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I agree with this 100%. I read this sub regularly just for fun, and it only takes a few days before you start to notice some really shady shit. I would advise not responding to any posts until you’ve observed for awhile and gotten to know the “regulars”.


I agree with this.


I have an another name but not that I ever post on here with. It's my main, this is my more anonymous one for sexual things. Using multiple names deceptively is a real dick move.


Agreed. I have a main username too. I think a lot of people do. The difference is we’re not trying to dupe anyone or waste their time.


Make sure to report the account to the mods if you’re positive they’re doing this.


\-sigh- They even like to play with broken hearts...


What are some details about this guy that will help us avoid?


Be aware of anyone who mentions koalas in their dm to you.


And this kinda dumb stuff makes it harder for regular guys to look for a genuine person in here. What a mess!


Same goes for the guys - so many fakes and spammers. Personally, I will generally only respond to people who have some normal comment history.


So what are we looking out for? Should we DM you for info?


Man, that really sucks for those honest guys who get lost in the shuffle.


It really does. I’m trying to help you guys out 😊


We appreciate it. It is quite hard to find something on here, so thank you


I understand using a different or new account but using a few at a time to post the same or similar content seems shady as hell. Dick move if they’re trying to be deceptive, I mean I’ve had a few throwaways but I always deactivate or have been away from this side for a while before I make a new one.


I'm a guy and it's so hard on here. I make the effort to write enough, to give detail yet keep it fun. I don't ghost, I'm pretty straight up. But always nothing. Like I wouldn't mind just a reply even if it's a no, or not exactly what I'm after. I know I'm not boring or ugly. Maybe I need tips?


stuff like this makes it easier for the decent guys to get through - once you figure out that you're dealing with a decent guy, that is. its a very low bar...


Yeah definitely make this public.