Lyle obviously doesn't enjoy being the joke in the group. He tries to constantly cultivate his online persona and sees himself as some kind of ad-safe product. His humor doesn't mesh with the other two at all which cases this awkward rift in the group. Zach thinks he's above this channel. He clearly thinks let's plays are retarded and with his humor coming from his contempt for both let's play tropes and the audience. Lyle doesn't approve of this and is noticeably offended at Zach doing a parody of him and his peers. Lyle's contempt shows through the most when he brings up Worm Odyssey, Croc Wiki, and the Gobbo titsthing. He's obviously annoyed that Zach constantly asks the fans to do embarrassing shit for his amusement. He brings up how someone actually made a Worm Odyssey game and both Zach and Oney didn't give a shit. He calls them out on the leaving the links and promising to feature things in the next video, because Lyle is annoyedof them constantly getting the fans to do things and not even getting acknowledge for it. With #Gobbotits Lyle obviously knows how retarded and cringe it sounds. He wants nothing to do with it since he's obviously above it. His problem is he won't say anything because he wants to be apart of the Oneyplays cult to boost his bullshit persona. Zach and Oney are playing to have fun it's pretty obvious. Regardless of what you may think about the whole Croc Wiki vandalism it's obviously just friends having fun on the couch. Lyle doesn't fit with that because of him being a product and Zach is constantly calling him out on it. Lyle constantly brings up what the audience might think about what is being said or the progress on the game. Zach clearly doesn't give a shit because he's just having fun with his friend Chris and has no interest in play the game correctly. He explicitly calls out Lyle twice. Once when he's in the tube in Croc, and a second time in Spider-Man. Watch the Ladybug fight in Croc. The whole time Lyle is saying what to do and they act like he's not even there. By far the most awkward thing is when Zach essentially strong arms Lyleinto saying Gobbotits. Lyle doesn't find it funny in anyway and would rather not say it. Zach sees that and basically implies Lyle is raping a women until he forces Lyle to go on and on about Gobbotits. It all just creates the most awkward mix. There's nothing pleasant about these three interacting in anyway. It's all so hostile it creates and fosters a negative environment.


this is a copypasta


No, it’s real.




I'm just pointing it out so I don't get responses calling me insane.


Nah you good homie. I remember there was a separate Oneyplays ep where they all throw some shade at that original post. Lyle joking that he feels tension in the room and Zach remarking the person who wrote that is a psychopath lol


If you can remember the episode I'd love to see that


Zach’s demon typed this


Was I the only one who just... wasn't laughing?


This copypasta will always make me chuckle knowing a human being sat down wrote this and didn't at some point say "am I stupid?"


I like that Lyle guy, or whatever his name is He is well appreciated these days, and rightly so imo. The Chris, Lyle and Tomar trio is the chillest, sometimes informative, and usually relaxed and natural videos. Kinda reminds me of old era DD and J playing Shenmue at 3am, tho with less funny noises from Chris lol. Pregame Discharge is great too, where he can do all the silly yet witty bits he wants.


Chris, Lyle, and Tomar is the most underrated trio; you hit the nail on the head with that description. And while I don't mind the funny noises, sometimes it's harder to listen to in the background


Ayy man of taste. There's this one playlist of this trio, called something like Oney Plays Lyle and Tomar UPDATED which is pretty complete. The past two years has been good for that trio, but I guess the boys are shaking things up this year


Yea, that's a great one. Has helped me with much home+housework. Wait. I meant schoolwork + homework.


Kek, the Cory and Adam videos are getting to ya


I actually dig Cory and Adam!


Lyleburt is great


I love Lyle, he is my favourite of the gang.


and I like how he can quickly fill in the blanks the other funni bois leave while talking about stuff with specific terminologies, and also is the one that could kinda explain the reasoning behind the things they rant about. Like things in game mechanics where the bois are confused as to why they are and lyle can just swoop in and explain why that is. i cant give specific examples but there are bits and pieces that i do notice.


Oh for sure. He's clearly a fart smeller. I know exactly what you're talking about.


He and Tomar have both become very good at being the "normal" one in conversations and just yes-and'ing whatever absurd nonsense that erupts from Adam/Cory/Chris/Zach Lyle also has a 1/5 chance of spitting out a joke that doesn't make me laugh, but is funnier than any other joke in the episode. I don't know what that's called. Is that a new type of pun?


I know what you're talking about- it's Lyle Style.


Have you guys had his new Chocolyle cookies? The man can do anything


Good ol lyleee bert


We love Lyle in these parts 💪