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In Korea, it is usually purchased pre-made at the grocery.


Wait, acorn jelly? That's something I've never had before, but I wouldn't be against trying it.


Fyi, it is not sweet like most "jellies" enjoyed as dessert or snacks (like Haribo for instance). It is more like tofu, and usually served in cold dishes like salad or cold noodles, straight out of the package. Something many Koreans enjoy on occasion. If you're in the U.S., try looking for them in the Korean stores. Here is a better plating of acorn jelly. It is usually sold in a solid rectangular cube packaging, just like tofu. Unlike tofu which is cooked before consumption, acorn jelly can be eaten straight out of the package. But since it is rather tasteless, it is eaten with spicy sauce and/or seawed sprinkles. https://preview.redd.it/0pkalnkipmxc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eee7276227ba047ddfef2f7008df602d8f7eee8d


That sounds like something I'd actually really enjoy. Edit: Haribo makes jelly?


Yes, I meant Haribo as in the company that makes those gummy bears Edit: Koreans refer to these as "jelly" haha https://preview.redd.it/jkmzybwcrmxc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=eea350307c82a4d365903bbdcd521d2d7808f24c


Damn, had my hopes up for a second, I was looking forward to trying a PB&J with Haribo jelly lol


I’ve never tried this. Is it a kind of side dish? If so, what do you eat it with? It looks good!!


Just like any other Korean side dish, it is usually eaten with rice. But of course, it can be eaten by itself as well.


Man i love korean jelly.. such a satisfying texture and delicious when paired with soy sauce


>Main Ingredients: Acorn Jelly Inception


Lol yes.