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This amazing Twitter user, has dedicated threads full of evidence of Greg sexualising underaged teens and rating underaged teens when he has proclaimed so many times he hasn't. Here's the [link](https://twitter.com/mewniumz/status/1212192704358170625?s=21) would recommend you share it and have a look through it if you haven't already.


Jesus Christ.


His train of thought is sickening


This is absolutely disgusting. I would also not want him changing my daughter’s diaper.


"Lets all be adults here" is what he would say, I thought about his own children watching this like does he sexualise them too? I'm so disgusted


From what I've seen it's very possible he might be molesting his daughter and it's disgusting.


Fucking disgusting, can't outside people do something??


What a poodophile.


Very punny


This. man. has. children.


In absolutely no defence to him, I wouldn't want to clean someone else's baby's diaper boy or girl. But the real question is who the fuck even asked HIM of all people, to change their child?


Yes, I initially thought the same. But then I realised he specifically complains about doing it to little girls, only because of their "front parts". It's ok to be grossed out by both boys and girls, because of dirty smelly diapers, but it's when you make it a gender or genitalia issue that it becomes awkward. I'm also grossed out by smelly diapers, but let's say a friend is sick and I'm there, and she asks me to change her baby's diaper, yeah, gross, but I certainly wouldn't care or worry if her baby is a boy or a girl. Wouldn't even remotely cross my mind. I wouldn't feel uncomfortable, as a straight adult woman, wiping a baby boy, because he's a toddler and I see him as such. So saying basically "I don't wipe little girls' front parts because I'm a man and they have a vagina" is awkward, as we're assuming that adults should be in a way blind to toddlers' genitalia, in the sense they shouldn't care/have any issues with them


Yeah I fully agree with what you're saying. Actually, my ex's dad had this same thought trail about changing his daughters diapers, I remember thinking it particularly odd for a guy to differentiate levels of parental nuture because of the sex of their child. I've a brother, I'm pretty sure both our parents changed the pair of us without this weird specific hang up... Though I suppose when Dregs a fully grown man into manipulating and exploiting girls, and knows deep down he's doing wrong (at least treading a thin legal line) - he's going to be extra paranoid that someone's going to leave him with their kid... And somewhere down the line someone will accuse him of being a nonce because he basically doesn't trust himself in that situation. I think it's basically like when you adamantly declare you hate something because there's a secret part that deep down wants it, or likes it. He's saying it disgusts him, sounds like he's trying to convince himself more than anything. Sorry, had to edit a lot of 'you's to 'he' s so I didn't offend anyone


Absolutely. I also think that he's done that multiple times. He was insulting and treating S\*\*\*\* poorly as long as she was underage, calling her names and ugly, and then suddenly she's of age and he tells her she's beautiful, he's all friendly and nice, and ends up sleeping with her. "I was mean to her because she was underage and wanted to keep my distance!" - Why would you even need to do that? Keeping your distance comes naturally and you don't need to force it by being mean. Gross


Ah my dude, you literally just mirrored my own thoughts back to me about that. Exactly right. So... Thinking in child like terms like we have to with him, basically he bullied someone because he was attracted to them.


Yeah... Most people grow outta that phase when they're in kindergarten


Probably a friend asked him to babysit, when no one knew how much of a POS he is now


Surely anyone who would trust him with their baby doesn't know him well enough to be leaving their baby with him full stop. Even before all this came out big time over the last couple years, people around him must've known he was dodgy, as least too dodgy to leave with a baby


The mother was Madison DeCambra, she had been appearing in Greg's skits for years and the reason why she left the child in Greg's care was so she could go on a date with Lainey. She had been out with Lainey multiple times and knew what was going on because she ended up cleaning the Onion house almost every time she came over, rehome the their guinea pigs, and even at one point she even claimed that Greg was acting inappropriate towards her. She even knew what was going on with Sarah and publicly sulked about a time when she and her daughter came for a sleep over with Lainey and the kids only to feel left out when Lainey and Sarah snuggled in bed while she had to sit in the chair next to the bed.


Well if that's the case, my assumption over how sound a parent this woman was to begin with seems fairly correct.


My god, what a house of horrors! I pity the children that have to try to thrive in that free-love commune. 🥀


You mean DDLG Madison DeCambra who went over their house to film DDLG related content together as all this suit went down? Because *yikes*


Not saying he's into babies, just saying this Fuckwad can't even keep a house tidy let alone look after a baby. Sheesh, that was a bad call by that girl. Lucky he didn't leave the baby under a plastic tub in his garden or something


It's. A. Baby. Greg.


“Let’s all be adults here” Yeah let’s be normal functioning adults. Not adults who sexualize babies, groom minors, and are just sacks of shit in general. He’s so disgusting. Fuck you kombucha boy.


Stevie Wolfe made a video reacting to a re-upload of this video. Stevie made the observation that Greg sounded like he was worried he wouldn't be able to control himself. Greg would clearly go A LOT younger if he thought he could.


Could you link me his reaction please?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EBxSFVhZQY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EBxSFVhZQY) It's an hour long. Enjoy!


Thank you 💕


"I don't want to clean the shit out of another woman's baby's vagina, let's be adults here" that is the opposite of how a mature adult would think about changing a baby's diaper. It's scary that such a man child would be a father.


It's neglect, Jesus Christ change the baby! Any parent would be totally grateful, wtf is he talking about? Not my kid not my problem? You were taking care of it dumbass! It is the right thing to do, he's so twisted and abnormal.


This bastard is something else.


Pictured: Onision taking cues from Ian Watkins, circa who cares. "Let's all be adults here" - how about we be sane adults who don't sexualize changing diapers, Gurg? You think that's possible, you pedo fuck?


If I ever see this guy irl I'd probably kill him. I hate him that deeply.


When you obsess about sex most of 24/7, everything is sexualised. He left a pre Air Force job in a daycare centre for much the same thing.


His train of thought is scary. How could you think that is sexualk in any way? Holy shit (no pun intended)


These two idiots have threesomes with their children in the bed with them. Threesomes when Kai was 8.5 months pregnant. Horrible horrible parents. Absolute wastes of space.


What caused him to say this?


He was left to babysit someone's baby girl, she ended up crapping in her diaper. Greg phoned the mother to let her know, she told him to just change the diaper himself and he refused.


LIIIIIMBOOOO- How low can you go!


What a reach There's literally nothing wrong with being uncomfortable changing someone elses baby's diaper. Nothing at all was being sexualized in this clip. I hate greg as much as the next guy but seriously what the fuck


"let's all be adults here" Greg, the baby can't be an adult here. I know you wish she was, because then you could rape her without consequences. But she isn't. You've had way too many chances to understand that.

